✅ Full Stack Mobile Developer
More than three years of experience in mobile application development.
Able to do business with flexibility and ease and deliver on time.
◉ Swift, Dart, Kotlin, Java, Php
◉ GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab, Git, SVN
◉ CoreData, Ream Database, SQLite, FMDB
◉ Firebase, Firestorm, Realm Cloud
◉ Apple Maps SDK, Google Maps, Google Locations, Map Software
◉ Agora Rtc Engine, Video and Voice SDKs
◉ Payment gateways: PayFort API, SADAD API, Apple Pay, QPay, Payment Gateways
◉ iOS Extensions
◉ Trello, JIRA, Redmine, Mattermost, Management Softwares
◉ Facebook SDK, Twitter API, YouTube API, Social Networks APIs
Tell me what you're thinking and I'll turn that into an app in your hands
Never hesitate to message me