Mikrotik openvpn proto udp工作


    2,000 mikrotik openvpn proto udp 找到工作

    ...盾采用安全网关的方式进行流量鉴权,内网过滤、外网检测,首次建立连接额外增加鉴权机制,通过双向认证正式建立连接, 彻底阻断各种烦人的SYN/CC攻击。支持国际主流的TLS加密,所有TCP连接双向加密隧道通讯,有效防范各种数据包分析和修改。 握手后不过滤任何数据,真正做到0误杀、0漏包、丝般顺滑,免疫SYN和CC攻击。私有化协议二次封装,非链接限速、报文检测机制,0误杀、0漏过。 EXE封装、无源码接入,支持Windows、iOS、Android系统,分钟级集成。 智能多线节点分布,配合独家研发的隧道填补技术,保证每条线路都是优质网络 研发新SocKet协议,弥补WinSock链接失败会断开问题,链接失败自动无缝切换 显示用户IP 采用TOA或Proxy Protocol等开源模式显示用户真实IP。 做个授权 前端填写端口和ip和卡密或账号密码就能封装 要防破解,还有http https协议可以转tcp udp协议接入,授权服务器套cdn用域名通信 可以根据在线人数限制 分配不同套餐 按月 年付费 主要作用是 无视cc ddos攻击 隐藏ip 全网加速 显示用户IP

    $3492 Average bid
    $3492 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    ...智慧税票:集成税务管理系统,实现发票管理、税务申报等自动化处理,减轻企业负担。 原型UI 道伽企服----小程序UI原型 %EF%BC%88%E7%89%A9%E4%B8%9A%EF%BC%89%E4%B8%AD%E8%92%82%E5%9B%AD%E5%8C%BA%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E5%B0%8F%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F?node-id=486-16965&t=rd7rCkmaPRVTutyl-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=22%3A1090&starting-point-node-id=486%3A16965  园企助手----小程序UI原型 %EF%BC%88%E7%89%A9%E4%B8%9A%EF%BC%89%E4%B8%AD%E8%92%82%E5%9B%AD%E5%8C%BA%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E5%B0%8F%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F?node-id=486-16965&t=rd7rCkmaPRVTutyl-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=22%3A1090+&starting-point-node-id=486%3A16965  中蒂推客----小程序UI原型 %EF%BC%88%E4%B8%AD%E4%BB%8B%EF%BC%89%E6%8E%A8%E5%AE%A

    $388033 Average bid
    $388033 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    ...必要的依赖以及工具类,异常类等 6.无条件配合雇主的开发人员使用这个架构和对应的表支撑的什么业务 道伽企服----小程序UI原型 %EF%BC%88%E7%89%A9%E4%B8%9A%EF%BC%89%E4%B8%AD%E8%92%82%E5%9B%AD%E5%8C%BA%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E5%B0%8F%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F?node-id=486-16965&t=rd7rCkmaPRVTutyl-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=22%3A1090&starting-point-node-id=486%3A16965 园企助手----小程序UI原型 %EF%BC%88%E7%89%A9%E4%B8%9A%EF%BC%89%E4%B8%AD%E8%92%82%E5%9B%AD%E5%8C%BA%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E5%B0%8F%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F?node-id=486-16965&t=rd7rCkmaPRVTutyl-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=22%3A1090+&starting-point-node-id=486%3A16965 中蒂推客----小程序UI原型 %EF%BC%88%E4%B8%AD%E4%BB%8B%EF%BC%89%E6%8E%A8%E5%AE%A2

    $11641 - $23282
    $11641 - $23282
    0 个竞标
    $78 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    ...类似源码网上很多都是免费的,但是没有一款发包效率高的,无法节约测试成本!1.c++ 开发经验,有linux背景 年龄20-30 2.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn最小包要求达到60%以上 3.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 测试内容: 写一个简单的发包工具可发syn即可,要求可内核发包,可提供windows和linux发包的机器供测试, 要求1个1000m网卡的机器,发最小包40-64字节可以占用网卡60%以上即通过测试! 每秒600m这样的速率! 普通的发包工具网上有源代码免费的可以下载了参考! 此测试也是一个技术考核,剩下的基本都是功能的实现,全是应用层写代码的活,没什么技术难度! 具体要求: 软件前台构架:1,主控制端(WINDOWS平台下运行) 2,受控端(Linux平台下运行)+(windows平台) 技术要求: 1,发包类型:为SYN、UDP、ICMP,TCP,CC DNS请求并发接攻 击等,多种。但以SYN(可自定义数据包)为主,发送伪造源IP的SYN数据包但是数据包不是64字节而是上千字节这种攻击会造成一些防火墙处理错误锁死,消耗服务器CPU内存的同时还会堵塞带宽。 2,可以轮询发包:比如,输入一组ip地址,输入轮询时间30秒,选择发包方式,我们服务端30秒向第一个ip地址发包,接着30秒向第二个ip发包,轮询发包。比如CDN之后,实际是多IP的,就是CDN中每个IP,都打30秒。 3,软件支持多网卡绑定多IP绑定,数量在4网卡 支持内网上线 3,主控端功能:发送-攻击目标IP或者域名-端口-攻击方式-线程数量-单个封包大小-发送速度-攻击命令-停止命令等。 4,受控端功能:接受命令-并实行发包。 5,控制端与服务端通讯,正向连接,或者反向连接均可! 6,软件PPS吞吐量,详细讨论。 7,SYN...

    $43291 - $86583
    $43291 - $86583
    0 个竞标

    ...,但是没有一款发包效率高的,无法节约测试成本! 1.长年c/c++ 开发经验,有linux背景 2.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn最小包要求达到60%以上 3.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 测试内容: 写一个简单的发包工具可发syn即可,要求可内核发包,可提供windows和linux发包的机器供测试, 要求1个1000m网卡的机器,发最小包40-64字节可以占用网卡60%以上即通过测试! 每秒600m这样的速率! 普通的发包工具网上有源代码免费的可以下载了参考! 此测试也是一个技术考核,剩下的基本都是功能的实现,全是应用层写代码的活,没什么技术难度! 具体要求: 软件前台构架:1,主控制端(WINDOWS平台下运行) 2,受控端(Linux平台下运行)+(windows平台) 技术要求: 1,发包类型:为SYN、UDP、ICMP,TCP,CC DNS请求并发接攻 击等,多种。但以SYN(可自定义数据包)为主,发送伪造源IP的SYN数据包但是数据包不是64字节而是上千字节这种攻击会造成一些防火墙处理错误锁死,消耗服务器CPU内存的同时还会堵塞带宽。 2,可以轮询发包:比如,输入一组ip地址,输入轮询时间30秒,选择发包方式,我们服务端30秒向第一个ip地址发包,接着30秒向第二个ip发包,轮询发包。比如CDN之后,实际是多IP的,就是CDN中每个IP,都打30秒。 3,软件支持多网卡绑定多IP绑定,数量在4网卡 支持内网上线 3,主控端功能:发送-攻击目标IP或者域名-端口-攻击方式-线程数量-单个封包大小-发送速度-攻击命令-停止命令等。 4,受控端功能:接受命令-并实行发包。 5,控制端与服务端通讯,正向连接,或者反向连接均可! 6,软件PPS...

    $96201 Average bid
    $96201 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    ...,但是没有一款发包效率高的,无法节约测试成本! 1.长年c/c++ 开发经验,有linux背景 2.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn最小包要求达到60%以上 3.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 测试内容: 写一个简单的发包工具可发syn即可,要求可内核发包,可提供windows和linux发包的机器供测试, 要求1个1000m网卡的机器,发最小包40-64字节可以占用网卡60%以上即通过测试! 每秒600m这样的速率! 普通的发包工具网上有源代码免费的可以下载了参考! 此测试也是一个技术考核,剩下的基本都是功能的实现,全是应用层写代码的活,没什么技术难度! 具体要求: 软件前台构架:1,主控制端(WINDOWS平台下运行) 2,受控端(Linux平台下运行)+(windows平台) 技术要求: 1,发包类型:为SYN、UDP、ICMP,TCP,CC DNS请求并发接攻 击等,多种。但以SYN(可自定义数据包)为主,发送伪造源IP的SYN数据包但是数据包不是64字节而是上千字节这种攻击会造成一些防火墙处理错误锁死,消耗服务器CPU内存的同时还会堵塞带宽。 2,可以轮询发包:比如,输入一组ip地址,输入轮询时间30秒,选择发包方式,我们服务端30秒向第一个ip地址发包,接着30秒向第二个ip发包,轮询发包。比如CDN之后,实际是多IP的,就是CDN中每个IP,都打30秒。 3,软件支持多网卡绑定多IP绑定,数量在4网卡 支持内网上线 3,主控端功能:发送-攻击目标IP或者域名-端口-攻击方式-线程数量-单个封包大小-发送速度-攻击命令-停止命令等。 4,受控端功能:接受命令-并实行发包。 5,控制端与服务端通讯,正向连接,或者反向连接均可! 6,软件PPS...

    $38803 - $77607
    $38803 - $77607
    0 个竞标

    ...我可以提供windows和linux发包的机器供测试, 要求1个1000m网卡的机器,发最小包40-64字节可以占用网卡60%以上即通过测试! 每秒600m这样的速率! 普通的发包工具网上有源代码免费的可以下载了参考! 此测试也是一个技术考核,剩下的基本都是功能的实现,全是应用层写代码的活,没什么技术难度! 通过测试受聘后待遇如下: 我会把需求分成10份,通过测试后我就开始给你发需求你完成交付代码我付钱这样一直下去,你后面再写东西的同时就可以拿到钱 每完成一份付你1w人民币,10份完成也就是支付你10w 在以后就是每月2w的维护费用 每月的维护费用是指软件添加一些小功能和增加一些发包模式 具体要求: 软件前台构架:1,主控制端(WINDOWS平台下运行) 2,受控端(Linux平台下运行)+(windows平台) 技术要求: 1,发包类型:为SYN、UDP、ICMP,TCP,CC DNS请求并发接攻 击等,多种。但以SYN FLOOD变种(可自定义数据包)为主,发送伪造源IP的SYN数据包但是数据包不是64字节而是上千字节这种攻击会造成一些防火墙处理错误锁死,消耗服务器CPU内存的同时还会堵塞带宽。 2,可以轮询发包:比如,输入一组ip地址,输入轮询时间30秒,选择发包方式,我们服务端30秒向第一个ip地址发包,接着30秒向第二个ip发包,轮询发包。比如CDN之后,实际是多IP的,就是CDN中每个IP,都打30秒。 3,软件支持多网卡绑定多IP绑定,数量在4网卡 支持内网上线 3,主控端功能:发送-攻击目标IP或者域名-端口-攻击方式-线程数量-单个封包大小-发送速度-攻击命令-停止命令等。 4,受控端功能:接受命令-并实行发包。 5,控制端与服务端通讯,正向连接,或者反向连接均可!...

    $77607 - $155213
    $77607 - $155213
    0 个竞标

    需要开发一款防火墙压力测试软件。 1.c/c++ 开发经验3年以上,有linux背景 2.被控端可支持windows和linux,主控端支持windows 3.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn最小包要求达到60%以上 4.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 5.开发者必须能够流利中文语音交流,否则不考虑!不能流利中文交流的不要投标以免浪费彼此的时间! 具体需要的功能很多,有能力发开者继续详谈! 具体要求: 软件前台构架:1,主控制端(WINDOWS平台下运行) 2,受控端(Linux平台下运行)+(windows平台) 技术要求: 1,发包类型:为SYN、UDP、ICMP,TCP,CC DNS请求并发接攻 击等,多种。但以SYN FLOOD变种(可自定义数据包)为主,发送伪造源IP的SYN数据包但是数据包不是64字节而是上千字节这种攻击会造成一些防火墙处理错误锁死,消耗服务器CPU内存的同时还会堵塞带宽。 2,可以轮询发包:比如,输入一组ip地址,输入轮询时间30秒,选择发包方式,我们服务端30秒向第一个ip地址发包,接着30秒向第二个ip发包,轮询发包。比如CDN之后,实际是多IP的,就是CDN中每个IP,都打30秒。 3,软件支持多网卡绑定多IP绑定,数量在4网卡 支持内网上线 3,主控端功能:发送-攻击目标IP或者域名-端口-攻击方式-线程数量-单个封包大小-发送速度-攻击命令-停止命令等。 4,受控端功能:接受命令-并实行发包。 5,控制端与服务端通讯,正向连接,或者反向连接均可! 6,软件PPS吞吐量,详细讨论。 7,SYN包到接收服务器的数量,每100M带宽以64字节计算,攻击SYN包数量,不得小于20,4800这个数字,而且要能力要源源大于此数字。 ...

    $142276 Average bid
    $142276 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    需要开发一款防火墙压力测试软件。类似于 但不需要感染,传播等等,并非黑客软件,只需要发包功能 1.有网络驱动编写经验,有高并发网络经验,精通tcp/ip udp dns 等协议或肯钻研! 2.被控端可支持windows和linux,主控端支持windows 3.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn要求达到150wpps/s 4.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 5.开发者必须能够流利中文语音交流,否则不考虑!不能流利中文交流的不要投标以免浪费彼此的时间! 具体需要的功能很多,有能力发开者继续详谈!只限中文竞标,台湾或新加坡优先考虑! 具体要求: 软件前台构架:1,主控制端(WINDOWS平台下运行) 2,受控端(Linux平台下运行)+(windows平台) 技术要求: 1,发包类型:为SYN、UDP、ICMP,TCP,CC DNS请求并发接攻 击等,多种。但以SYN FLOOD变种(可自定义数据包)为主,发送伪造源IP的SYN数据包但是数据包不是64字节而是上千字节这种攻击会造成一些防火墙处理错误锁死,消耗服务器CPU内存的同时还会堵塞带宽。 2,可以轮询发包:比如,输入一组ip地址,输入轮询时间30秒,选择发包方式,我们服务端30秒向第一个ip地址发包,接着30秒向第二个ip发包,轮询发包。比如CDN之后,实际是多IP的,就是CDN中每个IP,都打30秒。 3,软件支持多网卡绑定多IP绑定,数量在4网卡 支持内网上线 3,主控端功能:发送-攻击目标IP或者域名-端口-攻击方式-线程数量-单个封包大小-发送速度-攻击命令-停止命令等。 4,受控端功能:接受命令-并实行发包。 5,控制端与服务端通讯,正向连接,或者反向连接均可! 6,软件PPS吞吐量,详细...

    min $38803
    min $38803
    0 个竞标

    有网络驱动编写经验,有高并发网络经验,精通tcp/ip udp dns 等协议或肯钻研! 被控端可支持windows和linux,主控端支持windows 有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。

    $11641 - $23282
    $11641 - $23282
    0 个竞标

    需要开发一款防火墙压力测试软件。类似于 但不需要感染,传播等等,并非黑客软件,只需要发包功能 1.有网络驱动编写经验,有高并发网络经验,精通tcp/ip udp dns 等协议或肯钻研! 2.被控端可支持windows和linux,主控端支持windows 3.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn要求达到150wpps/s 4.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 5.开发者必须能够流利中文语音交流,否则不考虑!不能流利中文交流的不要投标以免浪费彼此的时间! 具体需要的功能很多,有能力发开者继续详谈! 具体要求: 软件前台构架:1,主控制端(WINDOWS平台下运行) 2,受控端(Linux平台下运行)+(windows平台) 技术要求: 1,发包类型:为SYN、UDP、ICMP,TCP,CC DNS请求并发接攻 击等,多种。但以SYN FLOOD变种(可自定义数据包)为主,发送伪造源IP的SYN数据包但是数据包不是64字节而是上千字节这种攻击会造成一些防火墙处理错误锁死,消耗服务器CPU内存的同时还会堵塞带宽。 2,可以轮询发包:比如,输入一组ip地址,输入轮询时间30秒,选择发包方式,我们服务端30秒向第一个ip地址发包,接着30秒向第二个ip发包,轮询发包。比如CDN之后,实际是多IP的,就是CDN中每个IP,都打30秒。 3,软件支持多网卡绑定多IP绑定,数量在4网卡 支持内网上线 3,主控端功能:发送-攻击目标IP或者域名-端口-攻击方式-线程数量-单个封包大小-发送速度-攻击命令-停止命令等。 4,受控端功能:接受命令-并实行发包。 5,控制端与服务端通讯,正向连接,或者反向连接均可! 6,软件PPS吞吐量,详细讨论。 7,SYN包到接收服务

    $112095 Average bid
    $112095 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    需要开发一款防火墙压力测试软件。类似于 但不需要感染,传播等等,并非黑客软件,只需要发包功能 1.有网络驱动编写经验,有高并发网络经验,精通tcp/ip udp dns 等协议或肯钻研! 2.被控端可支持windows和linux,主控端支持windows 3.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn要求达到150wpps/s 4.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 5.全职可以提供出国就业机会,兼职的话尽量能是比较熟悉上述环境! 具体需要的功能很多,有能力发开者继续详谈! 待遇如下:自开发起每月3000$ 起步。 后续开发其他软件在另付费!当然如果你有很牛的技术,待遇可以在谈!

    $31508 Average bid
    $31508 平均报价
    6 个竞标
    已经结束 left

    1.有网络驱动编写经验,有高并发网络经验,精通tcp/ip udp dns 等协议或肯钻研! 2.被控端可支持windows和linux,主控端支持windows 3.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn要求达到150wbps/s 4.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 5.全职可以提供出国就业机会,兼职的话尽量能是比较熟悉上述环境!

    $33580 Average bid
    $33580 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    An OpenVPN charging program, iOS & Andarid & Website (or use the Hostbill billing system) OpenVPN charge recharge based procedures, similar to VPNExpress , The implementation of user registration, recharge (Alipay & Paypal), VPN account settings, password changes. The user account, close to expiration reminder, enterprise information submitted invoices, invoice mailing address submitted. The OpenVPN function to read, including account surplus time, monthly bandwidth query, history of bandwidth usage information. The interface is succinct, professional, similar to Bootstrap. We have a billing system Hostbill, so if you can develop Hostbill Api, you can not have the development of Web. 一个OpenVPN收费程序, iOS & Andarid & Website(或者使用Hostbil...

    $210 / hr Average bid
    $210 / hr 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    开发一款LSP拦截类型的游戏加速器   LSP加速器 架构:游戏客户端 --> LSP --(自定义协议)--> 中转中心 --(任意协议)--> 代理服务器 ----> 游戏服务器 自定义协议: TCP: LSP 拦截Connect,修改目的地址为 中转中心 地址 发送一个数据给 中转中心,数据格式为 remoteip remoteport pid 之后所有 游戏客户端 的数据直接发给中转中心 UDP:对每一个 游戏客户端 的数据进行封装,在数据头部添加 remoteip remoteport pid 为什么使用自定义协议:减少 LSP 与 中转中心 的握手次数提高性能,而且 LSP 所处的环境很特殊,数据交换比较困难。 中转中心: 对内接口使用 自定义协议 进行通信 对外接口可以使用任意协议 为什么使用中转中心:(或者在LSP代码里面建立连接管理) LSP 与 中转中心 建立连接时,先不与 代理服务器 建立连接,而是直接向 LSP 返回连接成功,这与的做法相同。根据前期测试发现,这种做法才能保证游戏客户端不会造成没有响应的现象。 因为 中转中心 处于本地,所以 LSP 与 中转中心 的通信非常快,本质上只是内存的拷贝。 对于后期的扩展,不需要修改 LSP 的代码,只需要将 中转中心 对外接口所使用的协议进行修改,就能够支持任意协议的代理服务器。 参考

    $9701 Average bid
    $9701 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    Need Mikrotik BGP Expert
    6 天 left

    i want to resell my bandwidth to a small isp and he wants to use his own asn and ip pools. But my primary isp is saying that multiple bgp session is not possible on the single circuit which i have taken from them

    $171 / hr Average bid
    $171 / hr 平均报价
    3 个竞标
    Android VPN App Development
    5 天 left

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a robust VPN application for Android. The app needs to support V2Ray, WireGuard, and OpenVPN protocols. It should feature an interactive map for server selection, and display both speed and duration of the connection. Key requirements include: - A modern, user-friendly interface with light and dark mode options - An in-app payment system for premium subscriptions - Login options via email or Google account - Option to earn subscription time through ad views - Integration with Google Ads and other ad networks - Support for push notifications - An admin panel for server management - I also need the complete source code of the project I will provide the servers, but need assistance with their configuration. Furthermore, the freelancer wi...

    $5130 Average bid
    $5130 平均报价
    168 个竞标

    Cherche personne pour mettre en place un réseau privé sur Mikrotik et configuration de routeurs Mifi.100 pièces ou plus par de réseau ou administrateur de réseau demandé.Travail en équipe récurrent.

    $670 Average bid
    $670 平均报价
    15 个竞标

    Need people that can help to create network private on Mikrotik and setup 100 Mifi routers by month or more on Mikrotik.

    $1389 Average bid
    $1389 平均报价
    28 个竞标

    J'ai besoin de trouver une personne technicien de réseau ou administrateur de réseau capable de configurer plusieurs centaines de routeurs Wi-Fi Mifi par mois et ayant une maîtrise complète de Mikrotik 2116 pour créer un réseau privé. Travaille en équipe souhaiter. Travaille récurrent.

    $879 Average bid
    $879 平均报价
    14 个竞标

    I'm in need of a skilled professional to configure an OpenVPN server for site-to-site networking. This server will connect over five different sites, with a mixed environment of devices connecting to the VPN. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with OpenVPN setup and configuration - Knowledge in site-to-site networking - Proficiency in handling a mixed environment Key Tasks: - Configuring the OpenVPN server for secure networking across multiple sites - Ensuring seamless connectivity for various devices including routers, firewalls, Windows and Mac computers - Troubleshooting and resolving any potential connectivity or configuration issues I am looking for a professional who can handle this task efficiently and effectively.

    $770 Average bid
    $770 平均报价
    25 个竞标

    Multi-Hop OpenVPN task An automated OpenVPN API is required, given API has to receive a Debian Server or a Centos Server as input and automatize the entire process Here are the requirements for libraries: Asynchronous, FastAPI, multiprocessing, OpenSSL Here are the logical requirements for functions: [Connection] As stated above, the API has to receive a Debian Server or a CentOS Server as input from the creator and automatize the entire process, this is the first function, ask for the server and connect to it. If no server is provided, reach to the VMs API or the Dedicated Server API to deploy a new VPS/Dedicated Server instance (add a placeholder in your code for future implementation) If the server requires private keys for ssh connection, the API must handle th...

    $18610 Average bid
    $18610 平均报价
    51 个竞标

    I am in need of a seasoned Mikrotik professional with advanced expertise in Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). The primary goal is to help manage our IP quality and facilitate our connections with other networks. Key Responsibilities: - Configure BGP on our Mikrotik router specifically aimed at managing peering with other networks. - Implement and oversee route filtering, load balancing, and route aggregation. - Ensure optimal IP quality management. The ideal candidate for this project should be highly skilled in Mikrotik configurations, particularly with BGP. Experience in managing IP quality and peering with other networks is crucial.

    $202 / hr Average bid
    $202 / hr 平均报价
    23 个竞标

    I am looking for a skilled WordPress developer to implement a hero section on my website, foll...on mobile, tablet, and laptop. Key elements of the hero section: - Call to action button - Background image or video - Headline and subheadline text - 2 images on desktop or 1 image on mobile/tablet The developer should have: - Strong experience with WordPress - Ability to follow design files accurately - Expertise in responsive design The figma designs can be seen here: The website can be seen here: You will see that lots is already implemented. The problem is that it has not been implemented correctly. So I need to have it done again but properly this time.

    $1381 Average bid
    $1381 平均报价
    112 个竞标

    Que tal Sr. Héctor me contacto de nuevo con usted, está vez para un nuevo proyecto. Hace unos meses atrás me apoyo con un un problema de OpenVPN. En esta ocasión se trata de lanzar un nuevo hostvirtual a la web mediante apache2 y este a su vez debe ir acompañado con un certificado ssl de pago que ya se encuentra aprobado. Podría contar con su apoyo?

    $233 Average bid
    $233 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    I'm looking for a professional to set up OpenVPN on my Ubuntu system. The primary use case for this VPN is secure remote access, and I do not have a configuration file, so I need one to be created. Key requirements: - Expertise in OpenVPN and Ubuntu - Ability to create a secure VPN configuration file - Proficiency in implementing a username and password authentication method Your role will be to ensure that the VPN is secure, functional, and easy to use for remote access. Please provide evidence of similar previous projects in your bid. NOTE: The server is also running PassBolt and we need this to be uneffected. Start your bid with OPENVPN NOW to show you can start this job right away.

    $331 Average bid
    $331 平均报价
    13 个竞标

    ...there are multiple internal participants. We have run a WireShark capture over a few days and need a WireShark expert to analyze the captures to find the source of the network latency and instability, and what is causing the issues for Teams meetings. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in using WireShark for traffic capture and analysis - Deep understanding of Local Area Networks and TCP, UDP, and ICMP packets - Experience in diagnosing network latency and instability issues - Ability to provide clear and actionable recommendations...

    $861 Average bid
    $861 平均报价
    18 个竞标

    Estoy buscando a un profesional con experiencia en diseño de interfaces y administración de bases de datos para mejorar nuestro siste...nuestro sistema de gestión de clientes. Mejoras deseadas: - Rediseño moderno de la interfaz de usuario con navegación mejorada y un panel personalizable. - Optimización de la gestión de datos en la base de datos, incluyendo secciones de facturación y clientes, así como la adición de una nueva sección para la gestión de red. - Implementación de mejoras en la gestión de planes tanto en la web como en Mikrotik. El candidato ideal debe tener experiencia previa en la mejora de sistemas de gestión de clientes para proveedores de servicios de internet...

    $1211 Average bid
    $1211 平均报价
    21 个竞标

    I need assistance in configuring my current Mikrotik routers. The task involves setting up network rules to only pass traffic from selected static IP clients via a chosen gateway and logging all traffic. Key Requirements: - Configure Mikrotik to allow all traffic from specified static IPs via a selected gateway. - Set up full traffic logging. - Ensure that the router is already operational and only this new device needs configuration. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Mikrotik routers. - Proficient in setting up network rules and traffic logging. - Ability to work with static IPs. Looking forward to your bids. Thank you.

    $947 Average bid
    $947 平均报价
    22 个竞标

    I'm looking for a skilled developer experienced with VPN software to integrate OpenVPN into an OEM 4G VPN router. The project involves: - Configuring 50-60 4G VPN routers to connect to a single landline fiber network (server) - Using Windows as the operating system for the VPN server The software specifications for the 4G VPN router will be provided. The level of encryption is flexible and up to your discretion, so an understanding of network security and encryption protocols will be beneficial.

    $3128 Average bid
    $3128 平均报价
    21 个竞标

    ...optimizing our existing Zabbix monitoring environment. The goal is to enhance the system's efficiency and effectiveness for monitoring WAN links, hardware, databases, Hyper-V environments, and web applications. Additionally, we need assistance in configuring advanced alert notifications, ticketing workflows, and role-based assignments with escalation processes. Scope of Work: WAN Links Monitoring - Mikrotik Load Balancer Hardware Monitoring - Wintel server, UPS, Firewall, Load Balancer Database Monitoring - Mongodb, OpenSearch Hyper-V Monitoring - Hardware and OS Application Monitoring - MS Active Directory, Wazuh Clusters Web Application Monitoring - Web based application Alert Notifications and Ticketing - Integrate with JIRA ticketing system Role-Based Assignment an...

    $202 / hr Average bid
    $202 / hr 平均报价
    16 个竞标

    ...accurate design rendering The conversion should focus solely on the design without any additional plugins. - We have some figma designs - We have Elementor PRO installed - I am trying to use a Figma plugin to import designs - But it is not rendering correctly and will need some minor editing 8 pages here: (Copy)?node-id=6-23&t=MMCytB9uQi2KJ4na-1 and also more pages here: I tried import, but it looks like it is duplicating the content, see: We need only the static pages imported perfectly. NO functionality, only static content. Ignore booking page

    $1071 Average bid
    $1071 平均报价
    106 个竞标
    Backup mikrotik rb750
    已经结束 left

    Recover configuration on mikrotik rb750

    $326 Average bid
    $326 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    I need a system capable of streaming live TV channels through UDP multicast for QAM. The eventual goal is to transfers to Set Top Boxes (STBs). The model developed will have features such as: • Capable of streaming media files, particularly, live TV channels, via multicast UDP to STBs. • Have means to ensure media delivery is immediate and accurate. • Provision for testing whether the STBs can receive and properly display the transmitted media. Ideal skills required: • Expertise in UDP multicast. • Proficiency in QAM. • Knowledge of media streaming technology is also essential. • Experience in Set Top Boxes (STBs) functionality and working principles.

    $155 / hr Average bid
    $155 / hr 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    I need a system capable of streaming live TV channels through UDP multicast for QAM. The eventual goal is to transfers to Set Top Boxes (STBs). The model developed will have features such as: • Capable of streaming media files, particularly, live TV channels, via multicast UDP to STBs. • Have means to ensure media delivery is immediate and accurate. • Provision for testing whether the STBs can receive and properly display the transmitted media. Ideal skills required: • Expertise in UDP multicast. • Proficiency in QAM. • Knowledge of media streaming technology is also essential. • Experience in Set Top Boxes (STBs) functionality and working principles.

    $225 / hr Average bid
    $225 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    ...professional to help me with setting up and configuring my MikroTik Router. The tasks include: - Configuring VLANs - Setting up a DHCP servers for each VLAN - Implementing and configuring IPv6 my ISP is Aussie Broadband in Australia - configuring automatic 4G failover if the primary WAN goes down ( Have a separate 4G Router) - Configuring email alerts for WAN failover - Setting up/configuring backups to be sent to email or S3 storage like Wasabi - Able to write documentation on setup - Able to write Documentation Procedure how to configure Trunk Ports and Access Ports on MikroTik Switch - How to configure Firewall rules of iPv6 for example Webserver The ideal freelancer for this project will have extensive experience with MikroTik Routers, a strong understanding ...

    $993 Average bid
    $993 平均报价
    17 个竞标

    Hello i have the hex rb750gr3 and i would like you to do he following setup it will run in router mode after the dsl modem router ETH1: connected internet gateway from dsl router modem ( is the modem and .. to be the mikrotik) ETH2: connected second future dsl router modem FOR LOAD BALANCING (to have extra speed) to be the future modem ETH3: dhcp server with pool range ETH4: dhcp server with pool range ( for the mikrotik) ETH5: in bridge with eth4 ---------- i will use the eth3 for my clients and the eth4&5 for my private devices. Concerning the clients(eth3) i want to be able to see all together in one screen, how much time they have been active and their total traffic without using

    $365 Average bid
    $365 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    I need a Mikrotik expert to help with my moderately complex network setup with 3-4 ISPs. Key tasks include creating and implementing a script for bandwidth management, load balancing, and a priority-based failover strategy. This needs to be done remotely on a live network. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Mikrotik systems - Proven track record in managing bandwidth, load balancing, and configuring failover systems - Ability to create and implement network scripts - Experience working with a moderately complex network setup - Capability to work remotely on a live network - Understanding of a priority-based failover strategy The project should be completed within 1-2 weeks. Please set up email alerts for critical network event...

    $3523 Average bid
    $3523 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    Requerimiento Puntual Realizar proceso de Actualizar informacion de usuarios de RADIUS ya existentes por medio de API Requisitos : Hablar Español Consultor Especialista

    $1149 Average bid
    $1149 平均报价
    15 个竞标

    I'm seeking an expert in networking and VPN configuration to set up OpenVPN on my MikroTik Router 951 series. The primary goal is to securely connect remote users to the local network. Key Tasks: - Configure OpenVPN on the MikroTik router. - Set up client certificates for user authentication. - Ensure optimal compatibility for predominantly Windows PC users. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with MikroTik routers. - Expertise in OpenVPN setup and configuration. - Proficient in client certificate authentication setup. - Strong understanding of Windows PC compatibility requirements. Your task will be to ensure a secure and efficient connection for remote users. Please provide evidence of similar past projects.

    $900 Average bid
    $900 平均报价
    14 个竞标

    ...(VoIP) communication utilizing the UDP protocol in Java. This application will be based on to handle network communications, providing a foundational understanding of network programming, concurrency, and instant messaging and multimedia dataexchange between two peers. ANALYTICAL DETAILS IN DOCX, AND SIMPLE CODEBASE WILL BE SENT IN CHAT DEADLINE: 16/12/2024 BUDGET: $140 USD ?️ Technologies to be Used • Programming Language: Java • Libraries & Frameworks: – for networking – for audio capture and playback • Protocols: – UDP (User Datagram Protocol) for communication • Tools: - Eclipse for IDE – Maven for build automation and project management for Java projects ✨ Features • Instant messaging and voice data ex...

    $1187 Average bid
    $1187 平均报价
    24 个竞标

    I'm looking for a skilled animator who can replicate a pre-existing animation I made in Figma. The final product should be a small animation, less than 30 seconds in duration, using After Eff...Effects to recreate a Figma animation - Work from provided design and vector files - Deliver a high-quality animation suitable for an app or web demo Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in After Effects - Previous experience with Figma - Strong attention to detail and ability to match the original animation precisely The delivery should be Lottie files. Here is the prototype-

    $87 Average bid
    $87 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    I need a proficient designer to convert a moderately complex Figma file with multiple screens into Adobe XD. - The Adobe XD file must include basic navigation between screens. - Exact replication of design elements from Figma to Adobe XD is necessary. - The task needs to be ...necessary. - The task needs to be completed within the next hour. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with both Figma and Adobe XD. - A keen eye for detail to ensure exact replication of design elements. - Ability to work efficiently under tight deadlines.

    $178 Average bid
    $178 平均报价
    10 个竞标

    ...Pro, please email hello at techahold dot com if you need assistance. How to Install the server Please setup your firewall on your server prior to running the script. Make sure you have got access via ssh or otherwise setup prior setting up the firewall, command for UFW is: ufw allow proto tcp from YOURIP to any port 22 If you have UFW installed use the following commands (you only need port 8000 if you are using the preconfigured install files): ufw allow 21115:21119/tcp ufw allow 8000/tcp ufw allow 21116/udp sudo ufw enable Run the following commands: wget chmod +x ./ Choose your preferences from the options given in the script. Please Note: If you allow the script to create preconfigured

    $1110 Average bid
    $1110 平均报价
    16 个竞标

    ...in a day. Server Details: CPU: Intel Xeon E5-2650L v4 Tetradeca Core 1.70 GHz RAM: 64 GB Storage: 2 x 240 GB SATA-SSD in RAID 1 Port Speed: 1 Gbps OS: Ubuntu 24.04 Location: Amsterdam, EU What I Need: Installation: Set up the ShredStream proxy using Docker or directly on the server. Configuration: Configure the server to handle low-latency Solana block updates. Open the necessary ports (e.g., UDP 20000). Test the Transaction Validation Unit (TVU) port setup. Verification: Ensure the setup works as intended and is connected to the desired regions (Amsterdam and New York). Documentation: Provide a quick reference guide for the setup steps (just the basics). Why This Is Simple: The server is already provisioned and ready to use, and Jito provides clear documentation for this setu...

    $885 Average bid
    $885 平均报价
    11 个竞标

    We have installed FreeRADIUS on a CentOS 7 server to enable our Mikrotik routers to authenticate various clients connecting to WiFi using WPA2 EAP. Currently, smartphones connect without issues, but Windows client PCs encounter a TLS error, as shown in the video attached to this document.

    $1233 Average bid
    $1233 平均报价
    15 个竞标

    ...Security: Implement HTTPS on the captive portal to protect user data. Configure protective measures to prevent unauthorized access to the system. Documentation and Support: Provide a detailed configuration guide for future modifications or adjustments. Offer initial support post-implementation to resolve any issues. Required Skills: Experience in configuring WiFi networks, especially with TP-Link and MikroTik devices. Knowledge of web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and backend technologies (PHP, Node.js, or similar). Familiarity with HubSpot integration or similar CRM platforms. Experience in creating data visualizations and dashboards. Strong communication skills and availability for consultations. Timeline and Budget: Estimated Duration: 3 days. Budget: Negotiable based on...

    $1149 Average bid
    $1149 平均报价
    21 个竞标

    I'm looking for an experienced web developer to create a website aimed at helping ...able to see their savings and the savings actions executed by the web. 3. Additional benefits: Users can invite friends for additional savings or 'challenge' the web by finding and submitting better tariffs from the market. The screens can be found in this Figma: Design: Prototype: Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web development for mobile formats. - Strong UI/UX skills to create engaging and easy-to-navigate screens. Tech stack: React.js for the front-end. Pick your preferred stack for the other parts.

    $1632 Average bid
    $1632 平均报价
    185 个竞标

    Openvpn server set up and on going maintenance for servers issues

    $99 / hr Average bid
    $99 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标