...interaction function (turn AI text into speech mode, add interruptible effect, and connect to Ali's voice API and OpenAI's real-time API) Add AI thinking logic effects (similar to OpenAI o1, add the effect of the thinking process, and modify the steps of the AI response. The AI can give the user the answer to the reasoning (reasoning logic: first generate the content framework, and in the second step, improve the content of the framework). Optimize the AI search function (add the Baidu search API, and after searching, the content should be organized and fed back to the user with the AI). When there is a problem with the AI response/call, display a message saying “The system is busy, please try again later.” Add a prompt to the bottom of the AI frame p...
...social media operations, covering TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and other relevant platforms. Deliver the course in the form of documents and videos, structured systematically. Cover platform introductions, account setup, operational strategies, monetization methods, content creation, traffic acquisition, paid promotions, and advanced tools to improve efficiency. Comprehensive Course Framework (Extended Outline) Phase 1: Introduction to Social Media Platforms Overview of key platforms: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook Emerging platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter) Characteristics and demographics of platform users Pros and cons of each platform for businesses and creators Account setup and optimization: Step-by-step guide to registering accounts Profile opt...
...social media operations, covering TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and other relevant platforms. Deliver the course in the form of documents and videos, structured systematically. Cover platform introductions, account setup, operational strategies, monetization methods, content creation, traffic acquisition, paid promotions, and advanced tools to improve efficiency. Comprehensive Course Framework (Extended Outline) Phase 1: Introduction to Social Media Platforms Overview of key platforms: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook Emerging platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter) Characteristics and demographics of platform users Pros and cons of each platform for businesses and creators Account setup and optimization: Step-by-step guide to registering accounts Profile opt...
計劃:廣告平台 計劃描述:用戶滑動觀看視頻廣告並賺取積分 技術規格: - 使用 Ionic Framework v7 的 Android 和 IOS 應用程式 - Google Firebase ------------------------------ 第一階段 主要功能 - 電子郵件註冊、用戶名、密碼、電話驗證、登入、積分顯示 - 每滑動觀看 60 秒廣告賺取 1 積分。停止滑動時計時器暫停 - 每月用戶積分排行榜(每 6 小時更新數據),每月積分重置為零 - 受邀用戶賺取的積分的 5% 也會獎勵給邀請人 - 獎勵區域 - 公告板 - 每日登入賺取 1 積分,並且連續登入每週有累進獎勵積分(例如,1+2+3+4+5+6+7),並且當天賺取的積分有相應的倍數。例如,在連續第三天登入時,賺取 3 個額外積分,並且當天賺取的所有積分有 3 倍。花費 1 積分可以追溯簽到,最多 20 天 - 為廣告評分賺取 1 積分,對廣告發表 20 字以上的評論賺取 20 積分。每日選出最有價值的評論,每個獲勝者獲得 50 積分 後端功能 - 禁用用戶功能 - 查看用戶信息 - 重置用戶密碼 - 過濾、排序和批量編輯用戶積分 - 上傳廣告 GUI:Ionic Framework 的默認用戶介面 ------------------------------ 第二階段 主要功能 - 邀請碼,每次成功使用都會為邀請人和被邀請人各自獲得 50 積分(需要電話驗證才能啟用邀請碼功能) - 被邀請人記錄 - 每日邀請量排行榜(每 30 分鐘更新一次),每日重置 - 廣告分享(中期計劃) -- 在 FB 或 IG 上點讚獲得 5 積分 -- 在 FB 或 IG 上分享獲得 10 積分 -- 在 WhatsApp 或微信上與 5 個聯絡人分享廣告並獲得有效點...
...Professional front-end developers are required to be familiar with bootstrap. Project requirements: 1. Ripro theme is a WordPress theme. Because WordPress can not meet our use needs, we have made the back-end program with ThinkPHP. Now we need to imitate ripro theme to adapt our ThinkPHP back-end. (ripro demo station address: ) 2. Ripro is developed using the bootstrap framework, so the imitation station also needs to be developed using bootstrap. Do a good job in the adaptive part 3. The HTML, CSS and JS codes are required to be highly readable, and the code introduction can be annotated...
最近在建一个外卖送餐的网站,需要接入Xunhupay的(微信和支付宝)支付模块。 网站使用的是foodomaa的整站代码: 需要的技能有: Software Version: PHP 7.x Software Framework: Laravel File Types Included: JavaScript JSJavaScript JSON HTML CSS PHP SQL Layered PNG 如果您感兴趣,可以写信给我,价格好商量。 另外网站还有其它的一些改版工作要做,我们可以具体讨论一下能不能一并做。 等您回复哦……
...Online Demo: ===================================================== ===================================================== Wowonder customization function adds “issue.” 1. There are five kinds of statement the “issue,” including “MostlyAgree,” “Agree,”“Undecided,” “Disagree,” and “Mostly Disagree.” The “issue” uses to display real time Ajax charts. Demo: 2. Users can comment only when they have made a statement, and the current position of the user will be displayed next to his/her comment avatar. “Undecided” users may also make a comment. 3. Users can alter their past statement record at any time. User A can invite user B to make a statement on a specif...
我们有持续的开发项目需求。在疫情下,招聘变得非常不容易,所以我们希望通过与威客合作,共同创造更大的价值。 我们有自己的系统框架,通常你可能只需要按照规范设计不同的模块,包括基于Quasar Framework的页面、组件、以及样式等等。但我们也希望能与高水平的威客合作一起改进我们的框架。 我们希望合作者有较强的编程基础,不仅仅是堆积代码,而是可以在不同的层面上做好规划和组件重用。
,build a flask online clinic。 albumy,set up a online second opinion clinic 。 on heroku server with flask and postgresql。 with Python flask,REACT and Ajax experience ,if with HIS experience, execllent。 to integrate with Google Maps API。 time:2019/07/30。
...后端API程式已开发完成。 要实作的功能: 1. 个人资料:!AqPM7dbV2A19gQsDiRtydgboa-TT 2. 预约谘询:!AqPM7dbV2A19gQ1hUcdb7QlMDpIX 3. 相簿:!AqPM7dbV2A19gQ_NccI-ke6PWFks 撰写以上API 前,需要登入取得资讯,以下为登入的教学(不需撰写此部分) !AqPM7dbV2A19gQc136QJKAVDrPEd React Native App Development (iOS & Android) We already have a basic application development framework, React Native, Redux, etc., to adjust and add new features under the existing App architecture, and the backend API program has been developed. To implement the function: 1. Personal information: !AqPM7dbV2A19gQsDiRtydgboa-TT 2. Appointment consultation: !AqPM7dbV2A19gQ1hUcdb7QlMDpIX 3. Albums: !AqPM7dbV2A19gQ_NccI-ke6PWFks
该项目需要开发人员,主要技术为: ASP.net/CS/MVC/WCF框架, DIV+CSS,JS(easyui/jquery/native JS/Ajax/Json). 熟悉Oracle数据库, 精通SQL及PL/SQL. 该项目周期大概两个月,之后会有不定期项目需要开发人员 人员需驻场,地点深圳或者天津。
工作职责: 1、负责Web前端表现层及与前后端交互的架构设计、研发和性能优化,并保持良好兼容性; 2、负责Web前沿技术研究和新技术调研并用于实践。 职责要求: 1、本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业; 2、5年以上Web前端开发经验; 3、熟悉W3C标准,对表现与数据分离、Web语义化等有深刻理解; 4、熟练掌握HTML/XHTML、CSS等网页制作技术,熟悉页面架构和布局; 5、精通Backbone前端常用类库; 6、熟练掌握JavaScript、Ajax等Web开发技术 7、熟练跨浏览器、跨终端的开发; 8、有良好的沟通与表达能力、思路清晰,较强的动手能力与逻辑分析能力; 9、善于学习新事物,善于沟通和表达,有良好的团队合作意识; 10、熟悉ES6,了解前端工程化工具,如Gulp、Webpack等; 11、熟悉单页应用开发, 有移动站点开发经验(优先考虑); 12、了解响应式设计,对移动端开发有一定了解(优先考虑)。
找一位懂PHP的,做过PHP东西,能用PHP做修改或是加code进去修改我们的application。跟我们公司商务人员一起去斯洛文尼亚(去首都,Ljubljana )参加培训。 主要围绕我们公司一个即将进行的新平台的项目,如何更好地改善这个新平台的项目。要求熱悉laravel PHP framework,最好懂英语!最好有申根签证,没有也没关系!因为培训是4月1日开始,目前是越早能到达斯洛文尼亚越好!总培训时间2-3个月,希望大家可以帮忙转发一下!包吃包住,自己报价和发简历。多谢大家!有兴趣的赶紧发简历和报价了! 签证和机票钱公司负责,全程包吃包住,不需要提交任何费用。
Familiar with android application development and framework development.
预算:1万元可议价 1、网站用途:人才储备、发布招聘、求职信息。 2、项目阶段:无,需要从零开始 3、开发时间:45天周期,最后期限8月31日 4、是否有需求文档:有 5、网站类别:招聘类 6、功能参考网站:(拉勾网) 7、核心功能:信誉评分系统 8、网站风格:前端javascript/jquery/ajax 参考网站:(拉勾网) 9、运行平台:LINUX 10、技术要求: 开发语言:.net/java 是否有制定后台管理:必须要有,且是全站控制管理 开发环境:自定义 数据库:自定义 运行环境:LINUX 服务器:双方商议决定 11、对服务商的要求: 地域:不限 服务商规模:5人以上团队 是否需要网站维护:视双方前期合作情况决定。 个性化要求:希望服务商能够以自身拥有从业经验为项目提供宝贵的建议。 PS:项目主管是处女座...所以不够耐心、不够细心、手头活太多、太繁忙的、联系沟通不方便的、完任务拿点小钱儿的团队。。。请不要浪费时间。。。
我需要收的webim即时通讯软件功能描述: 1.聊天功能。用Ajax编写的网上即时通讯软件im,能集成到web(php开发)并部署到自己服务器中的,具备会员之间的c2c之间的交流。支持视频、声音、文字、表情、图片、传文件功能,消息窗口闪动,声音提醒。 2.同步分组。分组显示好友列表,好友再多条理依然清晰,能够搜索查询好友。 3.聊天记录。数据库保存最近聊天内容(可设置保留时间长短),以备用户查看。 4.多语言页面,语言可以自由选择和修改。 5.可以设置屏蔽敏感字符。 6. 速度快,占资源少,使用流畅,兼容多浏览器。能支持百万用户同时使用。
开发一个web系统 希望你有经验 做过java web项目开发 最好前端框架用过Jquery Easy UI 熟悉Struts2 Ajax
熟悉HTML5, CSS3 掌握Jquery, Ajax等基本js方法或框架,了解过一些进阶的js框架,如angularjs、backbone.js等 有使用过一些ui框架的经验,如bootstrap等 能有一些作品展示 要求能驻场1到2个月,在上海黄浦区上海电信驻场 要求能尽快加入项目 每月7K到15K RMB,外加项目结束有奖金
熟悉HTML5, CSS3 掌握Jquery, Ajax等基本js方法或框架,了解过一些进阶的js框架,如angularjs、backbone.js等 有使用过一些ui框架的经验,如bootstrap等 能有一些作品展示 能快速到岗
客户端UI设计: 1) 基于ASP.NET开发; 2) Dreamweaver/ FrontPage精通; 3) 层叠样式表CSS精通; 4) JavaScript开发熟练,对于主流脚本框架的开发项目有所涉及(ExtJS/JSon/JQuery等); 5) 理解文档对象模型(DOM); 6) 有Ajax/Sliverlight/Flash等富客户端开发经验更好。
...下驱动程序开发。有USB、video、audio、UART、IIC、SPI、SD/MMC等开发经验佳。 5.深入理解Linux文件系统、进程管理机制和内存管理机制。 6.熟悉威盛平台驱动开发者优先 必须:至少两年以手机或平板驱动开发经验。 岗位需求: 1、精通 C/C++/Java 编程语言,并且有相关项目开发经验。 2、熟悉Linux下C/C++/Java开发环境。 3、熟悉Linux下 Shell脚本使用。 4、熟悉Android应用编程开发,包括环境建立以及常用调试方法。 5、了解Android Frameworks层和HAL层相关知识,有过相关项目经验者优先考虑。 Android高级软件工程师 Software Engineer for Android Devices 工作职责: 1、熟悉 Android SDK,了解Android framework 2、多媒体框架开发 3、平板电脑、智能手机的应用软件开发
I need a function for a project built with Ionic 8, Capacitor 7, and Angular 17. The function should: 1. Convert a link into a QR Code. 2. Print the generated QR Code using a Bluetooth thermal printer. Requirements: The solution must be compatible with the specified framework and library versions. The code should be well-documented for easy integration into the project. If you have experience with Ionic, Capacitor, Angular, and Bluetooth printer integration, I look forward to your proposal!
I need assistance adding a new custom BEP-20 token to my custodian crypto wallet, with the intention of incorporating it into a fixed staking framework. Key Requirements: - Experience with BEP-20 tokens specifically. - Proficient in Flutter and NodeJs as the application is built with these technologies. - Familiarity with Moralis API for token list management. - Capability to implement a fixed staking period. Please note, the new token will need to support only staking features, similar to my previous custom token. If you have the necessary skills and experience, I look forward to your bid.
I'm looking for an experienced QA professional to help me set up a Java Selenium Cucumber framework. The primary focus will be on testing the navigation flows of my personal website using Chrome as the browser. Key requirements: - Expertise in Java, Selenium, Cucumber - Experience in setting up test automation frameworks - Understanding of web navigation flows - Knowledge of testing on Chrome - Previous work with personal or corporate sites Your job will be to create a few test scenarios focusing on the navigation of my site. Please include relevant test cases that can cover different aspects of the website's navigation. A keen eye for detail and a methodical approach to testing will be essential for this role.
I'm in search of a proficient freelancer to create a high-performance Forex and Crypto Tradi...exchanges such as Binance and Kraken - Automated, high-speed trade execution - Integration of live market feeds and analytics - A user-friendly dashboard for monitoring trades The ideal candidate should possess: - Backend proficiency in Python, particularly for algo trading and automation - Frontend experience with React.js or Vue.js for UI/UX design - Competence in using Node.js as a backend framework for real-time processing Experience with trading bots and a solid understanding of financial markets will be a significant advantage. If you can deliver a top-notch trading bot and have relevant experience, please share your portfolio and pricing details. Looking forward to a fruitful...
I'm looking for a professional Laravel developer who can assist in the creation of a project tha...mixture of text and images, forms and tables, and possibly some graphs and charts. - The data for the PDFs can come from various sources, including user input through forms, database records, and possibly API data. - The formatting of the PDFs may range from basic text formatting to custom styling with CSS and creating a branded document layout. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Laravel framework. - Strong knowledge in PDF generation libraries compatible with Laravel. - Proficiency in CSS and designing branded layouts. - Experience handling various data input sources. Please note, the specific details will be discussed further, and flexibility and creativity will be high...
I need a professional to upgrade my website from CodeIgniter 2.0 to 4.6.0. Key Skills: - Proficient in CodeIgniter framework - Experienced in website migration - Knowledgeable in PHP and MySQL Please note, the specifics of the current website's functionality, customizations, or third-party integrations haven't been provided as they weren't answered. However, I'm looking for a freelancer who can help me with this upgrade.
Hi, I have one landing page design (AI) and want to convert that into pixel-perfect responsive HTML/CSS using the Bootstrap framework. It’s a small page, and I have a max $20 budget. I need this done today in the next few hours. To apply, you must send me 2 of your previous project links along with the original design files. Without that, I will count your proposal as spam and immediately delete it. Thanks.
I'm seeking an expert in graph data modeling to optimize our Knowledge Management System (KMS), Synaptica, which utilizes GraphDB. The project will necessitate the creation of a model that supports complex queries and analytics. Key Requirements: - Design and im...that supports complex queries and analytics. Key Requirements: - Design and implement a suitable graph data model - Ensure the model can handle intricate queries and perform comprehensive analytics - Optimize the model for use with Synaptica's GraphDB Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge in graph data structures - Proficiency with the Property graph model, Resource Description Framework (RDF), and Hypergraph model - Experience with complex queries and data analytics - Familiarity with Synaptica a...
I'm seeking a developer with experience in creating a BGP management web panel, preferably built on the Laravel framework. The panel should support BIRD, ExaBGP, and Quagga BGP. Key Features: - Integrate with APIs to manage BGP software installations on configured servers. - Provide an interface for inputting server information (IP, username, SSH port). - Allow control of BGP settings via the web panel. Control Capabilities: - Real-time status updates. - Automatic configuration changes. - Detailed logging and monitoring. Ideal Skills: - Previous experience with BGP software and management panels. - Proficiency in Laravel. - Understanding of server configurations and BGP settings.
...and migrate key features from the old platform to the new one. Project Scope Complete UI/UX redesign for a fresh, modern, and user-friendly experience Seamless migration of essential features from the old website Optimization for speed, security, and performance Responsive design for all devices Ensuring smooth functionality and bug-free deployment Requirements Strong experience with Yii2 PHP Framework Expertise in front-end development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, or Vue/React) Ability to work with existing databases and APIs Knowledge of security best practices Experience in performance optimization Nice to Have Previous experience with UI/UX redesign projects Familiarity with payment gateway integrations Knowledge of SEO-friendly development Remote work available with f...
I am seeking an experienced IoT consultant based in India who specializes in Hardware Design. The focus of this project is on MVP creation ready for mass production along with all relevant regulatory framework eligibility. We’ll share with you the requirements of the device and how the prototype was created and you’ll be required to plan and design/improvise it, create schematics for pcb components bom etc which are available/accessible on common/popular platforms for fabrication and assembly. You’ll also be required to check and fix any issues on the designed unit ensuring a compliant final product. Need someone experienced in prototyping and designing, spl related to medical device.. Need to build a reproduce-able mvp in med tech category, we have initial unrefi...
...Laravel developer to migrate my old PHP gay adult site to a Laravel format. The site includes a User Membership System, Content Management System, and Video Streaming Capability, among other features. Key Requirements: - Complete migration of all existing features from the old PHP site to the new Laravel version - Enhanced site performance post-migration - Excellent understanding of Laravel framework - Experience with user membership systems, content management systems, and video streaming capabilities The primary goal for this project is to improve the site's performance and makie it Google-search friendly. Please only bid if you have significant experience with Laravel and can ensure a high-quality, efficient migration. Details: 1. Although I am not a programmer, I have...
...and playback of the data stream. - Enable real-time positioning on recorded data when in the specific GPS position and maneuvering within a virtual 3D horizon. Further instructions will be given. Platform: QT Technical requirements: - High level experience in hardware and PCB design in order to incorporate all the necessary modules to a single hardware module. - Top level experience with QT framework. - Ability to handle 3D data representation and manipulation. - GUI design and development in QT. Timeline: Flexible delivery date Estimated budget: Negotiable, fixed price is preferred....
I need a website to showcase my audio cassette and HiFi equipment collection. The site should display detailed descriptions, photos, and a...navigate through my collection. The site should be visually appealing, reflecting the aesthetic of the HiFi and audio cassette era. The contact form should collect basic contact info such as name, email, and message. The design style should be modern and sleek while still reflecting elements of the HiFi and audio cassette era. what i would like to be used: - Linux: Debian12 - Apache: Apache 2.4 - Framework: Symfony 7 - MySQL: Recent MariaDB - Elasticsearch: Recent - documentation via PHPDoc E-commerce only later on, design should be flat and elegant (i have a logo i will show later on). Multi-user/multi collections should be easy to integrat...
...Agile’s EDI Officer on the core elements and focus of the institutional influencing strategies; and, • Prepare and draft the Agile institutional influencing strategy to identify key opportunities and targets for improving an inclusive research culture. • Prepare a brief monitoring and evaluation plan for the strategy linked to Agile’s Theory of Change and monitoring, evaluation, and learning framework. • The budget for this work is £8,000 including VAT 2) Approximately six hours of training about behavioural change to put the influencing strategy into action • A 1-hour pre-training call to customise the session content for influencing around EDI and an inclusive research culture • Training on behavioural change within the University of...
I'm in search of a proficient freelancer to create a high-performance Forex and Crypto Tradi...exchanges such as Binance and Kraken - Automated, high-speed trade execution - Integration of live market feeds and analytics - A user-friendly dashboard for monitoring trades The ideal candidate should possess: - Backend proficiency in Python, particularly for algo trading and automation - Frontend experience with React.js or Vue.js for UI/UX design - Competence in using Node.js as a backend framework for real-time processing Experience with trading bots and a solid understanding of financial markets will be a significant advantage. If you can deliver a top-notch trading bot and have relevant experience, please share your portfolio and pricing details. Looking forward to a fruitful...
This is a project is consisted of 25,000 words+, as we agreed to be without plaragism, and having a shared file so i can track step by step process of the research in order to give comments directly.
We are seeking an expert in automation testing to automate our casino game. Below are the key requirements: - Game Type: Casino Game - Platform: Web-based - Game Framework: React (responsive design) - Testing Type: Automation testing using Selenium - Required Code Base: Java with Cucumber utilizing a BDD framework; API integration with Postman is needed. Ideal Candidate: A skilled developer with extensive experience in automation testing, particularly with casino games, and proficiency in the specified technologies.
...radio feed, but when I navigate using AJAX, the plugin fails to show. However, if I refresh the page, it appears fine. This is a detailed overview of the project: - There's a possibility that the issue stems from the compatibility of the plugin with the custom scripts I have running on the site. - The custom scripts in question are mainly front-end enhancements. What I need from you: - A thorough examination and debugging of the JavaScript code to identify the root cause of the issue. - A fix that ensures the radio feed plugin works seamlessly with AJAX navigation. Skills and experience that would be ideal for this job: - Proficient in JavaScript and familiar with debugging techniques. - Extensive experience working with WordPress. - Knowledge of AJAX and p...
...reduce third-party API costs. DeepSeek/OpenAI APIs are used only for complex reasoning. Long-term goal: Train proprietary AI models to minimize third-party dependencies. Development Roadmap & Deliverables Phase 1: System Architecture & MVP (Weeks 1-3) ✅ Propose two architecture designs with cost estimates. ✅ Implement basic AI processing & voice transcription. ✅ Develop core AI interaction framework. Phase 2: AI Integration & Workflow Automation (Weeks 4-6) ✅ Implement multi-user collaboration & permission system. ✅ Enable AI-generated insights & proactive follow-ups. Phase 3: Full AI Deployment & Optimization (Weeks 7-10) ✅ Finalize DeepSeek & OpenAI API integration. ✅ Develop notification & event automation system. ✅ Optimize local AI mod...
I am seeking a seasoned web developer with a strong background in hardware integration a...strong background in hardware integration and data manipulation for a specific project. The main objective is to connect a touchscreen tablet with an interactive interface to a program based on CSV files, ensuring smooth and efficient communication between both. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in developing touchscreen interfaces (HTML, CSS, JavaScript). - Proficiency in the React frontend framework. - Mastery of the Python (Flask/Django) backend language. - Extensive experience in manipulating CSV files and developing APIs. - Knowledge about device communication via REST API. - Prior experience with tablet (Android/iOS) integration or specific hardware (Raspberry Pi, embedded systems) ...
I need an AI web application that can identify windows or glass in an uploaded image. The app should be built using or a similar web-compatible AI framework. Key Requirements: - The application should allow users to upload images for analysis. - The detection results should be displayed as bounding boxes around the identified windows/glass. - I need the ability to overlay on the detected areas. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in web development with a strong understanding of TensorFlow.js. - Experience in building AI web applications. - Familiarity with image processing and computer vision techniques.
...Framer Motion for animations (e.g., smooth transitions, hover effects) SEO & Schema Markup Implementation for high organic rankings Accessibility (WCAG 2.1 compliance) to ensure usability for all users ✅ Advanced Functionality Mega Menu Navigation (dynamic categories, trending products) Sticky Header & Smart Search with Predictive Results Dynamic Product Filters & Sorting (by brand, price, features) AJAX Cart & Quick View Custom Page Templates (Homepage, Collection, Product, Blog, About) Integrated Review System ( integration) Related Products & "Frequently Bought Together" section Custom Pre-Order & Back-in-Stock Alerts ✅ Performance & Speed Optimization Implement Lazy Loading, Critical CSS, and WebP images Optimize Liquid & JavaScript...
I am seeking an experienced IoT consultant based in India who specializes in Hardware Design. The focus of this project is on MVP creation ready for mass production along with all relevant regulatory framework eligibility. We’ll share with you the requirements of the device and how the prototype was created and you’ll be required to plan and design/improvise it, create schematics for pcb components bom etc which are available/accessible on common/popular platforms for fabrication and assembly. You’ll also be required to check and fix any issues on the designed unit ensuring a compliant final product. Need someone experienced in prototyping and designing, spl related to medical device.. Need to build a reproduce-able mvp in med tech category, we have initial unref...
I'm seeking an experienced professional to develop a comprehensive corporate governance framework with a specific focus on board structures and roles. Key Areas: - Primary focus on corporate governance. - Detailed exploration of board structures and roles. Necessary Skills and Experience: - Expertise in corporate governance principles and practices. - Proven track record in designing governance frameworks. - Strong understanding of board structures and roles. - Excellent communication and stakeholder engagement skills. The ideal freelancer should have extensive experience and understanding of corporate governance and board structures, and a capacity to develop a framework that meets our specific needs.
I'm in the process of setting up a WordPress-based encycl...search functionality, category navigation, and support for multimedia content (like images and videos). - It's essential that the site is designed with a modern and clean aesthetic and SEO optimized - existing site using Wikilogy 1.10 theme (WP Bakery) - New wp site setup in /beta/ folder, updated Wikilogy theme 2.0 (Elementor) installed Configure theme for alphabetical index Category navigation, ajax instant search, place adsense, tags, social icons Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with WordPress theme configuration is a must. - Familiarity with setting up features for an encyclopedia website would be a significant advantage. - A strong design sensibility, with the ability to create a modern and clean website, ...
I need a skilled PHP developer to upgrade my web application scripts from PHP 5.x to PHP 8.x. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with PHP, especially with transitions from older to newer versions. - Proficient in web application scripting. - Ability to troubleshoot and debug issues that arise during the upgrade process. The script does not use any specific framework or libraries, which may simplify the process. However, a deep understanding of PHP's newer features and best practices is essential. The ultimate goal is to ensure the web application runs smoothly on the latest PHP version, taking advantage of improved performance and security updates.