Asterisk PBX is an open source telephony framework used to create communication solutions for businesses, from voice and video calls to automated call routing. An Asterisk PBX Development professional is highly knowledgeable in the Asterisk platform and is able to deploy custom Asterisk Solutions according to a company’s needs. Services offered by an Asterisk Developer include managing, monitoring and maintaining the Asterisk system and any external services, building custom features specific to the business and improving security through authentication and encrypted communications.

Here's some projects that our expert Asterisk PBX Developer made real:

  • Securing IT networks by blocking unwarranted access attempts
  • Connecting a billing platform with a MultiTenant PBX
  • Setting up secure VoIP applications used to make voice calls
  • Researching and troubleshooting of software issues
  • Integrating third-party APIs into the system
  • Developing feature rich customer service solutions
  • Configuring text message autoresponder systems
  • Improving network configurations with Firewall services

Projects like these require experienced developers who understand the Asterisk PBX platform. If you’re looking for someone with that precise set of skills, post a project on to hire an Asterisk PBX Developer today. Our team of highly qualified professionals will be able to help you design, develop and deploy custom communication solutions for your business.

从17,514个评价中,客户给我们的 Asterisk PBX Developers 打了4.91,共5星。
雇佣 Asterisk PBX Developers

Asterisk PBX is an open source telephony framework used to create communication solutions for businesses, from voice and video calls to automated call routing. An Asterisk PBX Development professional is highly knowledgeable in the Asterisk platform and is able to deploy custom Asterisk Solutions according to a company’s needs. Services offered by an Asterisk Developer include managing, monitoring and maintaining the Asterisk system and any external services, building custom features specific to the business and improving security through authentication and encrypted communications.

Here's some projects that our expert Asterisk PBX Developer made real:

  • Securing IT networks by blocking unwarranted access attempts
  • Connecting a billing platform with a MultiTenant PBX
  • Setting up secure VoIP applications used to make voice calls
  • Researching and troubleshooting of software issues
  • Integrating third-party APIs into the system
  • Developing feature rich customer service solutions
  • Configuring text message autoresponder systems
  • Improving network configurations with Firewall services

Projects like these require experienced developers who understand the Asterisk PBX platform. If you’re looking for someone with that precise set of skills, post a project on to hire an Asterisk PBX Developer today. Our team of highly qualified professionals will be able to help you design, develop and deploy custom communication solutions for your business.

从17,514个评价中,客户给我们的 Asterisk PBX Developers 打了4.91,共5星。
雇佣 Asterisk PBX Developers


    11 找到工作

    NOTE: Please read WELL the entire project description carefully before submitting any offers or applying for the position. Only candidates who meet all the outlined requirements will be considered. We are seeking an experienced freelance security expert proficient in Kali Linux or equivalent security software to collaborate on a critical project focused on comprehensive security testing and hardening of our systems. The candidate should be skilled in conducting a variety of security assessments, including penetration tests, stress tests, and other relevant security measures. KEY RESPONABILITY: --Security and Penetration Testing: Conduct extensive security assessments of our network and systems to identify potential vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and weaknesses. --Stress Testing: P...

    $16 - $62 / hr
    $16 - $62 / hr
    5 个竞标

    I'm looking for a professional to set up Playsms with Kannel gateway for my SMS functionality. Key Requirements: - This SMS system will primarily be used for marketing campaigns, so experience with SMS marketing is a plus. - The system needs to handle dynamic content with user data for the campaigns. Skills in data handling and personalisation are essential. - Ideally, you can set up API connections for managing contact lists, as opposed to manual uploads or CRM integrations. If you're proficient in these areas, please get in touch.

    $148 Average bid
    $148 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    I need an expert to develop a call forwarding portal where I can manage my Toll free , campaigns, buyers, reports concurrent calls, cappings and all.

    $19804 Average bid
    $19804 平均报价
    11 个竞标

    I'm seeking a professional with expertise in fiber networks and VoIP phones to help me understand the intricacies of these systems for quoting purposes. Background: I have sales leads of customers seeking to switch to over to the telecom provider I'm employed with and i need someone who can explain what would be a good telecom solution for that customer using, of course, our products (fiber connections/voip phones) Key areas of focus: - Fiber Networks: Specifically, I need detailed explanations about the configuration of fiber networks. - VoIP Phones: I need insights primarily on the network integration aspect of VoIP phone configuration. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience with fiber networks and VoIP technologies. - Ability to explain complex ...

    $326 / hr Average bid
    $326 / hr 平均报价
    16 个竞标

    I'm seeking an expert to set up a Dinstar SIM bank and gateway for facilitating local voice calls. The expected call volume is low, about 1-50 calls per day. Ideal Skills: - Experience with Dinstar equipment - VoIP configuration skills - Knowledge of SIM banks Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed.

    $4314 Average bid
    $4314 平均报价
    9 个竞标
    Ready-Made Bulk SMS Portal
    3 天 left

    I'm seeking a pre-built wholesale SMS portal that caters to both wholesale and retail clients. The portal should have the following key features: - A bulk messaging interface that allows easy and efficient messaging - A comprehensive user management system to handle both types of clients - Robust reporting and analytics capabilities to track messaging success and user engagement The user authentication should be simple and secure, relying on an email and password system. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proven experience in developing or customizing SMS portals - Strong understanding of bulk messaging systems - Capability to provide a user-friendly interface - Experience with implementing secure user authentication systems Please provide examples of similar pr...

    $7135 Average bid
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    I'm in need of an IT specialist with extensive experience in configuring and customizing Vici Dialer. The tasks will include: - Tailoring the User Interface to meet specific needs - Setting up Call Routing and Campaigns efficiently - Ensuring smooth Integration with various other systems I have detailed documentation ready for all the required customizations. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in VoIP, telecommunication systems, and Vici Dialer in particular.

    $70 / hr Average bid
    $70 / hr 平均报价
    15 个竞标

    I require a skilled professional to install and configure VICIDIAL on a new CentOS server. The installation should include additional features such as custom reports, CRM integration, predictive dialing, and dialer outbound. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with VICIDIAL - Proficiency in CentOS - Ability to set up a new server - Knowledge of installing and configuring dialer features - Capability to implement custom reports and CRM integration I look forward to receiving your bids.

    $2324 Average bid
    $2324 平均报价
    11 个竞标

    I am looking for a professional with experience in developing a fully integrated call center communication system using ODOO VOIP with 3CX. The primary objective is to create a system that enhances call handling efficiency and provides comprehensive reporting capabilities for overall call center management. Key Project Requirements: - Integration of ODOO VOIP with 3CX for comprehensive call center management - Automation of customer interactions including incoming call routing, follow-up communications, and customer feedback collection - Implementation of crucial call center management features including real-time call monitoring, agent performance analytics, and CRM integration Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with ODOO VOIP and 3CX - Expertise in call center system dev...

    $101 / hr Average bid
    $101 / hr 平均报价
    11 个竞标

    I'm looking for a developer to create a VOPI Call Forwarding Portal. The design should closely mirror that of Key Features: - Automated Call Distribution - Call Recording - Call Monitoring - CC Wise Call Forwarding - Billing Portal The portal will only require an Admin user role. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing similar call forwarding portals - Strong programming skills - Good understanding of call distribution systems - Ability to replicate complex designs - Experience with creating billing portals Please only bid if you have previously worked on a project of this nature.

    $4508 Average bid
    $4508 平均报价
    16 个竞标

    Hello Everyone I Need Multitenan PBX and Custom Dialer and can display Billing on Softphone dialer (Windows, Android, IOS) if you have the service can offer it to me. and give me the offer and demo. thank you

    $4314 Average bid
    $4314 平均报价
    24 个竞标
