Asp contact form as3工作


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2,000 asp contact form as3 找到工作


$846 Average bid
$846 平均报价
18 个竞标


$1360 Average bid
$1360 平均报价
12 个竞标

Plan-B MATROMONIAL FORM FILLING  DIRECT SIGNUP  CONTRACT AGREEMENT 11 Month  WORKING DAYS – 25  WORK LOAD 2000 /-  FORM RATE – 10/-  FIRST PAY – 5000/-(Refundable)  BILLING – AFTER 10 DAYS AFTER TASK SUBMISSION  100% Payment Guarantee PAYMENT CALCULATION PARAMETER • 95.1% - 100% = 100% Payment • 90.1% - 95% = 90% Payment • 85.1% - 90% = 80% Payment • 80.1% - 85% = 70% Payment • 75.1% - 80% = 60% Payment • 70.1% - 75% = 50% Payment • 65.1% - 70% = 40% Payment • 60.1% - 65% = 30% Payment • 55.1% - 60% = 20% Payment • 50.1% - 55% = 10% Payment • Below - 50% = NO PAYMENT, NO REWORK, N...

$2495 Average bid
$2495 平均报价
2 个竞标

 Payment cycle:- Monthly  WORKLOAD :-6000 forms per agent per month  POST DATED CHEQUE WILL PROVIDED AS SECURITY  PAY OUT CYCLE: MONTHLY (13,20,000 INR FIX FOR 11 MONTHS)

$26214 Average bid
$26214 平均报价
13 个竞标

I have a list of English company names (156 names), I will need to find their name in Chinese, also their phone number. 我有一份英文公司名单(156个),需要找出他们的中文名,联系方式等信息

$233 Average bid
$233 平均报价
12 个竞标

SQL注入/代码审计/数据库权限/渗透测试技术 接渗透单子高手,联系电子邮箱:aqcp#(#改成@)语言要求:中文 熟练掌握各种内网渗透测试工具与相关知识,精通常见安全攻防技术:sql注入、xss、文件上传、文件包含、命令执行等漏洞 熟悉linux、unix、Windows、oracle、J2EE等各种环境下WEB的安全配置与安全检查及WEB漏洞防范; 熟悉各种脚本语言(asp,php,jsp,java,net、perl、python等)具备独立挖掘web安全漏洞与入侵手段 具备一定的网络安全知识,对网络安全结构、系统漏洞、入侵检测、病毒防护等有深入理论基础和实践经验; 熟悉渗透测试黑客攻防的步骤、方法、流程、熟练掌握各种渗透测试攻防工具有实际渗透经验者优先; 求大虾接单,脱裤,要求,电话,手机,姓名,邮箱,其他的一概不要。每笔单1000美金起步,根据站的难度而定价格,具体可以详谈,寻找长期合作. 态度认真、中介勿扰,请技术实力说话。

$17481 Average bid
$17481 平均报价
4 个竞标

安全测试、漏洞发掘、漏洞渗透测试、安全审核、安全风险、服务器安全漏洞渗透测试评估与分析及加固; 联系QQ:840555737 2、对产品代码进行审视,找出安全漏洞并提出修改建议; 3、研究各种安全技术,编写和维护用于安全测试的攻击工具、防御工具和分析工具; 4、负责公司Web产品涉及到的安全性研究; 5、负责响应公司的安全事件; 6、为公司员工提供信息安全教育及培训。 岗位要求: 1、熟悉渗透测试的各类技术及方法,熟练掌握各种渗透测试工具;熟练操作各类操作系统、应用平台; 2、精通或熟练掌握php/perl/python/javascript/shell等多种脚本语言; 3、熟悉asp,php、jsp等主流的Web安全技术,包括SQL注入、XSS、CSRF等常见的安全漏洞利用; 4、熟悉国内外主流安全产品、工具,如:AppScan扫描器、wvs等; 5、对Web安全测试有自己的理解; 6、熟悉常见攻击和防御办法,熟悉web安全和渗透技术,能自行进行web渗透测试,恶意代码监测和分析; 7、熟悉ddos攻击类型和原理有一定的ddos攻防经验,能有效防御黑客挂马和恶意流量攻击,会熟练搭建负载均衡系统。

$1943 - $5830
$1943 - $5830
0 个竞标

聘请中国黑客/骇客/渗透/入侵技术人员 网站攻防技术人员,网站检测,漏洞修补,漏洞挖掘,数据库修补 1、精通web攻击、渗透技术,精通asp/php/java/gov/MD5解密/服务器 入侵目标:中国gov,政府站,教育网,网站数据库,提取数据,渗透/入侵网站数据库获取数据即可,说明白一点就是拿站,需要收定金,不支持验证的,不支持担保的,请绕道. 诚聘渗透经验丰富者,做事态度认真、敬业者;中介勿扰,者勿扰,自大狂傲者勿扰.请以技术实力说话。非诚心者请走.skype:dujiaoxi2014 @

$11659 - $23319
$11659 - $23319
0 个竞标

...-定期重新评估这关键词,以确保其依旧有效且适用。 -开展详细的范文链接分析,设计创新链接建设活动。 -不断更新自己的搜索引擎营销及相关知识。 -启动和运用的客观的测试工具、资源及技术。 管理与操作层面: -有效地管理你的工作,并使用Outlook准确地记录所耗工作时长。 -有效地管理可用资源。 -进行基本的风险评估。 -自由地分享知识、见地、实践方法、战术及想法。 -为同事及客户提供持续的指导及帮助。 -帮助推动SEO团队及Qumin其他部门的发展。 技能与经验: -精通中文及英语,流利的英语至关重要。 -三至五年的SEO从业经验,及在数字营销领域的广泛经验。 -拥有对新兴平台和有效的搜索引擎优化策略的完整而广泛的知识与技术。 -透彻了解百度、谷歌和其他搜索引擎的排名页面。 -熟悉HTML,CSS和WEB标准。 -掌握并善于运用如PHP、ASP等编程知识和技术。 -丰富的搜索引擎优化经验。 -能够解析大量熟悉、信息,并迅速作出清晰判断及明智决策。 -高超的数据处理及书面报告呈现能力。 -丰富的博客运作经验。 -掌握中国主要社会化媒体渠道信息,包括微博和人人网。 -善用百度分析工具、搜索引擎优化、社交工具和其他主要的第三方分析平台,例如百度统计和CNZZ。 -具有较强的时间管理和计划能力。 -能够在紧迫的期限和压力下保持冷静,并开展高水准的工作。 -渴望成功,关注细节,追求卓越。 -自信,具有良好的沟通及表达能力,思路清晰,富有创意。

$233 / hr Average bid
$233 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

Plan-B MATROMONIAL FORM FILLING  DIRECT SIGNUP  CONTRACT AGREEMENT 11 Month  WORKING DAYS – 25  WORK LOAD 2000 /-  FORM RATE – 10/-  FIRST PAY – 5000/-(Refundable)  BILLING – AFTER 10 DAYS AFTER TASK SUBMISSION  100% Payment Guarantee PAYMENT CALCULATION PARAMETER • 95.1% - 100% = 100% Payment • 90.1% - 95% = 90% Payment • 85.1% - 90% = 80% Payment • 80.1% - 85% = 70% Payment • 75.1% - 80% = 60% Payment • 70.1% - 75% = 50% Payment • 65.1% - 70% = 40% Payment • 60.1% - 65% = 30% Payment • 55.1% - 60% = 20% Payment • 50.1% - 55% = 10% Payment • Below - 50% = NO PAYMENT, NO REWORK, N...

$1182 - $3545
$1182 - $3545
0 个竞标
Web Developer - repost
已经结束 left

web developer,if you are good at it ……网校招聘大牛渗透/入侵检测网站数据库/服务器,信息安全技术,菜鸟回避! 对技术的要求: 年龄不限 专业且经验丰富者,做事态度认真、敬业者,中介勿扰,倒单者勿扰。 会者不难,难者不会,对于专业的人来说这个非常简单.请以技术实力说话。 渗透/入侵网站测试 精通数据库/服务器 0、熟悉网络安全体系,了解最新网络安全漏洞,熟悉各种渗透入侵技术;1、熟悉以及擅长于脚本渗透,能独立分析各种脚本寻找以及发现问题;2、熟悉ASP语言;3、工作经验不限,有耐力,有毅力。 招揽反入侵方面的专业人士 检测内容:安全性较高的服务器 可通过各种途径,检测指定服务器或网站的漏洞,加以利用. 非诚心者请走,骗子请绕道. 只要你有实力-长期有单 这个只是广告.有能力接单的请联系邮箱:(年薪16万美元)

$9755 / hr Average bid
$9755 / hr 平均报价
7 个竞标
Web Developer
已经结束 left

web developer,if you are good at it ……网校招聘大牛渗透/入侵检测网站数据库/服务器,信息安全技术,菜鸟回避! 对技术的要求: 年龄不限 专业且经验丰富者,做事态度认真、敬业者,中介勿扰,倒单者勿扰。 会者不难,难者不会,对于专业的人来说这个非常简单.请以技术实力说话。 渗透/入侵网站测试 精通数据库/服务器 0、熟悉网络安全体系,了解最新网络安全漏洞,熟悉各种渗透入侵技术;1、熟悉以及擅长于脚本渗透,能独立分析各种脚本寻找以及发现问题;2、熟悉ASP语言;3、工作经验不限,有耐力,有毅力。 招揽反入侵方面的专业人士 检测内容:安全性较高的服务器 可通过各种途径,检测指定服务器或网站的漏洞,加以利用. 非诚心者请走,骗子请绕道. 只要你有实力-长期有单 这个只是广告.有能力接单的请联系邮箱:qqdujiaoxi@(年薪16万美元) if you want to have this work ,please leave your QQ or telephone

$311 - $311 / hr
$311 - $311 / hr
0 个竞标

web developer,if you are good at it ……网校招聘大牛渗透/入侵检测网站数据库/服务器,信息安全技术,菜鸟回避! 对技术的要求: 年龄不限 专业且经验丰富者,做事态度认真、敬业者,中介勿扰,倒单者勿扰。 会者不难,难者不会,对于专业的人来说这个非常简单.请以技术实力说话。 渗透/入侵网站测试 精通数据库/服务器 0、熟悉网络安全体系,了解最新网络安全漏洞,熟悉各种渗透入侵技术;1、熟悉以及擅长于脚本渗透,能独立分析各种脚本寻找以及发现问题;2、熟悉ASP语言;3、工作经验不限,有耐力,有毅力。 招揽反入侵方面的专业人士 检测内容:安全性较高的服务器 可通过各种途径,检测指定服务器或网站的漏洞,加以利用. 非诚心者请走,骗子请绕道. 只要你有实力-长期有单 这个只是广告.有能力接单的请联系邮箱:(年薪16万美元)

min $38864
min $38864
0 个竞标

I'm in need of a web scraping professional who can efficiently collect contact details from various websites and web applications. Key Responsibilities: - Scrape contact details from specified websites and web applications. - Deliver the collected data in an organized Excel format. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web scraping with proven experience. - Excellent attention to detail for accurate data collection. - Familiarity with data organization in Excel. Please note, the primary focus of this project is the collection of contact details.

$233 / hr Average bid
$233 / hr 平均报价
35 个竞标

I'm looking for a developer who can create a comprehensive freight booking form for me. This form will need to cater specifically to truck transportation. Key Requirements: - The form should include options for different types of trucks: Standard truck, Flatbed truck, Semi Tautliner, B Double Tautliner. - It should collect specific details for the freight quote, including: Distance, Weight of the freight, Type of goods, and the required truck type. - It needs to provide a freight quote based on these details, with different booking and payment options depending on the distance. - I need full access to this form so I can update prices as needed. Ideal Skills: - Experience in developing booking forms or similar applications. - Knowledge of freight and truck...

$660 Average bid
$660 平均报价
57 个竞标

I'm facing a critical issue with my WordPress website where the user form fails to submit. Although the problem started without any specific triggering event, error messages pop up every time I attempt to submit the form. The ideal candidate for this project should: - Have extensive experience with WordPress troubleshooting and form functionality. - Be able to diagnose and fix the issue promptly. - Possess skills in WordPress plugin management and error message interpretation. - Ensure the form is back to working status without compromising the website's integrity.

$552 Average bid
$552 平均报价
50 个竞标
PDF Form Creation Assistance
6 天 left

I'm looking for a professional to assist in creating a couple of PDF files for me. These files will be invoices with the issuing date, issuer, amount in the attached list. The issued company is platern group. you can find the logos online of the issuers. The invoices don't need to look perfect, just to make sense.

$179 Average bid
$179 平均报价
85 个竞标

I'm in search of a pre-built, simple ASP-based online store. It should sell primarily Electronics and Gadgets. The store needs to be fully functional and ready to run upon delivery. It has to be already made. Key Features Needed: - Source code included - ability to integrate with ther loyalty program for point-based purchases - User account functionality with login and registration Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in ASP - Experience in e-commerce website development - Ability to deliver fully functional and pre-built online store

$3568 Average bid
$3568 平均报价
58 个竞标

Freelance Video Editor for Insightful & Engaging Short-Form Content (Ongoing Work Potential) ? Project Type: Short-Form Video (Test Project for Future Work) ⏳ Duration: 2:30–3:00 minutes ? Tone: Firm, Affirmative, Enlightening, and Insightful About the Project: I’m looking for a skilled video editor to create a visually compelling and emotionally engaging short-form video. This project will serve as a test run for potential long-term collaboration. My content explores philosophy, psychology, and their connection to politics, and I want to make complex ideas more palatable and impactful through music, visuals, and strong pacing. What I Need: ✔ Engaging, well-paced editing that enhances the message while keeping the viewer’s attention. ✔ Crisp cut...

$816 Average bid
$816 平均报价
61 个竞标

We are a Malaysia-based internet marketing advertising company, and we are currently in search of a dedicated Video Editor with the following skills. The successful candidate will be expected to work from GMT+8 10 am-7 pm, Monday-Friday, and 10 am-2 pm on Saturdays. Responsibilities: 1. Create engaging and entertaining short videos that convey compelling stories, resonating with our target audiences and influencing their purchasing decisions. 2. Perform basic post-production tasks, including video/audio editing, color grading, and corrections. 3. Curate soundtracks and sound effects, seamlessly weaving together audio and graphics to produce a polished final product. Requirements: - Proficiency in video editing software, with expertise in After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro. - Experienc...

$39 / hr Average bid
$39 / hr 平均报价
8 个竞标

I need full contact information extracted from PDF/Word documents and inputted into an Excel spreadsheet. The information includes feedlot names, personal names, email addresses, phone numbers, physical addresses, and capacity. - The contact details need to be organized in separate columns for each detail in Excel. - Ideal candidates will have excellent attention to detail, proficiency in Excel, and experience with data extraction.

$731 Average bid
$731 平均报价
128 个竞标

I'm seeking a competent programmer to create a new job and internship application form for the J-BusinessDirectory application. This form will be used by potential applicants and will include several simple text fields and a download field. The completed forms are to be sent directly to the company via email. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in programming and familiar with the J-BusinessDirectory application - Understanding of form validation to ensure correct data is entered - Experience in developing forms for job applications Key Requirements: - The text fields should collect the applicant's name, contact details, and qualifications - The download field should accept PDF and jpg files - Basic validation is needed to check the E-Mail format, required fi...

$4226 Average bid
$4226 平均报价
121 个竞标

I'm looking for a video editor specialising in longer-form content (c 20 minutes). The project involves editing a factual-entertainment YouTube series, in a semi-documentary-style video aimed at the general public. Key Responsibilities: - Edit raw footage into a cohesive, engaging 20-minute long content - Incorporate basic text, and visual aids to enhance understanding - Ensure the pacing and tone are suitable Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with long-form video editing - Strong understanding of editing techniques for documentary-style content - Ability to deliver content suitable for a general audience Please include examples of similar past projects in your bid.

$124 / hr Average bid
$124 / hr 平均报价
72 个竞标

I need PHP Admission Form Final Website Layout (Verbal Description) 1. Header Section: Left Side: Logo (Rahul Kumar). Right side : "+91xxxxxxxxxx" Phone in bold, large font. Below Header: A Creative Image Slider with 3-4 professional images for each slide. Now divide the coloumn of slider in two part like this I need similar compact layout like this 2. Common Application Form Section (CAP 2025): on right corner Title: "Common Application Form 2025" Fields to be filled: need same layout like this Name Email Address Mobile Number Select State Select City Select Course University Selection (4 Fields) Field 1 (Dropdown with 12 universities) Field 2 (Dropdown with 12 universities, excluding the one selected in Field 1)

$606 Average bid
$606 平均报价
19 个竞标

I'm looking for an electronic gadget that serves as a safety indicator by lighting up either green or red upon making contact with the ground. This gadget will be used in both indoor and outdoor conditions, so it needs to be robust and reliable. Key Features: - The light should turn green when the gadget is in a safe condition and red when there's a potential hazard. - The triggering mechanism for the lights should be based on pressure detection. This means that the gadget should be able to assess its environment and respond appropriately. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in designing and creating electronic gadgets. - Experience with pressure detection (the contact would need to withstand a weight of 60.000 lbs) technology. - Ability to create a durable...

$1943 - $5830
加封 保密协议
$1943 - $5830
24 个竞标

I need an efficient freelancer to assist with filling out online registration forms. The task will primarily involve inputting various types of information into these forms. Key Responsibilities: - Filling out online registration forms accurately and promptly Required Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in online form filling is highly desirable - Attention to detail to ensure all information is entered correctly - Ability to meet deadlines and work independently

$2083 Average bid
$2083 平均报价
41 个竞标

I need the the first column to be autopopulated each time this form is opened. I have to manually enter it in and it takes quite a while. Format is below mmddyyyy-1(this number increases by 1 for each cell)-a,b

$1034 Average bid
$1034 平均报价
52 个竞标

I am looking for a competent person for - In Joomla 3, - With RS Form Pro, - With the RSForm! Pro PDF plugin, - An existing multilingual form (FR-NL) Create a PDF with the content that has been encoded in the form. This content, in the correct language, is sent to the client for copying.

$272 Average bid
$272 平均报价
28 个竞标

New features for form

$972 Average bid
$972 平均报价
1 个竞标

I'm looking for a comprehensive CSV file containing the names and emails of 5000 insurance agents, specifically targeting those from small co...and emails of 5000 insurance agents, specifically targeting those from small companies or independent agents only from USA . Skills and experience ideal for this job include: - Proficiency in data collection and market research - Experience in creating and delivering CSV files - Understanding of the insurance industry (though not mandatory) - Attention to detail to ensure the accuracy of the contact information. Please note, the geographic region and specific type of insurance agents haven't been specified, so a broad range covering various regions and types would be ideal. I will pay 1000 INR for 1000 Email | this would be fo...

$101 Average bid
$101 平均报价
19 个竞标

I need a sleek, professional placeholder for my website, The site is currently outdated, and a new one will be designed later this year. The placeholder should convey the message that a new website is coming soon. Key Features: - A clean and professional design - A contact form for inquiries - A company description to inform visitors about us Please DONT use the current logo! This project is ideal for web designers with a knack for creating minimalistic, yet professional web pages. Experience in creating 'under construction' web pages is a plus. Please include samples of your previous work in your proposal.

$2099 Average bid
273 项参赛作品

Please fix the contact for for praxismed

$319 Average bid
$319 平均报价
1 个竞标

I'm looking for a skilled developer with experience in integrating HubSpot and NetSuite APIs. The primary task involves setting up a seamless contact syncing system between the two platforms. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with HubSpot and NetSuite API integrations. - Strong understanding of contact management systems. - Excellent problem-solving skills to troubleshoot any issues that may arise. Please note, as of now, I haven't defined the updates that need to trigger the syncing process or which system will be the primary source of truth for contact data. Your expertise will be invaluable in helping me make these decisions.

$3669 Average bid
$3669 平均报价
14 个竞标

I need assistance creating a PDF file that contains several static (printed) forms for a form submission purpose. The PDF should include complex tables and charts that will be used within the forms. Ideal Skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in PDF creation software - Experience with designing static forms - Ability to integrate complex tables and charts into PDFs Please note, the forms will be static, meaning they will not be interactive or fillable.

$78 / hr Average bid
$78 / hr 平均报价
24 个竞标

My WordPress website is receiving a considerable amount of spam emails via my website email address. I need a professional who can implement a reliable system on my Contact Form to filter out automated spam senders and ensure all correspondents are human. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress - Experience with anti-spam measures - Knowledge of implementing verification systems on contact forms - Ability to deliver a user-friendly solution.

$608 Average bid
$608 平均报价
73 个竞标

I'm looking for a software developer who can help create an input form to capture personal information from members. The data collected needs to be automatically populated into a Google Sheet. Specific Requirements: - The input form should capture personal information as detailed in the attached spreadsheet. - The input form needs to have validation for both input fields, ensuring that the data is captured correctly. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Google Apps Script, JavaScript, or similar programming languages. - Experience with Google Sheets integration. - Previous experience creating input forms and implementing data validation. Please note that the successful freelancer will receive the attached spreadsheet upon project acceptance.

$1135 Average bid
$1135 平均报价
33 个竞标

I’m seeking a professional who can implement the Invisible reCAPTCHA into my WordPress website’s contact forms. PLEASE reply with HOG or your quote will go in the bin :) thank you

$170 Average bid
$170 平均报价
78 个竞标

I'm seeking a diligent researcher to compile three specific contact lists from North America. 1. Travel Agencies: The primary focus will be on travel agencies that book tours in Costa Rica. I require between 51 and 100 agencies. The list should include valid contact emails and phone numbers, as well as the types of tours offered by each agency. 2. Bachelor Party Companies: The second list should consist of companies specializing in bachelor parties in Costa Rica. Again, valid contact emails and phone numbers are essential. 3. Property Management Companies: Lastly, I need a list of property management companies in North America that manage properties in Costa Rica. Only those that mention offering tours and concierge services should be included. All lists sho...

$878 Average bid
$878 平均报价
39 个竞标

I'm in need of a skilled data scrapper who can extract contact details from various online portals. The focus will be on gathering email addresses and phone numbers from business directories, e-commerce websites, and social media platforms. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web scraping tools and software - Experience in data collection from various online platforms - Ability to deliver clean, organized data - Knowledge of ethical scraping practices

$31 / hr Average bid
$31 / hr 平均报价
51 个竞标

I need a freelancer who can help me extract contact information from a company search website that I subscribe to. I have detailed instructions on how to do this below. Please see the excel sheet to enter info into. There are 5 tabs for the different Saved Searches listed below in the instructions. I will need this done each month for the next couple months (probably). Website: ( I will provide credentials ) > Search Companies >Open a Saved Search Search saved searches in this order: 1. Houston Roofers 2. San Antonio Roofers 3. Dallas Roofers 4. Fort Worth Roofers 5. Austin Roofers Steps: On each company in list: 1. Click on the company (ONLY as long as the company name has the word “roof” in it). 2. Click on “Find Contacts”. Search for first 3 ...

$225 Average bid
$225 平均报价
22 个竞标

For Short-Form Content (YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, TikTok): In the world of social media, first impressions are everything. My expertise in editing short-form content ensures your videos stand out in the fast-scrolling feeds of Instagram and TikTok. I focus on creating videos that are visually engaging, with tight pacing, dynamic cuts, smooth transitions, and eye-catching graphics to keep your audience hooked from start to finish. With a deep understanding of each platform’s unique style and trends, I can tailor your video to be the perfect fit for the specific audience you want to target. I pay close attention to key elements like: Attention-grabbing intros to make an immediate impact. Trendy effects and transitions that resonate with current social media tren...

$70 / hr Average bid
$70 / hr 平均报价
9 个竞标

I need a dynamic form on my WordPress site that: - Fetches text data from an Excel sheet - Pre-fills two columns while leaving the third blank for user input - Auto-fills the next available row after submission, ensuring no duplicates The form should also: - Support file uploads, specifically images in JPEG or PNG formats, storing these securely - Have a toggle option to set the form as public or private Only Admins and Editors will have access to manage submissions and export data via a dashboard. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience with WordPress form development - Proficiency in Excel data integration - Capability to implement secure file upload systems - Skills in creating user-accessible dashboards

$676 Average bid
$676 平均报价
13 个竞标

no Bot Reply. Read & Quote I'm in need of a freight quote form that will enable my customers to receive instant online quotes for our road freight services. The form needs to collect comprehensive user information such as: - Pickup and delivery addresses - Weight and dimensions of the shipment - Type of goods being shipped Furthermore, the form should facilitate online payment for the quotes, and also calculate the distance for each shipment. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in web development and form creation. - Experience with e-commerce and online payment integration. - Understanding of logistics and freight services. I look forward to seeing your proposals.

$692 Average bid
$692 平均报价
24 个竞标

I need a freelancer who can help me extract contact information from a company search website that I subscribe to. I have detailed instructions on how to do this below. Please see the excel sheet to enter info into. There are 5 tabs for the different Saved Searches listed below in the instructions. I will need this done each month for the next couple months (probably). Website: ( I will provide credentials ) > Search Companies >Open a Saved Search Search saved searches in this order: 1. Houston Roofers 2. San Antonio Roofers 3. Dallas Roofers 4. Fort Worth Roofers 5. Austin Roofers Steps: On each company in list: 1. Click on the company (ONLY as long as the company name has the word “roof” in it). 2. Click on “Find Contacts”. Search for first 3 ...

$179 Average bid
$179 平均报价
63 个竞标

...assembling global contact databases. Looking for someone to assist with researching and assembling contact lists of lottery and gambling promoters/commentators/influencers/analysts around the world The targets for this database might stream to audiences on YouTube or Twitch, host discussion channels on Discord, maintain comparison websites, or deliver podcasts. These targets are not individual gaming sites themselves, but rather the sites & individuals that investigate, contrast, compare, and promote those gaming options for their followers - options like online poker, crypto casinos, sports betting, horse racing, lottery ticket resellers or whatever form of gaming is popular in their corner of the world. If you have read this far, please include the word...

$62 / hr Average bid
$62 / hr 平均报价
49 个竞标

I'm seeking a WordPress expert to troubleshoot and enhance my Contact Form 7 setup. The form has some formatting errors, primarily styling inconsistencies that need to be corrected. Additionally, I require some specific styling changes related to font and color adjustments. Key Requirements: - Fixing the current formatting errors - Adjusting the form's styling to eliminate inconsistencies - Making specific font and color adjustments completing the automation The successful freelancer should have substantial experience with WordPress, Contact Form 7, and Elementor. They should also possess a strong eye for detail to ensure the form is properly aligned and visually appealing.

$202 Average bid
$202 平均报价
45 个竞标

I need a WordPress expert to resolve issues in my site’s lead form setup. The main issues are: 1. Unable to filter leads in the admin panel. 2. Lead form should enforce the following rules: • The phone number must start with +91. • It should accept only 10 digits after +91 (total 12 characters including +91). I prefer a Tamil-speaking freelancer who can quickly fix these issues. If you have experience in WordPress customization and form validation, please bid with your relevant experience and timeline

$93 Average bid
$93 平均报价
19 个竞标

...Google Forms expert who can create a form for me. This form should collect basic user information and generate a unique timestamp-based number upon submission. A personalized confirmation email should be sent to the user with their submission details and the unique number. Key Responsibilities: - Create a Google Form with fields for Name, Email, and Phone Number. - Set up the form to generate a unique number based on the date and timestamp of submission. - Implement a system for sending personalized confirmation emails to users. - On submission of the form, create a new column in the linked Excel sheet with a hyperlink. - This hyperlink should send an email to the user with a second Google Form for feedback. - Ensure that when the user submits...

$362 Average bid
$362 平均报价
28 个竞标

I'm looking for a skilled Wix developer who can enhance my website with a lead generation form tailored to collect contact information. The form should be simple yet effective, capturing the following fields: - Name - Email Address - Phone Number The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proven experience with Wix - Strong understanding of lead generation strategies - Excellent skills in web form development. While I haven't yet decided on a chat service for integration, a good understanding of popular services like Wix Chat, LiveChat, or Tidio could be beneficial. Please include examples of your previous work with Wix websites and lead generation forms, as well as any relevant certifications you may have.

$733 Average bid
$733 平均报价
29 个竞标

I need a reliable freelancer to help me extract contact information from a specific website into an Excel sheet. The data needs to be structured with column headers for each type of data. Key Requirements: - Extracting and compiling Email addresses, Phone numbers, Names, Specialties, and Affiliation (place of work) [ all possible, not found to be named NA] . - Organizing the extracted data with column headers for each type of data in the Excel sheet. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data extraction and Excel. - Attention to detail to ensure all relevant contact information is captured accurately. Final outcome: from the following website Selection of > Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Kuwait > countries Selection of >

$941 Average bid
$941 平均报价
51 个竞标