Freelance online spss工作


    2,000 freelance online spss 找到工作

    ### **2. 網頁設計的核心範疇** | **子領域** | **重點內容** | |------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | **UI 設計** | 視覺介面設計:按鈕、圖標、配色、字體、版面佈局(Layout)等。 | | **UX 設計** | 用戶體驗規劃:流程邏輯、互動反饋、易用性測試(如原型設計、用戶旅程地圖)。 | | **響應式設計** | 適應不同裝置(電腦、手機、平板)的彈性版面設計(RWD)。 | | **資訊架構** | 網站內容的分類、導覽結構(如選單層次)、SEO 關鍵字規劃。 | | **動態設計** | 動畫、過場效果(如按鈕懸停、頁面轉場)提升互動性。 | | **前端開發協作** | 與前端工程師合作,確保設計能轉換為 HTML/CSS/JavaScript 代碼。 | --- ### **3. 網頁設計的關鍵要素** - **視覺層面** - **一致性**:品牌色系、字體、按鈕樣式統一。 - **對比與留白**:引導用戶注意力,避免資訊過載。 - **圖像與多媒體**:高品質圖片、影片、SVG 向量圖示。 ...

    $15660 Average bid
    $15660 平均报价
    3 个竞标
    已经结束 left

    ...methods, uses and social customs, as well as business protocols in China or Hong Kong, as well as geographical, political, legal, cultural factors, etc. We are looking for a person residing in China or Hong Kong (documentation will be requested to corroborate this) and with a native level of chinese and an intermediate level of english. With experience as a small business owner, self-employed or freelance. An empathetic person, capable of understanding the commercial needs of a businessman. We are looking for an extroverted and eloquent person, with the ability to "make friends even with stones". Once you contact our client profile, you only have to show them our service and how it will help them commercially (% savings on return logistics). We carry out the sale and cl...

    $4607 Average bid
    $4607 平均报价
    3 个竞标


    $622 Average bid
    $622 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    已经结束 left


    $987 Average bid
    $987 平均报价
    11 个竞标

    我们是在美国的公司,只服务在美华人。需要在一些美国的网站上推广我们的服务,并且针对性的进行我们自己网站的优化。 你必须讲中文。

    $1064 Average bid
    $1064 平均报价
    19 个竞标
    online data collecting
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    我有一份公司的名单,我正在寻找紧急帮助,以在网上收集整理这些公司的电话号码和邮箱。任务非常简单,不需要特殊的技能,只需要候选人具备母语级别的汉语水平,以及快速的工作能力。 如果您是一位这样的人才,知道如何有效地查找公司信息,我将非常感激您能在这个项目上帮助我。

    $69 / hr Average bid
    $69 / hr 平均报价
    26 个竞标

    首先设计Online casino 投资项目与预期 达到招商金额后 开发网页与搭建网站与ppt等项目

    $1088 Average bid
    $1088 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    We are searching for a remote online customer service representative to join our esteemed boutique guesthouse located in Japan. This opportunity is ideal for a foreign individual proficient in Chinese, eager to be immersed in a multicultural work environment while providing superior service to our guests. Key Responsibilities: Address customer inquiries through email, phone, and online platforms promptly and professionally. Assist with booking and reservation queries, offering information regarding availability, rates, and amenities. Manage complaints, providing suitable solutions and alternatives within a set timeframe; ensure resolution through follow-ups. Collaborate with the on-site team to guarantee a seamless guest experience. Maintain a positive, empathetic, and prof...

    $1165 Average bid
    $1165 平均报价
    16 个竞标
    已经结束 left

    用電腦 劃圖,熟悉autocad程式,時間自由,工作量多,長期工作

    $4141 Average bid
    $4141 平均报价
    15 个竞标

    一个互联网维修和装修freelance 平台 可以先跟我在vx: caomingxin5009先聊一下,谢谢。

    $4964 Average bid
    $4964 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    Banana Portal 接蕉喇係香港首個完全免費的綜合服務指南平台,致力去除自由工作(Freelance)市場參差的中介,提供完全透明、保障用家利益的配對服務,並協助自由工作者(freelancer)及商戶拓展業務。 過百種分類包括:攝影師,平面及室內設計師,婚禮統籌,化妝,中學小學音樂補習老師,室內設計,家居清潔,網業及程式設計開發,寵物服務等。 我們希望能夠將網站的SERP、Domain Authority、Citation 以Backlink, social bookmarking等方法提升。

    $1189 Average bid
    $1189 平均报价
    9 个竞标


    $202 Average bid
    $202 平均报价
    3 个竞标
    Recruit English writers
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    我公司是一家面对境外从事英文写作服务的机构,专业涵盖广泛,任务稳定,类型主要为Essay, Report等,工资按篇结算周期短,时间弹性大。现招聘有经验的英语写手。   酬劳:200-500元/千单词,视写作水平而定。   注意事项:   1.必须有澳洲,英国,加拿大或美国等国家的学科作业或论文写作经验,拒绝翻译写作,无经验的不予考虑;   2. 我们希望长期合作,只为解决手头暂时拮据而来应聘的,不予考虑;   3.时间充足,能提供详细联系方式;   4.责任心强,不应付,一旦发现应付,解除合作关系;   5.遵循客户要求,按时交稿,不拖稿,拖稿两次以上(含两次),解除合作;   6、做到后期耐心修改和指导。   7、熟悉金融,会计,计算机,法律,护理等专业知识的优先考虑,熟悉SPSS,Eviews等计量统计软件优先考虑,。   [Removed by Admin - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions]

    $1173 Average bid
    $1173 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    احتاج محلل احصائي يجيد استخدام برنامجي SPSS & AMOS لعمل تحليل احصائي لبحث مع تنسيق الجداول بشكل كامل والتعليق عليها

    $1274 Average bid
    $1274 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    ...个专业领域的人才,待遇丰厚。 本公司招聘各个领域的写作人才,涵盖各个专业:商科、金融、数学、市场营销、法律、文学、经济、会计、政治、物流、计算机科学、数据基础、编程、信息系统、电子商务、人力资源、旅游、公司治理、物流管理、供应链管理、法律、管理业务管理、国际贸易等。 一、任职要求: 1.学历要求:目前仅接受国内研究生及以上(条件优秀的本科生亦可),及优秀的海外大学留学生。 2.英语水平要求: 国内大学英语六级以上,或者英语专业专八良好,国外雅思6.5分及以上,托福95以上。(请注意,本公司只接受英文原创写作人员,而不是简单的中英翻译,了解国外写作格式,有留学生原创写作经验优先) 3.专业要求范围:商科、管理、金融、工商管理、数学、人力、市场营销、法律、文学、经济、会计、政治、物流、计算机、教育、国贸、统计、 MBA等。要是你会数据分析类、如PYTHON、EVIEWS,SPSS,STATA,MATLAB等将是本公司着重培养人才!薪资将会比普通专业的更加丰厚! 4.态度要求:热爱写作,诚信负责,工作积极配合。具备良好的职业道德,具有充足的写作时间。 为什么选择我们? 本公司不限工作时间、不限工作地点、工作灵活,接tasks后,只要能在规定时间完成即可!工资丰厚!所有的工作地点和时间均由你自己安排,任务由你选择接与不接,推荐给你的单接或不接不影响下一次接单,工资结算在稿件截稿日之日完成。欢迎加入我们公司,希望广大贤士能来共创事业! 微信:tianxun1 QQ:2942613125

    $373 Average bid
    $373 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    ...HTML 5 pages. - Adaptive HTML for mobile devices - Multi- environment support(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - Expected 2.5 weeks to complete entire page development, 0.5 weeks for testing and fixing - Basic test from developer before releasing every build to us. Final acceptance test will done by us - NDA is needed before start sharing project infomation 目前我们正在开发一个餐厅订单后台处理的平台,需要另外一名freelance来加速HTML5的开发进程。 - 目前我们已经完成了页面额设计和PS素材的制作,开发人员可以直接使用。 - 自适应网页制作,尤其是针对不同的移动设备(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - 希望在两周半的时候完成页面的开发(希望每两两天提交代码,以便早点检查和反馈),大概3-5天做验收测试和问题修复 - 希望开发人员会做基本的自测,确保发给我们验收的内容有一定的质量。当然我们也很希望开发者可用提出一些专业的建议和意见 - 需要和我们签订保密协议,在项目开始之前。

    $8258 Average bid
    $8258 平均报价
    47 个竞标

    论文的方向:marketing,关于sales performance,找一个变量与之构成模型,然后通过问卷搜集数据,用spss分析,线性回归分析其之间的关系,再得出结论及建议,120页左右(英文的)。 先完成proposal,然后设计问卷,形成初稿,修改定稿答辩。目标:合格即可。 有proposal格式和论文格式参考。

    $21823 Average bid
    $21823 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    已经结束 left


    $23183 Average bid
    $23183 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    为进一步加强企业事业单位专业技术人才的队伍建设,通过网上视频课件开发,有计划、有步骤地培训一批具有我市发展战略素质的优秀人才队伍,不断提升各类人才的战略思维素养和理论水平,拓展结合我市市情的改革发展思路,加快人才成长步伐,特进行本网络视频课件的开发采购。 特此招募网课教授,要求:副教授以上,或高级职称,讲课需中文 总共有三个可选课题,分别为: 大数据与智慧城市,大数据与智慧金融,大数据与智慧农业 (课程详情另附-仅供参考) 对于课件的要求(仅供参考) 1、课件应具有前瞻性,应保证课题相关理念理论的前沿性,课件应是近期制作,包含有近期中央及省市两级党委、政府提出的相关理念的解读和实践指导。 2、课件应包含与主题内容紧密相联的内涵和丰富的外延,能够帮助学员对主题背景,相关概念、推进措施、实施的难点等有深入的理解,形成必要的理论框架或思维框架。 3、课件应对贵阳市相关主题的发展有实际意义,有应用指导。学员在学习后,能够具备一定结合工作实际落地的思路,在工作实践中可以起到积极的作用。 4、课件的形式生动活泼,可采用动画,问题插入,访谈等形式,增加学员的学习兴趣,引发学员的主动思考,引导学员将学习所得应用于工作实践。 5、课件应传递符合当前社会发展主旋律的理念和方法,激发社会正气,提倡五大发展理念,符合五位一体的总体部署,体现打造公平共享的创新型中心城市,以实现社会主义现代化和中华民族伟大复兴为愿景。 6、每一主题附有网上考试题库,便于验收学员的学习成绩。 7、课件研发的专家队伍应由不同背景的专家组成。既有学院派的学者,又有实战派的企业家、管理人员,以及政府背景的智囊,形成多视角下的主题解读,帮助学员全方位地理解主题内容。 每个项目为12课时,每课时课筹为1000RMB 如有疑问 请联系: 刘先生 QQ:411729896

    $2237 Average bid
    $2237 平均报价
    2 个竞标


    $4094 Average bid
    $4094 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    寻找在中国工作生活的中德,德中翻译的translator, 经常在线,方便交流。 我们这边的项目有些是文档的翻译,有些是需要及时的回复的1-2句德文的翻译,所以希望你经常在线,然后可以做这种短时间一句话的翻译,我们可以一次支付你一定的money,可以每周结算一次。 长期有项目,不会做几次就没活了。符合条件的,请联系我。谢谢

    $536 Average bid
    $536 平均报价
    12 个竞标
    Visual Media Limited
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    想找一個熟悉Wordpress Web Designer,長期Freelance工作,時薪,工時彈性

    $148 / hr Average bid
    $148 / hr 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    android app & SQL/PHP web DB freelance job 詳情請email 查詢

    $1212 Average bid
    $1212 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    我需要人帮助我晚上Accounting online class

    $3123 Average bid
    $3123 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Need Branding name for online business'

    $233 - $233 / hr
    $233 - $233 / hr
    0 个竞标

    装修淘宝代购店。 1. 设计店面风格。 2. 更新店面旗帜, 其他有关,支持页面 3. Photoshop + 上传图片,文字等将货品上架 4. 150 个产品 5. 图片来源互联网和我提供的实物图 6. 文字内容来源互联网 7. 必须在10天内完成 (农历新年) 参考店如: 小小木瓜高 芝妈代购

    $4576 Average bid
    $4576 平均报价
    10 个竞标
    Build an Online Store
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    need to build a membership website, where the articles are "locked", partial is shown on website, and free members read only partial article, but paid members the article is open up for him to read with login and password. similar to this website (sorry it's in Chinese)

    $4032 Average bid
    $4032 平均报价
    16 个竞标

    Translating day to day Cantonese conversations to Korean client

    $4397 Average bid
    $4397 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    Build an Online Store
    已经结束 left

    自营B2C商城, 微信和PC两个商城共用一个后台。须链接微信提醒功能,微信认证以及绑定商城账号。 后台可切换中英文版本。 后台需接入ERP系统,和EDM 系统. 如果您感兴趣,请私信了解更多细节。 谢谢

    $78 - $233
    $78 - $233
    0 个竞标
    online work
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    打字 翻译 为产品写作 写故事 写电子书 写口号 写报告 写书

    $6472 Average bid
    $6472 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    7 Desires 国际是专注在时尚娱乐行业的模特儿管理和活动组织公司,他们还拥有摄影和视频制作团队。 7 Desires 国际可以帮助您宣传产品、品牌或让西方模特穿着您指定的衣服或配饰拍照和制作视频,供您的网站使用。 只需把您的货物样本寄送到欧洲或美国,剩下的事情就交给他们(7 Desires )了。 价格非常优惠! 今天就去访问:7desiresinternational.c o m 吧 CHINESE FREELANCE ONLY: WE NEED TO FIND CHINESE FACTORY OR RETAILERS INTERESTED IN OUR SERVICES. Apply only if you can really make us close a deal with a company willing to send the goods in Europe to realize photos advertising with our models. If you are not able to finalize a deal please do not apply or you will not be paid.

    $61 - $228
    $61 - $228
    0 个竞标
    Build an Online Store
    已经结束 left

    微信公众平台:把网站现有内容翻译成中文做成微信公众平台,可以比较容易的推广。 手机网站中文版: 做一个中文版手机网站,把手机网站和微信里面的内容版式做一样。通过手机浏览器输入网址可以进入网站。 可与中文版手机网站切换语言。 手机网站英文版: 做一个英文版手机网站,把手机网站和微信里面的内容版式做一样。通过手机浏览器输入网址可以进入网站。可与英文版手机网站切换语言。 后台管理: 可以同步管理添加编辑微信平台和中英文手机网站里面的内容。 Only those with English speaking candidates who can understand mandarin will be considered Project specification is in mandarin.

    $2828 Average bid
    $2828 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    ...付没有问题。 2. 支付提交后,我的订单看到的支付和实际支付不相符,主要是没有把费用/优惠算进来。后台也是。 3. 结算页面有两个价格的显示需要调整。 4. 费用/优惠账户是一次性强制结清,所以支付提交以后要清0,比如本来$-5, 实际支付就加5块,提交以后费用/优惠账户为0。这个规则类似积分,订单取消要恢复回来。 现在的问题是费用/优惠的值是固定不变的,除了管理员在后台可以修改。 5. 这些问题改正后要求通过测试,不会带来新的问题,系统功能正常运行。 6. 工作包括为改正这些问题,server上的更新和配置(如果有的话),就是期望的结果要在线的网站正常运行,而不只是给我看自己配置的测试的网站有没有问题。 7. 开发人员可能需要了解为什么要这个改动,我有一个2页的说明文档,逻辑很简单。 Background: 1. Chinese online store based on the cs-cart 3.0. 2. register user has a balance account and a coupon account. 3. user can pay the bill using the balance in balance account. 4. the value in coupon account can be positive or negative. For example if administrator set value 5 to the user, next time when user purchase, the total amount will be deducted by $5. if admin set value as -5, when us...

    $1507 Average bid
    $1507 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    ...付没有问题。 2. 支付提交后,我的订单看到的支付和实际支付不相符,主要是没有把费用/优惠算进来。后台也是。 3. 结算页面有两个价格的显示需要调整。 4. 费用/优惠账户是一次性强制结清,所以支付提交以后要清0,比如本来$-5, 实际支付就加5块,提交以后费用/优惠账户为0。这个规则类似积分,订单取消要恢复回来。 现在的问题是费用/优惠的值是固定不变的,除了管理员在后台可以修改。 5. 这些问题改正后要求通过测试,不会带来新的问题,系统功能正常运行。 6. 工作包括为改正这些问题,server上的更新和配置(如果有的话),就是期望的结果要在线的网站正常运行,而不只是给我看自己配置的测试的网站有没有问题。 7. 开发人员可能需要了解为什么要这个改动,我有一个2页的说明文档,逻辑很简单。 Background: 1. Chinese online store based on the cs-cart 3.0. 2. register user has a balance account and a coupon account. 3. user can pay the bill using the balance in balance account. 4. the value in coupon account can be positive or negative. For example if administrator set value 5 to the user, next time when user purchase, the total amount will be deducted by $5. if admin set value as -5, when us...

    $233 - $1942
    $233 - $1942
    0 个竞标

    ...付没有问题。 2. 支付提交后,我的订单看到的支付和实际支付不相符,主要是没有把费用/优惠算进来。后台也是。 3. 结算页面有两个价格的显示需要调整。 4. 费用/优惠账户是一次性强制结清,所以支付提交以后要清0,比如本来$-5, 实际支付就加5块,提交以后费用/优惠账户为0。这个规则类似积分,订单取消要恢复回来。 现在的问题是费用/优惠的值是固定不变的,除了管理员在后台可以修改。 5. 这些问题改正后要求通过测试,不会带来新的问题,系统功能正常运行。 6. 工作包括为改正这些问题,server上的更新和配置(如果有的话),就是期望的结果要在线的网站正常运行,而不只是给我看自己配置的测试的网站有没有问题。 7. 开发人员可能需要了解为什么要这个改动,我有一个2页的说明文档,逻辑很简单。 Background: 1. Chinese online store based on the cs-cart 3.0. 2. register user has a balance account and a coupon account. 3. user can pay the bill using the balance in balance account. 4. the value in coupon account can be positive or negative. For example if administrator set value 5 to the user, next time when user purchase, the total amount will be deducted by $5. if admin set value as -5, when us...

    $233 - $1942
    $233 - $1942
    4 个竞标

    聘请Online Marketing 网络销售人员 Promote & Sell Löwe QMS-5500RF Queue Management System 排队按号码系统 Salary: Direct Commission( USD 30.00 ~ USD 50.00 per sale ) & Target Bonus Contact: Charles Lai 016 711 5203 WhatsApp: 016 711 5203 Product:

    $233 Average bid
    $233 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    Access freelance
    已经结束 left

    1.要識中文,善於溝通 2. Access 基本運作 (關聯圖,報表,表單等等) -要將所有資料整理及關聯,方便我們尋找客人的資料 -要按我們需要及要求製作表單和報表 -需要各負責人交代有關運作及其用途

    $238 - $1979
    $238 - $1979
    0 个竞标

    网站的导航条有5个栏目:首页、产品、解决方案、成功案例、关于我们 每个栏目下的分类规划如下: 首页:布局精简 产品:Microsoft、Citrix、Symantec、Sophos、Vmware、HP、Dell(可以自主添加条目) 解决方案:虚拟化、云计算、IT安全(可以自主添加条目) 成功案例:待定(可以自主添加条目) 关于我们:公司背景、宗旨方向、招贤纳士、团队风采、联系我们 附加说明: 1.当鼠标停留在某个栏目上面时,会自动列出该栏目下的分类信息 2.对于每个栏目下的页面,希望参考以下布局格式,在左侧框架点击某个条目后,右侧框架显示出相应的条目详细内容。 3.在网站的首页边侧放置一个固定悬浮框,用来放置公司的二维码图与联系信息

    $4724 Average bid
    $4724 平均报价
    5 个竞标
    Online shopping
    已经结束 left

    要一个online shopping的网站! 可以分类我得产品-衣服-裤带-钱包-电话accessories-首饰-等等 可以自己upload我的产品照片和更改照片 可以查看快递的情况 可以注册成为我们的会员 这个网页参考!

    $1228 Average bid
    $1228 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    build a freelance marketplace in django, front next js Real time AJAX Search Verification badge Works and activity dashboard notifications Frontend Dashboard Gig cretion (buyer can pay one time or with reccuring payment) Wallet Messaging (Chat) Follow Button Wishlist Payout Disputes Packages fiverrclone feature 100% Responsive Detailed sso subcription for seller nd buy to py less fees multilanguages multi curreniesy € $ and £

    $34192 Average bid
    $34192 平均报价
    47 个竞标

    FASHION ECOM INDUSTRY - Freelance Digital Ads Expert Expert Wanted- Set up and manage META & Google Ads MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE IN FASHION ECOM INDUSTRY Are you a highly skilled digital ads expert with a passion for driving results? We’re looking for a freelance professional to help us grow our online presence through effective and strategic paid advertising campaigns. Responsibilities: SET UP ACCOUNTS Develop and manage digital ad campaigns across platforms (Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok is a bonus but not essential , etc.) Conduct keyword research and audience targeting to maximize ad reach and performance Monitor and optimize campaigns for the best possible ROI Analyze data and provide insights to improve future campaigns Create compelling ...

    $140 / hr Average bid
    $140 / hr 平均报价
    40 个竞标

    Freelance Project Requirement: WhatsApp Bot & WhatsApp Business Platform Development We are looking for an experienced freelancer to develop a WhatsApp CRM solution that allows seamless customer interaction, service selection, appointment booking, and product purchasing directly via WhatsApp. The solution should be built on the WhatsApp Business API and integrate key features for an end-to-end business automation experience. # Project Scope: 1. WhatsApp Bot Development: - AI-driven chatbot for automated customer interactions. - Ability to handle queries, provide service/product details, and guide users through the process. 2. Service Selection & Appointment Booking: - Customers should be able to choose services via WhatsApp. - Calendar integ...

    $614 Average bid
    $614 平均报价
    11 个竞标

    Job Description: We seek a skilled freelance web developer to create a simple yet interactive language learning platform. The design and functionality will be inspired by Babbel, Duolingo, and Rocket Languages, incorporating structured lessons, vocabulary exercises, listening and speaking practice, and user engagement features. The main goal is to develop a framework that allows us to easily input lessons, quizzes, flashcards, and multimedia (audio/video) content without coding knowledge. Key Features & Requirements: ✅ User Dashboard • Personalized interface with progress tracking • Course selection (English, German, Indonesian, Korean, etc) • Daily lesson recommendations ✅ Lesson & Review System • Interactive lessons with text, grammar explanatio...

    $1329 Average bid
    $1329 平均报价
    41 个竞标

    ? We’re Hiring: Social Media & Content Specialist (Freelance) ? Are you a creative powerhouse who knows how to grow audiences, create engaging content, and drive leads? Prosper Finance is looking for a freelance Social Media Manager & Content Creator to take our brand to the next level! What You’ll Be Doing: Content Strategy & Management – Plan and schedule engaging social media content across platforms (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok). Reels & Video Editing – Create high-quality, scroll-stopping reels and videos to captivate our audience. Graphic Design – Design professional and eye-catching visuals that align with our brand. Audience Growth & Engagement – Implement strategies to increase followers, boost engag...

    $93 / hr Average bid
    $93 / hr 平均报价
    51 个竞标

    We have a professionally designed movie poster that needs enhancement and final touches using advanced Photoshop and AI-based tools. We are looking for a skilled freelance graphic designer who can refine the poster, enhance its visual appeal, and bring out the cinematic essence using AI-powered design techniques. Responsibilities: Enhance the existing poster by improving its color grading, depth, and overall quality. Use AI tools and Photoshop for fine-tuning details, lighting effects, and sharpness. Apply AI-driven upscaling and retouching to ensure high resolution for print and digital platforms. Maintain the original concept while adding creative refinements to make it more striking. Deliver the final poster in multiple formats (JPEG, PNG, PSD, TIFF) optimized for print, social ...

    $350 Average bid
    $350 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    I'm looking for a web marketer to help grow , a platform for bulk sending ERC20 tokens and NFTs on Ethereum. Your mission: Drive traffic and increase user engagement Optimize SEO & paid advertising Run targeted marketing campaigns (Twitter, Reddit, niche forums) Generate leads and improve conversion rates Compensation: Payment will be performance-based (results-driven) Open to discussing a fair structure based on traffic, conversions, or other KPIs Requirements: Experience in web marketing (crypto/web3 experience is a plus) Proven track record of successful campaigns Ability to work independently and suggest growth strategies write comment "blockexperts" to see that you're read the post

    $971 Average bid
    $971 平均报价
    10 个竞标

    Freelance Job: AI Training Prompt Writer (LibreOffice Calc & Impress) Overview: We are looking for freelancers to write clear and concise prompts for AI training, specifically for LibreOffice Calc and Impress. The prompts should cover various tasks related to these applications and must be original, manually written, and diverse (not templated or AI-generated). Responsibilities: Create unique, well-structured prompts related to LibreOffice Calc & Impress. Ensure prompts are not copied from external sources (our system detects plagiarism). Avoid generating similar prompts by merely altering a few words or elements. Payment Structure: 1 to 100 prompts → $0.4 per prompt 100 to 500 prompts → $0.5 per prompt Payments will be processed via Airtm every 20 days....

    $85 Average bid
    $85 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    Job Description Job title: Content Marketing Manager India Overview and purpose of the role The Content Marketing Manager India is responsible for implementing under supervision of the Marketing Manager India, craft compelling messages across various channels and audiences. • Attention to Detail: Ensures accuracy and consistency in content creation, branding, and campaign execution. • Customer-Centric Mindset: Keeps the target audience at the core of all content marketing strategies and decisions. • Problem-Solving Skills: Proactively identifies challenges and implements effective Work setup • Freelance contract • 3 to 6 months contract with the potential to extend • Full-time or part time • Remote work mode • Preferably located in...

    $1577 Average bid
    $1577 平均报价
    13 个竞标

    We are looking for experienced sales professionals to promote Kubidi, an AI-driven assistant designed for diverse industries. This platform spans ecommerce, retail, real estate, hospitality, and recruitment. Key Responsibilities: - Showcase the value and benefits of Kubidi to potential clients - Work on your own schedule, from the convenience of your home Ideal Candidate: - Proven sales experience in ecommerce, real estate, and hospitality - Exceptional at lead generation and customer relationship management - Experience working with individual clients Your income will grow with your success. Join us and shape the future with your skills and creativity!

    $896765 Average bid
    $896765 平均报价
    14 个竞标

    I'm seeking a skilled voice artist for commercial voice over work. This will be specifically for online advertisements. The preferred tone is 'Professional and authoritative', so a voice that can convey credibility and trust is essential. The voice over should catch the listeners attention and drive the message home effectively. Ideal Skills: - Experience with commercial voice over - Ability to adapt tone and style - Previous work with online advertisements Please provide samples of your previous work, particularly if it aligns with the required tone and style.

    $466 Average bid
    $466 平均报价
    9 个竞标