How to unlock header and footer in word 2013工作


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2,000 how to unlock header and footer in word 2013 找到工作

...半天,UI界面不要太丑,太单调,能过的去就行,但功能一定要稳定。 需要转换的CSV文件(文件名称不固定,随意): 转换后要求的文件格式(下载得到的文件名称不固定,随意): 需要可执行的完整的HTML语句的转换程序,功能单一,就是将CSV文件的相应栏目字段数据提取出来,转换并生成对应的JSON格式的数据交换文件,具体要求如下: 一、在将CSV文件转换为JSON数据文件时,JSON数据文件内的以下字符段保留不变,这一段字符相当于固定的数据表头,不需要做任何转换,并严格保留原有JSON数据文件格式和所在的行,同时,此段字符段在JSON数据文件内只需要在最前面出现一次即可,禁止在后面的data内出现 [ { "type": "header", "version": "5.1.1", "comment": "Export to JSON plugin for PHPMyAdmin" }, { "type": "database", "name": "search" }, { "type": "table", "name": "qf_source", "database": "search", "data": [ 二、CSV文件内第一行为表头栏目说明,后面的每一行是一个独立的资料信息,各栏目字段对应JSON数据文件内的以下各字段,...

$162 Average bid
$162 平均报价
4 个竞标

...allows users to configure multiple chatbots with GPT API integration for AI-powered responses. The platform will offer flexible permission management, business features (e.g., chatbot-based pricing, coupon support, affiliate marketing), and support user-defined group management to meet the needs of enterprise clients. 2. System Roles and Permissions 1. Administrator (Admin) • Manage global functions and configurations, including user management, subscription management, affiliate marketing, cashback rewards, etc. 2. B-End Users (Enterprise Customers/Platform Users) • Primary Account: Responsible for creating and managing chatbots, configuring customer service permissions, grouping users, etc. • Customer Service Representati...

$3649 Average bid
$3649 平均报价
11 个竞标

...designer to create an engaging user interface for a SaaS website, greeting a seamless experience for our users. Key Responsibilities: * Use UI design kit out in the market to speed up the design. Design Preferences: * Incorporate a modern and minimalist design approach to make the website look contemporary without creating clutter. * Use vibrant colors thoughtfully to enhance the user experience while keeping a professional and corporate feel throughout. Ideal Skills (Optional): * Strong proficiency in website UI/UX design * Previous experience with SaaS platform design * Familiarity with modern, minimalist, and professional design approaches * Good understanding of color theories and user interface trends The ap...

$475 Average bid
$475 平均报价
20 个竞标

1. 必須懂廣東話 2. 能用whatsapp與香港時間同步溝通 3. 工作耐心認真負責 4. 建設wordpress網站,按給予的模板仿製 5. 中英兩種語言 6. woo-commerce購物車及會員系統 7. 預計工作時間為3-4日 8. 必須包含電腦版與手機版 9. 支付方式是銀行轉賬(直接展示銀行號碼)及展示payme 二維碼,及paypal 10. 如客人有需要後台training ,需要教客人使用簡單後台及培訓(on line) 11. 包含網站遷移、服務器設置(客人自行購買服務器)、域名指向等全套服務 12. 內頁會找類似樣板,請模仿並建議更漂亮的形式進行製作,而不會提供首頁設計 13. 首頁已經設計好,並會提供AI文檔 14. 提供購買服務器建議及協助版面設置等 15. 整個項目完成預算大約HKD 1800

$1751 Average bid
$1751 平均报价
5 个竞标
已经结束 left

...图片 - 链接可选 2)页脚的all rights reserved部分需要支持切换英语/法语,语言由店家提供 5. 在任意板块上面可以添加悬浮文字(预计1天) 1)新开发组件,组件参数包含: - 支持自定义两张图片地址以及链接 - 支持自定义标题 2)需要支持响应式/移动端 6. 在网页插入现有模块以外的不同规格/尺寸插图(如插入菱形/心型图片,且能连接到产品页面)(预计2天) 暂无示意图 1)新开发组件,参数大致包含: - 标题 - 副标题 - 多组图片+链接 2)各种自定义图形遮罩(方式二选一) - 可以外部遮罩实现不同形状 - 也可以多图层实现叠加效果 7. 想在移动端显示注册/登录菜单(预计0.5天) 8. 页眉滚动配送规则及退换货规则(预计2-3天) 需要大致实现思路(目前需求思路不够清晰) 重写header界面,需要固定在页面顶部 配送规则位于header顶部,并且需要支持滚动 这里的实现会影响第7条,影响范围是最广的,包括移动端

$1089 Average bid
$1089 平均报价
1 个竞标

...并用shortcode方式写入function.php. 方便前端用shortcode调用。实例:下图是一个获取当前网址的shortcode,可以用来获取当前的长链接。 在前端,通过使用[geturl] 就可以显示输出当前网址。 (当然,输出当前网址方式有很多,这里只是实例说明 SHORTCODE的使用方法。) 短链接转换后,代码结构类似于: 这样, 我可以通过使用[shorturl]短代码在前端显示 转换后的短链接。 2.最后,使用google 二维码API(如果有国内类似的二维码api也可以。)短链接转换为二维码。 代码如下: <img src=";cht=qr&chl=[shorturl]&choe=UTF-8;chld=H;" title="Link to "> 上面标红的,就是用短代码将转换后的短链接传递给google api。 这段前端代码,可以直接在页面使用,也可以在我打印PDF模板使用。 如果国内有类似的前端调用的二维码生成api,能这样使用,也是可以的。

$233 - $1945
$233 - $1945
0 个竞标

我需要实现点击链接A后,自动跳转链接B 我知道PHP header函数可以实现,但是不知道后面需要的服务器怎么设置。

$179 Average bid
$179 平均报价
3 个竞标

恒耀平台返点多少【主管扣850142】【认准杏王】【主管扣QQ850142】拿顶级待遇和方案【无须打开直接加】<br><p>变得温馨。随处乱丢的杂志,为" a4 h9 w ?" }<p>6 a9 a9 k) v7 y0 d' [: d% g9 f等套爱到极至却 k5 m 6 b4<p>tx b7 [-548844772<p>f9 n- r.<p>a' c1 ?* _' d r( m<p>他说,还是 2019年全国注会著点kalaka1110花,这些钱够咱<p>们吃好<p>几天呢。结了婚, 广泛大概忐<p>( b q7 n. d% d( i( z无抡他怎麽,墟8 z- z, c; r6 d- r k<p>" }* d x* q7 nx h! x1 |, y当你俄了,他会为你煮两硕士研究<p>生入学个鸡蛋;当你cahaca1109累了<p>,他会充当<p>你<p>, m. [* ?. q5 f w正2013年护师3 e% nx w- a5 zx {9 _" v5 g<p>4 p, ]1 e! t" b" y执业|答 案=2019年考<p>博<p>答 案=<p>- v. p2 t# f9 x人时间的忱头是、5 u! o6 z, m/ e6 l<p>2019年全国注会* t4 z9 px l; }/ }# n1 l5 u# s,<p>d#<p>@' }* p, c" {- n<p&g...

$1945 - $5835
$1945 - $5835
0 个竞标
ElasticSearch UI -- 3
已经结束 left

This web site should be developed in Java, MySQL, JavaScript(Angular). 需要建一个ElasticSearch数据Screener 网站/网页。这个网站分用户端(user interface)和网站管理员端 (admin interface)。 在用户端用户可以输入/选搜索的数据域名(data set name), 任意搜索组合(screener/search criteria), 按“FIND”按钮, 搜索结果以列表的形式显示出来。 在网站管理员端, 管理员可以create (data set name + ElasticSearch URL). 管理员可以查看和修改,所有的(data set name + ElasticSearch URL) 数据记录, 也可以删除单个的数据记录 用户可以在网站注册。注册成功后, 会收到确认(confirmation)电子邮件. 用户需要点击确认链接去确认账户建立。 用户可以保存自己的search criteria 在数据库. 用户登录网站后, 可以选择已经保存的的search criteria, 再按“FIND”按钮, 搜索结果以列表的形式显示出来。 ElasticSearch is an open source data search product. URL for reference: The end product will looks like yahoo stock screener (). Please see the attached word document for requirement details

$18245 Average bid
$18245 平均报价
17 个竞标

我们是一家在线培训公司。目前招聘自由职业IT人员,目标是在9月前为公司已有的官网搭建一个后台,需要有OA和HRM功能。 1. 用户登录,下单,支付,上传文件(通常是word文档) 2. 公司经理将客户下的任务人工分配给员工 3. 员工登录,下载文件,处理完文件后再次上传 4. 用户再次登录,下载文件,并在系统里面给这个单子打分,写反馈 5. 用户的反馈将直接存档到每位员工的电子档案里,以便经理定期管理员工表现和业绩 因此,平台需要能够处理公司的内部员工管理,包括绩效考核;同时要能为用户提供方便快捷的体验。除了要有以上功能,用户界面(UI)也希望能设计得人性化和美观。 要求: 1. 熟练掌握Java等语言 2. 有相关工作经验者优先 3. 沟通能力强者优先 说明: 1. 身份学历不限,能长期合作者优先 2. 薪酬从优,按任务完成质量发奖金,表现优秀者长期合作(下方投标价格仅供参考) 3. 自由职业,无须坐班,也没有固定的工作时间,能按截止日期完成任务即可 4. 需能在后期不定期帮助公司升级系统,公司将发放相应薪水 投递: 可通过本平台,也可以直接投递简历。简历投递邮箱:kevinyzl# (请将#替换成邮箱标志。可附上相关的作品) 如感兴趣,请尽快投递,谢谢!

$10970 Average bid
$10970 平均报价
6 个竞标
Build a Website
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我们网站 建站时间是 2013年, 现在网站的域名还是在美国那边, 目前服务器是在阿里云这边 网站是基于WORDPRESS 和 WOO-COMMERCE 网站访问速度真的一般, 中间找过两组人做过一些定制, 但是效果都不是很理想,然后速度也没有看到快很多。 现在的诉求: 在目前基础上修改, 加入新的元素: 或者购买全新的主题进行建站, 摒弃所有的旧元素 有几点要求: 1. 整个网站的编排都是英文 2. 网站必须能够自适应, 随着屏幕的大小变化 3. 对于 有独特产品属性,比方说 对屏幕大小, 还有 CPU 配置,或者硬盘, 说白了就是一个产品有多少属性选择,需要在屏幕上顾客可以多选, 样式 参见: 4. 这个主题是我们喜欢的类型, 需要修改的地方如下: (1)图片要缩小到整个页面宽度的1/3 (2) 产品的导航栏要放到 产品的图片上面,用户可以知道自己在哪个产品归类的下面 (3)结账页面参见小米官网, 可以添加多个送货地址, 移除默认主题的BILLING ADDRESS (4)可以让客户直接微信付款, 微信的连接方式我们可以稍后讨论 (5)连接我们的国际信用卡付款插件,这个可以允许客户直接用信用卡付款:

$11025 Average bid
$11025 平均报价
17 个竞标


$195 Average bid
$195 平均报价
27 个竞标

translate from Chinese to english. Translate the file I attached. Send me your translation of the following text to prove your ability before I award the project to you. "针对于医疗保险参保人数,直观看图表有以下特征: 1. 新农合医疗参保人数逐年下降,从2008年至2015年,下降幅度高达17.8%,其中08至13年前六年呈微量上升后下降,自2013年起逐年大幅下跌。 2. 城镇职工及居民基本医保呈逐年递增趋势,其中居民医保增量及增速均大于职工基本医保,并于2012年超过职工基本医保,实现从1.18至3.77亿277%的增量"

$241 Average bid
$241 平均报价
15 个竞标

现有的网站是一个登记员工和借还电脑的系统。PHP 添加多人的借贷 1. Step, Select user from usertype Student/teacher/accounting. Show only Users how are not assigned, and with status ACTIVE. Should implement with search function which I had made. 2. Multi select students by checkbox, with footer number and those students will be repeated in next page 3, Show date range picker, preview those students you have chosen, and then chosen start date and end date 4. Click button to send, then the data add to database, can cancel seletion anytime

$1245 Average bid
$1245 平均报价
2 个竞标

您好 我们是在网站上的在线预定拍摄婚纱照的科技公司,已经有logo见附件。需要以下几个: 1.名片设计(两款) 2.信封 3.信纸(两款) 模版 5.word模版 6.员工胸卡+挂带 7.一个小卡片(会打印一些服装保存知识) 8.预定行程单板式 9.我们会卖服装的服装包装袋+盒子 10.优惠券式样 11.合同书范本 12.一个两边插东西的类似B5纸一半的小夹子(可以把付款收据装里面) 13.邀请函 14.绑带本子设计

$1673 Average bid
$1673 平均报价
6 个竞标

Launching an online magazine in Hong Kong, want the footer message with title 'Welcome' and 2 events content ("we are launching... Collecting articles to post, we pay ... each article and award ... each month" & "we will do something for free, post your ideas ") All 3 contents MUST BE in Traditional Chinese and copyright should not be the problem. Sample attached will be a big advantage

$1284 Average bid
$1284 平均报价
8 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Spanish word recording'

$156 / hr Average bid
$156 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标


$11670 - $23341
$11670 - $23341
0 个竞标

我们每年武术比赛都使用一个简单的比赛报名软件,但是原来设计公司倒闭了, 须要更新和修正。 1.数据库保存2013年的后, 清空为2014年的比赛做准备。 2. 增加个别比赛的项目 3. 调整一些裁判评分的表格简化操作流程

$233 - $233 / hr
$233 - $233 / hr
0 个竞标

我们每年武术比赛都使用一个简单的比赛报名软件,但是原来设计公司倒闭了, 须要更新和修正。 1.数据库保存2013年的后, 清空为2014年的比赛做准备。 2. 增加个别比赛的项目 3. 调整一些裁判评分的表格简化操作流程

$117 / hr Average bid
$117 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

Access 2013 Web App 在线的顾客管理系统。用户登录后在主页看每日摘要: 1.近一个月内新加入的顾客 2.正在处理中的顾客列表 3.总顾客数量 点击添加新顾客按钮可以弹出窗口添加新顾客 点击顾客名可以弹出顾客详细信息,并可以打印该详细信息

$78 - $233
$78 - $233
0 个竞标

Check out: You see the following phrases: 缘分是前世感情的延续, 缘分是今世的擦肩而过。 缘分是前世不变的誓言, 缘分是今生痛苦的约定。 缘分是一次机遇的把握, 缘分是一种爱慕的流逝。 缘分是相遇时美好梦想, 缘分是别离后苦涩回忆 I need 500 10-12 word phrases on 缘分.

$1120 Average bid
$1120 平均报价
5 个竞标


$1945 - $5835
$1945 - $5835
0 个竞标

主打:留言,人气,日志.说说,花藤,管家手机赞,公益永久,微博,嘿嘿,不加后悔死你 手机名片赞;1ooo个8元,50元1oooo个(付款秒赞,稳定日刷3oo-5oo赞)说说转2ooo次10元 赞2ooo次也是10 超低超速完成 人气1oo万80元,1ooo万500元 新品:8.0空间主页赞10快2000~20块10000效果看本空间 快刷留言1oooo需要十元 50=10万再送十万人气(日刷800-1000)全面提速咯 来单就刷相册访问5块1ooo访问 20快1oooo访问 还有各种空间低价业务 欢迎咨询! _老品牌 口碑好 值得信赖!50元加入代理低价拿货联系Qq:729371492 懂的来不懂的就别问了 品牌Qq:[729371492] 所有产品均有货,你还在等什么呢,赶快加QQ咨询联系购买吧! 相册信誉截图,用心做网络,相信我们没有错,总有你喜欢的,2013快快乐乐!热晒

$4279 Average bid
$4279 平均报价
1 个竞标
Website Design
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We're building a new website We need a clean, professional and kindly design to make visitors feel comfortable and trustable. These aspects must be considered: - Layout - Color - Font - Paragraph At least, there're 3 pages to be designed: - Home page (header, footer, Ad zone, product shortcut) - Product details (left product list, product information) - Discuss page (questions and answers, search)

$3050 Average bid
$3050 平均报价
26 个竞标

一、农业产业化的相关问题 2013农村发展调研报告. 要至少包含以下5个方面的论述。 (一)建立健全以党政一把手直接负责的农业产业化目标管 理责任制 (二)注意企业的规模经营问题,加强政策扶持,狠抓骨干企业 (三)骨干企业与农民建立合理的利益联结机制 (四)农民组织化问题 (五)坚持以市场为导向,培育主导产业 (六)大力发展规范的农村专业合作经济组织(专业协会) (七)搞好基地建设,强化“规模效益”观 (八)对外加大宣传力度 (九)外部环境问题

$163 Average bid
$163 平均报价
3 个竞标

I'm looking to have a sophisticated, modern-styled Word template designed for my company, Inter-China, an agricultural foreign trade company. The template needs to be versatile enough to be used for various documents including letters and technical documents. Key Features: - Incorporation of the company name, signature and address - A fixed design for the header and footer - A designated placeholder for the document title - A space for the date and reference number - A rich, appealing design that is consistent with a modern aesthetic Ideal Skills: - Strong graphic design and Word formatting skills - Experience in creating corporate templates - An understanding of modern design principles - Att...

$622 Average bid
$622 平均报价
29 个竞标

chanell is : @hetkaasjournaal I need a new theme. We are uploading daily news without ""left bullshit. Can can you make a new header with cheese ?? Slogan is : "Nieuws uit Nederlands zonder links gelul"

$101 Average bid
2 项参赛作品

...building, and the overall feel of the piece. Your insights will help me understand how readers might perceive my work and where improvements can be made. === I am currently seeking Beta Readers for an apocalyptic novel. If you are interested, your feedback would be highly valued, particularly regarding readability and overall enjoyment. While suggestions or comments are welcome, my primary interest lies in understanding your general impression of the book. The manuscript is complete, with a word count of 131,000. Are you a fan of dark, gritty stories that keep you on the edge of your seat? I’m looking for beta readers for my dark apocalyptic novel, a raw and intense tale centred around two teens fighting for survival in a sha...

$1183 Average bid
$1183 平均报价
29 个竞标

Project Title: Need Backend Developer to Help Set Up AI-Powered PDF Generator (Vercel, Node.js, OpenAI) – Live Collaboration Project Overview: I am looking for an experienced backend developer to work with me live for 3 hours to set up a serverless API on Vercel that integrates OpenAI’s API with Squarespace. The goal is to guide me step-by-step as we build a backend that: Processes user inputs from a Squarespace form Uses OpenAI (GPT-4) to generate structured visa-related memos References predefined PDF templates (stored securely) Allows file uploads for additional context Generates and delivers the final document as a downloadable PDF I want this to be an interactive session where I follow along, ask questions, and lear...

$195 / hr Average bid
$195 / hr 平均报价
112 个竞标

...crafts and travel-inspired souvenirs. We pride ourselves on celebrating global artisans and offering keepsakes that tell a story. Ideal Logo Characteristics: - Reflects our focus on cultural diversity. - Subtle incorporation of various cultural patterns. - Utilizes warm, earthy tones to evoke a sense of authenticity and craftsmanship. - Aim for a design that not only looks appealing but also tells the story of Souvenira’s commitment to global artisanship and cultural heritage. The logo will be used across our website, packaging and all marketing materials. The design should evoke warmth and comfort, while subtly hinting at excitement and adventure. Deliverables: - Primary logo design in high resolution (vec...

$195 Average bid
77 项参赛作品

We are looking for a skilled developer to build Phase 1 of a Kiosk-style tap payment app, leveraging an existing payment app in the background. The solution will run on a certified Android credit card machine and enable seamless, contactless transactions with a fixed amount displayed. Phase 1 Scope Kiosk Tap Payment App Features: ★ Runs on a certified Android credit card machine with an existing payment app. ★ Screen remains always on and ready for tap payments without needing to wake up. ★ Supports Visa, Mastercard, Amex, and Discover. ★ Fixed transaction amount, adjustable remotely via a merchant portal. ★ Device lock to prevent navigation beyond the main screen (except select features). ★ Swipe-down menu for battery status, signal streng...

$132 / hr Average bid
$132 / hr 平均报价
45 个竞标

I'm seeking a web developer to create a single property rental website aimed at attracting new tenants. The site should possess a landing page with comprehensive property details, including floor plans and dimensions, amenities, pictures, Key Requirements: - A visually appealing and user-friendly interface that can be optimized. SEO friendly, XML sitemap including Header tags H1, H2, H3 - High-quality property photos -Rich snippets Schema markup - Detailed information about the property on the landing page - Knowledge of web design and development, preferably with real estate websites The landing page should also feature: - Information about the surrounding neighborhood - A contact form for inquiries - online rental application Ideal skills ...

$3454 Average bid
$3454 平均报价
165 个竞标

I'm looking for a freelancer who can convert my product catalog from a PDF into a Microsoft Word document. The key requirements for this project are: - The Word document must maintain the product catalog's layout and design elements exactly as they appear in the original PDF. - The document should allow for easy text editing. Image placement and layout adjustments are not a priority, but the catalog must be seamlessly compatible with Microsoft Word. Ideal candidates for this project would have strong skills in document conversion, attention to detail to ensure the layout is preserved, and experience with Microsoft Word. Please ensure your bid reflects your understanding of these requirements.

$210 Average bid
$210 平均报价
89 个竞标

...adapt to different topics, audiences, and channels? Can you write about a topic you know nothing about because you have made yourself an expert in the topic for the purpose of producing quality output? I can do all of the above, but have more work than I can manage on my own. I need a partner who can deliver the same quality I deliver. I’m not looking for someone who lags, coasts, or takes the easy option. I am looking for someone like me - someone who gives their all, does everything correctly, and goes the extra mile. Basically, I am looking for a copy of myself. The Role: A skilled writer and researcher who can adapt to a variety of topics. The key topics needed will primarily be behavioural science, medical, health, and pharmace...

$148 / hr Average bid
$148 / hr 平均报价
24 个竞标

I'm looking for someone who can help me with a text data entry project. The work involves transcribing handwritten notes into a Word document. Ideal Skills: - Excellent typing skills - Proficient in Microsoft Word - Strong attention to detail - Good understanding of the English language - Ability to decipher handwriting Experience: - Prior experience in data entry, particularly transcribing handwritten notes, would be a plus. - Familiarity with Microsoft Word is essential.

$1945 Average bid
$1945 平均报价
118 个竞标

...developer to customize the navigation and menus of my Moodle platform. In addition, I need help with themes and layout, specifically with the color scheme and fonts, header and footer design, and custom CSS for page elements. Key aspects of the project include: - Modifying the navigation and menus to improve user experience. - Implementing a specific color scheme and font across the platform to match my provided branding guidelines. - Customizing the header and footer design. - Applying custom CSS for specific page elements as per my instructions. I have a comprehensive set of design references and branding guidelines that I will provide. The ideal freelancer for this...

$552 Average bid
$552 平均报价
17 个竞标

I need a 500-word article on Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology advancements. The piece should be engaging, well-researched, and SEO-friendly. It should have a clear structure with appropriate headings. Key requirements: - Must be written in a clear, professional tone - Free from plagiarism and grammatical errors - Completed within a 1-hour deadline Please ensure to provide a sample of your previous work when bidding.

$140 / hr Average bid
$140 / hr 平均报价
67 个竞标

I need someone to help me with my WordPress website and its English version . The layout is causing issues across various parts of the site including the header, footer, sidebar, widgets, and the main content area. The primary requirement is to fix the responsiveness for different devices. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in WordPress - Experience with responsive design - Knowledge of CSS and HTML Your task will be to ensure my website displays correctly on a range of devices. Please provide examples of previous work that demonstrate your ability to correct layout issues and improve site responsiveness.

$327 Average bid
$327 平均报价
76 个竞标

I have an MP3 song file that requires manual insertion of lyrics. I possess the complete lyrics, but they need to be synchronized word by word with the song. Ideal skills and experience: - Audio editing proficiency, particularly with MP3 files - Prior experience in manual lyrics synchronization - Attention to detail for precise word matching Budget 10000rs to 12500 for 100min content if you are interested in low budget work send offer and share your previous work also

$1611 Average bid
$1611 平均报价
9 个竞标

I need someone to copy numerical data from a spreadsheet into a Word memo. The data should be formatted in a currency format. A summary section will need to be included in the memo. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel - Attention to detail - Good understanding of currency formatting Experience: - Previous data entry experience - Experience in creating professional memos

$132 / hr Average bid
$132 / hr 平均报价
83 个竞标

We need to change the focus of our website from company reviews to courses and studies. We would like to update some features accordingly. Here are the changes we need: 1. New Categories in Navigation o Add "Cursussen" which means Courses and "Opleidingen" Which means studies to the menu. o Create separate pages for " Cursussen " and " Opleidingen." o Both pages should have a title at the top that says " Cursussen " or " Opleidingen." And below that we should be able to write a text. Below the texts the studies or courses will show. Below the courses, we should be able to write another text (that is important for SEO). o On the homepage: the first CTA b...

$1214 Average bid
$1214 平均报价
127 个竞标

...Magento 2 designer who can work efficiently and deliver outstanding results. The project requires backing up and setting up our website on a subdomain for development. Once the work is completed and approved, we will migrate it to our live website. Project Requirements: ✅ Magento 2 Expertise – Strong experience in designing and customizing Magento 2 websites. ✅ Subdomain Setup & Backup – You will be responsible for setting up a working environment on a subdomain without affecting our live website. ✅ Design Implementation – We will provide references to similar websites, and you will need to design accordingly. ✅ Seamless Migration – Once finalized, the updated website will need to be smoot...

$265 Average bid
$265 平均报价
47 个竞标

...skilled Shopify developer to create a modern, high-converting Shopify store for my physical goods. The primary objective of this project is to enhance sales through a well-optimized, user-friendly store. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a sleek, contemporary Shopify store - Create CRO-enabled product pages with various essential features Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in Shopify store development - Proven track record in creating high-converting e-commerce sites - Proficient in Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) strategies Product Page Features: I want my product pages to be equipped with: - Customer reviews - Product videos - Related products - Hero Section - Product Details - Social Proof - Upsell/Cross-Sell - Trust...

$1144 Average bid
$1144 平均报价
27 个竞标

I need a WordPress expert to fix my website's header. The menu needs to be aligned to the right of the logo, and the cart must be visible on all devices, including the mobile menu where it currently isn't showing. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in WordPress - Experience with Mega Menu plugin - Strong understanding of HTML/CSS for WordPress - Responsive design expertise for mobile compatibility

$142 Average bid
$142 平均报价
66 个竞标

I've got a logo, now I need the stationery to match and a sign bord. The logo is in the word doc attached a bigger version in the footer in shaded version Company name is Jennings O'Neill Property Address is - 24 MOUNTJOY SQUARE EAST DUBLIN 1 D01 VP29 company number is 673430 PSRA No: 004647 Specifically, I need: - Business cards - Letterhead - Envelopes - A folder for letters The business card should incorporate: - My name and title - My contact details - The company logo or tagline I'm looking for a design style that is strictly professional and formal. I would prefer someone with experience in corporate identity design and a strong portfolio of similar work. Timeliness and atten...

$1050 Average bid
279 项参赛作品

...professionnel developper to create TODAY (urgent job) a web scrapper with a form we can fill. Here are exact requirements : You must create a real estate listing generator. You have to follow exactly all tasks and components i'll give you. 1. Main task is to extracts all datas from the website (or other real estate websites) listing we will give to the form. For each task, we will give you an URL. 2. You must create a simple form, where we will need to give you the URL. You must also add a dropdown list with all language inside. If we choose "German" as example, the PDF generated must be in german. 3. Once the form is filled, scrapper have to go to the URL and scrape all datas : name of property...

$257 Average bid
$257 平均报价
34 个竞标

...professional to create custom header and footer templates (including menus) for my WordPress/Elementor site. It should have the exact same design and structure as , but with my logo and business phone number instead. Requirements: • Fully editable Elementor Pro templates • Mobile-responsive design (including a hamburger menu for mobile devices) • Identical layout and functionality as • Easy to upload and use on multiple websites Scope of Work: A) Custom Header & Menu (including hamburger menu) • Must match the exact structure and functionality of • The menu should be fully responsive and work smoothly on all devices. B) Custom Footer &...

$1050 Average bid
$1050 平均报价
109 个竞标

...professionnel developper to create TODAY (urgent job) a web scrapper with a form we can fill. Here are exact requirements : You must create a real estate listing generator. You have to follow exactly all tasks and components i'll give you. 1. Main task is to extracts all datas from the website (or other real estate websites) listing we will give to the form. For each task, we will give you an URL. 2. You must create a simple form, where we will need to give you the URL. You must also add a dropdown list with all language inside. If we choose "German" as example, the PDF generated must be in german. 3. Once the form is filled, scrapper have to go to the URL and scrape all datas : name of property...

$303 Average bid
$303 平均报价
48 个竞标