Sample transcription mp3工作


    2,000 sample transcription mp3 找到工作

    ...delay (adjustable, e.g., 30 to 300 seconds). - Delete the subfolder after processing all its contents. - Continue with the next subfolder. - After processing all folders, send a notification to the administrator. - Wait 5 minutes and check for new subfolders. Repeat the process if found. 4. **Special Cases** - If the attachment is an OPUS file (audio), convert it to an MP3 file. --- ### Example of Consecutive Messages with Multiple Images ``` ‎[29/06/23 10:40:47 AM] ~ Evan HO:‎<Attachment: > ‎[29/06/23 10:41:00 AM] ~ Evan HO:‎<Attachment: > ‎[29/06/23 10:41:12 AM] ~ Evan HO:‎<Attachment: > ``` --- ### Examples of Sender Name Processing -

    $1208 Average bid
    $1208 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    ...via Stripe, PayPal, etc. • Allow one coupon per subscription (input field available before payment). 5. SDK Integration and Documentation 1. SDK Support Platforms • Websites (JavaScript SDK). • Android and iOS native apps. • Mini-programs (e.g., WeChat). • Apps developed using frameworks like Uniapp or Flutter. 2. Documentation • Provide integration guides for all platforms, including sample code, API references, and FAQs. • Include real-world examples for quick setup. 6. Future Expansion 1. App-Based Customer Service Platform • A dedicated app allowing B-End customer service representatives to respond without logging into the website. 2. Advanced Features • Intelligent user segmentation and personalized recommendation...

    $3654 Average bid
    $3654 平均报价
    11 个竞标
    Project for Jing J.
    已经结束 left

    Hi Jing J., 我有一个project想请你帮忙。我需要申请转写工作(transcription)的一个户口。因为GoTranscript这个公司有限制一个名字只能有一个户口,所以我需要你帮忙申请一个新的户口。这个是GoTranscript公司的网站链接。 你需要做的是开设一个新的email户口(因为这个户口之后是要给我的,所以不要用你原本的户口),然后以这个email进去GoTranscript申请Chinese Transcription Job。 当然,你需要经过考试(这个考试我可以帮忙通过)。通过考试之后,GoTranscript的职员会通过email联系你,确认你的身份。之后,你就可以开始工作了。完成后,你给我email户口,和login GoTranscript的username和password就可以了。 如果有兴趣或疑问,你可以再联络我。谢谢你。

    $234 Average bid
    $234 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    我们是一家语言咨询服务公司,提供翻译,配音,转录等语言相关服务。 目前招聘兼职人员的项目为普通话转录项目,将听到的语音转化为繁体字的文字语音内容为台湾人说的普通话,语音总时长150小时,每个人可以根据自己时间做任何部分,要求会繁体字,报酬为35美元/语音小时,项目结束后,支付宝人民币结算,项目结束时间为1月15日。

    $3740 Average bid
    $3740 平均报价
    25 个竞标

    I am looking for Chinese translator. I have book social science book with 250,000 words. You have to pass simple test. Sample text: “在这一阶段,改革的指导思想是“科学技术要面向经济建设,经济建设要依靠科学技术”。政策走向是“堵死一头,网开一面”,即改革拨款制度,针对不同类型的科研工作,采用不同的拨款方式,以解决一切科研工作都靠国家拨款的问题。对于主要从事基础研究的机构,在保证基本事业费的同时,试行科学基金制,通过同行评议、择优支持发放基金。对以开发为主的研究院所、科研工作,逐步削减事业费,鼓励其面向经济建设的主战场。 (3)调整与渐进:1992~1998年。这一阶段以邓小平南方谈话为标志,中国经济体制开始迈入社会主义市场经济新阶段。科技体制改革的指导思想调整为“面向”“依靠”“攀高峰”,科学技术不仅要面向经济建设,而且要攀登科学技术高峰。主要政策走向也相应调整为“稳住一头、放开一片”,希望稳住基础研究工作和相应的科技人员队伍,同时放开面向社会,面向经济建设这一方面,分流人才,调整结构,推进科技经济一体化的发展。” thanks

    $5679 Average bid
    $5679 平均报价
    28 个竞标


    $483 Average bid
    $483 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    Need translation of a Chinese Handbook into English. No. of pages 23. word count. 10000 approx Sample Text: 新录用的员工从聘用之日起,需经过劳动合同中约定的试用期。 劳动合同一年以上不满三年的,试用期为两个月。 劳动合同三年以上或无固定期限的,试用期为六个月 试用期结束前,员工的主管或经理将对其表现进行评估,并对其是否符合录用条件作出决定。 正常情况下,试用期结束后,工资将不作调整。

    $748 Average bid
    $748 平均报价
    13 个竞标

    招兼职剪接声音的人。一个声音(短则8分钟,长则30分钟) 要求:降噪,去除杂音,音量提高,去掉口癖(如这个、那个、额、长段空白、咳嗽等),笑声可保留。 输出声音格式要求:MP3,高音质,立体声,大小控制在50MB以内 ENGLISH A person who works part-time to cut the sound. One voice (8 minutes short and 30 minutes long) Requirements: Noise reduction, noise removal, volume increase, remove the mouth (such as this, that, forehead, long blank, cough, etc.), laughter can be retained. Output sound format requirements: MP3, high sound quality, stereo, size control within 50MB

    $6466 Average bid
    $6466 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    Require translation into English. Looking for multiple people to complete the job in short time. About 12000+ words to be translated by Saturday afternoon. Sample text: 我们的责任是在执行审计工作的基础上对财务报表发表审计意见。我们按照中国注册会计师审计准则的规定执行了审计工作。中国注册会计师审计准则要求我们遵守中国注册会计师职业道德守则,计划和执行审计工作以对财务报表是否不存在重大错报获取合理保证。

    $1418 Average bid
    $1418 平均报价
    39 个竞标

    A school course introduction concerning smart city, entrepreneurship and extra. Need to be done in three days. Sample: 我们所收集到的需求内容涉及范围较广且类型多样。从基本需求类型来划分,包括客户数据分析、新城与地区设计、新科技的应用、城市发展规划、政府政策分析及产业发展研究等。从研究层面来划分,包含了产业层面、城市层面及地块层面等。从涉及领域来划分,包含空间中人的数据收集、集成和分析、能源、智能交通、建造技术、物业管理及城市研究类等。

    $522 Average bid
    $522 平均报价
    17 个竞标

    Require translation into English. Looking for multiple people to complete the job in short time. About 12000+ words to be translated by Saturday afternoon. Sample text: 我们的责任是在执行审计工作的基础上对财务报表发表审计意见。我们按照中国注册会计师审计准则的规定执行了审计工作。中国注册会计师审计准则要求我们遵守中国注册会计师职业道德守则,计划和执行审计工作以对财务报表是否不存在重大错报获取合理保证。

    $2135 Average bid
    $2135 平均报价
    13 个竞标
    read chinese books
    已经结束 left

    read chinese books and record in MP3 读中文书,然后录音,寄给我

    $1005 Average bid
    $1005 平均报价
    50 个竞标

    first of first , you need to know Cantonese, if you dont, pls dont click here. second, you need have wedding video editing experience. third, pls review it before you turn it in to me, need to know Cantonese, if you dont, pls dont click here. second, you need have wedding video editing experience. third, pls review it before you turn it in to me, white balance / color / light correction, sound adjustment, background music and montage is needed (i have sample that i did before, so you can check and follow) . pls turn in on time. this is a Chinese in America wedding, Cantonese style. 3-5 camera angel , from tea ceremony, church ceremony , wedding boutiques whole day. here is the footage sample.

    $1792 - $2103
    $1792 - $2103
    0 个竞标

    ... (2)网络传输使用fastjson解析网络数据,转换对象 (3)图片加载使用开源框架universal-image-loader,节约内存,避免内存溢出。 (4)请求数据使用开源框架android-async-http提供异步的网络请求,采用POST方式。 (5)在线音乐播放使用的是虾米提供的SDK (6)请求的Json数据会缓存到本地,无网络情况下会加载本地数据 (7)在线聊天(片邮),基于小米推送,后台发出推送,客户端再从后台取数据. (8)文章、话题详情,都用到了图文混排技术,使用WebView加载HTML代码,css控制样式 白天黑夜模式,js设置大图的点击时间,通过WebViewClient回调到页面。 (9后台Service控制电台、音乐的播放,电台使用API,MediaPlayer在线播放mp3

    $22141 Average bid
    $22141 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    Launching an online magazine in Hong Kong, want the footer message with title 'Welcome' and 2 events content ("we are launching... Collecting articles to post, we pay ... each article and award ... each month" & "we will do something for free, post your ideas ") All 3 contents MUST BE in Traditional Chinese and copyright should not be the problem. Sample attached will be a big advantage

    $1285 Average bid
    $1285 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    中文聽寫一段87分鐘的以廣東話進行的會議錄音。 Transcribe a 87-min meeting in Chinese. The meeting is carried in Cantonese.

    $888 Average bid
    $888 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    Hi. I have a document that describes web system in chinese. I need to translate it to korean. If you can,please translate below sample and bid on this. sample. 缴费处理模块:已注册的公众用户登录到系统后,可查询某个时间段的缴费记录。针对延时停车情况,对短信延时的提醒进行设置,保存在短信延时文字提醒表中。出现缴费异常情况时,可对用户反映的无法通过系统进行缴费,或者对系统缴费存在异议的情况,在系统中进行登记。

    $234 Average bid
    $234 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    Hi. I have a document that describes web system in chinese. I need to translate it to korean. If you can,please translate below sample and bid on this. sample. 缴费处理模块:已注册的公众用户登录到系统后,可查询某个时间段的缴费记录。针对延时停车情况,对短信延时的提醒进行设置,保存在短信延时文字提醒表中。出现缴费异常情况时,可对用户反映的无法通过系统进行缴费,或者对系统缴费存在异议的情况,在系统中进行登记。

    $1948 - $5843
    $1948 - $5843
    0 个竞标

    looking for male vo talent for a 2-minute tutorial video. Must speak Chinese. must sound young and energetic please use the lines below to send sample. 通过您本地银行支行的柜台用现金存款也是一种快速存款到您博狗账户的方式,因为您的转账存款直接到我们的银行账户,一旦存款成功,仅需扫描柜台存款单在现金存款页面上传即可。 您可以隔您最近的自动柜员机使用我们的银行信息存款,然后扫描存款交易单在自动柜员机存款页面中上传更快确认您的存款信息。

    $506 Average bid
    $506 平均报价
    3 个竞标


    $78 Average bid
    $78 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    snapsell project
    已经结束 left

    ...Full vi design and animation 12. Full html 5 with English and chinese website to show app introduction 13. SHAKE FUNCTION ABLE FOR USERS TO WIN SOMETHING,LIKE SMALL SAMPLES OR RESTURANT VOUCHERS ETC.(ANY BETTER SUGGUESTIONS?) 14. QR CODE 这一场革命的电子商务应用程序将带着大家一起!snapsell是打算让每个人,任何人都立刻卖和买东西! CATEGORIES: 服饰-女装,女鞋,女包,男装,男鞋,男包,内衣,配饰,旅行箱包 运动-运动鞋,运动服户,外健身,运动包 珠宝-珠宝,饰品,眼镜,手表,打火机,烟具 数码-手机,相机,电玩/MP3,笔记本,平板电脑,电脑硬件,台式机,数码配件 家电-大家电,生活电器,个人护理,按摩器材,影音电器,厨房电器,办公设备,文化用品 美妆-护肤,美容工具,彩妆,美体,美发,香水 母婴-食品营养,婴幼用品,早教玩具,童装童鞋,孕产专区 家居-家纺,家饰,特色工艺品,家装用品,建材,住宅家具,办公家具五金,电子电工 食品-零食,保健,酒类,冲饮生鲜,粮油米面 百货-厨房用具,居家日用,收纳清洗,个人清洁,成人用品 汽车-汽车用品,零配,电子内饰,养护,摩托及装备 房子-一手,二手房 文娱-音像,书籍,乐器,宠物,鲜花园艺,收藏

    $9801 Average bid
    $9801 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    I have an excel list of food that are use in our kitchen Translate it in english If you are not familiar with kitchen chinese and kitchen english PLEASE PASS I'm fluent in both language, I don't do it by myself because lack of time, not of skillz, No mistakes will be allowed in that translation Total : 1725 汉字 to translate this is a sample of the chinese you will have to translate please provide some example 松仁 小土豆 鲜香菇 洋鲍芯 平菇 帕玛臣芝士 火龙果 猪排 紫叶生菜 鸭肫 芦笋 草莓 鸡胸 斜切面 西瓜 白洋葱 苹果 琼脂 鱼 卡派纳去皮番茄 柚子 紫菊菊 味好美蛇蒿叶 牛肉馅 奥妙培根 奥比水瓜榴 丽歌鸡蛋面 牛柳 卡派纳橄榄油 大土豆 鱼片 老火腿 黑鱼 大米 红灯调和油 黑水榄 绿叶生菜 口蘑 金像面 贝克拉黑巧克力 马苏里拉芝士 茴香球 油 带骨肉眼肉 西红柿 韩国砂糖

    $374 Average bid
    $374 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    I'm looking for a talented 3D artist who can create a realistic styled animated character for Godot using Blender. The character needs to have a walk cycle animation and should incorporate some specific accessories in its design. I'm experimenting with writing a fantasy mobile game and need a sample object to play with. Depending on what I discover in working with this, I may pull the trigger and create a full game around this idea. Key Requirements: - Design a realistic styled 3D character - Create a smooth walk cycle animation and idle cycle - Include specific accessories in the character's design: Robe, Wizard's hat, staff Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Blender - Experience in character design and animation - Understanding of Godot platform - Ability to c...

    $841 Average bid
    $841 平均报价
    28 个竞标

    ...original recording. Your tasks: ✔ Transcribe guitar and bass parts with correct notation and techniques from a youtube/vimeo video that we provide you. ✔ Ensure precise timing and synchronization with the original track ✔ Add dynamics, articulation, and other musical details ✔ Deliver high-quality Guitar Pro files (GPX/GP5) What do we expect from you? ? Experience with Guitar Pro and accurate transcription skills ? Solid knowledge of music theory and rhythm ? Great attention to detail and excellent listening skills ? Experience with various music genres is a plus working example: What do we offer? ? Work whenever and wherever you want ? Work with the music you love ? Reach a large audience – Help thousands of guitarists worldwide We are looking forward

    $117 / hr Average bid
    $117 / hr 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    ...Training Real-Time Sales Guidance: AI analyzes conversations and provides live coaching on objection handling, tone, and engagement. Scenario-Based Learning: Interactive modules let reps practice objections, negotiations, and closing techniques. AI Avatars for Role-Playing: Simulated sales scenarios for skill-building and confidence enhancement. Sales Process Optimization & Insights Call Transcription & Analysis: AI captures sales conversations, highlights critical moments, and suggests improvements. Objection Handling & Follow-Ups: Automated recommendations for overcoming obstacles and closing deals. Performance Dashboards: Tracks sales performance, identifies skill gaps, and offers personalized training plans. Sales Automation & Workflow Efficiency - AI-Gen...

    $390 Average bid
    30 项参赛作品

    ...and centering techniques. Experience with Bash string parsing (e.g., extracting dimensions from pdfinfo). Testing & Validation You will: Test the script with your own laser printer(s) using the client’s test PDFs. Verify: Printed dimensions match the PDF’s dimensions (measured manually). No content distortion or misalignment. Provide a debugging log for errors (e.g., CUPS job failures). Sample Script Structure bash Copy #!/bin/bash # Extract PDF dimensions (in mm) width=$(pdfinfo "$2" | grep "Page size" | awk '{printf "%.0f", $3*25.4/72}') # Convert points to mm height=$(pdfinfo "$2" | grep "Page size" | awk '{printf "%.0f", $5*25.4/72}') # Print with CUPS lp -d "$1"...

    $1176 Average bid
    $1176 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    I have a project requiring the transcription of text data from printed documents into a plain text file. Ideal Skills: - Fast and accurate typing - Good command of English language - Attention to detail - Experience with data entry The project involves: - Transcribing text from printed documents - Ensuring accuracy in the data entry process - Delivering the final product as a plain text file

    $93 Average bid
    $93 平均报价
    64 个竞标

    I'm in need of someone to transcribe a piece of music for guitar into sheet music. The transcription should cover the basic chords and melody. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in music theory and music transcription. - Guitar expertise to ensure accurate interpretation of the piece. - Ability to write in standard sheet music notation. Please note, we are only concerned with the basic chords and melody, not intricate details like rhythm and dynamics.

    $218 Average bid
    $218 平均报价
    14 个竞标

    We are looking for a talented video creator to produce a short, engaging introduction video for our brand, SecondSkin – a P...brand promotes conscious beauty choices. 4. Products: Showcase some of our skincare products in an aesthetic and appealing way. 5. Call to Action: End with a powerful message and an invitation to explore SecondSkin. Requirements: • The video should be optimized for Instagram and TikTok. • It should have high-quality visuals and a professional yet authentic feel. • Submissions should include a sample of previous work. We are launching this as a competition, and the best video will be selected for our campaign. Let your creativity shine and help us tell our story! See our social media and website for content and about us. IG: seconds...

    $390 Average bid
    1 项参赛作品

    I have 10 photos that need colour correction and re-touching. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in photo editing software, such as Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom. - Prior experience in colour correction and re-touching - A good eye for detail and colour. You will be expected to perform 1 image as a sample before work is awarded. Turnaround in 1-3 days. Please include the word 'Ninja' in your DM to be considered.

    $647 Average bid
    $647 平均报价
    145 个竞标

    3D Floor plan 2bed+2bed+1bed 3 different floor plan need turn 3d floor according to discussion inbox and sample image color and material requested.

    $779 Average bid
    $779 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    Need a form created in MS WORD and MHTML version which can be filled out. the form size must be exact same size as sample and must look identical to sample with the shading and lines ect.

    $3295 Average bid
    $3295 平均报价
    11 个竞标

    Sorry, I'm reposting this project. I had some family issues that delayed the process. I'm going to award this project on Monday February 10th (US Pacific Time Zone) I'm looking for a professional to help me transform a PowerPoint presentation into a structured training website using Joomla 5.0 with the Guru extension. The website is already set up with the Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Joomla, particularly with the Guru extension. - Experience in eLearning content development. - Strong understanding of minimalistic design principles. - Ability to create engaging interactive elements. - Fluent in English. - Having some knowledge of firearms a plus High speed internet required. The PowerPoint files are large. I will upload a sample...

    $11686 - $23372
    加精 加急 加封 保密协议
    $11686 - $23372
    23 个竞标
    UK Business Lead Generation
    6 天 left

    I'm in need of a professional lead generation specialist who can source business leads across various industries within the UK. in the first instance I'd like to locate Websites that include the words "Powered by Yell Business" Then I'd like to gather the email & phone contact details from these sites Send 1 lead in your application, showing you understand what the deliverables are. ...Familiarity with various industries, particularly technology, healthcare, and finance - Proficient in using lead generation tools and software. Requirements: - The leads must be exclusively business-oriented, spanning across all industries. - Each lead must include the company's email and phone number. - Quality and accuracy of data is crucial. Bid per 1000 entries, an...

    $226 Average bid
    $226 平均报价
    45 个竞标

    ...nearby) WK COMMERCIAL CENTRE, JALAN BUNDUSAN, 88300 KOTA KINABALU, SABAH • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) on working days Please see the attached file for the site visit guidelines. You are only required to deliver the pictures, video & observations and are not expected to assemble a report like the Sample Report. Note: Milestone will be released the following week after the site visit to give us time to organize the report and contact you if we need additional clarification....

    $78 - $117
    $78 - $117
    0 个竞标

    ...experienced JavaScript/React Native developer to build a standalone function/module that retrieves the MP3 audio from a given YouTube video URL and provides it as a stream (or similar in-memory object). The goal is to allow the MP3 data to be directly uploaded to a server endpoint without saving the file to the user’s device. Key Requirements: React Native Compatibility: The solution must integrate seamlessly into a React Native app for both iOS and Android. Functionality: - Accept a YouTube video URL as input. - Determine and access the available audio-only stream for the provided video (or the best available audio track). - Convert or repackage the stream into an MP3 file if necessary. - Return the MP3 data as a stream or in-memory object (e.g., Bl...

    $1067 Average bid
    $1067 平均报价
    24 个竞标

    Project Requirement: Manufacturer Data Collection (China Region) Objective: To collect 50,000 verified company names and email addresses of manufacturers based in China, specifically focusing on the Technology industry...Region: China Industry Focus: Technology (Manufacturers only) Data Points Required: Company Name Verified Email Address (preferably specific to the manufacturing department) Source: Any reliable and authentic websites Delivery Requirements: Sample Requirement: Provide a sample of 3,000 entries initially. Final Delivery Format: Excel file Data Authenticity: All email addresses must be verified for authenticity and validity. Timeline: Sample (3,000 entries) - within 1 day Full dataset (50,000 entries) - within 2 days Please confirm your ability to deli...

    $1885 Average bid
    $1885 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    We need a freelancer to = Woocommerce: organize products on Elementor Wordpress Website You will not have to make custom programming. WORKS TO DO: - homepage + contact section + about us + header + footer etc.; - upload some sample products to woocommerce; Total budget for this job is $ 40,00.- Dollars, since it is just adding some contents and minimum details. Please do not bid more than that amount. A plus can be paid if done fast and as indicated. Please only bid if you have at least more than 15 positive feedbacks, and will be available online during the project. Happy Bidding!!!

    $1169 Average bid
    $1169 平均报价
    139 个竞标

    I need 50 thousand companies name and Email. This should be only from CHINA region and the companies should be manufacturer. This is on urgent basis The data should be provided in an Excel file format. Focus on manufacturers in the Technology industry. The data should be delivered within 2 days. Please include the following should be delivered within 2 days. Please include the following details: Email and company name. No Please include the following additional details for each company: None. The data should be collected from: any site. Ensure all email addresses are verified for authenticity and validity. None. Please ensure the emails are specific to the Manufacturing department.. PLEASE PROVIDE ME SAMPLE OF 5000 first of this particular data this is urgen...

    $2213 Average bid
    $2213 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    I'm looking for a skilled audio editor to cut and seamlessly blend 3 music pieces into one. This is for personal use, so the final track must be delivered in MP3 format with smooth fades between the segments. Heres what I want: Here’s a refined set of time stamps for smooth transitions: 1. "Hello" (Start → 0:58) Cut at 0:58, right after the line "I must have called a thousand times" (before the second "Hello from the other side" chorus). 2. "Someone Like You" (0:45 → 1:45) Start at 0:45 ("I heard that you're settled down...") to avoid a long intro. Cut at 1:45, after "Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead" for a clean emotional shift. 3. "Set Fire to the Rain" (1:0...

    $514 Average bid
    $514 平均报价
    53 个竞标

    I need 50 thousand companies name and Email. This should be only from CHINA region and the companies should be manufacturer. This is on urgent basis The data should be provided in an Excel file format. Focus on manufacturers in the Technology industry. The data should be delivered within 2 days. Please include the following detail...The data should be delivered within 2 days. Please include the following details: Email and company name. No Please include the following additional details for each company: None. The data should be collected from: any site. Ensure all email addresses are verified for authenticity and validity. None. Please ensure the emails are specific to the Manufacturing department.. PLEASE SEND 5000 SAMPLE FIRST TO GET AWARDED THIS IS URGENT SO ONLY RE...

    $1722 Average bid
    $1722 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    I need 50 thousand companies name and Email. This should be only from CHINA region and the companies should be manufacturer. This is on urgent basis The data should be provided in an Excel file format. Focus on manufacturers in the Technology industry. The data should be delivered within 2 days. Please include the following should be delivered within 2 days. Please include the following details: Email and company name. No Please include the following additional details for each company: None. The data should be collected from: any site. Ensure all email addresses are verified for authenticity and validity. None. Please ensure the emails are specific to the Manufacturing department.. PLEASE PROVIDE ME SAMPLE OF 3000 first of this particular data this is urgen...

    $1901 Average bid
    $1901 平均报价
    14 个竞标

    ...high-quality studio-like audio recordings with clear pronunciation and no background noise. Additional Details: Freelance & Part-Time: This is a long-term opportunity. Timely Delivery: Must be able to deliver work within 24 hours of assignment. Remote Work: You can work from anywhere. Regular Projects: We will provide consistent work for the right candidate. If you are interested, please send a sample of your dubbing work along with your rates. Looking forward to working with talented voice artists!...

    $1753 Average bid
    $1753 平均报价
    10 个竞标

    ...Strategy Local AI handles general queries to reduce third-party API costs. DeepSeek/OpenAI APIs are used only for complex reasoning. Long-term goal: Train proprietary AI models to minimize third-party dependencies. Development Roadmap & Deliverables Phase 1: System Architecture & MVP (Weeks 1-3) ✅ Propose two architecture designs with cost estimates. ✅ Implement basic AI processing & voice transcription. ✅ Develop core AI interaction framework. Phase 2: AI Integration & Workflow Automation (Weeks 4-6) ✅ Implement multi-user collaboration & permission system. ✅ Enable AI-generated insights & proactive follow-ups. Phase 3: Full AI Deployment & Optimization (Weeks 7-10) ✅ Finalize DeepSeek & OpenAI API integration. ✅ Develop notification & ev...

    $37302 Average bid
    $37302 平均报价
    29 个竞标

    I'm seeking a proficient English typist to assist with transcribing scanned images into PDF documents. The tasks will include: - Typing documents from scanned images - Data entry into MS Excel - Copy and paste tasks Ideal candidates should have exceptional typing skills with a knack for accuracy and speed. Proficiency in MS Word and MS Excel is a must, as well as experience with data entry. If you're capable of delivering high-quality work in a timely manner, I look forward to your proposal.

    $1909 Average bid
    $1909 平均报价
    203 个竞标

    I'm looking to create a project similar to , specifically an AI mockup image generator. This tool is expected to generate product mockups from various images, just like does. Example Website: Watch this link or attached video sample: Key Features: - Turn any image into a product mockup. - Focus primarily on product mockups, but with potential for website and app interface mockups in future iterations. - Ideally, the generator could cater to various product categories including clothing, electronics, and home decor. Ideal Skills: - Strong experience in AI and image processing. - Previous work with creating similar tools or platforms

    $5656 Average bid
    $5656 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    I have a number of audio songs in MP3 format that I want to turn into karaoke. The lyrics need to be displayed as highlighted text in sync with the music. This karaoke will be used primarily on a PC. Ideal skills for this project include: - Audio editing - Lyrics synchronization - Karaoke software proficiency Please, be sure you can meet these requirements before bidding.

    $654 Average bid
    $654 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    Tenancy Agreement I am seeking a qualified legal professional to draft a short and clear tenancy agreement for a residential property. The agreement should cover...maintenance, property care) • Landlord responsibilities (e.g., maintenance of the property) • Termination clause and early termination conditions • Rules regarding the use of the property (e.g., no subletting, quiet enjoyment) • Utility responsibilities (who pays for electricity, water, etc.) The agreement should be concise, legally sound, and suitable for a residential lease. Please provide a sample of previous tenancy agreements you have created or any relevant experience. Requirements: • Clear, easy-to-understand language • Standard terms and conditions for residential properties • A ...

    $78 - $234
    加精 加封
    $78 - $234
    7 个竞标

    I'm looking to create a project similar to , specifically an AI mockup image generator. This tool is expected to generate product mockups from various images, just like does. Example Website: Watch this link or attached video sample: Key Features: - Turn any image into a product mockup. - Focus primarily on product mockups, but with potential for website and app interface mockups in future iterations. - Ideally, the generator could cater to various product categories including clothing, electronics, and home decor. Ideal Skills: - Strong experience in AI and image processing. - Previous work with creating similar tools or platforms

    $10689 Average bid
    $10689 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    I'm looking to create a project similar to , specifically an AI mockup image generator. This tool is expected to generate product mockups from various images, just like does. Example Website: Watch this link or attached video sample: Key Features: - Turn any image into a product mockup. - Focus primarily on product mockups, but with potential for website and app interface mockups in future iterations. - Ideally, the generator could cater to various product categories including clothing, electronics, and home decor. Ideal Skills: - Strong experience in AI and image processing. - Previous work with creating similar tools or platforms

    $2664 Average bid
    $2664 平均报价
    2 个竞标