应用程序开发 Jobs

As technology continues to move forward, App Development is becoming an increasingly important component of modern businesses. App Developers can create software that can automate tedious tasks, optimize certain processes and connect clients with their customers or clients. As an App developer, you'll be responsible for understanding the customer’s needs, design applications that are engaging and easy to use, work with development platforms such as Android, iOS or Windows Phone, collaborate with designers and other development teams, and develop effective application testing procedures.

Here’s some projects that our expert App Developers made real:

  • Building applications that can authenticate customer information and simulate trades
  • Ensuring customer satisfaction and quality assurance through UX testing on Android platforms
  • Creating user friendly WebApps to integrate chat platforms
  • Developing cross platform mobile applications in both Android and IOS
  • Designing dynamic 3D online shopping malls for customers to browse
  • Integration of backend POS systems into offline Android Apps
  • Updating .Net webapp with additional features
  • Utilizing Google Sheets API in C# console applications to update range filters
  • Creating microcontroller designs per own requirements
  • Developing Artificial intelligent mobile Apps with the camera capabilities

At Freelancer.com, experienced App Developers will be able to create the perfect application for the client’s business needs within a specified timeframe. With a wide range of developers available worldwide, no task is too small or too big. We invite you to explore the range of services provided by our App Developers and post your project now on Freelancer.com so you can get the App Development services you need.

从149,679个评价中,客户给我们的 App Developers 打了4.9,共5星。
雇佣 App Developers

As technology continues to move forward, App Development is becoming an increasingly important component of modern businesses. App Developers can create software that can automate tedious tasks, optimize certain processes and connect clients with their customers or clients. As an App developer, you'll be responsible for understanding the customer’s needs, design applications that are engaging and easy to use, work with development platforms such as Android, iOS or Windows Phone, collaborate with designers and other development teams, and develop effective application testing procedures.

Here’s some projects that our expert App Developers made real:

  • Building applications that can authenticate customer information and simulate trades
  • Ensuring customer satisfaction and quality assurance through UX testing on Android platforms
  • Creating user friendly WebApps to integrate chat platforms
  • Developing cross platform mobile applications in both Android and IOS
  • Designing dynamic 3D online shopping malls for customers to browse
  • Integration of backend POS systems into offline Android Apps
  • Updating .Net webapp with additional features
  • Utilizing Google Sheets API in C# console applications to update range filters
  • Creating microcontroller designs per own requirements
  • Developing Artificial intelligent mobile Apps with the camera capabilities

At Freelancer.com, experienced App Developers will be able to create the perfect application for the client’s business needs within a specified timeframe. With a wide range of developers available worldwide, no task is too small or too big. We invite you to explore the range of services provided by our App Developers and post your project now on Freelancer.com so you can get the App Development services you need.

从149,679个评价中,客户给我们的 App Developers 打了4.9,共5星。
雇佣 App Developers


    15 找到工作

    Se requiere una aplicacion Android ( react native ) que permita. 1) leer un qr que debolvera po APIREST una coleccion de datos. 2) esta coleccion de datos un TOKEN + name + date ( más la firma) se debe grabar en una tarjeta. 3) se ocupará un celular para estas acciounes. 4) no requiere publicación de la app 5) existe una version en expo que ya hace el punto 1. 6) se requiere sacar el trabajo en 3 dias. 7) no requiere diseño solo funcion, será de uso interno. la version que se tiene esta en expo.

    $979 Average bid
    $979 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    BUDGET: $200-$400 (IF YOU CANNOT WORK IN THIS BUDGET, DO NOT APPLY) - YOU WILL PROVIDE YOUR TIMELINE We're building a comprehensive mobile app empowering users across Poker, Sports Betting, and Casino activities. This is a **one-time project with a fixed fee** upon successful completion. Figma Prototype provided to SHORT LIST ONLY. BUDGET: $200-$400 (IF YOU CANNOT WORK IN THIS BUDGET, DO NOT APPLY) - YOU PROVIDE YOUR REALISTIC TIMELINE **BB is your one-stop shop for:** * **Personalized Profiles:** Track preferred activities, bankroll, and past performance. * **Location-Based Scouting:** Find nearby casinos and relevant venues for your next play. * **In-Depth Reviews:** Contribute to and access verified reviews of players, machines, tables, and casino services. **Deep Dives into ...

    $3016 Average bid
    $3016 平均报价
    72 个竞标
    Android App Re-skin
    4 天 left

    Please bid the actual amount. I'm looking to have an Android app built based on an existing application (re-skin). I'll provide a sample apk file, you need to build new app and show me how to modify it if needed in future( adding new themes). Key Requirements: - New color scheme and theme: The app should reflect a fresh, appealing aesthetic that aligns with the new design palette. - Additional features or functionality: I'm open to suggestions for enhancements that could improve the app's performance and user engagement. - Improved user interface design: The app's UI should be intuitive, user-friendly, and visually pleasing. - admob account addition. Ideal Skills: - Strong experience in Android app development - Proficiency in UI/UX design - Capability to impl...

    $2728 Average bid
    $2728 平均报价
    66 个竞标

    1. App Overview This web-based app is designed for tracking interactions with key contacts. The app will allow the user (sinfge user) to add, manage, and track interactions with various contacts. It is crucial that only I, as the user, can access this app, and that no public access is permitted. 2. App Structure The app consists of the following core components: - Home Screen: Displays the main options like adding contacts, viewing a contact list, managing fields, and interaction history. - Add Contact Screen: Input fields for contact details (name, email, phone, company, etc.). - Contact List Screen: A sortable, filterable list of all added contacts, which links to individual contact cards. - Interaction List Screen: Displays all recorded interactions, including the ability to sort/filt...

    $9607 Average bid
    $9607 平均报价
    60 个竞标

    Estamos desarrollando una aplicación móvil llamada "ServiMatch" que conectará a personas con necesidades específicas (como reparaciones, entrega de documentos, asistencia técnica, etc.) con profesionales locales que puedan ofrecer esos servicios. La aplicación será completamente en español y se enfocará en proporcionar una experiencia de usuario intuitiva, eficiente y confiable tanto para los "Solicitantes" que necesitan un servicio como para los "Proveedores" que lo ofrecen. --------------------- Objetivo: Buscamos un desarrollador Flutter freelance con experiencia para implementar el frontend de la aplicación móvil, siguiendo los diseños UI/UX ya establecidos por nuestro d...

    $2114 Average bid
    $2114 平均报价
    28 个竞标

    Se deben realizar varios procesos: a) Cortar un pdf y generar varios pdf en distintos directorios, según criterio que se indica. b) Procesar segun citerios c) Contar. Etc

    $3132 Average bid
    $3132 平均报价
    23 个竞标

    I need a simple and straightforward Flutter-based chatting app. The app should primarily support text messaging, with the additional capability to share images and videos. Key Requirements: - Text Messaging: The core functionality of the app revolves around text-based communication. - Multimedia Sharing: Users should be able to share images and videos seamlessly within the chat. The app does not require any form of user authentication. Therefore, the focus should be on ensuring a smooth and intuitive chatting experience without any sign-up or login hurdles. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Flutter development. - Experience in creating chat applications is a plus. - Ability to implement multimedia sharing features. I am looking for a freelancer who can deliver a high-quality, functional ...

    $2340 Average bid
    $2340 平均报价
    70 个竞标

    We're currently facing challenges with accurately measuring height and shoulder width using a pre-built software tool. We measure these dimensions from a video feed, but the tool has been yielding inaccurate measurements, leading to complications in our project. We are using tensorflow for this, coding done in React Native. If you have prior experience with similar real-time projects and can help us troubleshoot and rectify this issue, we would very much like to hear from you.

    $3746 Average bid
    $3746 平均报价
    34 个竞标

    I'm in need of a seasoned developer to create a messaging platform that works both as a mobile app and a web application. The platform should be able to send messages via WhatsApp and SMS, as well as handle a large contact list of over 15,000. Core Features: - Group Messaging: The platform should allow users to create and participate in group conversations. - Media File Sharing: Users should be able to share photos, videos, and other media files seamlessly. - Message Scheduling: A key feature will be the ability for users to schedule their messages for future delivery. User Authentication: - The login mechanism for this platform will be Email and Password. The implementation should ensure this is secure, user-friendly, and efficient. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in bo...

    $1788 Average bid
    $1788 平均报价
    27 个竞标

    I need a feature added to my existing Adalo app that allows users to download a specific collection as a CSV file. Requirements: - The collection consists of text files. - The CSV should contain transaction history. Ideal Skills: - Experience with Adalo app development. - Proficient in CSV file creation and data mapping.

    $1780 Average bid
    $1780 平均报价
    33 个竞标

    Buonasera vorrei realizzare un app per gestire gli incassi e i costi derivanti da locazioni come da file allegato attendo preventivo di spesa

    $58257 Average bid
    $58257 平均报价
    24 个竞标

    Preciso de desenvolver um aplicativo ou web que tenha um player de áudio, com botões de avançar, voltar, pausar, play, voltar 10 segundos, retroceder 10 segundo, com wave de sonora, podendo escolher onde voltar com agulha em certo ponto da wave. A intenção do app é poder ensaiar com as músicas.

    $3630 Average bid
    $3630 平均报价
    26 个竞标

    To create a comprehensive online platform that connects life sciences students and professionals, providing opportunities for networking, job seeking, education, and collaboration. without hosting & domain. Key Features: User Profiles: Detailed profiles for individuals and companies, including education, experience, skills, and connections. Search Functionality: Advanced search options to find users, companies, courses, and resources. Networking: Features for connecting with other users, sending messages, and joining groups. Job Board: A platform for posting and applying to jobs in the life sciences field. Content Sharing: The ability to share articles, blog posts, and other relevant content. Groups: Formation of groups based on specific areas of interest or specialization. Events: ...

    $4026 Average bid
    $4026 平均报价
    19 个竞标

    I'm looking for a seasoned mobile app developer to take over an existing social networking project. The app is designed for both iOS and Android and is currently in the testing phase. Key Features of the App: - User authentication, onboarding, and account recovery. - Publishing short text content, viewing drafts, and post interaction (comments, reactions). - Request/meetup system with location and filtering options. - In-app notifications, reports, and payments using in-app currency (skulls). - Admin panel for user management, analytics, and content moderation. Ideal Candidate: - Strong experience with React Native for mobile development (iOS & Android). - Experience with backend hosting (Render or similar) and database management (Aiven Console or similar). - Familiarity with F...

    $2386 Average bid
    $2386 平均报价
    47 个竞标
