Gitlab vs github 2020工作


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    **Translation into English:** --- **No Restriction on Programming Language: Text Processing Task** Extract group chat records from a large text file and slowly write them into individual small text files in the target folder. --- ### GitHub Repository Requirements document and text to be processed are available at the GitHub repository: []() --- ### Summary of Requirements Extract the WhatsApp group chat records from a large text file `` located in the `HistoryMsg` directory and slowly release them into the target folder. Each message should become a small file where the content is the translated version of the message. For images or other attachments (images do not

    $1205 Average bid
    $1205 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    本项目旨在为用户提供一种将其购买商品的电子小票转换为可复制的json文本数据的集成工具服务。 电子小票的载体一般为微信小程序或H5网页。 本项目包括一个网页端和一个云服务器。 本项目关于爬虫相关的技术,在网络中如github已有相关源代码帖子证明可实施,但前端网页及服务器的其余功能开发需要参考文档完成。 本项目不仅仅是完成功能的实现,更主要的是项目的运行维护,包括云服务器的搭建及管理等,具体要求详见附件文档说明。 海外华裔优先

    $4245 Average bid
    $4245 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    ...業績隨即大幅下滑。「畢竟飯糰可以每天吃,但很少有人天天吃蛋糕。」黃正田分析,隨著愈來愈多零售業者加入,且日本原裝進口物料價格相對較高,一個甜點的單價和傳統蛋糕店價錢差不多。加上甜點對多數人而言並非生活必需品,因此這股嘗鮮紅利並未成功延續,最慘的時候,一年得賠掉上千萬元,「工廠的總經理、副總都一度提出收掉的建議。」談起虧損情況,黃正田苦笑。儘管當時業績連年衰退,但日本全家在甜點的成功經驗,對台灣全家而言就像定心丸。他們深信,台日文化相近,長遠看來,甜點在台灣有前景,因此仍持續鼓勵團隊維持產能。轉機,出現在2014年,超商咖啡正式走進民眾生活,消費者習慣有了改變。黃正田回憶,當時超商咖啡崛起,全家的Let's Café 咖啡業績一年成長八成,於是他們透過咖啡加購甜點優惠,降低入手購買門檻,提升消費者的購買意願。例如,2015年推出即大受好評的法式檸檬塔,為團隊注入一劑強心針,持續優化後,到2020年,每月銷量逾20萬顆。「至少主管們不會再提要把工廠收掉了⋯⋯。」 黃正田指出,儘管在那之後甜點業績還是會有波動,由於整體曲線呈正成長,也讓團隊更有動力持續開發新品。真正讓全家甜點重新攀上高峰,由虧轉盈的關鍵,則是2017年全家赴日考察後所開發出的脆皮泡芙,半年內就推出八種口味,口味多元,深受消費者歡迎,平均每天可賣出約5萬顆。</b30</b20>>黃正田解釋,脆皮泡芙雖是單一產品,但每次推出新口味,都能給客人驚喜,後來,消費者甚至還會許願、敲碗喜歡的口味。互動過程中,全家也開始透過團購限定口味的方式,增加市場討論度。全家是台灣唯一自建甜點產線的零售業者,每條 產線人力約有15人,是一般鮮食的兩倍。全家是台灣唯一自建甜點產線的零售業者,每條 產線人力約有15人,是一般鮮食的兩倍。▲全家是台灣唯一自建甜點產線的零售業...

    $78 - $233
    $78 - $233
    0 个竞标

    ...5、熟悉react技术栈 职位要求: 1.有证券从业资格证 / 基金从业资格证优先考虑; 2.掌握各种前端技术,包括HTML/CSS/JavaScript/TypeScript等,js基础必须扎实; 3.对前端工程化有一定了解,深刻理解web标准,对前端性能/可访问性、可维护性等相关知识有实际的了解和实践,有移动端H5经验优先; 3.熟练使用react 全家桶,熟练使用react-hooks; 4.有基于Ant Design Pro搭建经验优先,基于Ant Design进行需求开发,有实际工作者优先; 5.熟练css预编译、后编译等工具,如less/sass/postcss等; 6.熟练使用echarts等图表,针对需求可以进行二次分装; 7.熟悉es6常用特性,熟悉组件化,模块化开发模式; 8.有使用lodash等 js库使用优先; 9.有webpack配置、优化优先; 10.熟练使用Gitlab进行项目代码管理以及版本控制,并遵循一定的流行规范,熟练使用git命令;

    $155 / hr Average bid
    $155 / hr 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    ...所提交的PHP后端代码为Laravel框架,现在对接了的钱包功能,前端是VUE开发,需要对个人中心的提取虚拟货币接口进行修复。 提供代码为:VUE前端的反编译代码与完整的PHP代码,详情可以参考Laravel的路由模块。 此git仓库是前端VUE的部分源码,需要进行修复: 1. 登录注册无论成功还是失败状态都没有弹窗提醒。 2. 后台设置交易手数为0.1,0.01时,客户在前台操作,仍然报告不得少于1手,如图5、6 3.钱包对接,需要接入ZTpay,ZTpay提供第三方钱包地址功能,开放文档: ZTpay提供了API接口,可以调用生成钱包地址、充值、提取、读取账户信息功能。已经提供部分对接信息,需要完善功能,并在前台能渲染QR code和数字货币地址。如图X/x 可以给我留下github账号,我会授权你访问我的仓库,可以评估下是否接受。完成BTC钱包并实现充币(前台)功能可以给milestone2000HKD,在完成其余9种数字货币(重复性工作),给3000HKDmilestone。修复两个bug,分别给1000HKDmilestone。

    $1431 Average bid
    $1431 平均报价
    4 个竞标
    已经结束 left

    需求是按照设计稿1:1改开发一套产品 可依照目前Github功能代码 (PC是element h5是vant) 竞品需参考交互

    $10107 Average bid
    $10107 平均报价
    6 个竞标
    Project for Elven L.
    已经结束 left

    Elven L.,您好,我看了您的个人资料,想与您进行项目合作。我们可以通过聊天对话进一步讨论细节。需求是按照设计稿1:1改开发一套产品 可依照目前Github功能代码 (PC是element h5是vant) 提供竞品需参考交互 详细内容,请联系skype: live:.

    $9330 Average bid
    $9330 平均报价
    1 个竞标


    $171 / hr Average bid
    $171 / hr 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    完美体验,尽在诚信,财源广进,祝君生意兴隆 诚信作为亚洲品牌,致力为客户缔造一个公平,公开,公证 安全和多元化的平台为客户提供全面优质服务公司坚持诚信为本 质量第一,顾客至上,与全国合作伙伴携手并进共同发展。

    $1944 - $5831
    $1944 - $5831
    0 个竞标


    $179 Average bid
    $179 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    有源码,服务器,域名。现在只需更改下首页。变动很小。 有其他事项可慢慢谈。

    $117 Average bid
    $117 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    香港单身证明办ㄟ制【q438988979】,说明持有人当时的状态没有结婚,对以往是否结婚或离婚及丧偶等情况都不作描述,只证实申请时没有结婚。未婚的依据是持证人申请时根据登记处翻查婚姻记录,没有结婚信息而出示证明。翻查记录和出示证明都需要收取费用。正常情况下申请日与发证日相距九个工作日,特殊情况可以在时间上作加急处理。内地制度很多地方都与特区有区别,香港赴内地工作落户等情况都需要各类证明。思维及语言文字表达上的的差异,理解方面有较大的差异,加之网络数据信息不能互联,很多文件需要经过中国委托公证人办理公证加上转递,才能够被承认。特别是在内地结婚的都需要详细情况及公证,才能被承认及办理相关手续。 香港单身证明当地通俗说法是寡佬证,包括从未有婚姻状况的、结婚后丧偶、感情不合离婚、老年还是独身的等等单身一人的情况。与内地还未结婚出具的是未婚证明,有过婚史离婚出具离婚证,等等不同状况作不同说明有所不同。这也是当地沿用的是英国人的懒惰思维,不分年龄大小,不管有无出生,起始时间都固定在四五年。语言的理解能力和思维的方式大不一样,但其又是真实的,所以内地也只能勉强适应这种似是而非的文字表达方式。很多人模仿的时候就根据正常思维去调整日期,殊不知道画虎不成反类犬,想当然去调整日期,反而成为了不伦不类的怪异证明。 由于二地的制度不同,特别是香港发出的各类单身证明(寡佬证),与内地签发的不同,用于内地,需经中国司法部委任的中国委托公证人办理公证加上转递。寡佬证是当地的俗称,相当于国内说的个人的单身证明,证明个人在香港的婚姻状况,是不是单身状态,有没有过结婚史,是否已经离婚这些信息都会在这个文件上面体现出来。进行公证之后就可以在国内用于结婚或者是诉讼之用。本人到香港律师楼进行签字。无结婚纪录证明书有效期为六个月,是从申请日起计,逾期无效。无结婚纪录证明书又叫单身公证或单身证明书。因此,内地结婚手续...

    $5831 Average bid
    $5831 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    有一个2012年使用pb12制作的windows桌面项目,使用mdi方式已经实现,需要界面美化。 希望美化的效果能够符合2020年的审美要求。 需要开发者提供源代码,源代码都需要可见,源代码不包含第三方封装的程序。 开发者需要使用中文沟通。

    $1104 Average bid
    $1104 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    联系方式:请打开issue链接,直接在github上与aelf的开发者交流。 issue地址: 对(int,IChainContext,Transaction,Timestamp,CancellationToken,Address)进行重构,这是60行代码和6个参数的单位。解决这一问题将使我们的代码库更易于维护,并提高更好的代码中心的保持单元接口小准则评级! 以下是本指南的要点: 1.定义 将每个单元的参数数量限制为最多4个。 2.为什么? 保持较低的参数数量可以使单元更容易理解、测试和重用。 3.怎么做 通过将相关参数分组为对象来减少参数的数量。或者,尝试提取部分需要较少参数的单元。 您可以在构建可维护软件中找到有关此准则的更多信息。 祝您好运,编码愉快!

    $1710 Average bid
    $1710 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    issue地址: 1.从开放给开发者的issue中,领取认为自己可以解决的issue a.在issue下评论,和团队确认奖励范围 b.和团队确认对应的reviewer。【一般情况为当前模块的研发人员】 2.明确需求,提交解决方案,提交DDL,并获取认可后即可开工。 3.创建PR并添加[WIP][community] 4.细分任务,标注任务完成期限 5.完成PR后,在标题添加[Review] 6.看到[Review]标记的PR,开始Team review 7.通过Team reivew后,移除标题中的[WIP][Review],等待最终review 您可以在构建可维护软件中找到有关此准则的更多信息。 祝您好运,编码愉快!

    $1555 Average bid
    $1555 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    ...对企业:为客户提供高质量和最优质的专业化人才服务,以真诚和实力赢得客户的信任、尊重和支持。 对候选人:让那些有梦想、有才华的人才不被埋没,让他们的职业获得更大的成功。 5、发展理念 无论是接受企业客户委托寻访优才,还是面向职业经理人的事业机会发展与举荐,或是对职场更多人的生涯规划服务,ZDL均致力突破时间与空间限制,提供妥帖之服务。 6、价值观 真诚、进取、分享、责任、创新 7、福利待遇 1.试用期五险一金,转正六险一金 2.下午茶, 定期团建,出国游 3. 上班时间上午9:00-12:00,下午1:30-5:30  女生享有一天的带薪福利假,. 员工享有带薪病假等 8、公司愿景 我们相信,我们以持续不断接近成长目标,并将逐渐达成愿景:成为世界一流的人力资源服务商! 至2017年,我们实现了:以实际业绩、团队专业能力、业务规模、市场覆盖率,挤身行业前茅; 而未来,至2020年,我们仍将以持续专业和战略扩展,逐步成长为人力资源发展咨询领域的全球性服务商、具有全球竟争力的国际咨询公司

    $2184 - $6552
    $2184 - $6552
    0 个竞标
    Project for Duoduo Q.
    已经结束 left

    Hi Duoduo Q., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat. 我想基于一个开源加密聊天项目做一些修改,第一步需要你把下面的代码跑通,确保github上的代码是可运行的,这样我们今后可以修改和添加一些新功能。 其它代码也在toshiapp这 。

    $1788 Average bid
    $1788 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    Project for pinelg1029
    已经结束 left

    需要一些gitlab-ci 的指导

    $801 Average bid
    $801 平均报价
    3 个竞标
    已经结束 left

    技术要点如下: * Gitlab版本:8.1.x * 安装环境 * UCloud 云主机 * Ubuntu 16.04 * Docker 1.3 * 实施要求 * Gitlab * 必选功能: * 作为Docker容器安装 * 相关服务,MySQL和Redis作为Docker容器安装 * 可设置指定邮箱发送Gitlab通知 * 对外服务配置为HTTPS,使用Let’s Encrypt制作证书 * 重启系统后,正确的自动启动所有相关服务 * 提供完整的Gitlab安装脚本 * 能够运行后安装所有上述服务 * 提供脚本的代码注释和流程图 * 提供在Docker宿主机上的备份和恢复脚本 * 备份数据存放在Docker宿主机指定的路径下 * 可通过恢复脚本将当前备份数据恢复当前系统的Gitlab * 可在另外服务器相同的Gitlab环境,使用当前备份数据,成功运行恢复脚本 * 提供脚本的代码注释和流程图 * 可选功能: * 正确导入目前Gitlab7.x的Repository,包括wiki数据 * Gitlab全部数据的日常增量备份 * 实施步骤和要...

    $12043 Average bid
    $12043 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    script JQUERY textarea
    已经结束 left


    $179 Average bid
    $179 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    ...configuration Added component style overrides b. Theme Provider Setup: Updated to include ThemeProvider and CssBaseline Added StyledEngineProvider with injectFirst Added Poppins font imports c. Component Styling: Started with complex styled components in LoginPage Simplified to basic MUI components to isolate the issue Tried different approaches to component styling (styled components vs sx prop) Attempts to Fix Appwrite Authentication: a. Auth Service Implementation: Initially tried using createEmailSession method Changed to createSession method due to TypeScript errors Updated error handling for better user feedback Fixed OAuth implementation for Google login b. Configuration: Verified Appwrite endpoint and project ID in .env Checked configuration Updated OAuth

    $1127 Average bid
    $1127 平均报价
    31 个竞标

    I'm looking for a React developer with experience with the Ton a react project that a user can connect its wallet from tonkeeper app on his phone, and then the user inputs the amount of token to transfer and then your code should prepare a message and send it to his wallet to sign. If he can sign and transfer successfully without any error or failing from tonkeeper or TON blockchain, then it is done. The project should be dockerized and delivered on my github repository. The jetton address, jetton decimal, and recipient address should be read from environment variables. I am looking for someone who has done it before and it is just copy and pasting for him/her. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in React - Experience with Ton blockchain Thank you for your time and I wis...

    $1376 Average bid
    $1376 平均报价
    49 个竞标

    ...THE POST CAREFULLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I need to re-run a published paper work, and precisely, the BKL model using different alpha/gamma parameters as shown in Table#3 in the experiment section (see attached table and paper). The project involves: - Understanding published paper code in github: . Basically, - It's a hybrid of two models: Splade (MLM Bert based retrieval model) and Colbert (HuggingFace ranking model) - already done. - Running the code on a slurm/linux cluster Ideal candidates should have: - Experience in understanding complex LLM code - must - Prior work with the Splade and Colbert models - or any LLM model - Familiarity with

    $9532 Average bid
    $9532 平均报价
    33 个竞标

    ...- Ability to be integrated in our existing website and also be available for users to integrate into their own website if they have one. The existing website offers customers the ability to post their events, so they will now have the option setup RSVP for their event. - Another discussion would need to be if the RSVP solution could potentially replace the current website's event postings vs needing to integrate. (To be assessed) Response Recording: - The software should send out email notifications for each RSVP response. - Also, text reminders (this is a low priority) Ideal skills for this job include software development, understanding of RSVP software features, and experience with creating customizable software. A prior portfolio of similar projects will be...

    $43616 Average bid
    $43616 平均报价
    162 个竞标

    ...profile_id. Comprehensive documentation of the debugging and resolution process. Validation that campaign data fetching works correctly post-resolution. Resources: In this section you get the required resources and files Amazon ads API guide Doc: -YouTube Video link for Guide: 2.Github link for Environment and Collection : google sheets in which the all required empty columns are mentioned : Budget and Timeline Budget: ₹500 (Minimal effort as Postman setup is ready and errors are isolated)/--> Negotiable. Timeline: 3 days (Quick fix for a professional

    $108 Average bid
    $108 平均报价
    10 个竞标

    ...with payment gateways (e.g., Stripe, PayPal, local options like Zain Cash). Support for one-time payments and subscriptions (for rent). Split payments (to handle commission deductions). Support for multiple currencies (if targeting international users). 2. Commission Dynamic commission settings (e.g., percentage-based or fixed). Ability to set different commission rates for categories (e.g., rental vs. sale). Transparent display of commissions for vendors. 3. Invoicing Auto-generated invoices for payments. Customizable invoice templates with branding options. Downloadable PDF invoices for users (both landlords and tenants). Tax integration (if required by local regulations). 4. Rating Separate rating systems for landlords, tenants, and properties. Allow reviews to include text, i...

    $2480 Average bid
    $2480 平均报价
    102 个竞标

    ...Downloading and Importing Files Download the mandatory JSON files (environment and collection) from the GitHub repository: Amazon Ads Advanced Tools. Import the files into Postman. Credential Input Filled the required fields: Client_ID Client_Secret Redirect_URL Scope Generating Authorization Grant URL Successfully generated the Authorization Grant URL and copied it to the browser for user consent. Generating Access and Refresh Tokens Successfully retrieved valid tokens (valid for 60 minutes). Error in Fetching Profile Details Despite successful token generation, fetching the profile_id resulted in an error. Resources Provided Amazon Ads API Guide: API Documentation YouTube Tutorial GitHub Repository: check document Environment and Collection Files Google Sheet...

    $124 Average bid
    $124 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    ...ideally overseeing a group of software engineers ● In-depth knowledge of the C++ programming languages and the best practices for software development ● Desirable to have some experience with AI systems and code-creation technologies ● Identify and add to public GitHub repositories that need improvement in a proactive manner which can involve developing new features and reworking existing code, and it will have a major influence on projects with large codebases (50K+ lines of code). It will be good to have candidates who have used Github in the past. ● Train LLM models with high-quality, stable, and scalable back-end components using the newest coding best practices in a variety of languages and frameworks. ● Ability to collaborate closely with developers, inspiring and se...

    $12020 Average bid
    $12020 平均报价
    15 个竞标

    I'm seeking an expert in Wyn Report Designer to help generate customizable reports from SQL/Pulseway databases. I'm looking to build managed Pulseway RMM Systems report containing Monthly reports on the current status of usage of components ie Hard drive size vs used, Ram amount vs average use, CPU type vs average load, Backup Status and AV status/preventions, failed logins/network intrusions. All of which I can currently obtain as seperate reports but want contained in single report laid out in format for my clients. The ideal freelancer should be adept at utilizing pre-built templates within the software to expedite the report creation process. Experience with Specifically Wyn Report Designer is crucial, as all reports will be Created from here. Idea...

    $2729 Average bid
    $2729 平均报价
    33 个竞标

    ...dietary tags. Option to save, rate, or like recipes. 4. Nutrient-Based Recommendations Use logged meals to calculate remaining macronutrients and micronutrients for the day. Recommend recipes to help users meet their daily nutritional goals. Allow users to explore additional recipes via the recipe selection page. 5. Nutritional Progress Tracking Daily Overview: Display a visual dashboard of consumed vs. recommended nutrients (calories, protein, carbs, fat, fiber, iron, etc.). Weekly Reports: Summarize dietary trends and provide suggestions for improvement. Gamification: Reward users for consistent meal logging (e.g., badges or achievements). 6. Health Advice Provide personalized health tips based on user profile and meal logs, such as: "Consider incorporating more fiber to i...

    $2146 Average bid
    $2146 平均报价
    48 个竞标

    ...Pull-out quotes or summary boxes to highlight key messages. 5. Brand Guidelines Please ensure strict adherence to LiSyc’s brand standards. Key points include: Color Palette Primary Colors: [List your main brand colors, including HEX/RGB/CMYK] Secondary/Accent Colors: [List any complementary colors] Typography Headings & Subheadings: [Specify brand typeface(s), size ranges, and usage (e.g., bold vs. regular)] Body Text: [Specify the typeface, recommended size, line spacing, etc.] Accent Fonts (if applicable): For pull quotes or callouts Logo Usage Proper clear space, size guidelines, and color variations of the LiSyc logo. Placement preference (e.g., front cover, footers, repeated elements). Imagery & Stock Photos Photography: If LiSyc has a brand photo style (l...

    $777 Average bid
    $777 平均报价
    69 个竞标

    ...Requirements: Write a report (not more than 2000 words excluding references, figure captions and appendices) with a brief introduction and statement of the problem/aims, a description of the modelling methodology/steps undertaken (e.g. analysis type, element type, justification for selection, simplifications, etc.), details of the data obtained (graphs showing relationship of modelled maximum stress vs. mesh density, sample displacement plots and any relevant contour plots deemed necessary) together with comments/discussion on the results and comparisons of the predicted outputs against the theoretical values (calculated). The assignment will be assessed based on a clear introduction and CFD & FEA (04 31738), 2024/2025 - SLS statement of the aims/objectives, structure of the...

    $1065 Average bid
    $1065 平均报价
    39 个竞标

    Job Description: I’m building an AI-powered chatbot backend to handle customer interactions on messaging platforms (e.g., WhatsApp). The chatbot will process messages, identify intents/entities, generate A...functional backend with asynchronous processing. 2. API integration for message handling and response generation. 3. Deployed backend on a cloud platform. 4. Documentation for the backend setup and API endpoints. How to Apply: Please include: • Your experience with Python backend development. • Projects you’ve worked on related to chatbots, AI, or messaging systems. • Links to your portfolio or GitHub profile (if available). • A brief proposal on how you’d approach this project. Looking forward to collaborating with talented devel...

    $47 / hr Average bid
    $47 / hr 平均报价
    16 个竞标

    I'm looking for a seasoned React Native developer with 2-3 years of experience in mobile or web development. The ideal candidate will have: - Proficiency in React Native, TypeScript, GraphQL Apollo, Jest, and Git. - Experience with state management libraries, preferably Redux. - Familiarity with GitLab for version control and CI/CD pipelines. - Understanding of modern software development principles and architecture. - Knowledge of Feature-Sliced Design (FSD) methodology is a significant plus. Your responsibilities will include developing and maintaining the front-end of mobile applications, integrating and connecting applications with APIs, collaborating with backend developers and designers, writing high-quality code, conducting unit testing using Jest, and participating in...

    $4074 Average bid
    $4074 平均报价
    135 个竞标

    Create a QGIS Desktop 3.38.3 project displaying results for each property in the county. This is an update to a previous project in 2020, which I can provide you the qgz and shape files so you can see the previous layers and organization of pivot tables (see attached screen shot). Unfortunately I don't have the script used to create it. Also, this version will be larger and sorted differently. Assume you're starting from the beginning. I would like to get this completed in January. I’ll be readily available to collaborate. The developer who created the previous similar project in 2020 is also available to visit to get started, but not for ongoing discussions. 1. You’ll start with 84,000 JSON files, with about 175 entrees in each from Br...

    $21893 Average bid
    $21893 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    We are gearing up to launch multiple platforms in June and are in urgent need of experienced blockchain developers. Our previous developers did not yield satisfactory results, so this year we are keen on working with proven experts in the field. Key Requirements: - Pr...results, so this year we are keen on working with proven experts in the field. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in blockchain development, particularly on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Solana - Full stack development experience, especially with Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), and Supply Chain Management - Strong UI/UX and frontend development skills - Access to your own Github - Successful interview with our CTO Please Note: I will be meeting with several developers on this platform. ...

    $404 / hr Average bid
    $404 / hr 平均报价
    21 个竞标

    Job Opportunity: Web Developer for a Directory-Style Website Targeted at Female Entrepreneurs We’re seeking a talented and creative web developer to help us create a directory website dedicated to supporting female entrepreneurs and their businesses. This project i...Project completion targeted within 8 weeks (flexible). Compensation: Total compensation = $2,000 paid at agreed upon milestones throughout the project. How to Apply If you’re interested, please send the following by January 31, 2025. A brief introduction about yourself and why you’re interested in this project. Your resume or a summary of your technical skills. Links to your portfolio, GitHub, or examples of previous projects. We’re excited to hear from you and work together to...

    $16552 Average bid
    $16552 平均报价
    151 个竞标

    Objective: Customize the open-source Slic3r software (written mainly in Perl with some C++ parts) to add new slicing features, enhance the UI, and optimize performance if needed. Key Skills: Required expertise in Perl and C++, knowledge of 3D printing/G-code, and familiarity with open-source workflows (Git/GitHub). Deliverables: A fully functional modified Slic3r, the final source code (with commit history or release notes), and documentation on installation, usage, and maintenance. Timeline & Budget: Flexible, depending on the complexity of customizations. Application Requirements: Portfolio or examples of similar work (especially in Perl/C++ and 3D printing), plus a brief outline of how the freelancer intends to approach the project.

    $22547 Average bid
    $22547 平均报价
    39 个竞标

    Design and develop a mobile application as follows: ..._ 8. Analytics and Monitoring • Crash Reporting: o Sentry or Firebase Crashlytics. • Analytics: o Google Analytics, Mixpanel, or Amplitude for user behavior insights. • Monitoring Tools: o New Relic or Datadog for backend performance monitoring. ________________________________________ 9. DevOps and CI/CD Ensures smooth deployment and updates. • Tools: o Docker for containerization. o Jenkins, GitHub Actions, or CircleCI for continuous integration and deployment. ________________________________________ 10. Third-Party Integrations • Healthcare APIs: o Integration with electronic health record (EHR) systems. o Telemedicine APIs (e.g., Twilio for video calls). • Push Notifications: o Firebase Cloud M...

    $6702 Average bid
    $6702 平均报价
    140 个竞标

    I'm seeking a writer for a comparative study of the narrative perspective regarding identity in Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" and Golding's "Lord of the Flies." The paper should span 6 pages and explore the following: - Focus on 'identity' from the lens of narrative perspective. - Comparison of chronological narrative vs. non-linear storytelling techniques. - Highlighting themes of 'Isolation and community' in relation to identity. Budget: 20 - 25 A$ The resulting piece will be used for a conference and is essential for my Ph.D. credit collection. As such, it needs to be of a high academic standard. A deep understanding of both authors and their works is essential. Please ensure the paper is completed within 48-72 working ho...

    $70 Average bid
    $70 平均报价
    16 个竞标

    ...Labor Costs • Food Costs (COGS) • Cost Percentages • Labor cost % and food cost % of total revenue. 2. Variance Analysis • Cost Variance • Actual vs. Theoretical • Highlight deviations with color coding (e.g., red for over-budget). • Profit Variance 3. Operational Metrics • Food Waste Tracking • Dollar value of waste and variance from target. • Labor Hours & Overtime • Scheduled vs. Actual hours worked. • Inventory Usage 4. Sales and Revenue Metrics • Sales Performance • Weekly, monthly, and YTD revenue trends. • Average ticket size. • Identify high-performing or underperforming items. 5. Store-Level Comparisons • Top vs. Bottom Stores • Rank stores ba...

    $1174 Average bid
    $1174 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    I need assistance with modifying the DPI of 5 PNG graphs from 150 to 300. The freelancer should have experience with image editing software and an understanding of DPI adjustments for print vs. screen quality.

    $599 Average bid
    $599 平均报价
    47 个竞标

    ...properly the rendering of the documents Invoice, Bill, Purchase Order, Sale Order You need to look at some models document online, to be able to fix the code. What I provide: - Code sharing on Github Technical Knowledge: - Good knowledge of WPF, especially sizing and calculation of the elements - Good knowledge of C# - Good knowledge of Json Functional Knowledge: - Good communication - Functional knowledge of Invoice, Bill, - Functional knowledge of Documents Header, Footer, Details Requirements Environment: - C#, WPF, Windows 10, Node JS, Visual Studio 2022 - Account with GitHub for sharing Important, I don’t answer to such proposals: - Asking where are the requirements (no more annoying to get a question on the chat asking where are the requirements)...

    $218 Average bid
    $218 平均报价
    16 个竞标

    ...Microsoft Teams --- 8. Data and Analytics Google Analytics Tableau Airtable Looker --- 9. Human Resources and Payroll Gusto BambooHR ADP Workday --- 10. File Storage and Sharing Google Drive Dropbox AWS S3 --- 11. Social Media Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Instagram --- 12. Geolocation and Mapping Google Maps Mapbox OpenWeather --- 13. Miscellaneous Zapier IFTTT GitHub DocuSign --- How It Works in Your Chat Interface Your existing AI can call the above APIs when requested in chat to: Automate tasks. Retrieve or update data. Perform real-time actions (e.g., schedule meetings, send messages, analyze data). Let me know if you need specific help connecting your chat interface to any of these APIs!...

    $141 Average bid
    $141 平均报价
    18 个竞标

    ...with the latest versions of the Rentman API, Rentman plugin, WooCommerce, and WordPress. - Fix the checkout functionality to restore the order placement process. Integration Validation: - Verify that the plugin exports orders correctly to Rentman once fixed. Code Documentation: - Post a detailed changelog on GitHub. - Include clear comments and documentation for all code changes to ensure maintainability. Deliverables: - Fully functional luxonos-checkout plugin. - Detailed GitHub changelog and well-documented code. - Verification that the integration with Rentman API is operational. Skills Required: - Strong experience with PHP and WordPress plugin development. - WooCommerce customization expertise. - Familiarity with RESTful APIs and debugging API integrations. - Vers...

    $1050 Average bid
    $1050 平均报价
    53 个竞标

    I'm in need of a script for my YouTube channel covering the IND vs AUS 5th test. The script should be written as if a enthusiastic commentator are discussing the match, with an exciting and dramatic tone. Key elements to cover: - Key moments and highlights of the test - Player performances and statistics - Behind-the-scenes and interesting anecdotes - All states about the and players The ideal script length should be medium, falling within the 8-12 minutes range. It should keep viewers on the edge of their seats, yet also provide insightful commentary on player stats and performances. Humor is not a priority; the focus is on creating an engaging, dramatic narrative. Skills and experience that will be beneficial for this job include: - A strong understanding of cricket and ...

    $93 Average bid
    $93 平均报价
    27 个竞标
    Buck vs linear
    7 天 left

    Comparison of a buck switching regulator and a linear regulator in terms of: Efficiency Voltage regulation Output Voltage ripple Power dissipation With LTspice simulation

    $311 Average bid
    $311 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    ...transmission. Assist in troubleshooting and debugging any network connectivity issues. Deliverables: Remote consultation sessions to discuss project issues and challenges, and help us resolve as quickly as possible. Clear and concise explanations of technical concepts and solutions. Recommendations for integration options. Assistance in resolving any networking-related problems (Shell vs fpga etc). Ideal Candidate: Proven track record of successful FPGA networking projects, ideally with the (Alveo U50). Ability to clearly communicate complex technical information. Availability for regular consultations (flexible schedule). To Apply: Please submit your proposal with the following: A brief overview of your relevant experience with FPGA network...

    $412 / hr Average bid
    $412 / hr 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    I need an expert in Solidworks who can create a detailed model from a scan file. 2020 version or less are prefer...

    $101 / hr Average bid
    $101 / hr 平均报价
    69 个竞标