$750-1500 USD
ADMIN - he sees everything that happens and have the power to delete or edit any document. and make document for premium only.
Writer - can Upload Files and see, edit and delete ALL THE FILES created by him.
USER - May enter with a simple account or premium account (if premium must pay) and will be able to see different content baed on membership.
Documents priority on the list showed to the public will be based on visit on every document so it will be requiered to create a database of views in total and views for particular users: for example if X user has read the document 1000 times it will only appear 1 time.
项目ID: #24020687
Good Morning, I have clearly understood the purpose of the Website where there will be profiles of both the Admin, Writer and users. Most Importantly I need to know the extension of the document to be Uploaded and nee 更多
Hi there, I have read your project description and i'm confident i can do this project for you perfectly. I still have a few questions. please leave a message on my chat so we can discuss the budget and deadline of the 更多
I read your requirements about making one Portal with PHP with documents upload and management based on the user account type either basic or premium. I am experienced PHP developer and web designer with the depth kno 更多
Hello, I am interested in your Project. After checking your post, I understood the concept of your project based on your mentioned requirement. What is your preference for technology? Let’s discuss your project in the 更多
We are interested to design and develop an extensive website which will enable users/writers to upload, edit, and delete the documents. Website will be categorized in three parts based on user privileges. As mention 更多
Hello, It was pretty good to understanding the job requirements from the provided description. Thanks for same. I have done several websites with handle of multiple user roles including admin. And also have done web 更多
Hello, I'm Ankit I'm interesting your project very well I'm good in Website Design, HTHML, CSS , JAVASCRIT, JQUERY, AJAX, PHP and mysql expert. I’m quite well experienced in these jobs. Let's go ahead with me I wan 更多
Hi there! this project seems amazing to me and I would love to design and develop responsive website that have 3 module Admin, Writer and User so Writer can upload/See/Delete file created by him and user can register a 更多
Hi, We are a small team of 3 developers and have developed many large scale websites using wordpress, Javascript, PHP etc. We will develop a website where writers can upload, edit and delete document, content etc and w 更多
hii, I'll build a web page for you where" WRITTERS CAN UPLOAD EDIT AND DELETE DOCUMENTS" I have 8+ years of experience in web & app development. Please give me a chance to work with you. Thanks
Hello Sir, Hope you are doing well!! I have read your project scenario & understand that you are looking for a web developer to build web pages where writters can upload, edit & delete documents. Yes, we will eas 更多
I WOULD LIKE TO PLACE MY BID FOR YOUR PROJECT NAMED CREATE A WEB PAGE WHERE WRITTERS CAN UPLOAD EDIT AND DELETE DOCUMENTS I develop web Applications with backend. I always make sure that the client-side requirements a 更多
I would like to offer myself as a probable candidate for this assignment as I am confident of delivering a quality output. I have excellent expertise in this area. I have total 9 years or experience in desktop or web 更多