We are a company that sells headphones, our main customers are over 60 years old, the electronic product is mainly connected to the TV, we need some young people who are familiar with the various connections of the TV and can help us to find out the problems during the connection process to assist us in testing the product, so that we can have more direction on upgrading and debugging the product. Requirements: Knowledgeable about the e-shopping process; Being in the US or Canada, Germany, France, UK is fine.
magento mysql查询量很大,cpu负载超过 1000%
我们公司正处于开发在线学习平台的规划阶段,我们想聘请一位对于信息技术包括微信平台有深度知识以及经验的咨询顾问来就国内市场的走向为我们提供技术解决方案提供建。 我们正在寻找的服务内容如下: 1.基于了解中国快速发展的技术和社交媒体工具的范围,提供周到的提议。 2.协助评估开发公司的方案及报价及协助筛选最能有效达成公司目标的开发公司。 3.关于产品设计和开发的长期战略建议。 4.协助我们组建和雇佣一个团队来实践及维护我们的在线平台
用magento搭建一个购物系统,网站框架会有具体要求,非简单套用模板。其中最主要的是包含一个DIY自助设计系统,用户可以在线选择现在的图案或都上传自己的图片,简单编辑,形成成品,要求有比较真实的预览效果,非简单贴图。最后结合magento在线下单。 参考DIY系统 语言:javascript,HTML5, PHP 希望有此方面经验的高手联系,没有经验的请勿扰。谢谢!!
新网站销售石头珠子为主还有一些时尚珠宝首饰。以后会增加主域名。网站为magento系统。 你需要做前期SEO,布置每个目录的meta keyword等信息,完善SEO。方便后期的google 广告建设。聊得好,后期的google广告也给你做。
我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作Amazon Copywriter - Product Title, Bullet Points & Description for one product'
我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作product package design'
我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作Magento Minor Issues Fix'
我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作Solve the Magento E-mail Sending Failure Problem'
Launching an online magazine in Hong Kong, want the footer message with title 'Welcome' and 2 events content ("we are launching... Collecting articles to post, we pay ... each article and award ... each month" & "we will do something for free, post your ideas ") All 3 contents MUST BE in Traditional Chinese and copyright should not be the problem. Sample attached will be a big advantage
We are releasing a product that provides a range of discount services to clients. We are going to sell this product on the chinese wechat platform. As such we need to develop articles to highlight the benefits of the product. This project is to develop 10 articles which I have developed the theme/heading and dot pointed the key issues that the article could cover. It would be preferable that these articles are developed in mandarin/simplified chinese however we would be willing to hire someone to develop these articles in English and then hire someone to translate them.
我们是一家餐厅食材供应平台(餐饮食材供应链管理) 1.自适应 2.符合中国人购物习惯 3.微信登陆,QQ登陆,支付宝或淘宝登陆 4.微信支付,支付宝支付 5.报表定制 主要流程: 1-餐厅每晚24:00前通过我们的微店或者网站下订单, 2-系统把每家订单统一分类汇总(白菜 1+2+3+5+50;土豆:100+40+30+10+20;猪肉:2+3+5+7+10) 3-在系统做一下记录这个订单前期我们系统有个叫做采购的用户能够直接看到每天系统自动生成的采购单,由采购根据加入系统的供应商信息和报价去供应商处采购,或者由系统自动将采购单发送给相应品类的供应商 4-系统根据客户信息和车辆运载能力自动设计或人工干预设计物流配送线路 4-供应商根据我们的采购需求为我们供货 5-货物入库,由分拣员根据分配到的分拣订单开始分拣,打包,贴标 6-验货员验货后扫码装车,由第三方物流根据我们系统设计的物流配送路线统一配送 7-餐厅验货录入实际收货数量,涉及到退货和补货的问题,餐厅根据该数量和我们公司结算,我们公司也根据该收货数量和供应商结算 8-物流配送车辆返回仓库,交接收货单单据和退换货
Requires a database that helps users in our company to organise different packaging specifications for each of our products. Since different customers require different packaging format of the same products, we need to be able to pick from existing packaging format or create new format for each customer. Requires the following functions. 1) Product overview (list all the items, and related different packaging specifications) 2) Functions that allow users to alter and add new packaging format for each item. 3) Functions that allow users to pick different products (and its respective forma) and output the selection to Excel or PDF 4) An import and export function that allows us to import all the existing packaging data into the database.
I am a chinese i am outside chinese now.I can not log in my chinese online bank account outside i need a chinese friend help me buy a virtual product from is a long time project.i need to buy a lot of of them are software.I need you to add the chinese product seller's help me pay him through chinese construction online bank.I want a long time business with time you need to help me buy a virtual need to pay the chinese seller can use baidu to check the Exchange rate. 我也是一个中国女人,我现在不在国内,在美国。我不能在国外登陆中国的网上银行。所以我需要一个中国朋友帮助我买一个虚拟物品,这是一个长期项目,我需要买很多东西从国内。大多数都是虚拟物品,类似软件,和其他服务。我会给你卖家的qq号码,你需要加他然后帮我付款。使用你的国内网上银行,你最好有一个建设银行的网上银行。我经常买很多东西,如果找到合适的人可以长期合作。你会得到一个好评和赚到一些差价。这是一个非常简单的项目,你只需要帮我加一个中国卖家的qq然后支付他,然后截图支付证据,我就会给你付款。
制作一个英文版外贸电子商务网站 开发语言:php或者magento zencart二次开发 参考网站: 具体要求: 1、功能模块: 前台功能:产品管理系统, 搜索系统,购物车功能,支付系统,订单管理系统,会员管理系统,邮件系统,上传下载系统,价格计算系统,返利销售佣金系统,QA功能,产品评价系统 后台功能:会员管理系统;新闻、信息、广告发布系统;页面访问 统计;Tickets功能;站内信息检索系统...... 2、网站维护: 服务商需要提供后期维护支持及网站后台功能培训 3、仅制作英文版,可以参考,除秒杀和团购,论坛功能外,其它功能都要。 4、其他要求: 必须有过使用zencart magento 或者php语言开发过英文版外贸电商网站的实际案例。 工期约三个月内,能承诺最后不能完成的可以退回全部费用的。需要能提供制作周报以便跟踪进度 有能制作的公司请联系我,站内短信或者在下面回复邮箱都可以。 运行平台:PC端 已经有整理详细的需求文档,可以联系详谈。 服务商:深圳当地的优先,必须是有相关开发经验的服务商。 赏金可以沟通。 我的QQ20969265
电商网站已经建好,运行一年,现需要后台添加一些功能,必须熟悉MAGENTO 和M2E 具体要实现功能包括 网页页面简单修改 后台ORDER 导出 移服务器 一些插件的安装和调试 熟悉MAGENTO和M2E都可以联系我,网站需要长期的技术支持,有可能会保持长期持续合作
我们需要对比评估电商系统帮助我们的网店、微信商城、以及未来20个门店展开业务。需要你对比ShopEX, ECShop, V5Shop,Magento,HiSjop, IBM Websphere Commerce, Oracle 等等方案的性价比。这个价格, 是长期成本TCO.
I have 10 years working experience in design. Familiar with the product development process and the process of mechanical product structure, and the selection of materials processing technology, and the surface treatment can master. Know very well about cars, milling, grinding, CNC, machining center, EDM, wire cutting machine and other processing procedures and processing technology. I did the work is the main transmission design, structure design, mechanical design, sheet metal design, product design. Familiar with the national drawing standard projection rules, three view and tagging, view and way of expression, tolerance and fit, safety.
我的網頁是用MAGENTO編寫的, 接近完成的階段, 但有以下事項需要完成 (詳情請參考附件PDF.): 1) 改PAGE LINK 2) 小量版面修改 3) 我網頁有一個FLASH的試衣程式, 需要導入網頁和輸出XML數據同步.(我的試衣程式設計員會給你指引怎樣去完成工作.) 如有任何問題請與我聯繫.
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Ultimo theme customization (magento)'
Magento仿站,要求有Magento 2年以上开发经验的团队介入,团队中美工、UI、前端、开发、SEO、DBA什么的都要具备,可兼任,但一定要求是高手,能力一般者请勿打扰。具体需要模仿的网站本处不便公开,请直接Q我 5732730,工作内容详谈。
TOPIC:通过阐释全球香水创意设计的趋势,并分享香铂顿的别具一格的魅力设计,突显香铂顿品牌的时尚和奢华之光芒。 关于《Dressing Perfume》的视频的创意 1、 展现大自然之花草树木美妙镜头,拂晓的花园,一个沐浴在清水、异香和奇花异草中的世界中,晨雾中绽放的鲜花,在绿叶上滚动的露珠,阳光折射着温柔多情含羞草和柔情绵绵的树木(或类似的); 2、 以独特效果create出卒取以上精华和芬芳的过程,这些精华最终汇聚成香水(即液体本身),以人像衬托,即人的肉体本身; 3、 以人的穿衣打扮的整个过程,如头饰,衣服,丝巾首饰等配件,展现人的装饰扮靓过程,以此为象征,来凸现香水(液体本身)的打扮过程,包括瓶盖元素,图案,镶钻、布衣等元素。 4、 最终展示一个成品后的香水,即如人打扮完后的魅力一刻。 备注:以上是初步的创意,可在此基础上进行完善,当然如有更好的思路,也可以进行调整。 Cherrie 15:48:49 香水本身特点文字说明:1,外观设计新颖,时尚气息强 活力动感 2、精选香水瓶 质感剔透 工艺精美 3,创新加工工艺 创造国际化标准 4、瓢虫图案别具匠心,灵动活泼,十分迎合时尚达人的心理 5,顶尖调香技术,创造顶级品质 6、东方特色的花果香调,味道清爽,甜美可人 7,精选原料和独特配方 香气更和谐持久 8,高价格比,可承受力强,适合中国人消费力水平 9,大款与滚珠版可供选择,满足不同场合的需求 10,企业爱心精神体现之力作 倾情回馈社会 爱心“香”传 3维动画 Dressing Perfume The topic of the fresh: We want to express our fashion brand and luxurious...
Odoo Dev only! When selecting certain products we get an error message in POS, for others it is working ok. Example product : Colour Crafter, Mohair Moda, Alpaca Air Working products : Big Merino, Mohair Luxe, The error message is : TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'is_custom') at constructFullProductName (:9511:318) at Orderline.get_full_product_name_with_variant (:8711:45) at Orderline.set_full_product_name (:8688:53) at Proxy.add_product (:8860:276)
We are looking for a Blockchain Frontend Developer with expertise in JavaScript and React. Your role will involve creating intuitive user interfaces for decentralized applications, ensuring seamless user experiences, and collaborating with backend teams to integrate smart contracts. Candidates should have a solid understanding of blockchain principles and prior experience in frontend development. This remote freelance opportunity offers flexible hours. Apply now to contribute your skills to our innovative blockchain project.
IMPORTANT: To be awarded this project, in your proposal, you MUST demonstrate a test link (a page created and hosted by you) in an Instagram bio which opens in native browser and not in Instagram in-app browser, without any prompt. Do not bid if you can't provide a working test link because there are many bidders who do not have the skills to achieve the requirements of this project. Project Details: When you tap a "link in bio" of an Instagram profile on your mobile phone, by default the link opens in the Instagram in-app browser. However, I need my link to open in the default mobile browser (Chrome, Safari etc). I believe this can be achieved by adding some special code inside the target page. I have found 3 types of solutions online for this but no...
I'm in need of a professional press release service to announce a new product/service of my company. Skills and experience: - Excellent writing skills with a knack for creating compelling narratives - Experience in crafting press releases for product launches - Understanding of SEO and media outreach The ideal freelancer for this task should have a proven track record of getting press releases picked up by major media outlets. Please provide samples of your previous work.
I'm in need of a Tally Prime code specifically designed to assist with managing product descriptions. Key features: - The code should facilitate the handling of product descriptions efficiently, allowing for easy navigation and updates as needed. Ideally, the freelancer should: - Have extensive experience with Tally Prime and coding for it. - Understand inventory management and product description systems. - Be able to provide a trial TCP for testing the code before final delivery. Please note that I will need to be able to check the functionality of the code using a trial TCP before final acceptance.
I'm looking for a mlm Software development professional web developer to create a custom-built, web-based Product booking site named "RapidBooking". The primary feature of this site should be a advance booking system that allows users to book cars instantly. Key Features: - A comprehensive, interactive, and user-friendly advance booking system. - Payment gateway integration for seamless transactions. Ideal Skills: mlm Software development - Extensive experience in custom-built website development. - Proficiency in creating and managing real-time systems. - Strong understanding and experience in payment gateway integration. - Excellent skills in user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design. Please only apply if you have a proven track record in similar pro...
I'm looking for an expert who can implement an image upload feature on my platform that allows users to search for general products in a database. The products range from clothing and electro...range from clothing and electronics to furniture. Key Requirements: - The image search functionality should primarily focus on the accuracy of matching products. Speed and user experience are important, but not at the expense of precision. - Implement any type of image recognition that works perfectly, whether it's pre-trained models, custom-trained models, or manual tagging and matching. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven expertise in image recognition and product search integration. - Experience with various image recognition models. - Strong focus on accuracy and pre...
I'm seeking a designer to assist with creating 30-50 images and 5-10 video edits monthly for my Facebook and Instagram ads. The design style should be modern and clean, with a predominant focus on product imagery. The ultimate goal of these ads is revenue for ecommerce products Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in creating modern and clean design styles - Strong focus on product-centric designs - Proficiency in video editing and repurposing content - Experience with Facebook and Instagram advertising collateral - Proven track record in driving direct sales through social media ads Please provide a portfolio that showcases your top relevant work in relation to Facebook and Instagram ads.
I'm seeking a skilled social media manager to handle my Instagram account. The primary aim is to promote my products/services using a blend of image a...my products/services using a blend of image and video posts. Key Responsibilities: - Create and schedule engaging image and video posts that align with my brand and target audience - Strategically promote my products/services to drive sales and brand awareness - Monitor and respond to engagement in a timely manner Ideal Skills: - Proven experience managing Instagram accounts, particularly for product promotion - Proficiency in creating and editing image and video content - Strong understanding of Instagram's algorithms and best practices for engagement and reach Please provide examples of similar projects you've co...
I'm looking for a talented designer to create a product brochure for me. The primary purpose of the brochure is to provide information about the features of my product. Key requirements: - Proficiency in graphic design and brochure creation - Ability to convey product features in an engaging and informative way - Understanding of modern and minimalistic design principles - Experience in creating product brochures I want the design to be modern and minimalistic, focusing on clean lines and clear typography. The ideal candidate would be able to translate my product's features into a visually appealing and easy to understand brochure. Please include samples of relevant past work in your application.
...to both direct consumers and wholesale purchases, selling physical products. Key features should include: - Customer reviews: I want my customers to have the opportunity to share their experiences and give feedback on products. - Product comparison: A feature that allows customers to compare different products side by side would be beneficial. - Wishlist: This should allow customers to save products for future consideration. We also want different price levels As for the e-commerce platform, I'm open to suggestions. I've considered Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento, but I'm unsure which one would best suit my needs. Therefore, a developer with experience in these platforms would be ideal. They should be able to advise me on the best option based on the spe...
I'm seeking a professional product photographer for my marketplace business, who is able to capture thousands of product items in close-up shots. The images will need to be set against a plain white background. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in product photography - Proficiency in creating close-up shots - Ability to deliver high-quality images suitable for a plain white background Please provide your portfolio demonstrating relevant work.
I'm seeking a freelancer to assist in transferring approximately 150 product listings from the Wholefoods website to a Shopify store. The listings should include the title, description, pricing, weight, and at least one preview image on a white background scaled to 95% of the space. Additionally, you'll need to manually look up and include the corresponding UPC barcodes for each product. Further details: - **Image Handling**: Each listing should contain at least one image on a white background, scaled to 95% of the space. - **Formatting**: Product descriptions should be formatted in HTML - will provide instructions for that. - **Information Gathering**: You'll need to assist in sourcing the necessary product information. While I have some data, ...
I'm seeking a talented video editor to craft a promotional product video with a modern and sleek tone. Key Responsibilities: - Edit raw footage into a polished, professional product video - Colour Grading - Incorporate the provided logo seamlessly into the video - Add text and music - Adhere to a modern and sleek style throughout the editing process - Able to format landscape video also into a portrait /reel cut Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in videography and video editing, particularly for promotional content - Proficiency with modern editing software - Strong understanding of modern, sleek visual aesthetics - Ability to incorporate branding elements creatively and effectively
I'm in need of a professional who can create a product sales invoice in Excel for my business. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience with Excel and be able to incorporate specific features into the invoice. Key features include: - Automatic tax calculation - Discount options - Customizable logo and branding Each invoice needs to detail each product with: - Product description - Quantity and unit price - Product code or SKU It's crucial that the freelancer understands how to design an invoice that is both functional and visually appealing, reflecting my brand identity.