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2,000 aws codepipeline devops model 找到工作

...authentication, out-of-region login verification, and automated prohibited words replacement. This document is intended for developers working with a Golang backend and a React frontend and should be adjusted per business and compliance requirements. GitHub Link: --- ## 1. Membership Level Mechanism ### 1.1 Model and Tier Definition - **Tiers (T1 to T5)**: - Define five tiers similar to OpenAI’s model. Higher tiers get higher API call frequencies, better quotas, and additional privileges. - **Recharge Thresholds**: - E.g., T1: 0–X, T2: X+1–Y, T3: Y+1–Z, T4: Z+1–W, T5: >W. - Thresholds should be dynamically configurable. ### 1.2 Privilege Control - **Automatic Upgrades**: - System tracks recharge amounts and upgrades ti...

$3605 Average bid
$3605 平均报价
7 个竞标

...chatbot usage, user growth trends, etc., in graphical reports. • Export reports in CSV/Excel format. (2) B-End Primary Account Features 1. Chatbot Management • Add Chatbot: • Configure chatbot name and trigger method (e.g., click-triggered or auto-popup). • Set chatbot language and assign customer service representatives. • Multi-Chatbot Management: • Configure prompts, AI switches, and model training for each chatbot individually. • Assign chatbot-specific permissions to customer service representatives. • Limits and Pricing: • Free version limited to N chatbots, exceeding this incurs admin-defined fees. 2. User Management • Custom Groups: Group users based on behavior, tags, location, etc. • User Tags: Assig...

$3644 Average bid
$3644 平均报价
11 个竞标 platform support to lift the restriction. Membership Management Admins can manually manage users' membership plans in the backend, including: Extending membership durations. Adjusting quotas. The backend should allow admins to view each user's login status and recent login IP for better management. Customizable Model Aliases Support customizable aliases for all models. Admins should be able to set names and descriptions for each model in the backend, providing flexible model management. Preset Chatbot Role Add a default bot role setting to automatically load a preset role when users first interact with the chatbot. All role configurations should be customizable in the backend for easy adjustments of role content and policies. (This item is missi...

$2525 Average bid
$2525 平均报价
2 个竞标
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现有项目是WebGL+ RxJS+Vue,希望寻找精通WebGL和RxJS的前端软件工程师改进: 去除全部UI(以及所有相关的RxJS和Vue), 只保留Canvas显示部分(这一部分是纯JS+WebGL),而且只保留一个测试用的Model数据,去除其它Model

$917 Average bid
$917 平均报价
23 个竞标

...致充电效率降低。 为了解决这个问题,通过在到达充电点之前提前将电池温度控制在适当的温度,能够改善电池的充电效率。 具体来说,在驾驶至充电点的路途中,考虑气温和导航路线,并控制电池达到目标温度。请在本次悬赏中调查这项技术。 *电动车包括插电式混合动力电动车(PHEV) <注意事項> 本次调查对象的车辆品牌限于※美国、欧洲、中国和韩国品牌。截止时间2024年2月29日。 <要求> 请提交明确的证据关于所涉产品的详细信息、销售该产品的公司名称、及计划销售该产品的公司。证据包括网站、YouTube等视频、修理手册、实物照片、车辆用户说明书(手册)等。 请明确指出作为证据的网站或YouTube等视频的URL链接。 请明确指出上述技术的公开者。 [例1]★技术细节 YouTube:请写明URL链接 时间:2:30~3:15 产品名:MODEL S 公司名:TESLA [例2]★技术细节 URL: 请写明URL链接 记载部分:第二段落 产品名:MODEL S 公司名:TESLA 计划销售一词包括正在开发的产品。 如果证据中明确记载了开发该产品的公司名,则满足要求。 请按照您信心顺序列出信息。

$78 - $233
$78 - $233
0 个竞标

...在混合动力车辆的行驶过程中存在一个问题。例如驾驶员在停止引擎的EV模式下踩下油门踏板时,尽管驾驶员希望维持EV模式,但由于动力不足导致引擎开始运转。 为了解决这个问题,车辆内设有一个指示器,其可以显示能够维持EV模式的油门操作量,以便驾驶员通过屏幕确认。请在本次悬赏中调查这项技术。 <注意事項> 本次调查对象的车辆品牌限于※美国、欧洲、中国和韩国品牌。截止时间为2024年2月29日。 <要求> 请提交明确的证据关于所涉产品的详细信息、销售该产品的公司名称、及计划销售该产品的公司。证据包括网站、YouTube等视频、修理手册、实物照片、车辆用户说明书(手册)等。 请明确指出作为证据的网站或YouTube等视频的URL链接。 请明确指出上述技术的公开者。 [例1]★技术细节 YouTube:请写明URL链接 时间:2:30~3:15 产品名:“MODEL S”公司名:“TESLA” [例2]★技术细节 URL: 请写明URL链接 记载部分:第二段落 产品名:“MODEL S” 公司名:“TESLA” “计划销售”一词包括正在开发的产品。 如果证据中明确记载了开发该产品的公司名,则满足要求。 请按照您信心顺序列出信息。

$78 - $233
$78 - $233
0 个竞标

...应,可能导致无法提高车辆驾驶的安全性。 为了解决这个课题,将执行以下多种警告。首先,当驾驶员没有看向车辆前方时,发出第一次警告。如果驾驶员没有看向前方并且没有握住方向盘时,在第一次警告后进行第二次警告。第一次警告与第二次警告是不同类型的警告。请在本次悬赏中寻找这项技术。 <<注意事項>> 本次调查对象的车辆品牌限于※美国、欧洲、中国和韩国品牌。截止时间2024年2月29日。 <要求> 请提交明确的证据关于所涉产品的详细信息、销售该产品的公司名称、及计划销售该产品的公司。证据包括网站、YouTube等视频、修理手册、实物照片、车辆用户说明书(手册)等。 请明确指出作为证据的网站或YouTube等视频的URL链接。 请明确指出上述技术的公开者。 [例1]★技术细节 YouTube:URL链接 时间:2:30~3:15 产品名:MODEL S 公司名:TESLA [例2]★技术细节 URL: URL链接 记载部分:第二段落 产品名:MODEL S 公司名:TESLA 计划销售一词包括正在开发的产品。 如果证据中明确记载了开发该产品的公司名,则满足支付要求。 请按照您信心顺序列出信息。

$225 Average bid
$225 平均报价
4 个竞标

咨询aws beanstalk 部署 django 有一个django 架构的网站, 需要部署到AWS 上去. 希望找一个有经验的工程师或者团队咨询关于CI/CD的问题. 如果合适也可能会有一些django 相关的测试的程序需要帮忙写.

$39 / hr Average bid
$39 / hr 平均报价
3 个竞标

功能要求: 1. 基本用户注册登陆功能 2. 用户浏览试卷功能 3. 每个试卷可以有多个部分 4. 每个部分有多个题目 5. 每个题目有多个可选答案,但是每个题目只有一个正确答案。 6. 用户可以对于某张试卷做多次。 7. 用户可以实时保存做到一半的试卷。 8. 用户可以提交做完的试卷。 9. 用户可以实时浏览做的试卷分数。 10. 用户可以在浏览试卷的结果的同时对于每道题目对chatgpt提问。 11. 用户可以问之后的问题。 12. 管理员功能,可以增删修改试卷的部分和题目。 技术要求: 1. 尽量使用React.js。 2. 尽量使用AWS。 3. 需要源码。

$4157 Average bid
$4157 平均报价
12 个竞标

我们正在创建一个专属于电动汽车特斯拉车主的约会应用程序,我们需要一个有趣的Logo和名字。我非常喜欢附件的风格,如果能将特斯拉Model Y的轮毂替换为附件卡通人物的轮子,让卡通人物以另外的方式。请理解这是一个约会社交App,专属于特斯拉车主使用。可以思考与特斯拉汽车相关的元素结合在一起。

$660 Average bid
$660 平均报价
14 个竞标
2d live model
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$5843 Average bid
$5843 平均报价
4 个竞标

Job Description: 负责软件之分析、设计以及程序撰写。 规划执行软件架构及模块之设计,并控管软件设计进度。 进行软件之测试与修改。 规划、执行与维护量产的产品。 协助研发软件新技术与新工具。 管控软件开发成本 Requirements: Professional Certificate, Diploma, Advanced/Higher/Graduate Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Post Graduate Diploma, Professional Degree *MUST be proficient in MANDARIN

$225 / hr Average bid
$225 / hr 平均报价
4 个竞标

...This is a ranking voted by users. Later, I felt that this is a really good project, and it has gained popularity abroad, but it hasn't really become popular yet. It was decided that everyone would make it full-time. The game has not yet been launched, and will be launched on May 5. Our first crowdfunding, we got nearly one million dollars in fundraising within 5 days. However, the ship design and model at that time could not reach the quality approval of the team. After the game is launched in the future, the sale of ships will be one of our main income channels, so long-term cooperation is needed to provide a stable and high-quality original painting and modeling team for a long time. The cost of the specific original painting and modeling is not lower than the market price...

$210 / hr Average bid
$210 / hr 平均报价
5 个竞标

需要AWS资深讲师一名,需要出差至大连上课,至少15年工作经验,至少3年以上的培训交付经验,中文授课,需要原厂教材。请符合条件的讲师联系我,我们每天支付给讲师的费用在5000到8000不等(不包含差旅费用)。[Removed by Admin]

$14888 Average bid
$14888 平均报价
3 个竞标

遇到不靠谱开发人,需要找靠谱开发者继续完成网站 这是网站开发情况:大概60%的完成度 用的是PHP Laravel, Mysql 需要完成网站和后台Admin的建设,并且deploy到Heroku和AWS 上面 第三方软件需要: Shippo: Stripe: Paypal: 有兴趣请联系我,预计是4周完成

$6620 Average bid
$6620 平均报价
16 个竞标


$846 Average bid
$846 平均报价
18 个竞标

模仿weChat, 创建chat, group chat, moment, 发布文件,照片。 需要用amazon aws. 需要源代码。

$2090 Average bid
$2090 平均报价
3 个竞标

模仿weChat, 创建chat, group chat, moment, 发布文件,照片。 需要用amazon aws. 需要源代码。

$1344 Average bid
$1344 平均报价
1 个竞标
PHP Programmer Needed
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目前我们有个PHP项目(已有国外accelerator选中),主要是帮助欧洲中小企业更好地找中国大陆的产品或者供应商。 希望找一位负责任的PHP工程师,developer Laravel to mantain web application already done (90%) based on support tickets model. Requested skill: HTML, CSS e Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and jQuery, Blade, Eloquent and basic knowlege of LAMP to work in deploy mode. 目前我们考虑的是技术入股(都可以商量),有兴趣的话,其他方面都可以详聊。 (只要有心做好这个项目,在职人员、自由职业者等都可以。懂英语的优先)

$4196 Average bid
$4196 平均报价
6 个竞标
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3dsmax build 2 residential unit interior model + interior design Urgent 2 days per 1 unit ( total 2 units) Residential size: around 400 square feet

$7980 Average bid
$7980 平均报价
4 个竞标
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$9456 Average bid
$9456 平均报价
2 个竞标
3D建模 , A simulation
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User can move back and forth following a predefined route and click on the objects on the route to see the 3D model and text description. It's like a very simple FPS game. 用户以第一人称视角在固定线路上移动,途中可以点击定义好的物品对象,阅读文字说明和3D模型。就像一个非常简单的第一人称视角的游戏。

$9487 Average bid
$9487 平均报价
7 个竞标
编写 iPhone 应用
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我在寻找iOS开发者,开发的App为工具与社交类产品Beta版本。 我需要的条件 开发目标: 1.商定基础功能完成 2.使用parse或aws服务器服务,进行数据交换。 (需要懂后台的开发) 开发完成 。(我会提供UI素材) 4.无明显Bug。(Bug范围可提前沟通确定接受范围) 交付工作(Work deliverable):开发完成后需要可以使用,交付程序包。 开发完成时间(Deadline):3周-4周内完成 工作时间(Time):共40-50个小时的工作时间。(可再评估) 我们创造是一个令人激动尖叫的产品,如果你是父母你的孩子一定会爱上我们的产品。如果你是子女,这是一款让你的父母也可以真真正正触摸到科技对他们生活质量的提升。我们再创造真正的价值。 如果感兴趣或有任何疑问,请随时联系我,也请同时告知我你的开发费用。 在开发完成后如果你依然觉得意犹未尽,欢迎成为我们的Partner! 谢谢! Kevin Li

$18431 Average bid
$18431 平均报价
10 个竞标

This project is to develop the prototype 3d model of a transformer-like plastic robot toy product. We have done the concept design and need experienced designer to help on completing the final assembling 3d model for prototype production (using 3d printing). The final 3d model needs to be ready for real production use. 诚邀有玩具工程设计相关经验的设计师参与完成一部变形金刚机器人塑料玩具的手板三维模型制作项目。本项目概念设计已经完成,现准备制作手板,需要解决关节机构、零件分件、卡扣卡位等日后生产所需技术问题。整个玩具大约设计有100个左右的零件。本次制作的模型将用于3d打印制作手板。

$3784 Average bid
$3784 平均报价
10 个竞标

Requirement 3d model file(at least .stl ) into console and display this model by opengl and other lib and scale model by mouse operation, switch camera position (between front,back,left,right,top, one buttons one view ) the model nicely, lighting simulation is need as well the solid model ,make it hollow. (offset the mesh faces to one side, give it a thickness ) you have the ability to change pointcloud to mesh, plz notice us. f. windows platform . c++ is best for us. Criteria a. realize all the requirements i mentioned. b. submit the relevant source code c. finish in two or three weeks. me know you are solo or not btw ;) 一.软件要求 1.使用opengl等显示3D模型(最起码支持stl格式) 2.能够使用鼠标对模型进行旋转缩放等编辑,同时摄像机位置可以切换fr

$18128 Average bid
$18128 平均报价
1 个竞标

...graph technologies, making it an excellent opportunity for someone looking to grow in these areas. Key Responsibilities • Develop and maintain scalable front-end and back-end applications. • Design and implement GraphQL APIs for efficient data retrieval and manipulation. • Work with Semantic Web technologies such as RDF, SPARQL, and Amazon Neptune to model and query structured data. • Optimize data processing and storage in graph databases and relational systems. • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to integrate machine learning models into applications. • Ensure code quality, performance, and security best practices are met. • Debug and...

$4981 Average bid
$4981 平均报价
34 个竞标

I'm currently a busy DevOps Engineer and need someone to help me apply for full-time DevOps Engineer positions. Key Responsibilities: - Submit applications on LinkedIn, Indeed, and various company websites. - Tailor applications to match job requirements and highlight my skills and experience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Understanding of DevOps and related skills. - Proficient in job application platforms like LinkedIn and Indeed. - Excellent communication and writing skills to create appealing application materials.

$606 Average bid
$606 平均报价
12 个竞标

We are seeking highly skilled databricks data engineer who have experience in building data pipelines and data modelling in delta should have a deep understanding of Databricks adva...automated testing, data validation, and monitoring. Collaborate with data scientists, analysts, and business teams to deliver reliable and well-governed datasets. Nice to Have: Experience with Databricks AI/LLM capabilities, including Databricks Model Serving and Lakehouse AI. Familiarity with Databricks Agentic Framework for building AI-powered data retrieval and analysis applications. Experience in integrating LLMs with Databricks, such as vector search, embedding models, and fine-tuning models for enterprise use cases. Understanding of MLflow for model tracking, deployment, and versioning...

$241 / hr Average bid
$241 / hr 平均报价
4 个竞标

I'm looking for a skilled data scientist to train Bert based on text classification using a bulk of PDF documents. Key Responsibilities: - Provide required coding to train Bert - Write codes to execute a series of textual analysis (e.g., sentiment analysis, specific sentence identification) - Model hyperparameters sets - performance analysis (including ensuring fine tuning. - Evaluation of trained Bert and baseline models Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in advanced machine learning - Strong statistical skills - Prior experience with training Bert

$1896 Average bid
$1896 平均报价
56 个竞标

...and detailed proposed architecture. - The primary aim of this paper is to elucidate the intricacies of the model architecture and bring out their results. - A thorough explanation of the detailed algorithmic steps alongside relevant mathematical derivations is essential. - The paper should utilize Ethereum scanner data along with CoinGecko API data for model explanation and performance illustration. Ideal Skills: - Profound understanding of GNN-based models and recommender systems - Expertise in cryptocurrency data analysis - Strong technical writing skills - Ability to break down complex concepts into comprehensible segments. Please note, the paper needs to extensively compare model performance and not delve into practical application scenarios. However, thi...

$660 Average bid
$660 平均报价
12 个竞标

I'm looking for a 3D model of a mini dragon. The final STL file will be used for 3D printing. Key Requirements: - Inspired by Spyro the Dragon - The dragon should be designed to be very small, approximately 1 inch tall. - Ability to print in two colors would be great. As in the horns, chest and wings be a separate color option. - The level of detail should be basic. It doesn't need to have intricate features, but should be recognizable as a dragon when printed. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software - Experience creating STL files for 3D printing - Ability to design for specific size constraints - Understanding of basic 3D design principles

$785 Average bid
$785 平均报价
32 个竞标

I'm seeking a professional 3D modeler and renderer to create a highly detailed model of a drum rim attachment for a drum stick. This model is intended for 3D printing, so it needs to be structurally sound and optimized for this purpose. Key Aspects: - Product Type: The model is for a musical accessory, specifically a drum rim attachment for a drum stick. - Level of Detail: Although the model will primarily consist of basic shapes and structures, it will still need to be of high detail, with precise measurements and intricate design features. - this will eventually be used for Injection Molding Ideal skills for the job include: - Expertise in 3D product and concept modeling and rendering. - Proficiency in 3D modeling software (like AutoCAD, Blender, or Sol...

$730 Average bid
$730 平均报价
37 个竞标

Project Title: Upgrade & Revamp Matchmaking Website with Modern Features Descriptio...easily find matches. Consider using Elasticsearch. User Data Migration: Migrate existing user data (profiles, messages) to the new platform. Security: Implement secure login with JWT, OAuth 2.0, and 2FA. Performance & Scalability: Optimize for fast loading, smooth interactions, and scalable hosting on AWS, Vercel, or Heroku. Preferred Technologies: Frontend: React.js, , Tailwind CSS Backend: Node.js, , Database: PostgreSQL, MongoDB Search: Elasticsearch Deployment: AWS, Vercel, Heroku Timeline & Budget: Project completion in 2-3 months. Please provide an estimated budget. If you have experience with matchmaking websites and the technologies mentioned, we’d love to hear fr...

$34966 Average bid
$34966 平均报价
66 个竞标

...metallic materials: what fraction of the materials need to be metallic so that the composite system is an electrical conductor? Given a porous landscape with water on the surface (or oil below), under what conditions will the water be able to drain through to the bottom (or the oil to gush through to the surface)? Scientists have defined an abstract process known as percolation to model such situations. The model. We model a percolation system using an n-by-n grid of sites. Each site is either open or blocked. A full site is an open site that can be connected to an open site in the top row via a chain of neighboring (left, right, up, down) open sites. We say the system percolates if there is a full site in the bottom row. In other words, a system percolates if we f...

$932 Average bid
$932 平均报价
19 个竞标

Request for Assistance in Creating Interactive Filtered Tables Using VBA in Excel I am reaching out to seek your expertise in creating an interactive Excel model that includes dropdown boxes and filtered tables using VBA. The goal is to replicate a system where selecting an item from a dropdown box (e.g., a country) automatically filters a table to display relevant data. Key Requirements: Dropdown Boxes (Combo Boxes): Create dropdown boxes that allow users to select specific criteria (e.g., cities, statuses). The dropdown should be populated with a predefined list of items. Interactive Filtering: Upon selecting an item from the dropdown, the corresponding table should automatically filter to display only the rows that match the selected criteria. The filtering should be dynam...

$186 Average bid
$186 平均报价
15 个竞标

I'm in need of an expert who can resize and modify my STL 3D file for a prototype/model. The freelancer will need to add or remove features as necessary. Key Requirements: - Proficient in handling STL files - Experience in 3D design and modification - Ability to understand and implement design changes for a prototype - Attention to detail to ensure the file is ready for printing

$847 Average bid
$847 平均报价
47 个竞标

I am in need of an expert in operations research and mathematical modeling who can develop a multi-objective, multi-period location-routing model, based on several critical assumptions like heterogeneous vehicle and differents types of products. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in developing complex models for multi-objective optimization. - Strong understanding of both location and routing optimization. - Proficiency in GAMS programming. For this task, I expect the following deliverables: 1. Review the proposed model and adjust the formulation as needed to ensure valid results. 2. Refine the mathematical model in GAMS and validate it using test instances in Excel. 3. Implement the multi-objective weighting method to solve the problem and assess the relative importance...

$2152 Average bid
$2152 平均报价
9 个竞标

...Shopify API to automate store creation and customization. 2. Integrate with OpenAI API to generate text content (product descriptions, policies, FAQs). 3. Integrate with Canva API to create logos and store designs automatically. 4. Implement automatic design selection for themes, colors, and branding. 5. Add SEO optimization features for better search engine ranking. 6. Develop a freemium model (basic features for free, premium features for paid users). 7. Build an intuitive admin dashboard for managing stores. Required Skills: ✔ Expertise in Shopify API and eCommerce development. ✔ Experience with AI technologies (NLP, OpenAI API, Machine Learning). ✔ Knowledge of Canva API for design automation. ✔ Proficiency in React, Node.js, Python, or any suitable language. ✔ Abilit...

$8314 Average bid
$8314 平均报价
118 个竞标

Hostel Management System - Project Description This project is written in Ja...student records, hostel occupancy, fee collection, complaints, etc. Provide insights for better hostel management and decision-making. Technology Stack The system can be developed using the following technologies: Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js/Angular.js Backend: Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), Java (Spring Boot) Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebase Hosting & Security: Cloud-based (AWS, Azure, Firebase), Role-based authentication Conclusion A Hostel Management System helps in digitizing hostel operations, making them more efficient and hassle-free. It benefits hostel wardens, students, and administrative staff by reducing workload, increasing security, and ensuring transparency in host...

$124 / hr Average bid
$124 / hr 平均报价
99 个竞标

I need a desktop application transformed into a SAAS model. This involves the development of essential features including user authentication, subscription management, and a data analytics dashboard. The final product will be hosted on AWS. Key Requirements: - Expertise in SAAS development from a desktop application - Proficiency in implementing user authentication systems - Experience in creating subscription management features - Ability to develop a comprehensive data analytics dashboard - Familiarity with AWS for hosting SAAS applications I am looking for a professional with a proven track record in SAAS development who can deliver a high-quality, scalable product.

$47 Average bid
$47 平均报价
1 个竞标

We are seeking an experienced AI...FreeSWITCH / Twilio / Exotel • Backend: Python (FastAPI/Django/Flask) or Node.js • Database: PostgreSQL / MongoDB / Redis • Deployment: Hybrid – On-Prem GPU Servers + Cloud (AWS/GCP/Azure) Ideal Developer Profile: • Proven experience in AI-powered voice applications. • Strong knowledge of VoIP, SIP, Asterisk, and FreeSWITCH. • Experience working with STT, TTS, and LLMs (Mistral, GPT-4, etc.). • Ability to build scalable, real-time systems. • Familiarity with both cloud and on-prem deployment. How to Apply: ✅ Share relevant past projects (especially voice bot/AI call center). ✅ Briefly explain how you’d implement this hybrid model. ✅ Provide a rough cost estimate. Looking forward to build...

$26457 Average bid
$26457 平均报价
13 个竞标

...Chinese markets - Ability to negotiate low prices and MOQs (this is critical) - Quality control and inspection before shipping - Knowledge of shipping logistics to Israel - Clear communication in English Your responsibilities will include: - Finding reliable factories for pet toys, beds, feeding accessories, and collars/leashes - Negotiating the best possible prices (essential for my business model) - Verifying product quality through photos/videos and samples - Managing orders and coordinating logistics - Providing transparent pricing with clear fee structure Please include in your application: 1. Your experience with pet products sourcing 2. Examples of similar projects you've worked on 3. Your fee structure 4. Your process from initial search to final delivery I'm...

$1204 Average bid
$1204 平均报价
10 个竞标

...database migrations and abstract data access. Data Access Layer: Incorporate stored procedures or triggers where necessary for automated notifications and audit trails. DevOps & Deployment Version Control: Use Git for source code management, hosted on platforms like GitHub or GitLab. CI/CD: Set up automated pipelines (using Jenkins, GitHub Actions, or GitLab CI) for testing, building, and deployment. Containerization: Employ Docker to containerize application services to ensure consistency across environments. Cloud Infrastructure: Deploy on AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform, using managed services (such as AWS RDS for the database) to support scalability. Monitoring & Logging: Integrate monitoring tools (Prometheus, Grafana, or an ELK stack)...

$280 / hr Average bid
$280 / hr 平均报价
49 个竞标

...another job - a chance to build something that transforms an entire industry Potential to become our CTO if you prove your exceptional capabilities Startup equity as part of your compensation package Working on cutting-edge circular economy technology Opportunity to significantly reduce carbon emissions through innovative tech solutions Tech Stack Preferences: React/ Node.js TypeScript AWS/Cloud Infrastructure GraphQL Docker/Kubernetes What We Offer: Competitive salary Equity stake in a high-growth startup Flexible working environment Opportunity to directly impact sustainability Clear path to leadership for the right candidate If you're not just looking for a job, but a mission to revolutionize how we think about e-commerce this is your opportunity. Send your portfoli...

$4957 Average bid
$4957 平均报价
116 个竞标

...VR content under their parent user account. ________________________________________ 6. Technical Requirements • The website will host Unity-based VR content using Unity WebGL for the VR content. • You should implement tracking of user interaction with Unity content, possibly using Unity Analytics or custom tracking scripts. • Use appropriate cloud storage solutions to host large VR files (e.g., AWS S3 or other services). ________________________________________ 7. Design and User Experience • The website should be user-friendly, with clear navigation and a responsive design that works well on desktop and mobile devices. • The dashboard should be easy to read and include charts, graphs, and tables displaying data. ________________________________________ ...

$4569 Average bid
$4569 平均报价
23 个竞标 AI-based trading bot for automated trading on the Bybit platform. The project includes: --- 1. Market Data Collection: Collecting market data (prices, volumes, etc.) using available free APIs. Integrating the Bybit API for executing buy/sell trades. --- 2. AI Indicator Creation: Using any AI/ML technology (e.g., TensorFlow, Keras, scikit-learn, or others) to analyze the market. The model should generate buy/sell signals with at least 97% accuracy in predicting market direction. --- 3. Trade Automation: Implementing a mechanism that automatically executes trades on Bybit based on AI signals. Opening a position when the AI signals "buy" and closing it when it signals "sell." --- 4. Monitoring and Optimization: Testing the system on histo...

$117 Average bid
$117 平均报价
12 个竞标

...purchase etc. 2. Vendor Web Interface: This will be crucial for our vendors to manage logistics. Key features should include inventory management, order tracking, and an analytics dashboard. 3. Simple Website: A straightforward site to represent our startup. 4. API Integrations: Seamless integration with delivery service company APIs and a payment gateway is essential. 5. Cloud Services: Utilizing AWS or similar services for storage and processing. 6. Code and IP Rights: All code, IP rights, and necessary credentials must be handed over to us. Future Considerations: - While not mandatory, we would prefer ongoing support for maintenance and hardware/services upscaling as we grow. - Initial design templates and data fields will be developed through discussions with interested tale...

$148 / hr Average bid
$148 / hr 平均报价
13 个竞标

I am looking for a thermal and structural simulation of a wood heater. I have a comprehensive 3D model of the stove which I can provide. The simulation should focus on the following: - Prolonged Heat Exposure: Evaluating how the stove's construction interacts with intense heat over extended periods of time. - Firebox: The primary area of concern is the firebox, where I am particularly interested in understanding the origin of potential stress cracks. The simulation has take into account the properties of the vermiculite lining, but rather concentrate solely on the metal components of the stove. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in thermal and structural simulation software - Experience with 3D modelling - Understanding of material properties under thermal...

$956 Average bid
$956 平均报价
25 个竞标

Job Title: 3D Designer Needed for Life-Size Springfield 1795 Musket Model (STL for 3D Printing) Project Overview: I’m looking for an experienced 3D designer to create a life-size, highly detailed 3D model of the Springfield Arsenal Musket Model 1795 for 3D printing. The final model should be historically accurate, printable in sections, and optimized for FDM 3D printing. Design Requirements: • Historical Accuracy: • Must closely resemble the original Springfield 1795 musket, including: • Stock shape and proportions • Flintlock mechanism • Barrel and ramrod details • Can be a non-functional display model (no moving parts required). • Full-Scale (Life-Size): • Approximate length: ~59 inches (150 cm). ...

$901 Average bid
$901 平均报价
47 个竞标

I'm in need of an experienced AWS Glue developer for a crucial data integration task. You need to show me how it works. Do not use Bot generated Bot. Key Responsibilities: - Integrate data across various sources including databases, cloud storage, and APIs. - Specifically, the integration will involve Oracle databases. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in AWS Glue with a focus on data integration. - Experience working with Oracle databases is a must. - Knowledge of other databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB is a plus. - Ability to work with various data sources including cloud storage and APIs.

$148 Average bid
$148 平均报价
21 个竞标