...setting to automatically load a preset role when users first interact with the chatbot. All role configurations should be customizable in the backend for easy adjustments of role content and policies. (This item is missing; there is no number 7 in the original document.) Chat Voice Functionality Add a voice interaction feature allowing users to engage with the chatbot through voice. The voice functionality should consume user tokens, with backend logging to prevent misuse. Image Voice Functionality Add a feature for voice descriptions of images, allowing users to hear a description of the content. This feature should also consume user tokens, with backend logging to prevent misuse. Cloudflare R2 Storage Configuration We have purchased a Clou...
...encrypted). We need to develop an management panel that is exactly the same as it. And add some new functions to make it more suitable for mobile phone display effects. Optimize AI functions: Add new functions and optimize AI functions: including: the original AI Chat function (add canvas function, search function, memory function, multimodal function, export document function, real-time voice interaction function, voice to text function, memory function), AI drawing function (add editable pictures, expand picture function, select redraw function, remove background, picture design canvas), AI music function (can generate music with one click, make partial modification to the generated music, music composer lyrics matching function, add our watermark logo), AI video funct...
...encountered several issues that need to be resolved by an experienced Android developer. Main issues include: Membership Time Loading Error: When the app starts, there's an error in loading the membership time, causing the app to remain in a loading (spinning) state and unable to proceed to the main interface. Menu Click and Language Switching Issues: Clicking on menus and switching language buttons may cause the app to loop or redirect continuously. Sometimes, after switching to another language, it automatically reverts back to English and doesn't retain the user's chosen language. Publishing to Google Play Internal Testing: After fixing the above issues, I need assistance in publishing the app to Google Play's internal testing track for further testing ...
...everyone would make it full-time. The game has not yet been launched, and will be launched on May 5. Our first crowdfunding, we got nearly one million dollars in fundraising within 5 days. However, the ship design and model at that time could not reach the quality approval of the team. After the game is launched in the future, the sale of ships will be one of our main income channels, so long-term cooperation is needed to provide a stable and high-quality original painting and modeling team for a long time. The cost of the specific original painting and modeling is not lower than the market price, but more importantly, it is determined based on the experience, style and quality of the original artist and modeler....
...Ajax charts. Demo: 2. Users can comment only when they have made a statement, and the current position of the user will be displayed next to his/her comment avatar. “Undecided” users may also make a comment. 3. Users can alter their past statement record at any time. User A can invite user B to make a statement on a specific issue, and the invitation will also be recorded in user B's statement record page. 4. Each “issue” has a set of round time when it is created, ranging from one day, three days and one week. The round time may not be altered once it is set. 5. In each round, the positive(those who “Mostly Agree” and “Agree”) and the negative(those who “Mostly Disagree” and “Disagree”) ca...
Dream Go 成立于2009年,坐标纽约曼哈顿。得天独厚的地理优势让我们与全美众多大学建立了深厚的联系,掌握了大量留学专业和项目的独家信息。公司主营业务包括:美国初高中申请、美国本硕博申请、美国转学、名企求职和学员背景提升等项目。和其他留学机构不同的是,我们关注同事留学申请后的服务,对学生进入美国院校就读后可能会遇到的法律、税务和保险问题提供专业解决方案。短短十年间,公司已经为数以万计的学生圆了名校梦,我们专业、细心、周到的服务赢得了客户的广泛赞誉。
Hola, necesito alguienq ue me ayude a grabar esto, está en chino, la usaré para hacer el mismo video que dejo como ejemplo, solo que en chino. muchas graicas! 时代变了 你需要一辆出租车吗?最大的运输公司Uber没有汽车。最大的内容公司不生成它。 Airbnb没有物业。 技术增长导致所有行业不可阻挡的增长,为所有人创造了更多更好的机会。但要记住这个词,因为它会改变你的生活。 Cryptocurrencies,金钱的新时代。 比特币彻底改变了一切! 加密货币是一种数字资源,可用作货币,使用加密技术来控制其创建和使用。它们比银行当局控制的货币要好。 它们成倍增长,在2009年它们的价值并不高,但在2017年,每个比特币的平均价格达到了19,000美元。 来看看我们的薪酬计划,旨在为您提供等待获胜的机会。我们团队的经验以及市场中企业领导者的信心完全支持。 您可以选择我们拥有的不同套餐以及每个套餐为您提供的优惠,您可以选择您想要赚取的金额。此外,您将了解5种赚钱方式: - 20%快速启动奖金 - 宾果奖金 - 扑克奖金 - 每日奖金 - 领导奖金 钱在变,你会留下来看吗? 今天加入!
احتاج معلق صوتى لتسجيل مواضيع جاهزة باللغة العربية ولكن اريد تسجيل صوتى ب اللغة الاسبانية
招兼职剪接声音的人。一个声音(短则8分钟,长则30分钟) 要求:降噪,去除杂音,音量提高,去掉口癖(如这个、那个、额、长段空白、咳嗽等),笑声可保留。 输出声音格式要求:MP3,高音质,立体声,大小控制在50MB以内 ENGLISH A person who works part-time to cut the sound. One voice (8 minutes short and 30 minutes long) Requirements: Noise reduction, noise removal, volume increase, remove the mouth (such as this, that, forehead, long blank, cough, etc.), laughter can be retained. Output sound format requirements: MP3, high sound quality, stereo, size control within 50MB
我们是中国的翻译公司,长期有配音业务需要寻找个人配音人员。现在寻找以下语言的配音人员:English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Hindi,以及其他语言
我们是中国的翻译公司,长期有配音业务需要寻找个人配音人员。现在寻找以下语言的配音人员:English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Hindi,以及其他语言
Project based on Education Requirement: —20岁以上 —通晓华语 —工作时间与工作地点自由 —无需工作经验 —提供专业指导 —成熟思想与积极的心态 —高收入/奖金 —兼职收入可达:RM3000或以上 欢迎PM留下姓名,年龄,职业,住址,联络方式。 Please do not hesitate to pm your detail (name, age, occupation, location, contact no ) 想要了解更多详情,欢迎联络Felicia 012-7558298。 For More Info, Please SMS / Whatsapp Felicia 012-7558298. Thanks.
I need a team of Chinese singers to sing an extended version of the Chinese National Anthem for me. My budget is exactly $205, no more, no less. Just let me know how many singers I can get for $205. If I like the result, we can add more. Teams of voice talents only. Individuals will be declined. Below I have included the instrumental and a vocal guide. Here are the full lyrics: 起来! 不愿做奴隶的人们! 把我们的血肉,筑成我们新的长城! 中华民族到了最危险的时候, 每个人被迫着发出最后的吼声。 起来! 起来! 起来! 我们万众一心, 冒着敌人的炮火,前进! 冒着敌人的炮火,前进! 前进! 前进! 进! 前进! 各民族英雄的人民! 伟大的共产党领导我们继续长征。 万众一心奔向共产主义明天, 建设祖国保卫祖国英勇的斗争。 前进!前进!前进! 我们千秋万代 高举毛泽东旗帜,前进! 高举毛泽东旗帜,前进! 前进! 前进! 进!
...ensure the safety of the user’s information. Responsive: The message and communication between mobile and website, buyers and sellers should be real time. Communication methods: message, call, voicemail, email. Style of user interface: simple, fancy with good using experience. information: the posted information on this website include text, photos, video, voice Multiple-language version: mainly Chinese, English Advertising system: similar to the advertise on youtube that the advertise will be displayed during the playing of videos. Anti-spam and poor information system: The information posted into this website will be filtered out to get rid of poor and fraud information. Review syst...
...正財運較佳,可透過閒暇時的兼職或副業賺取額外收入,不宜投資。 愛情 情侶間易因金錢問題發生口角,需多包容及體諒對方。 健康 注意肺部及呼吸道感染毛病,宜多喝水,好好保養身體。 MAR 事業 事業上會遇上考驗,宜抱信心及實力面對,即可轉危為安。 雞 財運 整體財運不錯,正財運尤為旺盛,可放膽嘗試投資。 愛情 愛情運佳,易出現追求者,但不可濫用感情,提防爛桃花。 健康 情緒上的波動較大,要調理好心態,坦然面對,以免影響身體。 APR 事業 事業上競爭較大,在辦公室人緣一般,需提防小人暗害。 狗 財運 偏財運不錯,但避免賭博及高風險投資,適當的理財可帶來回報收益。 愛情 愛情運一般,情侶間容易因瑣事吵架,需注意自己的情緒。 健康 要小心病從口入,提防上呼吸道感染及注意飲食。 MAY 事業 事業方面,有貴人的賞識及提攜,要抓緊機會,有望大展拳腳。 豬 財運 財運平穩,避免不必要的開支,宜守不宜攻,投資可免則免。 愛情 感情運勢不俗,頗有異性緣,若把握良機則可佳偶天成。 健康 健康運佳,但仍需注意咽喉疾病,遠離煙酒。 JUNE 事業 工作上容易受小人陷害,必須小心謹慎,凡事三思而後行。 鼠 財運 財運尚可,偏財不多。要謹慎投資,切勿存有僥倖心理。 愛情 桃花旺盛,單身的容易遇上理想對象,已婚的則容易出現婚外情,需審慎處理社交應酬。 健康 多加注意關節、腸胃及心臟健康問題。若遇上健康問題,只要盡早求醫即可藥到病除。 JULY 事業 事業上有望出現新轉機,如能把握機會及建立良好人際網絡,即可取得新突破。 牛 財運 會有入不敷支的情況出現,容易因錢財惹禍...
经过前面的讨论我们团队认为需要把网站进行一些调整,我们还是以Teespring的模式为主,!/xr/1,具体的细节如下, 我们网站的名字是Crowddesigner: 1、 基本的构架还是以Teepsring为主,但是我们希望可以在制作的结构和布局方面有点改变,还有网站的色调和感觉我们还是希望能够更加精致和高端。 2、 这个网站基本框架: (1)首页(we may need you to help devise a wonderful and concise home page, be cool) (2)发起项目,按照Teespring来; (3)邀请朋友(); (4)设计师工厂(),这个板块我们希望展示的是我们自己注册通过的设计师,这个网站的链接是一个风险投资的,但是他的结构布局我们很喜欢,这个部分希望能按这种风格来,然后每个独立设计人能够像这个网站里面圆形的来展示,然后点击进去是他们发布的创意和个人的介绍;而且我们要求的功能是经过注册审核的设计师能够自己发布项目,而且项目下面有一个“点赞”功能;整个板块希望做的高端美观! (5)原创商城();这种感觉展示出来 上面的就是我们的主要板块,希望网站能够像外国风格那样精致、美观、高端而舒适。
我需要一些十分专业的中文发音的男声来帮我录制有声小说读物。I need some male voice to record the audiobooks
...Requirements: - Industry Expertise: Recruiters with a profound understanding of the E-commerce landscape will have an edge. - Social Media Savvy: Targeting partners with a medium to high social media following is paramount. - Ability to on-board 100+ affiliate/influencers per week. Incentive Structure: - Affiliates will be compensated on a base + unlimited commission per sale basis. Performance bonuses may be considered for top achievers. - You will be compensated based on negotiated rate but will be dependent on performance goals. Commission have no ceiling so you can make as much as you want at the time convenient for you. Ideal Skills: - Excellent networking and communication skills - Experience in affiliate marketing - Proficiency in identifying and on-boarding potential...
I'm in need of a skilled digital artist who can create NSFW, anime-style furry original characters (OC's) for me. The artwork should be intricate and include various props or accessories, tailored to each character. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in digital drawing software - Strong understanding and ability to replicate anime-style art - Experience with creating NSFW content - Ability to design and incorporate detailed props or accessories into the artwork. Please provide a portfolio demonstrating your ability to work within these parameters.
I'm in need of a talented PHP and JavaScript software tester, who can write robust unit and integration test for the entire application. Is is possible that bugs may be found within the testing process, documentation of bugs and a failing test to prove it would be an ask here. I would expect an easy to use/triggerable via GH actions testing suite. ie. Merging to main will trigger a new GH action workflow to test the entire app ensuring safe CI/CD. As an extra mile, i would like the developer to offer advice for enhancements and upgrades, as I want to create a relationship with a astute developer who can continue to build projects for me and further enhance this current one. Ideal candidates should: - Be well versed in testing PHP/Javascript apps. - Have a strong backgro...
I'm seeking a skilled video creator for a YouTube channel dedicated to stock market updates. The role involves producing and uploading videos daily. Key Responsibilities: - Craft daily stock market news videos - Use a voice-over with slides style Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in video creation, particularly for YouTube - Strong understanding of the stock market - Excellent voice-over skills - Ability to meet daily deadlines - Familiarity with creating content using a 'voice-over with slides' style
I need a skilled graphic artist to convert a PNG file into high-quality vector art. This vector art will be used for print materials, so it needs to meet high-quality standards. Key requirements: - Convert the provided PNG file into vector art. - Adjust the colors of the image as per my specifications. - Remove the white background border from around the barbell image, so that only the barbell image is visible.
I'm in need of a fully operational and functional, ready-made multi-vendor e-commerce platform, complete with iOS and Android apps. The ideal platform will: - Deduct a commission on each product sold - Charge a fee for each product added - Allow merchants to specify whether the product is new or used I am looking for a serious individual who can provide a platform that may need only minor adjustments. Please note, I do not require a new design as I am seeking a ready-made multi-vendor store. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Experience with e-commerce platform development - Understanding of multi-vendor system requirements - Ability to make minor adjustments to a ready-made platform - Knowledge of iOS and Android app integration Please only respond if ...
I'm looking for a dynamic and visually stunning website to elevate my alcohol brand's online presence. The main purpose of this website is to build brand awareness, so I need a design that captivates and tells our brand's story. Key Requirements: - An elegant and sophisticated ...captivates and tells our brand's story. Key Requirements: - An elegant and sophisticated visual style - A modern and sleek approach - Deep understanding of Western design aesthetics and culture - Prior experience in the alcohol industry is a plus - Ability to design a product showcase that is both appealing and informative Please note, due to the nature of this project, I kindly ask individuals who may have personal beliefs that conflict with this industry to refrain from applying. I ...
I have a completed press release that needs to be properly formatted and transferred to WordPress. This is a simple but urgent task, with an absolute deadline of 9 AM EST. I am looking for someone experienced in WordPress and formatting tasks. Successful completion may lead to future work opportunities for creative senior writers who specialize in topics related to the 80s.
I'm looking for a professional, male, middle-aged, Hindi voiceover artist with a little deep and crisp voice for a 23 seconds advertisement. The voiceover needs to convey excitement and should be in a clear and engaging manner to capture the listeners' attention. Specific Requirements: - The voiceover must be in a Delhi Hindi accent. - The tone should be energetic, with a touch of depth and crispness. - Excitement should be the predominant emotion conveyed through the voiceover. Ideal skills for the job include: - Professional voiceover experience, particularly in advertisements. - Ability to convey emotions effectively through voice. - Proficiency in Delhi Hindi accent. - Capability to deliver crisp and clear audio. Please provide samples of similar work...
Hello, Greetings of the day! I am in need of Chinese Voice-over Artists as well as Dubbing Studios for my project. Details for freelancers/Artists : Source Language: Any Target Language: Chinese Target file - MP3/Wav NOTE- Kindly share your samples. I will be waiting for your response and I hope that we can discuss this project further. If interested, kindly share your samples. Looking forward to your bids.
I'm seeking a talented app designer to create an engaging, colorful interface for "Neuro Sketch", an app designed to assist seniors in monitoring their neurological health. The app will incorporate motor-based tests such as the spiral test, voice test, and finger tapping test. Key Features Include: - A vibrant, user-friendly interface tailored for seniors - Integration with wearable devices for real-time health tracking Ideal Skills: - Proficient in UI/UX design with a focus on senior accessibility - Experience in designing interactive mobile applications - Knowledge of wearable tech integration Designing an app that is both fun and functional is crucial for this project. Your expertise will help seniors gain clarity and confidence about their brain health in a re...
I'm looking for a professional, male, middle-aged, Hindi voiceover artist with a little deep and crisp voice for a 23 seconds advertisement. The voiceover needs to convey excitement and should be in a clear and engaging manner to capture the listeners' attention. Specific Requirements: - The voiceover must be in a Delhi Hindi accent. - The tone should be energetic, with a touch of depth and crispness. - Excitement should be the predominant emotion conveyed through the voiceover. Ideal skills for the job include: - Professional voiceover experience, particularly in advertisements. - Ability to convey emotions effectively through voice. - Proficiency in Delhi Hindi accent. - Capability to deliver crisp and clear audio. Please provide samples of similar work...
I'm seeking a skilled comic artist to create 10 unique Anime/Manga style characters for a comic. The characters should include men, women, and various other types. Character Design: - The artist will be responsible for creating the character descriptions as well as the designs. - All characters should embody 'Heroic and Brave' personalities. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Demonstrable experience in designing Anime/Manga style characters. - Strong creativity and character design abilities. - Previous work on heroic or brave themed characters will be a plus.
More details: I need to open a platform that attracts employers and freelancers to check work remotely and to be paid hourly for businesses, similar to Upwork: Key Features: Find Projects: Browse job listings tailored to your skills and interests. Submit proposals directly to potential clients. Manage Contracts: Track active contracts and milestones. Communicate with clients via chat or voice. Track Work: Log work hours for hourly contracts using the time tracker. Update work diaries and submit completed tasks. Notifications: Receive real-time alerts for new messages, invitations, or updates on proposals. Payments: Track earnings and withdraw funds directly from the app. User-Friendly Interface: Designed for smooth navigation and quick actions. If you’re a freelancer or ...
...service page. - Footer Quick links, social media icons, contact information, and legal notices. 5.2 Services Pages IO offers seven main service categories. Each service category page should include: - Description of Services (e.g., Audit & Assurance: Financial audit, Corporate reporting, Training, etc.) - Sub-Service Details: Summaries of each sub-service (bullet points are sufficient, but we may expand based on content). - Key Contacts: Each page should list or highlight the relevant expert or department contact, along with a form or simple CTA to connect. - Testimonials or Case Studies (Optional): If available, showcase select success stories. 5.3 Blog - A frequently updated blog section for industry insights, company news, and thought leadership pieces. - Categories an...
I need somebody with server management skills to help me troubleshoot my app running on a VPS with Plesk. The app is built on Rails 8 and is currently displaying an nginx 403 error. I've checked the server logs and haven't found anything unusual, so it's likely a configuration issue or permissions error that's causing the 403 error page to display. Key Responsibilities: - Diagnose the ...cause of the nginx 403 error - Configure server settings as needed for Rails 8 app - Optimize server settings for performance and security - Provide a brief report on the issue and the resolution Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong knowledge of server environments, particularly VPS and Plesk - Experience troubleshooting nginx errors - Some experience with Ruby on Rails, specifically...
I'm looking to kickstart my freelancing journey as a copywriter. I need an experienced freelancer who can guide me through the process, help refine my skills, and assist in finding potential clients. Skills in SEO and digital marketing would be a plus.
summarize and paraphrase the business reports of potential future projects mentioned in your project upda...[Outline top three objectives for coming up period] • Timeline: [slightly prolonged] • Strategies: [Write out how you will achieve the goals] Sample Summary: Project Name: New Product LaunchCurrent Status: Completed product development and ongoing testing Future Plans: • Objectives: • Finalize testing by Q2. • Marketing campaign launch, by Q3. • Timeline: • When testing will be complete: End of May. • Campaign launch: July 1st. • Strategies: • Use social media as a tool for outreach. • Engaging influencer in promoting my products Certainly, share relevant segments of your report...
...that include images / Managing conversation follow-ups.** I am a self-employed assistant (sole proprietor) in the sports field, and much of my time is spent answering questions related to sports and nutrition programs. This is the part I would like to automate: ### The process should be as follows: 1. The user submits their question to a chatbot (Telegram): they can send a written text, a voice message, or even a photo or a document. 2. The incoming message is sorted and analyzed: - If there are documents, they are stored in a G-Drive folder, and a Google Sheet is updated with columns for "timestamp," "interpretation" (summarizing the content of the document), and "link" (the "link" column contains the link to the document st...
...NVDA for Windows/Firefox - Screen reader testing using Voiceover for MacOS/iOS - Screen reader testing using Talkback for Android - Browser Zoom testing - High Contrast testing - Keyboard-only testing - Color Contrast testing - Automated tool (Wave by WebAIM or AXE by Deque) 5. Accessibility Remediation: Begin implementing the remediation plan by fixing the identified accessibility issues. This may involve modifying code, adjusting layout and design elements, adding alternative text to images, ensuring proper color contrast, improving keyboard navigation, providing captions for videos, and so on. Use best practices and accessibility techniques specific to the platform or technology being used. - Make all text and images accessible - Ensure all forms and interactive elements are ...
I am seeking a highly accurate and natural sounding studio level voice cloning software that can be hosted in-house. The software should be capable of utilizing 3-4 hours of available voice material. Key Features: - High accuracy and natural sound: The primary requirement of the software is to produce voice outputs that are indistinguishable from the original voice. - Multiple accents and dialects: The software should have the capacity to generate voices with a variety of accents and dialects. - Different emotional tones: It should also be able to modulate the voice to convey different emotional tones. - Variable speaking speeds: The ability to change the pace of speech is also essential. The software will be used primarily for commercial recordings...
...the client (a Will, Power of Attorney and the like). The professionals (eg accountants, planners etc) will need to become members of my site and it will record their details and any staff details. Once the professional becomes a meber I will have the ability to set how much of my fees will be paid to the Professional member OR the professional member will be able to say any employee of theirs may instead receive the fees instead of the professional company OR that the ability to reduce the fee charged to the client. When a clients enters the site (need to be able to idnetify the person is form the professional, the client will identify what type of document they want to contruct (eg a Will) and then whether it is a simple or complex will AND whether it is just for them or ano...
Hello, I wanted to create a Sales presentation (PPT) with 12-13 slides for outsourcing accounting services. I have the website and must use it to make the Sales Presentation and 4 email templates. Final Deliverables: ================ Sales Presentation (PPT ) 2 Cold email templates 1 first follow-up email template 1-second follow-up email template I have a tight deadline for this and a tight budget too. Website: DEADLINE: TOMORROW I welcome your bids.
I'm looking for an experienced Blender artist to enhance a project file of a 3D model of a rhythmic gymnastics leotard. The model is currently basic and needs to be upgraded to look more realistic and visually appealing for a final render. Key Tasks: - Edit texture and material properties to make the fabric behave like real polyester + spandex. - Add about 10 realistic seams and folds on the fabric. - Create a rhinestone sparkle effect similar to the provided image, using the Lens Flare addon. - Set up appropriate lighting and camera settings. - Animate a 360-degree rotation of the leotard around its axis. - Provide a final project file ready for rendering (*.blend). The sparkle effect should have a lens flare, as shown in the reference image. I would like the leotard and rhi...
...and the complexity of the tasks required. Entry-level positions may start at the lower end of the spectrum, while those with more experience and specialized skills may earn higher rates. Some employers may offer bonuses, overtime pay, or other incentives based on performance. Factors Affecting Per Hour Rate: Experience: Entry-level Data Entry Operators generally earn lower hourly wages, while those with more experience in data entry, database management, or specialized tools can command a higher pay rate. Location: Pay rates may vary based on geographic location, with urban areas or those with a high demand for data-related jobs offering higher wages. Industry: Certain industries, such as finance, healthcare, and technology, may offer higher pay rate...
I'm looking for a voice talent who can deliver an energetic commercial voice over aimed at adults. The voice over will be used for a radio commercial. Key Requirements: - Prior experience in commercial voice overs is a must. - The tone needs to be lively and engaging, yet professional to appeal to an adult audience. - A home studio setup with high-quality recording equipment is necessary to ensure clear, crisp audio.
I'm looking for a professional artist to create a lifelike oil painting of my grandmother. The painting should be done in a realistic style, capturing the details and essence of the photograph. Key requirements: - Use of high-quality oil paint - Creation of a 16x20 inches painting - Mastery in realism style of painting
We are looking for a talented designer to create editable PSD files for a set of professional-looking website badges. These badges will be featured on our website and should have a sleek, modern design that conveys credibility and professionalism. Requireme...Criteria: Design Quality: Clean, polished, and visually appealing badges that align with modern web design trends. Professionalism: The badges should convey authority, credibility, and trustworthiness. Editability: Ensure all text and design elements are easy to modify in the PSD files. Additional Notes: The text provided is a placeholder and may be adjusted later. The design should make it easy to replace text while maintaining visual balance. You may use placeholder icons, shapes, or patterns to add depth and dimensi...
...Additionally, we require the implementation of a referral program and an AI Trading Module to enhance user engagement and investment features. Here are some additional functionalities and considerations that could enhance the platform and should be discussed with the freelancer: ### **Additional Functionalities:** 1. **iOS App Development**: - If your target audience includes iOS users, you may want to develop an iOS app alongside the Android app for broader platform coverage. 2. **User Roles and Permissions**: - Define roles (e.g., admin, sub-admin, trader) and set granular permissions for each role. 3. **Audit Logs**: - Include detailed logging of all user and admin actions for better traceability and compliance. 4. **User Verification Levels**: - Allow for ...