...professional demeanor toward guests at all times. Requirements: Proficiency in Chinese is mandatory; knowledge of additional languages is a plus. Previous experience in customer service or hospitality is preferred. Strong communication and interpersonal skills. Ability to work both independently and as part of a team. Availability to work from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM China Standard Time. A stable internet connection is required to work remotely from any location worldwide. Compensation: A competitive daily rate of $10 USD with weekly payouts. Application Process: To ensure authenticity and language proficiency, a 5-minute video interview via WeChat will be conducted with all applicants. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply with their resume and a cover letter outlining the...
...and implement company employee recruitment; to screen, shortlist, and interview candidates to identify the best fit for the position; 3. Establish and maintain employee records and the signing, modification, renewal, and termination of labor contracts; 4. Assist the team in other HR related tasks. Job requirements: 1. More than three years of recruitment related work experience in the internet industry is preferred; 2. Familiar with the operation and application of commonly used office software; 3. Having certain communication and expression skills, Mandarin proficiency is preferred; 4. Familiar with local labor laws, company laws, and other relevant laws and regulations in Malaysia; 5. Good Interpersonal communication communication ability, team spirit and good professional ...
恒耀平台返点多少【主管扣850142】【认准杏王】【主管扣QQ850142】拿顶级待遇和方案【无须打开直接加】<br><p>变得温馨。随处乱丢的杂志,为" a4 h9 w ?" }<p>6 a9 a9 k) v7 y0 d' [: d% g9 f等套爱到极至却 k5 m 6 b4<p>tx b7 [-548844772<p>f9 n- r.<p>a' c1 ?* _' d r( m<p>他说,还是 2019年全国注会著点kalaka1110花,这些钱够咱<p>们吃好<p>几天呢。结了婚, 广泛大概忐<p>( b q7 n. d% d( i( z无抡他怎麽,墟8 z- z, c; r6 d- r k<p>" }* d x* q7 nx h! x1 |, y当你俄了,他会为你煮两硕士研究<p>生入学个鸡蛋;当你cahaca1109累了<p>,他会充当<p>你<p>, m. [* ?. q5 f w正2013年护师3 e% nx w- a5 zx {9 _" v5 g<p>4 p, ]1 e! t" b" y执业|答 案=2019年考<p>博<p>答 案=<p>- v. p2 t# f9 x人时间的忱头是、5 u! o6 z, m/ e6 l<p>2019年全国注会* t4 z9 px l; }/ }# n1 l5 u# s,<p>d#<p>@' }* p, c" {- n<p&g...
我们网站 建站时间是 2013年, 现在网站的域名还是在美国那边, 目前服务器是在阿里云这边 网站是基于WORDPRESS 和 WOO-COMMERCE 网站访问速度真的一般, 中间找过两组人做过一些定制, 但是效果都不是很理想,然后速度也没有看到快很多。 现在的诉求: 在目前基础上修改, 加入新的元素: 或者购买全新的主题进行建站, 摒弃所有的旧元素 有几点要求: 1. 整个网站的编排都是英文 2. 网站必须能够自适应, 随着屏幕的大小变化 3. 对于 有独特产品属性,比方说 对屏幕大小, 还有 CPU 配置,或者硬盘, 说白了就是一个产品有多少属性选择,需要在屏幕上顾客可以多选, 样式 参见: https://www.amazon.com/Apple-iMac-MK142LL-21-5-Inch-Desktop/dp/B01M5AOYUG/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1480081131&sr=8-2&keywords=imac&th=1 4. 这个主题是我们喜欢的类型, 需要修改的地方如下: (1)图片要缩小到整个页面宽度的1/3 (2) 产品的导航栏要放到 产品的图片上面,用户可以知道自己在哪个产品归类的下面 (3)结账页面参见小米官网, 可以添加多个送货地址, 移除默认主题的BILLING ADDRESS (4)可以让客户直接微信付款, 微信的连接方式我们可以稍后讨论 (5)连接我们的国际信用卡付款插件,这个可以允许客户直接用信用卡付款:
translate from Chinese to english. Translate the file I attached. Send me your translation of the following text to prove your ability before I award the project to you. "针对于医疗保险参保人数,直观看图表有以下特征: 1. 新农合医疗参保人数逐年下降,从2008年至2015年,下降幅度高达17.8%,其中08至13年前六年呈微量上升后下降,自2013年起逐年大幅下跌。 2. 城镇职工及居民基本医保呈逐年递增趋势,其中居民医保增量及增速均大于职工基本医保,并于2012年超过职工基本医保,实现从1.18至3.77亿277%的增量"
Aim: promote our company’s FinTech website in China Action: Write and post posts in simplified Chinese on China forums to promote our company and its FinTech website that offers digital currency information. Requirement: 1. Knowledge of IT/FinTech/ Finance/ Bitcoin / digital currency would be great. 2. Native simplified Chinese writing and know the terms of FinTech in Chinese community. Forum suggested: 网易社区(网易财经论坛)、巴比特、区块链社区、壹比特、雪球、网易财经论坛、和讯论坛、经管之家、金融之家、投行先锋、博瑞金融、交易币论坛、彩云比特、深度科技论坛、火线互联网金融论坛、互联网金融吧(百度)、知乎、金融业(天涯)、新浪主题社区、百度論壇/百度贴吧、搜狐社区、21CN社区、中华网论坛、QQ论坛、比特范、P2P论坛、网贷社区、天涯社区、上海热线论坛 (谈股论金) Duration: Mid Aug to Oct 2016
1. App download to allow user to access the internet thru our company servers.. 2. GEO Location of device for clients when they enter the office building to know where they are. 3. Building lay out, with using scan QR codes to let clients know where they are at precisely 4. USING wifi, A-GPS and GPS to access location INSIDE the building and on different floors 5. Allow downloading of pamphlets and documents helps references for services provided in the entire 10 story building along with each specific floors 7. Will need ongoing support for at least 1 year, 8. Within the app, the layout for the client changes and makes changes based on the wifi positioning. 9. Smart app controller, allowing the app to control simple internet connected items (lights, switches) will ...
工作相關: 1. 在活躍的境外deal/coupon論壇或博客(redflagdeals/hotukdeals/)上分享我們的促銷產品 2. 在SNS(Facebook/Reddit/Instagram/Tumblr)渠道分享我們的促銷產品 薪酬相關: 1. 計件付費(Paypal)(根據資源的質量,根據鏈接所追蹤到的銷售額和所吸引的流量,單件價格不同) 2. 月結 有意向者,請致信nefertari929 [at] gmail [dot] com 工作相关: 1. 在活跃的境外deal/coupon论坛或博客(redflagdeals/hotukdeals/)上分享我们的促销产品 2. 在SNS(Facebook/Reddit/Instagram/Tumblr)渠道分享我们的促销产品 薪酬相关: 1. 计件付费(Paypal)(根据资源的质量,根据链接所追踪到的销售额和所吸引的流量,单件价格不同) 2. 月结 有意向者,请致信nefertari929 [at] gmail [dot] com
It will be designed as a window for a start-up. English and Chinese description are needed.
开发一个BS版本的发电机远程管理系统。 系统组成:服务器+Browser+App+数据采集器 需要完成: 1.采集器本地配置软件,采用RS232与数据采集器通信。 2.监控系统(BS模式),通过Internet,基于TCP与采集器通信,收集跟踪发电机相关数据;并管理跟踪发电机发电信息、位置信息等。 3.监控App软件。
我们是一家提供电子元件交易安全平台的新创公司。 我们的服务是独一无二的,我们提供平台通过拍卖和逆向拍卖行事,我们为买卖双方交易者护送保航,最大化交易安全。我们控制买方的钱,我们核实卖方元件的完整性。 这种服务类型增加国际贸易。 我们希望通过SEO、SMO、百度广告、电子邮件行销、无约电话等途径来把我们的网站和服务推广给亚洲的潜在贸易商(中国、香港)。
كسب الربح مباشر بعد الظغط علي الاشهار
3. 进入账户后,无论是找工作还是招雇员,信息填写方式简单智能,只要简单选择大类后,会智能地出现介绍模板,并且无字数要求,大大地简化了注册流程。
作为一个成功的B2B国际贸易推广平台,ECVV一直在开拓海外市场,创造更高的影响力带动海外流量访问。由于业务需要,征集优秀的海外推广人员和方案进行有偿服务。 您可能提供的服务:1,为ECVV编写原创营销性质软文,中英文皆可。要求结合热点话题,与网站本身紧密相关,无语法错误。$5-10 2,在贸易相关性论坛留下ECVV的链接和有关内容,保证不被删除。$1-5 3, 如果你有自己的网站,特别是有数量较多的运营正常的网站,你可以在首页添加一条链接到ECVV首页。我们将评估你的网站质量,按月付最高$100 4,在facebook和twitter...CVV官方账号为好友并转推一条。$1 目标网站: As a successful Manufacturers marketplace, ECVV (target-) quickly open the door of the overseas to bring China's greatest products to the world's buyers. To better introduce ECVV Brand, we want talented guys to join us marketing Ecvv online marketplace through SNS (FACEBOOK, TWITTER), industry products wholesales forum and other internet marketing methods. We will give you payment according to values of what you've done.
我们每年武术比赛都使用一个简单的比赛报名软件,但是原来设计公司倒闭了, 须要更新和修正。 1.数据库保存2013年的后, 清空为2014年的比赛做准备。 2. 增加个别比赛的项目 3. 调整一些裁判评分的表格简化操作流程
我们每年武术比赛都使用一个简单的比赛报名软件,但是原来设计公司倒闭了, 须要更新和修正。 1.数据库保存2013年的后, 清空为2014年的比赛做准备。 2. 增加个别比赛的项目 3. 调整一些裁判评分的表格简化操作流程
Access 2013 Web App 在线的顾客管理系统。用户登录后在主页看每日摘要: 1.近一个月内新加入的顾客 2.正在处理中的顾客列表 3.总顾客数量 点击添加新顾客按钮可以弹出窗口添加新顾客 点击顾客名可以弹出顾客详细信息,并可以打印该详细信息
主打:留言,人气,日志.说说,花藤,管家手机赞,公益永久,微博,嘿嘿,不加后悔死你 手机名片赞;1ooo个8元,50元1oooo个(付款秒赞,稳定日刷3oo-5oo赞)说说转2ooo次10元 赞2ooo次也是10 超低超速完成 人气1oo万80元,1ooo万500元 新品:8.0空间主页赞10快2000~20块10000效果看本空间 快刷留言1oooo需要十元 50=10万再送十万人气(日刷800-1000)全面提速咯 来单就刷相册访问5块1ooo访问 20快1oooo访问 还有各种空间低价业务 欢迎咨询! _老品牌 口碑好 值得信赖!50元加入代理低价拿货联系Qq:729371492 懂的来不懂的就别问了 品牌Qq:[729371492] 所有产品均有货,你还在等什么呢,赶快加QQ咨询联系购买吧! 相册信誉截图,用心做网络,相信我们没有错,总有你喜欢的,2013快快乐乐!热晒
一、农业产业化的相关问题 2013农村发展调研报告. 要至少包含以下5个方面的论述。 (一)建立健全以党政一把手直接负责的农业产业化目标管 理责任制 (二)注意企业的规模经营问题,加强政策扶持,狠抓骨干企业 (三)骨干企业与农民建立合理的利益联结机制 (四)农民组织化问题 (五)坚持以市场为导向,培育主导产业 (六)大力发展规范的农村专业合作经济组织(专业协会) (七)搞好基地建设,强化“规模效益”观 (八)对外加大宣传力度 (九)外部环境问题
L’obiettivo principale del progetto è quello di realizzare un’applicazione Java dotata di interfaccia grafica che implementi un gioco online basato sull’interazione tra client e server mediante comunicazione remota che avviene tramite le socket. Il gioco è caratterizzato da livelli di difficoltà crescenti in cui il client deve risolvere degli enigmi logico/matematici (determinare il numero mancante di una sequenza, risolvere un sudoku etc.) che riceve dal server e inviare a quest’ultimo la soluzione. Se corretta si procede con l’enigma successivo fino al completamento dei livelli. Dispongo di una struttura già definita da adattarla al nuovo progetto.
...talvez esta vaga seja para você! Estamos buscando um assistente de marketing digital (ou "faz-tudo" no mundo digital) para nos ajudar a dominar a internet. Se você ama trabalhar remoto, tem disposição e sabe se virar bem com ferramentas básicas, aqui estão os requisitos: ✨ O que você vai fazer: Criar designs incríveis no Canva. Editar vídeos e reels no Capcut. Gerenciar tarefas e ajudar em projetos de marketing digital. Colaborar, organizar e dar aquele toque especial em tudo! O que precisamos de você: Disponibilidade de 8 horas por dia (sim, é um trabalho sério). Flexibilidade de horário (mas jornada normal). Ótima conexão à internet e um comput...
...need to be authentic and determined to make sales! Your Responsibilities: - Be able to chat with fans as though you are the model - Run script to every subscriber - Be authentic and chat like the girl would - Improvise fictional sp1cy scenarios and build rapport with top spenders Requirements needed: - You need to be able to chat fluently in English - A laptop/computer with reliable internet - Comfortable with sp1cy content and engaging in improvised fictional conversations - 0F Chatting experience is a MUST - Familiar with Excel Spreadsheets (This is what you will use to track your sales and commission) - - - Able to work from 8pm-1am AEDT 6 days/week (These hours may change) Payment: - AUD$4/hr + 3% Commission on all of your sales and tips generated - Yo...
I'm in need of a skilled professional to assist with data collection and verification from a trade fair website. The aim is to enhance my sales outreach efforts. Tasks will include: 1. Checking the exhibitor page for company names and existing contact details 2. Searching for missing information on the internet 3. Finding and adding LinkedIn profiles of individuals in top and mid-management positions within these companies Ideal candidates should have: - Excellent research skills - Proficiency in data collection and verification - Familiarity with LinkedIn and able to identify relevant profiles - Understanding of sales outreach processes Excel format will be given to collect the data.
I need a data collector who can scrape an industry-specific websites for over 500 contacts. This task involves extracting specific fields and updating the information through internet searches and LinkedIn profiles of the company and people working in that company , if available. The ideal candidate will have experience in data collection, web scraping, and a knack for thorough research. Mandatory Fields: - Company Name - Email ID Mobile Number Important but not mandatory: - Contact Person - Designation The primary source will be an industry-specific site, and the selected freelancer will need to find other details and verify the Email IDs and Mobile numbers through other online sources. Familiarity with LinkedIn is a plus. Please note, the focus is on Email IDs and Mobile number...
Cerchiamo una persona che realizzi dashboard con DevExpress, lo strumento è integrato nel nostro erp aziendale Fluentis. La figura dovrà essere in grado di creare il datasource e realizzare la dashboard seguendo le indicazioni del committente.
I'm looking for an experienced blockchain developer to create a new meme coin on the Ethereum blockchain with a focus on community building. Key Requirements: - Design and develop a meme coin with staking options. - Ensure the coin is engaging and promo...coin on the Ethereum blockchain with a focus on community building. Key Requirements: - Design and develop a meme coin with staking options. - Ensure the coin is engaging and promotes community involvement. - Proven experience in creating tokens on Ethereum is a must, as well as a strong understanding of staking mechanisms. - Ability to create an appealing meme coin concept that resonates with internet culture and encourages community participation. Please provide examples of previous projects you have worked on that are s...
...navigate. - Billing Process: An efficient and accurate process for handling all restaurant transactions. - Kitchen Management System: A system that streamlines kitchen operations and improves overall efficiency. - Banquet Booking: A feature that allows for easy reservation of banquet facilities. In addition, it's imperative that the system functions offline as well, to accommodate any potential internet outages. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in UI/UX design and implementation. - Extensive experience in developing billing software. - Knowledgeable in creating kitchen management systems. - Prior work on banquet booking systems is a plus. - Skilled in creating software that can function offline. - Code is write in well manner and well document Please provide a ...
... • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) Allama Iqbal Road Rashid Park Garhi Shahu, Lahore Pakistan • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) on working days Please see the attached file for the site visit guidelines. You are only required to deliver the pictures, video & observations and are not expected to assemble a report like the Sample Report. Note: Milestone will be released the following week after the site visit to...
Saya menggunakan CapCut untuk mengedit video saya, tetapi hasilnya tersendat-sendat. Saya butuh saran tentang cara meningkatkan kualitas video saya. Saya juga terbuka untuk mencoba aplikasi lain untuk mengedit video di ponsel saya. Saya mengedit di ponsel dan merekam di ponsel saya. Saya merasa video saya terkadang kehilangan fokus saat saya merekam di CapCut. Saya mengunggah video. Saya tidak mencari orang untuk mengedit video, hanya beberapa panduan untuk membuat video saya lebih menarik dan tidak tersendat-sendat.
...existing brand account. Here is a real world example of the strategy we are looking to replicate, where Rollbit is the company and the others are just reposting their content under a different brand. Duties Include: - Helping to research and find videos like this across the internet of silly games people might want to gamble on. - Editing them in CapCut or any video editor of your choice to match this format. - Uploading them across various TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube Short accounts. - Engaging with comments, reposts, and so on. Who we’re looking for: Someone with experience & success managing social media accounts and creating content for Instagram and TikTok. Major
...executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) BARWA COMMERCIAL AVENUE, DOHA - QATAR • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) on working days Please see the attached file for the site visit guidelines. You are only required to deliver the pictures, video & observations and are not expected to assemble a report like the Sample Report. Note: Milestone will be released the following week after the site v...
...progettata per consentire l'implementazione progressiva di moduli aggiuntivi e la possibilità di offrire pacchetti software in cloud vendibili tramite abbonamento agli utenti. Obiettivi Principali: Piattaforma Centrale: Sviluppare una piattaforma principale con un'interfaccia intuitiva e user-friendly, accessibile da browser e ottimizzata per dispositivi mobili. Architettura Modulare: Progettare un'architettura che permetta l'integrazione e l'aggiornamento di moduli aggiuntivi nel tempo, garantendo flessibilità e scalabilità. Gestione Abbonamenti: Implementare un sistema che consenta agli utenti di sottoscrivere abbonamenti per specifici pacchetti di funzionalità, con upgrade a pagamento. Sicure...
...company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) MOO 9, KOH LAK SUBDISTRICT, MUEANG DISTRICT, PRACHUAP, KHIRI KHAN PROVINCE 77000 THAILAND • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) on working days Please see the attached file for the site visit guidelines. You are only required to deliver the pictures, video & observations and are not expected to assemble a report like the Sample Report. Note: Milestone will be released the following week after the site visit to give...
...bisnis saya. Dengan tujuan memberikan pelayanan yang cepat dan efisien, freelancer ini akan menjadi bagian penting dari tim saya. - **Kualifikasi dan Kemampuan**: - Pengalaman dalam layanan pelanggan dan manajemen chat. - Kemampuan menanggapi chat dengan cepat dan akurat. - Memiliki keahlian dalam menggunakan perangkat lunak manajemen chat. - Mampu bekerja dalam berbagai jam kerja untuk menjangkau pelanggan di zona waktu yang berbeda. - Keterampilan komunikasi yang kuat, baik tertulis maupun lisan. - Mampu multitasking dan mengelola percakapan dengan beberapa pelanggan secara bersamaan. Freelancer ini akan berperan dalam meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan dan memastikan pengalaman yang positif dengan respon yang cepat dan efektif. Jika Anda memiliki pengalaman y...
Sono alla ricerca di figure professionali che riescono ad incrementare il numero dei miei clienti e affiliati. Sono Vincenzo e mi occupo di network marketing, sono poco pratico, nella mia cerchia ho già raggiunto l’esubero tra clienti e rivenditori. Sono alla ricerca di una figura che riesca ad incrementare il volume delle vendite con conversione in clienti su tutto il territorio europeo. Sto cercando anche affiliati per il mio network sul territorio italiano
Cerco un architetto o designer che mi aiuti a concettualizzare una casa in stile moderno. Le caratteristiche fondamentali di questo progetto sono: - In totale 1 camera da letto con cabina armadio e un bagno chiuso (con doccia) - una cucina con dispensa e penisola, la cucina deve avere porte scorrevoli per accedere alla zona giorno e creare un unico ambiente - 2 bagni (di cui uno in camera) e spazio lavanderia per inserire lavatrice/asciugatrice - un ampio soggiorno con parete soggiorno (da progettare). - la camera ha bisogno di molti armadi per riporre i nostri vestiti, mi piacerebbe una soluzione ad ante scorrevoli dove si nasconde nell'ultimo metro una scrivania per lavorare in smart working. - La casa deve avere anche dei soppalchi posizionati in alcuni pu...
...content is critical. This will aid in building a community and providing feedback for businesses. - Attorneys Profile Pages: Each attorney should have a dedicated page containing pivotal information. - Map: Integration of a mapping system to guide users to physical locations. - Offline Access: Some business profiles should be accessible offline, enabling users to view information without needing internet connectivity. - We need two sign in/log in interfaces, one for users and one for the attorneys. - High Security - multi language feature - Both Android and iOS - Need quote app only, and quoted for website + app - Confidential and copyrights agreement is a must The ideal candidate for this project should have substantial experience in mobile app development, particularly in crea...
Cerco un architetto o designer che mi aiuti a concettualizzare una casa in stile moderno. Le caratteristiche fondamentali di questo progetto sono: - In totale 1 camera da letto con cabina armadio e un bagno enclosed (con doccia) - una cucina con dispensa e penisola, la cucina deve avere porte scorrevoli per accedere alla zona giorno e creare un unico ambiente - 2 bagni (di cui uno in camera) e spazio lavanderia per inserire lavatrice/asciugatrice - un ampio soggiorno con parete soggiorno (da progettare). - la camera ha bisogno di molti armadi per riporre i nostri vestiti, mi piacerebbe una soluzione ad ante scorrevoli dove si nasconde nell'ultimo metro una scrivania per lavorare in smart working. - La casa deve avere anche dei soppalchi posizionati in alcuni ...
We are working on a computer vision project in the space domain. Our task is to find existing code for specific space-related applications, run the code on our computers, and understand how it works. (meaning we just have to run existing code from the internet e.g. GitHub... modifications on the source are allowed but no writing of code with no reference of an existing code) We have already identified the following applications and their corresponding GitHub repositories: 1. Crater detection on planetary surfaces Repository: [YOLOv5 Moon and Mars Crater Detection]((Krishna).ipynb) 2. Colorizing grayscale telescope images Repository: [Colorizing Space Images with GANs](https://www
...B: Hi A: How are you? B: Fine, Thanks atau I’m OK atau ungkapan lainnya seperti I’m not fine dan lain sebagainya. Dikutip dari buku Trik Bahasa Inggris SMP 7,8, 9 oleh Tia Puspita Gestiana, perlu diingat ada panduan waktu untuk mengucapkan ucapan salam waktu, di antaranya yaitu: ●Good morning diucapkan ketika jam 00.00-12.00 ●Good afternoon diucapkan ketika jam 12.00-18.00 ●Good evening diucapkan ketika jam 18.00-24.00 ●Good night diucapkan ketika berpisah dengan orang lain di malam hari atau sebelum tidur. Contoh ungkapan Leave Taking di antaranya, yakni "Good Bye", "See you", "see you later", "see you next week", dan sebagainya. Umumnya, ungkapan ini bisa direspons dengan ungkapan yang sama. 2. Introducing Int...
I'm looking for a professional to manage customer support for my betting site, with a primary focus on email marketing and Instagram promotions. Key Responsibilities: - Provide exceptional customer support on the betting site - Develop and implement engaging email marketing campaigns - Create and manage promotions on Instagram to attract new users Ideal ...attract new users Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in customer support, particularly for online betting sites, is highly desirable. - Strong knowledge and experience in email marketing and Instagram promotions - Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal - Problem solving skills to quickly address and resolve any customer issues Tools: - Must have a computer with internet access and a good q...
I’m looking for a marketing expert who can help build brand awareness for my new internet course aimed at students. The campaign should primarily focus on: - Social Media - Email Marketing - Search Engine Optimization The ideal candidate will have a strong background in digital marketing, particularly in reaching and engaging students. Experience with content creation, SEO and targeted email campaigns is highly preferred. The goal is not just to increase course sign-ups, but to establish a recognizable and trustworthy brand in the educational space.
...content right away." One-Click Recording Start/Stop: "With just one click, you can start or stop recording. It’s that simple!" Built-in Recording Management: "Screen Recorder Pro comes with an intuitive recording management system, so you can easily organize, edit, and keep track of your recordings." Local Storage: "All your recordings are stored locally on your device—no server uploads and no internet required. Your data stays safe and under your control." [Section 2: Perfect for Different Use Cases - 1:00] Background music picks up the pace. [Visuals: A montage of various use cases such as tutorials, presentations, gaming, and virtual meetings.] Narrator: "Whether you're a content creator, educator, or gamer, Scree...
Studio legale cerca freelance per la redazione di articoli giuridici chiari, accurati e rivolti a un pubblico non tecnico. Gli articoli riguarderanno argomenti come normativa italiana, aggiornamenti legali e guide pratiche. Pubblicati su sito studio più giornali online. Con cessione totale diritti d'autore. Possibile ulteriori collaborazione per contributi più lunghi (fase successiva) Volume di lavoro: 30-40 articoli al mese (media 600-800 parole ciascuno). Compenso: Da concordare, con possibilità di collaborazione continuativa. Requisiti: -Ottima conoscenza della lingua italiana. -Capacità di semplificare concetti complessi in un linguaggio comprensibile. -Preferibile background in giurisprudenza o esperienza nella scrittura ...