Joomla full page wrapper工作


    2,000 joomla full page wrapper 找到工作

    Full Stackology, 我想要邀请您来完成我的项目。更多细节我们可以稍后通过聊天交流。

    $3896 - $3896
    $3896 - $3896
    0 个竞标

    你好First Page SEO,我注意到你的个人资料并想把我的项目给你。我们可以通过交流来讨论任何细节。

    $234 Average bid
    $234 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    所谓LANDING page 就是用一个WEB页面描述网站的全部内容,包括产品介绍下单公司业务简介公司联系方式等等. 必须用JOOMLA技术制作该页面,因为我们的网站是JOOMla制作的;见 该页面的风格,也就是颜色,.LOGO, 字体等和网站一致. 该页面的布局分为头部,尾部,图片区,文字区,下单区;其中图片区的图片被点击后跳出页面显示大图覆盖原来页面,整个部分的功能和AIRBNB网站一致,如有疑问请询问; 文字区的文字我会另外提供; 除了WEB版本外,要提供手机版本; 我们有一个服务网站,可以用于测试,

    $1184 Average bid
    $1184 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    1.懂joomla,SEO(百度方面的更好),现已有网站 2.设置静态页面 3.修改URL层级 4.网站二次开发一些功能 5.网站格式样式调整 6.设置网站内容无法被下载

    $93 / hr Average bid
    $93 / hr 平均报价
    5 个竞标
    Project for bluediscover
    已经结束 left


    $234 - $234
    $234 - $234
    0 个竞标

    针对欧洲市场创建一个网站,网站的产品为手机充电器 要求 1 能做为landing page 使用 2 网站可以进行促销活动,并且通过促销活动能收集到客户邮箱

    $1410 Average bid
    $1410 平均报价
    5 个竞标


    $1239 Average bid
    $1239 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    I want a home page
    已经结束 left


    $3319 Average bid
    $3319 平均报价
    10 个竞标

    1、初步设想是1个到2个页面,5张图 2、第一页是介绍页,如何开启你的工程师之旅 2.1、之后是一页四个滑动图,包括安装驱动、连接硬件、学习软件、开始应用 3、与客户沟通创意 4、制作demo/草稿 for free 5、选定稿件后给内容,开始制作 6、检视交付 作品风格: 1)大底图海报风 2)Metro Icon风 3)Metro海报风 4)Apple官网风

    $3553 Average bid
    $3553 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    香港翻译公司招收全职SOHO中文网络小说中翻英译员 请登录网站了解本公司 (香港工商注册号:63547843-000-07-14-6)。 本公司与网站有长期合作关系,现在需招收4-6名全职网络小说译员 1. 网络小说译员是一项全职SOHO工作,在家上班。我们只招收对中文小说翻译真正感兴趣,希望以此作为稳定职业的译员。 2. 工作性质:将著名中文网络小说,包括: 历史,仙侠,修真类等,翻译成英文版本。 3. 翻译速度要求:每天至少翻译4000中字。多翻多计稿酬。 4. 翻译质量要求:可采取机器翻译+人工编译或人工直接翻译的形式。方式不限,但交付译文的质量要求一致:英语语法native或者near-native水平,行文流畅,没有重大错译漏译。 5. 原则上每天交稿。如果需要外出,当月需要及时补交工作量要求的章节。 6. 工资标准为6000人民币/月,也可外币结算。上不封顶。 7. 稿费支付方式:每月结算,直接打入译员账号。 有意者,请提供简历、自己翻译的中翻英样稿发送到: minlingua@, 我们会筛选简历以后安排测试。 因为项目内容为三百万字的网络小说,而且后续还有长期合作,所以测试字数为1000字。这是书稿翻译的行规以及客户的要求。如果测试通过,双方签订合作合同,该试译会计算稿酬。非骗译! 以下译员请勿投送简历: 没有职业转型计划或者不打算将网络小说翻译当全职工作; 英语水平一般,没有专业英语背景。 本广告绝对真实,这段时间都有效,欢迎扩散!推荐成功有referral fee!

    $399573 Average bid
    $399573 平均报价
    15 个竞标
    Project for appleearth039
    已经结束 left


    $1948 - $1948
    $1948 - $1948
    0 个竞标
    Project for iCandUit
    已经结束 left


    $1948 - $1948
    $1948 - $1948
    0 个竞标

    Need redesign for about 12 pages on wechat. 总需要12个微信公众号页面设计版(PSD和PNG格式),只需要适用于手机上 具体包括一下的页面: -管理后台 需重新设计 -青视角 微信公众号的所有文章内容,发布之后,都会进行分类,用户可以通过这个版块,回顾所有的信息。 -青学堂 目前以九宫格的形式展现,但可以进行进一步的简化,除了“课程报名”“讲师报名”“活动发布”“调查问卷” 这4个模块的名字要保留,其他可以重组 -创新 1.简介 -介绍信息 2.团队介绍 -入驻团队的介绍 3.入驻申请 -申请入驻通道,需要提交的资料,可参考这个连接 4.活动回顾 -做过的活动 5.活动发布 -发布信息线上平台,可参考青学堂-活动发布 6.创新资讯 -将会把政策、高校孵化基地信息,社会孵化基地信息进行收集并发布 参考附件是给以参考而已

    $1402 Average bid
    $1402 平均报价
    14 个竞标
    网站开发 + blog
    已经结束 left

    网站必须具备以下元素: 1.博客(WordPress 或 Drupal 或 Joomla) 2.产品介绍(类似 ) 3.预购+注册(英文用户-email,国内用户-手机/微信/QQ) 4.团队/公司简介 注意: 1.网站主要是针对国内的互联网用户。 2.必须对国内网民习惯和行为有深入的理解。例子:应该明白大多国内网民比较喜欢用电话号码注册。(一般网民不太喜欢用电子邮件)

    $20919 Average bid
    $20919 平均报价
    5 个竞标
    网站开发 + blog
    已经结束 left

    网站必须具备以下元素: 1.博客(WordPress 或 Drupal 或 Joomla) 2.产品介绍(类似 ) 3.预购+注册(英文用户-email,国内用户-手机/微信/QQ) 4.团队/公司简介 注意: 1.网站主要是针对国内的互联网用户。 2.必须对国内网民习惯和行为有深入的理解。例子:应该明白大多国内网民比较喜欢用电话号码注册。(一般网民不太喜欢用电子邮件)

    $17694 Average bid
    $17694 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    网站必须具备以下元素: 1.博客(WordPress 或 Drupal 或 Joomla) 2.产品介绍(类似 ) 3.预购+注册(英文用户-email,国内用户-手机/微信/QQ) 4.团队/公司简介 5.中/英 注意: 1.网站主要是针对国内的互联网用户。 2.必须对国内网民习惯和行为有深入的理解。例子:应该明白大多国内网民比较喜欢用电话号码注册。(一般网民不太喜欢用电子邮件)

    $18410 Average bid
    $18410 平均报价
    3 个竞标
    $499 - $499
    0 个竞标

    利用CMS(如joomla)二次开发多用户内容管理系统。要求多管理员模式,前台可登录。普通用户前台登录,有自己的管理控制界面(技术上实现,可利用admin的后台)。 详细的内容访问及操作日志。还有一些次要功能,详谈。

    $4916 Average bid
    $4916 平均报价
    1 个竞标


    $9957 Average bid
    $9957 平均报价
    25 个竞标


    $9427 Average bid
    $9427 平均报价
    7 个竞标


    $1582 Average bid
    $1582 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    需要完成一个完整以Joomla为基础的网站。 功能需包含:购物商城,使用者自行上稿系统(会员管理),投票与评分系统,任务发布与评定系统,综合所有金流与物流系统对接。 除了完整网站的模块和模板设计建构之外,必须提供所有社交系统的API接入,完成所有目前提供的功能实现(包含分享与评分甚至金流机制)。

    $17997 Average bid
    $17997 平均报价
    13 个竞标

    需要完成一个完整以Joomla为基础的网站。 功能需包含:购物商城,使用者自行上稿系统(会员管理),投票与评分系统,任务发布与评定系统,综合所有金流与物流系统对接。 除了完整网站的模块和模板设计建构之外,必须提供所有社交系统的API接入,完成所有目前提供的功能实现(包含分享与评分甚至金流机制)。

    $16182 Average bid
    $16182 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    Joomla开发人员: 1、精通LAMP(Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP),精通PHP+MYSQL 1.1 熟练套用各种joomla模板,例如JA或者Rocket系列模板. 1.2 Form表格组件套用 1.3 Payment, logistic gateway接口对接 1.4 Newsletter组件和模块套用开发 1.5 VirtualMart二次开发 2、熟悉各种开源CMS,比如Joomla, 能懂得Wordpress, Zencart,Drupal更好, 熟练掌握Joomla 各种常用组件配置和二次开发。 例如VM, joomfish, 等等 3、了解CSS, Div、Html、JavaScript等网络常用语言。 4、有商业网站页面设计经验。 5、强有力的学习能力。具备良好的创意思维和理解能力,善于协作与沟通,必須按時完成工作及絕對需要有責任感。 6、请提供中文简历,要求提供个人独立完成的作品。 7,能独立看懂英文API和技术文档,优先考虑。

    $3950 Average bid
    $3950 平均报价
    2 个竞标
    Joomla Website
    已经结束 left

    需要完成一个完整以Joomla为基础的网站。 功能需包含:购物商城,使用者自行上稿系统(会员管理),投票与评分系统,任务发布与评定系统,综合所有金流与物流系统对接。 除了完整网站的模块和模板设计建构之外,必须提供所有社交系统的API接入,完成所有目前提供的功能实现(包含分享与评分甚至金流机制)。

    $12466 - $12466
    $12466 - $12466
    0 个竞标
    Joomla Website Project
    已经结束 left

    需要完成一个完整以Joomla为基础的网站。 功能需包含:购物商城,使用者自行上稿系统(会员管理),投票与评分系统,任务发布与评定系统,综合所有金流与物流系统对接。 除了完整网站的模块和模板设计建构之外,必须提供所有社交系统的API接入,完成所有目前提供的功能实现(包含分享与评分甚至金流机制)。

    $12466 Average bid
    $12466 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    Looking for translator to work full time as a translator in Nanjing. Your language to translate between will be korean and chinese. Please see job description below: 本土4A广告公司 企业介绍: 公司成立于2005年5月,隶属于现代汽车集团,是韩国最大的广告公司之一。作为一家全 球化的广告公司至今已在海外设立了9家分支机构并于2008年进军中国,分别于北京和上 海成立分公司,公司主要服务于现代汽车和起亚汽车。 职责内容:  负责媒介中心各类翻译工作,其中包括各类书面文档、报告等中韩互译工作、各类会议的 同声翻译工作,并能够控制翻译质量和进度。  职位要求:  1.具有丰富的现场口译经验,针对口译事先做充分准备,能从容应对现场出现的各类状 况,具有一定的商务职业素质,礼仪规范。  2.有出色的语言功底,笔译能力强,能够准确理解文档,将理解的含义规范、流畅、凝练 地用目标语言表达出来,能够适应不同的语言风格要求。  3.工作认真细致,思维敏捷,责任心强,具团队精神。  4.广告公司翻译工作,韩资企业翻译工作经历者优先。  5.2年以上工作经验,倾向有韩语翻译经验的朝鲜族。

    $1995 Average bid
    $1995 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    I want 100% real facebook 50,000 users to like my Facebook Fan Page. I want people to be from PAKISTAN ONLY no World Wide. No Time Waters Please ! Project Description: 50,000 Facebook Likes from ONLY Pakistani Facebook users. (NO world wide Likes) • All LIKES must be real people with active account Facebook accounts (no fake accounts or accounts at risk of being suspended.) • NO bots, NO Blackhat techniques, NO Farmville or any other game. • Must be achieved by NO means of Illegal activity • No fake fans that will risk my page deleted. • Fans and Followers must be active. • No spammers or distasteful, illegal or plain sick profile pictures • You must use good practices when gathering LIKES. ^^Facebook account must not be...

    $78 Average bid
    $78 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    I need a comprehensive paper with an abstract on the topic of Emerging Integrity Assessment Technologies for Predictive/Preventive Pipeline Maintenance. The paper should primarily target industry professionals and should balance both predictive and preventive maintenance aspects equally. Along with the paper, I also need a PowerPoint presentation that encapsulates the key insights from the paper in a clear and engaging way for a professional audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in pipeline maintenance and integrity assessment technologies - Strong academic writing skills with experience in industry-focused papers - Proficiency in PowerPoint with a track record of creating engaging presentations - Understanding of predictive and preventive maintenance - Ability to explain com...

    $366 Average bid
    $366 平均报价
    18 个竞标

    I need a skilled web designer to create a modern, lead-focused landing page for me. Goals & Functions: - The primary purpose of the landing page is lead generation. - It should incorporate a contact form, a newsletter sign-up, and call-to-action buttons. Design Style: - The design should be modern, not too flashy but stylish and user-friendly. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in modern web design principles. - Experience with lead generation web pages. - Strong understanding of user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design.

    $1878 Average bid
    $1878 平均报价
    45 个竞标

    I'm seeking a dedicated professional to edit and create social media videos, specifically for YouTube and Instagram. All content should adhere to a polished, professional style. Key Responsibilities: - Editing and creating engaging, high-quality social media videos - Ensuring content is tailored for YouTube and Instagram - Maintaining a consistent, professional tone across all videos - Designing and creating attention-grabbing thumbnails for YouTube videos. - Performing color correction and grading for visual consistency. - Enhancing audio quality and adding background music. Ideal Candidate: - Experienced in video editing and graphics creation - Proficient in AI tools for video editing and creation - Familiar with social media trends and platform-specific content - Able to deliver ...

    $1963 Average bid
    $1963 平均报价
    13 个竞标

    I'm in need of a professional designer to customize a one-page Creative/Artistic themed website. The focus will be on the main content section, which needs to be tailored to fit a modern and clean aesthetic. Key Responsibilities: - Customizing the main content section of a one-page Creative/Artistic theme - Designing with a modern and clean style Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Creative/Artistic design - Strong understanding of modern and clean design principles - Experience in one-page theme customization - Proven track record of designing professional, appealing webpages.

    $249 / hr Average bid
    $249 / hr 平均报价
    112 个竞标

    I need someone to automate a Full Screen title in vMix. The title should turn on and off at specific intervals, specifically every 15 minutes. This project should not require any scripting. Ideal skills for this task include: - Proficiency with vMix software - Experience with audio-visual production - Familiarity with title automation in vMix - Ability to execute tasks without scripting

    $148 / hr Average bid
    $148 / hr 平均报价
    36 个竞标

    I'm looking for an experienced full-stack developer to help create a FinTech SaaS platform. Although I haven't defined specific functionalities yet, I expect the platform to be robust and scalable, with potential for features like payment processing, investment management, and financial reporting. Please share your previous projects in SaaS platform using AWS

    $10424 Average bid
    $10424 平均报价
    71 个竞标

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a coin futures trading page, utilizing the Binance API. The project involves both creating a new web app and enhancing an existing site. Key functionalities: - Real-time price chart: The trading page should feature a live, interactive price chart. - Order placement: The system should support various types of market orders, limit orders, and stop orders. The order placement mechanism must mirror that of Binance's coin futures trading. - Portfolio management: Users should have the ability to manage their portfolio seamlessly on this platform. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in API integration, particularly with Binance's API. - Strong web development skills. - Previous experience in creating trading platf...

    $127322 Average bid
    $127322 平均报价
    26 个竞标

    I'm looking for a social media expert to manage my Facebook page. The primary goal is to engage my current audience with entertaining content. Your tasks will include creating and posting a variety of content types - videos, images, and text posts. Ideal Skills: - Social Media Management - Content Creation (specifically for Facebook) - Understanding of Audience Engagement - Creativity and Innovation - Video Editing Skills Your ability to produce high-quality, entertaining posts that resonate with my audience is key to this project's success.

    $2742 Average bid
    $2742 平均报价
    34 个竞标

    I'm seeking a skilled Wikipedia page creator for a Film Director and Actor. The ideal freelancer should have: - Proficiency in Wikipedia's content guidelines and standards. - Experience in writing engaging and factually accurate biographies. - Prior knowledge or interest in the film industry can be a plus. The task involves crafting a well-researched, neutral, and comprehensive Wikipedia page that accurately reflects the subject's career and achievements.

    $1870 Average bid
    $1870 平均报价
    31 个竞标

    I'm looking for a talented designer to create a detailed 2D floor plan for a one-story residential property. This plan will be used in a full-color brochure, so it needs to be visually appealing and easy to understand. Key Requirements: - The floor plan should highlight the furniture layout in each room. - The design should be suitable for a full-color print brochure. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 2D design software. - Experience in creating residential floor plans. - Strong understanding of visual design principles for print media. Monochrome floor plan in ready, will send the autocad file upon requirement. Please include examples of similar work in your bid. I have attached a sample image of the output required.

    $561 Average bid
    $561 平均报价
    33 个竞标

    I'm in need of a professional SEO expert who specializes in On-page SEO. The primary focus will be on optimizing the content of my landing pages. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in On-page SEO - Strong expertise in content optimization - Familiarity with landing page SEO best practices - Ability to deliver measurable improvements in page ranking and traffic

    $1499 Average bid
    $1499 平均报价
    93 个竞标
    Elementor Page Development
    6 天 left

    I'm looking for a freelancer to create 4 pages in Elementor. The pages include a Homepage, Blog, and two Informational pages. I will provide the design for the header, footer, and all page content. Specific Requirements: - Start immediately upon project acceptance - Follow the provided design precisely - Implement the provided content accurately - Ensure the website is fully responsive on all devices Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Elementor - Experience with WordPress - Attention to detail - Ability to follow design specifications precisely Please only bid if you can start immediately.

    $242 Average bid
    $242 平均报价
    27 个竞标

    I'm seeking a professional who can expedite the process of getting a draft Wikipedia page approved for a public figure from the entertainment industry. Key Requirements: - Extensive knowledge of Wikipedia's guidelines and standards for page creation. - Proven track record of getting pages approved within a short time frame. Page is already written with correct citations. Client wants page approved ASAP. Please provide examples of Wikipedia pages you've gotten approved in the past.

    $1628 Average bid
    $1628 平均报价
    20 个竞标
    Full Stack Developer -- 3
    6 天 left

    The budget for this is $4/hour 40 hours/week (non-negotiable) I'm looking for a developer with experience in C# to help develop a Learning Management System. With your application, include a solution in C# to the following problem: Implement int Missing(int[] list, int a, int b), which returns the number of integers between a and b that are missing from the list. Proposals that don't include an answer or use chatGPT to get the answer will be ignored.

    $47 / hr Average bid
    $47 / hr 平均报价
    35 个竞标

    My Facebook page primarily features videos and I am seeking an expert to help fully monetize it for advertising revenue. The primary focus will be on utilizing in-stream ads. Key Responsibilities: - Optimize my Facebook page for maximum monetization potential - Implement strategies to increase viewership and engagement - Manage and monitor in-stream ads Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Facebook page monetization, particularly with video content - In-depth understanding of Facebook's advertising and monetization tools - Strong skills in digital marketing and audience engagement strategies I am looking for an expert who can guide me through this process and help turn my Facebook page into a revenue-generating platform.

    $312 Average bid
    $312 平均报价
    10 个竞标

    Experienced Full Time Freelance SEO - Remote We are seeking an experienced and results-driven SEO Specialist (5 to 10 years' experience minimum) to manage and optimize four websites (English and French version) for UK, UAE, France and USA market. The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of search engine algorithms, content optimization, technical SEO, and digital marketing strategies to drive organic traffic and improve search rankings. ________________________________________ Key Responsibilities: SEO Strategy Development & Implementation • Develop and execute comprehensive SEO strategies tailored to each website's audience and business goals. • Conduct competitive analysis to identify opportunities for growth. • Optimize on-page and ...

    $86 / hr Average bid
    $86 / hr 平均报价
    33 个竞标

    I need a coder to implement and edit some coding. It will take 1-2 hours. Need someone available now.

    $249 / hr Average bid
    $249 / hr 平均报价
    56 个竞标

    I'm looking for a professional to create a fillable 3-page PDF form for application submissions. This form will primarily be used to collect personal information and income details. Key Requirements: - Experience in designing fillable PDF forms - Ability to incorporate specific data fields for personal and financial information - Attention to detail to ensure the form is user-friendly and functional The ideal candidate will have a strong background in PDF form creation and data collection processes. A keen eye for design and usability will be a significant advantage.

    $187 Average bid
    36 项参赛作品

    I've been battling a technical error for over two weeks that's preventing me from connecting my verified Instagram account to my verified Facebook business page. Despite trying multiple devices and browsers, the issue persists. Help needed to solve this connectivity issue and get my pages linked.

    $943 Average bid
    $943 平均报价
    57 个竞标

    I need a web developer to fix the footer of our login page to be consistently at the bottom of the screen, for both desktop, and mobile devices. Key Requirements: - Ensure the footer is fixed at the bottom across both Desktop and Mobile devices. - No specific elements or links need to be included in the footer, keep it simple. - Test the functionality across the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web development - Responsive design - Cross-browser testing experience. Please note, the project requires a simple, uncluttered footer that is consistent across devices and browsers.

    $171 Average bid
    $171 平均报价
    46 个竞标
    Full Stack Developer
    6 天 left

    I am seeking a full stack developer for a project. The specific purpose of the project, your required technology stack, and key features are yet to be determined. Freelancers with a diverse set of skills and experiences are welcome to bid. Please provide examples of your previous work.

    $1060 Average bid
    $1060 平均报价
    44 个竞标

    Development of a coming soon landing page 125 USD.

    $93 / hr Average bid
    $93 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标