1、精通VB.net,使用以上语言独立开发或深度参与过项目; 2、掌握SQL数据库的使用,能实现复杂查询语句,具备编写存储过程、触发器和函数的编写能力; 3、熟悉ERP、BOM或者MRP。 联系人:陈经理 联系方式:[REMOVED BY FREELANCER.COM ADMIN]
高报酬寻安卓APP马甲iOS马甲上架,您有技术,我有钱 彩票马甲包上架!我们不做预付款,过一个给一个的钱!可以接受的看下面↓ 做个原生或混合壳的APP,需要有强更和推送功能(用极光)。做这个APP主要是为了苹果审核用 的,你审核过后我会调用我自己的东西,你做的东西就是审核用的。或者你不用原生也可以,我给你 个wap网址你来封装,只要能审核通过就可以 LOGO、产品名称、应用描述、关键词、介绍图、开发者账号、极光账号,软著,我们都会提供 (Removed by Freelancer.com Admin)
我们是Devline Ltd, 邮箱[Removed by Freelancer.com Admin - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions] 需要在Google上增加产品的曝光,关键词XVR可以在前三页出现
寻求专业APP封装上架,马甲包上架,我们提供开发者账号及相关资料,用你们的APP壳进行封装上架我们需要做caipiao,原生混合类型APP套壳上架,我们的需求:logo、应用名称、标题、关键词、描述需要用我的。对接极光推送消息功能(注苹果上架成功的APP必须兼容ios7.0版本或者8.0上架成功的APP必须显示我们指定网址内容) 做个原生或混合壳的APP,需要有强更和推送功能,做这个APP主要是为了苹果审核用的,你审核过后我会调用我自己的东西,你做的东西就是审核用的。审核通过我方公司测试没问题一个算一个的钱。 高价聘请专业人士合作,我们是大量上架的,有实力的团队请加我的扣扣[Removed by Freelancer.com Admin]
我们需要做彩票APP套壳上架,我们的需求 logo、应用名称、标题、介绍图、关键词、描述需要用我的。对接极光推送消息功能(注苹果上架成功的APP必须兼容ios7.0版本或者8.0上架成功的APP必须显示我们指定网址内容) 此任务只针对招聘中国境内技术,有能力做的,(Removed by Freelancer.com Admin)
我们需要做彩票APP套壳上架,我们有自己的一个主APP,为了推广我们的主app,我们需要长期制作大量马甲app,然后引导用户安装我们的主app,所以,你制作的app的功能只给审核人员看到,只是为了应付审核,app上架之后,直接通过webview打开我们给定的url地址给用户就行了。我们要求图片结合你的内容来做,名称关键词,跳转开关极光推送必须是用我们的。能做的请联系我QQ:(Removed by Freelancer.com Admin)只限中国开发者技术,以便沟通
我们需要做彩票APP套壳上架,我们的需求 logo、应用名称、标题、介绍图、关键词、描述需要用我的。对接极光推送消息功能(注苹果上架成功的APP必须兼容ios7.0版本或者8.0上架成功的APP必须显示我们指定网址内容)[Removed by admin]
This web site should be developed in Java, MySQL, JavaScript(Angular). 需要建一个ElasticSearch数据Screener 网站/网页。这个网站分用户端(user interface)和网站管理员端 (admin interface)。 在用户端用户可以输入/选搜索的数据域名(data set name), 任意搜索组合(screener/search criteria), 按“FIND”按钮, 搜索结果以列表的形式显示出来。 在网站管理员端, 管理员可以create (data set name + ElasticSearch URL). 管理员可以查看和修改,所有的(data set name + ElasticSearch URL) 数据记录, 也可以删除单个的数据记录 用户可以在网站注册。注册成功后, 会收到确认(confirmation)电子邮件. 用户需要点击确认链接去确认账户建立。 用户可以保存自己的search criteria 在数据库. 用户登录网站后, 可以选择已经保存的的search criteria, 再按“FIND”按钮, 搜索结果以列表的形式显示出来。 ElasticSearch is an open source data search product. URL for reference: The end product will looks like yahoo stock screener (). Please see the attached word document for requirement details
我们需要做一个基于WebGL形式的3D人物名片,创意界面已经设计好,模型和人物贴图也会提供,需要实现多方位展示,和比较酷一些的出场效果,如果你这边可以制作的话,可以电话详细沟通一下,我的微信和电话:[Removed by Freelancer.com Admin]
传感器通过蓝牙通讯,将加速计,陀螺仪,磁场数据,发送到安卓客户端上,客户端后台计算传感器数据,从而得到传感器的移动轨迹。 应用场景,传感器安装在写字的笔上,并记录用户书写的过程,装换成文本记录在智能设备中。 最好是中国沈阳的,[Removed by admin]
first of first , you need to know Cantonese, if you dont, pls dont click here. second, you need have wedding video editing experience. third, pls review it before you turn it in to me, white balance / color / light correction, sound adjustment, background music and montage is needed (i have sample that i did before, so you can check and follow) . pls turn in on time. this is a Chinese in America wedding, Cantonese style. 3-5 camera angel , from tea ceremony, church ceremony , wedding boutiques whole day. here is the footage sample.
1. wordpress admin 2. paypal function 3. monthly member login and password 4. flash auto run 5. youtube load for introduction 6. extra page for class advertise and extend to another web for join class member login
直拨,回拨,点对点语音,视频电话,文字聊天,可见好友位置,语音对讲,文件传输,充值支付,一键语音客服,邀请好友。业务管理系统。(Removed by Freelancer.com admin for breaching Terms and Conditions)
利用CMS(如joomla)二次开发多用户内容管理系统。要求多管理员模式,前台可登录。普通用户前台登录,有自己的管理控制界面(技术上实现,可利用admin的后台)。 详细的内容访问及操作日志。还有一些次要功能,详谈。
苹果和安卓系统开发,需要的功能主要是,点评,GPS定位导航,购买(支付宝和银联+PayPal ,分享=微信,QQ,facebook,中文简体,繁体,英文版。我已经完成了UE,UI及切图。 iphone 5: 设计尺寸是 640px * 1136px,Android :1920x1080。中英双语。我的联系方法是 963522395QQ.(Removed by Freelancer.com admin for breaching Terms and Conditions)
sammyboyforum Hi, i need a bot that can help me auto bump my thread in sammyboyforum board. Total i got 2-4 user id. every user id i got 5-10 topics to bump. I hope to be able to bump these 20 topic on every 2 hours basics (Please leave a box for me to write what i want to bump not just a prefixed bump) (Please let me choose the timing that i want to bump the thread. which means i got at least 12 time slot to choose)
我想要張傳單A6 size, 係最頂我想要我地既logo 同地址。之後內容我想要: 全日英式早餐 各款三明治和多士/吐司 意大利粉 各款蛋糕 係任何一邊我想要星星做條邊… 之後係落小小我想要 extract coffee, teapigs pipers & co, facebook, twitter 同微博既圖示… 之後就係張coupon . Coupon 上面我想打: 套餐優惠 所有三明治或吐司/多士+布朗尼+英國茶或美式咖啡 £3.95 或 消費£2以上(只限食品)即贈送咖啡一杯。 另一邊個格式係一樣…只係英文… 係中文果邊,我仲想要jaket potatoes, all day breakfast coffee 同sandwiches 既相…之後中文呢邊個logo 我想轉做一個promotion box. 入面打…現凡購買超過£15的美容產品,即可提供免費送貨服務,只需輸入FREEDELIVERY 15. 附件有個樣本可以參考,我想要類似既顏色,但係一個新風格
我们公司自产自销汽车改装车灯,希望找人帮我们在各类社交媒体上进行软文或者视频推广。 推荐产品如下:http://www.amazon.com/Fengdu-Light-Off-road-Combo-Ultra-bright/dp/B00NXC5ZTS/ref=sr_1_cc_2?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1413777330&sr=1-2-catcorr&keywords=fengdu+light+bar
我们希望找一个精通 WordPress 开发的高级工程师或团队(能进行中文交流优先),如果您有兴趣,请给我发邮件或加[Removed by Freelancer.com Admin]
...简单。 Background: 1. Chinese online store based on the cs-cart 3.0. 2. register user has a balance account and a coupon account. 3. user can pay the bill using the balance in balance account. 4. the value in coupon account can be positive or negative. For example if administrator set value 5 to the user, next time when user purchase, the total amount will be deducted by $5. if admin set value as -5, when user purchase, the total amount will be added $5. after submit, the value becomes 0. but if the order is cancelled, the value in coupon account should be restored. what's the issues: 1. when choose paypal for payment, the value of coupon account is not counted in. It looks fine when choose the other payment methods. 2. After submit the purchase, the o...
...简单。 Background: 1. Chinese online store based on the cs-cart 3.0. 2. register user has a balance account and a coupon account. 3. user can pay the bill using the balance in balance account. 4. the value in coupon account can be positive or negative. For example if administrator set value 5 to the user, next time when user purchase, the total amount will be deducted by $5. if admin set value as -5, when user purchase, the total amount will be added $5. after submit, the value becomes 0. but if the order is cancelled, the value in coupon account should be restored. what's the issues: 1. when choose paypal for payment, the value of coupon account is not counted in. It looks fine when choose the other payment methods. 2. After submit the purchase, the o...
...简单。 Background: 1. Chinese online store based on the cs-cart 3.0. 2. register user has a balance account and a coupon account. 3. user can pay the bill using the balance in balance account. 4. the value in coupon account can be positive or negative. For example if administrator set value 5 to the user, next time when user purchase, the total amount will be deducted by $5. if admin set value as -5, when user purchase, the total amount will be added $5. after submit, the value becomes 0. but if the order is cancelled, the value in coupon account should be restored. what's the issues: 1. when choose paypal for payment, the value of coupon account is not counted in. It looks fine when choose the other payment methods. 2. After submit the purchase, the o...
在Wordpress The7模板基础下完成下述要求. 修改一些商城界面和功能. 需求详情: 按产品分类和目录美化产品介绍(约20件商品).(50%) 制作滑动方式拖动物品属性并且变化价格的功能与界面.(25%) 增加一个在线支持的模块.(10%) 增加一个CRM的模块.(15%) 如有兴趣请加 [Removed by Freelancer.com Admin]
屏幕为横向,即数字电视界面.要求实现几个界面. 1. splash界面,显示一个背景图和进度条. 2.主界面.主界面分上中下三部分.上部分为一个viewpager,中间为viewpager的indicator.下面为一个横向的linearlayout,可以显示广告图片或者少量文字.viewpager里面放置fragment,每个fragment是一个横向的linearlayout,linearlayout中插入五个items.每个item由图和下面的文字组成,图例如电影海报,文字例如电影片名. 每个fragment的五个item内容通过异步线程从网络获取, 可使用的API 来写例子.实现四个fragment,openning, top box office, comming soon, top rentals.参见番茄网站左侧菜单.通过API取每个栏目返回的前五个items. pagerindicator为居中锁定式显示方式.左右可循环滚动.参见示意图. 3.电影列表内容界面.由主界面通过遥控器点击viewpager内fragment某个item进入电影列表内容.该界面分为上下两部分.上部分为横向滚动列表,内容同主界面item内容,电影海报+电影名称.数目为通过番茄API能够获取的所有对应栏目的电影条目.如openning的所有条目,comming soon的所有条目.条目数目可变,所以此横向列表要求使用adapter来实现,view可复用,减少内存占用.通过遥控器左右选择移动到某个item后,不点确认键,界面的下半部分显示该item 对应的电影内容信息,同时屏幕背景更换为该电影对应的backdrop,即截屏图,内容参考API及界面示意图
外形: 参考APPLE TV,FIRE TV,PS4等 硬件参数参考(可以不一样,但总体性能不能差): 处理器:Cortex-A9,双核1.5GHz GPU:Mali-400, 双核 400MHz 内存:1GB DDR3 用户内存:4GBeMMC 蓝牙4.0 无线局域网:2.4GHz/5GHz 802.11 a/b/g/n OS: ANDROID 4.3 或更高 我希望硬件是可以直接买到的成熟产品,然后可以刷写自己的ROM到里面去。 因为我自己做硬件成本太高。 简单来说,我需要成品稳定的ANDROID BOX,然后里面的ROM可以自己编译刷写。
文章要求: 1.公司业务文字介绍(原创,根据公司具体情况); 2.修改文章 (伪原创)50%以上,附原文链接; 3.图文形式 4. 文章标题和内容要符合用户搜索习惯 请提供个人作品,确定合作后,提供详细信息与要求。 [Removed by Freelancer.com Admin]
I am an artist looking to expand my presence in the art world by securing partnerships with reputable galleries. I require a professional with experience in the art industry to help me: ...require a professional with experience in the art industry to help me: - Identify potential galleries that align with my artistic style. - Develop a compelling portfolio that showcases my work effectively. - Craft personalized pitches and proposals for gallery owners or curators. - Network within the art community to open up partnership opportunities. - Negotiate consignment terms and contracts with interested galleries. The ideal candidate should have a strong network in the art industry, proven experience in artist representation or gallery management, and excellent communication and ne...
...customers to take a virtual tour of their designed space. 6. User-Friendly Design & Navigation: Intuitive drag-and-drop interface. Mobile and tablet compatibility. Easy-to-use controls with minimal learning curve. 7. Export & Sharing Options: Ability to save, export, and share 3D designs via email or social media. PDF generation with pricing and product details. 8. Backend Management & Analytics: Admin dashboard to monitor user interactions and trends. Option to update furniture catalogs dynamically. Insights on user preferences and most-used designs. Inspiration & Industry Standards: Companies may draw inspiration from established home design software platforms. The solution should be comparable in user experience and functionality to: HomeByMe Ikea Planner htt...
...The site must effectively display our building designs in a visually appealing manner to attract prospective clients. - Engagement: The main action we want our visitors to take is scheduling a site visit. Therefore, the site should have an easy-to-use interface for scheduling visits. - Company Information: An "About Us" section detailing our company's mission and services. - Visual Appeal: A "Gallery" section featuring high-quality images of our buildings and designs. - Interactive Map: Include an interactive map showing the locations of our buildings for easy navigation. Ideal candidates should have prior experience in web development, preferably for a real estate or leasing company. Proficiency in creating visually appealing and user-friendly sites is ...
I'm looking for a talented developer to replace the default home screen on my device with my app. - Ensure the Application replaces the home screen effectively Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Android app development - Extensive experience with launcher app creation - Firmware Level Development
...as text; Typeform like design ) * Remind users to take their health and wellness products on time. * Remind users to take another assessment on a weekly/bi-weekly basis * Dashboard showing past results of their assessments as well as view their previous answers * Dashboard with a graph of their history of assessment scores (with tooltips show their score results in each point that's plotted) * Admin dashboard where I can view user's results, their graphs, and send direct messages to an inbox to chat * Blog * iOS and Android compatible (mobile and tablet) * No jank, fluid movement and display * Beautiful, clinical appearance and friendly design The entire purpose of this app is for users to track their progress towards health goals. This is a relatively simple app...
...for easily uploading and organizing videos and study materials - Mobile-responsive design for seamless viewing across devices - Search functionality to help students find specific topics - Progress tracking for students to monitor their course completion Technical Requirements: - Video compression and optimization for smooth playback - Secure payment gateway integration for course purchases - Admin dashboard to manage content, users, and analytics - Cloud storage integration for video and document hosting - SEO-friendly structure for better visibility Additional Features: - Discussion forum or comment section for student interaction - Quiz/assessment functionality - Download option for study materials - Student dashboard showing enrolled courses and progress - Email notificatio...
...We are seeking an experienced Flutter and Laravel developer to add three critical features to our existing eBroker Real Estate app (Flutter + Laravel Admin Panel). The app is already functional, but we need the following enhancements: Template link: 1. WhatsApp OTP Authentication Requirements: Replace the current phone/SMS-based OTP registration/login with WhatsApp OTP verification. Use the WhatsApp Business API or a reliable third-party service (e.g., Twilio) for OTP delivery. Ensure backward compatibility for existing users (allow login via WhatsApp or existing methods). Update the Laravel admin panel to reflect the new authentication flow. Deliverables: Integration of WhatsApp OTP for user registration/login. Documentation for configuring
I am looking for a product designer who specializes in corrugated boxes. These boxes will be used for retail display and need to be designed with specific features in mind. Key Requirements: - The boxes must be durable, able to withstand the rigors of retail display without damage. - They must be lightweight to ensure shipping costs remain low. - They should allow for custom branding, with spaces designed for our logos and brand colors. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience designing retail display packaging is a plus. - A portfolio showcasing durable yet lightweight designs would be beneficial. - Experience with custom branding on packaging is highly desired. Please provide examples of your past work with bids.
...procurement-related activities. It will include vendor management, bid management, document management, and user management functionalities. The platform should support parent-child vendor relationships, live online bidding, document uploads, and bid evaluation. 2. Key Features 2.1 User Management • User Roles & Access Levels: • Internal Users: Procurement teams, finance, legal, and management, super user, admin • External Users: Stakeholders (e.g., business partners, consultants, legal counsel). • Vendor Users: Vendor representatives submitting bids. • User Authentication: • Secure login via email/password or Single Sign-On (SSO). • Optional two-factor authentication (2FA). • Role-based access control (RBAC) for restricting ...
Need a flyer to advertise a new product on Facebook and Instagram . The product is a multi function solar powered light attached to a neoprene strap that has incorporated Velcro - the strap is attached to your caravan or RV awning arms and it prevents awning arms from opening in transit. Attached light is multifunctional- it incorporates both bright white and yellow mood LEDs .it also includes purple light which attracts mosquitoes and an electrified grid which kills the mosquitoes. The light can be set to stay on once it is dark or as a sensor light . The flyer should include photos of the product and details about the product (I have attached lots of photos to choose from including one with it attached to the caravan awning arm.i don’t expect you ...
...Unlike the rest of the house, it looked brand new, its polished wood gleaming under their flashlight beams. There was no handle, no keyhole, just a strange symbol carved into the center. Lily traced the symbol with her fingers. "It looks like a sun with an eye in the middle," she whispered. Suddenly, the ground trembled. The symbol glowed, and with a soft click, the door creaked open. A golden light spilled out, revealing a spiral staircase leading downward. Ethan and Lily exchanged nervous glances. "Do we go in?" Ethan asked. Lily took a deep breath. "Only one way to find out." With that, they stepped through the mysterious door, unaware that they had just entered a place where time did not exist. The story will conclude in a way where a sense...
I'm looking for a song that captures the overall vibe of this Yung Gravy track: The song should be light-hearted and humorous, just like Gravy's signature style. Key Requirements: - Songwriting: Ability to craft witty, engaging lyrics in a similar style to Yung Gravy. - Production: Expertise in creating a catchy beat using a variety of instruments. I trust your judgment on what will make the beat great. - Vibe Replication: Skill in mirroring the playful, humorous and light-hearted vibe of the reference track. Please note, it's not about copying the song, but rather creating something original that captures the same essence. If you have a portfolio of humorous and upbeat tracks, I'd love to hear them.
...updates. Notifications for order status and delivery tracking. Store Management: Admin interface to track and manage orders, product listings, and customer data. Ability to mark items as packed and assign deliveries. Notifications to customers and delivery partners for smooth coordination. Delivery Partner Interface: Drivers receive assigned orders and customer details. Real-time tracking and delivery updates. Tech Features: Integrated payment gateway (e.g., Stripe, PayPal). Push notifications for customer and driver updates. Order management via WordPress with WooCommerce or Shopify. Live tracking using Google Maps API. Additional Functionalities: Customer profiles with order history and reordering options. Admin dashboard for managing products, deliveries, and custome...
I need a landing page using the link where users can login through and otp code and access their pages where they can edit or create pdf documents on company letterhead page. All pdf generated will be saved on user page and admin page as well and user can only create and view but cannot edit. Editing is only done by admin. word office is the same file use to generate pdf.
I am seeking a seasoned cyber security professional to enhance the security of my admin panel. While I currently have some measures in place, they require significant improvement. The primary goal is to implement general security enhancements. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in cyber security - Knowledge of vulnerabilities and SQL injection - Experience in general security enhancements - Proficiency in creating robust security measures Key Tasks: - Assess current security measures and identify weaknesses - Implement improvements for general security - Secure the admin panel against potential threats
...black-and-white version for versatility across different platforms. Font Style: A modern and sleek font. Bold for “Vivid” and a more refined, elegant font for “Vibes.” Consider custom typography that reflects a luxurious and contemporary aesthetic, while still maintaining a sense of energy. Icon: If possible, include a subtle icon or design element related to events, creativity, or vibrancy (like light rays or abstract shapes), but keep it minimal and aligned with the luxury theme. Brand Feel: The logo should feel modern, sophisticated, and adaptable for both digital and physical branding materials (e.g., websites, social media, business cards, event booths). The overall feel should be luxurious yet approachable, with a colorful and lively touch. Deliv...
I'm facing a critical issue with the Razorpay auto capture feature. Paymen...critical issue with the Razorpay auto capture feature. Payments are not being captured after transaction completion. Ideal candidate should be well-versed with Razorpay APIs and have experience troubleshooting payment capture issues. Immediate assistance is needed. Our site is in Laravel - We have payment getaway thats working fine, payment is getting done but its not getting auto capture so admin need to do it manually so you need to auto capture this. and also need to cross check in some browser case some time transaction and coupon code not getting updated in database so may be some time its not getting redirected back to the website in some browser. so you need these 2 things to fix. we need to ...
Looking for Virtual Assistants who has the following skills: - Good with excel - High attention to details - Is smart & fast in their work - Self learner & able to follow user guides - Meet deadlines - Proactive & willing to go the extra mile - Freshers can also apply Job Responsibility: - Data Entry & basic admin tasks - Do some research jobs related to products and purchase - Online search for suppliers/ whole sellers/ manufacturer who can give quality products at a very competitive price If you are interested, then Please carefully review the provided information and add the word "Rainbow" at the beginning of your cover letter. Also, share your response to the below questions. 1) What commitments do you have right now? Are you employed? Student? Freela...
I'm seeking a web designer to create a company website for me. The site will showcase my work in construction and maintenance, and needs to be visually appealing and user-friendly. Key Features: - Project Gallery: This will display images and descriptions of my completed projects. The designer should know how to create a dynamic gallery that can be easily updated. - About Me: This section should provide a brief biography and professional background. - Services: Here I want to list the services I offer in the construction and maintenance field. - Careers: This section will be dedicated to potential job openings in my company. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in web design, preferably with experience in creating portfolio sites. They ...
I'm looking for a talented comic artist to create a series of single-panel comics for me. The comics should carry a social commentary theme, similar to those published in The New Yorker. Key Requirements: - A blend of characters and background in the comic panels. - Characters should have a semi-realistic, semi-cartoonish style. - Ability to infuse humor and satire within the social comm...humor and satire within the social commentary. Ideal Skills: - Ability to interpret my explanation of a scene (I provide the topics) - Exceptional comic drawing skills (preferably traditional / non-digital) - Experience with creating single-panel comics. - Ability to create engaging and thought-provoking content. Please share your portfolio, especially if it includes similar work. [Removed b...
I'm looking for an experienced video editor who can help me create a high-quality video that showcases the quality ...raw footage into a cohesive and compelling video - Incorporate visuals and sound to enhance the overall quality - Tailor the content specifically for Instagram - Ensure the video aligns with our corporate branding Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing software - Experience with corporate video editing - Understanding of Instagram's video requirements - Creative and able to think outside the box Please provide examples of similar videos you've edited in the past. The preferred length for the final video is 30 seconds. The video should fit in with our brand and showcase our work to the highest standard The video should be look visually cohesive...