Part medical transcription work karachi工作


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2,000 part medical transcription work karachi 找到工作
1 天 left

Building a LLM finetune engine with WebUI. You only need to handle the WebUI part, which is backed by react and reactflow v11. The project can be found in There is no hard design but it has base code for you to modify and work on. I will personally look at your code commit and we will collaborate on the API integration.

$62 / hr Average bid
$62 / hr 平均报价
12 个竞标

We need to add new features and optimize some existing features for this AI platform, and we have already completed the Figma design. The developer needs to successfully help us connect to the front end so that all features can run smoothly. The back end of our website is written in PHP source code and the front end is written in , and development work needs to be done on our server. We need to add: - AI functions - Basic functions AI Chat function: Add canvas function (can be edited like the drawing function of ChatGPT) Add the same function as ChatGPT Operator (allow AI to call external web pages for operations) Add voice interaction function (turn AI text into speech mode, add interruptible effect, and connect to Ali's voice API and OpenAI's real-time API) Add AI thi...

$19981 Average bid
$19981 平均报价
7 个竞标

...unusual logins. 7. **Prohibited Words Replacement**: Automated content scanning, replacement, and logging to ensure compliance. Developers should ensure that sensitive data (logs, keys, errors) are encrypted and that all new features align with data privacy laws (e.g., GDPR, CCPA). Adjust the details to meet evolving business and regulatory needs. Please review and implement these requirements as part of your development process....

$3606 Average bid
$3606 平均报价
7 个竞标

We are searching for a remote online customer service representative to join our esteemed boutique guesthouse located in Japan. This opportunity is ideal for a foreign individual proficient in Chinese, eager to be immersed in a multicultural work environment while providing superior service to our guests. Key Responsibilities: Address customer inquiries through email, phone, and online platforms promptly and professionally. Assist with booking and reservation queries, offering information regarding availability, rates, and amenities. Manage complaints, providing suitable solutions and alternatives within a set timeframe; ensure resolution through follow-ups. Collaborate with the on-site team to guarantee a seamless guest experience. Maintain a positive, empathetic, and professiona...

$1166 Average bid
$1166 平均报价
16 个竞标

Due to the business needs of the company, we are now looking for part-time interpreters in Japanese, Russian, Spanish and French related to medicine Requirements: 1. At least 3 years translation experience in related industry; 2. The daily translation volume is stable at more than 3000 words; 3. Proficient in using CAT tools such as Trados/MemoQ and Xbench; 4. Take a test translation of about 300 words.

$940 Average bid
$940 平均报价
10 个竞标

...theme is a WordPress theme. Because WordPress can not meet our use needs, we have made the back-end program with ThinkPHP. Now we need to imitate ripro theme to adapt our ThinkPHP back-end. (ripro demo station address: ) 2. Ripro is developed using the bootstrap framework, so the imitation station also needs to be developed using bootstrap. Do a good job in the adaptive part 3. The HTML, CSS and JS codes are required to be highly readable, and the code introduction can be annotated...

$3443 Average bid
$3443 平均报价
9 个竞标
Project for Jing J.
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Hi Jing J., 我有一个project想请你帮忙。我需要申请转写工作(transcription)的一个户口。因为GoTranscript这个公司有限制一个名字只能有一个户口,所以我需要你帮忙申请一个新的户口。这个是GoTranscript公司的网站链接。 你需要做的是开设一个新的email户口(因为这个户口之后是要给我的,所以不要用你原本的户口),然后以这个email进去GoTranscript申请Chinese Transcription Job。 当然,你需要经过考试(这个考试我可以帮忙通过)。通过考试之后,GoTranscript的职员会通过email联系你,确认你的身份。之后,你就可以开始工作了。完成后,你给我email户口,和login GoTranscript的username和password就可以了。 如果有兴趣或疑问,你可以再联络我。谢谢你。

$233 Average bid
$233 平均报价
1 个竞标

我们是一家语言咨询服务公司,提供翻译,配音,转录等语言相关服务。 目前招聘兼职人员的项目为普通话转录项目,将听到的语音转化为繁体字的文字语音内容为台湾人说的普通话,语音总时长150小时,每个人可以根据自己时间做任何部分,要求会繁体字,报酬为35美元/语音小时,项目结束后,支付宝人民币结算,项目结束时间为1月15日。

$3730 Average bid
$3730 平均报价
25 个竞标

1)建设网站 2)群策群力把握当前医疗信息动向,寻找切实可行的可靠方案 3)通过女儿肺炎诊治,为其他需要帮助的人提供可以借鉴的经验 ______________________________________________ 1) Construction website 2) Group efforts to grasp the current medical information trends and find practical and reliable solutions 3) Through the diagnosis and treatment of daughter pneumonia, provide experience for others who need help.

$303 / hr Average bid
$303 / hr 平均报价
7 个竞标

我们需要一位有基督教背景的Free Lancer帮忙抄錄錄影。 不需要time stamp,每一video大概50-60分钟。 希望找个可以长期工作。

$160 / hr Average bid
$160 / hr 平均报价
7 个竞标

招兼职剪接声音的人。一个声音(短则8分钟,长则30分钟) 要求:降噪,去除杂音,音量提高,去掉口癖(如这个、那个、额、长段空白、咳嗽等),笑声可保留。 输出声音格式要求:MP3,高音质,立体声,大小控制在50MB以内 ENGLISH A person who works part-time to cut the sound. One voice (8 minutes short and 30 minutes long) Requirements: Noise reduction, noise removal, volume increase, remove the mouth (such as this, that, forehead, long blank, cough, etc.), laughter can be retained. Output sound format requirements: MP3, high sound quality, stereo, size control within 50MB

$6450 Average bid
$6450 平均报价
8 个竞标

随着中国国民生活水平的不断提高,人民日益增长的物质文化水平也在不断的提高,在物质文化水平不断提高的同时,人们的追求也在不断地上升,立于此,很多经济充裕的家长们对孩子的教育引起了高度重视,把孩子送到国外留学,以此让孩子以后光宗耀祖,自力更生。 特别是近些年来,送到国外的学生不断的增多,掀起了留学的浪潮,但随着国家的不断发展,对人才的需求越来越大,特别是深圳这个年轻的城市,科技要发展,技术要更新就需要进行人才的大量涌入,所以政府对人才非常的看重。 目前需要大量的留学生回国创造国有财富,我公司目前需要大量的留学生做兼职,主要是,一对一教学。 基本要求:留学生(有学历认证) 年龄:25-----45岁左右 国内硕士以上学历 性别:男女皆可(无犯罪记录) 本兼职适合深圳本地,外地的接受网上授课也可以! [removed by admin]

$155 / hr Average bid
$155 / hr 平均报价
5 个竞标
Do some data entry
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用数据填充一张表格 Same like PART TIME

$3031 Average bid
$3031 平均报价
1 个竞标
Do some data entry
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用数据填充一张表格 Same like PART TIME

$2440 Average bid
$2440 平均报价
11 个竞标
Do some Excel Work
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$4033 Average bid
$4033 平均报价
30 个竞标
Part Timer Wanted in KL
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Project based on Education Requirement: —20岁以上 —通晓华语 —工作时间与工作地点自由 —无需工作经验 —提供专业指导 —成熟思想与积极的心态 —高收入/奖金 —兼职收入可达:RM3000或以上 欢迎PM留下姓名,年龄,职业,住址,联络方式。 Please do not hesitate to pm your detail (name, age, occupation, location, contact no ) 想要了解更多详情,欢迎联络Felicia 012-7558298。 For More Info, Please SMS / Whatsapp Felicia 012-7558298. Thanks.

$4100 - $8200
$4100 - $8200
0 个竞标
Do some Excel Work
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Do some Execl Work, Date Processing, Date Enty

$894 Average bid
$894 平均报价
48 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'@Fit Logo Design'

$272 - $272 / hr
$272 - $272 / hr
0 个竞标

...Month  WORKING DAYS – 25  WORK LOAD 2000 /-  FORM RATE – 10/-  FIRST PAY – 5000/-(Refundable)  BILLING – AFTER 10 DAYS AFTER TASK SUBMISSION  100% Payment Guarantee PAYMENT CALCULATION PARAMETER • 95.1% - 100% = 100% Payment • 90.1% - 95% = 90% Payment • 85.1% - 90% = 80% Payment • 80.1% - 85% = 70% Payment • 75.1% - 80% = 60% Payment • 70.1% - 75% = 50% Payment • 65.1% - 70% = 40% Payment • 60.1% - 65% = 30% Payment • 55.1% - 60% = 20% Payment • 50.1% - 55% = 10% Payment • Below - 50% = NO PAYMENT, NO REWORK, NO NEXT SLOT WORK Plan-C MATROMONIAL FORM FILLING  DIRECT SIGNUP ...

$2495 Average bid
$2495 平均报价
2 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Advance Research on Wordpress website development'

$233 / hr Average bid
$233 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Brand name and logo design'

$233 - $233 / hr
$233 - $233 / hr
0 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Great Jack's Soft Liver Treats For Dogs'

$78 / hr Average bid
$78 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Design 2 banners for a website'

$62 / hr Average bid
$62 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Poster design for a speech of Natural Farming'

$233 - $233 / hr
$233 - $233 / hr
0 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Need Branding name for online business'

$233 - $233 / hr
$233 - $233 / hr
0 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'flying dragon'

$78 / hr Average bid
$78 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'创建打印和包装设计-design a thank you card'

$78 / hr Average bid
$78 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'design a logo for "iYOGO"'

$233 / hr Average bid
$233 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Design a Logo for a student society of East-West network'

$155 - $155 / hr
$155 - $155 / hr
0 个竞标

20151209174302 Part 1:1200w(200w per topic)+ Part 2: 400w

$342 Average bid
$342 平均报价
1 个竞标
Project for topacademics
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20151209174302 Part 1: 1200w(200w per topic)+ Part 2: 400w

$342 Average bid
$342 平均报价
1 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Gif Banner for Sissi'

$78 / hr Average bid
$78 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'A story based on a background image'

$78 / hr Average bid
$78 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Logo for a “SunKo”'

$233 / hr Average bid
$233 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'modify some symbol of wordpress template'

$62 / hr Average bid
$62 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

中文聽寫一段87分鐘的以廣東話進行的會議錄音。 Transcribe a 87-min meeting in Chinese. The meeting is carried in Cantonese.

$886 Average bid
$886 平均报价
12 个竞标
Do some Excel Work
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yes hjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjhjghj

$731 Average bid
$731 平均报价
2 个竞标

Hello, for my web-project I ma seraching a native Chinese speaker & writer, who can write me texts for the website 生日祝福语 (Birthday greetings). I need that you undrestand good english to be able to understand your tasks, with attachment. Then I need that all texts (35 birthday wishes second my instructions) are written in SIMPLIFIED CHINESE CHARACTERS. PLease, read really cerfully my instructions, thank you

$171 Average bid
$171 平均报价
10 个竞标
part time 导游 -- 2
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美国旅游项目中,parttime的伴行,时常约2-3小时,着重在军事知识和舰艇介绍方面,最好有从军背景。工作时间7-8月,工作地点在美国圣地亚哥。In this travel case, the requirement for part-time tour guide is about 2-3 hours, focusing on the military and aircraft carriers knowlede (former army background is preferred)

$85 / hr Average bid
$85 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标
part time 导游
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$62 - $117 / hr
$62 - $117 / hr
0 个竞标
online work
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打字 翻译 为产品写作 写故事 写电子书 写口号 写报告 写书

$6474 Average bid
$6474 平均报价
1 个竞标

Zdravo Ognjene, Mi smo startup firma na relaciji Niš-Beograd i bavimo se primarno R&D-em medical devices-a i wearable devices-a koji izlaze iz tih znanja u skladu sa najstrožim međunarodnim regulativama uz multidisciplinarni rad u malom core timu, uz dodatni outsourcing pojedincima i grupama sa kojima dugo sarađujemo za jednodimene subsystem-e i module. Radimo sa ino biznis partnerima koji su aktivni na market-u. Trenutno imamo 2 ozbiljna projekta, više godina unazad neformalno radimo, a zbog realnih potreba, u toku je naša zvanična registracija. Tvoj profil ovde nam se veoma dojmi, pa smo zainteresovani za početak, da naručimo preko freelancer-a, jedan esej ako si zainteresovan da napišeš, te da nam daš ponudu u zavisnosti od vremena...

$194 / hr Average bid
$194 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'<font color="#FF0000"><b>Deleted</b></font> project #6817847'

$117 / hr Average bid
$117 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标
work for me
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work for my prject it is so easy . jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

$85 Average bid
$85 平均报价
1 个竞标

make online money 2014 hdsaaaaaaaaakjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

$233 - $1943
$233 - $1943
0 个竞标
work for c++
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make online money 2014 hdsaaaaaaaaakjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

$1166 Average bid
$1166 平均报价
1 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Spanish word recording'

$155 / hr Average bid
$155 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'fix a conflict of theme'

$117 / hr Average bid
$117 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标