...Extract the WhatsApp group chat records from a large text file `` located in the `HistoryMsg` directory and slowly release them into the target folder. Each message should become a small file where the content is the translated version of the message. For images or other attachments (images do not require translation), release them as individual files, one file per attachment. After writing each small file, wait for a random time between **10 and 100 seconds**. --- ### Key Details 1. **Programming Language & Runtime Environment** - No restriction on the programming language. - The runtime interpreter and program itself must use minimal memory, ideally not exceeding **100MB**. 2. **Translation** - Use free translation solutions like the Google Tr...
在地教育类型微信公众号/视频号运维维护工作, 月度工作量: 设计:公众号排版模板设计,1篇,一年更换一次 视频类:脚本撰写+后期剪辑 4条 2-4分钟左右 后期剪辑 2条 1分钟左右 Chinese app:wechat Public accounts layout design Chinese short Video script writing + post editing 请携作品链接报价报名,期待合作!
嗨 Truthful Translation , 我想要邀请您来完成我的项目。更多细节我们可以稍后通过聊天交流。
I need to find a great writer. The abilities he/she must possess are: 1. Proficient in SEO related knowledge 2. Have many years of writing experience 3. Must speak English and Russian (or only Russian), and can write Russian articles 4. Research on topics/themes 5. Need to be familiar with every product of our company. Need to know the functions and features of each product, and under what circumstances the product will be used. You need to clearly know how each product is used, and you can write out the operating steps. What I can provide: 1. Order at least 5 articles per month 2. 20-25$ per article of 1200-1500 words 3. Provide article structure, keywords, and articles on similar topics for your reference If you meet the above conditions, please actively communicate with me, I am ...
This role requires a native Chinese. Looking for someone has experience in writing content, articles, blogs, ads copy, event promotion copy for a long-term project discussing cross-border e-commerce business, DTC brands, Amazon, aliexpress and shopify business etc. Job will be paid by hours and the expected deliverables are bi- weekly with 1 original posts; sometimes I will need some event promotion articles and will inform you one week before the delivery. Marketing knowledge and SEO skill will be huge plus. The writing style guideline will be provided to you and here is the content hub for your reference: Looking forward to your interest! 工作内容: - 负责撰写相关企业品牌传播软文及线上线下活动稿件及媒体广告文字,涉及内容采集、优化、整理和原创撰写。 - 了解跨境电商例如亚马逊、速卖通、aliexpress等,负责撰写跨境电商行业热点、公司产品、大事记相关文章。主要内容产出方向为跨境电商行...
احتاج اسوي literature reviews للمشروع تبعي
Hi Jing J., 我有一个project想请你帮忙。我需要申请转写工作(transcription)的一个户口。因为GoTranscript这个公司有限制一个名字只能有一个户口,所以我需要你帮忙申请一个新的户口。这个是GoTranscript公司的网站链接。 你需要做的是开设一个新的email户口(因为这个户口之后是要给我的,所以不要用你原本的户口),然后以这个email进去GoTranscript申请Chinese Transcription Job。 当然,你需要经过考试(这个考试我可以帮忙通过)。通过考试之后,GoTranscript的职员会通过email联系你,确认你的身份。之后,你就可以开始工作了。完成后,你给我email户口,和login GoTranscript的username和password就可以了。 如果有兴趣或疑问,你可以再联络我。谢谢你。
Halo, kami adalah kelompok translator yang saat ini sedang mencari komik/novel/film untuk ditranslate. Language: Chinese-Indonesia Chinese-English Chinese-Korea English-Indonesia English-Korea Ctc wechat: mayadina1106 Hello, we are Translator Group. Now we are looking for comic books/novel/movie to translate. Language: Chinese-Indonesia Chinese-English Chinese-Korea English-Indonesia English-Korea Ctc wechat: mayadina1106 各位好,我们是翻译团队。我们现在招需要翻译的漫画/小说/影视剧。 语言: 中-印尼 中-英 中-韩 英-印尼 英-韩 联系方式:mayadina1106 PS: 价格可谈
...the existing App architecture, and the backend API program has been developed. To implement the function: 1. Personal information: !AqPM7dbV2A19gQsDiRtydgboa-TT 2. Appointment consultation: !AqPM7dbV2A19gQ1hUcdb7QlMDpIX 3. Albums: !AqPM7dbV2A19gQ_NccI-ke6PWFks Before writing the above API, you need to log in to get the information. The following is the login teaching (without writing this section) !AqPM7dbV2A19gQc136QJKAVDrPEd...
...driver RS485 need a direction control pin, when the corresponding UART to send and receive data, the direction of the foot can automatically achieve direction control. 3. Buzzer drive buzzer driver requirements can set the PWM output frequency, the output time, the output time to automatically shut down the PWM output. 4. Membrane button drive and USB keyboard driver reserved 24 GPIO as a thin film button input, the current drive is read as a GPIO port; the best input into LINUX event, press the different keys to send different keys Value, read from event0; the external USB keyboard driver is also read from event0. 5. Other GPIO drivers Each GPIO port can be set by the drive input / output. 6. Touch screen driver and external USB mouse driver 7. Touch screen driver and e...
SEO软文写作要求规范: 1、文章围绕关键词进行原创,不得抄袭,负面等 2、文章主内容500字/篇,每篇含1-3个关键词, 每个关键词出现至少一次, 要自然不勉强; 3、每篇另加meta关键词5-6个; meta 标题(30字左右) 和描述文(80字左右), 各要求出现一次关键词; 4、文章根据关键词,围绕行业经验等进行写作,不得写作没有一点用的口水文 5、文章中不得写别的公司、论坛、网站等信息 6、文章病句错字尽量减少,整体符合逻辑 7、文章可以参考网络知识,但不可抄袭,要保证文章原创度 8 、以英語溝通 (電郵或skype)
SEO软文写作要求规范: 1、文章围绕关键词进行原创,不得抄袭,负面等 2、文章主内容500字/篇,每篇含1-3个关键词, 每个关键词出现至少一次, 要自然不勉强; 3、每篇另加meta关键词5-6个; meta 标题(30字左右) 和描述文(80字左右), 各要求出现一次关键词; 4、文章根据关键词,围绕行业经验等进行写作,不得写作没有一点用的口水文 5、文章中不得写别的公司、论坛、网站等信息 6、文章病句错字尽量减少,整体符合逻辑 7、文章可以参考网络知识,但不可抄袭,要保证文章原创度 8、需與外國人以英語溝通 (電郵或skype)
Aim: promote our company’s FinTech website in China Action: Write and post posts in simplified Chinese on China forums to promote our company and its FinTech website that offers digital currency information. Requirement: 1. Knowledge of IT/FinTech/ Finance/ Bitcoin / digital currency would be great. 2. Native simplified Chinese writing and know the terms of FinTech in Chinese community. Forum suggested: 网易社区(网易财经论坛)、巴比特、区块链社区、壹比特、雪球、网易财经论坛、和讯论坛、经管之家、金融之家、投行先锋、博瑞金融、交易币论坛、彩云比特、深度科技论坛、火线互联网金融论坛、互联网金融吧(百度)、知乎、金融业(天涯)、新浪主题社区、百度論壇/百度贴吧、搜狐社区、21CN社区、中华网论坛、QQ论坛、比特范、P2P论坛、网贷社区、天涯社区、上海热线论坛 (谈股论金) Duration: Mid Aug to Oct 2016
Looking for someone to create and manage a wechat group. Scope includes coming up with attention grabbing ideas to drive "Likes", writing/refreshing content, uploading content (words, gif, videos, images) manage Q&A etc for a year
We have an Arabic Musical Instruments forum. We would like to have there a professional posts regarding these musical instruments. The post's must be 100% relevant to the Arabic Musical Instruments and should help to attract many Arabic musical instruments players. We need 6 professional posts per day.
i am looking for Chinese writer for my website in simplified word. Around 50-60 words for 1 video. 50 video to be done at the moment. Content need to be fresh. Long term job. prefer somebody who is chinese educated waiting for your bid.
Hello. We need someone to translate a Japanese description into Chinese. This is Product Description of Japanese Electronics that will be used on our E-Commerce site. Therefore, anyone who can write Marketing, Advertising, Sells Writing, and promise to keep this project secret is welcomed. 你好。 我们需要自由工作者把产品说明从日语翻译成汉语。 需要进行翻译的是我们即将在自己的网店使用的日本电子产品说明。 我们欢迎所有擅长营销写作,广告写作,宣传写作,并且保证不向第三方透露工作内容的自由职业者!
Hey how are you? I’m Kate and just wondering if you could take a precious moment to help me translate this Simplified Chinese article in Australian English in regards to Arts. This is fairly important to me as it is mainly for my little private business’s art project description. I need it as soon as possible (within a couple of days). Thank you for your cooperation!
我需要给我的公司与学院设计新的名片与banner 公司名字 Australian international Film and Media Pty Ltd 中文 澳大利亚国际影视传媒有限公司 学院名字 Australian Film and Media College 中文名字 澳大利亚电影传媒学院 我 有公司logo
يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب يبسيبسيبيسبيسب
...finish the assignment? Please tell us your fastest period as possible 2. What is your skype id, email and contact no? We need it for better communication purpose 3. Briefly tell us in one sentence what is our assignment requirement? We need to know if you are genuine contractor 4. What is the main challenges/ problems in completing this assignment? 5. From scale 1 to 10, how would you rate your writing skills in chinese? please noted that contractor that bid without answering the above questions will be disqualified if not have lesser chance to get the job 论文计划书要求 请选择其中一个题目(只能选红色的题目。黑色的被选了) -以直观演示法提高五年级学生应用规范动词的能力 -华文趣味教学法以提升四年级学生的成语应用能力 -信息通讯技术在教学中有效提高三年级学生掌握词汇量以提升阅读能力 -以直观演示法减少五年级学生作文中的词类误用 开题报告 第一章 绪论(20%) -前言 -研究背景 -问题提出 -研究思路 -研...
Check out: You see the following phrases: 缘分是前世感情的延续, 缘分是今世的擦肩而过。 缘分是前世不变的誓言, 缘分是今生痛苦的约定。 缘分是一次机遇的把握, 缘分是一种爱慕的流逝。 缘分是相遇时美好梦想, 缘分是别离后苦涩回忆 I need 500 10-12 word phrases on 缘分.
We are looking for a skilled app developer to create a comprehensive grocery store app akin to Blinkit. The app should include various features as detailed below: - User registration and login. - Product categories and listings. - Shopping cart functionality. - Payment gateway integration (credit/debit card, UPI, etc.). - Order tracking and delivery scheduling. - Push...a skilled app developer to create a comprehensive grocery store app akin to Blinkit. The app should include various features as detailed below: - User registration and login. - Product categories and listings. - Shopping cart functionality. - Payment gateway integration (credit/debit card, UPI, etc.). - Order tracking and delivery scheduling. - Push notifications for offers and updates. - User reviews and ratings for...
...comprehensive blog website tailored for entrepreneurs and founders. This platform should encompass a variety of content types, from how- to guides, case studies, reviews, to tools and resources. Key Features: - An array of content categories, including but not limited to: ideas, guides, reviews, case studies, resources, tools , start , grow and monetize. - A system for invite-only contributors, to maintain exclusivity and quality of content. - A robust paywall feature, to monetize the site effectively. - An integrated newsletter subscription system, to keep our audience engaged and updated. All content types, from how-to guides to case studies and reviews, are deemed equally important for this blog. Therefore, the ideal candidate should possess: - Extensive experie...
I'm in search of a lead male actor for a short film. The character falls within the adult age range (20-40). This project is an excellent opportunity for an aspiring actor to showcase their talent. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior acting experience ideal but not essential. - Ability to portray a character convincingly with close ups of face and emotion. - Comfortable with having a good time and a laugh with us, It will be a first for us so will be good fun! - Flexible and open to direction. We are looking to film a very short content clip (around 1 minute 30) for our social campaign for Into the Woods festival based in Chepstow. We are creating a concept of escaping the concrete jungle that will show an office worker sick of his day life, waiting and watching f...
I'm seeking a networking professional to assist with the preparation of troubleshooting guides, as well as the design and implementation of various network types, including Local Area Networks (LAN), Wide Area Networks (WAN), and Virtual Private Networks (VPN). Key Responsibili...problem-solving. - Design and implement LANs, WANs, and VPNs according to established specifications and industry best practices. - Utilize MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) for the WAN components of the project. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proven experience in network design and implementation. - Strong understanding and practical experience with MPLS. - Excellent technical writing skills for the creation of troubleshooting guides. - Experience with LAN and VPN design and ...
...working: starting, heating, end of heating cycle, cleaning, stand by. These jobs have to be ready to install material, with instruction, a App and service plug-in for notification on my smartphone also with instruction. Money will be sent in 2 steps: - first paiement after working and tested system from user for job 1: amount 50 USD - second paiement after working and tested system from user for job 2: amount 15 USD because software could already exist on Github but i need clear instruction manual to make it work Link to help: - support from user will be provided, but no knowledge of pyhton or any other, but good general computing and technology knowledge. So clear instructions has to be created on top. - check the jobs from other people for job 2:
I'm looking for a dedicated professional to work at our office in Surat, Gujarat. The role involves the regular maintenance of our WooCommerce online store, incorporating new features, updating graphics, and enhancing user interactivity. Key Responsibilities: - Implementing an enhanced search function - Setting up a customer reviews system - Making the store more user interactive Ideal candidate should have: - Proficiency in WooCommerce - Experience in eCommerce store management - Skills in graphic design - Understanding of user interaction enhancement techniques
...comprehensive blog website tailored for entrepreneurs and founders. This platform should encompass a variety of content types, from how- to guides, case studies, reviews, to tools and resources. Key Features: - An array of content categories, including but not limited to: ideas, guides, reviews, case studies, resources, tools , start , grow and monetize. - A system for invite-only contributors, to maintain exclusivity and quality of content. - A robust paywall feature, to monetize the site effectively. - An integrated newsletter subscription system, to keep our audience engaged and updated. All content types, from how-to guides to case studies and reviews, are deemed equally important for this blog. Therefore, the ideal candidate should possess: - Extensive experie...
...functionalities: - Ride Requesting: Users should be able to easily request rides. - Driver Tracking: Implement real-time tracking of drivers to keep users informed. - Fare Estimation: Provide users with an estimated fare before they request a ride. In addition to these core features, the app should also include: - In-app Payments: Ensure a seamless and secure payment process within the app. - Ratings and Reviews: Users should be able to rate their ride experience and review drivers. - Ride Scheduling: Allow users to schedule rides in advance. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience in mobile app development, particularly with ride-sharing applications. A strong understanding of implementing real-time tracking systems, secure in-app payment syste...
I'm in need of a seasoned content writer to craft detailed, professional product descriptions for my website. The primary aim of these descriptions is to provide co...seasoned content writer to craft detailed, professional product descriptions for my website. The primary aim of these descriptions is to provide comprehensive information about my products. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in writing product descriptions - Ability to convey detailed product information in a professional tone - Excellent writing and grammar skills The ideal candidate will have a knack for transforming technical product specifics into engaging, informative content that reflects a professional tone. Experience in SEO and sales-oriented writing is a plus, but the main focus is on...
I'm in need of a multi-talented professional who can help with graphic design, video editing, and content writing. Graphic Design: - You'll be creating logos, working on branding material, and designing social media posts. Video Editing: - Tasks will include editing short clips, promotional videos, and reels. Content Writing: - I need engaging blog posts, ad copy, and social media captions. Skills and experience in all aforementioned tasks is crucial. You should have a keen eye for detail, creativity, and the ability to meet deadlines. Prior experience in virtual assistance is a plus, as tasks may also extend to data entry, scheduling, and email management.
I'm seeking a comprehensive report comparing 3D printed dental crowns to traditional ones. The report should focus on durability, cost-effectiveness, and aesthetics. It will need to include ...a detailed timeline and strategies for overcoming potential barriers. - Background information on different materials used and techniques for manufacturing dental crowns. - A minimum of 30 pages, excluding appendix and references. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in dental materials and crowns. - Proficiency in conducting and interpreting engineering simulations. - Strong research and writing skills, with a proven track record of producing detailed, high-quality reports. No Al-generated figures Plagiarism compliance References in each paragraph Full simulation procedure with detai...
I'm seeking a talented poet with a penchant for free verse to help me with a creative writing project. The ideal candidate should have a deep understanding of poetic devices and the ability to craft intricate, thoughtful pieces of poetry. Skills and Experience Required: - Proven track record in creative writing, particularly poetry - Exceptional command of the English language - Ability to understand and use poetic devices effectively - Experience in writing free verse poetry - Creativity and original thought
I'm in need of a talented children's book writer specializing in stories for preschoolers (3-5 years). The book should revolve around human characters embarking on an exciting adventure. The ideal candidate should have a knack for creating engaging narratives that capture the imagination of young children and convey the thrill of adventure in a relatable way. Experience in writing for this age group is crucial.
I'm seeking a professional to draft a comprehensive cleaning business proposal tailored for commercial, ...proposal tailored for commercial, specifically industrial, cleaning services. This proposal should detail our offerings, including floor cleaning and maintenance as well as equipment sanitization. Key proposal components: - Detailed service descriptions - Competitive pricing strategy - Company credentials and experience Ideal skills for this project include: - Strong business acumen - Excellent writing and communication skills - Experience in the cleaning industry - Understanding of industrial cleaning requirements - Ability to conduct market research Your goal is to create an engaging and persuasive proposal that can capture the interest of potential clients in the ind...
I'm in need of a talented writer to pen some research papers on health for our Writers Club. The pieces should be accessible and engaging for the general public, while still maintaining accuracy and depth. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in research and ac...in need of a talented writer to pen some research papers on health for our Writers Club. The pieces should be accessible and engaging for the general public, while still maintaining accuracy and depth. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in research and academic writing - Strong understanding of health-related topics - Ability to write in a clear, engaging style for general readers Experience: - Prior experience writing research papers is a must - Experience in the health niche is highly desirable - Experience targeting gen...
I'm looking for a web developer to create a friendly and approachable website for my English tutoring business. The primary goal is to attract new students. For this reason, I would also like the website to offer overviews of services offered and “reviews” of past and current clients. The site should highlight the following specific services: - One-on-one tutoring (for specific aspects of English up to GCSE, or Maths up to KS2) - Group classes - Test preparation (specifically for the Kent selection tests at 11+ or the ISEB entrance exams at Year 6 or Year 8) - EAL tutoring for adults, including vocabulary boosting, conversational skills, profession-specific vocabulary, CV editing and reviewing and job interview preparation) I need a professional who has exp...
I'm seeking a talented content writer to develop engaging and persuasive copy for informational brochures as well as Prospectus for my coaching institute. Your writing will play a key role in communicating our offerings and values to potential students and their families. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing and editing abilities - Experience in writing marketing materials - Ability to translate complex concepts into simple, engaging content - Understanding of the education sector would be a plus
I'm looking for a dedicated professional to work at our office in Surat, Gujarat. The role involves the regular maintenance of our WooCommerce online store, incorporating new features, updating graphics, and enhancing user interactivity. Key Responsibilities: - Implementing an enhanced search function - Setting up a customer reviews system - Making the store more user interactive Ideal candidate should have: - Proficiency in WooCommerce - Experience in eCommerce store management - Skills in graphic design - Understanding of user interaction enhancement techniques
I'm seeking a technical content writer to craft compelling content for 14 of my website's pages. The primary goal of this project is to enhance the site's SEO ranking. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in technical writing - A solid understanding of SEO principles - Exceptional writing skills, capable of creating engaging and informative content The content will primarily be for: - Homepage - About Us - Services Please provide samples of your previous work, ideally with a technical focus and successful SEO outcomes.
I'm looking for a freelancer to create a promotional video for my business aimed at potential customers. The video will need to be in a mixed media style, incorporating both animated and live-action elements. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a creative concept for the video - Script writing,storyboard creation - High-quality animation and live-action filming - Post-production editing and sound design Ideal Skills: - Experience in creating mixed media videos - Strong understanding of promotional video content - Excellent animation and filming skills - Proficiency in video editing software