我们公司的网站 已经上线了一段时间,但我们没有看到自然搜索量的显着增加。我们正在寻找一位专门的 SEO 专家,最好是专注于反向链接建设,他可以帮助我们提高 Google 排名。我们对客座帖子反向链接特别感兴趣,虽然我们没有具体的网站列表,但我们希望你对合适的平台提出建议。 主要职责: - 识别并获取高质量的客座文章反向链接 - 提高我们网站的整体 Google 排名 - 为潜在的客座文章网站提供见解和建议 理想技能: - 在 SEO 和反向链接构建方面拥有成熟的经验 - 对 Google 排名因素有很好的理解 - 较强的沟通技巧,可提供清晰的更新和建议 如果我们看到积极的结果,这可能会变成长期合作。
...synchronize membership management features on the iOS client, including user registration, login, and subscription management, consistent with the Android version. Responsibilities: Feature Synchronization & Consistency: Sync all features from the Android source code to the Flutter-based iOS version. Ensure consistency in UI design, user experience, and interactions, adding response status pop-ups as needed. Issue Resolution & Debugging: Resolve any issues that arise during the iOS development process, ensuring stable connections, proper UI alignment, and responsive features. Improve the overall stability and user experience of the application. Backend Code Optimization: Update and optimize backend code to ensure compatibility with the Flutter-based iOS version. Enhan...
Hi, I need a person located in China to have 20 friends fill up this questionnaire (phone number and name required, and will be randomly verified for validity). Details are listed below in Chinese. Thanks for bidding! 这是一份关于国内健康风险的市场调查问卷,总共需要完成20份,可以使用经自己朋友同意的信息,只要求真实性。 注意事项:(1)每份问卷的姓名和联系电话要真实有效,提交后会抽查核实(2)参与调查人员的年龄分布要大致均衡(3)受调查人员只限居住在中国境内(4)问卷是电子版本,问卷结果以电子文档形式提交(pdf.、doc.)
目前我们有个PHP项目(已有国外accelerator选中),主要是帮助欧洲中小企业更好地找中国大陆的产品或者供应商。 希望找一位负责任的PHP工程师,developer Laravel to mantain web application already done (90%) based on support tickets model. Requested skill: HTML, CSS e Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and jQuery, Blade, Eloquent and basic knowlege of LAMP to work in deploy mode. 目前我们考虑的是技术入股(都可以商量),有兴趣的话,其他方面都可以详聊。 (只要有心做好这个项目,在职人员、自由职业者等都可以。懂英语的优先)
SQL注入/代码审计/数据库权限/渗透测试技术 接渗透单子高手,联系电子邮箱:aqcp#(#改成@)语言要求:中文 熟练掌握各种内网渗透测试工具与相关知识,精通常见安全攻防技术:sql注入、xss、文件上传、文件包含、命令执行等漏洞 熟悉linux、unix、Windows、oracle、J2EE等各种环境下WEB的安全配置与安全检查及WEB漏洞防范; 熟悉各种脚本语言(asp,php,jsp,java,net、perl、python等)具备独立挖掘web安全漏洞与入侵手段 具备一定的网络安全知识,对网络安全结构、系统漏洞、入侵检测、病毒防护等有深入理论基础和实践经验; 熟悉渗透测试黑客攻防的步骤、方法、流程、熟练掌握各种渗透测试攻防工具有实际渗透经验者优先; 求大虾接单,脱裤,要求,电话,手机,姓名,邮箱,其他的一概不要。每笔单1000美金起步,根据站的难度而定价格,具体可以详谈,寻找长期合作. 态度认真、中介勿扰,请技术实力说话。
Following is the format and structure of the requirement 论文计划书要求 开题报告 第一章 绪论(20%) -前言Pendahuluan -研究背景Latar belakang kajian -问题提出Pernyataan masalah -研究思路Kerangka Konseptual -研究目的(最多3项)Objektif kajian – (maksimum 3 objektif) -研究问题(3至5项)Soalan kajian – (antara 3 – 5 persoalan) -研究的重要性Kepentingan kajian -研究范围Batasan kajian -变量的表述Definisi pembolehubah -小结Rumusan 第二章 文献回顾(10%) -前言Pendahuluan -理论与相关概念Teori dan konsep berkaitan -过往研究Kajian-kajian lepas -小结Rumusan 第三章 研究方法(10%) -前言Pendahuluan -研究设计Rekabentuk kajian -采样(研究对象)Persampelan -研究工具Instrument kajian -数据分析(描述性)Anali...
安全测试、漏洞发掘、漏洞渗透测试、安全审核、安全风险、服务器安全漏洞渗透测试评估与分析及加固; 联系QQ:840555737 2、对产品代码进行审视,找出安全漏洞并提出修改建议; 3、研究各种安全技术,编写和维护用于安全测试的攻击工具、防御工具和分析工具; 4、负责公司Web产品涉及到的安全性研究; 5、负责响应公司的安全事件; 6、为公司员工提供信息安全教育及培训。 岗位要求: 1、熟悉渗透测试的各类技术及方法,熟练掌握各种渗透测试工具;熟练操作各类操作系统、应用平台; 2、精通或熟练掌握php/perl/python/javascript/shell等多种脚本语言; 3、熟悉asp,php、jsp等主流的Web安全技术,包括SQL注入、XSS、CSRF等常见的安全漏洞利用; 4、熟悉国内外主流安全产品、工具,如:AppScan扫描器、wvs等; 5、对Web安全测试有自己的理解; 6、熟悉常见攻击和防御办法,熟悉web安全和渗透技术,能自行进行web渗透测试,恶意代码监测和分析; 7、熟悉ddos攻击类型和原理有一定的ddos攻防经验,能有效防御黑客挂马和恶意流量攻击,会熟练搭建负载均衡系统。
聘请中国黑客/骇客/渗透/入侵技术人员 网站攻防技术人员,网站检测,漏洞修补,漏洞挖掘,数据库修补 1、精通web攻击、渗透技术,精通asp/php/java/gov/MD5解密/服务器 入侵目标:中国gov,政府站,教育网,网站数据库,提取数据,渗透/入侵网站数据库获取数据即可,说明白一点就是拿站,需要收定金,不支持验证的,不支持担保的,请绕道. 诚聘渗透经验丰富者,做事态度认真、敬业者;中介勿扰,者勿扰,自大狂傲者勿扰.请以技术实力说话。非诚心者请走.skype:dujiaoxi2014 @
...-定期重新评估这关键词,以确保其依旧有效且适用。 -开展详细的范文链接分析,设计创新链接建设活动。 -不断更新自己的搜索引擎营销及相关知识。 -启动和运用的客观的测试工具、资源及技术。 管理与操作层面: -有效地管理你的工作,并使用Outlook准确地记录所耗工作时长。 -有效地管理可用资源。 -进行基本的风险评估。 -自由地分享知识、见地、实践方法、战术及想法。 -为同事及客户提供持续的指导及帮助。 -帮助推动SEO团队及Qumin其他部门的发展。 技能与经验: -精通中文及英语,流利的英语至关重要。 -三至五年的SEO从业经验,及在数字营销领域的广泛经验。 -拥有对新兴平台和有效的搜索引擎优化策略的完整而广泛的知识与技术。 -透彻了解百度、谷歌和其他搜索引擎的排名页面。 -熟悉HTML,CSS和WEB标准。 -掌握并善于运用如PHP、ASP等编程知识和技术。 -丰富的搜索引擎优化经验。 -能够解析大量熟悉、信息,并迅速作出清晰判断及明智决策。 -高超的数据处理及书面报告呈现能力。 -丰富的博客运作经验。 -掌握中国主要社会化媒体渠道信息,包括微博和人人网。 -善用百度分析工具、搜索引擎优化、社交工具和其他主要的第三方分析平台,例如百度统计和CNZZ。 -具有较强的时间管理和计划能力。 -能够在紧迫的期限和压力下保持冷静,并开展高水准的工作。 -渴望成功,关注细节,追求卓越。 -自信,具有良好的沟通及表达能力,思路清晰,富有创意。
web developer,if you are good at it ……网校招聘大牛渗透/入侵检测网站数据库/服务器,信息安全技术,菜鸟回避! 对技术的要求: 年龄不限 专业且经验丰富者,做事态度认真、敬业者,中介勿扰,倒单者勿扰。 会者不难,难者不会,对于专业的人来说这个非常简单.请以技术实力说话。 渗透/入侵网站测试 精通数据库/服务器 0、熟悉网络安全体系,了解最新网络安全漏洞,熟悉各种渗透入侵技术;1、熟悉以及擅长于脚本渗透,能独立分析各种脚本寻找以及发现问题;2、熟悉ASP语言;3、工作经验不限,有耐力,有毅力。 招揽反入侵方面的专业人士 检测内容:安全性较高的服务器 可通过各种途径,检测指定服务器或网站的漏洞,加以利用. 非诚心者请走,骗子请绕道. 只要你有实力-长期有单 这个只是广告.有能力接单的请联系邮箱:(年薪16万美元)
web developer,if you are good at it ……网校招聘大牛渗透/入侵检测网站数据库/服务器,信息安全技术,菜鸟回避! 对技术的要求: 年龄不限 专业且经验丰富者,做事态度认真、敬业者,中介勿扰,倒单者勿扰。 会者不难,难者不会,对于专业的人来说这个非常简单.请以技术实力说话。 渗透/入侵网站测试 精通数据库/服务器 0、熟悉网络安全体系,了解最新网络安全漏洞,熟悉各种渗透入侵技术;1、熟悉以及擅长于脚本渗透,能独立分析各种脚本寻找以及发现问题;2、熟悉ASP语言;3、工作经验不限,有耐力,有毅力。 招揽反入侵方面的专业人士 检测内容:安全性较高的服务器 可通过各种途径,检测指定服务器或网站的漏洞,加以利用. 非诚心者请走,骗子请绕道. 只要你有实力-长期有单 这个只是广告.有能力接单的请联系邮箱:qqdujiaoxi@(年薪16万美元) if you want to have this work ,please leave your QQ or telephone
web developer,if you are good at it ……网校招聘大牛渗透/入侵检测网站数据库/服务器,信息安全技术,菜鸟回避! 对技术的要求: 年龄不限 专业且经验丰富者,做事态度认真、敬业者,中介勿扰,倒单者勿扰。 会者不难,难者不会,对于专业的人来说这个非常简单.请以技术实力说话。 渗透/入侵网站测试 精通数据库/服务器 0、熟悉网络安全体系,了解最新网络安全漏洞,熟悉各种渗透入侵技术;1、熟悉以及擅长于脚本渗透,能独立分析各种脚本寻找以及发现问题;2、熟悉ASP语言;3、工作经验不限,有耐力,有毅力。 招揽反入侵方面的专业人士 检测内容:安全性较高的服务器 可通过各种途径,检测指定服务器或网站的漏洞,加以利用. 非诚心者请走,骗子请绕道. 只要你有实力-长期有单 这个只是广告.有能力接单的请联系邮箱:(年薪16万美元)
Need experienced Sales person - who can generate sales of Onions in Tamil Nadu / Kerala must have previous experience, ability to negotiate and finalize deals
I'm seeking a dedicated testing team for my esports Android app. Your primary focus will be on the user interface and design, performance and stability, and overall apps functionality. Key Testing Areas: - Usability Testing: Evaluate how user-friendly the app is. - Load Testing: Assess how well the app performs under heavy usage. - Functional Testing: Ensure all features work as intended. Testing Platforms: - Both Android emulators and physical Android devices. Ideal skills and experience for this job includes extensive knowledge in app testing, particularly for Android platforms, and experience in usability, load, and functional testing. Familiarity with esports applications would be a plus.
I'm seeking expert advice on trading and investment strategies on Binance. Additionally, I'm facing some verification issues which may need troubleshooting. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency with Binance platform - Proven track record in trading and investment - Experience with account verification issues - Strong problem-solving skills - Excellent communication skills for guidance
I'm in need of a Java developer who can create a user data form for me. This form should be capable of collecting various types of user data, including both string and integer data. The form should also be able to generate a report based on the collected data. Key Requirements: - The form should be able to collect 'user data' which includes personal, employment and education details. - The report should be generated within a time frame of 20 days. - The budget for this project is fixed at 7k to 9k. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Java - Experience in developing data collection forms - Ability to create reporting features within applications - Strong understanding of user data privacy and security measures.
I'm seeking an adept professional with proven experience in Social Media Marketing (SMM), Social Media Optimization (SMO), and Search-based Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising for my eCommerce business. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement SMM strategies on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. - Enhance our brand presence, grow our followers, and increase engagement through effective SMO techniques. - Manage and optimize our Search ads for maximum reach and ROI. Ideal Candidates Should Have: - Demonstrated experience in SMM, SMO, and PPC, ideally in the eCommerce sector. - Strong understanding of the specified social media platforms and their advertising systems. - Proven track record of increasing social media engagement and brand presence. - Excellent skills in SEO and PPC mana...
I need to make a software for a custom made PCB (stm32g474 vetx), but im not a programmer, but a mechanical designer with some PLC-ladder experience) The idea is to chat sequences and logic functions with GPT/DS for it to generate small modules of code and then send them to you for evaluation/adjustments/advice. As i think this will take a lot of time back and forth, i cant pay any high hourly fees.
I'm looking for a highly skilled developer with extensive experience in customizing the Woodmart theme. The project will involve: - **Layout and Design**: A complete overhaul of the layout and design of the homepage, product pages and the checkout process. You should have a keen eye for aesthetics and UX/UI principles to ensure a seamless and visually appealing experience for my customers. - **Functionality and Features**: Modifying current functionalities and features and potentially adding new ones to improve user experience and site performance. Strong problem-solving skills and innovative thinking will be key for this task. - **Plugins and Integrations**: Customizing and integrating various plugins to enhance site capabilities. Experience with a wide range of WordPress plugins ...
Descrizione del Progetto: Siamo alla ricerca di un professionista esperto in automazione digitale che ci aiuti a configurare un sistema integrato e automatizzato per la gestione dei lead. L’obiettivo è collegare in maniera fluida e automatica i seguenti elementi: Facebook Business Manager & Lead Ads: Configurazione e ottimizzazione di campagne Lead Ads per la raccolta dei contatti (nome, email, numero di telefono, ecc.). Impostazione dei moduli di contatto e trigger per l’invio dei dati in tempo reale. Automazione tramite Zapier/Make (o strumento equivalente): Collegamento tra Facebook Lead Ads, WhatsApp e il CRM per garantire il passaggio automatico dei dati. Creazione di workflow che, al ricevimento di un nuovo lead, attivino azioni specifiche. WhatsApp Business...
As a new startup, I'm seeking an expert in SEO with a focus on increasing our website traffic primarily through Google. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement effective SEO strategies. - Monitor and report on SEO performance metrics. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in SEO, particularly with Google. - Excellent analytical skills to understand and leverage SEO metrics. - Strong understanding of SEO best practices and trends. Please note, the content to optimize isn't determined yet, so flexibility and creativity in content strategy will be highly valued.
I am seeking a talented video editor with experience in editing tech-focused videos. The ideal candidate should be able to edit to create engaging, high-quality content that will capture the viewer's attention while delivering informative insights about various tech elements. Key Responsibilities: - Edit videos featuring tech products, AI capabilities, and interactions within the creator economy. - or AI reviews, use tech tips and tricks - Utilize dynamic and attention-grabbing transitions to keep the content lively and engaging. - Ensure the overall tone of the video is informative. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in video editing software. - Prior experience editing tech videos or similar content. - Ability to highlight specific elements such as product features, AI c...
I've been facing an issue where a significant percentage of my verification emails are going straight to spam. Currently, I'm using Mailgun for sending these emails, and the rate of failed emails is around 26%. This is impacting the SMS code generated for customer mobile app account verification. I'm looking for an expert in email services, particularly with Mailgun, to help check my configuration and improve my email deliverability. Key Requirements: - Expertise in email configuration and verification services, particularly Mailgun - Ability to diagnose and fix issues causing emails to go to spam - Experience with improving email deliverability rates Currently, I'm using a Single opt-in method for email verification, and I have not yet checked the email content for p...
I'm seeking a qualified SEO specialist to help acquire high-quality links for my website, https://knx-trade.com. Key Requirements: 1. Proven experience in SEO and link building strategies. 2. Provision of relevant, reliable backlinks from respected sites, particularly industry blogs. 3. Regular reports on acquired links and their impact on SEO. My primary goal is to increase organic traffic to the site, so the ideal candidate will have a strong track record in this area. I have specific keywords that I want to focus on for the backlinks, so experience in keyword-based link building is essential.
I'm seeking a highly skilled programmer with expertise in machine learning and AI for an exciting project that intersects computer vision and natural language processing (NLP). Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Computer Vision techniques - Advanced skills in Sentiment Analysis - Experience analyzing survey responses Ideal candidates will have a strong programming background, with a focus on machine learning and AI, alongside a proven track record working with computer vision and sentiment analysis. You will be tasked with interpreting survey responses using sentiment analysis, and leveraging computer vision techniques to enhance the project outcomes. Your ability to deliver high-quality analysis will be crucial to the success of this project.
I'm starting a new YouTube channel focusing on education, self-help, and motivational book summaries. I'm looking for a video editor who can edit my videos at a reasonable price and help me grow my channel. Key responsibilities: - Edit my videos to make them dynamic and engaging - Help strategize and implement growth tactics for the channel Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software - Understanding of YouTube's algorithm and best practices for channel growth - Creative flair for dynamic editing with lots of effects Please note, while I prefer a dynamic editing style, I do not have a specific list of special effects in mind. It will be beneficial if you can suggest and implement appropriate effects to enhance the videos.
I'm looking for a professional Portuguese translator to translate some personal legal documents. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Native or fluent Portuguese speaker - Proven experience in legal document translation - Excellent understanding of legal terminology in both English and Portuguese - High attention to detail - Ability to meet deadlines Please bid only if you have experience translating legal documents. Thank you.
We are a growing Indian export company looking for a dynamic Sales & Marketing professional to help expand our international customer base. This is a commission-based opportunity with unlimited earning potential. What We Offer: ✅ High commission on every successful sale ✅ Higher sales = Higher earnings ✅ Work from anywhere – flexible opportunity ✅ Opportunity to work with a reputed export company ✅ Long-term collaboration based on performance Responsibilities: - Identify and connect with potential international buyers/importers - Promote and sell our export products in global markets - Develop business strategies to increase sales - Build and maintain strong client relationships - Provide regular sales updates and market insights Who Can Apply? ✔️ We encou...
I'm looking for an experienced professional to design an Eprint Repository for me. Key Responsibilities: - Design a user-friendly and efficient Eprint Repository. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Eprint. - Strong design skills with a focus on usability and efficiency. - Prior experience designing repositories is a plus. Please note, applications from candidates with proven experience in designing, managing, and hosting Eprint repositories will be prioritized.
I'm in search of a talented fashion designer who can elevate my unisex tie-dye collection with creative embellishments. The designer should be able to work with leather, metal, and cloth patches, creating abstract shapes in an appliqué style. Key Requirements: - Expertise in fashion design, specifically with tie-dye and unisex collections. - Creativity and skill in designing unique embellishments. - Experience with leather, metal, and cloth patch design. - Ability to design abstract shapes for appliqué. Ideal Candidates: - Have a strong portfolio of similar work. - Can deliver high-quality, unique designs. - Have excellent communication skills. Please include examples of relevant past work in your bid.
I have a web app that needs some urgent attention. The app is functional but throwing deprecation warnings due to some dependencies. I need a skilled developer to: - Fix the deprecation warnings by addressing the dependencies issues - Deploy the fixed app on Vercel - Add a custom domain to the deployed app - Implement a password-protected page for user access only - Perform a thorough review of the existing codebase for additional issues - Optimize the web app for performance enhancements - Update the version to the latest stable release Experience with Vercel and domain management is a must. I also need your expertise in setting up the password protection. The specific method for this has not been decided yet, so I would appreciate your input on the best and most secure option. Ple...
I'm seeking a top-notch SEO professional to propel my new waste management company's website to Google's top results swiftly. The emphasis should be on targeting local and 'low hanging' keywords. Key Responsibilities: - Content creation and backlinking - On-page and off-page optimization - Adding necessary information to my website I require continuous, high-quality, non-AI generated content for my site, primarily blog posts. For on-page optimization, content optimization is my main concern. The ideal candidate for this project should: - Have proven experience in SEO - Have a track record of successful site optimizations - Be capable of creating engaging, high-quality content - Understand and be able to implement effective backlinking strategies...
I'm seeking a freelancer to help me apply for 15 roles within multiple sectors, tailored to my job requirements. Skills and experience ideal for this project: - Prior experience in job applications - Understanding Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor - Excellent communication and writing skills - Ability to follow specific job requirements - Proficient in time management to complete applications within a week. Will go through a paid 7 day trial period. I would like 15-20 jobs applied to a day for 7 days exact to start off for $42 USD Total. Will hire for 1 month after a successful trial period.
I have an existing Vyond video that needs editing. The goal is to maintain the integrity of the original content while enhancing the overall presentation. Key Editing Tasks: - Adding new scenes: Incorporate engaging text overlays and suitable background music to complement the video - Removing specific parts: Cut out unnecessary middle sections to streamline the video Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Vyond video editing - Experience in adding text overlays and background music - Ability to remove sections without disturbing existing content - Strong understanding of timing and transitions - Attention to detail and commitment to maintaining content integrity
I'm looking for a talented writer to help me craft a captivating fiction romance eBook aimed at adults. The ideal candidate should have a strong command of writing, particularly in the romance genre. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate with me to understand the vision for the eBook - Create engaging and relatable characters - Develop a compelling romantic storyline - Maintain a consistent and appealing writing style throughout Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in writing fiction, particularly romance - Excellent understanding of adult themes and perspectives - Strong character development skills - Ability to create a captivating storyline - Exceptional command of the English language
I'm seeking a seasoned electrical engineer with expertise in industrial control systems, particularly SCADA. Your role will involve designing and drawing electric schematics for power distribution and control systems within an industrial setting. Key Responsibilities: - Design and draw control systems using SCADA - Create electric schematics for power distribution Ideal Skills: - Proficient in control systems design - Extensive experience in industrial electrical projects - Expertise in SCADA systems - Competent in creating detailed electrical designs and drawings Please provide examples of relevant past projects in your proposal.
I'm looking for a professional social media marketer to help increase my brand awareness across Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. The ideal candidate needs to be proficient in creating and sharing engaging content, including images and graphics, videos, and written posts. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a social media strategy focused on brand awareness. - Create engaging content tailored for each platform. - Monitor and report on social media performance. - Responsible to boost sales through social media & it's branding. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social media marketing. - Excellent content creation skills. - Strong understanding of Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. - Ability to analyze social media performance.
I'm seeking a seasoned video editor to craft a captivating, polished ad for my social media accounts - primarily Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Key Requirements: - The main aim of the video is to generate leads or sales, so a strong understanding of e-commerce video marketing strategies is preferable. - The style of the video should be professional and polished, so previous experience with corporate video editing is a plus. - Please showcase your portfolio in the chat, particularly if you've worked on similar projects in the past. I plan to kick off this project next week Monday. The ad video should be 15-30 seconds long. The video should have an energetic and engaging tone to captivate the audience. The ad should be bright and colorful to captivate attention quickly.
I'm in need of a licensed structural engineer for a residential project currently under construction. Your expertise will be pivotal in ensuring the integrity of the foundation, framing and load-bearing walls, as well as the roof structure. Key Responsibilities: - Assess and design the foundation - Evaluate and plan for framing and load-bearing walls - Design and assess the roof structure Ideal Skills: - Licensed structural engineer in the USA - Extensive experience in residential projects - Proficiency in foundation design, framing and load-bearing walls, and roof structure - Ability to work on projects that are currently under construction
I'm seeking a dedicated Youtube Channel Manager for my daily vlog channel. This role encompasses a diverse range of responsibilities including video editing, Youtube optimisation, social marketing and channel analytics reporting. Key Responsibilities: - Managing and editing videos: Edit for engaging and relatable vlog content. - Motion graphics skills for video overlays, intros etc. - Graphic design skills and efficiency with Canva for Thumbnails (must have own account) - Optimisation: Implement effective strategies to increase channel visibility and viewer engagement. - Channel Analytics: Monitor and interpret channel data to optimize content and strategy. Requirements: - Videos send in order via Whatsapp. - Requires fast computer for efficient video editing. - Reliable fast ...
I'm seeking a talented videographer to capture a fun YouTube style golf challenge at Moore Park Golf Course on Tuesday, February 4. The video will be fun/humorous vibes so creativity and a dynamic filming style are essential. The shoot will last up to 3 hours. Key Responsibilities: - Filming wide-angle landscape shots - Capturing close-up action shots - Documenting candid moments of participants Specific Moments to Highlight: - Tour of the course - Reactions from participants - Golf techniques and tips Ideal Skills: - Expertise in videography, particularly outdoor filming - A creative approach to content creation - Familiarity with current YouTube trends Please include samples of your previous work in your application. Note that editing is not required for this project.
I'm seeking a talented Instagram marketer to promote my products/services on the platform. The primary focus will be creating and strategizing image Editing/posts that effectively highlight and endorse my offerings. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and execute a comprehensive Instagram marketing plan - Create engaging image posts to promote my products/services - Monitor and report on the performance of posts and overall strategy Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of Instagram marketing and its algorithms - Proven experience in creating engaging image content - Excellent analytical skills Experience in Instagram marketing, particularly in promoting products/services, is highly desirable. Your role will be key in boosting my brand's visibility and driving sales through this s...
I'm seeking a talented photo editor to perform color correction on my product photos. Key Requirements: - Expert in color correction with a keen eye for detail - Able to deliver a polished, natural look for each photo - Experience working with product photography You will be working with product photos that need to be color-corrected to achieve a consistent, appealing look across the board. Please provide examples of similar work you've done in the past.
I have an existing Vyond video that needs editing. The goal is to maintain the integrity of the original content while enhancing the overall presentation. Key Editing Tasks: - Adding new scenes: Incorporate engaging text overlays and suitable background music to complement the video - Removing specific parts: Cut out unnecessary middle sections to streamline the video Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Vyond video editing - Experience in adding text overlays and background music - Ability to remove sections without disturbing existing content - Strong understanding of timing and transitions - Attention to detail and commitment to maintaining content integrity
I'm looking for a seasoned Google Ads expert to help me boost downloads for my gaming app. The campaign will be targeted countrywide, so knowledge and experience in handling large-scale, nationwide campaigns is crucial. Key Responsibilities: - Strategize and implement Google Ads campaigns aimed at increasing app downloads. - Optimize campaigns for target reach and engagement. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in promoting gaming apps. - Expertise in Google Ads. - Ability to manage and optimize large-scale campaigns. Your primary goal will be to enhance our user base through effective ad campaigns. Please provide examples of previous successful projects in your proposal.
I'm in need of a professional designer to customize a one-page Creative/Artistic themed website. The focus will be on the main content section, which needs to be tailored to fit a modern and clean aesthetic. Key Responsibilities: - Customizing the main content section of a one-page Creative/Artistic theme - Designing with a modern and clean style Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Creative/Artistic design - Strong understanding of modern and clean design principles - Experience in one-page theme customization - Proven track record of designing professional, appealing webpages.
I'm looking for a Digital Marketing Expert who can develop and execute online marketing strategies to enhance my brand's visibility, drive traffic, and generate leads. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and manage digital marketing campaigns across multiple platforms including Google, Facebook, and Instagram - Optimize website performance through SEO and SEM strategies - Manage and grow my brand presence on social media channels to increase brand awareness - Execute Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and email marketing campaigns - Analyze data using Google Analytics and other tools to optimize performance - Monitor online reputation and engage with customers The ideal candidate is skilled in SEO, SEM, social media marketing, PPC, content marketing, and email campaigns. Experience ...
I'm having issues with my custom email server (Kassserver). Emails are being rejected due to SPF errors and I need a professional to check the SPF details. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in email systems, particularly with custom email servers. - Proficient in working with Kassserver. - Deep understanding of SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and related email delivery issues. - Problem-solving skills to fix email rejection issues. - Experience in improving email deliverability.
I'm in need of a freelancer who can help me connect with B2B buyers on a global scale, specifically within the Import-Export industry. The ideal candidate will have experience and skills in: - B2B Marketing - Networking - Communication - Understanding of the Import-Export industry Description: We are Tradetastic Overseas Pvt Ltd, an established export company dealing in high-quality tea, coffee, and other Indian agricultural products. We are looking for experienced B2B sales professionals, lead generation experts, and deal closers who can help us connect with international buyers and secure orders. What We Offer: ✔ A legitimate company with certifications and a strong product portfolio ✔ Competitive pricing and high-demand products ✔ Full support with product details, certificat...