...3、帮助我与投标方沟通,主要是EMAIL和SKYPE等文字沟通,我确定选择承包方(完成后再付款30%) 4、项目进行中,与承包方的沟通。 5、承包方完成项目,我验收。(完成后付款给你余下50%) 6、如果没有合适的承包方,只要有沟通过程,我仍然会付款30%。 附(某个项目的需求中文资料),请先尝试翻译下让我了解你的专业水平: 1,只做快乐8的模拟竞猜 2,只做任选1到任选10的竞猜,参考淘宝上的快乐8。 3,使用积分投注,积分有2种,1是普通,2是赠送积分。 4、积分赠送规则,每天可以申请赠送100分(赠送完后的总分不超过100分情况下),赠送的积分类型为2。比如现有10分普通积分,点击申请赠送,总分为100分,其中90分类型为2 5、其他如用户注册、登录、资料管理等,参考淘宝彩票。 6、最好用C#,ASP.NET写,需要源代码。 附件是存储快乐8的数据库(MYSQL)
...3、帮助我与投标方沟通,主要是EMAIL和SKYPE等文字沟通,我确定选择承包方(完成后再付款30%) 4、项目进行中,与承包方的沟通。 5、承包方完成项目,我验收。(完成后付款给你余下50%) 6、如果没有合适的承包方,只要有沟通过程,我仍然会付款30%。 附(某个项目的需求中文资料),请先尝试翻译下让我了解你的专业水平: 1,只做快乐8的模拟竞猜 2,只做任选1到任选10的竞猜,参考淘宝上的快乐8。 3,使用积分投注,积分有2种,1是普通,2是赠送积分。 4、积分赠送规则,每天可以申请赠送100分(赠送完后的总分不超过100分情况下),赠送的积分类型为2。比如现有10分普通积分,点击申请赠送,总分为100分,其中90分类型为2 5、其他如用户注册、登录、资料管理等,参考淘宝彩票。 6、最好用C#,ASP.NET写,需要源代码。 附件是存储快乐8的数据库(MYSQL)
1、不断扫描记录最新的开奖信息 2、如果程序在7:00-8:00没开,当8:00打开程序时,会自动把前面丢失的开奖信息补上(只需要补最近2天的就可以,如7.1 0点至7.2 24点) 3、程序可以用C#或C++写,做成WINDOWS SERVICE,数据存储到MYSQL 5.5或更高版里。 6、数据结构大体为 乐8数据存储结构: ID 期号 开奖时间(实际开奖时间,如2014-1-1 9:05) 创建时间(生成数据的时间) 中奖号码(字符串,逗号分割) 7、需要源代码。
ijofglkh;lfkhnkkn pghikolrjk ghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjn og azbdojjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj hjb fgjooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh okjjhodddddddddddddddbj
i need voip website wuth all tools to start here in kuwait jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
需要完成一个完整以Joomla为基础的网站。 功能需包含:购物商城,使用者自行上稿系统(会员管理),投票与评分系统,任务发布与评定系统,综合所有金流与物流系统对接。 除了完整网站的模块和模板设计建构之外,必须提供所有社交系统的API接入,完成所有目前提供的功能实现(包含分享与评分甚至金流机制)。
需要完成一个完整以Joomla为基础的网站。 功能需包含:购物商城,使用者自行上稿系统(会员管理),投票与评分系统,任务发布与评定系统,综合所有金流与物流系统对接。 除了完整网站的模块和模板设计建构之外,必须提供所有社交系统的API接入,完成所有目前提供的功能实现(包含分享与评分甚至金流机制)。
Joomla开发人员: 1、精通LAMP(Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP),精通PHP+MYSQL 1.1 熟练套用各种joomla模板,例如JA或者Rocket系列模板. 1.2 Form表格组件套用 1.3 Payment, logistic gateway接口对接 1.4 Newsletter组件和模块套用开发 1.5 VirtualMart二次开发 2、熟悉各种开源CMS,比如Joomla, 能懂得Wordpress, Zencart,Drupal更好, 熟练掌握Joomla 各种常用组件配置和二次开发。 例如VM, joomfish, 等等 3、了解CSS, Div、Html、JavaScript等网络常用语言。 4、有商业网站页面设计经验。 5、强有力的学习能力。具备良好的创意思维和理解能力,善于协作与沟通,必須按時完成工作及絕對需要有責任感。 6、请提供中文简历,要求提供个人独立完成的作品。 7,能独立看懂英文API和技术文档,优先考虑。
制作一款虚拟币,名字:finercoin 简称fic区块时间:1分钟 难度调节:每区块 标准股息:1%/年 最小交易费:0.0001FIC 交易费支付给矿工 交易确认:10,成熟确认:500 最小股龄:8小时,数量无最大无限制 算法:scrypt 区块奖励:10000FIC,没有减半 最大数量:1000(该区块后,将不接受POW,只接受POS股息产生)
蚁群算法在云环境下的调度实现,开发环境是MyEclipse6.5,cloudsim3.03,输出虚拟机分配时间表的源代码! .........................................
解决方案 ∙ Solution 产品 ∙ Product 服务支持 ∙ Support 商业案例 ∙ Case 新闻资讯 ∙ News 关于我们 ∙ About Us 解决方案 ∙ Solution 产品 ∙ Product 服务支持 ∙ Support 商业案例 ∙ Case 新闻资讯 ∙ News 关于我们 ∙ About Us 解决方案 ∙ Solution 产品 ∙ Product 服务支持 ∙ Support 商业案例 ∙ Case 新闻资讯 ∙ News 关于我们 ∙ About Us 解决方案 ∙ Solution 产品 ∙ Product 服务支持 ∙ Support 商业案例 ∙ Case 新闻资讯 ∙ News 关于我们 ∙ About Us 解决方案 ∙ Solution 产品 ∙ Product 服务支持 ∙ Support 商业案例 ∙ Case 新闻资讯 ∙ News 关于我们 ∙ About Us
在淘宝客中,有淘宝联盟、卖家、淘客以及买家四个角色,四个角色各司其职,而淘宝客则是其中的佣金赚取者,他们在淘宝联盟中找到卖家发布的产品,并且推广出去,当有买家通过自己的推广链接成交后,那么就能够赚到卖家所提供的佣金(其中一部分需要作为淘宝联盟的服务费)。 目前淘宝客的推广是一种按成交计费的推广模式,淘宝客只要从淘宝客推广专区获取商品代码,任何买家(包括您自己)经过您的推广(链接、个人网站,博客或者社区发的帖子)进入淘宝卖家店铺完成购买后,就可得到由卖家支付的佣金。 淘宝客的推广目前主要可以分成两大类,一类是拥有独立平台的专业淘宝客,这类淘宝客精通网站技术,搭建专业的平台,独立博客、商品导购平台、用户分享网站等来吸引客户,赚取一定的佣金。另一种则是自由的淘宝客,这类淘宝客没有固定的推广方式,不管技术还是实力都不是很雄厚,主要论坛、博客、SNS平台,或者微博、邮件、Q群等作为推广方式。很适合大众新手。 另外有一点要注意的是,一些淘宝卖家怀疑360浏览器劫持卖家“淘宝客”佣金。事实上,所谓“劫持佣金”是少数淘宝卖家对《淘宝客推广业务规范》中“全店结算”、“15天规则”了解不足造成的误会;淘宝联盟《淘宝客推广业务规范》条例已经有明确说明:淘宝客无论通过何种推广方式为卖家进行推广,都会产生相应的佣金,目前包括新浪微博、蘑菇街、美丽说、金山导航、搜狗等都有相关的淘宝客推广方式。 也就是说,一个淘宝买家通过360网址导航或蘑菇街、美丽说等淘宝客推广链接,打开了某个淘宝店铺,按照淘宝客规则,这笔交易只要在15天内发生,店铺需要向360网址导航或蘑菇街、美丽说支付淘宝客佣金。目前,网址导航站已经成为了“淘宝客”的主要...
我们想做一个app.大概的功能如下 1.这是一个好友间的3d交互程序.需要获取本地联系人列表/qq好友/微信好友/或是facebook好友 2.可以把不同好友的照片贴到3d人物模形的面部. 3.可以对此3d人物模拟进行一些动作(打击/摇动).从而产生一些数据. 4.可以将此数据发送给目标用户.目标用户可以查看对方对他做了什么动作 5.会有一个排行榜. 6.对3d人物模型打击的时候,可以使用道具 (需要接入道具商店) 7.道具商店接入app支付系统(ios/android) 8.可以对3d人物模型做一些简单的自定义(头发.帽子....) 服务端,好友数据.app数据,美术,后台由我们这边的程序负责
做一个统筹数据库 1.包括,支出,收入,借贷明细,贷款人详细信息。 如果做的好,后继还有进口车销售公司的库交给您来做. 他要求100个字符串,有时间可以加我QQ 17827820 详细聊一下价格和细节
擅长做网站前端切片,网页设计布局,能做视频剪辑,动画设计,动作,还有平面设计等,对平面设计软件熟悉,掌握很好,ps,ai ,cdr,cad,ae,pr,dw,对色彩的感觉很好。大学主要是修动画设计与制作。自己有短片动画。
我是一个在美帝的大学生,想要为班级搭建一个弹幕网站。我需要的是一个简洁美观的, 支持英文显示的弹幕播放器以及一个可靠的数据库来储存弹幕(比如说MySQL),能在美国服务器支持下工作,并能够引用Youtube,Vimeo以及新浪的视频。请各位大神帮帮我QAQ 如果能做出HTML5模式下的播放器更好了-。- 弹幕模板在开源中国上能够找到,现在来说ABPlayer和MukioPlayer应该是最棒开源的<----仅供参考
脚本功能 1.自动登录游戏 自动建立角色 自动更换角色 无疲劳自动换号。 2.自动宽带断开重连 检测IP地址是否重复。 3.支持单开刷图 刷图全程记录文本 自动识别三方.封号.中断.紧闭并记录。 4.自动开启辅助 自动卖物 自动拍卖 自动接收邮件 自动答题 自动通过拍卖进行购买交易金币。 5.自动识别吃药物 自动做召唤转职任务 自动学习召唤技能。 6.根据等级自动更换游戏大陆和副本地图 刷图追踪跟随怪物攻击 自定义自动买装备。 7.自定义自动技能 自动做主线任务。
需要对VPN有一定了解,并且能实现虚拟GPS功能, 有实力的开发团队或公司 程序涉及android端 Pc 端 第三方VPN提供者 php+mysql 下面是程序运行流程,能实现的公司和团队联系我索取文档。 android启动自动优先运行守护程序 -〉设定VPN需要使用的国家 -〉启动WiFi -〉自动搜索WiFi -〉自动连接WiFi -〉自动填写WiFi密码(预设) -〉连接WiFi成功 -〉返回成功信息给守护程序 -〉守护程序连接服务器 -〉验证守护程序版本 -〉如遇到版本更新自动下载安装更新 -〉守护程序连接数据库 -〉从数据库下载运行指令(运行指令有后台进行设置) -〉提取开机设定国家的VPN账号密码、Ip和GPS信息 -〉提取成功 -〉运行指令打开VPN拨号 -〉拨号成功 -〉验证Ip是否连通 -〉连通后获取当前ip的GPS信息并设定android 虚拟 GPS -〉返回给守护程序成功 -〉下载指定APK并安装打开
脚本功能 1.自动登录游戏 自动建立角色 自动更换角色 无疲劳自动换号。 2.自动宽带断开重连 检测IP地址是否重复。 3.支持单开刷图 刷图全程记录文本 自动识别三方.封号.中断.紧闭并记录。 4.自动开启辅助 自动卖物 自动拍卖 自动接收邮件 自动答题 自动通过拍卖进行购买交易金币。 5.自动识别吃药物 自动做召唤转职任务 自动学习召唤技能。 6.根据等级自动更换游戏大陆和副本地图 刷图追踪跟随怪物攻击 自定义自动买装备。 7.自定义自动技能 自动做主线任务。
类似 什么值得买 这个app开发多少钱,我看你是中国人,所以就打汉字了,最好能价格qq 详谈 qq 343969654 类似 什么值得买 这个app开发多少钱,我看你是中国人,所以就打汉字了,最好能价格qq 详谈 qq 343969654 类似 什么值得买 这个app开发多少钱,我看你是中国人,所以就打汉字了,最好能价格qq 详谈 qq 343969654 类似 什么值得买 这个app开发多少钱,我看你是中国人,所以就打汉字了,最好能价格qq 详谈 qq 343969654
对你的作品感兴趣,感觉很棒,我们在做一个手机游戏,需要设计游戏背景和角色,都是简单的角色。 这是一个2D手机跑酷类游戏,角色可以简单但要协调。 画面清新不刺眼。 角色包括一头熊,螃蟹,绵羊。希望你能感兴趣,可以合作。
项目内容 开发一个微信公众服务号,使得微信用户可以模拟车牌竞投过程和查看模拟结果。 * 界面比较简单 - 用 Sencha Touch 开发。只有一个模拟竞价页面和一个模拟竞价结果显示页面。两页面需要整合到微信服务号菜单。 * 后台用Java和MySQL开发。与微信公众平台对接。用JSON数据格式接收竞价页发来的数据,保存到数据库,以供结果页查询。 项目状态 * 目前已经写了一部分代码,页面有雏形,但需要整理,细化和美化。服务器端已经有代码可以连结微信公众账号,需要写业务和数据库操作逻辑。 自由职业者要求 技能 - 有 HTML5/JavaScript,Java 和数据库开发经验。有iOS 和 Android 开发经验优先考虑。最好移动App前端界面设计能力。 最好是在广州/佛山地区附近,寻求长期合作可能。
我需要一个Interspire邮件营销的专家或者邮件群发方面设置的专家来执行以下任务: - 优化Interspire邮件营销的MySQL服务器 - 支持使用多个SMTP服务器 - 支持使用多个IP地址和域名轮换 - 支持每SMTP每小时处理的最大邮件 - 设置DKIM签名,RDNS,PX,MX和SPF记录,DNS和ISP投诉循环 - 配置邮件服务器MTA工作Interspire邮件营销,安全,快速,和优化收件箱递送的主要供应商(hotmail, yahoo , gmail等) - 设立cron日程设置 - 它必须是可以使用随机词的同义词。 - 最重要的是,确保所有这些工作完美
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'PHP pages project'
网站: PHP+Mysql 系统: Linux系统 服务器: nginx+ PHP+Mysql 1,现这套网站需要代码优化,CSS,JS,等页面优化加载速度...以及部分框架的模块更改调用... 2,网站源码安全性优化 3,网站框架的优化
Windows Socket开发,C/S程序,多线程,界面开发(GPSTracker,IPcamera,USB电话机)。MySQL,SQLSever,多年工作经验,积累大量源代码,可以复用到其他的新的项目中!!希望合作愉快!!
...view sensitive information when necessary. 6. Design & UX: Responsive Design: The website should be responsive and work well on both desktop and mobile devices. The user interface should be simple, clean, and intuitive for both users and administrators. 7. Tech Stack: Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (React, Angular, or Vue preferred) Backend: Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), or PHP (Laravel, CodeIgniter) Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB Authentication: JWT or OAuth for user login ID Card Generation: PDF generation libraries (e.g., jsPDF, wkhtmltopdf, or similar) Or Image Format 8. Additional Features (Optional): Email Notifications: Send users a confirmation email upon successful registration and membership submission. Send reminders for membership renewal (if ap...
I'm seeking an ERP consultant with expertise in CUSCEN ERP to assist with pre-sale consultations in the Africa region. Preference will be given to candidates based in Africa. Key Responsibilities: - Provide product and solution demos for CUSCEN ERP - Tailor demos to specific industries: construction, real estate, manufacturing, and non-profit Skills and Experience: - Deep understanding of CUSCEN ERP - Exceptional presentation skills - Ability to demonstrate user interface and experience, feature functionalities, and integration capabilities - Experience with implementation strategy, customization options, and system integration - Knowledge of the construction, real estate, manufacturing, and non-profit sectors - Selected candidates will be get well trained before starting up to demo...
...on answers. The web must have a form plugin jotform) The job to do: make the landing pages with information of service, add the buy page of service using table price and direct ckeckout (you can use woocommerce); add jotform; integrate the questionnaire of jotform and the answer with AI to create the authomatic report. The questions of jotform and the answer of jotform must be saved inside my mysql database. So it is necessary use a plugin to create the tables and save the answer add a plugin or code to comunicate with an AI the plugin (wpautomator o Ai engine). Finally it is necessary show the report inside a web page and create a pdf. The report must have an excellent design, it must chart and tables create with the information of report of AI. So it is necessary use inside t...
I'm looking for an expert in image optimization to improve the performance of my custom PHP + React website. Key tasks include: - Implementing acceptance of WebP images - Compressing uploaded images without enlarging them - Preventing unnecessary resizing of images - Enabling lazy loading for all images For PHP, I want both GD Library and Imagick to be utilized. If React is handling images, use Sharp. Additionally, I need a preloader set up so that when the website opens, images do not appear enlarged. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with PHP, React, and image handling libraries. Understanding of image optimization techniques and performance enhancement strategies is crucial.
I've created an org chart on diagra...visually improved with a watermark of our company logo. The final version should be developed in Adobe. Use style guide blue and Calibri Font - Preferred Tool: Adobe - Style: Classic and professional - Color Theme: Use a cohesive and professional color scheme that matches our brand identity. - Logo Placement: Ensure the company logo watermark is placed in a non-intrusive yet visible area. I'm open to any Adobe software for this project. A good designer will be able to use their skills and experience to make this org chart visually engaging while maintaining a classic and professional style. Please bid if you have experience with Adobe and are able to deliver a high-quality, polished final product. Please use our specific brand color...
...brand's potential with 360 Elevate." • "360 Elevate: Where your brand's story meets success." Design Preferences 1. **Style:** - Clean, modern, minimalistic, and professional. - Bold and confident, reflecting growth, clarity, and trust. 2. **Typography:** - Bold, and easy to read. When you walk by, the font should catch your eye - Should look strong and dynamic. 3. **Color Palette:** - Open for your suggestion but need to see the same logo in 3-4 different color scheme (symbolizing trust, creativity, and premium service). 4. **Iconography (If Included):** - A symbol that represents 360-degree services or elevation/growth. 5. **Usability:** - The logo should be versatile (works well on dark/light backgrounds). - Needs to loo...
...developed an online notes-sharing platform using PHP and MySQL. I am looking for an experienced PHP developer to help me with: - Fixing bugs and optimizing database queries: This is the first priority. The immediate concern is ensuring data integrity, particularly with foreign key constraints. - Improving website performance and security: Once the bugs are fixed and queries optimized, I would like to improve the overall site performance and bolster its security. - Adding new features: Post bug fixes, I want to implement new features such as user profiles, a search functionality, and the ability for users to upload files. - Enhancing the UI: Finally, I want to improve the user interface for a better user experience. Ideal Skills: - PHP - MySQL - ...
...implement a high-performance, scalable, and highly available Moodle platform specifically for online examinations. This platform will support a large user base of 500,000 to 1 million concurrent students during peak exam periods, with the capacity to handle multiple concurrent exams. The ideal candidate possesses deep technical expertise in Moodle, Linux server administration, database management (MySQL), caching technologies, authentication/authorization systems configuration, and high-availability architecture. This role requires a hands-on individual who can both architect the system and execute the implementation. Responsibilities: Architecture & Design: Design and architect a highly scalable and available Moodle platform capable of supporting 500,000 to 1 million concur...
...environments. Monitoring Requirements Host-Level Metrics Ping and availability CPU usage (load averages, per-core utilization) Memory usage (RAM, swap) Disk activity (IOPS, free space, read/write operations) Network traffic (bandwidth usage, errors, dropped packets) Service uptime Service-Level Metrics Web services (HTTP/HTTPS status, performance, visitor statistics) Database performance (MySQL/MariaDB with query statistics) Mail servers (queues, processed/deferred emails, etc.) DNS server health FTP server status cPanel/DirectAdmin-specific service metrics Backup monitoring (jetbackup) Website monitoring Security and Logs User login activity Firewall rule statistics System and error log monitoring Mail log monitoring Apache log analysis Deliverables A fully configure...
...need django Back end and front end is probaly react if you can make django front end also fine. The application is going to pull information from Active Directory via LDAP (i will provide login detail to able to talk to Active directory) i will have two pages 1 is My Profile and the 2nd is the Organization Directory Let me explain the 1 pages My Profile when the user login he will be able to open his profile information coming from active directory as well able to edit the information as mention below detail User dashboard should contain the following (non edittable part) * Full Name * Login ID * Email Company Information (edittable part) * Company: * Division: (function when the user move to another division his OU should move as well also remove the member group and th...
I'm in need of a seasoned developer who can install, configure, and customize the PICO MSG bulk SMS script for an SMS marketing platform. The task is to create a secure, intuitive website where users can purchase SMS credits, send bulk messages, and manage their campaigns. Key Requirements: - Integration with multiple SMS gateways: Twilio, Nexmo, and Plivo - Incorporation of primary payment systems: PayPal and Stripe for SMS credits purchase - Basic branding customization: applying our logo and colors to the platform This project demands a professional with extensive experience in SMS script customization, web development, and third-party service integration. The ideal candidate would be able to deliver a fully functional, user-friendly pla...
...info) - Retrieve a 6-digit OTP from SMS sent to my mobile phone (The script can acquire this from Google Messages) - Enter the OTP and finalize the order - Include error handling for failed transactions and retry logic. - Browser cookies require to be cleared in between each order placed or it will fail to process When the script starts, it should take input of coupon codes, when it is finished, it should show output of order ID numbers now that the codes were used. The script should utilize an API to access my Google Messages for OTP retrieval. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Proven experience in Python programming - Familiarity with IBM WebSphere - Prior work with e-commerce automation - Experience working with APIs, particularly for SMS retrieval...
I am in need of an experienced PHP developer with a strong background working with Instagram's private API. Key Responsibilities: - Implement functionalities such as automated posting, user data retrieval, and interaction with user content (like, comment). - Enhance our application’s ability to interact with Instagram while ensuring compliance with their guidelines. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Laravel, with a deep understanding of its features and functionalities. - Strong understanding of API integrations and capable of navigating the complexities involved. - A proven track record in similar projects. - Passionate about social media integrations. ========================================== Budget : 400 - 500 $ per month , 100 - 120$ per weekly . It is long term proje...
We are inviting experienced software developers or development teams to create a sophisticated online marketplace platform dedicated to the trading of digital products using advanced security and payment solutions, including cryptocurrencies. Technical Requirements: Programming Language: PHP Database: MySQL Consideration of using a modern framework such as Laravel or Symfony Development to be conducted in phases with payments tied to milestone approvals. Core Features: - Product listing functionalities with categories and advanced search capabilities. - User profiles with rating and review systems to foster a reliable community. - A secure transaction mechanism that includes an escrow system to protect both buyers and sellers. - Automated updates to user wallets when tran...
I need a letter demanding compensation for the challenges I faced and which I will continue to face for the next 10 years. They open up a claim which is fraudulent and took money out of my bank account. I never applied for a loan. I need this financial company to delete this account from my credit report and compensation for my losses and the stress and anxiety I am having. I am under doctor's care.
I need to deploy two custom PHP applications on my Hostinger hosting. Both of these applications require a database setup. Key Requirements: - Experience in deploying PHP websites - Proficiency in database setup and management - Familiarity with Hostinger hosting services - Familiarity with using SSH access for efficient deployment on Hostinger - Knowledge of implementing security best practices during deployment Please ensure you can handle both the deployment and the necessary database setups before bidding.
...to repurpose content effectively across platforms Strong analytical skills to track and improve content performance Success Metrics: Increased engagement, followers, and LinkedIn inbound opportunities Higher Substack subscriptions from LinkedIn traffic Attracting recruiters, job seekers, and consulting leads Efficient LinkedIn growth while keeping my involvement to 5 hours per week Budget: Open to proposals (please include your rates and relevant experience). How to Apply: Submit a proposal with: A summary of your experience in LinkedIn content strategy and brand growth Examples of LinkedIn posts you’ve created or managed A brief outline of your strategy for growing my LinkedIn brand Your pricing & estimated weekly hours required I’m looking forward t...
We are looking for an experienced SEO expert to optimize our articles for better ranking on search engines and drive organic traffic at an affordable price. The goal ...Competitor Analysis – Analyze top-ranking articles and implement strategies ✅ Content Optimization – Improve readability, structure, and engagement ✅ Monthly Reporting – Provide insights and progress updates Expectations: ? Must follow Google SEO guidelines (no black-hat techniques) ? Help us achieve better rankings & organic traffic growth ? Work within a budget-friendly price range ? Budget: Open to reasonable proposals ? Duration: Ongoing (long-term collaboration preferred) ? Interested? Send your portfolio and pricing details! You can tweak this as per your needs. Let me know if you wan...
...data processing workflows. Hands-on experience with PySpark, Pandas, and SQL. Experience working with big data technologies such as Apache Spark, Hadoop, or Kafka (preferred). Familiarity with cloud data solutions (AWS, GCP, or Azure). Required Skills: Programming: Strong proficiency in Python (PySpark, Pandas) or Scala. Data Modeling & Storage: Experience with relational databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server) and NoSQL databases (MongoDB, Cassandra). Big Data & Distributed Computing: Knowledge of Apache Spark, Hadoop, or Kafka. ETL & Data Integration: Ability to develop efficient ETL processes and manage data pipelines. Cloud Computing: Experience with AWS (S3, Redshift, Glue), GCP (BigQuery), or Azure (Data Factory, Synapse). Data Warehousing: Understanding of d...