请注意:需要在北美地区测试当地网络通讯和wifi穿墙,需要下载app添加硬件设备相机测试!! 测试以下模块: 1.WiFi兼容性 2.WiFi信号网络穿墙 3.弱网测试 4.北美区通信运营商网络测试 5.手机兼容性 6.音频测试 功能测试
简述:电控板通过485接口与电脑的USB口连接进行通讯。 1、通讯内容: 测试平台发送62字节编码(Send)给电控板,电控板回复220字节编码(Reply)给测试平台,编码定义保存在单独的文件中 2、编码内容: 设备: 电机(运行,关机,高风,低风,中风,异常)、压缩机(运行,关机)、感温探头(温度数值)、继电器(通电、断电),WIFI(打开+网络名称,关闭),保护器(闭合、断开)etc。 设置内容: 开关机状态(0/1),运行模式(1/2/3/4),风速(高/中/低/自动/关闭),控制方式(主控、外接),制热优先级(A/B/C),温度补偿(数值),防冷风(激活,关闭)etc。 保护(带计数功能,有时间戳): P01(1~9)-P20(1~9) 错误代码(无计数功能,有时间戳): E01-E20 3、工作方式: 测试平台根据自主设置,发送指令编码到电控板上,电控板根据指令编码,控制电控板上各继电器的工作状态(闭合,断开), 电控板发送回复编码到测试平台,电脑进行转换后显示到显示屏上,显示为数值或设备的运行工作状态 4、测试平台简介: 测试平台有4个页面 页面1为控制界面,有A/B/C三种界面显示状态,通过回复编码来确定显示哪一种。 测试平台界面由元件组成: 设备元件【设备图标以及工作状态(可设置 或 仅显示)】 设置内容元件【设置内容名称以及工作状态(可设置 或 仅显示)】 通过输入密码,可以改变元件的位置,以及新增元件(名称,图标,可否设置,等) 页面2为编码定义设置,通过选择字段起止与()的状态进行匹配 页面3为通讯日志以及保存按钮 页面4为通讯设置界面
...低频电刺激,参考产品包括Hoolest和Pulsetto。我们需要一位电子硬件工程师来设计电路板的原理图并进行打样测试,同时需要外观设计师设计适合佩戴的外观。 工作内容: 1. 电子硬件工程师: 职责: 设计低频电刺激的电路板原理图,并根据需求进行打样测试。 开发低频信号生成、调控模块(1-20Hz,脉冲宽度100-500微秒),并确保能够调节频率和脉冲宽度。 设计电流放大电路,确保信号的稳定性和准确性,使用恒流源保证电流输出与皮肤阻抗无关。 实现电源管理模块,设计低功耗电路(锂电池供电)。 设计阻抗检测与反馈模块,确保电流强度根据皮肤阻抗自动调整。 提供电路的安全保护功能(如过流、短路保护)。 打样电路板并进行初步测试,确保电路功能正常。 技术要求: 经验丰富的电子电路设计背景,熟悉低频电刺激器的电路设计(TENS或类似设备经验尤佳)。 熟练掌握微控制器(如STM32、ESP32)和DAC控制信号生成。 有PCB设计经验,能独立完成从原理图设计到打样测试的全流程。 熟悉电流放大、阻抗检测及反馈回路的设计与应用。 能够使用仿真软件(如PSpice、LTSpice)进行电路仿真验证。 2. 外观设计师: 职责: 设计一款适合佩戴在脖子上的设备外观,确保舒适性和稳定性。 根据人体工程学设计电极与颈部的贴合部位,确保设备电极能够精确贴合迷走神经位置。 提供初步3D模型或草图,展示设备外观和电极位置的布局。 设计设备外壳的防水防汗功能(IPX4或更高标准)。 考虑设备的便携性、用户友好性及时尚美观性,适合日常佩戴。 技术要求: 具备可穿戴设备设计经验,了解人体工程学及佩戴舒适性设计要求。 熟练使用3D建模软件(如SolidWorks、AutoCAD、Fusion 360等)。 能够提供从概念到最终产品的完整设计方案。 有过医疗设备、电子产品设...
购买了一台安卓双屏设备,一面为竖屏,另一面为横屏。 想要做到的效果是当顾客用竖屏来自助点餐的同时,服务员也能用横屏的POS机来为其他的顾客点餐。 1. 尝试过在两个屏幕各跑一个app,竖屏跑自助点餐app,横屏跑POS app,但是自助点餐的单传不进去POS(在两台独立的安卓单屏机的情况下没有问题),怀疑是因为同一台设备两个app一样IP导致API收不到,然后尝试了localhost还是不行。 2. 尝试过只用一个app来投放双屏,即把自助点餐和POS都写在同一个app里面,然后用Display Manager来选择投放副屏。用了DartEntryPoint来设定副屏的main(),但是副屏的显示需要手动刷新(hot reload)才会显示,而且setState没有反应。 研究了很久一直没有突破口,也不确定哪个方向是对的,所以想找一位对安卓双屏异显POS有相对经验的人来教我实际的做法。
We have procured WoWonder(verv3.0.4) Social platform and Wondertag (The Ultimate WoWonder...it. All the “subissue” will be recorded in each user's personal statement record. 7. When a user shares a “issue” on Facebook, the preview must be the one currently generated by sharing. 8. The proposer and manager of an “issue” are granted the right to delete, descend orascend the comment, with the ranking ranging from -2 to +2 and a default of 0. The manager needs to note the reason for the descending discussion, and the note will be displayed at the bottom of the original comment. Demo Account: user: luisa.upton_587 password: 5026 user: sheldon.renner_670 password: 5026
你好Jin C.,我这边是做GPS、蓝牙和WiFi模块的,FreeLancer上你的评价很高,希望我们有更多合作机会!我的手机号13480657793,微信同号,Yolanda。期待你的回信!
Hiring excellent "affiliate marketing" 我是一个来自中国的初创广告联盟老板。 我需要几位出色的流量推广者,优秀广告出版商来协助我工作。 我的任务目标是瑞士的移动端(3G+wifi) Looking for SEO experts, you don't need to know Chinese
你好Xuan X.,我注意到你的个人资料并想把我的项目给你。我们可以通过交流来讨论任何细节。 我想添加一个打印功能到karenderia app,我看到您之前有接触过这个系统,100价格只是先标一下,具体我们再讨论,如果可以请您联系我,谢谢(Add gprs or wifi printer for Karenderia )
...form - Contact us form - Real Time orders - Real time purchasing i.e online store - Easy to upload new products with pictures and price - Link with WeChat - Mobile friendly I would like to see designs of what the website can look like before purchasing. Please can you give me a quotation on the work from End to End on this. I look forward to your reply. Regards Vishal IT Manager...
opencart connect to Stock Manager Advance (v3.0.1.20 ) sync opencart with Stock Manager Advance including order, member, order status. find the attachment is detail document
...be send to manager's email for approval, manager can approve from the email link d. therapist management function, can easily add/delete employee, and arrange employee on duty. e. service management function for cashier, payment calculation for employee and cashier. f. coupon management, coupon will have expire date. g. interface for manager to publish some information on the side new feed bar. h. support google map. 网页设计要求 1. 设计大方简洁,适合按摩店特色,支持手机浏览以及预约,可以支持多个按摩店(不同名字),不同主页 2. 语言支持:英文 3. 需要有适合手机浏览的页面 4. 需要有用户管理功能: 客人,经理,员工 4a. 客人注册 (电话,邮件),客人邮件需要和pommo软件同步,pommo是一个开源的邮件发送软件。 4b. 客人可以邀请其他客人 4c. 客人可以网上预约,预约邮件发送到管理员邮箱,管理员可以通过邮件确认并答复 4d. 服务管理功能,可以参见现有服务列表。 4e. Coupon功能。manager可以给客人发cou...
...servers.. 2. GEO Location of device for clients when they enter the office building to know where they are. 3. Building lay out, with using scan QR codes to let clients know where they are at precisely 4. USING wifi, A-GPS and GPS to access location INSIDE the building and on different floors 5. Allow downloading of pamphlets and documents helps references for services provided in the entire 10 story building along with each specific floors 7. Will need ongoing support for at least 1 year, 8. Within the app, the layout for the client changes and makes changes based on the wifi positioning. 9. Smart app controller, allowing the app to control simple internet connected items (lights, switches) will have a timer based on when the client enters the building, if excee...
以Android NDK开发如roamingfix 的APP,可以NDK来让android手机进行不同AP间的roaming(同样SSID, WPA2 Enterprise加密) Please refer to the pdf file in the attachment. Using Android NDK to develop an APP for wifi roaming, a roamingfix like APP. Using NDK to make android mobile phone roaming among APs ( the same SSID, WPA2 Enterprise encryption)
以Android NDK开发如roamingfix 的APP,可以NDK来让android手机进行不同AP间的roaming(同样SSID, WPA2 Enterprise加密) Using Android NDK to develop an APP for wifi roaming, a roamingfix like APP. Using NDK to make android mobile phone roaming among APs ( the same SSID, WPA2 Enterprise encryption)
现有APP具有通过WiFi 录影保存到手机上的功能。我司想再做一个APP在后台运行,这个APP的功能详细参考附件说明。
WiFi Camera作为AP,手机通过WiFi和WiFi Camera连接。 现成方案如下: WiFi Camera上需有两个按键:一个用于摄像,即按一下开始录像,拍摄一段时间(暂定一分钟)后,自动停止录像,并把录像文件放到手机上;另外一个按键,用于拍照,不管是不是在摄像中,都可以拍照,照片也存放在手机上。这些功能已经实现。 要求做一个简单APPS DEMO,功能如下: 把相机录的录像或拍照的照片,通过3G或4G网络传到云端服务器,用户可以在云端查看。
要求对magetno 熟识,了解google adword ,PPC ,要会熟识googel Feed,因为我的站产品比超过3w 件产品。 我安装有googel Feed 插件 04/19/2014 at 11:34 NZST - Additional information submitted 我的网站
要求对magetno 熟识,了解google adword ,PPC ,要会熟识googel Feed,因为我的站产品比超过3w 件产品。 我安装有googel Feed 插件
1、我有一个自己写的APP(ANDROID的) 2、这个APP有个“投影”按钮 3、点击“投影”就可以把这个APP的界面同步投影到投影仪上。点击“断开”则不再投影 4、投影和断开投影是要能控制的 5、投影仪是连接到一个ANDROID设备,这个设备可以接受APP发来的要求然后控制投影。(所以这个ANDROID设备可能也需要做相应的SERVER端程序) 6、APP和ANDROID设备是通过WIFI通信的 7、反应速度要快,延时不超过2秒 不用考虑向下兼容,你可以指定运行的ANDROID版本。 APP是运行在ANDROID平板上,参考三星的NOTE,你也可以指定其他平板。
需要对VPN有一定了解,并且能实现虚拟GPS功能, 有实力的开发团队或公司 程序涉及android端 Pc 端 第三方VPN提供者 php+mysql 下面是程序运行流程,能实现的公司和团队联系我索取文档。 android启动自动优先运行守护程序 -〉设定VPN需要使用的国家 -〉启动WiFi -〉自动搜索WiFi -〉自动连接WiFi -〉自动填写WiFi密码(预设) -〉连接WiFi成功 -〉返回成功信息给守护程序 -〉守护程序连接服务器 -〉验证守护程序版本 -〉如遇到版本更新自动下载安装更新 -〉守护程序连接数据库 -〉从数据库下载运行指令(运行指令有后台进行设置) -〉提取开机设定国家的VPN账号密码、Ip和GPS信息 -〉提取成功 -〉运行指令打开VPN拨号 -〉拨号成功 -〉验证Ip是否连通 -〉连通后获取当前ip的GPS信息并设定android 虚拟 GPS -〉返回给守护程序成功 -〉下载指定APK并安装打开
招聘融资经理(Finance Manager)和融资经营小组(Finance Partners) 我公司谋求得到投资银行投资作业方案、融资债卷发行代理、信托资本额授信、推荐银行投资者关系、私人公司债权融资、股权投资、风险投资和小额天使投资。 为此我公司聘请融资专项职业经理: 募集小投资者或来源可靠的资金投资我公司发展, 向出资者或控股财团撰写商业发展计划书,提交时要求面见和尽力加以解说。 每月一千外加千分之一融资额度 1,000 per month plus 1 per thousand financing facility
招聘融资经理(Finance Manager)和融资经营小组(Finance Partners) 我公司谋求得到投资银行投资作业方案、融资债卷发行代理、信托资本额授信、推荐银行投资者关系、私人公司债权融资、股权投资、风险投资和小额天使投资。 为此我公司聘请融资专项职业经理: 募集小投资者或来源可靠的资金投资我公司发展, 向出资者或控股财团撰写商业发展计划书,提交时要求面见和尽力加以解说。 每月一千外加千分之一融资额度 1,000 per month plus 1 per thousand financing facility
招聘融资经理(Finance Manager)和融资经营小组(Finance Partners) 我公司谋求得到投资银行投资作业方案、融资债卷发行代理、信托资本额授信、推荐银行投资者关系、私人公司债权融资、股权投资、风险投资和小额天使投资的支持和参与扶持融资。 为此我公司聘请融资专项职业经理: 募集小投资者或来源可靠的资金投资我公司发展,向出资者或控股财团提交商业发展计划书,提交时要求面见和尽力加以解说。编辑、撰写和修订必须事先通知公司讨论。 尝试收购有用的公司,分析行业金融和资金动态资料。 不限期正规渠道融资,年度融资五千万额度,年薪百分之三融资额度。不是融资越多越好,要考虑公司会否签合同,让公司超状况支付股权或债务则要被解雇!
招聘融资经理(Finance Manager)和融资经营小组(Finance Partners) 我公司谋求得到投资银行投资作业方案、融资债卷发行代理、信托资本额授信、推荐银行投资者关系、私人公司债权融资、股权投资、风险投资和小额天使投资。 为此我公司聘请融资专项职业经理: 募集小投资者或来源可靠的资金投资我公司发展, 向出资者或控股财团撰写商业发展计划书,提交时要求面见和尽力加以解说。 每月一千外加千分之一融资额度 1,000 per month plus 1 per thousand financing facility
Onboard 5 truckers then no need to call just be there account manager and earn average $250 per trucker per month. I'm looking for a driven sales representative to join my truck dispatching team. You'll focus on owner-operators, generating new business leads via cold calling, and nurturing relationships with truckers to help grow our revenue. Key Responsibilities: - Generate leads through cold calling - Build and maintain relationships with owner-operators - Drive revenue growth, earning a 30% commission on sales Resources Provided: - Contact lists for cold calling - Script templates to assist with calls - Access to our CRM software for tracking and managing leads Ideal Skills: - Proven sales experience, preferably in the trucking industry - Excellent communication a...
...simple, user-friendly online request management system to handle different types of requests, such as maintenance and purchase requests. The system should include role-based access control, approval workflows, and basic analytics. Key Functionalities: User Management & Authentication: Users can register and log in with roles: Requester (can submit requests) Department Manager (can approve/reject requests) Engineering Manager (final approval and assignment) Passwords should be securely stored (hashed). Session-based authentication to restrict access. Request Submission: Dynamic form with the following fields: Auto-filled: Requester Name, Department, Date & Time, Sequential Request Number (per department). User Inputs: Area (dropdown, multi-selection) Line (dropdo...
I need an experienced PCB designer to create a PCB for a smart robot car that primarily follows a line. The PCB should support various sensors and include some additional features. Key Requirements: - The PCB should support Infrared sensors, Ultrasonic sensors, and Camera modules - Integration of a Bluetooth/WiFi module for communication - Inclusion of motor driver circuits to control the car's movement Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in PCB design - Familiarity with designing PCBs for robotics - Knowledge in integrating various sensors into a PCB - Proficiency in designing PCBs with wireless communication modules Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your application.
I'm seeking a skilled social media manager focused on Facebook and Instagram to help increase my follower count. The ideal candidate should be proficient in posting diverse content types, including images, videos, and text posts. Key Responsibilities: - Developing and executing strategies to boost follower count on Facebook and Instagram. - Posting a mix of images, videos, and text posts to engage potential followers. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Facebook and Instagram management. - Strong content creation skills, particularly with images and videos. - Great with story posts - Excellent understanding of social media growth tactics.
I'm looking for an experienced event manager to help plan a concert with lecture at an indoor venue on the 26th of June in Munich Germany. Key Responsibilities: - Full event planning: From conceptualizing the event to executing the plan on the day of the concert. - Catering Management: Ensuring high-quality food and beverage service after the main event. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in managing and planning concerts or similar large-scale events. - Strong vendor management skills, particularly in sourcing and liaising with catering services. - Excellent organizational and multitasking abilities. - Exceptional communication and leadership skills.
...segmentation. Each lead pack needs to include: - Contact's full name - Phone - Email - Company name - Job title - Number of employees - Company website - Link to lead's LinkedIn profile The applied segmentation filters will focus on decision-makers and executive positions at companies, such as: - CEO - Founder / Co-Founder - President - General Manager - Managing Director - Operations Manager - Office Manager - Facility Manager - Procurement Manager - Administrative Director - Business Owner The company size should be: - 10+ employees The types of companies that are targeted for this project include: - Dental offices - Law offices - Real estate agencies - Shopping malls - Restaurants and cafes - Corporate offices - Hospitals and clinics -...
I am looking for a seasoned Project Manager with extensive experience in construction and execution phases. Key Responsibilities: - Oversee the entire construction process. - Manage and coordinate with various teams and stakeholders. - Ensure project milestones are met on time and within budget. During the planning and design phase, I need assistance primarily with budgeting and cost estimation. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in construction project management. - Strong budgeting and cost estimation skills. - Excellent leadership and communication abilities.
I need a skilled project manager and web developer to create a budget and financial analysis dashboard. This dashboard will be web-based and need to provide detailed cost analysis and visualize a parent-child hierarchy. Key Features: - Detailed cost analysis: The dashboard should break down costs in a comprehensive manner. - Parent-child Hierarchy Visualization: The dashboard should be able to display costs in a hierarchical manner, making it easy to understand the relationship between different cost elements. Your Recommendations: - Front-end Framework: I am open to recommendations for the best front-end framework to use. Please suggest a suitable framework with your rationale. Ideal Skills: - Project Management: Experience in project management is crucial to understand the bud...
I'm looking for a professional, engaging, and informative PowerPoint presentation on Saudi Arabian culture, targeted for a new American manager. The focus should primarily be on business interactions, but also touching on macro overview, religious customs, social norms, and other crucial aspects. The presentation should: - Be designed to fit within a 1 hour timeframe. - Incorporate infographics to make it visually appealing. - Include a selection of helpful videos at the end, providing further context and insight. I have provided some links to videos that can serve as a baseline for the content: - - - Ideal candidates for this project should have: - A deep understanding
...grow brand presence. Reporting & Analysis: Create weekly reports on administrative efficiency, social media growth, and ad campaign performance. Provide actionable recommendations based on performance data. Qualifications: Proven experience as a Virtual Assistant or similar role, with a strong background in online advertising and digital marketing. Knowledge of tools like Google Ads, Facebook Ads Manager, Hootsuite, Canva, and Google Workspace. Excellent organizational skills, with the ability to manage multiple priorities and deadlines. Strong written and spoken English communication skills. Proactive problem-solver who can work independently and make decisions. Experience hiring and managing contractors is a strong plus. Familiarity with the IT or tech industry is a bonus. ...
...frontend. Managers have the ability to approve or reject access requests. Admin panel for assigning roles (e.g., manager, normal user) and viewing statistics. File Upload & Approval Process: Users can upload Word files through the frontend and submit them for manager approval. An email notification will be sent to the manager for approval or rejection. Upon approval or rejection, the user will receive a notification email. PDF Download & Storage: Approved files will be converted to PDF and stored in the user's profile. Users can download and share the final PDF files. Backend Requirements: Document Processing: Once a Word file is uploaded, the system will wait for manager approval. If approved, the system will: Add a header and foot...
I'm looking for a talented and experienced freelance Social Media Manager. My goal is to grow our presence on Instagram and Facebook, with a focus on creating promotional content. This will involve creating engaging posts and dynamic reels that are consistent with our brand identity. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a social media strategy - Create engaging, promotional content for Instagram and Facebook - Help define and establish our brand identity on social media - Monitor, analyze and report on social media performance Ideal Skills: - Proven experience as a Social Media Manager - Exceptional content creation skills - Strong understanding of Instagram and Facebook algorithms - Ability to work independently and take initiative Experience with brand dev...
...Request Management System (IRMS) is a comprehensive web application designed to streamline inventory management, request processing, and user role management. Currently implemented as a mobile app, the project needs to be converted and enhanced into a web application using Flutter Web or a suitable web development framework. ## Core Features ### 1. User Management - Multi-role user system (Admin, Manager, Gate Man, User) - Authentication and authorization - User profile management - Account deletion request system - Role-based access control ### 2. Inventory Management - Real-time inventory tracking - Category and subcategory organization - Pipe inventory management with specialized measurements - Low stock alerts and threshold management - Item status tracking (Hidden, Deadst...
I am an independent music artist preparing to release my upcoming Hindi music video and looking for a talented PR manager to help promote it effectively. I need someone who can handle all aspects of public relations to ensure maximum reach, engagement, and visibility for my project. This collaboration will include promotional activities starting now and extending two weeks after the music video release. Responsibilities: Press Releases: Write and distribute professional press releases to major media outlets, blogs, and music platforms. Media Outreach: Establish connections with entertainment reporters, influencers, and journalists for interviews and feature articles. Arranging Interviews: Set up interviews with media platforms (TV, radio, YouTube channels, podcasts, and more). Soci...
...geo-replication and disaster recovery 3.b. Enable encryption at rest and in transit S3 bucket to store static files (images) and implement policy and configure the application touse Blob Storage 4.a. Enable S3 replication for high availability 4.b. Implement lifecycle management policies for automated data tiering. and store connection string for DB and S3 in AWS Secrets Manager Amazon CloudFront for global load balancing up Amazon CloudWatch on EBS and RDS Alarms in CloudWatch for CPU and response time metrics for EBS and RDS logging and set up log groups and log streams for EBS and RDS Ideal Candidates: - Strong experience in full-stack web application development. - Proficiency in AWS services, particularly EC2, S3, and Elastic Beanstalk
I need a simple and minimal iOS app to monitor my PCB running an ESP32 C3 controller. The task is straightforward: the PCB turns on an LED and starts a countdown. Once the countdown is complete, the LED turns off. Key Requirements: - The app should communicate with the ESP32 C3 over Wi-Fi. - The interface needs to be simple and minimal, in line with Apple's design philosophy. - The app should be developed exclusively for the iOS platform. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in iOS app development, with a portfolio of simple and minimal apps. - Familiarity with Wi-Fi communication protocols for IoT devices. - Prior experience working with ESP32 C3 controllers will be a plus.
We are looking for a skilled professional to assist us in setting up Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager for our online store. Our goal is to ensure that data from Google Ads is accurately tracked within Google Analytics, allowing us to monitor how many purchases are made through Google Ads. Key Responsibilities: Setting up and configuring Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager to track relevant metrics. Ensuring accurate integration of Google Ads data into Google Analytics. Providing insights on customer behavior and interactions on our website. The key statistics we need to track include: Traffic sources: Identifying which websites visitors are coming from. User behavior: Tracking how long visitors stay on our site and which pages they visit. Conversion tracki...
We are seeking an experienced and creative freelancer to build & manage our TikTok account, focusing on building brand awareness for our luxury jewelry brand. The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of TikTok trends, algorithms, and best practices, as well as a keen eye for elegant, luxury-focused video cutting techniques. Your primary responsibility will be to execute a comprehensive TikTok strategy that aligns with our brand identity and resonates with our target audience. You will work closely with our brand to create and post content inspired by successful accounts like @lorenzbaumerjoaillerie. Responsibilities ? Research & Strategy: Identify trending keywords, hashtags, and TikTok-specific trends relevant to the luxury jewelry industry. Develop a content calendar...
...website. Set Appointments: Once leads express interest, book them for a call with our team. What We Offer: Commission-Based Earnings: Earn 10% commission on every deal closed from the leads you bring in. For example, if a deal is worth $5,000, you earn $500! Growth Opportunities: As our agency expands, there’s potential for you to move into a more significant role, such as a team leader or manager, overseeing your own appointment-setting team. Flexible Work: Work from anywhere and set your own schedule. Skill Development: Learn more about the fast-growing web design and digital marketing industry. Why Work with Us? We’re a dynamic and innovative team dedicated to creating stunning, high-performing websites that help businesses grow. Your work directly impacts ...