Create simple test with Jmeter

已完成 已发布的 3 年前 货到付款
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We need to have a simple configuration test for Jmeter to test our APIs.

The API works with a unique Bearer token per user/session

Jmeter must perform the following process:

1. User login and get a bearer token (in a json response).

2. Call a endpoint and extract the number of items (sending the bearer token from first point).

3. Call a second endpoint and extract the number of items (sending the bearer token from first point).

4. End

5. View results

The users source must be a json file, where you will have a collection with different users & password:



"username": "myuser",

"password": "mypwd"




The test (group 1 to 3) must be able to be executed with several threads. Each thread will use a random user from the collection.

I give a document with an example of how the api works, they are simply 3 endpoints.



测试/质量管理 软件测试 自动测试 DevOps

项目ID: #29899223


5个方案 远程项目 活跃的3 年前





Hi. Hope you are healthy from pandemic I checked carefully your requirement and I can make test with Jmeter Please give me 3 endpoints so I can get deep understanding about the project Wish your kind response. Thank y 更多

$150 USD 在7天内

Hi, I'm a software engineer from a reputed multi national company. I can help you to create the perf test suit for you. let's discuss more on chat.

$35 USD 在2天内

I have around 5 years of experience working in jmeter for performance tests and API tests. Have good knowledge handling jmeter tests and scripting. I have a very good record of completing the projects on time.

$140 USD 在7天内

I'm experience more 2 years in field testing,I worked in many projects its including education unversity also ecommerce and Banking project and I used selenium according education unversity project it's including the r 更多

$156 USD 在10天内