...实现电源管理模块,设计低功耗电路(锂电池供电)。 设计阻抗检测与反馈模块,确保电流强度根据皮肤阻抗自动调整。 提供电路的安全保护功能(如过流、短路保护)。 打样电路板并进行初步测试,确保电路功能正常。 技术要求: 经验丰富的电子电路设计背景,熟悉低频电刺激器的电路设计(TENS或类似设备经验尤佳)。 熟练掌握微控制器(如STM32、ESP32)和DAC控制信号生成。 有PCB设计经验,能独立完成从原理图设计到打样测试的全流程。 熟悉电流放大、阻抗检测及反馈回路的设计与应用。 能够使用仿真软件(如PSpice、LTSpice)进行电路仿真验证。 2. 外观设计师: 职责: 设计一款适合佩戴在脖子上的设备外观,确保舒适性和稳定性。 根据人体工程学设计电极与颈部的贴合部位,确保设备电极能够精确贴合迷走神经位置。 提供初步3D模型或草图,展示设备外观和电极位置的布局。 设计设备外壳的防水防汗功能(IPX4或更高标准)。 考虑设备的便携性、用户友好性及时尚美观性,适合日常佩戴。 技术要求: 具备可穿戴设备设计经验,了解人体工程学及佩戴舒适性设计要求。 熟练使用3D建模软件(如SolidWorks、AutoCAD、Fusion 360等)。 能够提供从概念到最终产品的完整设计方案。 有过医疗设备、电子产品设计经验者优先。 其他要求: 工程师和设计师将需要紧密协作,确保设备的内部电子元件和外观设计能相互适应。 项目需要在规定的时间内按时交付原理图、PCB打样和初步设计草图。 欢迎有相关领域经验的个人或团队投标。 项目预算: 预算面议,视经验和能力而定。 项目时间: 预计设计和打样时间为4-6周。 联系方式: 如果你有兴趣参与这个项目,请提供相关的工作经验、成功案例以及预期的工作时间和预算要求。
我有路由器上下壳需要设计: 1.尺寸是250X160X50mm; 2.接口包括5个以太网口,3个USB A type,一个DC插座,一个复位按钮; 3.顶部中央有圆形LED指示,直径50mm; 4.带两个扬声器,开口朝下; 内部PCB 参考附件。 要求: 设计简洁有几何艺术感,文件格式SKP
CAM 350 相关版本工程专业 ***************************** panelized 专业小时 界面GPIO或 FPC链接布线 双面混六层 没有太多责任高求 快速完成~付款‘套餐’ 写个脚本 价钱另议
标题:COB LED工作灯,Wekine 2种工作模式检查灯带磁性底座, 夹子,挂钩, 非常适用于家庭,汽车维修, 野外露营,紧急应用 2种工作模式----每个灯珠均采用新的COB(chip on board)技术,主COB灯提供强大的220流明的白光泛光灯,镜头式聚光灯可缩放光束和聚焦,可调节灯的角度,您可以根据需要,将光线聚焦在确切的工作区域,可大幅提高每平方英寸的流明输出,为您提供更高的质量和更高的效率。 稳定的支架(stable stand)----180度可旋转支架,防滑的把手设计,当把LED灯置于地面时,它形成V型,这样更加稳定起固定作用。 超强吸力的磁性底座----可帮助您牢固地粘在任何金属表面,轻松的将光线安装在免提操作的地方。 360度可旋转挂钩----给您在悬空的工作情况下提供方便,可以轻松的挂到任何地方。 用途广----便携式使我们的工作灯非常适合家庭,户外露营,汽车修理,园艺工作,电子工作,紧急,野生应用等。 我们的优势: 采用符合FCC,CE证书的环保材料制成,确保安全。 产品信息: 名称:COB LED work light 品牌:wekine 灯珠: 1XPE+1COB work lights 规格尺寸:21*6.5*3.2cm 包装:彩盒 重量:202g 特点: 适合家庭,户外露营,钓鱼,汽车修理,园艺工作,电子工作,紧急,野生应用等。 我们的服务:: 我们相信我们的产品。Wekineg COB LED 工作灯享有60天退换货和365天的保修
...RS485驱动 RS485需要1个方向控制脚,当向对应的UART发送接收数据时,方向脚能自动实现方向控制。 3. 蜂鸣器驱动 蜂鸣器驱动要求能设置PWM输出的频率,输出的时间,输出时间到了自动关闭PWM输出。 4. 薄膜按键驱动和USB键盘驱动 预留24个GPIO作为薄膜按键的输入,目前的驱动是作为GPIO口来读取的;最好也缴入LINUX的输入事件,按不同的按键发送不同的键值,从event0读取;外接USB键盘驱动最好也从event0读取。 5. 其他GPIO驱动 每个GPIO口都可以通过驱动设置输入/输出。 6. 触摸屏驱动和外接USB鼠标驱动 7. 触摸屏驱动和外接的鼠标驱动设备文件最好固定,例如触摸屏固定使用event2,USB鼠标固定使用event3。 ENGLISH Basic Requirements for Hardware Resources of T3 Core Board Basic Hardware Resources 1. Power Supply DC power input, 5V single power input, CPU can detect whether this power supply; Battery input, lithium battery power input; Real-time clock power supply, use button battery; 2 Display interface to support RGB, LVDS and MIPI interface, as only one interface can be used at the same time, so the three interface pins can be reused; 3. T...
我们是买家,想从中国上海,北京等大城市寻找工业使用的 inkjet printer card。中国有很多生产工业inkjet card的制造商, 希望您能帮忙买一些 工业使用的inkjet card 样品,以及相关的中文或者英文软件。 我们想要买一些能运行 Xaar 128 inkjet print head 或者Xaar 384 inkjet print head 或者 RicohGen inkjet print head的 printer cards。Fujifilm Dimatix (Spectre, Polaris) 我们也需要能用在普通电脑, 连接 print head connector card 和print head 的PCI Card。 如果你有找到一些相关的carriage board 会更好,在操作上有时也会需要这个。 一般来说那些相关的软件是免费提供的。 我们也需要Generic Cards, 因为我们是ink生产家,所有买回来的这些电路板都是用来测试我们所研发的ink。 这些电路板主要是用在普通的电脑系统去测试 ink和Xaar以及Ricoh printheads 的兼容性。 我们并不需要买电脑, ink supply card,ink level card, servo card, rip station,encoder等等的。。 我们希望您能: (1)通过邮件发给我以上所述电路板的相关的广告,数据,用途(Datasheets)或者相关的链接。 (2)发给我上述运行电路板相关的一些软件 (3)发一些上述相关软件的广告,名称,用途(Datasheets)或者一些提供参考相关的链接。 (4)寄给我 电脑的PCI card 和一些小型的print head connector card, 或者是连...
我们是买家,想从中国上海,北京等大城市寻找工业使用的 inkjet printer card。中国有很多生产工业inkjet card的制造商, 希望您能帮忙买一些 工业使用的inkjet card 样品,以及相关的中文或者英文软件。 我们想要买一些能运行 Xaar 128 inkjet print head 或者Xaar 384 inkjet print head 或者 RicohGen inkjet print head的 printer cards。 我们也需要能用在普通电脑, 连接 print head connector card 和print head 的PCI Card。 如果你有找到一些相关的carriage board 会更好,在操作上有时也会需要这个。 一般来说那些相关的软件是免费提供的。 我们也需要Generic Cards, 因为我们是ink生产家,所有买回来的这些电路板都是用来测试我们所研发的ink。 这些电路板主要是用在普通的电脑系统去测试 ink和Xaar以及Ricoh printheads 的兼容性。 我们并不需要买电脑, ink supply card,ink level card, servo card, rip station,encoder等等的。。 我们希望您能: (1)通过邮件发给我以上所述电路板的相关的广告,数据,用途(Datasheets)或者相关的链接。 (2)发给我上述运行电路板相关的一些软件 (3)发一些上述相关软件的广告,名称,用途(Datasheets)或者一些提供参考相关的链接。 (4)寄给我 电脑的PCI card 和一些小型的print head connector card, 或者是连接这些电路板的其他线路和电路板。 我会在Freelancer付咨...
我们是买家,想从中国上海,北京等大城市寻找工业使用的 inkjet printer card。中国有很多生产工业inkjet card的制造商, 希望您能帮忙买一些 工业使用的inkjet card 样品,以及相关的中文或者英文软件。 我们想要买一些能运行 Xaar 128 inkjet print head 或者Xaar 384 inkjet print head 或者 RicohGen inkjet print head的 printer cards。 我们也需要能用在普通电脑, 连接 print head connector card 和print head 的PCI Card。 如果你有找到一些相关的carriage board 会更好,在操作上有时也会需要这个。 一般来说那些相关的软件是免费提供的。 我们也需要Generic Cards, 因为我们是ink生产家,所有买回来的这些电路板都是用来测试我们所研发的ink。 这些电路板主要是用在普通的电脑系统去测试 ink和Xaar以及Ricoh printheads 的兼容性。 我们并不需要买电脑, ink supply card,ink level card, servo card, rip station,encoder等等的。。 我们希望您能: (1)通过邮件发给我以上所述电路板的相关的广告,数据,用途(Datasheets)或者相关的链接。 (2)发给我上述运行电路板相关的一些软件 (3)发一些上述相关软件的广告,名称,用途(Datasheets)或者一些提供参考相关的链接。 (4)寄给我 电脑的PCI card 和一些小型的print head connector card, 或者是连接这些电路板的其他线路和电路板。 我会在Freelancer付咨...
...智能不是庞大的功能 智能不是复杂的操作 智能就是让生活更简单 革命性的三段延时关闭功能,以简短的操作,满足您的各种需求 多种控制方式,适应您所忽略的生活习惯 轻按打开,长按打开,全按打开,多种控制方式 独家专利智能手势识别,防误操作 独家同状态双控设计,让您的生活更简单 独家双控设计 典雅的呼吸灯设计,渐亮渐暗间,仿佛智能有了生命,为您的家装画龙点睛。 优质的用户体验需要强大的硬件支撑。 开关面板、触控面板、防静电保护板、电子芯片组、PC阻燃底座 基于3毫米加厚钢化玻璃材质,弧线凹槽精致研磨,打造最舒适的触摸感受,轻松实现盲操作。 兼具防水功能,使您的家人更安全。 3毫米加厚钢化玻璃材质 曲面弧线凹槽精致研磨 兼具防水功能,使您的家人更安全。 超标不计成本大尺寸触控原件,实现多方式精准操作 强弱电隔离,信号无损传达,正真做到“芯”领神会。 进口KB-A级双层PCB电路板; 30ms之内触摸响应速度, 进口触摸芯片Atmel 固体钽电容; 专业星型防干扰布线设计 德国拜耳进口PC材质 最高阻燃等级V0 配音/欧盟CE标准为您的安全加分。 几十次的试模,只为确定最合适的宽度 几十次的打样,只为做出最完美的弧度 几十次的手板,只为确定最佳的边缘倒角 几十次的样品,只为确定最均匀的导光板制作方案 每一次零点几毫米的改进,都是工程师们对细节的极致追求 寓智能于简单,隐科技于无形,究品味于细节 润泽细腻的圆角设计、时尚倒角设计、适合人体工程学,弧线凹槽 COOLTOUCH充分考虑到了不同的装修风格,精心设计了几种不同款式,提供丰富的个性化选择,智能与艺术的结...
sammyboyforum Hi, i need a bot that can help me auto bump my thread in sammyboyforum board. Total i got 2-4 user id. every user id i got 5-10 topics to bump. I hope to be able to bump these 20 topic on every 2 hours basics (Please leave a box for me to write what i want to bump not just a prefixed bump) (Please let me choose the timing that i want to bump the thread. which means i got at least 12 time slot to choose)
在Android上开发基于CUPS的打印机,具体需求如下: 1.把 linux 下的CPUS 库,移植到 arm-linux ,并提供相应的的接口给android层应用调用 2.实现文字,图片 等打印 3.可以识别打印机链接,检查是否缺墨,缺纸 2.提供完整的移植文档,和测试程序
...1、通信、电子类相关专业本科以上学历;具备平板电脑或智能手机项目工作经验 2、英语六级,听说读写能力较强; 3、善于沟通,表达力强,责任心强,灵活自信,应变能力强; 4、较强的独立工作能力及良好的团队协作精神。 5、逻辑分析能力强,条理性强,有一定的讲解能力; 6、有相关工作经验优先。 岗位职责: 1. 进行嵌入式系统(Embedded Linux)驱动程序开发。 2. 负责系统底层的BSP相关工作,如Linux Kernel移植优化,设备驱动开发、移植和优化。 3. 参与项目需求分析,进行驱动软件的详细设计。 4. 根据公司技术文档规范编写相应的开发文档。 驱动工程师 Software Driver Engineer 任职资格: 1.精通C/C++语言、ARM汇编,熟练使用GCC。 2. 至少两年以上嵌入式系统(Embedded Linux)软件开发经验,精通嵌入式系统软件开发。 3.深刻理解处理器架构,热爱处理器相关技术。深刻理解内存、DMA、中断等概念。熟悉ARM 处理器。 4.精通Linux 下驱动程序开发。有USB、video、audio、UART、IIC、SPI、SD/MMC等开发经验佳。 5.深入理解Linux文件系统、进程管理机制和内存管理机制。 6.熟悉威盛平台驱动开发者优先 必须:至少两年以手机或平板驱动开发经验。 岗位需求: 1、精通 C/C++/Java 编程语言,并且有相关项目开发经验。 2、熟悉Linux下C/C++/Java开发环境。 3、熟悉Linux下 Shell脚本使用。 4、熟悉Android应用编程开发,包括环境建立以及常用调试方法。 5、了解Android Frameworks层和HAL层相关知识,有过相关项目经验者优先考虑。 ...
... 我们第二阶段的产品包括 1)我们面向商家的平面介绍资料 2)一个产品介绍动画视频 ====== 我们对设计师的要求 ====== 【*】 有非常丰富的网页设计经验,对于几乎全屏的大交互页面的视觉效果设计有很好的把握能力 【*】 对于交互设计有非常出色的理解,包括web端和移动端 【*】 对于产品表达有一定的天赋,能设计简单易懂的介绍来教育初次使用的用户 【*】 有较好人脸和人体素描能力,加分 【*】 有为互联网产品设计过介绍短片,加分 【*】 曾在4A广告公司设计网页,加分 【*】 痴迷购买、搭配衣服的姑凉,加分 ====== 我们期望的合作形式 ====== 【*】 可以是freelancer,按照项目来结算。在产品上线前会有调试的阶段,某些时间需要设计师 on board参加讨论 【*】 也可以是full time加入团队。具体薪资面谈,给予行业内较高水平的工资。长期优秀成员同样可以参加股权激励计划。 【*】 full time成员特别福利:有机会以5折购买当季正价多家电商大品牌的服装(天使之城、七格格、欧莎等) 【*】 full time成员工作环境:公司在轨道交通沿线;休息室有桌球、乒乓球、桌上足球、淋浴室;与一帮极具天赋又经验丰富的大牛共同工作,其中有不少玩极限运动的cool guy 如果你感兴趣,或想了解更多信息,可以联系我们。 黄先生
设计一个arm架构的,能连接网络和红外线发射装置的盒子。可以安装android系统。 并可以通过android系统控制红外线发射的频率。 希望能用2接5号电池工作,可以不需要显示屏。希望工作时间能达到一个月左右。
*** OVERVIEW *** - Ten US dollars per hour. - One hour per day (or per night). - You will help me design, code, and develop an IoT product using MicroPython running on an ESP32 microchip. - You do *not* need any experience with microcontrollers, electronics, electrical engineering, mechatronics, Arduino, PCB, circuit design, or Python. - If Freelancer.com prevents you from bidding on this project or if you want to avoid “spending” one of your Freelancer bids you can apply "passively” for this project by pasting "MicroPython_ESP32_11_September_2019" into your Freelancer profile. Please see the section below in this posting called *** APPLYING "PASSIVELY" *** for more information. *** LOCATION *** You must live the Western Balkans in ...
I'm looking for a skilled PCB engineer who can help us with the process of PCB fabrication preferably from China we are trying to setup a small pcb fabrication setup for RnD purpose and looking for someone who have done DIY pcb earlier and can explain things related to Photoresist, etching, Via Plating and solder mask process also should be able to send us actual makin video doing the pcb by themself. mostly the via plating. looking to make trace width of 0.1mm with 0.1 mm spacing.
I need a creative designer to design a signboard for my restaurant. Background should be black. You can see the idea of a sign board (attached image), and what content I need to show on signboard. Attahed is also logo PNG file.
I'm looking for a skilled engineer to develop an arm band capable of detecting and classifying daily activities, particularly bad habits. The specific habits I want it to monitor are slouching, nail biting, and frequent phone usage. - Ideal skills include: - Sensor technology - Motion detection - Wearable device engineering The arm band should be comfortable to wear throughout the day, and should accurately detect and classify these habits without being overly sensitive or prone to false positives. Experience with creating similar devices would be a significant advantage. Please provide examples of your previous work in your proposal.
I'm seeking a talented photo editor to perform color correction on my product photos. Key Requirements: - Expert in color correction with a keen eye for detail - Able to deliver a polished, natural look for each photo - Experience working with product photography You will be working with product photos that need to be color-corrected to achieve a consistent, appealing look across the board. Please provide examples of similar work you've done in the past.
...can design a small mixed-signal PCB using FLUX .ai. The primary function of this circuit will be for STM32 or ESP32. Key Requirements: - Proficient in designing mixed-signal circuits - Experienced with FLUX .ai - Capable of designing small PCBs Ideal Skills: - PCB design - Schematic creation - Signal processing expertise - FLUX .ai proficiency The PCB dimensions are flexible. The PCB should be designed to be USB-powered. Please prioritize the placement of essential components based on power and signal requirements. The PCB should support both analog and digital I/O connections. The PCB should be designed to fit a custom enclosure. The PCB should support high-speed operation for the STM32 or ESP32. The dimensions for the custom ...
Requisites (Do not apply if not available): 1. Launchpad LAUNCHXL F28379D Rev. 2 development board in your possession 2. Instrumentation you would need to test the work you do (as a minimum, an small oscilloscope, maybe some FTDI serial cables, etc. to debug your software)? 3. A firm (again, emphasis on firm) estimate of how many hours you will need to complete the task =============================================================== Developmental Requirements: The following requirements target a project that MUST run on a Texas Instruments (TI) LaunchPad LAUNCHXL F28379D Development Board, for the purpose of verification The project must compile under TI Code Composer (CCS) V12.8.1 or above (V12.8.1 is preferred) The project shall be delivered as complete CCS workspace pro...
I need a simple PCB designed for professional audio equipment. This board will not have any active circuits; it will primarily serve as a distribution point for audio signals using Phoenix Connectors. Key Features: - The board will need to accommodate 5 or more audio channels. - All audio inputs, through, and outputs will be in parallel. - The design must be compatible with Phoenix Connectors. - The board dimensions should fit within standard 19-inch rack sizes. I'd like to request a quote for "A simple Phoenix Block PCB board . Using 6 in-line 45 degree angle 6 position blocks in 3 sets in parallel on board that max size 8 inches wide by 6 inches tall. 18 phoenix blocks total , with enough holes for stand offs to mount inside enc...
I'm looking for a developer to create a social interactive app tailored for our manufacturing personnel, including engineers and operators. This app serves multiple purposes: - Company News: A section dedicated...advantageous. For now looking for quick limited app functionality, but showing features to allow for the full design to get approved. What I want to see: 1. Registration 2. Reading news from company website 3. Allow to post a question 4. Allow for reactions and earning points 5. Search functionality on news and posted questions by using LLM, unless we can use pdf document to search it 6. Show leader board 7. Mock ordering (I can provide quick spreadsheet with part#, description and pricing) just few items to get things started. I attached word doc to give example wh...
I'm looking for a lyric video for my song. There's a...between cinematic and girly visuals - Delivery of a high-resolution video file - Ensure visual consistency throughout the video - Accurate synchronization of lyrics with the song - Design a cohesive intro and outro for the video - Inclusion of subtle special effects to enhance mood - Offer at least two draft reviews for client feedback - Use of a font that aligns with the song's theme - i have a mood board already made so you can get a feel and the video will help as well Ideal Candidate: - Experience with lyric video production - Strong understanding of visual aesthetics - Ability to interpret and translate musical mood into visual elements Use the specific fonts and color schemes provided by the client for th...
I need help modifying my Eagle PCB design. The changes involve: - Adjusting the copper across all layers to align with the Gerber files. - Making routing adjustments to ensure the design matches the Gerber. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a deep understanding of PCB design and routing, particularly with Eagle software. Experience with Gerber files and copper layer adjustments is crucial. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.
...a capture available but makes a different move, the program does not force the capture but instead immediately removes the player's piece as a penalty. Example: If a player can capture but moves a piece elsewhere instead, the piece that should have made the capture is removed from the board. If there are multiple capture options and the player does not take any, the piece that was supposed to capture is removed. This rule makes the game more challenging and strategic. 4. Graphical Interface 8x8 board with clear squares. Pieces and kings must be moved by dragging with the mouse – the player should not click on squares but rather drag the piece to the desired position. The program should prevent illegal moves (e.g., no undoing a move, no placing a piece ...
I'm looking for a professional photo editor to remove a bra strap from a picture. The strap is located in a complex part of the photo, specifically on my arm. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop. - Experience with intricate image manipulation. - High attention to detail. Please ensure the edited image looks natural and seamless after the removal.
I am looking for a comprehensive system that...looking for a comprehensive system that allows platform for board and committee members to access meeting documents. This includes the Board, Board committees, Exco and Exco committees. The system should be able to electronically collate and distribute meeting packs. It should support round robin processing of committee documents or resolutions by members. Key Features: - Dual Access: Both desktop and mobile - Comprehensive Document Handling: Uploading, downloading, editing, commenting and viewing - Diverse Document Types: Meeting agendas, minutes, policy documents, memorandums and reports Ideal Skills and Experience: - Web and mobile application development - Document handling systems creation - Understanding of commit...
I'm seeking a talented designer to create a sleek Brazilian-inspired soccer jersey for our youth soccer/futsal Design Features: - The base colors of the jersey should be primarily black and grey. - Potential accents at the neckline and arm bands, could be in a contrasting color, adding visual interest and a sporty edge. - The team logo must be incorporated into the design in a stylish and prominent way. -possibly shadow Brazilian culture inspired features, such as landscaped, Brazilian soccer icons, Christ redeemer, carnival,Amazonia indigenous features. Possibly random colour accents -when adding religious items like Christ the redeemer must be vet shadowed & inconspicuous as to respect players of other cultural backgrounds Skills and Experience: - A strong portfo...
I'm looking for a board game designer who can help create an educational board game aimed at teens. Key Focus Areas: - The game should cover Math and Science, Language and Literacy, as well as Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in board game design. - Knowledge in educational content for the specified subjects and age group. - Experience promoting critical thinking and problem-solving through game mechanics.
I'm looking for a design visualization specialist who can create an inground pool mockup for me. This will primarily be used for visualizing how the pool fits into our space. Key Design Elements: - Pool shape and size: looking for a simple rectangle inground pool 18x36 in size with a diving board. Open to seeing different layouts. - Surrounding landscape: The mockup should also incorporate the surrounding landscape. I have a specific area in mind, and it's important to visualize how the pool will fit into the overall landscape. Our yard slopes slightly so a small retaining wall may be required. It’s also important to keep our yard as open feeling as possible so we want to be able to go in tween and around the pool area which will need to be fenced in. The large o...
I'm in need of a wiring schematic for the Body Control Module (BCM) of my 2018 Skoda Superb. This is crucial for troubleshooting and modifications I'm planning to undertake. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of automotive wiring systems, particularly for Skoda vehicles. - Experience in creating or interpreting BCM wiring schematics. - Proficient in auto electrical systems. - Previous work on 2018 Skoda Superb highly preferred.
...Required Skills: Strong Python programming experience. Knowledge of robotics and automation. Familiarity with stepper motor control and image processing. System Components: Stage: Power Supplies: Motion Software: Control Board: Motor Drivers: Camera: Motion Sensors: A circuit diagram and reference images are attached for clarity....
...for civilhubs.com. Civilhubs is a go to freelance platform for civil engineers. Feature List for CivilHubs (Web & App) This will be structured into core features and advanced features across the four phases. ? Phase 1: Service-Based Agency & Job Board (MVP) ? Goal: Allow companies to hire professionals for services and jobs. Core Features (Essential) ✅ User Authentication & Profiles Login via email, Google, LinkedIn Profile creation (Company, Engineer, Freelancer, Trainer) Portfolio uploads (resumes, certifications, project experience) ✅ Job Board & Service Listings Companies post job openings (Full-time, Contract, Remote) Engineers apply with a single click or upload CVs Application tracking (Shortlisted, In Review, Hired) ✅ Service-Based Marketplace ...
I'm in need of a professional structural engineer who can sign and seal a modification to a house plan for a new residential property. In short we are moving a door on an exterior load bearing wall and adding a window. We have the full set of plans and 2 updated drawings f...documentation or clarification. Please respond to the items listed below in order to successfully document the intended construction. PLEASE PROVIDE SIGNED AND SEALED STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS DEPICTING THE PROPOSED REVISIONS." Key Requirements: - Experience with residential new construction. - Ability to sign and seal the updated plan as a FLORIDA licensed structural engineer. - Must appear in the FBPE Florida Board of Professional Engineers listing or otherwise be registered so Putnam county can find your...
Hi I'm looking for a video creator who creates a video as like a story board related to share market. They should have video editing skills The video should be 7-10 minutes long. The video should use 2D animation for the storytelling. The video should maintain a professional tone. The 2D animation should follow a cartoonish style. The video should target beginner investors. The project should be completed within 1 month. The video creator will follow the provided script. The 2D animation should have a colorful and vibrant visual style. The voice-over should have an energetic and engaging style. For the reference in this way
...booking form. A call-to-action button (e.g. "Book Now"). ? "Our Services" Page Explanation of the different types of trips (airports, long distances, VIP trips, etc.). Indicative pricing. ? Online Booking Page Detailed form with: ✅ Departure and arrival address ✅ Date and time of the trip ✅ Number of passengers and luggage ✅ Options (e.g. high-end car, child seat, etc.) ✅ Payment method (online or on-board payment) ? "About" Page Presentation of your company and your experience. Testimonials and customer reviews. ? Contact Page Contact form. Phone number and WhatsApp for a quick booking. Email address and possibly a Google Maps map. ? Online Payment (Optional but Recommended) Stripe or PayPal integration for secure payment. Prepayment or deposit opti...
I need a professional PCB designer who can create a medium-sized PCB (up to 10x10 cm) from a simple schematic. The PCB will utilize both through-hole and surface-mount components. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in PCB design - Proficiency in using various PCB design software - Experience with both through-hole and surface-mount component design. Please note, while I have not specified a preferred PCB design software, familiarity with and ability to use multiple software will be beneficial. Your creativity and expertise will be crucial in optimizing this design for functionality and manufacturability.
I'm looking for a seasoned CAD professional to help me create an electrical schematic for a commercial building. The project involves designing various electrical parameters like load calculations, circuit design, and wiring diagrams. Skills and experience ideal for this job include: - Proficiency in CAD, specifically for creating electrical schematics - Experience with commercial building electrical design - Ability to conduct precise load calculations - Expertise in circuit design - Competence in developing comprehensive wiring diagrams
...on the lookout for a full-time Software Tester (QA) who can help me with a variety of testing types and methodologies. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct REST API, UI, and Performance Testing - Implement Automation Testing - Documenting test cases, results, and issues - Manage tasks on the board - Collaborate in a SCRUM framework Needed Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in REST API, UI, and Performance Testing - Proficiency in Automation Testing - Strong documentation skills - Experience with Board Management tools - Familiarity with the SCRUM methodology - Proficient in Agile methodologies The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of various testing types and methodologies, and be able to work effectively in a SCRUM framework. If you're someone w...
...Toolkit, providing: Full configuration (all settings, e.g., limit switches, motors, etc.) Setup Wizard (mandatory) with GUI screens guiding through each step of device setup. Control (move the lift up/down, set presets, toggle AUX lines, etc.) Monitoring (real-time serial terminal for manual commands, logs, etc.). Firmware Updates over USB for both the main controller and a sidekick microcontroller board. The final app must replace the need for a laptop + terminal software. A dealer can just plug in their Android device with an OTG cable, open this app, and do everything needed. Detailed Requirements 1. USB OTG Connection The boat lift controller appears as a USB-serial device (baud: 115200). The app must detect the controller, request permission, open the serial port, and han...
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer to create a minimalist style logo for my charcuterie business. The color palette should be earthy tones. Key Elements to Include: - Cheese and Meats - Cutting Board Ideal candidates should have a strong portfolio in minimalist design and experience in creating food-related logos. Please provide examples of your previous work that align with this project.
I'm seeking a qualified and Australian certified electrical engineer for the design documentation of a new 4-bedroom home in Coorparoo. This is raise and build underneath project The electrical systems to be designed include a comprehensive setup for the complete home including but not limited lighting, switch board upgrade, power outlets, security system. Key Requirements: - Design documentation for all electrical systems - Collaboration with already finalized architectural plans While there are no specific energy efficiency or sustainability standards to meet, a keen understanding of current trends and technologies in the field would be beneficial. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Australian certified electrical engineer - Experience with residential electrical design - F...