词云生成器项目详尽需求表(尽量会中文) 我的网站: (目前的-可能后期会改) 参考设计器网站: 1. 功能需求 设计元素管理: 设计师可以在后台上传、编辑和管理设计元素。 设计元素审核流程,包括提交、审批、驳回与历史记录管理。 允许设置设计元素的可编辑性,如是否允许用户二次设计或替换文字。 产品集成与展示: 设计元素与在线店铺产品直接关联,允许设计师指定哪些产品可以使用特定设计。 提供工具预览设计元素在不同产品上的实际应用效果。 允许设计师配置产品应用的默认布局和样式。 用户生成内容: 用户可以输入或上传文本生成词云。 提供多种字体、颜色、布局和形状选项。 实时预览功能,用户可以即时查看和调整词云的样式变化。 社交功能和共享: 用户可以将生成的词云保存到个人账户中。 允许用户将词云作品分享到社交媒体或通过链接分享。 提供下载功能,允许用户下载高质量的设计图像。 2. 技术需求 前端开发: 响应式网页设计,确保在所有设备上的兼容性。 使用现代JavaScript框架(如React或Vue)开发动态互动界面。 集成高级图形处理库(如D3.js或)以支持复杂视觉效果。 后端开发: 服务器端逻辑实现,处理用户请求、数据存储和内容管理。 使用RESTful API或GraphQL确保前后端有效通信。 数据库设计和管理,保证数据的安全、完整和高效访问。 安全性和合规性: 实施强有力的数据加密和安全措施,保护用户信息和内容。 遵守相关数据保护法规(如GDPR或CCPA)。 性能和扩展性: 设计高可用和可扩展的架构,以应对可能的高流量。 优化资源加载和处理,提高响应速度和处理能力。 3. 用户界面与体验 设计准则: 界面风格与Worduwear品牌形象一致。 界面设计应直观、易用,适合各种技术水平的用户。 交互设计: 简洁明了的导航系统。 强调交互式元素,如拖...
1,我这边会提供几个参考网站, 希望你能先看清楚 2.功能:消费者上传自己的照片或者自己宠物的照片, 这个插件会自动识别截取他们的头像, 然后显示设计前端 3.这个插件类似于teeinblue插件 4.带有预览效果 参考链接网站
1.网站: 打造一个B端的品牌网站,全球寻找代理商 2.包装:给全球各个代理进行营销协助 运营:和C端的素材即图片和视频可以共享,即制作的图片和视频B端和C端部分共用 1.网站:让人感觉是前面B端的美国代理商 2.零售:在Shopify独立零售店和亚马逊等公域零售平台销售 营销:采用本地化内容营销 以C端品牌推广+本地服务招代理模式=供应链闭环运营
跨境电商第三方服装DIY在线生成web系统 目前只需要前端开发,配合公司后端一起开发, 一、需求描述 类别:shopify独立站 第三方服装定制软件 进度:UI已经做好,等待开发 功能:为国外shopify客户提供从中国服装DIY定制生成 并发送全球服务 二、人才要求 三年以上前端系统开发人员,有shopify建站经验优先,上海 浙江 江苏地区优先 公司在上海虹桥过来很方便 三、参考资料 1. 这是同行的网站可以注册参考
1.英语/法语翻译(预计2-3天) 目前已有部分界面支持双语言,最好是能截图说明哪里需更改,语言文案由店家提供 包含首页,产品列表页,产品详情页,登录,注册,购物车等 之前采用的是第三方多语言切换插件“Translation Lab”,这里的适配可能得多花点时间 不包含币种翻译,币种翻译由官方还是开发者自定义未知,能否实现未知,目前发现由店铺设置默认币种,并未提供动态切换币种的方式 官方不支持“组件名称”多语言版本,如果需要支持,需要额外扩展组件参数【不建议支持,就英文的就行,如产品只会填写一个title,并不会区别多语言】 2. instagram账号展示页,参考竞品实现(预计2天) 1)需新开发一个组件实现,组件参数包含:(预计0.5天) - 标题 - 副标题 - 多组图片+链接 - 底部按钮文字+链接 2)需要支持响应式/移动端(预计1天) 3)支持手动横向滚动,但是不支持滚动轮播(预计0.5天) 3. About us部分以图文形式呈现,且文字部分可翻译(预计1天) - 新开发组件,组件难易程度由以下疑问组成: 图文形式中的图片是否固定,是否固定4个未知 是否只需要支持多语言即可 4. logo可以插到主页任意位置,以及修改页脚的all rights reserved部分(预计1天) 1)【 logo可以插到主页任意位置】新开发一个组件,组件参数包含: - 图片 - 链接可选 2)页脚的all rights reserved部分需要支持切换英语/法语,语言由店家提供 5. 在任意板块上面可以添加悬浮文字(预计1天) 1)新开发组件,组件参数包含: - 支持自定义两张图片地址以及链接 - 支持自定义标题 2)需要支持响应式/移动端 6. 在网页插入现有模块...
This role requires a native Chinese. Looking for someone has experience in writing content, articles, blogs, ads copy, event promotion copy for a long-term project discussing cross-border e-commerce business, DTC brands, Amazon, aliexpress and shopify business etc. Job will be paid by hours and the expected deliverables are bi- weekly with 1 original posts; sometimes I will need some event promotion articles and will inform you one week before the delivery. Marketing knowledge and SEO skill will be huge plus. The writing style guideline will be provided to you and here is the content hub for your reference: Looking forward to your interest! 工作内容: - 负责撰写相关企业品牌传播软文及线上线下活动稿件及媒体广告文字,涉及内容采集、优化、整理和原创撰写。 - 了解跨境电商例如亚马逊、速卖通、aliexpress等,负责撰写跨境电商行业热点、公司产品、大事记相关文章。主要内容产出方向为跨境电商行业+独立站运营...
...the ship design and model at that time could not reach the quality approval of the team. After the game is launched in the future, the sale of ships will be one of our main income channels, so long-term cooperation is needed to provide a stable and high-quality original painting and modeling team for a long time. The cost of the specific original painting and modeling is not lower than the market price, but more importantly, it is determined based on the experience, style and quality of the original artist and modeler....
这是我的网站: 此网站使用shopify 搭建,1、需要调整优化网站,包括seo优化,Robots文件,404页面,301跳转,网站地图,NOfllow,标题标签优化,图片标签,页面标题,关键词,描述,关键词布局,关键词选择:主关键词,目标关键词,长尾关键词,页面关键词,页面结构简洁,2、需要 开通facebook,facebook shop,Instagram等,引流,实现出单。
你好, 我们想做一个类似petcanva的Shopify店铺,但是想加入更多的功能。
你好Shopify Yii WP ~ PHP Guru,我注意到你的个人资料并想把我的项目给你。我们可以通过交流来讨论任何细节。
你好Shopify # WordPress # PHP,我注意到你的个人资料并想把我的项目给你。我们可以通过交流来讨论任何细节。
你好Shopify # WordPress # PHP,我注意到你的个人资料并想把我的项目给你。我们可以通过交流来讨论任何细节。
Hi Yang L., 我们是美国亚马逊的一个卖家,最近在shopify建立独立站,有一些定制功能需要二次开发,希望可以和你详谈
Hi kingJStar,我们是美国亚马逊的一个卖家,最近在shopify建立独立站,有一些定制功能需要二次开发,希望可以和你详谈
Hi Rishun L., 我们是美国亚马逊的一个卖家,最近在shopify建立独立站,有一些定制功能需要二次开发,希望可以和你详谈
Hi WebOrien, 我们是美国亚马逊的一个卖家,最近在shopify建立独立站,有一些定制功能需要二次开发,希望可以和你详谈
需要负责一个200平米左右的西餐厅设计(厨房面积50平米)。寻找有品味、有风格、注重细节的设计师。业主想要的方向可参考以下方向。本场地可提供Sketchup的三维平面。如感兴趣,请告知每平设计价格和设计所需时间 。 CHINESE SPEAKING- Need to be responsible for a Western restaurant design of about 200 square meters (the kitchen area is 50 square meters). Look for designers with taste, style and attention to detail. The directions that the owner wants can be referred to the following directions. The site can provide a three-dimensional plane of Sketchup. If you are interested, please let us know the price per design and the time required for design.
你好,我想大概了解一下做一个discord bot用作monitor shopify sites,需要多久和多少钱呢?
...determine the direction of encoder rotation, the current two GPIO port does not read to the upper directly by the driver to send the key value is to join the LINUX input event, the forward rotation send button Value 59, reverse rotation send key value 60, read from event0. 2. RS485 driver RS485 need a direction control pin, when the corresponding UART to send and receive data, the direction of the foot can automatically achieve direction control. 3. Buzzer drive buzzer driver requirements can set the PWM output frequency, the output time, the output time to automatically shut down the PWM output. 4. Membrane button drive and USB keyboard driver reserved 24 GPIO as a thin film button input, the current drive is read as a GPIO port; the best input into LINUX event, press the ...
寻找在中国工作生活的中德,德中翻译的translator, 经常在线,方便交流。 我们这边的项目有些是文档的翻译,有些是需要及时的回复的1-2句德文的翻译,所以希望你经常在线,然后可以做这种短时间一句话的翻译,我们可以一次支付你一定的money,可以每周结算一次。 长期有项目,不会做几次就没活了。符合条件的,请联系我。谢谢
A games live streaming website like twitch (handling large amount of video data? ) with user registration and account information, upload video, leave comments on real time living videos. Need experienced developer who can be able to build up the front end, back end, database and server for efficiently storing and retrieving videos data. If you think the price is below your expectation, please leave the price works for you, we can negotiate it.
我們是一家位於澳大利亞墨爾本基於網絡的網絡花店。 主要業務為婚禮用花,零售花束以及線下插畫課程。 我們尋求一個適合花店經營和展示的shopify模板。 主要要求如下: 1.網頁速度流暢 2. 較高的幻燈片功能 3. 較強的自定義能力 4. 雙語切換(中文繁體,英文)
我們是一家位於澳大利亞墨爾本基於網絡的網絡花店。 主要業務為婚禮用花,零售花束以及線下插畫課程。 我們尋求一個適合花店經營和展示的shopify模板。 主要要求如下: 1.網頁速度流暢 2. 較高的幻燈片功能 3. 較強的自定義能力
我们是一家start up career coaching 公司,现在需要升级现有网站。 现在用的是square space的host,以后希望把网页做的更加专业和美观,所以可能需要更换host。 具体的模板也没有决定,现在需要有网页设计经验的人员来参与模板,host的选择讨论。并且设计新的网页。
我们需要一个前端开发人员,来建立我们在中国区的购物网站。 下面是我们美国版的网站,很快会翻译成中文版。 我们在美国用的网上商城是 是在shopify上弄的。 现在需要的就是一个中国区的购物网站,类似下面这些品牌: 无论你用Megento, ESSHOP, Zencart 都可以,只要帮我们的网站置入购物车的功能。 我们需要懂中文简体的程序员。
I'm seeking a web scraping expert to extract data from the Accredia database and organize the results in an Excel file. Key tasks: - Scrape data on all Italian companies certified UNI/PdR 125:2022, categorized by region. - For each company, extract the following information: - Company name - VAT number - Region - Address - Number of employees, divided by gender if available - Certification date - Certifying body - The data needs to be sourced from: - The final Excel (XLSX) file should have a separate sheet for each region, with companies organized by number of employees. Requirements: - Proficiency in using Selenium for web scraping. - Ability to ensure data accuracy and quality through cross-referencing with external sources. - Project delivery within 3-5 days. Ide...
I am in need of a professional with expertise in Shopify to help me enhance my sales funnel. The primary goal is to increase the conversion rates, particularly at the Decision stage of the sales funnel. Fixed Budget: 1200Rs only 1 Page website, Conversion friendly, Sell only 1 digital product. Highly professional UI of this 1 page website. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze current funnel performance and identify areas for improvement. - Develop and implement strategies to boost conversion rates at the Decision stage. - Optimize the funnel for selling digital products. Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Shopify. - Proven track record of increasing conversion rates in sales funnels. - Experience in selling digital products. - Strong analytical sk...
...individual pages, and optionally mint their graded items as 3D NFTs. The platform should include e-commerce functionality for grading services, a dynamic gallery, Key Features & Requirements: Website Design & Development ✔ Dark, modern, and futuristic UI (Black, Red, Yellow theme based on logo). ✔ Mobile-responsive & SEO-optimized. ✔ Fast, lightweight, and scalable architecture. ✔ Wix, WordPress, Shopify, or Custom (React/Vue/ preferred). ? Grading Submission System ✔ Upload Form for Pokémon Cards, ETBs & Booster Packs (Images & Videos). ✔ AI-based grading system (centering, edges, corners, surface analysis). ✔ Option to clean & restore cards before grading. ✔ Send cards to PSA for official grading. ✔ Secure Payment Gateway (Stripe, PayPal, Crypt...
I'm looking for a qualified professional to help set up my Shopify store and manage my Google Ads campaign with the primary goal of increasing website traffic. Additionally, I need assistance importing my existing product listings into the new store. Key Responsibilities: - Set up a fully functional and optimized Shopify store. - Create Google Ads campaign focused on driving traffic to the store. - Import existing product listings from my previous store. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Shopify store setup. - Expertise in managing Google Ads. - Skills in data import and management. - SEO knowledge and digital marketing experience. The project needs to be completed by 1 day.
I'm looking for a simple yet efficient visual irrigation system designer. The software should allow users to easily draw the lines of their garden within a square, using their mouse. Key Features: - User Interface: A combination of drag-and-drop and mouse-drawing. - Layout Elements: Users should be able to draw buildings (house, terrace, pool, playground, etc.) and large plants (like trees, shrubs, beds). - Color Coding: Lines representing buildings should be one color, while those representing plants should be another. This will simplify the process of calculating the type and need for an irrigation system based on the remaining area. - Visualization of Irrigation Lines: These should be represented as colored lines. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in UI/UX desig...
I'm looking for a web scraping expert to help me compare prices on various e-commerce websites. The main data to be collected is product pricing. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web scraping tools and software - Experience with data analysis and price comparison - Familiarity with e-commerce websites
I'm in need of a virtual assistant who can help me with cropping photos for my e-commerce listing. The photos are of electronics and should emphasize the overall appearance of the products. Ideal skills for this job include: - Basic photo editing skills - Understanding of e-commerce photo requirements - Attention to detail - Ability to follow specific instructions Experience...of e-commerce photo requirements - Attention to detail - Ability to follow specific instructions Experience in handling e-commerce listings or working with electronics photos would be a plus. The goal is to enhance the visual appeal of the products and attract more potential buyers. The virtual assistant will be required to crop between 50 to 200 photos. The cropped photos should have a 1:1 (Square...
I'm looking for a Shopify expert to set up a modern-styled drop shipping website for electronics and gadgets. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Shopify platform - Strong understanding of modern design aesthetics - Experience in setting up drop shipping websites - Knowledgeable in ecommerce best practices
I need a skilled Shopify expert to customize my store. The products span all categories - from clothing to electronics and home goods. The store's theme should reflect a 'Classic and Elegant' style. Key tasks include: - Implementing an appropriate theme and setting up the product catalogue - Integrating essential plugins for smooth transactions - Adding functionalities like customer reviews, product recommendations, and inventory management I am looking for someone with a strong background in e-commerce and Shopify, with a keen eye for a classic and elegant design.