3d reconstruction webcam工作


    2,000 3d reconstruction webcam 找到工作

     Interior Designs (Room Modeling, Living Room  Exterior Designs (Home Modeling, Text Animation  Character Modeling, Face Modeling, Animation  2D WORKS (Photoshop & Illustrated

    $5321 Average bid
    $5321 平均报价
    22 个竞标

     Interior Designs (Room Modeling, Living Room  Exterior Designs (Home Modeling, Text Animation  Character Modeling, Face Modeling, Animation  2D WORKS (Photoshop & Illustrated

    $5866 Average bid
    $5866 平均报价
    20 个竞标
    3d roll show space design
    已经结束 left


    $3529 Average bid
    $3529 平均报价
    3 个竞标

     Interior Designs (Room Modeling, Living Room  Exterior Designs (Home Modeling, Text Animation  Character Modeling, Face Modeling, Animation  2D WORKS (Photoshop & Illustrated

    $5920 Average bid
    $5920 平均报价
    3 个竞标
    Do some 3D Modelling
    已经结束 left

    9842654031  Interior Designs (Room Modeling, Living Room)  Exterior Designs (Home Modeling, Text Animation)  Character Modeling, Face Modeling, Animation  2D WORKS (Photoshop & Illustrated).

    $5920 Average bid
    $5920 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    3D建筑室内外效果图制作 建筑效果图制作 室内装修效果图制作

    $156 / hr Average bid
    $156 / hr 平均报价
    6 个竞标


    $7089 Average bid
    $7089 平均报价
    5 个竞标
    3D建模 Display Board
    已经结束 left


    $164 Average bid
    $164 平均报价
    1 个竞标


    $8522 Average bid
    $8522 平均报价
    3 个竞标


    $13173 Average bid
    $13173 平均报价
    14 个竞标
    Do some 3D Modelling
    已经结束 left

    maya,3D Max,ui, some 3D Modelling

    $1239 Average bid
    $1239 平均报价
    23 个竞标


    $2641 Average bid
    $2641 平均报价
    8 个竞标


    $327 Average bid
    $327 平均报价
    9 个竞标


    $5788 Average bid
    $5788 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    This project is to develop the prototype 3d model of a transformer-like plastic robot toy product. We have done the concept design and need experienced designer to help on completing the final assembling 3d model for prototype production (using 3d printing). The final 3d model needs to be ready for real production use. 诚邀有玩具工程设计相关经验的设计师参与完成一部变形金刚机器人塑料玩具的手板三维模型制作项目。本项目概念设计已经完成,现准备制作手板,需要解决关节机构、零件分件、卡扣卡位等日后生产所需技术问题。整个玩具大约设计有100个左右的零件。本次制作的模型将用于3d打印制作手板。

    $3794 Average bid
    $3794 平均报价
    10 个竞标

    我们想做一个app.大概的功能如下 1.这是一个好友间的3d交互程序.需要获取本地联系人列表/qq好友/微信好友/或是facebook好友 2.可以把不同好友的照片贴到3d人物模形的面部. 3.可以对此3d人物模拟进行一些动作(打击/摇动).从而产生一些数据. 4.可以将此数据发送给目标用户.目标用户可以查看对方对他做了什么动作 5.会有一个排行榜. 6.对3d人物模型打击的时候,可以使用道具 (需要接入道具商店) 7.道具商店接入app支付系统(ios/android) 8.可以对3d人物模型做一些简单的自定义(头发.帽子....) 服务端,好友数据.app数据,美术,后台由我们这边的程序负责

    $46514 Average bid
    $46514 平均报价
    2 个竞标
    a mobile application
    已经结束 left

    我们想做一个app.大概的功能如下 1.这是一个好友间的3d交互程序.需要获取本地联系人列表/qq好友/微信好友/或是facebook好友 2.可以把不同好友的照片贴到3d人物模形的面部. 3.可以对此3d人物模拟进行一些动作(打击/摇动).从而产生一些数据. 4.可以将此数据发送给目标用户.目标用户可以查看对方对他做了什么动作 5.会有一个排行榜. 6.对3d人物模型打击的时候,可以使用道具 (需要接入道具商店) 7.道具商店接入app支付系统(ios/android) 8.可以对3d人物模型做一些简单的自定义(头发.帽子....) 服务端,好友数据.app数据,美术,后台由我们这边的程序负责

    $38950 - $38950
    $38950 - $38950
    0 个竞标
    3D建模; 工业设计
    已经结束 left

    1. 模具设计、机械制造、工业设计专业,精通CAD/UG/Pro/e、Solidwork等三维设计软件,熟悉产品机械结构设计,能够进行独立设计,有家电、家居行业塑料件、管件、冲压件等设计经验。 2. 从事过塑料模具工作,熟悉模具加工工艺流程,对工程塑料、注塑产品、挤塑产品及塑件工艺有专业的判断和解决能力,能够进行一些塑料件模具的分析,改进产品结构设计。对塑胶件性能了解,常见塑件缺陷可以提出清晰有效的解决方案,模具企业专业经验三年以上,具有精密注塑模具设计、产品设计经验者优先。 3. 具有工业设计等相关领域工作经验,具有创造力、想象力,对造型设计非常熟悉,能够独立完成一些复杂的曲面设计,并能够进行产品外观设计,后期能做一些3D软件渲染。

    $3778 Average bid
    $3778 平均报价
    10 个竞标


    $234 - $1948
    $234 - $1948
    0 个竞标

    Requirement 3d model file(at least .stl ) into console and display this model by opengl and other lib and scale model by mouse operation, switch camera position (between front,back,left,right,top, one buttons one view ) the model nicely, lighting simulation is need as well the solid model ,make it hollow. (offset the mesh faces to one side, give it a thickness ) you have the ability to change pointcloud to mesh, plz notice us. f. windows platform . c++ is best for us. Criteria a. realize all the requirements i mentioned. b. submit the relevant source code c. finish in two or three weeks. me know you are solo or not btw ;) 一.软件要求 1.使用opengl等显示3D模型(最起码支持stl格式) 2.能够使用鼠标对模型进行旋转缩放等编辑,同时摄像机位置可以切换fr

    $18174 Average bid
    $18174 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    MAYA 3D ?????????!
    已经结束 left

    ??????3D??,???????,???????20??!????????????,???????????????????,??????????!??????11????,????????,???????! 3D MODELLING!

    $78 - $234
    $78 - $234
    0 个竞标

    天波矿泉水设计效果及元素要求 要求设计的内容包含: 1.天波纯净水瓶子造型设计(可做3D效果或者平面效果) 2.外观包装(标签,要求至少平面图一张,结合瓶子造型效果图一张) 一、设计要求: 1、作品风格、形式不限,但必须原创。 2、必须是彩色原稿,能以不同的 比例尺寸清晰显示。 3、标识应为平面形式,可用于各类广告、宣传品及办公用品的印刷。 二、投稿要求: 1、投稿人应提供设计的JPG或PSD格式电子文档,应著名标准 比例、标准色、字体和尺寸。 2、设计稿件应该附带100-200字左右的文字说明。说明设计 意图、创作理念。 知识产权说明: 1、 所设计的作品为原创,为第一次发布。未侵犯他人的著作权。 如有侵犯他人著作权,由设计者承担所有法律责任。 2、 中标的设计作品,我方支付设计制作费。即拥有该作品的知识产权,包括著作权、使用权和发布权等,并有权对设计作品进行修改、组合和应用,设计者不得再向其他任何地方使用该设计作品 效果要求: 1、 图片背景有深意,能体现水源好,突显滴滴珍藏的理念 2、 画面别具一格,赏心悦目,吸引人的眼球 3、 颜色搭配专业,考虑印刷工艺,在后期印刷可以达到最优效果。 4、 产品定位中高端,忌过于花哨,简单大气,整体可以体现水中贵族 5、 设计风格能在众多矿泉水凸显而出 辨识度强 具体内容可以参照,但不限全部包含: 瓶子:蓝色瓶子,配合蓝色瓶盖 水标尺寸:我司为套标工艺,PVC材质(较硬,手感不太好),净含量350ML 品牌名称:天波 LOGO:不限,有创意 广告语:(不限以下广告语,有更好创意更佳) 参照广告语:天波矿泉水,健康每一刻 深山矿泉,滴滴珍藏 好水不多,我喝天波 矿泉水概要:纯天然有机偏硅酸型矿泉水, 天然弱碱性水 水质主要成分(毫克/升)...

    $1948 - $5843
    $1948 - $5843
    0 个竞标

    TOPIC:通过阐释全球香水创意设计的趋势,并分享香铂顿的别具一格的魅力设计,突显香铂顿品牌的时尚和奢华之光芒。 关于《Dressing Perfume》的视频的创意 1、 展现大自然之花草树木美妙镜头,拂晓的花园,一个沐浴在清水、异香和奇花异草中的世界中,晨雾中绽放的鲜花,在绿叶上滚动的露珠,阳光折射着温柔多情含羞草和柔情绵绵的树木(或类似的); 2、 以独特效果create出卒取以上精华和芬芳的过程,这些精华最终汇聚成香水(即液体本身),以人像衬托,即人的肉体本身; 3、 以人的穿衣打扮的整个过程,如头饰,衣服,丝巾首饰等配件,展现人的装饰扮靓过程,以此为象征,来凸现香水(液体本身)的打扮过程,包括瓶盖元素,图案,镶钻、布衣等元素。 4、 最终展示一个成品后的香水,即如人打扮完后的魅力一刻。 备注:以上是初步的创意,可在此基础上进行完善,当然如有更好的思路,也可以进行调整。 Cherrie 15:48:49 香水本身特点文字说明:1,外观设计新颖,时尚气息强 活力动感 2、精选香水瓶 质感剔透 工艺精美 3,创新加工工艺 创造国际化标准 4、瓢虫图案别具匠心,灵动活泼,十分迎合时尚达人的心理 5,顶尖调香技术,创造顶级品质 6、东方特色的花果香调,味道清爽,甜美可人 7,精选原料和独特配方 香气更和谐持久 8,高价格比,可承受力强,适合中国人消费力水平 9,大款与滚珠版可供选择,满足不同场合的需求 10,企业爱心精神体现之力作 倾情回馈社会 爱心“香”传 3维动画 Dressing Perfume The topic of the fresh: We want to express our fashion brand and luxurious by sharing th...

    $6349 Average bid
    $6349 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    geme design
    已经结束 left

    制作次时代实时的3D游戏引擎中使用的3D物体、场景的模型和贴图。 资历: 游戏行业从业5年 专科以上学历(艺术类相关专业)或艺术类相关院校毕业(包括建筑设计,工业设计,纺织/时装设计等)。 精通2D设计、绘画、制图等。 熟练掌握以下至少一种3D软件 (3D Studio Max, Maya, Softimage等)。 深入了解游戏,并且热衷于游戏制作。

    $7611 Average bid
    $7611 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a 3D website for my cybersecurity firm. The site should showcase our services, which include penetration testing, security audits, and incident response, in a captivating and interactive manner. Key Requirements: - Experience in creating 3D websites - Expertise in web development and design - Understanding of cybersecurity services to effectively showcase them - Ability to create a website with a futuristic and high-tech visual style - Knowledge of UX/UI principles to ensure the site is both effective and useful Please ensure your proposal includes examples of similar projects you've completed.

    $8242 Average bid
    $8242 平均报价
    57 个竞标

    I'm seeking a talented animator for a 3D animated, cartoon-style music video. The project is strictly animated, with no live-action components. Key Requirements: - Expertise in 3D animation - Ability to create engaging, high-quality cartoonish visuals - Experience with music video production Your role will include: - Conceptualizing and executing the animation in sync with the music - Creating a narrative that complements the song Please provide examples of your previous work in this style.

    $1052 Average bid
    $1052 平均报价
    40 个竞标

    ...the Unity game for an interactive experience. We are only targeting iOS (Mobile & Tablet) to launch the app on the Apple App Store. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Task in Unity - Build a small container within a viewable space (Camera). It procedurally builds an infinite environment ie: Ground floor making it feel like it goes on forever. Use prebuilt objects (3D models) that procedurally spawn based on specific parameters. ---- Imagine a world that feels infinite, but it's just a small box. ---- The world has easily configurable parameters to change textures, ground plants, rocks, objects etc.... - Work with the front end dev to connect some parameters and configurations that will show in the front end UI. - User flow --- The use...

    $11038 Average bid
    $11038 平均报价
    21 个竞标

    I'm looking for a skilled 3D modeler to create a simple yet effective promotional item based on my logo. Key Requirements: - The model should be 60mm in diameter and 8mm thick. - The design should be suitable for CNC machining, which means minimizing complicated details. Ideally, the model should have only two levels: a top machined level and a bottom machined level. - The 3D model file should be delivered in STEP format. - The item will be machined from copper. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software - Experience in designing for CNC machining - Ability to simplify complex designs - Attention to detail - Knowledge of STEP file format. Please only apply if you have a strong portfolio of similar work.

    $195 Average bid
    6 项参赛作品

    ... and this one...

    $4900 Average bid
    $4900 平均报价
    64 个竞标

    I’m looking for a talented graphic designer to create a professional 3D logo similar to the reference image. The logo should convey strength, reliability, and movement, suitable for a transportation and logistics company. Design Requirements: Company Name: "AVEK Transportation & Logistics" Tagline: "Stronger Together" 3D effect with a professional, corporate look Colors: Red, White, Black (or similar strong, modern tones) Clean typography with a bold and dynamic style High-quality, print-ready resolution Deliverables: High-resolution PNG & JPEG files Vector file (AI, EPS, or SVG) Transparent background version 3D mockup presentation Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in 3D design software - Strong...

    $156 Average bid
    53 项参赛作品

    ...oxygen. The modifications will involve: - Changing a fixed part to be interchangeable - A few adjustments involving standard shelf items The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in CAD design, preferably within the medical field. Experience with 3D printing is also essential as the modified design will need to be printed. I require a professional who can pay meticulous attention to detail and deliver high-quality work. Key requirements: - CAD design - Medical device design experience - 3D printing knowledge - Detail-oriented The modifications will involve: - Changing a part to be interchangeable - A few adjustments involving standard shelf items The interchangeable part will need to have the existing size plus a larger option, and the conn...

    $2758 Average bid
    $2758 平均报价
    47 个竞标

    I am looking for a skilled 3D animator to assist me with a character animation project. The goal is to create a cartoonish style animation for a short film or series. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and animate engaging cartoonish characters. - Collaborate closely with me to bring my dream project to life. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in character animation. - Strong portfolio of cartoonish 3D animations. - Excellent communication and collaboration skills.

    $1948 Average bid
    加精 加保
    3 项参赛作品

    ...the Unity game for an interactive experience. We are only targeting iOS (Mobile & Tablet) to launch the app on the Apple App Store. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Task in Unity - Build a small container within a viewable space (Camera). It procedurally builds an infinite environment ie: Ground floor making it feel like it goes on forever. Use prebuilt objects (3D models) that procedurally spawn based on specific parameters. ---- Imagine a world that feels infinite, but it's just a small box. ---- The world has easily configurable parameters to change textures, ground plants, rocks, objects etc.... - Work with the front end dev to connect some parameters and configurations that will show in the front end UI. - User flow --- The use...

    $179 / hr Average bid
    $179 / hr 平均报价
    24 个竞标
    Slow-Mo TV Explosion VFX
    6 天 left

    I'm in need of a 3D VFX Artist to take my half-decent model of a TV and transform it into two slow-motion shots of the TV for a music video. The first shot: The TV levitating off the table and beginning to explode. This shot requires compositing. The second shot: The TV in the air, exploding into a fireball. This is a 100% VFX shot. Key Requirements: - Create a photorealistic slow-motion explosion - Animate both shots, composite one. - Render about ten seconds of runtime total, 5s per shot. - Include high-detail debris in the explosion. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling, animation, and compositing - Experience in creating photorealistic VFX - Ability to interpret and enhance a provided model Files are here:

    $5843 - $11685
    $5843 - $11685
    40 个竞标

    I'm seeking a professional to produce realistic 3D renderings for Fireplace. The ideal candidate should have: - Expertise in creating detailed, lifelike 3D models - Experience working with wood textures and finishes - Ability to deliver high-quality, matte-finish renderings I have attached pictures of what the fireplace currently looks like now and I have also attached a picture of the stone Venner we currently just used on a current finish project. The Stone will only go as high as the wooden mantle and should wrap the Coners the Hearth will be the tile stone that will just go over the top of the current tile and wooden floor. I really only need a front a side view, just to give the clients an idea of the work being done. These renderings will be used for presenta...

    $872 Average bid
    $872 平均报价
    91 个竞标

    I'm working on an automatically movable stage. This project requires a proficient Python coder with experience in robotics and automated control systems. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a Python code that will control the movement of the stage across three axes - Ensure th...that'll be put on a tripod and connect to a laptop via usb. I'd like complete Python coding to achieve this goal. I don't need an app; the user just needs to set up this system with a laptop, then the stage should start tracking the fish's movements on its own without user control. My current budget is $1200, but I can increase it if needed; I'm just looking for the cheapest route. I'm going to 3D print a petri dish holder, and it'll look like the one shown in the last...

    $8078 Average bid
    $8078 平均报价
    43 个竞标

    I'm looking for a talented 3D animator to create a 20-second cartoonish animation featuring a cat and a boy sharing a moment of affection. The animation should be able to convey tenderness, capturing the gentle and loving interaction between the two characters. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D animation software - Experience in creating cartoonish animations - Ability to convey emotions through animation - Portfolio demonstrating similar past work Please apply with your relevant portfolio and examples of your work that demonstrate your ability to create engaging and emotionally resonant animations.

    $7136 Average bid
    $7136 平均报价
    60 个竞标
    3d animsin
    6 天 left

    3d oljfze76iuljkhgfde5ikhjgcfdr6olnkbhfxdt7iuj

    $3786 Average bid
    $3786 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    I need a professional to conduct a Finite...Requirements: - A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis of one F1 car. STL files will be provided. Using Ansys discovery and this link: - A 3D modelled pit display that is highly detailed and includes interactive elements, similar to an F1 standard. - The pit display should incorporate interactive models, lighting effects, and an enterprise-like sample jersey design and cap. Some new features also need to be added. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in FEA and CFD analysis, particularly in the context of F1 materials and cars. - Proficiency in creating detailed, interactive 3D models. - Strong portfolio development skills. - Ability to design and conceptualize with a high level of detail and creativity.

    $1153 Average bid
    $1153 平均报价
    15 个竞标

    I'm looking for a skilled 3D modeler who can create a detailed and high-quality 3D model of a clothing item for product visualization purposes. The model will be used to help visualize a piece of clothing for product development, marketing, and possibly e-commerce. Ideal skills and experience: - Extensive experience in 3D modeling, particularly in clothing - Strong understanding of product visualization - Proficiency in using 3D modeling software - Ability to deliver high-quality, detailed models - Experience in product visualization for clothing is a plus

    $1963 Average bid
    $1963 平均报价
    10 个竞标

    Hi, I've created a separate project to hire you

    $156 Average bid
    $156 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    Чехол для детали в виде гранаты. Состоит из трех деталей: Нижняя часть гранаты, верхняя часть гранаты, чика Граната должна раскручиваться как на фото, где она в черном виде, а по форме, и виду чеки - как зеленая. Так же раскручиваться должна на резьбе, и что бы по геометрии в собранном виде все сходилось +- относительно детали

    $156 Average bid
    $156 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    I'm in need of an expert in architectural visualization who can convert my exterior plans into a high-detail 3D render. The render should include: - Detailed representation of the building structure - Comprehensive depiction of the surrounding landscape - Incorporation of lighting and landscaping into the render The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in 3D modeling and architectural visualization, with a keen eye for detail. Experience working with high-detail renders and incorporating intricate elements such as lighting and landscaping is a must.

    $2711 Average bid
    $2711 平均报价
    102 个竞标

    I'm looking for a talented designer to create a highly detailed 3D plan for a project involving my garage. The project includes constructing a steel platform above the garage for photovoltaic panels, and under this structure, we will have vegetable crates. Key Requirements: - A highly detailed 3D plan with realistic lighting and shadows. This will help us visualize the final outcome and ensure aesthetic appeal before we commence work. - The primary function of the platform is to support photovoltaic panels, so the design should cater to this requirement. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D design software - Experience in designing for solar panel installations - Understanding of creating aesthetically pleasing designs - Ability to deliver highly detailed designs ...

    $2275 Average bid
    59 项参赛作品

    I'm looking for high-detail 3D models of two Valorant characters embracing and / or kissing. These models will be used for 3D printing, so it's critical they're designed with that in mind. The models should be in a standing pose, ready to be printed using highly detailed resin printing. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Exceptional proficiency in high-detail 3D modeling - Familiarity with the Valorant game - Proven experience in designing models for 3D printing - Ability to create models in a standing pose - Strong attention to detail and quality - Ability to output to STL or OBJ format

    $904 Average bid
    $904 平均报价
    52 个竞标

    ? I am a mechanical engineer specialized in product design, 3D modeling, and industrial component engineering. I have experience with SolidWorks, Siemens NX, AutoCAD, and CAE simulations, creating precise and optimized designs for manufacturing. ? What I Offer: ✔ 3D modeling and technical detailing for manufacturing ✔ Structural analysis and CAE simulations for project optimization ✔ Development of mechanical components and industrial products ✔ Rendering and project presentations ? Why Hire Me? ✔ Industry experience working with industrial equipment and refrigeration systems ✔ Proficiency in leading CAD tools for mechanical design ✔ Commitment to quality and deadlines If you need a skilled professional for your project, send me a message, and let’s discuss your need...

    $148 / hr Average bid
    $148 / hr 平均报价
    16 个竞标

    I'm in need of an experienced 3D Motion Graphics designer who can create a compelling promotional video for my web app. The primary focus of the animation is to showcase the app's features in an engaging, visually appealing manner that captures the essence of innovation and technology. Key Responsibilities: - Design and execute a high-quality 3D animation - Create a captivating narrative that positions the web app within the realm of cutting-edge tech - Deliver a final product that is suitable for promotional use Ideal skills and experience: - Extensive experience in creating 3D motion graphics - Proven track record of designing promotional videos - Strong understanding of, and ability to convey, themes of innovation and technology - Exceptional attention t...

    $857 Average bid
    $857 平均报价
    52 个竞标

    I'm seeking a talented video designer with a strong background in 3D animation. The project involves creating a captivating and engaging promotional video. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D animation software (like Blender, Maya, etc.) - Strong storytelling skills to convey the promotional message effectively. - Experience in creating high-quality promotional videos. - Ability to deliver the project within the agreed timeline. Your role will be to bring my vision to life with your creative expertise, ensuring the final product is both visually stunning and effective in promoting my brand. Please provide samples of your previous work that align with this project.

    $125 / hr Average bid
    $125 / hr 平均报价
    8 个竞标
    29 天 left

    I am on the lookout for a talented animator to create five 2-minute long, cartoonish, 3D animations aimed at a children's audience for entertainment purposes. The video IT'S ABOUT "EL CONEJO" RABBIT IN SPANISH Key Requirements: - Experience in creating 3D animations, particularly in a cartoonish style. - A deep understanding of children's entertainment, with the ability to create engaging, age-appropriate content. - Strong storytelling skills to convert the lyrics to video animation. - Ability to deliver high-quality, professionally polished animations within a set timeline. - The lyrics are in spanish. - LYRICS MUST DISPLAY AT THE VIDEO Ideal Skills: - Mastery of industry-standard 3D animation software. - Excellent understanding of animat...

    $156 Average bid
    0 项参赛作品