Task details: I am purchasing an Apple Enterprise Developer Program account from the seller, which requires a total payment of $5000. I have set up two milestones, each of which is $2500. Task Step: When I create and release the first milestone, the seller can provide me with an Apple Enterprise Developer Program account within a maximum of 3 days. After obtaining the Apple Enterprise Developer Program account, I will modify the ownership of the Apple Enterprise Developer Program account. After obtaining the ownership of the Enterprise Developer Program account, I will create and release the second remaining payment of $2500. Default content: If I do not obtain ownership of the Apple Enterprise Developer Program account within 3 days, I will file a comp...
要求:日本,加拿大,澳洲,美国的朋友,有苹果手机,是海外国家当地注册的ID,并且使用期超过一年,在apple store有消费记录。 主要内容:使用苹果账号为游戏公司充值游戏流水,目的是为了刺激消费。 不需要垫钱,不需要押金。 兼职需要用三个小时的时间。 待遇:300~800RMB一天,看账号质量。 要求的必须要严格符合,工作内容简单明了, 觉得合适的朋友可以加微信聊聊,vx:heazvetownec
我需要一名给一款游戏写说明文和名字的,西班牙本地人,需要精通中文。如果有应用策划或者游戏策划方面的经验最佳。 详细内容: 1.根据ASO关键字来写游戏说明文和取名字。 您需要了解如何在Google Play Store 和App Store-Apple中查找关键字。 不用擔心,我會告訴您的。請檢查附件。 完成工作後,您需要提供給我一份西班牙語的关键字列表,以及一份西班牙語游戏说明文。 2.用西班牙语翻译一份大约600个汉字的游戏内的文字和截图上的文字。要求下载游戏并理解每个游戏的功能。
資料會以问卷式輸入,可以自由用任何程式建造 (Web base or apple App) 但必須能夠在ipad 上使用 ,把需要资料输入后, 可建立一份报表( html , pdf or excel 格式 ) , 报表包括pie chart , table . —————————————————— Create a questionnaire form and print out a report based on the data from questionnaire , the form should be able to run on ipad , so it can be web based or ios app , the output report can be html , pdf , excel or any else ( as long as it can be print out in A4 side ) . The report are including a pie chart & table .
freelancer发布任务 要求开发一个基于澳洲使用的本地生活类的手机app,实现以Google地图为主界面的商家和客户实现及时互动的信息交互的平台。具体要求如下: 1.登陆界面分为普通用户和商业用户两种注册和登录方式(可设定不能重复用户昵称,邮箱验证,密码设定,密码找回) 2.商业用户注册登陆后,填写該企业的基本信息:企业名称,经验地址,联系电话,经营项目或者服务,同时可在线发布本企业的实时商业信息(可文字、语音和图片),重要的是該发布的实时信息会立即呈现在google地图上,并以闪烁的图标显示。 3.普通用户注册登录后,填写该用户的基本信息(性别,电话,常用地理位置)。然后普通用户可以通过点击Google地图上闪烁的图标来获取商业用户当天实时发布的商业信息(文字、语音、图片),并可以通过导航到达该企业经营场所。 4.线上支付功能(信用卡、PayPal、Apple pay) 5.两个月内完成安卓和iOS上线
要求开发一个基于澳洲使用的本地生活类的手机app,实现以Google地图为主界面的商家和用户进行及时信息互动的平台。具体要求如下: 1.登陆界面分为普通用户和商业用户两种注册和登录方式(可设定不能重复用户昵称,邮箱验证,密码设定,密码找回) 2.商业用户注册登陆后,填写該企业的基本信息:企业名称,经验地址,联系电话,经营项目或者服务,同时可在线发布本企业的实时商业信息(可文字、语音和图片),重要的是該发布的实时信息会立即呈现在google地图上,并以闪烁的图标显示。 3.普通用户注册登录后,填写该用户的基本信息(性别,电话,常用地理位置)。然后普通用户可以通过点击Google地图上闪烁的图标来获取商业用户当天实时发布的商业信息(文字、语音、图片),并可以通过导航到达该企业经营场所。 4.线上支付功能(信用卡、PayPal、Apple pay) 5.两个月内完成安卓和iOS上线
React Native 手机app开发,负责Android 与 IOS,需要上线。 已有完整设计和需求。 与后端Node.js 和UI设计师合作完成项目。 中文app。 重要需求: * 连接支付:微信支付,支付宝支付,Paypal支付 * 登陆:微信,微博,QQ登陆 * 社交:发帖,评论,点赞,关注,个人主页,转发帖子到微信,微博 * 商城:商品展示,购买 * 购物车 * 系统:订单,账号设定 * 需要熟悉各大应用商店,产品最终上线到国内 Android 各大商店,以及Apple store
Hi Eva C., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.么是里程碑付款? 我们持有您的资金,这样自由职业者才能访问它们,直到您选择发布它们。您只有在100%满意的情况下才能发布里程碑。 创建 安全 发布 里程碑是: 安全又可靠。我们坚持您的里程碑,直到您决定发布它们。 如果您不满意并且里程碑尚未发布,可退款。 受你控制。只有在您100%满意的情况下才会发布。 27718038 注册用户 13616338 总工作发布 Apple App Store徽章 Google Play商店徽章 网络 浏览分类 浏览项目 浏览比赛 浏览自由职业者 企业 项目管理 自由职业者本地 橱窗 面向开发人员的API 第三方托管 战士论坛 关于 关于我们 怎么运行的 球队 移动应用 桌面应用 安全 费用和收费 投资者 网站地图 行情 按 在新闻中 新闻稿 奖项 褒奖 时间线 保持联系 得到支持 招聘 社区 联盟计划 商品 帮助翻译 联系我们 自由职业者 隐私政策 条款和条件 版权侵权政策 行为守则 Freelancer®是Freelancer Technology Pty Limited(ACN 142 189 759)的注册商标, 版权所有©2018 Freelancer Technology Pty Limited(ACN 142 189 759) 美国(国际)/英语 澳大利亚英国西班牙日本印度德国巴西法国加拿大中国香港印度尼西亚菲律宾巴基斯坦墨西哥 哈利约翰逊 Harley Johnson项目 创造里程碑 2018年3月27日·4:46 A...
1、初步设想是1个到2个页面,5张图 2、第一页是介绍页,如何开启你的工程师之旅 2.1、之后是一页四个滑动图,包括安装驱动、连接硬件、学习软件、开始应用 3、与客户沟通创意 4、制作demo/草稿 for free 5、选定稿件后给内容,开始制作 6、检视交付 作品风格: 1)大底图海报风 2)Metro Icon风 3)Metro海报风 4)Apple官网风
Eat Apple广告设计 画册设计 门头设计 形象墙设计 室内设计 3D设计广告设计 画册设计 门头设计 形象墙设计 室内设计 3D设计广告设计 画册设计 门头设计 形象墙设计 室内设计 3D设计
احتاج لمبرمج php للعمل بمرتب شهري او اسبوعي او يومي ارجو التواصل معي
我们网站 建站时间是 2013年, 现在网站的域名还是在美国那边, 目前服务器是在阿里云这边 网站是基于WORDPRESS 和 WOO-COMMERCE 网站访问速度真的一般, 中间找过两组人做过一些定制, 但是效果都不是很理想,然后速度也没有看到快很多。 现在的诉求: 在目前基础上修改, 加入新的元素: 或者购买全新的主题进行建站, 摒弃所有的旧元素 有几点要求: 1. 整个网站的编排都是英文 2. 网站必须能够自适应, 随着屏幕的大小变化 3. 对于 有独特产品属性,比方说 对屏幕大小, 还有 CPU 配置,或者硬盘, 说白了就是一个产品有多少属性选择,需要在屏幕上顾客可以多选, 样式 参见: https://www.amazon.com/Apple-iMac-MK142LL-21-5-Inch-Desktop/dp/B01M5AOYUG/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1480081131&sr=8-2&keywords=imac&th=1 4. 这个主题是我们喜欢的类型, 需要修改的地方如下: (1)图片要缩小到整个页面宽度的1/3 (2) 产品的导航栏要放到 产品的图片上面,用户可以知道自己在哪个产品归类的下面 (3)结账页面参见小米官网, 可以添加多个送货地址, 移除默认主题的BILLING ADDRESS (4)可以让客户直接微信付款, 微信的连接方式我们可以稍后讨论 (5)连接我们的国际信用卡付款插件,这个可以允许客户直接用信用卡付款:
Produce a English version for a chinese website, which is developed by chinese developer and provides cloud based screenshot service. 我们开发了一个截图工具网站。这个网站包括网站本身,一个APP,以及一个chrome浏览器的扩展插件。 我们面向的用户群主要是海外的互联网从业人员(如产品经理/设计师等),因此,我们急需一个熟悉了解海外互联网,经常使用海外尤其是美国互联网产品/社交媒体,同时精通中文的网站文案写作及营销人员,来为我们进行网站的文案写作(大约10个页面)。并且我们希望后续也能够把社会化媒体的营销推广,广告的投放,甚至于SEO的相关工作一并交付。 这个工作大致可分为两部分,一部分是网站初期的整体文案写作工作。这个大概需要在3~5天内完成。 这个工作完成后,我们会再探讨后续的长期的营销推广工作的合作方式。
I am searching a Vietnamese boy buy 2 Java Software, Software is divided into IMessage data detection (batch detection of mobile phone number is activated IMessage) and mass software...phone number is activated IMessage) and mass software into the text after the two modules But it is tragic,….the software can not be normal operation, the data detection module error, sending module does not report errors, but can not be sent... Then he ignored me, it was very sad,,, I want please help me to modify these 2 procedures, so that they normally run….. Or, if the 2 Software all joke … Then please you make it..again addition:I want to add a apple to send account timing switch function…. Please contact me, thank you, I ...
...请联系本公司学历认证顾问:apple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <1>教育部学历学位认证服务: 做到真实永久存档,网上轻易可查,绝对对客户的资料进行保密,登录核实后再付款。 中国教育部留学服务中心认证(中国):《国外学历学位认证》 <2>为什么您的学位需要在国内进一步认证? 如果您计划在国内发展,那么办理国内教育部认证是必不可少的。事业性用人单位如银行,国企,公务员,在您应聘时都会需要您提供这个认证。其他私营、外企企业,无需提供!办理教育部认证所需资料众多且烦琐,所有材料您都必须提供原件,我们凭借丰富的经验,帮您快速整合材料,让您少走弯路。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ★★诚招代理:为朋友打开一个世界,也为自己打开一扇门。 ★★诚招代理:高质、高效、安全为您服务,真诚期待与您共赢。 ★★诚招代理:诚聘当地代理人员,如果你有业余时间,有兴趣就请联系我们。 洲际教育留学服务中心:实体公司,注册经营,行业标杆,精益求精!我们以质量求生存,可面谈,是真是假,眼见为实,让您真正放心,平凡人生,尽我所能助您一臂之力让我们携手圆您梦想! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
1.双平台apple 和android 2.不需要在线支付功能 3.手机号码注册功能 需要短信验证, 确保电话是正确的。注册的时候输入地址区号, 如果不是指定的两个区号 会提示不在服务区 暂时不提供送货服务。 4.用户登陆以后 选择产品类别 单类别产品列表里面 不需要显示库存数量 (客户不需要每次都手动登录) 5.客户下单的时候 有个类似购物车的功能 可以显示所订的物品,物品数量,单价格和总计价格 6.送货不需要收取shipping 费用 7.下单以后 后台可以打印订单 可以安排派送人员送货 8.不需要网站功能 只需要一个数据后台,数据后台支持数据的导入和导出 excel格式. 数据导入主要是方便数据快速录入 9.销售统计和日派单统计功能和查询 10.管理功能:货物管理,后台 用户管理(不需要设定权限,管理员只有一个),订单管理功能 11.送货不需要过程追踪,所有订单默认45分钟内送到府上.下单以后会有个提示功能. 12. 每天的特价货品广告栏功能(up to 7 special sales item everyday) 13. 微信 分享功能
1.双平台apple 和android 2.不需要在线支付功能 3.手机号码注册功能 需要短信验证, 确保电话是正确的。注册的时候输入地址区号, 如果不是指定的两个区号 会提示不在服务区 暂时不提供送货服务。 4.用户登陆以后 选择产品类别 单类别产品列表里面 不需要显示库存数量 (客户不需要每次都手动登录) 5.客户下单的时候 有个类似购物车的功能 可以显示所订的物品,物品数量,单价格和总计价格 6.送货不需要收取shipping 费用 7.下单以后 后台可以打印订单 可以安排派送人员送货 8.不需要网站功能 只需要一个数据后台,数据后台支持数据的导入和导出 excel格式. 数据导入主要是方便数据快速录入 9.销售统计和日派单统计功能和查询 10.管理功能:货物管理,后台 用户管理(不需要设定权限,管理员只有一个),订单管理功能 11.送货不需要过程追踪,所有订单默认45分钟内送到府上.下单以后会有个提示功能. 12. 每天的特价货品广告栏功能(up to 7 special sales item everyday) 13. 微信 分享功能
1.双平台apple 和android 2.不需要在线支付功能 3.手机号码注册功能 需要短信验证, 确保电话是正确的。注册的时候输入地址区号, 如果不是指定的两个区号 会提示不在服务区 暂时不提供送货服务。 4.用户登陆以后 选择产品类别 单类别产品列表里面 不需要显示库存数量 (客户不需要每次都手动登录) 5.客户下单的时候 有个类似购物车的功能 可以显示所订的物品,物品数量,单价格和总计价格 6.送货不需要收取shipping 费用 7.下单以后 后台可以打印订单 可以安排派送人员送货 8.不需要网站功能 只需要一个数据后台,数据后台支持数据的导入和导出 excel格式. 数据导入主要是方便数据快速录入 9.销售统计和日派单统计功能和查询 10.管理功能:货物管理,后台 用户管理(不需要设定权限,管理员只有一个),订单管理功能 11.送货不需要过程追踪,所有订单默认45分钟内送到府上.下单以后会有个提示功能. 12. 每天的特价货品广告栏功能(up to 7 special sales item everyday) 13. 微信 分享功能
1.双平台apple 和android 2.不需要在线支付功能 3.手机号码注册功能 需要短信验证, 确保电话是正确的。注册的时候输入地址区号, 如果不是指定的两个区号 会提示不在服务区 暂时不提供送货服务。 4.用户登陆以后 选择产品类别 单类别产品列表里面 不需要显示库存数量 (客户不需要每次都手动登录) 5.客户下单的时候 有个类似购物车的功能 可以显示所订的物品,物品数量,单价格和总计价格 6.送货不需要收取shipping 费用 7.下单以后 后台可以打印订单 可以安排派送人员送货 8.不需要网站功能 只需要一个数据后台,数据后台支持数据的导入和导出 excel格式. 数据导入主要是方便数据快速录入 9.销售统计和日派单统计功能和查询 10.管理功能:货物管理,后台 用户管理(不需要设定权限,管理员只有一个),订单管理功能 11.送货不需要过程追踪,所有订单默认45分钟内送到府上.下单以后会有个提示功能. 12. 每天的特价货品广告栏功能(up to 7 special sales item everyday) 13. 微信 分享功能
1.双平台apple 和android 2.不需要在线支付功能 3.手机号码注册功能 需要短信验证, 确保电话是正确的。注册的时候输入地址区号, 如果不是指定的两个区号 会提示不在服务区 暂时不提供送货服务。 4.用户登陆以后 选择产品类别 单类别产品列表里面 不需要显示库存数量 (客户不需要每次都手动登录) 5.客户下单的时候 有个类似购物车的功能 可以显示所订的物品,物品数量,单价格和总计价格 6.送货不需要收取shipping 费用 7.下单以后 后台可以打印订单 可以安排派送人员送货 8.不需要网站功能 只需要一个数据后台,数据后台支持数据的导入和导出 excel格式. 数据导入主要是方便数据快速录入 9.销售统计和日派单统计功能和查询 10.管理功能:货物管理,后台 用户管理(不需要设定权限,管理员只有一个),订单管理功能 11.送货不需要过程追踪,所有订单默认45分钟内送到府上.下单以后会有个提示功能. 12. 每天的特价货品广告栏功能(up to 7 special sales item everyday) 13. 微信 分享功能
Our client has a news website based on Wordpress and it has a mobile adapted plugin already. What we need is an app to be wrote and submitted to the apple store and Android marketplace: Requirements: 1) Submitted successfully and be able to be searched by key words; 2) Be able to push messages to those who has installed the app; 3) Be able to read basic statistics for the administrators. The website address is : [dot]com (Pls replace the [doc] with "." )
我们是一家加拿大的出版公司,现在计划把我们手上销量很好的的书籍做成动画图书放到apple store,需要寻找一位有儿童书动画制作经验的专业人。 感兴趣者,可与我练习。下面是我们这套书的简介。
我们是一家加拿大的出版公司,现在计划把我们手上销量很好的的书籍做成动画图书放到apple store,需要寻找一位有儿童书动画制作经验的专业人。 感兴趣者,可与我练习。下面是我们这套书的简介。
我们是一家加拿大的出版公司,现在计划把我们手上销量很好的的书籍做成动画图书放到apple store,需要寻找一位有儿童书动画制作经验的专业人。 感兴趣者,可与我练习。下面是我们这套书的简介。
我们是一家加拿大的出版公司,现在计划把我们手上销量很好的的书籍做成动画图书放到apple store,需要寻找一位有儿童书动画制作经验的专业人。 感兴趣者,可与我练习。下面是我们这套书的简介。
外形: 参考APPLE TV,FIRE TV,PS4等 硬件参数参考(可以不一样,但总体性能不能差): 处理器:Cortex-A9,双核1.5GHz GPU:Mali-400, 双核 400MHz 内存:1GB DDR3 用户内存:4GBeMMC 蓝牙4.0 无线局域网:2.4GHz/5GHz 802.11 a/b/g/n OS: ANDROID 4.3 或更高 我希望硬件是可以直接买到的成熟产品,然后可以刷写自己的ROM到里面去。 因为我自己做硬件成本太高。 简单来说,我需要成品稳定的ANDROID BOX,然后里面的ROM可以自己编译刷写。
Job Title: QA Automation Analyst (Playwright Expert) Key Responsibilities: - Playwright Expert: Extensive experience with Playwright (C#, TypeScript) and frameworks like Angular and React. - Perform Web, API, and Database Testing with precision and efficiency. Requirements: - Strong hands-on experience w...Expert) Key Responsibilities: - Playwright Expert: Extensive experience with Playwright (C#, TypeScript) and frameworks like Angular and React. - Perform Web, API, and Database Testing with precision and efficiency. Requirements: - Strong hands-on experience with Playwright (must-have). - Excellent problem-solving skills to maintain high software quality. - Available Monday-Friday (optional weekend overtime). - Comfortable with remote work and secure l...
I'm looking for a professional to set up an automotive car parts site on Shopify. The site must be fully functional with integrated payment methods, social media, and all necessary features. Key Requirements: - Full Shopify setup for an automotive car parts site. - Integration of payment methods: Credit Card, PayPal, and Apple Pay. - Social media integration with Facebook and Instagram. - Ownership of all intellectual property. Please note, the type of Google ratings to be integrated hasn't been decided yet, but a solid understanding of Google integration, ratings, and reviews is a plus. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in Shopify store setup. - Knowledge of automotive car parts an advantage. - Strong skills in payment and s...
...developer to transform a PDF contract into an interactive digital format. This contract should be able to be signed, have necessary fields filled out, and be compatible with both iOS and Android devices, as well as desktop or laptop computers. The contract should have both online and offline functionality. Key Requirements: - The digital contract must include various input fields such as text fields and checkboxes. - It should have a designated area for the signatory and be capable of sending the completed contract to an email upon submission. - The signing method will be a digital signature, so the developer needs to implement this feature. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in PDF and contract digitization - Experience in deve...
...professional to create a realistic Instagram reel featuring a banner tied to a rolling down to unveil a message on the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The banner will promote an AI service, Sophiie (logo provided), which answers calls on behalf of the user. it will be a video. I have attached a screenshot. the banner unrolls from the side of building as an example . The banner will Read Never Miss a Call Again Let Ai Answer your Calls Meet Sophiie (sophiie will be the logo) then in small writing at the very bottom Key Elements: - The primary focus of the reel is the banner falling effect. - The style of the banner falling effect should be realistic. - The video should incorporate sound effects at appropriate moments. Ideal Skills and Experience: - ...
Storecheckers are a Market Research and Mystery Shopping company. We undertake worldwide mystery shopping visits. These visits are ONLINE test center assignments. The fee is $50. Fo...Proctor test-taking system. Via a series of actions and challenges, you will be assessing the security standards of the Proctor system and the vigilance of the proctor who will be monitoring the online test. In order to proceed with the online test you will need to have: • A desktop/laptop with Windows 8 or above • Google chrome installed as a browser • One form of ID bearing your name, signature and a recent photo The test will take up to one hour, and you will need to complete a report about your experiences afterwards. There is the potenti...
...out for a skilled technical team to create a comprehensive, modern and sleek website for my tour company, Hala Tours. The main aim of this website is to attract new clients, and subsequently increase our online bookings. Key Requirements: - A professional website builder with proven experience in creating high-quality designs - SEO expertise to enhance our online visibility - Strategic placement of call to action buttons - Integration of a photo gallery and customer testimonials - Mobile and laptop optimization - Implementation of Google Analytics for tracking website performance - Ensuring fast page loading times - Integration with social media platforms - Support for multiple languages Additional Responsibilities: - Regular updates and modi...
I'm looking for a skilled FileMaker developer to enhance the user interface of my existing Apple FileMaker app. Key areas for improvement include: - Navigation: The app's navigation needs to be more intuitive and user-friendly. - Design Elements: Integration of new design elements to modernize the app's look and feel. - Photo Taking Capability: Enhancements to improve the app's photo taking ability. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience with FileMaker app development. - Strong skills in user interface design and feature enhancement. - Ability to troubleshoot and fix bugs as they arise. Please, include examples of similar projects you've worked on in your proposal.
Project Duration: 1 Hour Only Project Type: WordPress Project Level: Standard Project Overview We have a simple WordPress quiz plugin that requires two improvements: We have a “Download Image” button that takes a screenshot of the results for a user and automatically downloads the screenshot as an image for them. We need to improve this functionality so it only takes a screenshot of the quiz results and not other buttons on the page 5* FEEDBACK WILL BE LEFT FOR YOU
I'm looking for someone located in Colombia to assist with a simple task. The task involves using a Colombian IP, either via Wi-Fi or mobile internet(not vpn or proxy), to carry out searches on Google. The specific requirements are as follows: - Search for the term "casino online" "or casino en linea" - Click on the ad !!! - Take screenshots of the full page, including the URL bar Please ensure that all tasks are completed from a Colombian IP.
...must be reusable and configurable to work with multiple MudTextField components. - Create a service class to manage the OSK’s visibility and interactions. 2. On-Screen Keyboard Component Details Appearance & Behavior: - Style the OSK using MudBlazor components (e.g., MudButton with Variant="" and default MudBlazor color scheme). - Follow the QWERTZ layout from the provided screenshot (include special characters: Ä, Ö, Ü, ß). - Include alphanumeric keys, space, backspace, enter, and an optional numpad (configurable via a parameter, e.g., ShowNumpad=true). - Ensure keys are touch-friendly (minimum button size: 48x48px for desktop touch screens). - Do not disable physical keyboard input (both OSK and phy...
I'm looking for an expert in music promotion to help get my song added to Spotify playlists and promoted across various streaming platforms, including Apple Music. Key Requirements: - Extensive knowledge of music promotion on streaming platforms. - Proven track record of successful playlist placements. - Ability to perform effective social media marketing. - Experience with running targeted Spotify ad campaigns. - In-depth knowledge of Apple Music's algorithms and promotion strategies. Target Region: - Primarily focused on promoting in India. Your bid should reflect your relevant experience and past successes in music promotion.
About Us Display Masters is a premium mobile display repair service specializing in high-end smartphone screen repairs for brands like Apple, Samsung, and other flagship devices. We are looking for an experienced website designer to create a professional, responsive, and SEO-optimized website that enhances our online presence and customer experience. Project Scope We require a sleek, modern, and high-performance website that will: ✔️ Showcase our expertise in premium mobile display repairs ✔️ Provide a seamless user experience across devices (mobile-first approach) ✔️ Allow customers to request repair quotes or book services ✔️ Include customer testimonials to build trust ✔️ Be optimized for SEO to improve search visibility Responsibilitie...
... style..) - fiche produits détaillées (photo HD, descriptions guide des tailles, avis clients) - panier et processus de commance fluide avec suggesstions de produits complémentaires - paiement sécurisée ( carte bancaire, paypal, apple pay, google pay...) - espace client (historique des commandes, suivi des livraisons, wishlist..) - système de gestions des retours et réclamations - outils de marketing intégrés (bons de réd...
I’m a professional translator, and I’m in the process of writing my first book, which I plan to publish independently. The book will focus on how ma nagers can effectively handle difficult personalities in the workplace. The working title is Mastering Workplace Dynamics: How to Lead and Manage the Most Difficult People. I’m seeking an experienced book writer who can help me bring this vision to life. The writer will work with me to develop the manuscript, refine the structure, and ensure the content resonates with the target audience. Scope and Word Count: Word Count: Approximately 50,000 - 75,000 words The book will be divided into chapters, each focusing on a different difficult personality type found ...
... style..) - fiche produits détaillées (photo HD, descriptions guide des tailles, avis clients) - panier et processus de commance fluide avec suggesstions de produits complémentaires - paiement sécurisée ( carte bancaire, paypal, apple pay, google pay...) - espace client (historique des commandes, suivi des livraisons, wishlist..) - système de gestions des retours et réclamations - outils de marketing intégrés (bons de réd...
I'm seeking a graphic designer who can enhance the visual aesthetics of my play store game app screenshot. The focus will be on refining the color scheme, typography, and icons and images to align with a modern and clean style. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Strong background in graphic design - Expertise in color theory and typography - Proficient in creating and manipulating icons and images - Experience designing for mobile apps or games is a plus - Ability to adhere to a specific stylistic direction
? Job Advertisement: Developer Needed for Automated HTM to CSV Converter ( Data) ? ? Project Overview: I am looking for a skilled software developer to create an automated system that converts large HTM files (100MB+) into multiple CSV files (each under 8MB). This software will be installed locally on my laptop and should efficiently process backtest results for analysis. ? Key Requirements: ✅ Automated HTM to CSV Conversion – Extract structured data (trades, timestamps, profit/loss, balance, etc.). ✅ File Splitting Logic – Ensure each CSV file remains under 8MB while preserving data integrity. ✅ Standardized CSV Format – Make sure the output files are structured for easy merging and analysis. ✅ User-Friendly Interface – Simple software U...
I am seeking an experienced Odoo Python Developer. This project is urgent and requires immediate attention. 2 tasks need to completed within next 18 hours 1.In odoo 17 community in project section go to any project there will be tasks client want to extend search Client want to search on the basis of fields which are highlighted in one of screenshot which is in PDF document and one more field client didn't mention is description field. Client want to search on the basis of these fields 2.2nd task is options arent showing in sidebar and icons aren't showing in homepage like other odoos You can check image screenshots Please put "Green" at top of your bid so I know you are serious T...
I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a comprehensive mobile application for my food business, compatible with both iOS and Android. Key Features: - The app should primarily facilitate online ordering. - A user login system is essential, as all customers will need to authenticate before placing an order. - Implement push notifications to alert customers about order statuses, promotions, and offers. - Integrate a loyalty program to reward repeat customers with points, discounts, or freebies. - Allow users to customize their orders and preferences, such as dietary restrictions or ingredient substitutions. - Enable social media login options and allow users to share their orders or reviews on social media platforms. - Include a user review...