...等协议或肯钻研! 2.被控端可支持windows和linux,主控端支持windows 3.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn要求达到150wpps/s 4.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 5.开发者必须能够流利中文语音交流,否则不考虑!不能流利中文交流的不要投标以免浪费彼此的时间! 具体需要的功能很多,有能力发开者继续详谈!只限中文竞标,台湾或新加坡优先考虑! 具体要求: 软件前台构架:1,主控制端(WINDOWS平台下运行) 2,受控端(Linux平台下运行)+(windows平台) 技术要求: 1,发包类型:为SYN、UDP、ICMP,TCP,CC DNS请求并发接攻 击等,多种。但以SYN FLOOD变种(可自定义数据包)为主,发送伪造源IP的SYN数据包但是数据包不是64字节而是上千字节这种攻击会造成一些防火墙处理错误锁死,消耗服务器CPU内存的同时还会堵塞带宽。 2,可以轮询发包:比如,输入一组ip地址,输入轮询时间30秒,选择发包方式,我们服务端30秒向第一个ip地址发包,接着30秒向第二个ip发包,轮询发包。比如CDN之后,实际是多IP的,就是CDN中每个IP,都打30秒。 3,软件支持多网卡绑定多IP绑定,数量在4网卡 支持内网上线 3,主控端功能:发送-攻击目标IP或者域名-端口-攻击方式-线程数量-单个封包大小-发送速度-攻击命令-停止命令等。 4,受控端功能:接受命令-并实行发包。 5,控制端与服务端通讯,正向连接,或者反向连接均可! 6,软件PPS吞吐量,详细讨论。 7,SYN包到接收服务器的数量,每100M带宽以64字节计算,攻击SYN包数量,不得小于20,4800这个数字,而且要能力要源源大于此数字。...
开发一款查询网站源地址的程序,技能需求 1.C++大牛(3年以上,避免浪费大家时间) 2.精通网络编程,linux 3.精通网络协议 4.中文竞标 满足以上条件的均可竞标. 技术确实很好者可以长期月薪待遇!及海外就业!
招OP, 运维人员一名,可长期跟项目 要求是能有充足的时间来维护, 有nginx运维经验 每天在线时间8小时以上,能够快速响应,有运维的经验作过服务器管理和配置; 熟悉linux系统的各种环境和配置, 比如性能调优, 网络配置, 自动化部署, 操作及安全配置, 包括iptables, 环境变量, yum/apt; 熟悉shell脚本, 能写一些自动化安装配置的脚本, 外加一些监控系统, 如果对网络方面熟悉python;会搭建更佳 竞标时详细说明以上的技术和程序您会使用几个已经使用的熟练程度!不说明不采纳! 月薪万元CNY起,只限中文竞标,竞标的时候尽量介绍清楚您的在线时间,是否在职,工作经验,个人简历等等。
招OP, 运维人员一名,可长期跟项目 要求是能有充足的时间来维护, 每天在线时间8小时以上,能够快速响应,有运维的经验作过服务器管理和配置; 熟悉linux系统的各种环境和配置, 比如性能调优, 网络配置, 自动化部署, 操作及安全配置, 包括iptables, 环境变量, yum/apt; 熟悉shell脚本, 能写一些自动化安装配置的脚本, 外加一些监控系统, 如果对网络方面熟悉python;会搭建更佳 月薪万元CNY起,只限中文竞标,竞标的时候尽量介绍清楚您的在线时间,是否在职,工作经验,个人简历等等。
招OP, 运维人员一名,可长期跟此项目 要求是能有充足的时间来维护, 有运维的经验作过服务器管理和配置; 熟悉linux系统的各种环境和配置, 比如性能调优, 网络配置, 自动化部署, 操作及安全配置, 包括iptables, 环境变量, yum/apt; 熟悉shell脚本, 能写一些自动化安装配置的脚本, 外加一些监控系统, 如果对网络方面有了解和熟悉python更佳;
程序分主控(win)和被控端(linux),被控端开启后连接到主控 主控端负责发布任务,被控端负责对任务进行 匹配网站的源地址 目前大部分网站都是做了cdn加速的,目的是要匹配到网站的源地址并非cdn地址 有过类似开发经验的,在cdn公司工作过的,非常熟悉cdn流程的均可竞标 只限中文竞标,非诚勿扰!
有网络驱动编写经验,有高并发网络经验,精通tcp/ip udp dns 等协议或肯钻研! 被控端可支持windows和linux,主控端支持windows 有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。
需要一个会配置商业版crtmpserver的程序员 1。要搭建一套cdn直播加速系统,要求直播兼容大部分主流的直播协议 2。需要有足够的时间来跟项目,没有时间的误扰 3。主要对直播程序有很好的了解,对linux操作熟悉。 开发过或者目前在职要兼职的大神们期待你们竞标。 满足以上要求的在竞标,谢谢!
我们有二台VPS服务器, Liunx server: ,和windows server: 请注意我们没有其它的任何信息。 如果你或你的朋友能够找到漏洞通过RDP登陆到Windows server:, 或通过ssh连接到Linux server: 他们中的一个, 如果你能够登陆, 请报价。 Thanks!
1。要求精通网络编程,linux,了解ssh协议,对帐号密码进行比对 2。最好可以不通过libssh以加快速度,或者有什么其它建议欢迎探讨 程序分为主控和被控2部分: 1。主控运行在windows平台主要负责发布任务和收集结果。 2。被控运行在linux平台负责执行高并发匹配任务并将结果反馈给主控。 符合以上条件的在竞标!
招OP, 运维人员一名,可长期跟此项目 要求是能有充足的时间来维护, 有运维的经验作过服务器管理和配置; 熟悉linux系统的各种环境和配置, 比如性能调优, 网络配置, 自动化部署, 操作及安全配置, 包括iptables, 环境变量, yum/apt; 熟悉shell脚本, 能写一些自动化安装配置的脚本, 外加一些监控系统, 如果对网络方面有了解和熟悉python更佳;
招OP, 运维人员一名 要求是能有充足的时间来维护, 有运维的经验作过服务器管理和配置; 熟悉linux系统的各种环境和配置, 比如性能调优, 网络配置, 自动化部署, 操作及安全配置, 包括iptables, 环境变量, yum/apt; 熟悉shell脚本, 能写一些自动化安装配置的脚本, 外加一些监控系统, 如果对网络方面有了解和熟悉python更佳;
需求: 1。对现有的一款源代码进行重写成c++代码。 2。要求精通linux,了解ssh协议,http协议。有高并发经验 程序分为主控和被控2部分: 1。主控运行在windows平台主要负责发布任务和收集结果。 2。被控运行在linux平台负责执行高并发匹配任务并将结果反馈给主控。 符合以上条件的在竞标!
...dns 等协议或肯钻研! 2.被控端可支持windows和linux,主控端支持windows 3.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn要求达到150wpps/s 4.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 5.开发者必须能够流利中文语音交流,否则不考虑!不能流利中文交流的不要投标以免浪费彼此的时间! 具体需要的功能很多,有能力发开者继续详谈! 具体要求: 软件前台构架:1,主控制端(WINDOWS平台下运行) 2,受控端(Linux平台下运行)+(windows平台) 技术要求: 1,发包类型:为SYN、UDP、ICMP,TCP,CC DNS请求并发接攻 击等,多种。但以SYN FLOOD变种(可自定义数据包)为主,发送伪造源IP的SYN数据包但是数据包不是64字节而是上千字节这种攻击会造成一些防火墙处理错误锁死,消耗服务器CPU内存的同时还会堵塞带宽。 2,可以轮询发包:比如,输入一组ip地址,输入轮询时间30秒,选择发包方式,我们服务端30秒向第一个ip地址发包,接着30秒向第二个ip发包,轮询发包。比如CDN之后,实际是多IP的,就是CDN中每个IP,都打30秒。 3,软件支持多网卡绑定多IP绑定,数量在4网卡 支持内网上线 3,主控端功能:发送-攻击目标IP或者域名-端口-攻击方式-线程数量-单个封包大小-发送速度-攻击命令-停止命令等。 4,受控端功能:接受命令-并实行发包。 5,控制端与服务端通讯,正向连接,或者反向连接均可! 6,软件PPS吞吐量,详细讨论。 7,SYN包到接收服务器的数量,每100M带宽以64字节计算,攻击SYN包数量,不得小于20,4800这个数字,而且要能力要源源大于此数字。 8,需兼容li...
需要开发一款防火墙压力测试软件。类似于 但不需要感染,传播等等,并非黑客软件,只需要发包功能 1.有网络驱动编写经验,有高并发网络经验,精通tcp/ip udp dns 等协议或肯钻研! 2.被控端可支持windows和linux,主控端支持windows 3.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn要求达到150wpps/s 4.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 5.全职可以提供出国就业机会,兼职的话尽量能是比较熟悉上述环境! 具体需要的功能很多,有能力发开者继续详谈! 待遇如下:自开发起每月3000$ 起步。 后续开发其他软件在另付费!当然如果你有很牛的技术,待遇可以在谈!
1.有网络驱动编写经验,有高并发网络经验,精通tcp/ip udp dns 等协议或肯钻研! 2.被控端可支持windows和linux,主控端支持windows 3.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn要求达到150wbps/s 4.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 5.全职可以提供出国就业机会,兼职的话尽量能是比较熟悉上述环境!
在Android上开发基于CUPS的打印机,具体需求如下: 1.把 linux 下的CPUS 库,移植到 arm-linux ,并提供相应的的接口给android层应用调用 2.实现文字,图片 等打印 3.可以识别打印机链接,检查是否缺墨,缺纸 2.提供完整的移植文档,和测试程序
了解CDN的一般架构和相关开源项目知识。会shell脚本和linux常用命令 熟悉DNS流程及机制,能通过iptables实现一些常用的安全规则 熟悉HAProxy的特性,会制定一些安全策略,并通过HAProxy的配置实现出来。 熟悉Nginx,会编译各种Module,了解常用的module(CDN方面) 可熟练地配置nginx以满足不同的业务需求。熟悉Apache Traffic Server也可。 熟悉linux,shell, python, lua 有3年以上的工作经验! 有这方便的经验的大牛可以联系!待遇优厚!具体细节详谈!
了解CDN的一般架构和相关开源项目知识。会shell脚本和linux常用命令 熟悉DNS流程及机制,能通过iptables实现一些常用的安全规则 熟悉HAProxy的特性,会制定一些安全策略,并通过HAProxy的配置实现出来。 熟悉Nginx,会编译各种Module,了解常用的module(CDN方面) 可熟练地配置nginx以满足不同的业务需求。熟悉Apache Traffic Server也可。 熟悉linux,shell, python, lua 有3年以上的工作经验! 有这方便的经验的大牛可以联系!待遇优厚!具体细节详谈!
..., The implementation of user registration, recharge (Alipay & Paypal), VPN account settings, password changes. The user account, close to expiration reminder, enterprise information submitted invoices, invoice mailing address submitted. The OpenVPN function to read, including account surplus time, monthly bandwidth query, history of bandwidth usage information. The interface is succinct, professional, similar to Bootstrap. We have a billing system Hostbill, so if you can develop Hostbill Api, you can not have the development of Web. 一个OpenVPN收费程序, iOS & Andarid & Website(或者使用Hostbill账单系统) 基于OpenVPN的收费充值程序, 类似VPNExpress , 实现用户注册,充值(Alipay & Paypal),VPN帐号设置,密码变更. 用户帐户, 有接近到期提醒, 企业发票信息提交, 发票邮寄地址提交. OpenVPN功能读取, 包含账户剩余时间, 当月带宽查询, 历史带宽使用信息查询
1.有良好的沟通能力,能独立解决问题。 2.有3年以上C++编程经验。 3.可兼职或全职。熟悉linux 4.自认为是大牛的可联系我。待遇优厚!
需要开发一款防火墙压力测试软件。类似于 但不需要感染,传播等等,并非黑客软件,只需要发包功能 软件需求: 1.支持windows系统 支持linux系统 2.主控需要带有循环,并发等等功能 3.优化syn发出字节数 具体需要的功能很多,有能力发开者继续详谈! 待遇如下:自开发起每月3000$ 起步。 后续开发其他软甲在另付费! 当然如果你有很牛的技术,待遇可以在谈!
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Build a server side website'
SQL注入/代码审计/数据库权限/渗透测试技术 接渗透单子高手,联系电子邮箱:aqcp#(#改成@)语言要求:中文 熟练掌握各种内网渗透测试工具与相关知识,精通常见安全攻防技术:sql注入、xss、文件上传、文件包含、命令执行等漏洞 熟悉linux、unix、Windows、oracle、J2EE等各种环境下WEB的安全配置与安全检查及WEB漏洞防范; 熟悉各种脚本语言(asp,php,jsp,java,net、perl、python等)具备独立挖掘web安全漏洞与入侵手段 具备一定的网络安全知识,对网络安全结构、系统漏洞、入侵检测、病毒防护等有深入理论基础和实践经验; 熟悉渗透测试黑客攻防的步骤、方法、流程、熟练掌握各种渗透测试攻防工具有实际渗透经验者优先; 求大虾接单,脱裤,要求,电话,手机,姓名,邮箱,其他的一概不要。每笔单1000美金起步,根据站的难度而定价格,具体可以详谈,寻找长期合作. 态度认真、中介勿扰,请技术实力说话。
Joomla开发人员: 1、精通LAMP(Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP),精通PHP+MYSQL 1.1 熟练套用各种joomla模板,例如JA或者Rocket系列模板. 1.2 Form表格组件套用 1.3 Payment, logistic gateway接口对接 1.4 Newsletter组件和模块套用开发 1.5 VirtualMart二次开发 2、熟悉各种开源CMS,比如Joomla, 能懂得Wordpress, Zencart,Drupal更好, 熟练掌握Joomla 各种常用组件配置和二次开发。 例如VM, joomfish, 等等 3、了解CSS, Div、Html、JavaScript等网络常用语言。 4、有商业网站页面设计经验。 5、强有力的学习能力。具备良好的创意思维和理解能力,善于协作与沟通,必須按時完成工作及絕對需要有責任感。 6、请提供中文简历,要求提供个人独立完成的作品。 7,能独立看懂英文API和技术文档,优先考虑。
...目工作经验 2、英语六级,听说读写能力较强; 3、善于沟通,表达力强,责任心强,灵活自信,应变能力强; 4、较强的独立工作能力及良好的团队协作精神。 5、逻辑分析能力强,条理性强,有一定的讲解能力; 6、有相关工作经验优先。 岗位职责: 1. 进行嵌入式系统(Embedded Linux)驱动程序开发。 2. 负责系统底层的BSP相关工作,如Linux Kernel移植优化,设备驱动开发、移植和优化。 3. 参与项目需求分析,进行驱动软件的详细设计。 4. 根据公司技术文档规范编写相应的开发文档。 驱动工程师 Software Driver Engineer 任职资格: 1.精通C/C++语言、ARM汇编,熟练使用GCC。 2. 至少两年以上嵌入式系统(Embedded Linux)软件开发经验,精通嵌入式系统软件开发。 3.深刻理解处理器架构,热爱处理器相关技术。深刻理解内存、DMA、中断等概念。熟悉ARM 处理器。 4.精通Linux 下驱动程序开发。有USB、video、audio、UART、IIC、SPI、SD/MMC等开发经验佳。 5.深入理解Linux文件系统、进程管理机制和内存管理机制。 6.熟悉威盛平台驱动开发者优先 必须:至少两年以手机或平板驱动开发经验。 岗位需求: 1、精通 C/C++/Java 编程语言,并且有相关项目开发经验。 2、熟悉Linux下C/C++/Java开发环境。 3、熟悉Linux下 Shell脚本使用。 4、熟悉Android应用编程开发,包括环境建立以及常用调试方法。 5、了解Android Frameworks层和HAL层相关知识,有过相关项目经验者优先考虑。...
需要对VPN有一定了解,并且能实现虚拟GPS功能, 有实力的开发团队或公司 程序涉及android端 Pc 端 第三方VPN提供者 php+mysql 下面是程序运行流程,能实现的公司和团队联系我索取文档。 android启动自动优先运行守护程序 -〉设定VPN需要使用的国家 -〉启动WiFi -〉自动搜索WiFi -〉自动连接WiFi -〉自动填写WiFi密码(预设) -〉连接WiFi成功 -〉返回成功信息给守护程序 -〉守护程序连接服务器 -〉验证守护程序版本 -〉如遇到版本更新自动下载安装更新 -〉守护程序连接数据库 -〉从数据库下载运行指令(运行指令有后台进行设置) -〉提取开机设定国家的VPN账号密码、Ip和GPS信息 -〉提取成功 -〉运行指令打开VPN拨号 -〉拨号成功 -〉验证Ip是否连通 -〉连通后获取当前ip的GPS信息并设定android 虚拟 GPS -〉返回给守护程序成功 -〉下载指定APK并安装打开
网站: PHP+Mysql 系统: Linux系统 服务器: nginx+ PHP+Mysql 1,现这套网站需要代码优化,CSS,JS,等页面优化加载速度...以及部分框架的模块更改调用... 2,网站源码安全性优化 3,网站框架的优化
...write scripts in languages like Python, Bash, or PowerShell can automate tasks and enhance your capabilities. Understanding of Operating Systems: Familiarity with Linux and Windows operating systems is essential for exploiting vulnerabilities and administering systems. Knowledge of Security Concepts: Understanding different types of attacks (e.g., phishing, DDoS, man-in-the-middle) and security practices (e.g., firewalls, encryption) is important. Certifications: Consider pursuing certifications such as Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), or CompTIA Security+. Useful Tools in Kali Linux: Nmap: A powerful network scanning tool used for discovering hosts and services on a network. Metasploit Framework: A widely used penetrati...
...write scripts in languages like Python, Bash, or PowerShell can automate tasks and enhance your capabilities. Understanding of Operating Systems: Familiarity with Linux and Windows operating systems is essential for exploiting vulnerabilities and administering systems. Knowledge of Security Concepts: Understanding different types of attacks (e.g., phishing, DDoS, man-in-the-middle) and security practices (e.g., firewalls, encryption) is important. Certifications: Consider pursuing certifications such as Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), or CompTIA Security+. Useful Tools in Kali Linux: Nmap: A powerful network scanning tool used for discovering hosts and services on a network. Metasploit Framework: A widely used penetrati...
...services. Database: PostgreSQL for robust and reliable data storage. Deployment: Linux-based on-premise environment with enterprise-grade security. Deliverables Fully functional on-premise alerting system, including dashboard and mobile app. Complete source code with detailed documentation. User and admin guides for system operation. Ongoing support and maintenance for a specified period. Project Milestones Requirements gathering and system design. Development and unit testing. System integration and testing. Deployment and user acceptance testing. Final delivery and support handover. Skills Required Expertise in TypeScript, React, and React Native. Strong experience with Node.js and PostgreSQL. Familiarity with Linux-based deployment environments. Background in enterprise...
I need someone to review my text articles. The checks will mainly be for grammar and spelling errors. The use of a VPN will be required for this task.
I'm seeking a FreePBX professional to assist with migrating my existing v16 installation to a new Linux server. The current setup has VPN profiles configured per extension using OpenVPN. Key Responsibilities: - Migrate FreePBX v16 to a new Linux server - Transfer existing VPN profiles configured per extension - Ensure seamless service continuity post-migration Ideal Candidates: - Proven experience with FreePBX installations - Proficiency in Linux server configurations - Familiarity with OpenVPN and FreePBX - Prior experience migrating FreePBX installations Please note, there may be additional settings or configurations that need to be migrated, but these have yet to be determined. Therefore, the ability to identify and transfe...
I'm in the process of creating a Minecraft minigames server with a fantasy-themed starting hub. I need an expert to help me construct the hub and implement several minigames including a priority on Bedwars. Key Requirements: - Design a visually captivating, fantasy-themed starting hub. - Set up a variety of minigames: Bedwars, Skywars, TNT Run, Spleef, PvP, Parkour, and Hunger Games. - Focus on developing an engaging and balanced Bedwars experience with team balancing features. - Include a social element: a system for adding friends and forming parties. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in Minecraft server development, preferably with minigames. - Strong understanding of Minecraft's building mechanics and aesthetics. - Ability to create custom gam...
...analysis and financial model to make revenue forecasts based on the investment made. **Must have experience in the Hotel and F&B industries to have the correct financial models and ensure we make the right assumptions. Key Focus Areas: - Room occupancy rates - Restaurant revenue -Pool income - Event hosting opportunities Benchmarking Against Competitors: The analysis should primarily utilize competitor benchmarks for comparison along with past performance metrics. Renovation Scope: - Guest rooms - Pool (new addition) - Facade Ideal Candidate: The ideal freelancer for this project would be someone with extensive experience in the hotel and F&B industries, particularly in feasibility analysis and financial modelling. They should have access to and be able to...
...Wikipedia-API for retrieving query information, and gTTS for text-to-speech (TTS). I want to replace gTTS with Piper TTS to enable offline functionality. Must have Piper experience. The project involves: Installing Piper TTS on a Raspberry Pi 5 (linux) with Python 3.11. Integrating Piper into the existing simplified Flask app. Allowing runtime configuration of Piper settings through the Flask UI. Providing step-by-step installation instructions for Piper on Raspberry Pi 5. (linux) Project Requirements: Piper Installation on Raspberry Pi 5: (linux) Current setup python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate # On Windows: venvScriptsactivate Install Required Python Packages: Run the following command to install all required dependencies: Flask==3.0.0 gTTS==2.3....
I'm in need of a seasoned professional with extensive experience in server management and backup systems, particularly with Contabo.
I'm looking for a professional to setup the Ookla Speedtest on my Windows server. The server should be able to perform on-demand speed tests. Key Requirements: - Configure the server for on-demand testing - Set up a web interface for remote access to test results - Ensure no authentication is needed to access the web interface Skills & Experience Needed: - Extensive knowledge of Windows Server - Prior experience with configuring Ookla Speedtest - Proficiency in setting up web interfaces - Understanding of network monitoring tools
...compile all necessary drawings for a major renovation of my house. Most of the work is already completed, but I require a professional set of plans ready for submission within a tight deadline of 10 days. Key tasks include: - Completing floor plans - Finalising the electrical layout - Completing the plumbing layout - Preparing the HVAC layout - Structuring plans - Integrating a spa to the existing pool Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in residential drafting and design - A solid understanding of electrical and plumbing layouts - Proficient in HVAC systems design - Familiarity with structural plans - Experience in designing spa additions to pools I will arrange for the drawings to be signed and sealed. Your ability to meet the tight deadline...
I need an expert in PrestaShop and Linux hosting to migrate my PrestaShop 8.1.7 from local environment to an Aruba Linux server. The project includes: - SSL Installation and Configuration: The migrated site should be secure and accessible via HTTPS. - Database Optimization: Post migration, the database should be optimized for performance and speed. - Custom Themes or Modules Setup: The migration should ensure that all custom themes and modules function as expected on the new server. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with PrestaShop, Linux hosting, and database management. Please, provide evidence of similar projects you've successfully completed in your proposal.
I'm looking for a video created by an AI video creator that realistically illustrates the functionality of a product. The scene should depict two individuals competing in a game of pool from two different parts of the world. Key requirements: - The pool tables are smart tables equipped with AI-enhanced projectors and magnetic balls that manage the game after each player takes a shot. - The video should be in a realistic style and set in a casual home environment. - The two distinct world locations should be shown with subtle geographic hints, not overtly, but enough to indicate the players are in different parts of the globe. Ideal candidates will have experience with video creation, AI technology, and a keen understanding of producing content that showcases product f...
I'm in need of a skilled professional to set up an AWS server with an EC2 instance running Amazon Linux and cPanel. Key Requirements: - Establishment of the EC2 instance on Amazon Linux - Installation and configuration of cPanel on this server I will require root access for managing the EC2 instance. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience with AWS, EC2, cPanel and Amazon Linux. Excellent troubleshooting skills and a proactive approach to service management will be highly valued.
I'm seeking a capable VPN developer to design a program compatible with Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone systems. The perfect solution should reliably offer: - Unlimited bandwidth - Multiple server locations - Kill switch feature The desired interface is one that's customizable, allowing alteration to suit personal preferences. Ideal candidates should have prior experience developing similar tools and an understanding of various operating systems. Your background in UI/UX design will be advantageous as I'm seeking a solution that offers significant customization.
My server running Almalinux has been unstable lately, leading to slow response times. I'm seeking a professional who can: - Identify the root causes of the instability - Implement necessary fixes to stabilize the server - Optimize the server for improved response times Essential skills and experience should include: - Proficiency in server management, particularly with Almalinux - Strong troubleshooting and problem-solving skills - Experience in server optimization