...1. 功能需求 设计元素管理: 设计师可以在后台上传、编辑和管理设计元素。 设计元素审核流程,包括提交、审批、驳回与历史记录管理。 允许设置设计元素的可编辑性,如是否允许用户二次设计或替换文字。 产品集成与展示: 设计元素与在线店铺产品直接关联,允许设计师指定哪些产品可以使用特定设计。 提供工具预览设计元素在不同产品上的实际应用效果。 允许设计师配置产品应用的默认布局和样式。 用户生成内容: 用户可以输入或上传文本生成词云。 提供多种字体、颜色、布局和形状选项。 实时预览功能,用户可以即时查看和调整词云的样式变化。 社交功能和共享: 用户可以将生成的词云保存到个人账户中。 允许用户将词云作品分享到社交媒体或通过链接分享。 提供下载功能,允许用户下载高质量的设计图像。 2. 技术需求 前端开发: 响应式网页设计,确保在所有设备上的兼容性。 使用现代JavaScript框架(如React或Vue)开发动态互动界面。 集成高级图形处理库(如D3.js或)以支持复杂视觉效果。 后端开发: 服务器端逻辑实现,处理用户请求、数据存储和内容管理。 使用RESTful API或GraphQL确保前后端有效通信。 数据库设计和管理,保证数据的安全、完整和高效访问。 安全性和合规性: 实施强有力的数据加密和安全措施,保护用户信息和内容。 遵守相关数据保护法规(如GDPR或CCPA)。 性能和扩展性: 设计高可用和可扩展的架构,以应对可能的高流量。 优化资源加载和处理,提高响应速度和处理能力。 3. 用户界面与体验 设计准则: 界面风格与Worduwear品牌形象一致。 界面设计应直观、易用,适合各种技术水平的用户。 交互设计: 简洁明了的导航系统。 强调交互式元素,如拖放上传、点击编辑等。 文档和支持: 提供完整的技术文档和用户手册。 建立技术支持和...
- 工作时间: 周一-周五上午10点-下午7点(午休一小时) - 项目周期在3-6个月 职位描述: 你将和我们一起 - 深度参与一个GenAI为核心的SaaS产品从零到一的成长过程; - 使用React框架开发前端应用程序,确保高性能和良好的用户体验。 - 与设计团队密切合作,确保用户界面的视觉吸引力和易用性。 - 与后端团队紧密协作,理解后端功能,并将其转化为前端应用程序。 - 编写清晰、可维护的代码,并进行单元测试和代码审查,确保代码质量。 - 参与团队讨论和决策,提供技术建议和解决方案 ## 希望你 * 心智成熟的成年人。 * 有至少一年在大厂的前端开发经验 * 对前端性能优化和用户体验有深入的理解和经验。 * 始终把宠物和用户放在一位,服务宠物和用户,尊重宠物和用户,保护宠物和用户。 * 熟练掌握 JavaScript、TypeScript 等前端技术。 * 对主流前端框架 React 有深入应用并深入理解其设计原理。 * 能对具体的产品进行性能优化,实现极致的页面加载、执行和渲染时间。 * 注重产品质量,具有良好的代码风格、接口设计与程序架构。 * 有使用云服务的经验。 * 有敏捷开发经验。、 * 有基于GenAI技术的项目经验者优先考虑。 * 具备良好的团队合作能力,能够与多个团队紧密合作,达成共识并推动项目进展。
我需要一个互动网页组件。 技术栈使用react。网站框架是。 元素可以先用你自己选择的机器人素材代替。 想实现一个拖动和判定的效果,比如上面四个框,下面四个不同的机器人?(可以先用颜色或外形差异代替),用户可以拖动机器人到上面的框里,然后有一个提交按钮,判定四个机器人的顺序。机器人的拖动带有吸附效果,不需要让用户挪动的位置很精确。 需要有一定的通用性,给我一个接口,比如说可以是四个,可以是三个,机器人的素材可以随时替换。
职位描述 1、本科以上学历 2、2年及以上前端开发经验 3、能熟练使用常见类库或框架 4、善于web性能优化与前端效果的实现 5、熟悉react技术栈 职位要求: 1.有证券从业资格证 / 基金从业资格证优先考虑; 2.掌握各种前端技术,包括HTML/CSS/JavaScript/TypeScript等,js基础必须扎实; 3.对前端工程化有一定了解,深刻理解web标准,对前端性能/可访问性、可维护性等相关知识有实际的了解和实践,有移动端H5经验优先; 3.熟练使用react 全家桶,熟练使用react-hooks; 4.有基于Ant Design Pro搭建经验优先,基于Ant Design进行需求开发,有实际工作者优先; 5.熟练css预编译、后编译等工具,如less/sass/postcss等; 6.熟练使用echarts等图表,针对需求可以进行二次分装; 7.熟悉es6常用特性,熟悉组件化,模块化开发模式; 8.有使用lodash等 js库使用优先; 9.有webpack配置、优化优先; 10.熟练使用Gitlab进行项目代码管理以及版本控制,并遵循一定的流行规范,熟练使用git命令;
我们已经有一套完整的交易所代码,已经在测试环境搭好,留了ztpay钱包的部分币种端口,需要对接其余端口,希望能有熟手帮 忙二次开发下 所提交的PHP后端代码为Laravel框架,现在对接了的钱包功能,前端是VUE开发,需要对个人中心的提取虚拟货币接口进行修复。 提供代码为:VUE前端的反编译代码与完整的PHP代码,详情可以参考Laravel的路由模块。 此git仓库是前端VUE的部分源码,需要进行修复: 1. 登录注册无论成功还是失败状态都没有弹窗提醒。 2. 后台设置交易手数为0.1,0.01时,客户在前台操作,仍然报告不得少于1手,如图5、6 3.钱包对接,需要接入ZTpay,ZTpay提供第三方钱包地址功能,开放文档: ZTpay提供了API接口,可以调用生成钱包地址、充值、提取、读取账户信息功能。已经提供部分对接信息,需要完善功能,并在前台能渲染QR code和数字货币地址。如图X/x 可以给我留下github账号,我会授权你访问我的仓库,可以评估下是否接受。完成BTC钱包并实现充币(前台)功能可以给milestone2000HKD,在完成其余9种数字货币(重复性工作),给3000HKDmilestone。修复两个bug,分别给1000HKDmilestone。
最近在建一个外卖送餐的网站,需要接入Xunhupay的(微信和支付宝)支付模块。 网站使用的是foodomaa的整站代码: 需要的技能有: Software Version: PHP 7.x Software Framework: Laravel File Types Included: JavaScript JSJavaScript JSON HTML CSS PHP SQL Layered PNG 如果您感兴趣,可以写信给我,价格好商量。 另外网站还有其它的一些改版工作要做,我们可以具体讨论一下能不能一并做。 等您回复哦……
我们是一家位于杭州的创业公司,目前公司快速发展,需要有几位能够稳定输出的前端工程师支撑业务,最好能够驻场长期合作。我们期待每周能够和我们一起工作 24~30 个小时,以工作日的白天为主。 我们的项目前端的技术栈是 React,UI 层用的是 AntDesign,也用 UmiJS 等。产品形态是一个 SaaS 产品。希望您可以熟练使用React,并能独立开发常用组件。 我们希望你有一些代码洁癖,会比较在意自己代码的质量、性能等。 如果是个很靠谱的工程师,并且对自己的能力有信心,可以私信我们或者加微信:Gnlab666 和我们详细聊聊,薪资方面可以再沟通。 另外,我们也在找全职的前端工程师,如果你 base 在杭州或者愿意来杭州,也可以跟我聊聊。
我这里有一个excel 文件, 我希望创建一个searchable 的react网站, 并且将相关配方存储到数据库中,然后通过每个项目的标签来搜寻匹配项目里面的item。
,build a flask online clinic。 albumy,set up a online second opinion clinic 。 on heroku server with flask and postgresql。 with Python flask,REACT and Ajax experience ,if with HIS experience, execllent。 to integrate with Google Maps API。 time:2019/07/30。
React Native 手机app开发,负责Android 与 IOS,需要上线。 已有完整设计和需求。 与后端Node.js 和UI设计师合作完成项目。 中文app。 重要需求: * 连接支付:微信支付,支付宝支付,Paypal支付 * 登陆:微信,微博,QQ登陆 * 社交:发帖,评论,点赞,关注,个人主页,转发帖子到微信,微博 * 商城:商品展示,购买 * 购物车 * 系统:订单,账号设定 * 需要熟悉各大应用商店,产品最终上线到国内 Android 各大商店,以及Apple store
遇到不靠谱开发人,需要找靠谱开发者继续完成网站 这是网站开发情况:大概60%的完成度 用的是PHP Laravel, Mysql 需要完成网站和后台Admin的建设,并且deploy到Heroku和AWS 上面 第三方软件需要: Shippo: Stripe: Paypal: 有兴趣请联系我,预计是4周完成
嗨,我们正在做一个社交App, 目前项目已经完成80%,需要高手救急, 1、可以利用React Native封装融云()的IMlib/或IMKit 和CallLib/或CallKit,完成融云IM的功能(文字聊天、发送图片、发送表情、录音语音发送、语音通话) 2、推播系统也是利用融云()的IMlib或IMKit 实现的单聊,完成接受后的解析及推播提醒。 3、两周内可以完成。 4、懂中文。
插件开发描述: 1 支持微信、QQ、微博账户登录,首次登录需绑定手机号码(需要发手机短信验证码)。 2 支持微信、支付宝支付。 3 某一产品的价格可以根据购买数量自动调整,例如:买1-10箱啤酒单价是100元/箱,11-50箱单价是95元/箱,50箱以上单价是90元/箱。 4 所有产品都可以设定一个购买期限和发货期限,例如:某一啤酒的购买期限是7天(第一期是8月1日-8月7日,第二期是8月8日-8月14日,第三期是8月14日-8月20日......),发货期限是2天(第一期8月8日-8月9日发货,第二期8月15日-8月16日发货,第三期8月21日-8月22日发货......),另外在客户端要显示当前期限倒计时。 5 增加手机短信提醒功能,例如:某一订单开始发货,需要发手机短信提醒客户。 手机App开发: 包含Android和iOS平台,可以使用原生或React Native开发,iOS版本要求可以在苹果AppStore上架。 其他要求: 1 中文语言包。 2 一套自适应的简易模版。 3(重要) 代码结构、逻辑清晰,命名规范,有必要注释。 4 最好不改动opencart核心代码。
React Native App开发 (iOS & Android) 我们已有基础的App开发框架,React Native、Redux等, 要在现有的App架构下调整与新增功能, 后端API程式已开发完成。 1. 已完成大部分功能串接,需套UI/UX : 个人资料、邀约、相簿 :!AqPM7dbV2A19gThIfHwDww51kgMy 2.要实作的功能: 点数/优惠卷 : !AqPM7dbV2A19gTt5O1yJTlFXry8T
React Native App开发 (iOS & Android) 我们已有基础的App开发框架,React Native、Redux等, 要在现有的App架构下调整与新增功能, 后端API程式已开发完成。 要实作的功能: 1. 个人资料:!AqPM7dbV2A19gQsDiRtydgboa-TT 2. 预约谘询:!AqPM7dbV2A19gQ1hUcdb7QlMDpIX 3. 相簿:!AqPM7dbV2A19gQ_NccI-ke6PWFks 撰写以上API 前,需要登入取得资讯,以下为登入的教学(不需撰写此部分) !AqPM7dbV2A19gQc136QJKAVDrPEd React Native App Development (iOS & Android) We already have a basic application development framework, React Native, Redux, etc., to adjust and add new features under the existing App architecture, and the backend API program has been developed. To implement the function: 1. Personal information: !AqPM7dbV2A19gQsDiRtydgboa-TT 2. Appointment consultation: https://1drv
我们已有基础的App开发框架,React Native、Redux等, 要在现有的App架构下调整与新增功能, 后端API程式已开发完成。 要实作的功能: 1. 我的行程:!AqPM7dbV2A19gQHiHgMW8TvmGr_Z 2. 订单与任务:!AqPM7dbV2A19gQNAEMGr2sh-grnN 3. 沟通单:!AqPM7dbV2A19gQXy3uLfDr9f4-Hx 4. 服务回馈:!AqPM7dbV2A19ffrqj2pupRIAo78
目前我们有个PHP项目(已有国外accelerator选中),主要是帮助欧洲中小企业更好地找中国大陆的产品或者供应商。 希望找一位负责任的PHP工程师,developer Laravel to mantain web application already done (90%) based on support tickets model. Requested skill: HTML, CSS e Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and jQuery, Blade, Eloquent and basic knowlege of LAMP to work in deploy mode. 目前我们考虑的是技术入股(都可以商量),有兴趣的话,其他方面都可以详聊。 (只要有心做好这个项目,在职人员、自由职业者等都可以。懂英语的优先)
找一位懂PHP的,做过PHP东西,能用PHP做修改或是加code进去修改我们的application。跟我们公司商务人员一起去斯洛文尼亚(去首都,Ljubljana )参加培训。 主要围绕我们公司一个即将进行的新平台的项目,如何更好地改善这个新平台的项目。要求熱悉laravel PHP framework,最好懂英语!最好有申根签证,没有也没关系!因为培训是4月1日开始,目前是越早能到达斯洛文尼亚越好!总培训时间2-3个月,希望大家可以帮忙转发一下!包吃包住,自己报价和发简历。多谢大家!有兴趣的赶紧发简历和报价了! 签证和机票钱公司负责,全程包吃包住,不需要提交任何费用。
...casino levels 3. Animations: Slot machine spins and winning sequences. Transition effects between screens. Special effects for events and bonuses. References and Inspirations: 1. Coin Master: For its engaging animations and progression mechanics. 2. Slotomania: For its colorful and fun slot designs. 3. Clash Royale: For its competitive, social gameplay elements. Technical Details: Platform: React Native (Ensure assets are adaptable for mobile resolutions). Assets: Provide in PNG/SVG format for static elements and JSON (via Lottie) for animations....
...synchronized eCommerce experience where all orders, products, and user data are in sync with the Medusa dashboard. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with and Medusa.js. - Familiarity with ThemeForest templates. - Proficiency in implementing Cart APIs and customer APIs. - Expertise in setting up payment integrations, particularly with Stripe. For example template like this:
...vacation rentals. The main goals are to securely collect user information and process payments in compliance with current standards. The project will be deployed on Vercel. We currently use native components but are open to implementing React if needed for an efficient Stripe integration using libraries like @stripe/react-stripe-js. Responsibilities: • Set up and deploy Stripe’s Payment Intents API in the backend using Next.js. • Build a secure payment form on the frontend using efficient components, either native to or React-based if necessary. • Ensure the solution supports 3D Secure authentication when required. • Test the integration using Stripe test cards and debug any issues. • Document the...
...front-end developers to craft a visually stunning, responsive website inspired by a cosmic and futuristic theme. This project blends artistry and cutting-edge design with vibrant intergalactic visuals, delivering a seamless user experience that captivates and inspires Key Deliverables: Pixel-perfect custom UI designs for all outlined sections. Responsive front-end code using modern frameworks (e.g., React, Vue.js, Angular). Fully optimized and interactive web pages with clean, well-documented code. Required Skills: Proficiency in custom UI design with a strong portfolio of futuristic and creative themes. Expertise in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript (including modern libraries). Familiarity with responsive design principles and frameworks like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS. Experience ...
I'm seeking an expert full stack developer with extensive knowledge in React, NodeJS, and AWS to assist with my project. The primary focus will be on diagnosing and fixing bugs, particularly in the backend and frontend functionality of my application, along with resolving API integration problems. Key Responsibilities: - Troubleshoot and fix bugs in the application - Enhance the backend and functionality of the application - Resolve API integration issues The ideal candidate for this project will have: - Proven experience with React and NodeJS - Strong knowledge of AWS - Expertise in backend development - Prior experience dealing with API integration problems
I've been facing frequent connection drops/loops with websockets on Replit during implementation of a messaging application. I'm looking for an experienced developer who can help me understand and resolve this issue efficiently. I'd like help understanding this as well. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Replit - Deep understanding of websocket technology - Excellent problem-sol...a messaging application. I'm looking for an experienced developer who can help me understand and resolve this issue efficiently. I'd like help understanding this as well. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Replit - Deep understanding of websocket technology - Excellent problem-solving skills - Previous experience with network-related issues - Experience with messaging ap...
...optimización o configuración en el backend) Almacenamiento y/o comunicación con servicios en la nube (GCP, Supabase) Módulo de autenticación/gestión de usuarios Alcance del proyecto: Migración de funcionalidades: Refactorizar la lógica existente en la app de Streamlit y traducirla a un stack adecuado para el desarrollo de una PWA. Desarrollo frontend: Construir una interfaz moderna y responsive (React, Vue, Svelte o el framework que consideres óptimo). Integración de mapas: Conectar la capa de mapas con geoserver u otras librerías geoespaciales y asegurar la interactividad de zoom, capas, marcadores, etc. Autenticación: Configurar un sistema de registro e inicio de sesión seguro con roles...
...services offered. Accept/decline service requests and provide updates on status. Admin Panel: Approve/reject mechanic applications. Monitor app activity (users and mechanics). Resolve disputes or flagged issues. Additional Integrations: Google Maps for location services. In-app communication (chat or call). Basic payment gateway for secure transactions. Technology Stack: Frontend: Flutter or React Native (cost-effective cross-platform development). Backend: Firebase (to reduce development and hosting costs). Database: Firebase Realtime Database or Firestore. APIs: Google Maps API, Payment Gateway API (Stripe, PayPal, or Razorpay). Deliverables: A functional Android & iOS app. Admin dashboard for app management. Deployment to Play Store and App Store. Source code with basic ...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a service-oriented website for me. The front end of the site should be built using the React framework, while the backend should be constructed using Python, specifically with either the Flask or FastAPI framework. Key Features: - An appointment booking system capable of handling recurring appointments - Integrated communication features, including chatting and calling - Interactive quizzes The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in developing websites using React and Python, with a proven track record of building complex, feature-rich sites. I am particularly interested in developers who have experience with creating appointment booking systems and integrating communication features into a website.
We are seeking a highly skilled React developer to join our team on a contract basis to help improve our main user-facing application. Key Responsibilities: - Enhancing user interfaces to deliver exceptional user experiences. - Improving application performance to ensure scalability and speed. - Seamlessly integrating with APIs and WebSocket services for real-time functionality. - Adding new features to keep the application fresh and engaging. - Managing state efficiently for a smooth user experience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in React development. - Strong understanding of building performant and scalable applications. - Hands-on experience delivering impactful React projects. - Experience with WebSocket integration for real-time features. ...
Hola!! Mi nombre es Emanuel y soy desarrollador web, me dedico a transformar ideas en realidades digitales respetando totalmente el gusto de cada cliente y tratando de no solo cumplir con las espectativas sino superandolas!! Actualmente desarrollo con el stack MERN y me manejo con distintas bases de datos( mysql, mongodb, postgresql) aunque también hago desarrollos con PHP vanilla y Laravel. No dudes en escribirme para que puedas crear tu sitio desde cero o si ya lo tienes, a que lo puedas llevar al siguiente nivel!!
I am seeking a talented fullstack developer with expertise in React and Node.js to build a custom e-commerce site hosted on a custom server. Key Requirements: - Build an e-commerce website using React for the frontend and Node.js for the backend - Host the website on a custom server - Integrate Razorpay as the sole payment gateway - Utilize MongoDB as the database technology Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in fullstack development, particularly with React and Node.js - Experience with custom server hosting - Familiarity with Razorpay integration - Expertise in MongoDB I look forward to your proposals.
I'm currently building sites using Framer and I'm in need of an expert who can help me make updates efficiently. The ideal candidate should be proficient in JavaScript, TypeScript, and React. Key Responsibilities: - Making updates via code and through the Framer interface for quick iteration. - Implementing changes to the site based on feedback and testing. Requirements: - Extensive experience working in Framer. - A portfolio of projects built on Framer. - Proficiency in JavaScript, TypeScript, and React. - Ability to work efficiently and meet deadlines. Please share your relevant Framer experience and links to Framer sites you've built. Looking forward to your application!
...TypeScript. Experience with React hooks (useState, useEffect, etc.) and lifecycle methods. Familiarity with state management libraries like Redux or Context API. Knowledge of front-end build tools like Webpack, Babel, and npm/yarn. Version Control & Development Tools: Proficiency with Git and Git-based workflows (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc.). Familiarity with CI/CD tools (Azure DevOps, Jenkins, GitHub Actions, etc.). Testing & Debugging: Experience with unit testing frameworks (e.g., xUnit, NUnit, Jest). Familiarity with debugging tools in both backend and frontend environments. Preferred Skills: Experience with Docker for containerization. Familiarity with GraphQL. Experience with Reac...
...для торговли криптовалютами. Мы активно развиваем платформу и ищем опытных разработчиков для усиления нашей команды. Если вы ищете интересные проекты и готовы работать в быстрорастущей и инновационной сфере, мы будем рады сотрудничать с вами! Требования: Нам нужен опытный программист с глубокими знаниями и практическим опытом в следующих областях: PHP (Laravel): Опыт разработки серверной логики на PHP, включая использование фреймворка Laravel. Умение работать с RESTful API, базы данных, оптимизация серверной работы и безопасности. JavaScript (Node.js, React.js): Разработка и поддержка серверной логики на Node.js. Разработка интерактивных клиентских интерфейсов с использованием React.js. Опыт работы с WebSocket, интеграция с API криптовалютных сервисов. HTML/CSS: Умени...
...Requirements: Frontend: React Native or similar hybrid solutions for iOS and Android. Backend: Node.js or Django with scalable API. Database: Firebase, MongoDB, or PostgreSQL. Analytics Integration: Google Analytics or custom solution. Additional Features (Optional): Integration with platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Multi-language support. Design: Clean, intuitive UI/UX. Responsive across all screen sizes. Preferably prototyped in Figma or Adobe XD. Monetization: Free and premium plans with integrated payment gateway. Timeline: [Specify your preferred timeline, e.g., 60-90 days.] Budget: [Specify your budget or mention it's open to proposals.] Required Skills: Mobile development (iOS and Android). Backend and API integration. Experience with hybrid solu...
...statistics and analysis application to life. The app will be developed using React Native and aims to harness the power of AI and real-time data for detailed match, player, and championship insights. Key features of the app will include: - Comprehensive player insights and statistics as the primary focus for the initial release. - Live match commentary and insights as part of the real-time analysis. - Interactive dashboards and customizable alerts/notifications to enhance user experience. The app will be built with accessibility and performance in mind, and will include: - Tiered subscription plans. - API consumption optimization for cost efficiency. Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience in React Native mobile app development. - Proficiency in integrating ...
I'm looking ...and app developer to create a B2B loan leads generation platform. The app should be for Android, with a comprehensive web counterpart for admin, staff, and various distribution tiers (master distributor, distributor, retailer). Key Technologies: - React - Node.js - - MySQL Admin Features: - User management - Report generation - Loan application review - Lead creation and status update - Creation and assignment of roles and permissions - Commission package creation and user-specific settings Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in React, Node.js, , MySQL - Experience in developing Android apps - Previous work in B2B platforms or loan systems preferred - Strong understanding of user management systems - Capable of creating a system for dynamic commission packag...
READ CAREFULLY THE ATTATCHMENT Description: We are looking for an experienced React Native developer to build an MVP for a football statistics and AI analysis app. The app will provide users with live game data, AI-generated insights, and various subscription plans. The project includes both front-end and back-end development, with a focus on delivering essential functionality and a compelling user experience. Key Features: Subscription Plans (JUST EXAMPLES NOT DECIDE): Free: Limited access (1 game analysis/month) Bronze: Up to 3 games/month Silver: Up to 6 games/month with additional features Gold: Full access, including analysis of other sports screenshots User Authentication: Email, Google, or social media login Passwor...
...L'objectif est de développer une application performante, user-friendly, capable d'identifier des aliments à partir d'images et de fournir des informations nutritionnelles ou des recommandations. Responsabilités Adapter et entraîner des modèles open source pour la reconnaissance alimentaire. Développer une application mobile native ou cross-platform (iOS et Android) en utilisant Swift/Kotlin ou Flutter/React Native. Intégrer le modèle IA à l'application mobile via TensorFlow Lite, CoreML ou ONNX. Concevoir une interface utilisateur intuitive et réactive. Configurer le backend pour le stockage des données utilisateur et les mises à jour de modèle. Effectuer des tests pour...
I'm looking for an experienced programmer well-versed in React, Node.js, Express, and MySQL who can help me learn these technologies through the development of a project. The aim of this project is for me to gain a comprehensive understanding of both front-end and back-end development, as well as database management. Your role will primarily involve: - Guiding me through the creation of a full-stack application - Providing detailed, step-by-step tutorials during our sessions - Helping me understand the intricacies of each technology - Encouraging a hands-on approach to learning The project will be centered around developing an e-commerce site as a practical application of the technologies. This will not only help me understand the individual technologies, but also how they ...
I am working on a web application developed with Laravel 11 and I encountered the following error: Copy code setSwiftMailer does not exist This error relates to Laravel's email system, specifically SwiftMailer, which is the default backend for sending emails in Laravel. It seems there is a conflict or incorrect configuration in handling the email system. I need assistance in resolving this issue and restoring the email functionality in my application. Project Requirements: Identify and resolve the error: Diagnose the root cause of the setSwiftMailer does not exist error. Check if the issue is related to email configuration in Laravel, dependency versions, or a conflict with other packages. Provide a solution to eliminate the error and restore proper email fun...
I have an existing codebase where I need a React.js expert to customize the React Quill editor and potentially the ReactReader as well. Key Customizations for React Quill Editor: - Toolbar options: Modify the available tools on the editor's toolbar - Text formatting: Adjust how text can be formatted - Custom theme: Create a unique theme tailored to our specific needs ReactReader: - Potential customizations may include: Navigation control, Font styles, Bookmarking functionality. The ideal candidate will have: - Extensive experience with React.js - Deep understanding of React Quill editor and ReactReader - Proficient in creating custom themes and modifying toolbar options - Skilled in text formatting adjustments - Previous experience working with existing c...