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2,000 setup proxy server host 找到工作

...Internal Errors - **Error Codes**: - Return standardized error codes and brief messages only; detailed errors are logged internally. ### 4.2 Global Exception Handling - **Middleware**: - Implement a global exception handler in Golang to capture unhandled exceptions and log details without exposing sensitive information. --- ## 5. Google Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) ### 5.1 2FA Setup - **Integration**: - Use Google Authenticator (TOTP) for secondary verification. - **User Control**: - Allow users to enable/disable 2FA; enforce it for sensitive accounts. ### 5.2 Verification Process - **Workflow**: - After the password check, require a TOTP code. - **Backup**: - Provide one-time backup codes for emergencies. --- ## 6. Out-of-Region Login Veri...

$3606 Average bid
$3606 平均报价
7 个竞标

...Facebook, and other relevant platforms. Deliver the course in the form of documents and videos, structured systematically. Cover platform introductions, account setup, operational strategies, monetization methods, content creation, traffic acquisition, paid promotions, and advanced tools to improve efficiency. Comprehensive Course Framework (Extended Outline) Phase 1: Introduction to Social Media Platforms Overview of key platforms: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook Emerging platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter) Characteristics and demographics of platform users Pros and cons of each platform for businesses and creators Account setup and optimization: Step-by-step guide to registering accounts Profile optimization strategies Multi-region account registration ...

$5829 Average bid
$5829 平均报价
7 个竞标

...Facebook, and other relevant platforms. Deliver the course in the form of documents and videos, structured systematically. Cover platform introductions, account setup, operational strategies, monetization methods, content creation, traffic acquisition, paid promotions, and advanced tools to improve efficiency. Comprehensive Course Framework (Extended Outline) Phase 1: Introduction to Social Media Platforms Overview of key platforms: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook Emerging platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter) Characteristics and demographics of platform users Pros and cons of each platform for businesses and creators Account setup and optimization: Step-by-step guide to registering accounts Profile optimization strategies Multi-region account registration ...

$1943 Average bid
$1943 平均报价
2 个竞标

1. Project Overview A multilingual, i...available before payment). 5. SDK Integration and Documentation 1. SDK Support Platforms • Websites (JavaScript SDK). • Android and iOS native apps. • Mini-programs (e.g., WeChat). • Apps developed using frameworks like Uniapp or Flutter. 2. Documentation • Provide integration guides for all platforms, including sample code, API references, and FAQs. • Include real-world examples for quick setup. 6. Future Expansion 1. App-Based Customer Service Platform • A dedicated app allowing B-End customer service representatives to respond without logging into the website. 2. Advanced Features • Intelligent user segmentation and personalized recommendations. • Survey and feedback form genera...

$3645 Average bid
$3645 平均报价
11 个竞标

...and WeChat Pay. Use the API to generate a payment QR code directly on the platform, allowing users to scan and pay without redirection. Documentation: Payment Gateway 2: Cryptomus Support USDT payments through the Cryptomus platform with a one-time payment setup. Documentation: Payment Gateway 3: Airwallex Integrate the Airwallex payment system, supporting AlipayHK, WeChat Pay, Alipay, and credit card options with a one-time payment setup. Use the API to generate a payment QR code directly on the platform, allowing users to scan and pay without redirection. Documentation: Typing Effect Implement a typing effect that displays text character by character to enhance user interaction

$2526 Average bid
$2526 平均报价
2 个竞标

...后会立刻被切换到其他可用节点。 通过攻击蜜罐的方式吸引发起攻击的黑客,多次命中蜜罐会被系统标记为黑名单,不再发放新的IP地址。(用户可自行解除) 盾采用安全网关的方式进行流量鉴权,内网过滤、外网检测,首次建立连接额外增加鉴权机制,通过双向认证正式建立连接, 彻底阻断各种烦人的SYN/CC攻击。支持国际主流的TLS加密,所有TCP连接双向加密隧道通讯,有效防范各种数据包分析和修改。 握手后不过滤任何数据,真正做到0误杀、0漏包、丝般顺滑,免疫SYN和CC攻击。私有化协议二次封装,非链接限速、报文检测机制,0误杀、0漏过。 EXE封装、无源码接入,支持Windows、iOS、Android系统,分钟级集成。 智能多线节点分布,配合独家研发的隧道填补技术,保证每条线路都是优质网络 研发新SocKet协议,弥补WinSock链接失败会断开问题,链接失败自动无缝切换 显示用户IP 采用TOA或Proxy Protocol等开源模式显示用户真实IP。 做个授权 前端填写端口和ip和卡密或账号密码就能封装 要防破解,还有http https协议可以转tcp udp协议接入,授权服务器套cdn用域名通信 可以根据在线人数限制 分配不同套餐 按月 年付费 主要作用是 无视cc ddos攻击 隐藏ip 全网加速 显示用户IP

$3497 Average bid
$3497 平均报价
8 个竞标

1. Can import 500 ip proxy addresses at the same time 2. Can upload picture folder 3. You can upload text files 4. Each different ip address corresponds to a different facebook registration entry 5. Each ip address can be replaced or deleted at any time 6. After successful registration, the avatar will be randomly selected from the picture folder, and the name will be randomly selected from the text file 7. Automatically apply through friends, and the time interval for applying through friends can be set by yourself 8. Integrated management of all account messages and comments 9. Real-time update statistics of the number of all friends, like, share, and comment 10. You can clear all accounts and all information with one key, and then start again, in a cycle

$1943 Average bid
$1943 平均报价
2 个竞标
Project for Granit S.
已经结束 left

您好正在使用Jarvee, 需要jarvee的设置方式建议 对于instagram和facebook的限制感觉麻烦, 需有专家合作配置完整的机器人功能。 1.需要帮助设置服务器vps部屬 2.需要帮助proxy家用代理的建议, instagram和facebook专用家用代理 3. 2captcha-api 验证码串接,Instagram-自动电子邮件验证教學, Instagram-两因素验证 的设置, 以免被facebook及instagram阻挡 初學者模式---facebook初學者模式 長期合作相關設定 期待您的回覆謝謝

$389 Average bid
$389 平均报价
1 个竞标
socks5 proxy client
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socks5 proxy client socks5 proxy client

$272 Average bid
$272 平均报价
1 个竞标

我需要一个Interspire邮件营销的专家或者邮件群发方面设置的专家来执行以下任务: - 优化Interspire邮件营销的MySQL服务器 - 支持使用多个SMTP服务器 - 支持使用多个IP地址和域名轮换 - 支持每SMTP每小时处理的最大邮件 - 设置DKIM签名,RDNS,PX,MX和SPF记录,DNS和ISP投诉循环 - 配置邮件服务器MTA工作Interspire邮件营销,安全,快速,和优化收件箱递送的主要供应商(hotmail, yahoo , gmail等) - 设立cron日程设置 - 它必须是可以使用随机词的同义词。 - 最重要的是,确保所有这些工作完美

$536 Average bid
$536 平均报价
1 个竞标

重启linode以后前端页面显示ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT, 修改过文件,但是都没有用. 里面内容模板都已经完成, 只需将页面重新上线可访问即可. 可以的话微信联系我: anbbvv.

$738 Average bid
$738 平均报价
3 个竞标
Wordpress server setting
已经结束 left

重启linode以后前端页面显示ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT, 修改过文件,但是都没有用. 里面内容模板都已经完成, 只需将页面重新上线可访问即可. 可以的话微信联系我: anbbvv.

$241 Average bid
$241 平均报价
1 个竞标
MT4 server api
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需要开发MT4 登录客户端。 写一个软件,能在这个软件上下单 ,发送指令到MT4服务器,不需要登录MT4 .

$7426 - $14851
$7426 - $14851
0 个竞标

Host mobile App on : Myapp (Tencent) 腾讯应用宝 360 Mobile Assistant 360 Mobile Assistant 360手机助手 Baidu Mobile Assistant Baidu Mobile Assistant 百度手机助手

$70941 Average bid
$70941 平均报价
2 个竞标

我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作I need to develop a server based on websocket.'

$194 / hr Average bid
$194 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

apache traffic server 的缓存命中率提升

$536 Average bid
$536 平均报价
3 个竞标
已经结束 left

If you have any questions after reading this, please ask me and do not assume you know what I need. Please follow these steps. 1. Go to and click 'table games then 'more table games' and click the european roulette graphic. 2. Play for Fun. ...required fee. 13. Upon your request, I will send screen shots of all the pages that are hit. These will be in 1280x768. I'll have to re-check this for you. 14. Once you feel you are ready to deliver the final product, run the program until virtual memory is reached. Take note of how long this lasted. I will run this on HP 2gig. 15. There is a Chinese case you need to open proxy Anything you need, do not hesitate to contact me!!!!

$10158 Average bid
$10158 平均报价
4 个竞标
已经结束 left

我们有二台VPS服务器, Liunx server: ,和windows server: 请注意我们没有其它的任何信息。 如果你或你的朋友能够找到漏洞通过RDP登陆到Windows server:, 或通过ssh连接到Linux server: 他们中的一个, 如果你能够登陆, 请报价。 Thanks!

$769 Average bid
$769 平均报价
3 个竞标

我们是一家start up career coaching 公司,现在需要升级现有网站。 现在用的是square space的host,以后希望把网页做的更加专业和美观,所以可能需要更换host。 具体的模板也没有决定,现在需要有网页设计经验的人员来参与模板,host的选择讨论。并且设计新的网页。

$1671 Average bid
$1671 平均报价
4 个竞标

我公司现有的网站: 有不少缺点,所以希望重新建立一个网站。下面将我司现有网站的缺点做一说明,并提出希望建一个什么网站以及参考网站的地址。 现有网站的缺点: 1. 建站公司不提供源文件。 2. 模板化严重。 3. 不太注重细节,不够美观,不够国际化。 希望新建网站的特点: 1. 提供源文件,方便今后有专人进行修改更新。 2. 有一定的定制。 3. 美工设计美观,国际化。 4. 有互动的环节,比如让客户用定制的表格用来询价。 5. 可以展示视频。 6. 服务器在国外,用blue host 希望模仿的网站是: 主要模仿该网站的结构,美工设计得细节。

$16367 Average bid
$16367 平均报价
14 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Build a server side website'

$78 / hr Average bid
$78 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

...发帖所在的英文网站必须有一定流量,其Alexa排名必须在前10万位,具体可查 - 发帖所在的英文论坛频道及财务外包、服务办公室、公司注册类。 - 每一普通网站可发贴数一般为3帖,但Alexa排名在前1万位的网站可每站发5帖,前1000位的网站可每站发10帖,前100位的网站则不限,但帖子内容不能在论坛上同一个版面重复发布, 同一频道/子论坛帖数不能超过1贴,并且不能是同一标题。 - 帖子必须保持在七天不被删除,谢绝机器发帖 - 严禁在中国的英文论坛发帖 其他建议: - 国外论坛管理较严,为了你的帖成功存活以及能长期使用论坛账户进行发帖,最好在发正式帖前“潜伏“一段时间,例如回复一些其他帖,发一些新帖。 - 软文标题和内容的广告味道不能很浓,最好不要写成直接推广的形式(我们有帖子内容提供) - 所发正式帖可以用回帖的方式回答一些相关的问题,例如有人问“How to setup company?”你就可以跟帖回答。 - 也可以用多个论坛帐号自问自答,但要表达自然。 *也可网络推广公司参与,但必须是上海本地的,可长期合作。

$7049 Average bid
$7049 平均报价
3 个竞标

...and insights tracking, and basic branding. Key Responsibilities: - Audit my Instagram business account and correct any setup issues - Link my Instagram & Facebook properly for seamless ad management and insights tracking - Set up a professional TikTok business account that aligns with my brand - Ensure all platforms are connected for easy content sharing - Basic branding and profile optimization for consistency across platforms - Enable and ensure access to all business tools and insights Ideal Skills: - Expertise in social media management, specifically Instagram and TikTok - Proficiency in brand alignment and basic branding tasks - Ability to identify and correct setup issues - Experience with enabling and managing business tools on social media platforms - Strong...

$288 Average bid
$288 平均报价
10 个竞标

I'm looking to have a Discord room set up for my shareholders, investors, traders, and other community members. This room should be able to support a variety of activities including live discussions, resource sharing, and event announcements. Key requirements: - Create and configure appropriate text channels for specific topics...topics - Set up informative announcement channels - Establish voice channels for engaging discussions Ideal skills for this project include a deep understanding of Discord's features and capabilities, as well as experience in setting up channels for various purposes. The ability to create an engaging and well-structured online community space is crucial. Please bid if you can deliver a professional setup that meets these needs. The company web...

$3567 Average bid
$3567 平均报价
10 个竞标

I’m looking for an expert to create, automate, and monetize a fully functional AI influencer from scratch. This project requires a complete end-to-end setup, covering everything from model creation to scaling revenue streams. The AI influencer should be highly realistic, consistent in appearance, and able to generate content across images and videos for social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Additionally, it should be monetized through exclusive content platforms like DeFans (alternative to OnlyFans), brand sponsorships, and AI-driven content automation. Scope of Work: 1. AI Influencer Creation (Realistic & Consistent Model) Develop an AI-generated influencer that looks realistic and human-like (not obviously AI-generated). Ensure facial consistency ...

$863 Average bid
$863 平均报价
18 个竞标

I need help setting up MS Teams for a project. The main task involves adding forms that staff can fill out when they need assistance. I would like to be able to go back and track the questions and responses. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in MS Teams setup and configuration - Experience with creating and integrating forms in MS Teams - Previous work with IT support request systems is a plus

$179 / hr Average bid
$179 / hr 平均报价
43 个竞标 Tables: Masjids: id, name, address, location (GEOGRAPHY), contact_info (JSON). Prayer_Times: id, masjid_id, date, prayer_data (JSON), source. Users: id, username, email (for submissions). Project Plan & Timeline (1 Week) With AI assistance (e.g., Grok), this project can be completed in 7 days by leveraging pre-built libraries, APIs, and rapid prototyping. Here’s the breakdown: Day 1: Setup & Design Set up Flutter/React Native project. Design basic UI (masjid list, widget layout) using wireframes. AI assistance: Generate boilerplate code and UI snippets. Day 2: Core App Functionality Implement masjid selection and local storage. Build widget for Android (AppWidgetProvider) and iOS (WidgetKit). AI assistance: Debug widget sync and optimize performance. Day 3...

$4282 Average bid
$4282 平均报价
57 个竞标

...subscription model. Secure and optimized backend. Full specs attached. Custom Development (Recommended Tech Stack) Frontend: React.js / Vue.js (for dynamic UI). Backend: Node.js (Express) or Laravel (PHP). Database: MySQL / PostgreSQL. Payment Integration: Stripe API. Hosting: AWS / DigitalOcean / Shared Hosting based on budget. Budget & Milestone Plan Milestone Plan: Milestone 1: $70 (Initial setup & demo UI). Milestone 2: $70 (Booking flow implementation). Milestone 3: $70 (Admin & vendor subscription system). Final Milestone: $40 (Testing, deployment & fixes). Requirements for Developers Clear documentation & clean code. Secure payment gateway integration (Stripe). Responsive and user-friendly UI/UX. Regular updates & communication during the projec...

$1189 Average bid
$1189 平均报价
59 个竞标
Deploy a NodeJS server
6 天 left

I want to deploy a NodeJS server in Fino: I want to deploy this NodeJS server: It is running on port 9000 and uses Node version 18.

$1080 Average bid
$1080 平均报价
56 个竞标

Project Description: We are looking for a skilled developer to create an automated VPN deployment script for a dual-server cascading VPN setup using WireGuard. The script should be capable of automatic installation and configuration on two separate Ubuntu servers (22.04 - 24.04) and ensure seamless traffic forwarding. The system should work as follows: A client connects to Server 1 (entry point). Traffic is forwarded to Server 2. The client appears to be connecting from Server 2, although they initially connected to Server 1. Additionally, the system should be integrated with a Telegram bot, which allows users to: Authenticate & attach a specific IP address to their login. Change their assigned IP address from a preloaded pool by clicking a ...

$202 Average bid
$202 平均报价
28 个竞标

I need assistance configuring 301 redirection for my WordPress site. I've moved my old website to a new URL, and it's crucial that all links from Google point to the correct pages on my new site. Key Requirements: - Set up 301 redirection for all pages from the old site to the new one. - Ensure the redirection does not interfere with my new website being hosted on the old domain, nor with my emails. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress - Experienced in setting up 301 redirections - Familiar with .htaccess file configurations. I’m unsure about access to my .htaccess file, so if you could check that for me, it would be appreciated. I’m looking for someone who can deliver this task promptly and efficiently.

$117 Average bid
$117 平均报价
48 个竞标

I'm seeking a longterm collaborator for my NPO, L.L.R. I need a highly skilled Linux VPS Hosting Administrator with extensive experience unde...Linux VPS Hosting Administrator with extensive experience under AlmaLinux. This individual will be responsible for managing full servers and will need a deep understanding of DNS, MX, and security issues. Quick and efficient reaction to any arising issues is a must. Key Responsibilities: - Server setup and configuration - Ongoing server maintenance - Regular updates and patching - Security audits and monitoring Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Linux and AlmaLinux - Deep understanding of server setup and management - Proficiency in handling DNS and MX - Strong focus on security and risk management -...

$62 / hr Average bid
$62 / hr 平均报价
9 个竞标

I need a professional to create and set up my business Facebook page. The main goal of this page will be to enhance brand awareness. Branding Elements I already have several branding elements in place including: - A logo and tagline - Brand colors and fonts - A comprehensive brand guidelines document Content Initially, the primary type of content I plan to post will be product promotions. Therefore, the freelancer should have experience in e-commerce and product marketing on social media. Ideal Skills and Experience - Proficient in setting up and managing Facebook business pages - Strong understanding of brand promotion and awareness strategies - Experience in e-commerce and product marketing on social media - Able to create engaging product promotion content - Familiar with Facebook&#...

$47 / hr Average bid
$47 / hr 平均报价
40 个竞标
Zoho CRM Setup & Onboarding
6 天 left

I need assistance with the complete onboarding process for Zoho CRM. This includes: - Setting up the CR...Setting up the CRM: Tailoring the platform to fit my business needs. - Data migration: Transferring existing customer data into the new system smoothly and accurately. - Workflow automation: Streamlining processes to enhance efficiency. The CRM will be accessed by a small team of 1 to 5 users. The standard setup is sufficient for our needs, so there's no requirement for custom fields or modules. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience with Zoho CRM, particularly in setup, data migration, and workflow automation. - Excellent attention to detail for data accuracy during migration. - Strong skills in process optimisation to ensure effectiv...

$940 Average bid
$940 平均报价
13 个竞标

I'm looking for an experienced Shopify expert to assist me in setting up my general category Shopify store. Key Requirements: - Store Design: The store should reflect a minimalist and modern design aesthetic. This includes clean lines, ample white space, a simple color palette, and an overall uncluttered look. - Product Reviews: I want to incorporate a product review system where customers...feature that allows customers to save items for future purchases. - Live Chat Support: I want to integrate a live chat support feature to assist customers in real-time. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Shopify - Strong understanding of minimalist and modern design principles - Proficiency in integrating store functionalities - Excellent communication skills for real-time customer suppo...

$210 Average bid
$210 平均报价
13 个竞标

I'm seeking assistance with migrating my domain from Squarespace to Google Workspace. This project requires expertise in: - Understanding of Squarespace domain management - Proficiency in Google Workspace setup and configuration - Experience with domain migration without hosting change The goal is to ensure a smooth transition without any downtime or loss of data.

$1049 Average bid
$1049 平均报价
22 个竞标

...Multilingual website development (English, Norwegian, German). ✅ SEO & performance optimization knowledge. ✅ Ability to deliver high-quality branding and a fully functional website within a set timeframe. Deliverables Branding Package (Logo, Colors, Typography, Guidelines, Social Media Templates, Packaging Mockups, etc.) Fully functional e-commerce website with multilingual support Subscription model setup for recurring deliveries Sustainability impact tracking feature on product pages SEO-optimized content & product descriptions Ongoing support for website maintenance (optional) Budget & Timeline ? Budget: Open for discussion based on experience and deliverables. ⏳ Timeline: Ideally, within 4-6 weeks from project start. This should attract skilled designers a...

$29416 Average bid
$29416 平均报价
26 个竞标

...mitigation, food security, energy, finance, etc. • A search function for easy document retrieval. • A clean, mobile-responsive website with a simple CMS (Content Management System). • User engagement metrics (e.g., clicks, downloads, searches). Key Responsibilities • Web Development: Design and develop a website similar to the Kenya Climate Directory (). • Database Setup: Create a structured, searchable database for resources. • Content Collection & Curation: Gather climate reports, research papers, and policy documents relevant to Sierra Leone. • SEO & User Optimization: Ensure smooth navigation and accessibility. • Testing & Maintenance: Conduct testing and provide minor updates post-launch. Skills & Qualificati...

$9396 Average bid
$9396 平均报价
45 个竞标

I'm seeking a Linux developer with expertise in setting up Node.js and , stun and turn servers on a VPS Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Linux system. - Extensive experience with Node.js and - Previous work on video conferencing applications highly desirable. - Knowledge in STUN/TURN server setup and configuration. - Strong understanding of real-time communication systems. Please message your expertise in this role only. Copy/pasted portfolios will be ignored I'm sorry.

$1205 Average bid
$1205 平均报价
29 个竞标

...difficulties with my music software, GarageBand and Cubase. I need someone to help me troubleshoot the software setup and get everything working smoothly. Key Areas of Assistance: - Software setup and troubleshooting: Help me get GarageBand and Cubase properly configured. - Understanding workflows and features: I need someone to guide me through the software's features and workflows, as I'm currently feeling confused. - Transfer Files: I need assistance with figuring out how to transfer files between the two programs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in GarageBand and Cubase with a deep understanding of their features and workflows. - Experience with troubleshooting software setup and installation problems. - Ability to explain complex concepts...

$738 Average bid
$738 平均报价
10 个竞标

Im looking for an experienced email deliverability expert to configure our email-sending setup to ensure maximum inbox placement. We already have our email content ready, but we need a professional to optimize our domain authentication and technical settings, including SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and other necessary configurations. Requirements: Set up SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records correctly Optimize email headers and authentication for maximum inbox placement Configure PTR records, MX records, and custom Return-Path if needed Ensure compliance with major email providers (Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc.) Avoid spam filters and improve email reputation Test deliverability and provide recommendations

$427 Average bid
$427 平均报价
20 个竞标

...detail oriented researchers for this project. We are in an ongoing research project assembling comprehensive global contact databases for market research purposes, and looking assistance with researching and assembling contact lists of lottery and gambling promoters/commentators/influencers/analysts around the world The targets for this database might stream to audiences on YouTube or Twitch, host discussion channels on Discord, maintain comparison websites, deliver podcasts, or post videos on TikTok or Instagram. These targets are not individual gaming sites themselves, but rather the sites & individuals that investigate, contrast, compare, and promote those gaming options for their followers - options like lotteries, crypto casinos, online poker, sports betting, horse ...

$54 / hr Average bid
$54 / hr 平均报价
33 个竞标

I need a professional to set up Google Ads conversion tracking for my Shopify store. The specific conversion I want to track are form submissions. Ideal skills for this project include: - Extensive knowledge of Google Ads - Experience with Shopify - Proficiency in tracking and analytics Please note, the specific app or plugin used for forms on my store has not been determined yet. As such, flexibility and adaptability will be key. Previous experience with Shopify's default form builder, third-party apps, and custom code will be beneficial.

$93 Average bid
$93 平均报价
3 个竞标

I'm looking for an expert to help me set up an Amazon seller account for selling physical goods. I need assistance acquiring UPC codes for my products, as I currently don't have any. I do have a brand name and logo ready to go. Key Responsibilities: - Setting up my Amazon seller account - Assisting with the acquisitio...physical goods. I need assistance acquiring UPC codes for my products, as I currently don't have any. I do have a brand name and logo ready to go. Key Responsibilities: - Setting up my Amazon seller account - Assisting with the acquisition of UPC codes Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience with Amazon seller account setup - Familiarity with UPC code acquisition - Understanding of physical goods selling on Amazon - Ability to integrate brand name an...

$933 Average bid
$933 平均报价
31 个竞标

...friendly and inspiring redesign. The primary goal of this project is to enhance lead generation capabilities. Key tasks include: - Comprehensive site audit and optimization - Fixing issues with Rank Math Pro Content AI - Redesigning key pages (Homepage, Landing, About, Services, Contact, FAQ, Book a Discovery Call, Blog and privacy) - Implementing a professional yet friendly and inspiring design - Setup of email marketing and full Calendly integration - Technical review of hosting, DNS, and database The site needs to be: - Well-structured - Responsive - Properly linked - SEO optimized (URL structure, meta descriptions, permalinks) - High performing I require a clear upfront price with no hidden costs or unexpected changes. Please include your relevant experience, estimated tim...

$1158 Average bid
$1158 平均报价
109 个竞标

I've self-hosted Roundcube Mail on my server. Everything is functioning well except for this error: "connections to storage server failed." - Storage Server Status: I have checked and confirmed that the storage server is up and running. - Recent Changes: I'm not entirely sure if there have been any recent changes or updates to the server or storage system. - Storage Type: The storage server in use is a local disk. I need an expert who can diagnose and fix this storage server connection issue promptly. Experience with Roundcube or similar self-hosted mail servers will be highly advantageous.

$389 Average bid
$389 平均报价
6 个竞标 understanding of WordPress, Elementor, ACF and Anywhere Elementor. **Scope:** We’re experiencing a bug when using multiple elements in an ACF flexible content module. The subfields from one element—like a customizable divider line—overwrite any other instance of the element. We want to be able to ensure each instance has its own ID and retains the settings entered into the subfields. **Our Setup:** - Elementor page template has a “flexible content” widget installed from Anywhere Elementor - The AE flexible content widget is allowing us to add pre-built modules into the final Wordpress page. The first example we have set up is a line divider. When you add a line divider via the flexible content widget, you can then customize the line width, line ...

$435 Average bid
$435 平均报价
25 个竞标
Filezilla Server
6 天 left

I use Filezilla Server so that users can upload their files to my server. I would like to know if there is a way to create a program to see or graph how many users I have during the 24 hours of the day, to know in which time range I have the greatest load. Is this possible? Thanks.

$466 Average bid
$466 平均报价
9 个竞标
JPG Texture Color Balancing
6 天 left

I have a set of JPGs that require color adjustments, specifically to balance skin tones. Your task will involve: - Adjusting the color balance of the images to ensure skin tones are represented accurately and consistently using Affinity Photo 2 - Possibly automating this process as only tedious mouse clicks and copy paste is required (the actual color balancing is already setup for you) The color balancing is already done for you simply need to watch "Face Texture Cleanup " video in full and follow the instructions. Per 1 Face Diffuse Map file the process creates 4 images total. 24 Face Diffuse Maps should create 4 images a piece = 96 images total (Don't panic these are simple to generate and takes only a couple of hours to complete can take under 24hours to comple...

$622 Average bid
$622 平均报价
83 个竞标