Wpf silver light website needed工作


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2,000 wpf silver light website needed 找到工作

我们公司的网站 已经上线了一段时间,但我们没有看到自然搜索量的显着增加。我们正在寻找一位专门的 SEO 专家,最好是专注于反向链接建设,他可以帮助我们提高 Google 排名。我们对客座帖子反向链接特别感兴趣,虽然我们没有具体的网站列表,但我们希望你对合适的平台提出建议。 主要职责: - 识别并获取高质量的客座文章反向链接 - 提高我们网站的整体 Google 排名 - 为潜在的客座文章网站提供见解和建议 理想技能: - 在 SEO 和反向链接构建方面拥有成熟的经验 - 对 Google 排名因素有很好的理解 - 较强的沟通技巧,可提供清晰的更新和建议 如果我们看到积极的结果,这可能会变成长期合作。

$2044 Average bid
$2044 平均报价
60 个竞标

...synchronize membership management features on the iOS client, including user registration, login, and subscription management, consistent with the Android version. Responsibilities: Feature Synchronization & Consistency: Sync all features from the Android source code to the Flutter-based iOS version. Ensure consistency in UI design, user experience, and interactions, adding response status pop-ups as needed. Issue Resolution & Debugging: Resolve any issues that arise during the iOS development process, ensuring stable connections, proper UI alignment, and responsive features. Improve the overall stability and user experience of the application. Backend Code Optimization: Update and optimize backend code to ensure compatibility with the Flutter-based iOS version. Enhan...

$4632 Average bid
$4632 平均报价
13 个竞标

Hi, I need a person located in China to have 20 friends fill up this questionnaire (phone number and name required, and will be randomly verified for validity). Details are listed below in Chinese. Thanks for bidding! 这是一份关于国内健康风险的市场调查问卷,总共需要完成20份,可以使用经自己朋友同意的信息,只要求真实性。 注意事项:(1)每份问卷的姓名和联系电话要真实有效,提交后会抽查核实(2)参与调查人员的年龄分布要大致均衡(3)受调查人员只限居住在中国境内(4)问卷是电子版本,问卷结果以电子文档形式提交(pdf.、doc.)

$194 Average bid
$194 平均报价
2 个竞标

...OB(chip on board)技术,主COB灯提供强大的220流明的白光泛光灯,镜头式聚光灯可缩放光束和聚焦,可调节灯的角度,您可以根据需要,将光线聚焦在确切的工作区域,可大幅提高每平方英寸的流明输出,为您提供更高的质量和更高的效率。 稳定的支架(stable stand)----180度可旋转支架,防滑的把手设计,当把LED灯置于地面时,它形成V型,这样更加稳定起固定作用。 超强吸力的磁性底座----可帮助您牢固地粘在任何金属表面,轻松的将光线安装在免提操作的地方。 360度可旋转挂钩----给您在悬空的工作情况下提供方便,可以轻松的挂到任何地方。 用途广----便携式使我们的工作灯非常适合家庭,户外露营,汽车修理,园艺工作,电子工作,紧急,野生应用等。 我们的优势: 采用符合FCC,CE证书的环保材料制成,确保安全。 产品信息: 名称:COB LED work light 品牌:wekine 灯珠: 1XPE+1COB work lights 规格尺寸:21*6.5*3.2cm 包装:彩盒 重量:202g 特点: 适合家庭,户外露营,钓鱼,汽车修理,园艺工作,电子工作,紧急,野生应用等。 我们的服务:: 我们相信我们的产品。Wekineg COB LED 工作灯享有60天退换货和365天的保修

$218 Average bid
$218 平均报价
1 个竞标

1、需要.NET SCATTER图形控件(WPF优先,实在不行可以用WINFORM) ,不限制是自己写的还是第三方的。 2、基本效果如图。 3、控件数据源是不超过20组数组,都是画点。点的信息包含:X(double),Y(double),TAG(object) 4、点的大小可以设置。 5、每组数据源画的点颜色可以设置。 6、数据源是可以动态追加、删除的,并且会直接反映了图形改变。如数据源添加5个点,图形就会多5个点。 7、图形的宽度(指的是X范围)、左边界可以设置。如宽2000,,左150,右就是2149就是说可以显示,X>=150<=2149的点。 8、Y范围也可以设置。 9、每组数据源缓存10000点,超过自动丢弃。 10、黄色竖线为最后点画的位置。 11、其他的横线为参考线,做成可以动态设置的。 1)横线的Y可以设置,宽带就是满屏不需要改。 2)横线的颜色,是否为虚线要能设置。   12、需要源代码,如用到第3方控件 ,需要没有使用限制。

$4515 Average bid
$4515 平均报价
6 个竞标
PHP Programmer Needed
已经结束 left

目前我们有个PHP项目(已有国外accelerator选中),主要是帮助欧洲中小企业更好地找中国大陆的产品或者供应商。 希望找一位负责任的PHP工程师,developer Laravel to mantain web application already done (90%) based on support tickets model. Requested skill: HTML, CSS e Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and jQuery, Blade, Eloquent and basic knowlege of LAMP to work in deploy mode. 目前我们考虑的是技术入股(都可以商量),有兴趣的话,其他方面都可以详聊。 (只要有心做好这个项目,在职人员、自由职业者等都可以。懂英语的优先)

$4197 Average bid
$4197 平均报价
6 个竞标

1.制作一种扁平化WPF点歌软件(主要界面) 2.启动时先显示Loading页面, 发生错误会提示红色错误文字提示, 底部有3种按钮:退出, 重试, 忽略 3.进入系统后主页有:按歌手查找, 按歌曲查找, 按语种查找, 按类别查找, 排行榜, 新歌榜, 切换系统, 消费, 系统...等选择界面. 可以参考类似于WIN8的Metro风格. 扁平化的.(顶部左边有LOGO, 中间显示当前播放歌曲, 和下一首, 右边) 4.进入按歌曲查找后:打开页面. 右边有输入英文字的地方, 用于搜索歌曲. 也可以删除或清楚输入的内容.左边显示歌曲列表. 编号, 歌曲名, 歌手名. 左边有几个按钮(优先:单击后优先播放. 已唱: 代表已经, 选中:代表已选择). 歌曲列表中的歌曲可以选择并播放. 选择时有动画效果. 并右边的已选中会选中, 如果再选一次, 则相当于取消选择. 列表底部有页数, 也翻页按钮. 也可以下滑或者左右滑动来翻页 5.进入按类别选择跟上面的页面类似, 唯一不同的是顶部有选择: 全部, 流行, 舞曲,民歌,怀旧,儿童,CLUB,戏曲,其他..等选择 6.进入按语言选择,也是跟上面的页面类似,只是顶部换了:全部, 中国,欧美,日韩, 土耳其, 乌兹别克,印度,中国港台, 其他 7排行榜和新歌跟第4个一样. 8.按歌手搜索类似于歌曲查找, 唯一不同的是左边显示歌手图片(图片大小100*140), 图片下面显示歌手名字. 并不有:全部, 中国男歌手, 中国女歌手, 港台男歌手,港台女歌手, 其他男歌手, 其他女歌手, 其他...选择.选择歌手图片后相当于进入了第4个. 只是顶部显示歌手名: XX. 而每个歌手或者歌曲搜索页面底部有固定的一些按钮, 如:首页, 切歌, 暂停(选中后变:恢复), 重唱,伴奏(选择后变:歌曲),分享,...

$5666 Average bid
$5666 平均报价
3 个竞标

first of first , you need to know Cantonese, if you dont, pls dont click here. second, you need have wedding video editing experience. third, pls review it before you turn it in to me, white balance / color / light correction, sound adjustment, background music and montage is needed (i have sample that i did before, so you can check and follow) . pls turn in on time. this is a Chinese in America wedding, Cantonese style. 3-5 camera angel , from tea ceremony, church ceremony , wedding boutiques whole day. here is the footage sample.

$1788 - $2098
$1788 - $2098
0 个竞标

我们公司自产自销汽车改装车灯,希望找人帮我们在各类社交媒体上进行软文或者视频推广。 推荐产品如下:http://www.amazon.com/Fengdu-Light-Off-road-Combo-Ultra-bright/dp/B00NXC5ZTS/ref=sr_1_cc_2?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1413777330&sr=1-2-catcorr&keywords=fengdu+light+bar

$233 Average bid
$233 平均报价
1 个竞标

Following is the format and structure of the requirement 论文计划书要求 开题报告 第一章 绪论(20%) -前言Pendahuluan -研究背景Latar belakang kajian -问题提出Pernyataan masalah -研究思路Kerangka Konseptual -研究目的(最多3项)Objektif kajian – (maksimum 3 objektif) -研究问题(3至5项)Soalan kajian – (antara 3 – 5 persoalan) -研究的重要性Kepentingan kajian -研究范围Batasan kajian -变量的表述Definisi pembolehubah -小结Rumusan 第二章 文献回顾(10%) -前言Pendahuluan -理论与相关概念Teori dan konsep berkaitan -过往研究Kajian-kajian lepas -小结Rumusan 第三章 研究方法(10%) -前言Pendahuluan -研究设计Rekabentuk kajian -采样(研究对象)Persampelan -研究工具Instrument kajian -数据分析(描述性)Anali...

$1749 Average bid
$1749 平均报价
2 个竞标
UGC Needed for Instagram Ad
6 天 left

I'm seeking a User Generated Content creator to shoot an advertisement similar to this one: This ad will be promoting a digital service on Instagram, and should mimic the tone and style of the referenced video.

$179 Average bid
$179 平均报价
3 个竞标

I'm seeking experienced QA testers for a thorough examination of my web application. The application needs testing across both desktop and mobile platforms. Key Responsibilities: - Test user authentication processes for seamless access and security. - Evaluate data input and processing for accuracy and efficiency. - Inspect payment system integration for reliability and correctness. Ideal candidates will possess: - Extensive experience in web application QA testing. - Proficiency in assessing functionalities on both desktop and mobile platforms. - Expertise in scrutinizing user authentication, data processing, and payment systems. Your contributions will be pivotal in ensuring a smooth, user-friendly experience for my application.

$39 / hr Average bid
$39 / hr 平均报价
5 个竞标

I'm facing performance issues with my Oracle 10g database, specifically slow query execution related to tables. I need someone with expertise in performance tuning to help me optimize the database's performance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in Oracle 10g - Proven experience in database performance tuning - Familiarity with troubleshooting slow query execution - Understanding of optimizing database tables - Experience with database backup and recovery tasks

$1135 Average bid
$1135 平均报价
16 个竞标
Social Media Expert Needed
6 天 left

I'm looking for a seasoned social media manager to help boost our brand visibility on Facebook and Instagram. Key Responsibilities: - Content Creation: Develop engaging promotional posts, interactive stories, customer testimonials, and Reels. - Brand Awareness: Implement strategies to enhance our visibility across these platforms. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in social media management, particularly on Facebook and Instagram. - Creative content creation skills, particularly for interactive stories and Reels. - Experience with brand awareness campaigns.

$653 Average bid
$653 平均报价
27 个竞标

I'm looking for a skilled Elementor WordPress designer/developer to help me copy-paste a business template in order to create additional pages for my site. Requirements: - Create 6-10 service pages based on an existing template. - Ensure the pages are consistent with the template's design and functionality. - Ensure right images are placed at all the places - The content needs to be picked up from chatgpt and put in the relevant sections Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress and Elementor. - Previous experience in designing business websites. - Attention to detail to maintain design consistency across all pages.

$62 / hr Average bid
$62 / hr 平均报价
158 个竞标

Looking for a skilled Rhino designer. Specific tasks and industry applications are yet to be defined. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling, Rendering and Scripting with Rhino - Versatile across various industries: Architectural, Product and Jewelry design - Familiar with different file formats: .3dm, .stl, .obj - Good communication skills for task clarification and project updates

$134 - $1114
$134 - $1114
3 个竞标

I'm in need of a Chinese language content expert who can create engaging articles focusing on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Nutrition and Diet. The target audience is the general public, so the content should be accessible and informative, yet not overly technical. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Chinese language with excellent writing skills - Deep understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Nutrition and Diet - Experience in creating content for the general public - Background in health-related content creation is a plus The goal is to foster health conversations within the Chinese-speaking community.

$148 / hr Average bid
$148 / hr 平均报价
5 个竞标

laravel & flutter full stack dev needed at affordable price

$93 Average bid
$93 平均报价
12 个竞标

I'm seeking a developer to configure and set up the metadata for my already-launched Solana token on mainnet. The necessary metadata JSON file and logo PNG are already uploaded on Pinata and we have an Arweave account set up. Key Requirements: - Configuration of the token metadata on mainnet. - Ensuring seamless integration with Solana's Token Metadata Program. - Verification of the metadata on Solscan and prominent Solana wallets, primarily Phantom Wallet and Solflare Wallet. This is the token metadata on Devnet, we want it like this on mainnet: (). I will send you the mainnet token URL via chat. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience with IPFS, Pinata, and Arweave. - Deep understanding of token metadata on the Solana network. - Ability to deliver on time and ensu...

$979 Average bid
$979 平均报价
8 个竞标

I'm seeking a meticulous tester for my website. The primary focus would be on evaluating the user interface and performance Key Testing Areas: - User Interface: Ensure all elements are functioning as intended and provide a smooth user experience. - Performance: Identify any potential bottlenecks or slowdowns in load times or transitions. Browser Testing: - Google Chrome: Primary browser for testing. - Mozilla Firefox: Ensure compatibility and functionality. - Safari: Test performance on this browser too. Ideal skills and experience: - Previous experience in website testing. - Strong attention to detail. - Proficient in testing across multiple browsers. - Excellent understanding of UI and performance testing methodologies.

$39 / hr Average bid
$39 / hr 平均报价
16 个竞标

I'm in need of an engaging and humorous book cover for my novel, which is a comical spy adventure. Key Requirements: - The cover should reflect the humorous tone of the story. - Ideally, it should include elements typical of spy stories, but portrayed in a light-hearted, comical way. Ideal Skills: - Graphic design and illustration - Experience creating book covers, particularly in the adventure and comedy genres - Ability to convey a specific mood through design - Understanding of typical spy story elements Please provide samples of your previous work, particularly any that fit within this genre. I look forward to working with you!

$1430 Average bid
$1430 平均报价
102 个竞标

I'm searching for an experienced Django developer to create a straightforward Python application. The app should scrape mixed data from databases, store it in an SQL database (preferably PostgreSQL or MySQL), and expose it as a REST API with token-based authentication. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a Python application using Django - Scrape mixed data from a website - scrapping scripts available , which are now writing to excel - Store the data in an SQL database - Expose the data as a REST API - Implement token-based authentication for the API Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Python and Django - Experience with data scraping - Familiarity with SQL databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL) - Knowledge of REST API development - Understanding of token-based authentication sy...

$2308 Average bid
$2308 平均报价
86 个竞标

I require assistance with typing some printed texts into a PDF document. The typed content will involve standard text formatting along with headings and subheadings. Ideal Skills: - Fast and accurate typing - Proficiency in PDF creation - Attention to detail for formatting - Ability to follow specific formatting instructions Experience: - Prior experience in typing printed texts - Familiarity with standard text formatting, headings and subheadings.

$78 / hr Average bid
$78 / hr 平均报价
57 个竞标

I'm in search of an HR professional for recruitment who meets the following criteria: - Minimum 1 year of experience in Human Resource and recruitment - Native/professional fluency in Persian and English - Well versed with HR tools - Good understanding of using social media platforms, specifically LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram - Good spoken and written communication skills Location: Schengen region

$3070 Average bid
$3070 平均报价
13 个竞标

I need an Excel expert to help me create a well-structured employee list compatible with Mac and Microsoft. The list should be able to filter by continent and alphab...able to filter by continent and alphabetically. Details I need for each employee include: - Name - Address - Continent - Country - Email - Telephone - Brand - Start Date - And more The template I purchased requires some modifications, including color adjustments to light shades. I'm open to other employee lists that are comprehensive and useful. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Excel - Experience with data structuring and filtering - Ability to modify Excel templates - Attention to detail - Understanding of light color schemes Please ensure the final Excel list is neat, error-free and re...

$256 Average bid
$256 平均报价
80 个竞标

I'm looking for an experienced website builder to create a multifaceted site for me. It needs to serve as: - An e-commerce platform: This should come complete with all essential features including a shopping cart, product reviews, and a customer login system. - A portfolio: I want to showcase my graphic design projects on this site, so it should have a clean, professional layout that can highlight my work effectively. - A Blog: I intend to share insights and updates, so a simple yet effective blog section is a must. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in building e-commerce sites, portfolios, and blogs. You should have a keen understanding of graphic design, as this will help in creating an appealing and cohesive site. Your skills should incl...

$2246 Average bid
$2246 平均报价
38 个竞标

We Need 3 team for our 3 of projects, your job is to SEO consultants on each project> to better performance we award each project for each team to manage. your task is following but not limited. Full SEO Audit Keyword Research On-Page SEO Review Content Strategy Technical SEO Fixes Backlink Strategy Reports & Action Plan More... AS SEO Consultant Should Give Us Regularly: A monthly SEO audit report (with progress and issues). A task list to complete. Keyword research documents. Content plan (topics, titles, word count). Backlink ideas or plans. Ongoing advice on how to improve More...

$326 Average bid
$326 平均报价
64 个竞标

I'm looking for a talented AI Developer with 3-4 years experience in the development of AI tools, automations, and preferably, voice-based AI. The main aim of this project is to develop AI Agents. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and optimize voice-based AI models for speech recognition, NLP, and conversational AI. - Implement ML algorithms to enhance voice interaction accuracy and user experience. - Integrate AI solutions with existing systems and ensure real-time processing efficiency. - Collaborate with cross-functional teams to refine AI-driven voice applications. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in voice-based AI development. - Strong understanding of speech recognition and NLP. - Proficiency in implementing ML algorithms. - Excellent collaboration skills for cro...

$10756 Average bid
$10756 平均报价
6 个竞标

I'm seeking a fresh writer to help me craft a compelling chapter on the implications of AI in personalized medicine. The chapter's focus isn't set yet, so you will have the freedom to explore various facets such as drug development, patient diagnosis, and treatment planning. Key Responsibilities: - Research and analyze different aspects of AI in personalized medicine. - Craft an engaging and informative book chapter. No of Words : 6500 (Excluding Abstract, Conclusion and References) Refernces : Min 15 ( 50 % from 2025/2024/2023 and 80% from Scopus / SCI/ WoS indexed) Plagarisum : Max 10 % AI Content: Less than 20% No of picture :Min 3 (don't copy directly from Internet) No of Table : Min 1 Freshers Welcome... Please note that the specific topic within higher educat...

$140 / hr Average bid
$140 / hr 平均报价
47 个竞标

I am seeking a skilled writer to help me craft a non-fiction e-book focused on financial resilience strategies and wealth protection during crises. This book is targeted at individuals, aiming to equip them with practical and actionable strategies to safeguard their wealth. Key Skills Required: - Exceptional writing and storytelling abilities - Strong research abilities - Experience writing non-fiction targeted at individuals - Ability to simplify complex concepts for general understanding - Prior experience in crisis-related writing is a plus Your proposal should include relevant writing samples, . The ideal candidate will have the ability to engage readers and impart knowledge in an accessible and relatable manner.

$1803 Average bid
$1803 平均报价
46 个竞标

I'm facing critical functionality issues in both my iOS app (built with SwiftUI) and my web platform (built with CodeIgniter). I need a skilled developer to help troubleshoot and resolve these problems. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and fix functionality issues across both platforms - Work remotely via AnyDesk Requirements: - Extensive experience with iOS (SwiftUI) and Web (CodeIgniter) - Proven track record of troubleshooting and fixing functionality problems - Strong understanding of user authentication, data retrieval and storage, and third-party integrations - Quick response time and ability to work under pressure I can provide specific error messages and codes that appear when the issues occur.

$1158 Average bid
$1158 平均报价
22 个竞标

I'm looking for a skilled PNG designer to create an image identical to the one attached: The original image has a watermark and a background effect. I need a designer who can: 1. Recreate the exact same image with a different watermark, maintaining the same effect. 2. Alternatively, remove the watermark from the original image without compromising the effect. *Important:* I require an exact replica of the image, with every detail, effect, and element identical to the original. Please bid on this project if you have the necessary skills and experience to deliver an exact, identical image that meets my requirements.

$101 Average bid
$101 平均报价
14 个竞标

I'm a writer seeking a talented ghostwriter to help bring my vision to life. My project is a fiction piece in the heart-pounding, edge-of-your-seat thriller genre. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in ghostwriting fiction, particularly thrillers - Strong command of narrative pacing and tension-building - Ability to understand and execute on a provided vision - Excellent communication skills for collaborative process The selected freelancer will be integral to the development of this thrilling narrative. I look forward to working together to craft a page-turner that keeps readers guessing until the very last page.

$78 / hr Average bid
$78 / hr 平均报价
16 个竞标

I'm seeking a seasoned accountant to assist in determining the share of two business partners in our company. The task involves a detailed calculation of their respective shares, taking into account a complex loan scenario. Key tasks: - Calculate share distribution between partners. - Analyze the impact of a $20,000 loan (with $2,900 in interest, fully covered by Partner B) on share division. - Review partial payments made towards the loan and their influence on the final share division. Requirements: - Must have TeamViewer for discussions and screen sharing. - Proficiency in reviewing . - Experience in calculating partner shares in business ventures. - Ability to work with detailed financial records. All necessary records of loan payments are available and complete. The ideal cand...

$93 Average bid
$93 平均报价
24 个竞标

I'm seeking a professional with extensive knowledge and experience in Classic AUTOSAR system architecture, specifically focusing on the communication stack. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement effective communication strategies within the Classic AUTOSAR framework. - Ensure seamless interaction between various ECU software components and basic software modules. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in system architecture with Classic AUTOSAR. - Deep understanding of the communication stack in Classic AUTOSAR. - Strong software development background. - Experience in testing and validation of system architecture. - Ability to design and implement effective communication strategies.

$163 / hr Average bid
$163 / hr 平均报价
3 个竞标
UI/UX Expert Needed
6 天 left

I'm looking for a talented UI/UX designer to enhance one of the existing application screen and help to re-design it with better UI/UX and simple navigation. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze the current usability of the desktop application - Design and implement improvements to the UI/UX - Focus specifically on data entry forms Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in UI/UX design, specifically for desktop applications - Strong understanding of designing user-friendly data entry forms - Ability to modernize the look and feel of the application while improving usability

$101 / hr Average bid
$101 / hr 平均报价
146 个竞标

¿Te gusta chatear y tienes habilidades persuasivas? ¡Conviértelo en tu trabajo! Estamos buscando personas con talento para la conversación y la venta, que deseen generar ingresos de manera estable desde casa. ? Sobre el Puesto: Como agente de ventas por chat, tu trabajo consistirá en mantener conversaciones con clientes a través de plataformas en línea, fomentar su fidelización y guiarlos estratégicamente para maximizar las ventas. No se requiere experiencia, te capacitamos en todas las técnicas necesarias para triunfar. ? Lo que Ofrecemos: ✅ Trabajo 100% remoto con jornada laboral fija de 8 horas diarias. ✅ Sueldo base de $3 USD/hora. ✅ Bonos e incentivos grupales por cumplimiento de objetivos. ✅ Capacitación ...

$54 / hr Average bid
$54 / hr 平均报价
4 个竞标

...for a creative video editor to bring our ‘Design Your Own Leotard’ journey to life! Earlier this year, we ran a competition where our gymnasts submitted their dream leotard designs. Now, we want to tell that story in a fun, engaging promotional video—from the first sketches to the final winning leotard! What We Need: -A dynamic short-form video (around 30-60 seconds) for social media & website use -Creative storytelling that takes viewers through the journey—from hand-drawn entries to the final product - -Incorporation of photos, videos, and animations (we’ll provide some competition entries, templates, and final design) -Fun, energetic editing style that matches the excitement of gymnastics & the creative process -Catchy music...

$194 Average bid
0 项参赛作品

Freelancer Needed: Social Media & Freelancing Platform Manager for Digital Marketing Agency We are looking for an experienced freelancer to manage and optimize our freelancing and social media platforms. The ideal candidate will be responsible for: -Bidding on relevant projects across freelancing platforms - Cold emailing and cold calling to generate leads - Managing customer inquiries and providing top-notch customer service - Handling lead generation and client acquisition strategies - Optimizing our social media presence for better engagement and visibility - Updating and optimizing our freelancer profiles and bios across all platforms Requirements: - Minimum of 2 years of experience in freelancing platform management, lead generation, and client acquisition ...

$2316 Average bid
$2316 平均报价
23 个竞标

Need a wordpress developer and designer , NO ADVANCE PAYMENT , LOW BUDGET PROJECT, DON'T BID IF YOU CANT WORK IN THIS BUDGET You have design a functional page similar to Amazon Play Zone on our website Fixed Budget : ₹650 ONLY + 5 Star Review & Recommendation We have so many small small on going projects and will outsource all the projects to you if this one goes well. Start your bid with "Magic"

$62 Average bid
$62 平均报价
17 个竞标

I'm seeking a highly organized and proactive Executive Assistant (EA) to join my online marketing company. This is a full-time, long-term role, with a minimum commitment of 1 year. Key Responsibilities: - Managing my email - Scheduling my calendar - Booking my travel - Coordinating various projects - Conducting research and preparing reports - Handling any incoming tasks Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in administrative work - Experienced with ClickUp - Possessing excellent communication skills - Able to work full-time, with some schedule overlap with the team Please start your application text with "I am the best fit for this role, because.. ". In your application, include: 1. A brief description of yourself 2. Why do you feel you qualify 3. What is your expected monthly s...

$2176 Average bid
$2176 平均报价
13 个竞标

I'm in need of a talented voice artist who can bring life to various cartoon characters intended for a teen audience. Ideal candidates would have experience in character voice acting, particularly for cartoons. Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in character voice acting, particularly for cartoons - A voice range suitable for portraying various cartoon characters - Ability to understand and cater to a teen audience - Prior experience in the radio industry would be a plus - Creativity and ability to take direction and bring characters to life

$16 / hr Average bid
$16 / hr 平均报价
2 个竞标

I'm looking for a skilled Laravel developer to help with some quick fixes. Please note, this project is not for auto bidders. some responsive issues some fields need to limitations and add some fields in register form and add fuel price form + some admin side forms fields needs adjustments and limitations add side banner for advertisement manageable from admin map not working properly and search as well add about us page attached screen shot Please do not bid over project budget and dont bid if you didnt read project details properly

$109 Average bid
$109 平均报价
41 个竞标

I'm in need of a talented fashion designer who specializes in women's casual clothing. The goal is to create a unique and appealing line of casual wear that stands out in the market. This project involves: - Conceptualizing and designing a range of women's casual wear - Understanding and incorporating current fashion trends - Creating designs that cater to a wide range of body types and personal styles Ideal candidates should have a strong portfolio in women's casual clothing and a keen understanding of the target audience. Experience in working with manufacturers and understanding of production processes would be a plus. Your creativity, understanding of fashion trends, and ability to cater designs to a diverse audience will be key to the success of this project.

$93 Average bid
$93 平均报价
6 个竞标

I'm looking for an experienced web developer to create a robust E-commerce site for selling physical products. Key Features: - The site should include a comprehensive inventory management system to track stock levels and manage product listings. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Website Develop platform development. - Experience in creating and managing Website.

$1982 Average bid
$1982 平均报价
68 个竞标

I'm in dire need of a skilled developer proficient in both SwiftUI and CodeIgniter to resolve some crucial functionality problems in my app. The issues span across both iOS and web platforms, and I require immediate assistance. Ideal skills and experience: - Extensive experience with iOS (SwiftUI) and Web (CodeIgniter) - Proven track record of troubleshooting and fixing functionality problems - Ability to work remotely via AnyDesk - Strong understanding of user authentication, data retrieval and storage, and third-party integrations - Quick response time and ability to work under pressure

$1018 Average bid
$1018 平均报价
32 个竞标

Freelance Website Designer Needed for Therapist Directory in UK for indian, punjabi cultural understanding I am looking for a talented freelance website designer to create a therapist directory website. The project involves copying the functionality and design of an existing UK therapist directory site. The ideal candidate will have experience in website design, particularly in creating directories, and be able to deliver the project quickly.

$93 Average bid
$93 平均报价
1 个竞标

We are looking for a skilled individual to join our team as a Recruitment and Human Resources Specialist. In this role, you'll be instrumental in refining our recruitment strategies, managing job postings, and supporting the interview process. The ideal candidate will have strong organizational skills and a solid understanding of HR best practices. If you're passionate about matching people with the right opportunities and are proactive in driving HR initiatives, we'd love to hear from you! This position involves working closely with team leaders to help us attract the best talent to our organization.

$117 / hr Average bid
$117 / hr 平均报价
20 个竞标

We are seeking a native speaker of Hong Kong's variant of Cantonese to translate a large document from simplified Chinese to traditional Chinese (Hong Kong), kindly contact us on WhatsApp: ‪+31645346534‬

$148 / hr Average bid
$148 / hr 平均报价
39 个竞标