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2,000 vbs save web page local drive 找到工作

...Language & Runtime Environment** - No restriction on the programming language. - The runtime interpreter and program itself must use minimal memory, ideally not exceeding **100MB**. 2. **Translation** - Use free translation solutions like the Google Translate API, Google Gemini free-tier LLM, or others. - Translation options: - Translate the entire `` at once and save it as `` (Do not translate sender names or attachment descriptions). - Alternatively, translate each message individually when processing. 3. **Processing Logic** (Reference Logic) - Start iterating over all subfolders in `HistoryMsg` (created more than 10 minutes ago, sorted by name): - Read the `` file in the subfolder. - Iterate through

$1205 Average bid
$1205 平均报价
4 个竞标

Project Overview Budget: 400 USD Deadline: To be completed within one month Progress Reporting: Daily updates on weekdays Prerequisites Software Requirements: PHP 8.2 or higher MySQL 8.0 or higher Node.js 18.x or higher npm 9.x or higher Knowledge Requirements: Basic knowledge of PHP, JavaScript, and web development Familiarity with Composer and npm package managers Development Requirements Payment Gateway Integration Payment Gateway 1: Airspay Integrate the Airspay payment system, supporting one-time payments via Alipay and WeChat Pay. Use the API to generate a payment QR code directly on the platform, allowing users to scan and pay without redirection. Documentation: Payment Gateway 2: Cryptomus Support USDT payments through the Cryptomus platform with

$2526 Average bid
$2526 平均报价
2 个竞标

Use PHP to copy this AI management panel and add new functions. Our situation: At present, our software has a web version front-end (the front-end has source code, written in Vue3+Gin); The back-end (the management panel obtained by purchasing a license, all functions are encrypted). We need to develop an management panel that is exactly the same as it. And add some new functions to make it more suitable for mobile phone display effects. Optimize AI functions: Add new functions and optimize AI functions: including: the original AI Chat function (add canvas function, search function, memory function, multimodal function, export document function, real-time voice interaction function, voice to text function, memory function), AI drawing function (add editable pictures, expand pictu...

$29144 Average bid
$29144 平均报价
8 个竞标

...integration, and management capabilities. The goal is to develop a versatile and flexible AI API platform that ensures system stability, efficiency, and security. Website: 2. Development Features Overview 2.1 Bug Fixes Add a fix for the logo redirection bug: Correct the error where the logo does not redirect properly, ensuring normal navigation to the homepage or the specified page. Add a check for all code bugs: Conduct a thorough code review, identify and fix all potential issues, ensuring logical correctness and stable operation of the code. 2.2 Data Monitoring and Display Add data monitoring features in the admin system, displaying the following metrics: Add user visit count: Real-time statistics on total user visits. Add regional access ratio: Display the percentage

$8689 Average bid
$8689 平均报价
8 个竞标

...Malaysian branch to recruit local technical personnel. Job responsibilities: 1. Responsible for the administrative management of the company; plan and implement company employee recruitment; to screen, shortlist, and interview candidates to identify the best fit for the position; 3. Establish and maintain employee records and the signing, modification, renewal, and termination of labor contracts; 4. Assist the team in other HR related tasks. Job requirements: 1. More than three years of recruitment related work experience in the internet industry is preferred; 2. Familiar with the operation and application of commonly used office software; 3. Having certain communication and expression skills, Mandarin proficiency is preferred; 4. Familiar with local labor laws, com...

$21947 Average bid
$21947 平均报价
10 个竞标
Project for Your Local T.
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您好,Your Local T.。我留意到了你的简历,想让您参与我的项目。我们可以讨论一下项目的细节。

$62 / hr Average bid
$62 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

你好First Page SEO,我注意到你的个人资料并想把我的项目给你。我们可以通过交流来讨论任何细节。

$233 Average bid
$233 平均报价
1 个竞标

我们是 ,主要运营“自由浏览” “自由微信“ ”自由微博“等项目。 目前需要一位精通Chromium的开发者,帮助我们进行“自由浏览”的开发,具体需求如下: 我们的目的: 开发新版架构的自由浏览 对您的要求: 1.精通C、Android开发 2.熟悉Chromium编译流程、整体架构和网络模块。 3.对网络安全的要求。 4.使用汉语。 5.有同类项目的经验。 小测试: 1. 给Chromium增加 --max-sockets-per-group 命令行参数支持(可以限制取值范围,例如6 ~ 255),需要完成Desktop以及Android平台。其中Android平台往CommandLine单例中添加参数即可,或者可以添加到文件 /data/local/tmp/chrome-command-line 。在各个平台以命令行运行 (可选)2. 使用epoll,异步库 或者Chromium本身的ThreadPool 扫描N个CIDR内可达的IP(443端口返回状态码为200/400/401/403/404),类似 ,测试时可以使用少量IP,实际项目CIDR里可能会包含万级别IP。 测试不必要提交二进制包,提交关键patch的解决思路和代码亦可。 另外特别强调,由于我们组织的特殊性(来自政府的审查风险),我们对项目的保密性要求较高,工作环境也需要保持在匿名且安全的环境下,请应聘者确保自身有能力做到这些安全要求。

min $389 / hr
min $389 / hr
0 个竞标

...最近一次,2021年3月份的比赛里,我们团队获得了第一名。 这是由用户投票选出来的名次。 后面觉得,这是个真的很不错的项目,在国外有热度,但还没真正火热起来。 就决定大家要全职将它制作出来。 目前游戏还未上线,5月5号上线。 我们第一次众筹,在5天内就获得了近百万美金的筹款。 但当时的舰船设计和模型,都不能达到团队内部的质量认可。 未来游戏上线后,出售舰船将是我们主要的收入渠道之一, 所以需要可以长期合作,长期提供稳定高质量的原画与建模团队。 具体原画和建模的费用是不低于市场价, 但更主要的是根据原画师与建模师的经验,风格,质量来定。 Translation: We are a multinational entrepreneurial team, and we are making a game for global users. It is a game in which players drive ships and explore the universe. Our team participates in some program competitions all year round, and the lowest ranking in the past four is the fifth place. In the most recent match in March 2021, our team won the first place. This is a ranking voted by users. Later, I felt that this is a really good project, and it has gained popularity abroad, but it hasn't really b...

$210 / hr Average bid
$210 / hr 平均报价
5 个竞标
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0. Use python 3.7/3.8, and please leave some comments and notes 1. A small crawler program on Windows; I can download the file and click an .exe for running it. This program has an interface for some simple operations: there is a search box and search button in the page, a status bar, a conversion button, an import button, and a visualization button. 2. First, I can type a word in the search box of the program’s interface. 3. According to the word I typed in step2, the program searches for the corresponding words on 4. Create a list1 to document the explanations on of the word searched in step2. Please notice that only level-1 explanations are needed (as shown in the jpg "无标题", the level-1 explanations of “this” are the sentences rounded by

$1943 Average bid
$1943 平均报价
1 个竞标

在网上搜索标致4008的相关介绍,然后才车辆的定位,价格区间,动力,空间,配置各个方面,与时下市场上主流的18--20万同价位的SUV做一个详细的对比,然后推荐适合的消费群体购买. 参考文章.

$1671 Average bid
$1671 平均报价
2 个竞标

所谓LANDING page 就是用一个WEB页面描述网站的全部内容,包括产品介绍下单公司业务简介公司联系方式等等. 必须用JOOMLA技术制作该页面,因为我们的网站是JOOMla制作的;见www.yadaworks.com. 该页面的风格,也就是颜色,.LOGO, 字体等和网站一致. 该页面的布局分为头部,尾部,图片区,文字区,下单区;其中图片区的图片被点击后跳出页面显示大图覆盖原来页面,整个部分的功能和AIRBNB网站一致,如有疑问请询问; 文字区的文字我会另外提供; 除了WEB版本外,要提供手机版本; 我们有一个服务网站,可以用于测试,

$1181 Average bid
$1181 平均报价
5 个竞标

针对欧洲市场创建一个网站,网站的产品为手机充电器 要求 1 能做为landing page 使用 2 网站可以进行促销活动,并且通过促销活动能收集到客户邮箱

$1407 Average bid
$1407 平均报价
5 个竞标


$1236 Average bid
$1236 平均报价
1 个竞标

...third gear selector switch input; basic drive requirements 1. Rotary encoder input drive knob Encoder drive requirements can determine the direction of encoder rotation, the current two GPIO port does not read to the upper directly by the driver to send the key value is to join the LINUX input event, the forward rotation send button Value 59, reverse rotation send key value 60, read from event0. 2. RS485 driver RS485 need a direction control pin, when the corresponding UART to send and receive data, the direction of the foot can automatically achieve direction control. 3. Buzzer drive buzzer driver requirements can set the PWM output frequency, the output time, the output time to automatically shut down the PWM output. 4. Membrane button drive ...

$21675 Average bid
$21675 平均报价
2 个竞标
I want a home page
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$3311 Average bid
$3311 平均报价
10 个竞标
Seo Back Link
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I want to quality back link from china, thailand and Indonesia location in there local language not in english language. Our Keyword will be Like This. 2018世界杯 2018世界杯16强 2018世界杯8强 2018世界杯4强 2018世界杯冠军 2018年世界杯 世界杯2018 2018世界杯预选赛 世预赛 世界杯2018 注册送彩金 开户彩金 投注返水 首存红利 真人娱乐场 真人百家乐 真人娱乐 竞彩足球 足球竞彩网 足球分析 足球赛事 中国足球 足球赛果预测 足球预测分析 足球预测网站

$2355 Average bid
$2355 平均报价
15 个竞标

1、初步设想是1个到2个页面,5张图 2、第一页是介绍页,如何开启你的工程师之旅 2.1、之后是一页四个滑动图,包括安装驱动、连接硬件、学习软件、开始应用 3、与客户沟通创意 4、制作demo/草稿 for free 5、选定稿件后给内容,开始制作 6、检视交付 作品风格: 1)大底图海报风 2)Metro Icon风 3)Metro海报风 4)Apple官网风

$3544 Average bid
$3544 平均报价
7 个竞标
Build a Website
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...因为貌似一次网站中毒了, 基本丢失所有资料, 辛亏有一个备份 (10)网站的持续维护, 如果能够合作, 网站网站的更新,重建, 希望能够提供一个长期的合作关系, 对于一些下小的改动和维护。 (11) 目前还有一个副网站, , 希望能合并到 , 做一个类似的支持页面, 不清楚默认的主题是否支持, 支持页面的最上面 保留主网站的 导航栏 Hi We are looking to build a new website that is E-commerce. The current website can be found at www.tekshanghai.com. Key Parts of the Website: - Easy to use - International and local card transactions - Feedback form - Contact us form - Real Time orders - Real time purchasing i.e online store - Easy to upload new products with pictures and price - Link with WeChat - Mobile friendly I would like to see designs of what the website can look like before purchasing. Please can you give me a quotation on the work from End to End on this. I look forward to your reply

$11013 Average bid
$11013 平均报价
17 个竞标

Need redesign for about 12 pages on wechat. 总需要12个微信公众号页面设计版(PSD和PNG格式),只需要适用于手机上 具体包括一下的页面: -管理后台 需重新设计 -青视角 微信公众号的所有文章内容,发布之后,都会进行分类,用户可以通过这个版块,回顾所有的信息。 -青学堂 目前以九宫格的形式展现,但可以进行进一步的简化,除了“课程报名”“讲师报名”“活动发布”“调查问卷” 这4个模块的名字要保留,其他可以重组 -创新 1.简介 -介绍信息 2.团队介绍 -入驻团队的介绍 3.入驻申请 -申请入驻通道,需要提交的资料,可参考这个连接 4.活动回顾 -做过的活动 5.活动发布 -发布信息线上平台,可参考青学堂-活动发布 6.创新资讯 -将会把政策、高校孵化基地信息,社会孵化基地信息进行收集并发布 参考附件是给以参考而已

$1399 Average bid
$1399 平均报价
14 个竞标

Looking for someone to create and manage a wechat group. Scope includes coming up with attention grabbing ideas to drive "Likes", writing/refreshing content, uploading content (words, gif, videos, images) manage Q&A etc for a year

$21302 Average bid
$21302 平均报价
6 个竞标
$497 - $497
0 个竞标

...freelancer: Responsibility: -Identify,contact and prospect potential clients and turn them into customers; -Follow up your clients,develop the revence brought by your clients,pushing them to use our services more frequently,Maintain clients’satisfaction. Requirements: -Direct knowledge/experience of the inspection industry or of the trade/manufacturing; -Have Local buyers resources、Local retailers Resources or Local traders Resources. Our philosophy is Achieve Win-Win by Integration of Resources. If you are interested in our cooperation relationship, or have any idea about how we work together in some way, please feel free to contact us by: for more information: 中国检验认证(集团)有限公司(CCIC)是在原中国进出口商品检验总公司基础上改制重组、经中国国务院批准成立

$19429 Average bid
$19429 平均报价
1 个竞标

大家好,我请求大家开发一款,可以自动刷产品收藏量的小软件。 具体的流程是: 1.在目标平台上注册买家账号(注册邮箱时候必须要求hotmail或者gmail,我可以提供,邮箱不用验证!!), First Name: Last Name: Email: Password: 2. 收藏我店铺里面的指定产品,自动点击SAVE 按钮,增加收藏量 到自己的收藏栏里。 3.换号。重复第一步,第二步。

$233 Average bid
$233 平均报价
5 个竞标

Job Requirements: We need your assistant to post on forums,blog,websites,Social media promote our website and services in American,Canadian or other countries websites. Contact me through $0.4 per post, and it also depends on your will pay you according to your also look for long time cooperation. Details: - You must be fluency in English, and post the articles to local English Forums(or blog,websites,SNS) in order to introduce our website or products. The articles should contain our website address or URL Link. - The websites you are going to post should be in high rank with Google,Yahoo,Bing. - You should post the articles under category of accounting servicesserviced officeincorporation services or related. - You cannot post the same article under one channel

$7049 Average bid
$7049 平均报价
3 个竞标

I want 100% real facebook 50,000 users to like my Facebook Fan Page. I want people to be from PAKISTAN ONLY no World Wide. No Time Waters Please ! Project Description: 50,000 Facebook Likes from ONLY Pakistani Facebook users. (NO world wide Likes) • All LIKES must be real people with active account Facebook accounts (no fake accounts or accounts at risk of being suspended.) • NO bots, NO Blackhat techniques, NO Farmville or any other game. • Must be achieved by NO means of Illegal activity • No fake fans that will risk my page deleted. • Fans and Followers must be active. • No spammers or distasteful, illegal or plain sick profile pictures • You must use good practices when gathering LIKES. ^^Facebook account must not be...

$78 Average bid
$78 平均报价
1 个竞标

Job Description: We are seeking an experienced Intellectual Property (IP) Attorney registered in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to assist with filing a trademark application with the UAE Ministry of Economy. The ideal candidate must have extensive knowledge of ...with the UAE Ministry of Economy and address any objections or requirements. Provide updates on the trademark registration timeline and next steps. Requirements: Registered IP Attorney in the UAE with a valid license. Extensive experience in UAE trademark registration and IP law. Strong knowledge of priority-based trademark applications and international trademark processes. Based in the UAE, as local representation is required for this filing. Proven track record of successfully registering trademarks with the Ministry o...

$2611 Average bid
$2611 平均报价
5 个竞标

I am seeking a professional web developer who can design and set up a website for my Digital Transformation Company. The primary focus of this website will be to showcase our services in a professional and corporate manner. Key Responsibilities: - Website Design: Create a website with a modern, sleek and corporate feel, with the primary goal of showcasing our services. - Company Profile Creation: Develop a compelling narrative and design for our company profile to be featured on the site. - Website Hosting: Set up reliable and efficient hosting for the site. - Company Email Setup: Create a professional company email linked to the website domain. - Social Media Campaign: Design and implement a strategic social media campaign to promote our services and drive traffic to the s...

$1306 Average bid
$1306 平均报价
151 个竞标

...format. - The extension should detect screen change and capture screen when changed - Ask for necessary audio permissions, list out microphones, show microphone status etc. - User will enter a project or select existing project to store screens and audio - Each start/stop creates a session in the project. - Session can be paused and resumed - The files will be stored on the local file system and metadata in the local mongodb - I have code for the server already written in Pytnon/Flask Ideal skills for this project include: - Solid experience with Chrome extension development. - Proficiency in screen and audio capture techniques. - Strong understanding of Javascript and Chrome's APIs. The project is 75% complete (I have written good part of the code) but need to fin...

$1088 Average bid
$1088 平均报价
59 个竞标

I'm seeking an expert in Social Media Marketing to boost my brand's visibility across key platforms - Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. This initiative is crucial for driving brand awareness through tailored, engaging campaigns. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implemen...engagement. - Monitor, analyze and report on campaign performance, making necessary adjustments to optimize results. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in Social Media Marketing. - Excellent understanding of Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn's marketing tools and features. - Strong analytical skills for monitoring and reporting on campaign performance. Your expertise will not only save on the costs of an in-house team, but also allow me to focus on scaling my business while you...

$8 / hr Average bid
$8 / hr 平均报价
5 个竞标

I am looking to increase site traffic through the acquisition of quality backlinks for two of my websites. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in SEO and link building - Ability to generate high-quality backlinks that drive traffic - Knowledge of site analytics and tracking tools to measure impact I have not specified particular types of sites for the backlinks, so you should be able to use your discretion and expertise to choose the most effective and appropriate sources. Your proposal should detail: - Your strategy for link building - Previous successful projects and their outcomes - Your approach to tracking and reporting on progress

$54 / hr Average bid
$54 / hr 平均报价
19 个竞标

Position Title: KOL Marketing & Community Marketing Freelancer Project Goal: Drive 1,000 new Shopify Dropshippers to Scaleorder (a Dropshipping platform targeting Germany, France, Sweden, Norway, and the Netherlands) within 1-3 months through KOL marketing and community marketing. Work Arrangement: Remote work, with weekly progress reports required. Project Duration: 1-3 months (March to May 2025). Language Requirements: Fluent in English, proficient in at least one of the following languages: German, French, Swedish, Norwegian, or Dutch (multilingual candidates preferred).

$3256 Average bid
$3256 平均报价
16 个竞标

We are looking for an experienced Embedded Firmware Engineer with expertise in STM32F030 bare-metal programming to develop firmware for a sensor-based embedded system. The project involves real-time sensor data acquisition, data parsing, peripheral control, cloud telemetry integration, and local display updates. This role requires interfacing multiple peripherals, including UART, SPI, ADC, PWM, and RS485-based devices. The firmware should be optimized for low-power operation, real-time data acquisition, and fault-tolerant operation. Develop bare-metal firmware (NO RTOS) for STM32 microcontroller. Implement multiple UART sensor interfaces (data request, parsing, checksum validation). Handle analog sensors (ADC readings, conversion, scaling). Implement PWM-based control for actuators...

$3855 Average bid
$3855 平均报价
27 个竞标

I need an article focused on Creative Designers for Fantasy Miniatures Kickstarters, targeting Kickstarter backers specifically. Key Points: - The piece should examine the role of a creative designer in a miniatures Kickstarter. - It should address key challenges and the creative processes involved. - The article needs to demon...creative designers or projects I have in mind as case studies. - It must incorporate interviews or quotes from industry experts. Skills/Experience Required: - Strong background in writing about crowdfunding, miniatures, gaming, or fantasy art. - Ability to craft engaging, well-researched pieces. - Informative, engaging writing style tailored for Kickstarter backers. - SEO optimization skills to drive traffic. - Experience with interviews and sourcing expe...

$70 Average bid
$70 平均报价
9 个竞标

I'm looking for a visually stunning, fun, bright and bold 11x6 horizontal EDDM Flyer for my window cleaning company. The primary aim of this flyer is to attract new customers. Key Information: - Contact Details: These must be easy to find and read. - Services Offered: Clearly list the services we provide. - Customer Testimonials: We want t...designs. - Marketing: A good understanding of how to design a flyer that attracts new customers is essential. - EDDM Experience: Previous experience with designing EDDM flyers will be a plus. Please note, I have all the necessary information in a folder to assist with this project. NOTE: DO NOT CALL MY BUSINESS LINE OR SEND ME PERSONAL EMAILS THIS WILL DISQUALIFY YOU

$785 Average bid
44 项参赛作品

I'm looking for a talented social media marketer specialized in Instagram to help boost my brand engagement and drive traffic to my website. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in Instagram marketing - Expertise in creating engaging content - Data-driven approach to strategizing - Ability to drive conversions, not just likes Let’s connect and discuss how you can help elevate my brand on Instagram.

$16 / hr Average bid
$16 / hr 平均报价
5 个竞标

I'm looking for an experienced Google Ads professional to help generate leads for my local services business. Key Responsibilities: - Strategize and manage Google Ads across the Search Network, Display Network, and YouTube, targeting potential customers interested in local services. - Optimize campaigns to maximize lead generation and improve conversion rates. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in managing Google Ads campaigns, particularly for local services. - Proficiency in utilizing the Search Network, Display Network, and YouTube for advertising. - Strong skills in campaign optimization and lead generation.

$132 / hr Average bid
$132 / hr 平均报价
41 个竞标

afrofrenchfusionfeats is a modern African food brand that brings traditional flavors to the modern kitchen. We focus on high-quality, natural food products like flavored rice blends, ginger juices, and marinades while empowering local farmers. Our goal is to scale into wholesale, direct-to-consumer sales, and food service partnerships. We are looking for a Project Manager to oversee daily operations, team structuring, sales execution, and strategic growth. Who We’re Looking For We need a highly organized and strategic leader who can: ✅ Manage food business operations efficiently – From production to retail and B2B sales. ✅ Optimize team workflows using: Notion, ClickUp, Google Docs, and Microsoft Teams or any other tools ✅ Streamline sales & distribution – De...

$1026 Average bid
$1026 平均报价
10 个竞标

...shipping process from the dashboard, including order status updates. 3. Order Processing & Status Sync: • Automatically push orders to Shiprocket when vendors mark them as “confirmed” or “processing”. • Sync order status updates from Shiprocket back to Pokketo via webhooks. • Ensure correct tracking details are updated on the customer’s order tracking page. 4. Additional Requirements: • Allow vendors to select a manual shipping option for local couriers (DTDC, India Post, etc.) and update tracking details manually. • Implement WhatsApp & SMS notifications to customers with tracking details. Skills Required: • Laravel (PHP) • React.js • API Integration (Shiprocket, Webhooks) • MyS...

$2184 Average bid
$2184 平均报价
18 个竞标

I need a creative professional to help me create an Instagram post that goes viral within my local community. The content type is not specified, so I'm open to your suggestions on whether an image, video, or carousel post would work best. The primary goal is to increase engagement with my followers and get my message across to my local audience.

$16 / hr Average bid
$16 / hr 平均报价
8 个竞标

I'm looking for an Android developer to create a mobile app that allows users to discover homestays and explore local food options. Key Features: - Search for nearby homestays: The app should enable users to find homestays in their vicinity. - Map integration: Utilize a map interface for easy navigation and location finding. - Booking and reservations: Implement a feature for users to book their desired homestay. - Chat with hosts: A chat feature for users to communicate with their hosts. - Vehicle rental: An option for users to rent a vehicle from their host. - Food menu: A feature displaying the food options available from the host. Ideal skills for this project include proficiency in Android app development, UI/UX design, and experience with integrating map and chat functi...

$117 / hr Average bid
$117 / hr 平均报价
11 个竞标

We are a local plastering and drylining company in Cannock, Staffs WS11 7LG, currently in need of a qualified freelance Quantity Surveyor (QS). The ideal candidate will be responsible for conducting take-offs for both dry lining and plastering. Key Responsibilities: - Regularly attending our office once or twice a week (local to Cannock is a must) - Conducting accurate take-offs for both dry lining and plastering - Delivering take-offs in digital format (Excel files) Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Excel - Prior experience as a QS in the plastering and drylining industry - Able to conduct both dry lining and plastering take-offs - Local to Cannock and able to attend our office regularly Many Thanks, Chris

$280 / hr Average bid
$280 / hr 平均报价
7 个竞标

Overview We're looking for a local partner in Argentina to manage and expand hardware deployment locations for blockchain-based passive income hardware. We are a UK based startup operating in the DePIN (Decentralised Physical Infrastructure Networks) space, combining hardware and blockchain technology to create passive income opportunities. Our business invests in and deploys hardware across strategic locations, earning yield on each device. We're expanding to Argentina and looking for a local partner to help identify, secure, and manage deployment locations for our hardware. This is an exciting opportunity for someone with strong networking, business development, sales, or operations skills who is interested in blockchain, crypto, and passive income models. Sc...

$86049 Average bid
$86049 平均报价
3 个竞标

I'm seeking an SEO expert to enhance a local bicycle repair and training service's Google search visibility. The ultimate goal is to achieve effective indexing and results on Google, boosting the business's presence and accessibility to potential customers in our locality. The business currently has excellent Google My Business ratings, but its site is not indexing properly on Google Search. Key Responsibilities: - Implement basic SEO strategies to improve our search rankings and drive more traffic to our website. - Optimize our Google My Business listing to maximize its visibility. - Provide a comprehensive overview of the current SEO status and the progress made over the course of the project. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in local...

$769 Average bid
$769 平均报价
88 个竞标

...Features for Buyers ? AI-Powered Smart Search Interactive chatbot that asks questions to refine the search (budget, brand, fuel type, mileage, etc.). Automatic vehicle suggestions based on criteria. Smart comparison with a compatibility score based on buyer preferences. ? Advanced Filters & Alerts Search by specific criteria: brand, model, year, price, mileage, fuel type, transmission, features, etc. Save searches and set alerts (email/SMS notifications when a new vehicle matches the criteria). Vehicle comparison tool displaying price, features, maintenance costs, and estimated depreciation. ? Immersive Visual Experience 360° vehicle videos uploaded by sellers. HD photo gallery with interactive zoom. Video customer reviews to enhance buying confidence. ? Security &...

$11401 Average bid
$11401 平均报价
44 个竞标

...Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) with a proven track record in driving sales growth, particularly in the B2B tech sector. The ideal candidate should have a deep understanding of the technology industry and its sales dynamics, with the skills to create effective strategies that enhance our brand visibility and drive sales. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement comprehensive B2B sales strategies within the tech industry. - Increase our brand awareness in the technology sector. - Drive sales growth through innovative and effective marketing strategies. Skills and Experience Required: - Extensive experience in a CMO role, preferably in the technology sector. - Proven track record in driving B2B sales growth. - Exceptional understanding of the tech industry. - Strong str...

$85 Average bid
$85 平均报价
4 个竞标
Modern HTML Email Templates
6 天 left

I'm in need of a professional who can create 5 simple, modern, and clean HTML email templates for our mobile app emails. The templates should be innovative and edgy in style, reflecting a tone that is both contemporary, modern, and engaging. Key Requirements: - Design 5 HTML email templates that are simple, modern, and clean. - Include interactive elements like clickab...designing HTML email templates. - Strong understanding of modern design principles. - Ability to create content that is engaging and on-brand. - Experience with incorporating interactive elements into email templates. We'll provide guidance on 1 then you can be creative on the remaining 4 templates. Please provide samples of your previous work related to this project. I'm looking to pay the local ...

$233 Average bid
$233 平均报价
72 个竞标

The template should highlight deep questions, relationship insights, and self-reflection prompts. Minimalist, clean, and structured design with subtle animations or effects. Psychological Depth & Transformational Journey the logo you design with white font or ivory font . Keep the design high-end and minimalist – No clutter, sleek typography focus on deep self-awareness, connection, and exclusive dating experiences. I want a fully editable template in Canva or Photoshop, custom animations,

$155 Average bid
$155 平均报价
1 个竞标

I'm looking for a reliable professional based in Magdeburg, Germany, to conduct thorough pre-employment vetting for a prospective employee. The primary focus will be on verifying the candidate's educational background, specifically their Master's degree or higher. Skills and experience needed for this job include: - Expertise in conducting education verifications - Familiarity with local and international universities - Proven track record of conducting pre-employment vetting - Excellent attention to detail and integrity - Ability to provide comprehensive and accurate reports

$78 - $466
$78 - $466
0 个竞标

..."Aero" font optimized for resin printing with an Anycubic Photon M7. Each letter, number, and punctuation mark should be a separate 3D model and include a support structure for wall mounting. Requirements: Font: Aero (If unavailable, a similar alternative can be proposed) Dimensions: Height: 12 cm (120 mm) Thickness: 5 mm Hollow Back with Support Bar for Stability: The back should be hollow to save material. A support bar on the back for added stability and wall mounting. The support bar should be approximately 1-2 cm wide and 3-5 mm high to ensure reliable wall adhesion. Additional adhesive point: A small recess or flat hole on the support bar (about 1-2 cm in diameter) to accommodate adhesive pads or double-sided tape. Each Character as a Separate File: Letters (A-Z...

$124 Average bid
6 项参赛作品