I know the length and breadth of building Telegram bots. I've done it numerous times, leveraging my extensive JavaScript and PHP skills to query web service APIs and display real-time updates on Telegram channels, which is exactly what you need for your project. Ibsolutely understand how crucial timeliness is for you, and I'm ready to kickstart the work today if you choose to work with me.
With over a decade of full-stack development experience, my expertise stretches far beyond just developing machine-friendly codes; I build solutions that deliver results tailored to clients' specific needs. My dedication to quality over quantity ensures that your bot will be designed for long-term efficiency, scalability, and effectiveness.
By choosing me, you're also getting the benefit of a clean, efficient, and future-proof code. As your technological partner, my focus is always on providing tangible value by reducing future maintenance needs as much as possible. Save time, avoid surprises, and enjoy reliable support and collaboration - these are some of the guarantees I offer as your chosen developer. Allow me the opportunity to contribute to your business's success and let's make this interaction worthwhile
M. Iqbal