Instruction Guide-Setup Proxy using IPV6 IP's on VPS and for mass proxy production

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I need a step by step instruction guide on how to setup a private proxy server on an a Virtual Private Server using IPV6 Ip's or any of method for mass proxy production. I want this instruction guide so that I can setup multiple VPS's.

I currently know how to access my server using WINSCP.

I already have done this for IPV4 Ip's, and know how to create a single proxy. I need help to setup IPV6 IP's and create many many proxys from a single VPS, easily. I would also need a way to import these proxies to an excel or text file. I would need each address to be given a unique login and password. I would be willing to pay more for multiple methods if possible

脚本安装 网络主机 网络服务

项目ID: #14695173


4个方案 远程项目 活跃的7 年前



Hi, I will provide you guide. thank you Relevant Skills and Experience More than 8 years experience. Proposed Milestones $100 USD - Guide.

$100USD 在1天里

I have read your project. I'm sure i can help you to do it. I have setup many proxy, squid systems. I know how to setup with IPv6 I have 7 years of experience in Web Development, System & Network Administrator an 更多

$200USD 在1天里

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$165USD 在1天里