Sharepoint design company工作


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    您好,Amjad A.。我留意到了你的简历,想让您参与我的项目。我们可以讨论一下项目的细节。

    $4772 Average bid
    $4772 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    你好➹ Jasmin SEO Company,我注意到你的个人资料并想把我的项目给你。我们可以通过交流来讨论任何细节。

    $777 Average bid
    $777 平均报价
    1 个竞标


    $1997 Average bid
    $1997 平均报价
    10 个竞标


    $187 Average bid
    $187 平均报价
    21 个竞标

    Auto Spare Parts Manufacturing and Trading company website, mainly for engine parts. 1. PHP website, english and spanish languages. 2. Need html 5 special performance. 3. High requirements of webdesign. 4. Email notice once get inquiry. 't use wordpress. Write code. Gente hispanohablante es mejor.

    $3466 Average bid
    $3466 平均报价
    11 个竞标

    需求如下: 1. 网站有两种外语版本。 2. 用Drupal或者wordpress做。 3. 支持Bluehost的空间。 4. 需要码农定制网站。对搜索引擎相应标签有专门设置菜单。 详细需求请联系雇主! 开发周期:1-2周 服务商要求:专业有经验的 项目预计多久开始启动:谈好启动 是否有域名空间:雇主提供

    $4741 Average bid
    $4741 平均报价
    3 个竞标
    Build a Company Website
    已经结束 left

    Build a company website in two languages. Design needs to be up-scaled and elegant. No database required. Candidates must be fluent in Chinese and English. 需要专业人员设计并建造公司网页,网页为中英双语,需要能流利使用这两种语言。设计要求简单大方上档次,无需建立数据库。

    $8060 Average bid
    $8060 平均报价
    21 个竞标
    $497 - $497
    0 个竞标

    I have a list of English company names (156 names), I will need to find their name in Chinese, also their phone number. 我有一份英文公司名单(156个),需要找出他们的中文名,联系方式等信息

    $233 Average bid
    $233 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    Search the website after the company name (chinese language, 2000 companies). Example: 攀枝花市田远酒业有限公司 青岛雪岛酒业有限公司 青岛天禾茶业有限公司 青岛天马蒸馏酒有限公司 青岛麦特酒业有限公司 青岛啤酒商贸有限公司 青岛九连山饮料厂 青岛哈哈蓝莓酒水有限公司 青岛皓日酒业有限公司

    $225 Average bid
    $225 平均报价
    9 个竞标

    You must to find the website, email (if they have) for 50,800 companies from China. Example of companies: 攀枝花市田远酒业有限公司 青岛雪岛酒业有限公司 青岛天禾茶业有限公司 青岛天马蒸馏酒有限公司 青岛麦特酒业有限公司 青岛啤酒商贸有限公司 青岛九连山饮料厂 青岛哈哈蓝莓酒水有限公司 青岛皓日酒业有限公司

    $2860 Average bid
    $2860 平均报价
    13 个竞标

    网站的导航条有5个栏目:首页、产品、解决方案、成功案例、关于我们 每个栏目下的分类规划如下: 首页:布局精简 产品:Microsoft、Citrix、Symantec、Sophos、Vmware、HP、Dell(可以自主添加条目) 解决方案:虚拟化、云计算、IT安全(可以自主添加条目) 成功案例:待定(可以自主添加条目) 关于我们:公司背景、宗旨方向、招贤纳士、团队风采、联系我们 附加说明: 1.当鼠标停留在某个栏目上面时,会自动列出该栏目下的分类信息 2.对于每个栏目下的页面,希望参考以下布局格式,在左侧框架点击某个条目后,右侧框架显示出相应的条目详细内容。 3.在网站的首页边侧放置一个固定悬浮框,用来放置公司的二维码图与联系信息

    $4726 Average bid
    $4726 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    I need a professional who can build a comprehensive Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) valuation model for a projected internet services tech company. Key requirements: - Expertise in finance, particularly in valuation techniques - Proficiency in building complex financial models - Experience with internet services tech companies would be a plus - Ability to understand and work with financial projections Please note that only future projections will be available for this task.

    $155 / hr Average bid
    $155 / hr 平均报价
    29 个竞标

    I'm seeking a graphic designer to edit an illustrative modern logo for seasoning rub company called SIR Savills, The logo pic attached should stay the same but add semi trailer with spice ingredients and change the arm on the man to crossing his arm with utensil 1. Add a semi truck trailer to the truck like the white semi truck with trailer in pic and make it have some ingredients picture like onions, garlic, peppers on the truck trailer and logo on the front rig of the truck. 2. The man in the picture make him have his hands crossed, but like the hands angled up toward the shoulders holding a grill utensil. 3. Bottom where the peppers are have some things like salt, pepper, garlic powder pic around the peppers. Key Responsibilities: - Edit the logo that incorporate...

    $155 Average bid
    68 项参赛作品

    I'm seeking an expert to compile a comprehensive project report for my B2B lead generation company. The report should primarily focus on market analysis. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in creating business project reports - Expertise in market analysis - Familiarity with B2B lead generation industry - Excellent research and analytical skills Please provide examples of similar reports you've done in the past.

    $132 Average bid
    $132 平均报价
    13 个竞标

    I'm looking for a social media expert to manage our updates across Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Key Responsibilities: - Craft engaging text updates, source or create relevant images, and edit videos for our posts - Schedule and post updates on a weekly basis Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in social media management - Proficiency in creating and editing multimedia content - Excellent understanding of the target audiences on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn -Has experience in Renewable Energy industry Skills Required: - Social Media Marketing - Content Creation - Video Editing - Image Editing - Copywriting

    $140 / hr Average bid
    $140 / hr 平均报价
    83 个竞标

    ...seeking a talented blog writer to create SEO-optimized, moderately detailed (500-1000 words), engaging articles for my web design company. The main goal is to help small business owners navigate the world of web design and digital marketing. Key Areas of Focus: - Web Design Trends: Highlight the latest in web design and how it can benefit small businesses. - SEO Best Practices: Share actionable SEO tips that can help small businesses improve their online visibility. - Small Business Tips: Provide practical advice geared towards small business owners, with a focus on digital growth. The ideal freelancer will have a strong understanding of SEO best practices and web design trends, as well as experience writing for small business audiences. Your...

    $894 Average bid
    $894 平均报价
    83 个竞标

    I need assistance migrating my existing SharePoint from another cloud service to a new setup. The project involves not just the migration of SharePoint but also the setup of backup via Azure Blob/File Storage. Key Tasks: - Migrate existing SharePoint data from SharePoint Online - Set up Blob storage and Azure file storage - Create backup solutions using Azure Blob/File Storage - Transfer files to Azure file storage Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in SharePoint migration - Proficiency in Azure services, particularly Azure Blob/FileStorage - Strong understanding of cloud services

    $224 Average bid
    $224 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    I need a seasoned professional to help me develop a robust b...robust business plan based on an outline I will provide, alongside a detailed company deck. The focus is on my cloud solution services company. Key Elements: - Business Plan: Incorporate market sizing (TAM, SAM) and propose sections beyond this such as financial projections, competitive analysis and SWOT analysis. - Company Deck: This should be extensive and cover all aspects of the business, including marketing strategies, go-to-market plans, etc. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in business consultancy, particularly in the tech sector. - Excellent understanding of cloud solutions services. - Proficient in market analysis and business forecasting. - Exceptional skills in creating engaging and informativ...

    $1251 Average bid
    $1251 平均报价
    33 个竞标

    I'm looking to create a CGI video for my travel company. The main purpose of this video is to serve as promotional material. The CGI style needs to be realistic, as I want to showcase various cultural experiences. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in CGI and video production - Experience working on travel or promotional videos - Understanding of creating realistic CGI - Ability to depict cultural experiences accurately and engagingly Please provide samples of your previous work, particularly any that is travel-related.

    $101 Average bid
    $101 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    ...illustrative logo that symbolizes our commitment to sustainability. Key Requirements: - Design an illustrative logo that integrates solar panels and leaf/plant imagery, reflecting our focus on renewable energy. - Utilize a green and blue color scheme, representing our eco-friendly ethos and the planet. - A minimalist approach is not preferred; the design should be detailed yet clear and impactful. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in designing illustrative logos, preferably for eco-friendly or renewable energy companies. - Strong understanding and experience with color theory, particularly with green and blue. - Ability to creatively incorporate specified elements into a cohesive design. - Excellent communication skills for understanding and inte...

    $8565 Average bid
    $8565 平均报价
    106 个竞标

    I'm seeking a skilled web developer to create a company website for an IT and workforce solutions firm. The primary function of the website will be to showcase our IT services in an engaging and informative manner. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive IT Services Overview: The site should have a detailed services overview section highlighting all our IT offerings. - IT Service and Workforce Solutions: The services overview page should include special interactive elements and features that present our workforce solutions alongside our IT services. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in web development with a strong portfolio of similar projects. - Experience in creating interactive web elements. - Knowledge of IT and workforce solutions would be a plus.

    $1150 Average bid
    $1150 平均报价
    60 个竞标

    I'm seeking a freelancer to create a standard template website for my new IT company. The primary purpose of the website is to provide information about our services, which include Software Development, Networking and Infrastructure, IT Consulting, and Workforce Management. Key Website Pages: - Home: An engaging landing page that captures our company's essence. - About Us: A page detailing our mission, vision, and team. - Services: An informative breakdown of the various IT services we offer. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in website development, specifically for IT companies. - Proficiency in creating standard template websites. - Ability to design engaging and informative webpages. - Understanding of the IT industry for better service represent...

    $878 Average bid
    $878 平均报价
    38 个竞标

    Hiring for 1 hour overview

    $194 / hr Average bid
    $194 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    I need a modern-style flyer for my building company. The flyer should use photos of our buildings and include specific ad copy provided in the attached PDF. Key details: - Purpose: The main goal of this flyer is to advertise our services. - Style: The flyer should have a modern aesthetic. - Color Scheme: Please use our company colors for the flyer. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design: Proven experience in creating professional flyers. - Color Theory: Ability to effectively use company colors. - Modern Aesthetic: Experience in modern design styles. - Attention to Detail: Ensure the correct ad copy is used.

    $878 Average bid
    180 项参赛作品

    I'm seeking a talented designer to create a classic-style logo for my utility company. The logo should convey a sense of reliability and professionalism. Key Requirements: - A logo design that embodies a classic style - A design that is corporate and professional in color palette Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Brand Identity - Adobe Illustrator or similar software - Understanding of classic design principles

    $326 Average bid
    $326 平均报价
    43 个竞标
    Company Brochure Design
    6 天 left

    I'm looking for a professional graphic designer to create a promotional brochure for my company, aimed at potential clients. It should include: - A company overview - Detailed information on our products/services - Client testimonials to build trust and credibility The ideal candidate should have a strong portfolio in promotional material, particularly brochures, and a knack for creating engaging and persuasive content. Experience in corporate design and understanding of B2B marketing strategies will be an advantage. Please submit your bid with samples of similar projects you've completed.

    $443 Average bid
    $443 平均报价
    35 个竞标

    ...skilled graphic designer to create a one-page brochure for my company. The brochure's primary aim is to promote one of our key products or services to potential customers. Key Responsibilities: - Design a professional and formal brochure that accurately reflects our brand and product/service. - Ensure the brochure is engaging and persuasive to capture the interest of potential customers. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, InDesign). - Strong understanding of marketing principles and design strategies aimed at customer engagement. - Experience in creating corporate promotional material. The brochure should maintain a tone that is consistently professional and formal, in line with our company image. A...

    $171 Average bid
    $171 平均报价
    20 个竞标

    ... Ich suche eine Expertenfirma, die virtuelle Microsoft 365-Desktop (Cloud PC) für den Fernzugriff auf Arbeitsanwendungen einrichtet. Wichtige Projektdetails: - Das Betriebssystem für diesen virtuellen Desktop wird Windows sein. - Es werden 4 Benutzer auf diesen virtuellen Desktop zugreifen. - Gemeinsame Dateiordner sollen vorhanden sein (Gemeinsame Ablage voneinem Teil der Dokumente) - Sharepoint und allenfalls Teams ist eine Option - Zugriff auf den Desktop mit einer App auf dem lokalen PC - Drucken: Lokal, auf vorhandene Netzwerkdrucker oder im Homeoffice auf den Heimdrucker - Zugang für mich als Administrator Ideale Fertigkeiten und Erfahrungen: - Umfassende Erfahrung mit Microsoft 365 und der Einrichtung virtueller Desktops. - Gute Kenntnisse von Window...

    $20861 Average bid
    $20861 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    As an agricultural fertilizer company, we are on the lookout for a creative professional who can produce mixed media illustrations, photorealistic graphics, and short video animations. These visuals are intended for our 2025 advertising campaigns, with a particular emphasis on our products being used on corn and soybeans. Ideal Freelancer: - Proficient in creating mixed media illustrations and photorealistic graphics. - Experienced in producing engaging short video animations focusing on product benefits. - Prior experience in the agriculture sector is a significant plus. Key Deliverables: - High-quality mixed media illustrations. - Photorealistic, visually engaging graphics. - Short video animations highlighting the benefits of our products. We are looking for someone who can b...

    $14488 Average bid
    $14488 平均报价
    66 个竞标

    As a limited company in the UK, I need assistance with filing our company tax return to Companies House. We haven't started preparing our financial statements yet, so I will need a professional who can assist with this process. Ideal Skills Include: - Expert knowledge in UK corporate tax law - Experience with Companies House filings - Proficient in financial statement preparation - Strong attention to detail - Excellent communication skills - Ability to meet deadlines Your role will be to help prepare our financial statements and file our tax return in a timely manner to avoid any penalties. Please provide a detailed proposal outlining your relevant experience and previous similar projects.

    $3365 Average bid
    $3365 平均报价
    24 个竞标

    I'm in need of a professional graphic designer to create a modern and sleek logo for my company. The design should be suitable primarily for digital platforms, such as my company's website and various online channels. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in logo design, particularly for modern and sleek aesthetics - Proficient in creating designs optimized for online platforms - Ability to work with neutral and muted tones, as specified Ideal Candidates: - Portfolio demonstrating previous work in similar style and color palette - Strong understanding of modern design trends - Excellent communication skills and ability to understand and implement feedback

    $466 Average bid
    328 项参赛作品

    ...IF YOU HAVE NOT WORKED WITH SHAREPOINT 365 DON'T APPLY FOR THIS PROJECT!! I'm looking to build a 365 SharePoint one page site dedicated to our internal events, specifically a 365 central site featuring a calendar list of events. This will be read from a lists file within the SharePoint system. There is already a power-app that does the management of the lists, to add, remove, edit an event. we just want a nice interface page to list and show them within the site of the 365 sharepoint Key Features: - A well-organized calendar list that captures all events throughout the year. - A user-friendly interface that facilitates easy navigation and event tracking. - A well-friendly interface that can show you the weekly events. Ideal Skills: - Proficien...

    $1282 Average bid
    $1282 平均报价
    51 个竞标

    [ONLY FOR LOCALS] We are looking for a lawyer in Estonia to help reform a registered company, changing from one founder to three. The current founder has Estonian e-residency, while the two new founders have russian passports and will not have e-residency. We need assistance with: - Drafting a power of attorney and providing guidance on how to notarize and legalize it remotely in Croatia and the UAE. - Reviewing, and if necessary, making amendments to the founding documents. - Ensuring the updated documents are legalized in Estonia and comply with Estonian law.

    $598 Average bid
    $598 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    this is the video I want to edit. I want the same copy in italian, and I will provide video of the clinic, you have to change the language, logos etc and inserting my video clinic (editing them to make them catchy). I expect infinite review untill I am satisfied about the video. Please don't apply if you don't offer that

    $808 Average bid
    $808 平均报价
    66 个竞标

    I'm looking for a designer to create 3 customizable newsletter templates and a branded company Playbook deck. 1)Newsletter Templates: - 3 formal and professional, 4-5 page, templates - Incorporate our branding: logo, colors, fonts - Sections for intro, industry insights and project info (reference will be provided) 2)Playbook: - A 20-30 slide, branded PowerPoint playbook Ideal skills: Graphic Design, PowerPoint, Adobe Illustrator, Brand Development Experience: Corporate design, Newsletter design, PowerPoint design. Please provide examples of similar projects in your bid.

    $591 Average bid
    $591 平均报价
    29 个竞标

    I'm looking for ...for a graphic designer to create a modern and sleek 8-page company profile brochure for me. Key Details: - The primary colors to be used in the design are light green and blue, creating a fresh and appealing aesthetic. - The sections to be included in the brochure are: - About Us - Products/Services - Client Testimonials - Flow Process - Contact Details - About Company Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven graphic design experience, particularly with brochure design. - Strong portfolio showcasing modern and sleek design styles. - Proficient in using design software like Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, etc. - Excellent understanding of color theory and layout principles. - Ability to understand and ...

    $529 Average bid
    $529 平均报价
    39 个竞标

    I am in need of a skilled developer to create a custom, web-hosted business management software tailored for a small manufacturing enterprise. This software will be built using the Laravel framework and will encompass several modules. Key Modules: - Manufacturing: This will be the primary focus of the software. It should cover essential functionalities such as: - Production Scheduling: The software should allow for streamlined scheduling of production processes. - Resource Allocation: It should facilitate efficient distribution of resources throughout the manufacturing process. - Quality Control Tracking: The software should have provisions for monitoring quality control throughout production. - Customer Management: Following the manufacturing module, the next priority will be the ...

    $2845 Average bid
    $2845 平均报价
    68 个竞标
    Create a Company website
    6 天 left

    I'm looking for a web developer to create a business website for me. The primary purpose of the site is to present my company to visitors and facilitate online booking. The online booking page is not included in this job. This is just the company website without the booking site. Key Features: - A section dedicated to company history and information. - Detailed descriptions of our services. - A contact form for visitor inquiries. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development and design. - Experience in creating user-friendly and responsive sites. - Skills in implementing secure and efficient online booking systems and contact forms. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. WHAT I NEED? The target of the we...

    $1749 Average bid
    $1749 平均报价
    96 个竞标

    I'm seeking a professional graphic designer to create a modern and sleek logo for my new plumbing service company in British Columbia, Canada. The logo should incorporate the iconic Lions Gate Bridge and my company name, while also reflecting a plumbing theme subtly. Key Requirements: - Incorporation of the Lions Gate Bridge and my company name into the design - A modern and sleek aesthetic - A subtle nod to the plumbing industry - A color palette primarily featuring Blue, Purple, White, and Yellow Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Branding - Logo Design - Familiarity with Vancouver landmarks - Understanding of plumbing industry Please provide a portfolio of similar projects you've completed.

    $459 Average bid
    $459 平均报价
    72 个竞标

    We are looking for a highly skilled and experienced website developer/designer to optimize and enhance our existing WordPress website for our HVAC business, AcuairSolutions. The ideal candidate will have expertise in WordPress development, SEO, UX/UI design, and performance optimization, with a focus on delivering a fast, secure, mobile-responsive website optimized for local SEO. The goal is to improve user experience, speed, and conversion rates while ensuring the website is optimized for search engines. Key Responsibilities WordPress Development & Customization: Customize the existing WordPress theme (Airtech) and integrate essential plugins. Ensure the website is optimized for performance and responsive across all devices. Implement necessary updates and maintenance ...

    $148 / hr Average bid
    $148 / hr 平均报价
    182 个竞标

    We have created a new SharePoint site and migrated the package and the necessary Lists to reflect the data into the dashboard. However, it seems that the latest site doesn't reflect the data accordingly. We need to check what else is missing. I can provide you the source code, screenshots, package etc. for reference. The source for the package is developed using JavaScript, so we need to check from there what error occurs/any data is missing.

    $1244 Average bid
    $1244 平均报价
    45 个竞标

    I'm seeking a seasoned professional to take the helm of business strategy for my media company. The ideal candidate should have deep understanding of affiliate marketplaces and a proven track record in promoting products and driving conversions. Key Responsibilities: - Strategically expand affiliate partnerships to increase our market reach. - Identify and penetrate new product categories, driving business growth. - Develop innovative strategies for product promotion, optimizing conversions. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in affiliate marketing. - Proven ability to forge and maintain partnerships. - Exceptional strategic thinking and planning skills. If you're confident in your abilities to meet these requirements and have the relevant experience, please tell me ...

    $2759 Average bid
    $2759 平均报价
    59 个竞标

    I am looking for a freelancer with expertise in web development and data visualization to create a company website and an insights dashboard for me. The website should be professional, user-friendly and incorporate fundamental features like a contact form and a blog section. The insights dashboard should provide visual representations of key performance metrics, such as income performance and website traffic. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Experience with data visualization tools and software - Previous work with creating professional company websites - Good understanding of user interface and user experience design - Excellent communication skills to understand and cater to my requirements. UI i...

    $319 Average bid
    $319 平均报价
    85 个竞标

    As a teenager striving to establish my own company, I am in need of a professional graphic designer to create a logo that will represent my digital services company. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in graphic design, specifically logo creation - Experience in designing for digital services companies - Proficiency in using graphic design software Your logo design will play a crucial role in shaping the company's brand identity and will be used across all digital platforms. Your creativity and understanding of design principles will be key in making this project a success.

    $2316 Average bid
    $2316 平均报价
    162 个竞标

    I'm seeking a skilled web developer to enhance our existing website. The primary goal is to significantly improve the user experience, specifically the visual design aspect. Key requirements: - Improve the visual design of the site to enhance the overall user experience - Add three new pages: - Tour packages - Customer testimonials - Contact us The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in web design and development, with an emphasis on creating visually appealing, user-friendly websites. Experience in designing for travel or tour companies would be a plus. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.

    $1850 Average bid
    $1850 平均报价
    268 个竞标

    I'm seeking a skilled SharePoint Online developer to assist with site provisioning. The task involves creating a Team site whenever a new item is added to a list, using PnP PowerShell scripts. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in SharePoint Online - Experience with PnP PowerShell scripts - Ability to work with custom templates and configurations - Familiarity with creating Custom lists and libraries - Skills in Custom branding You will need to use a combination of standard configurations and custom templates. I have a site template that we will use, which includes custom lists and libraries, and custom branding. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in SharePoint development and a keen eye for detail to ensure the site meets our specifications.

    $264 / hr Average bid
    $264 / hr 平均报价
    44 个竞标

    I'm seeking a database expert to help implement a robust database for our company. We have a mix of both structured and unstructured data that needs to be stored, and we are unsure of what type of database to use (SQL, NoSQL, or something else). I would appreciate guidance on the most suitable options for our needs. Key Requirements: - Design and implement a database that can efficiently handle both structured and unstructured data. - Provide expert advice on the most suitable type of database for our needs. - Ensure the database is optimized for data retrieval and querying. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in database design and implementation. - Strong understanding of both SQL and NoSQL databases. - Excellent problem-solving skills and ability...

    $31626 Average bid
    $31626 平均报价
    65 个竞标

    Dear, We are starting up a new trading firm focused on trading pharmaceutical worldwide. We are looking for a sales agent that wants to help us reach new customers worldwide, and be paid on commission.

    $117 / hr Average bid
    $117 / hr 平均报价
    16 个竞标

    I'm starting a new company and I'm in need of a professionally designed website and logo. The design should be modern and sleek, embodying a contemporary aesthetic. Key Requirements: - Creation of a modern and sleek website - Design of a corresponding logo - E-commerce functionality (if necessary) - SEO optimization Ideal Skills: - Web design and development - Graphic design - SEO - E-commerce integration - Familiarity with modern design trends Please note, the color scheme for the website and logo hasn't been decided yet, so I'm open to suggestions. Your experience and expertise in this field will be greatly appreciated.

    $3264 Average bid
    $3264 平均报价
    279 个竞标