我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Need Branding name for online business'
我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作a C#/.NET console parser program'
装修淘宝代购店。 1. 设计店面风格。 2. 更新店面旗帜, 其他有关,支持页面 3. Photoshop + 上传图片,文字等将货品上架 4. 150 个产品 5. 图片来源互联网和我提供的实物图 6. 文字内容来源互联网 7. 必须在10天内完成 (农历新年) 参考店如: 小小木瓜高 芝妈代购
need to build a membership website, where the articles are "locked", partial is shown on website, and free members read only partial article, but paid members the article is open up for him to read with login and password. similar to this website (sorry it's in Chinese)
我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作Website Design and optimize ( php )'
1、对项目经理负责,负责软件项目的详细设计、编码和内部测试的组织实施,对程序员小型软件项目兼任系统分析工作,完成分配项目的实施和技术支持工作。 2、协助项目经理和相关人员同客户进行沟通,保持良好的客户关系。 3、参与需求调研、项目可行性分析、技术可行性分析和需求分析。 4、熟悉并熟练掌握交付软件部开发的软件项目的相关软件技术。 5、负责向项目经理及时反馈软件开发中的情况,并根据实际情况提出改进建议。 6、参与软件开发和维护过程中重大技术问题的解决,参与软件首次安装调试、数据割接、用户培训和项目推广。 7、负责相关技术文档的拟订。 8、负责对业务领域内的技术发展动态进行分析研究。
预算:1万元可议价 1、网站用途:人才储备、发布招聘、求职信息。 2、项目阶段:无,需要从零开始 3、开发时间:45天周期,最后期限8月31日 4、是否有需求文档:有 5、网站类别:招聘类 6、功能参考网站:(拉勾网) 7、核心功能:信誉评分系统 8、网站风格:前端javascript/jquery/ajax 参考网站:(拉勾网) 9、运行平台:LINUX 10、技术要求: 开发语言:.net/java 是否有制定后台管理:必须要有,且是全站控制管理 开发环境:自定义 数据库:自定义 运行环境:LINUX 服务器:双方商议决定 11、对服务商的要求: 地域:不限 服务商规模:5人以上团队 是否需要网站维护:视双方前期合作情况决定。 个性化要求:希望服务商能够以自身拥有从业经验为项目提供宝贵的建议。 PS:项目主管是处女座...所以不够耐心、不够细心、手头活太多、太繁忙的、联系沟通不方便的、完任务拿点小钱儿的团队。。。请不要浪费时间。。。
website enhancement project, needs to have excellent network knowledge and databases
自营B2C商城, 微信和PC两个商城共用一个后台。须链接微信提醒功能,微信认证以及绑定商城账号。 后台可切换中英文版本。 后台需接入ERP系统,和EDM 系统. 如果您感兴趣,请私信了解更多细节。 谢谢
我购买了类似 网站的源码 9(php+mysql)),想做二次开发. 主要是增加几个搜索分类,更改一些网页的风格设计, 去掉原来网站的标记和其它信息, 恢复网站本身所具有的功能,能够运行。
微信公众平台:把网站现有内容翻译成中文做成微信公众平台,可以比较容易的推广。 手机网站中文版: 做一个中文版手机网站,把手机网站和微信里面的内容版式做一样。通过手机浏览器输入网址可以进入网站。 可与中文版手机网站切换语言。 手机网站英文版: 做一个英文版手机网站,把手机网站和微信里面的内容版式做一样。通过手机浏览器输入网址可以进入网站。可与英文版手机网站切换语言。 后台管理: 可以同步管理添加编辑微信平台和中英文手机网站里面的内容。 Only those with English speaking candidates who can understand mandarin will be considered Project specification is in mandarin.
项目: - 一个牙医软件模块; - 部分功能基于开源控件实现; - 开发环境为C#, MSSQL Server, MS Access (MDB); - 1.1 版本已经完成并在使用; - 现按照用户要求有所改动; - 改动分为2个阶段,1.2版本和2.0版本; - 1.2版本预计一个月内完成; - 2.0版本预计二个月; 要求: - 熟识C#,.NET, MSSQL,MS ACCESS; - 使用第三方控件经验; - 懂看简单英文需求; 项目本身是加拿大外包的,我人在东莞,可以到我这里开会,也可以到深圳开会,让你了解该程序和其需求以便报价。 有兴趣的,请QQ 1073158942 联系,或电 15820998667 (何生)
我需要收的webim即时通讯软件功能描述: 1.聊天功能。用Ajax编写的网上即时通讯软件im,能集成到web(php开发)并部署到自己服务器中的,具备会员之间的c2c之间的交流。支持视频、声音、文字、表情、图片、传文件功能,消息窗口闪动,声音提醒。 2.同步分组。分组显示好友列表,好友再多条理依然清晰,能够搜索查询好友。 3.聊天记录。数据库保存最近聊天内容(可设置保留时间长短),以备用户查看。 4.多语言页面,语言可以自由选择和修改。 5.可以设置屏蔽敏感字符。 6. 速度快,占资源少,使用流畅,兼容多浏览器。能支持百万用户同时使用。
...实际支付就加5块,提交以后费用/优惠账户为0。这个规则类似积分,订单取消要恢复回来。 现在的问题是费用/优惠的值是固定不变的,除了管理员在后台可以修改。 5. 这些问题改正后要求通过测试,不会带来新的问题,系统功能正常运行。 6. 工作包括为改正这些问题,server上的更新和配置(如果有的话),就是期望的结果要在线的网站正常运行,而不只是给我看自己配置的测试的网站有没有问题。 7. 开发人员可能需要了解为什么要这个改动,我有一个2页的说明文档,逻辑很简单。 Background: 1. Chinese online store based on the cs-cart 3.0. 2. register user has a balance account and a coupon account. 3. user can pay the bill using the balance in balance account. 4. the value in coupon account can be positive or negative. For example if administrator set value 5 to the user, next time when user purchase, the total amount will be deducted by $5. if admin set value as -5, when user purchase, the total amount will be added $5. after submit, the value becomes 0. but if the order is cancelled, the ...
...实际支付就加5块,提交以后费用/优惠账户为0。这个规则类似积分,订单取消要恢复回来。 现在的问题是费用/优惠的值是固定不变的,除了管理员在后台可以修改。 5. 这些问题改正后要求通过测试,不会带来新的问题,系统功能正常运行。 6. 工作包括为改正这些问题,server上的更新和配置(如果有的话),就是期望的结果要在线的网站正常运行,而不只是给我看自己配置的测试的网站有没有问题。 7. 开发人员可能需要了解为什么要这个改动,我有一个2页的说明文档,逻辑很简单。 Background: 1. Chinese online store based on the cs-cart 3.0. 2. register user has a balance account and a coupon account. 3. user can pay the bill using the balance in balance account. 4. the value in coupon account can be positive or negative. For example if administrator set value 5 to the user, next time when user purchase, the total amount will be deducted by $5. if admin set value as -5, when user purchase, the total amount will be added $5. after submit, the value becomes 0. but if the order is cancelled, the ...
...实际支付就加5块,提交以后费用/优惠账户为0。这个规则类似积分,订单取消要恢复回来。 现在的问题是费用/优惠的值是固定不变的,除了管理员在后台可以修改。 5. 这些问题改正后要求通过测试,不会带来新的问题,系统功能正常运行。 6. 工作包括为改正这些问题,server上的更新和配置(如果有的话),就是期望的结果要在线的网站正常运行,而不只是给我看自己配置的测试的网站有没有问题。 7. 开发人员可能需要了解为什么要这个改动,我有一个2页的说明文档,逻辑很简单。 Background: 1. Chinese online store based on the cs-cart 3.0. 2. register user has a balance account and a coupon account. 3. user can pay the bill using the balance in balance account. 4. the value in coupon account can be positive or negative. For example if administrator set value 5 to the user, next time when user purchase, the total amount will be deducted by $5. if admin set value as -5, when user purchase, the total amount will be added $5. after submit, the value becomes 0. but if the order is cancelled, the ...
聘请Online Marketing 网络销售人员 Promote & Sell Löwe QMS-5500RF Queue Management System 排队按号码系统 Salary: Direct Commission( USD 30.00 ~ USD 50.00 per sale ) & Target Bonus Contact: Charles Lai 016 711 5203 WhatsApp: 016 711 5203 Product:
SQL注入/代码审计/数据库权限/渗透测试技术 接渗透单子高手,联系电子邮箱:aqcp#(#改成@)语言要求:中文 熟练掌握各种内网渗透测试工具与相关知识,精通常见安全攻防技术:sql注入、xss、文件上传、文件包含、命令执行等漏洞 熟悉linux、unix、Windows、oracle、J2EE等各种环境下WEB的安全配置与安全检查及WEB漏洞防范; 熟悉各种脚本语言(asp,php,jsp,java,net、perl、python等)具备独立挖掘web安全漏洞与入侵手段 具备一定的网络安全知识,对网络安全结构、系统漏洞、入侵检测、病毒防护等有深入理论基础和实践经验; 熟悉渗透测试黑客攻防的步骤、方法、流程、熟练掌握各种渗透测试攻防工具有实际渗透经验者优先; 求大虾接单,脱裤,要求,电话,手机,姓名,邮箱,其他的一概不要。每笔单1000美金起步,根据站的难度而定价格,具体可以详谈,寻找长期合作. 态度认真、中介勿扰,请技术实力说话。
你好, 我们是一家纽约IT人才输送公司。 我们的员工在项目上需要一些技术支持, 主要是在oracle 数据库, .net方向上。我们可以签订长期合作计划。 有兴趣, 请给我们提供你们的电话联系方式。 我们的邮箱是info@。 电话 +1 609-759-1559。 谢谢! 祝好! Frank
网站的导航条有5个栏目:首页、产品、解决方案、成功案例、关于我们 每个栏目下的分类规划如下: 首页:布局精简 产品:Microsoft、Citrix、Symantec、Sophos、Vmware、HP、Dell(可以自主添加条目) 解决方案:虚拟化、云计算、IT安全(可以自主添加条目) 成功案例:待定(可以自主添加条目) 关于我们:公司背景、宗旨方向、招贤纳士、团队风采、联系我们 附加说明: 1.当鼠标停留在某个栏目上面时,会自动列出该栏目下的分类信息 2.对于每个栏目下的页面,希望参考以下布局格式,在左侧框架点击某个条目后,右侧框架显示出相应的条目详细内容。 3.在网站的首页边侧放置一个固定悬浮框,用来放置公司的二维码图与联系信息
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'PHP pages project'
要一个online shopping的网站! 可以分类我得产品-衣服-裤带-钱包-电话accessories-首饰-等等 可以自己upload我的产品照片和更改照片 可以查看快递的情况 可以注册成为我们的会员 这个网页参考!
网站: PHP+Mysql 系统: Linux系统 服务器: nginx+ PHP+Mysql 1,现这套网站需要代码优化,CSS,JS,等页面优化加载速度...以及部分框架的模块更改调用... 2,网站源码安全性优化 3,网站框架的优化
Description: I am looking for an experienced freelance developer (or team) to upgrade and enhance my paid platform. The project involves modernizing the tech stack, fixing bugs, improving the payment funnel, and enhancing the front-end UI for a sleek, user-friendly experience. Additionally, I need back-end API development to support future front-ends and application integrations, along with the introduction of a freemium-to-paid content model, Stripe integration, and SEO optimization. Key Deliverables: Platform Upgrades: Update .NET and Angular frameworks for better performance and reliability, with bug-free functionality. Back-End API Development: Develop a robust and scalable back-end API that can be used for future front-ends and third-party application int...
I’d like to request some enhancements to the calculator design to improve user experience and functionality: LEFT SLIDER: 1. Token Values: The calculator should handle SHE token values ranging from 0 to 1 billion. 2. User Input: Users should manually input their SHE token amount directly in the "SHE Tokens Owned" toggle. This will allow them to immediately see their earnings based on their token ownership. 3. Ownership Representation: The range of 0 to 1 billion SHE tokens should correspond to 0-100% ownership shares. 4. Label Update: Change the label to “SHE Tokens Owned” instead of “Ownership Shares Selected.” RIGHT SLIDER: 1. Net Profit Range: Set the range from 50k to 10 bill...
I'm seeking a proficient Cybersecurity Trainer for online sessions in Hindi. The ideal candidate will cover network security, application security, cyber threat intelligence, digital forensic, and VAPT. The target learners are intermediate level professionals. Key Requirements: - Conduct live interactive sessions - Deliver engaging and informative content - Address queries and facilitate discussions - Promote a positive learning atmosphere - Use real-world examples to illustrate complex topics Skills Needed: - Comprehensive knowledge of the mentioned Cybersecurity topics - Excellent communication skills in Hindi - Prior experience in teaching Cybersecurity - Ability to create interactive and engaging training sessions - Strong understanding of intermediat...
...restaurant with an online food ordering system. The primary purpose is to allow customers to order food online with ease. Key Functionalities: - An online menu with pricing: The menu should be easy to navigate and include all our food items with their respective prices. - Cash on delivery: The website should have an option for customers to pay in cash upon delivery. - Cart: A simple cart system for customers to add their desired items before checkout. Additional Features: - Customer reviews: A section for customers to leave their feedback and reviews. - Information: A space on the website for general information about the restaurant. Ideal skills for this project include web development, e-commerce integration and UI/UX d...
I need a freelancer to integrate GPay UPI for one-time payments on my PHP CodeIgniter website. The integration should not save any user payment information as I prefer to keep transactions strictly one-off. Key Requirements: - Integration of GPay UPI for one-time payments - No saving of user payment information - Implementation of email notifications for successful payments - On-screen confirmations for payment success Skills Needed: - PHP CodeIgniter - Payment Gateway Integration - Email Notification System Implementation - UI/UX for On-screen Confirmations Please note, I want a simple, clean and efficient integration that prioritizes user experience and seamless transaction process.
Job Summary: We are seeking talented Full Stack .NET Developers to join our team. This is a flexible opportunity, with both full-time and part-time positions available, designed to cater to professionals with varied availability. As a developer, you will contribute to building and maintaining robust, scalable, and high-performing web and desktop applications using the latest .NET technologies. Responsibilities: Back-End Development: Develop and maintain server-side components using C# and ASP.NET Core. Design APIs (RESTful or gRPC) for seamless front-end integration. Work with Entity Framework and databases such as SQL Server or SQLite for efficient data management. Ensure secure and scalable solutions through best practices in cryptography and s...
I'm seeking an individual or team who can refer and sell online technical courses to working professionals. The ideal candidate should have a deep network in the tech industry and connections with professionals eager to upskill. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and suggest relevant technical courses - Engage and close deals with potential clients - Manage and sustain client relationships Skills and Experience Required: - Extensive network in the tech industry - Experience in sales and business development - Excellent communication and relationship management skills - Knowledge of online technical courses
I'm in need of a flexible, reliable personal assistant. The tasks will primarily involve: - Scheduling and calendar management: Keeping my calendar organized and helping to manage my appointments. - Email and communication management: Handling my emails and other communications to help keep me focused. - Research and data entry: Conducting research and entering data as required. Given the nature of the work, I am open to flexible hours. It is essential that the personal assistant be reachable through Email and Phone with Video calls being a lesser requirement. Ideal candidates for this role should have excellent organizational skills, a proactive approach towards tasks, and strong communication skills. Experience in handling similar tasks will be highly regard...
...Framework Website (PHP 7.0) Project Description: I require assistance fixing a critical issue with a website built using the framework on PHP 7.0. The website was recently migrated from cPanel to DirectAdmin, and since then, we've encountered an error message indicating a variable named $where is not found. Error Details: Error Message: PHP Notice – yiibaseErrorException: Undefined variable: where Code Snippet:: PHP $connection = Yii::$app->getDb(); $command = $connection->createCommand("SELECT id FROM product $where"); $result = $command->queryAll(); Potential Causes: Missing Variable Definition: The $where variable might not be properly defined or assigned a value before it's used in the SQL query. C...
I need my ASP.NET Core 6.0 Razor web app upgraded to .NET 8. All its third-party NuGet packages must be updated as well. The upgraded system should compile and run smoothly on my computer without any errors. Code is here: *** your bid is your bid and not a placeholder, if you cannot do that, then do not apply