Freelance public relations germany工作


    2,000 freelance public relations germany 找到工作
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    ...methods, uses and social customs, as well as business protocols in China or Hong Kong, as well as geographical, political, legal, cultural factors, etc. We are looking for a person residing in China or Hong Kong (documentation will be requested to corroborate this) and with a native level of chinese and an intermediate level of english. With experience as a small business owner, self-employed or freelance. An empathetic person, capable of understanding the commercial needs of a businessman. We are looking for an extroverted and eloquent person, with the ability to "make friends even with stones". Once you contact our client profile, you only have to show them our service and how it will help them commercially (% savings on return logistics). We carry out the sale and cl...

    $4607 Average bid
    $4607 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    We are a company that sells headphones, our main customers are over 60 years old, the electronic product is mainly connected to the TV, we need some young people who are familiar with the various connections of the TV and can help us to find out the problems during the connection process to assist us in testing the product, so that we can have more direction on upgradi...electronic product is mainly connected to the TV, we need some young people who are familiar with the various connections of the TV and can help us to find out the problems during the connection process to assist us in testing the product, so that we can have more direction on upgrading and debugging the product. Requirements: Knowledgeable about the e-shopping process; Being in the US or Canada, Germany, France, UK...

    $186 Average bid
    $186 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    在地教育类型微信公众号/视频号运维维护工作, 月度工作量: 设计:公众号排版模板设计,1篇,一年更换一次 视频类:脚本撰写+后期剪辑 4条 2-4分钟左右 后期剪辑 2条 1分钟左右 Chinese app:wechat Public accounts layout design Chinese short Video script writing + post editing 请携作品链接报价报名,期待合作!

    $862 Average bid
    $862 平均报价
    12 个竞标
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    用電腦 劃圖,熟悉autocad程式,時間自由,工作量多,長期工作

    $4141 Average bid
    $4141 平均报价
    15 个竞标 with a roomID and the peers make a request to the server with the roomID in the url. RoomID will be put in the same room and they start streaming video and audio. But it's too insecure and I need to generate a diffie hellman key pair on each peer (both desktop and mobile) and exchange the public keys. But I could not figure out how DH key exchange works. And where the keys are stored in mobile and how I can access them from the mobile phone so that I can encrypt the audio with the phones public key and then on the phone i can decrypt it using the key. (需要做的是为我在webrtc服务器上直播视频和音频的现有项目增加DH密钥交换算法的功能。 我原来的项目代码是录音web端和手机端的音频,并将它们进行比较延迟,作为两个端是否是在同一环境的双因素身份验证。我要改进的是使用webrtc直播音频来比较它们,把录音这一步替换掉。 我已经做好了的是部署webrtc信号服务器和可以直播视频和音频的url链接。现在连接的运作方式是,我用一个roomID创建一个房间,然后用户群用url里的r...

    $1345 Average bid
    $1345 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    Write a formal lawyer's letter to warn the teams (individuals) who slander, damage our team's reputation and harass our business partners on public social platforms, please stop such untruthful words, deeds, and behaviors, otherwise, we will investigate their criminal responsibility according to the law (The team is based in Europe, Germany) 撰写一封正式的律师函警告在公众社交平台污蔑、损害我们团队名声和骚扰我们商业合作伙伴的的团队(个人),请停止这种不实的言行和行为,否则我们将依法追究其刑事责任(该团队在欧洲德国)

    $1272 Average bid
    $1272 平均报价
    11 个竞标
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    ...will find that B has a mapping relation with (perhaps) A, E, K, W, Z… The program will also record these mapping relations, until list1 and list2 doesn’t grow anymore. Eventually, it will form a database carrying all these mapping relations. 8. When step6 and step7 are completed, the interface of the program will show me a notice “lists are prepared”. Then I can click a button on the interface to create an excel that includes list1 and list2, and to derive a file that has the database formed in step7. I can choose where I want to save these files. 9. The program has another button for visualization. When I click the button, it can generate a picture of the mapping relations in the most recent step7 file, or in a step7 file that I choose. ...

    $1942 Average bid
    $1942 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    一个互联网维修和装修freelance 平台 可以先跟我在vx: caomingxin5009先聊一下,谢谢。

    $4965 Average bid
    $4965 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    Banana Portal 接蕉喇係香港首個完全免費的綜合服務指南平台,致力去除自由工作(Freelance)市場參差的中介,提供完全透明、保障用家利益的配對服務,並協助自由工作者(freelancer)及商戶拓展業務。 過百種分類包括:攝影師,平面及室內設計師,婚禮統籌,化妝,中學小學音樂補習老師,室內設計,家居清潔,網業及程式設計開發,寵物服務等。 我們希望能夠將網站的SERP、Domain Authority、Citation 以Backlink, social bookmarking等方法提升。

    $1189 Average bid
    $1189 平均报价
    9 个竞标


    $202 Average bid
    $202 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    A calendar applet with multiple features, including time booking, team collaboration, shared calendars, online subscriptions, and more. Requirements: 1. Must have a deep understanding of the booking 2. Must be familiar with the common calendar application 3. Must have a deep understanding of teamwork and access control 4. Must be familiar with WeChat / applet / public number 一 个具有多种功能的日历小程序,包括时间预订,团队协作,共享日历,在线订阅等。 要求: 1. 必须对预订有深刻理解 2. 必须熟悉常见日历应用 3. 必须对团队协作,权限控制有深刻理解 4. 必须熟悉微信/小程序/公众号

    $35179 Average bid
    $35179 平均报价
    21 个竞标

    ...HTML 5 pages. - Adaptive HTML for mobile devices - Multi- environment support(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - Expected 2.5 weeks to complete entire page development, 0.5 weeks for testing and fixing - Basic test from developer before releasing every build to us. Final acceptance test will done by us - NDA is needed before start sharing project infomation 目前我们正在开发一个餐厅订单后台处理的平台,需要另外一名freelance来加速HTML5的开发进程。 - 目前我们已经完成了页面额设计和PS素材的制作,开发人员可以直接使用。 - 自适应网页制作,尤其是针对不同的移动设备(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - 希望在两周半的时候完成页面的开发(希望每两两天提交代码,以便早点检查和反馈),大概3-5天做验收测试和问题修复 - 希望开发人员会做基本的自测,确保发给我们验收的内容有一定的质量。当然我们也很希望开发者可用提出一些专业的建议和意见 - 需要和我们签订保密协议,在项目开始之前。

    $8259 Average bid
    $8259 平均报价
    47 个竞标

    我们在寻找半导体行业的客户,SEMICON展览的参展商是我们的目标客户,我们希望你能够从网站将17年参展商的信息搜索并导入到EXCEL表格中。项目包含了公司名称中文,公司名称英文,公司的产品,公司的官方网站,公司在中国的据点城市,公司所属的行业这些。你可以从你的专业角度提供建议,我希望选手能够熟悉中文。 上述网站都有中英文版本供参考

    $148 Average bid
    $148 平均报价
    3 个竞标
    Visual Media Limited
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    想找一個熟悉Wordpress Web Designer,長期Freelance工作,時薪,工時彈性

    $148 / hr Average bid
    $148 / hr 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    android app & SQL/PHP web DB freelance job 詳情請email 查詢

    $1212 Average bid
    $1212 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    ...Q&WeChat : 695-590-912 transact diploma transcript Dian embassies and the Ministry of Education academic degree Certification permanent archive to be investigated he yi Student Services center: entities, registered business, industry benchmarking, the better! Q&WeChat : 695 590 912 We provide the following services for the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, France, Germany, Singapore and other countries to study student: ★ real certified by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, archiving, Chinese Ministry of Education Service Center certification (ie, Ministry of Education, leaving clothes certification) website 100% to be investigated. ★ real embassy certification (ie students to return certificates),File stored Embassy, ...

    $1942 - $5827
    $1942 - $5827
    0 个竞标

    Translating day to day Cantonese conversations to Korean client

    $4397 Average bid
    $4397 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    7 Desires 国际是专注在时尚娱乐行业的模特儿管理和活动组织公司,他们还拥有摄影和视频制作团队。 7 Desires 国际可以帮助您宣传产品、品牌或让西方模特穿着您指定的衣服或配饰拍照和制作视频,供您的网站使用。 只需把您的货物样本寄送到欧洲或美国,剩下的事情就交给他们(7 Desires )了。 价格非常优惠! 今天就去访问:7desiresinternational.c o m 吧 CHINESE FREELANCE ONLY: WE NEED TO FIND CHINESE FACTORY OR RETAILERS INTERESTED IN OUR SERVICES. Apply only if you can really make us close a deal with a company willing to send the goods in Europe to realize photos advertising with our models. If you are not able to finalize a deal please do not apply or you will not be paid.

    $61 - $228
    $61 - $228
    0 个竞标
    Access freelance
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    1.要識中文,善於溝通 2. Access 基本運作 (關聯圖,報表,表單等等) -要將所有資料整理及關聯,方便我們尋找客人的資料 -要按我們需要及要求製作表單和報表 -需要各負責人交代有關運作及其用途

    $238 - $1979
    $238 - $1979
    0 个竞标

    We are looking for experienced sales professionals to promote Kubidi, an AI-driven assistant designed for diverse industries. This platform spans ecommerce, retail, real estate, hospitality, and recruitment. Key Responsibilities: - Showcase the value and benefits of Kubidi to potential clients - Work on your own schedule, from the convenience of your home Ideal Candidate: - Proven sales experience in ecommerce, real estate, and hospitality - Exceptional at lead generation and customer relationship management - Experience working with individual clients Your income will grow with your success. Join us and shape the future with your skills and creativity!

    $920955 Average bid
    $920955 平均报价
    13 个竞标

    My iOS app is fully developed and tested, and I need a proficient iOS developer to assist in uploading it to the App Store. Key details: - The app has been optimized for the store. - All necessary app store assets are ready. Ideal skills for this job: - Extensive experience in iOS app development - Proficient in App Store submission process - Knowledgeable about A...tested, and I need a proficient iOS developer to assist in uploading it to the App Store. Key details: - The app has been optimized for the store. - All necessary app store assets are ready. Ideal skills for this job: - Extensive experience in iOS app development - Proficient in App Store submission process - Knowledgeable about App Store requirements and guidelines Please bid if you can help me public the app suc...

    $93 / hr Average bid
    $93 / hr 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    build a freelance marketplace in django, front next js Real time AJAX Search Verification badge Works and activity dashboard notifications Frontend Dashboard Gig cretion (buyer can pay one time or with reccuring payment) Wallet Messaging (Chat) Follow Button Wishlist Payout Disputes Packages fiverrclone feature 100% Responsive Detailed sso subcription for seller nd buy to py less fees multilanguages multi curreniesy € $ and £

    $33493 Average bid
    $33493 平均报价
    31 个竞标

    FASHION ECOM INDUSTRY - Freelance Digital Ads Expert Expert Wanted- Set up and manage META & Google Ads MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE IN FASHION ECOM INDUSTRY Are you a highly skilled digital ads expert with a passion for driving results? We’re looking for a freelance professional to help us grow our online presence through effective and strategic paid advertising campaigns. Responsibilities: SET UP ACCOUNTS Develop and manage digital ad campaigns across platforms (Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok is a bonus but not essential , etc.) Conduct keyword research and audience targeting to maximize ad reach and performance Monitor and optimize campaigns for the best possible ROI Analyze data and provide insights to improve future campaigns Create compelling ad copy...

    $140 / hr Average bid
    $140 / hr 平均报价
    36 个竞标

    Freelance Project Requirement: WhatsApp Bot & WhatsApp Business Platform Development We are looking for an experienced freelancer to develop a WhatsApp CRM solution that allows seamless customer interaction, service selection, appointment booking, and product purchasing directly via WhatsApp. The solution should be built on the WhatsApp Business API and integrate key features for an end-to-end business automation experience. # Project Scope: 1. WhatsApp Bot Development: - AI-driven chatbot for automated customer interactions. - Ability to handle queries, provide service/product details, and guide users through the process. 2. Service Selection & Appointment Booking: - Customers should be able to choose services via WhatsApp. - Calendar integ...

    $614 Average bid
    $614 平均报价
    10 个竞标

    I am in need of a skilled scientific writer with expertise in public health and epidemiology. The project involves writing an original research article based on my findings. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate with me to fully understand the research and findings. - Write a clear, concise, and compelling article suitable for submission to a peer-reviewed journal. - Ensure all writing adheres to the standards of scientific writing. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in writing for academic journals, particularly in the field of public health. - Strong understanding of epidemiology. - Exceptional writing and editing skills. - Ability to work collaboratively and communicate effectively. This project is on the impact of the food environment on health - needs to ...

    $653 Average bid
    $653 平均报价
    44 个竞标

    Job Description: We seek a skilled freelance web developer to create a simple yet interactive language learning platform. The design and functionality will be inspired by Babbel, Duolingo, and Rocket Languages, incorporating structured lessons, vocabulary exercises, listening and speaking practice, and user engagement features. The main goal is to develop a framework that allows us to easily input lessons, quizzes, flashcards, and multimedia (audio/video) content without coding knowledge. Key Features & Requirements: ✅ User Dashboard • Personalized interface with progress tracking • Course selection (English, German, Indonesian, Korean, etc) • Daily lesson recommendations ✅ Lesson & Review System • Interactive lessons with text, grammar explanatio...

    $1313 Average bid
    $1313 平均报价
    39 个竞标

    ? We’re Hiring: Social Media & Content Specialist (Freelance) ? Are you a creative powerhouse who knows how to grow audiences, create engaging content, and drive leads? Prosper Finance is looking for a freelance Social Media Manager & Content Creator to take our brand to the next level! What You’ll Be Doing: Content Strategy & Management – Plan and schedule engaging social media content across platforms (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok). Reels & Video Editing – Create high-quality, scroll-stopping reels and videos to captivate our audience. Graphic Design – Design professional and eye-catching visuals that align with our brand. Audience Growth & Engagement – Implement strategies to increase followers, boost engag...

    $85 / hr Average bid
    $85 / hr 平均报价
    49 个竞标

    We have a professionally designed movie poster that needs enhancement and final touches using advanced Photoshop and AI-based tools. We are looking for a skilled freelance graphic designer who can refine the poster, enhance its visual appeal, and bring out the cinematic essence using AI-powered design techniques. Responsibilities: Enhance the existing poster by improving its color grading, depth, and overall quality. Use AI tools and Photoshop for fine-tuning details, lighting effects, and sharpness. Apply AI-driven upscaling and retouching to ensure high resolution for print and digital platforms. Maintain the original concept while adding creative refinements to make it more striking. Deliver the final poster in multiple formats (JPEG, PNG, PSD, TIFF) optimized for print, social ...

    $350 Average bid
    $350 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    I'm looking for a web marketer to help grow , a platform for bulk sending ERC20 tokens and NFTs on Ethereum. Your mission: Drive traffic and increase user engagement Optimize SEO & paid advertising Run targeted marketing campaigns (Twitter, Reddit, niche forums) Generate leads and improve conversion rates Compensation: Payment will be performance-based (results-driven) Open to discussing a fair structure based on traffic, conversions, or other KPIs Requirements: Experience in web marketing (crypto/web3 experience is a plus) Proven track record of successful campaigns Ability to work independently and suggest growth strategies write comment "blockexperts" to see that you're read the post

    $971 Average bid
    $971 平均报价
    10 个竞标

    Freelance Job: AI Training Prompt Writer (LibreOffice Calc & Impress) Overview: We are looking for freelancers to write clear and concise prompts for AI training, specifically for LibreOffice Calc and Impress. The prompts should cover various tasks related to these applications and must be original, manually written, and diverse (not templated or AI-generated). Responsibilities: Create unique, well-structured prompts related to LibreOffice Calc & Impress. Ensure prompts are not copied from external sources (our system detects plagiarism). Avoid generating similar prompts by merely altering a few words or elements. Payment Structure: 1 to 100 prompts → $0.4 per prompt 100 to 500 prompts → $0.5 per prompt Payments will be processed via Airtm every 20 days....

    $85 Average bid
    $85 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    I'm seeking a PhD holder in Tourism or a related field who can assist me in obtaining a recommendation letter to apply for a PhD program in Tourism. Requirements: - Must be a PhD holder in Tourism or related field - Must have a university email address - Relations and links with professors are a plus - Country does not matter - Future supervision support will be appreciated The recommendation letter should highlight: - My academic achievements Preferred letter format: - Formal academic style The price is negotiable, with a generous payment for successful support.

    $47 / hr Average bid
    $47 / hr 平均报价
    22 个竞标

    ...Recommended: 4 vCPUs, 8GB RAM OS: Ubuntu 22.04 ? Install Node.js, Strapi v3, and required dependencies. ? Restore database, media files, and configurations. ? Optimize Strapi API performance for high concurrency. ? Set up automatic backups, SSL, and security configurations. 3️⃣ Migrate Gatsby Site (AWS S3 → Cloudflare Pages) ? Generate Gatsby static build (gatsby build). ? Deploy Gatsby’s static output (public/ folder) to Cloudflare Pages. ? Ensure Cloudflare caching is correctly configured for global performance. ? Enable CDN optimizations (Brotli compression, HTTP/3, cache rules). 4️⃣ Optimize & Secure Cloudflare Pages + DigitalOcean ? Set up custom domains & SSL for both Cloudflare Pages and Strapi API. ? Configure Cloudflare caching & page rules to red...

    $4700 Average bid
    $4700 平均报价
    17 个竞标

    Job Description Job title: Content Marketing Manager India Overview and purpose of the role The Content Marketing Manager India is responsible for implementing under supervision of the Marketing Manager India, craft compelling messages across various channels and audiences. • Attention to Detail: Ensures accuracy and consistency in content creation, branding, and campaign execution. • Customer-Centric Mindset: Keeps the target audience at the core of all content marketing strategies and decisions. • Problem-Solving Skills: Proactively identifies challenges and implements effective Work setup • Freelance contract • 3 to 6 months contract with the potential to extend • Full-time or part time • Remote work mode • Preferably located in...

    $1577 Average bid
    $1577 平均报价
    13 个竞标

    I'm looking for a creative and experienced video producer to help make a series of explainer videos about geo layers. These videos will be aimed at the general public and should clearly convey the concept and understanding of geo layers in a simple and engaging way. Key Points: - The videos should be designed to help the viewer understand geo layers - The tone should be suitable for the general public, not overly technical - The ability to simplify complex ideas and present them in an engaging way is crucial Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience in video production and editing - Previous work creating explainer videos - Ability to write and present scripts - Knowledge of geo layers is a plus, but not essential - Excellent communication skills

    $233 Average bid
    $233 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    ...**Primary Functionality**: The app should provide comprehensive mapping features. This will be its primary function. - **Financial Transactions**: The app should record daily purchases, receipt image detection. In-app purchases are not necessary. - **Map Data Integration**: The app should integrate points of interest such as restaurants and POIs into the map data. Real-time traffic updates and public transportation routes are not required. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Deep understanding of iOS app development - Experience in creating mapping and navigation apps - Proficiency in integrating financial transaction capabilities into an app - Ability to incorporate various types of map data and points of interest - Familiarity with fintech regulations and stand...

    $18312 Average bid
    $18312 平均报价
    93 个竞标

    ...Provide expert advice on clothing selection, color coordination, and wardrobe essentials. Guide on grooming, etiquette, and body language to enhance personal branding. Curate shopping recommendations for clothing, accessories, and grooming products. Offer practical tips for creating impactful first impressions in corporate and social settings. Conduct styling sessions, mock interviews, and public speaking coaching if required. Qualifications & Skills: Proven experience as an Image Consultant, Fashion Stylist, or Personal Branding Coach. Strong understanding of corporate dressing standards and business etiquette. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Ability to customize recommendations based on individual preferences and industry requirements. Knowledge...

    $133 - $1111
    $133 - $1111
    0 个竞标

    I'm seeking a professional graphic designer to create an academic scientific poster for educational purposes. The po...graphic designer to create an academic scientific poster for educational purposes. The poster should aim to present my research proposal in a manner accessible to the general public. Key Requirements: - Design the poster to effectively communicate the content of a research proposal. - Use clear, engaging visuals and language to make complex concepts understandable for a non-specialist audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in creating academic or scientific posters. - Strong graphic design skills, and experience in in-design/illustrator - Ability to simplify complex scientific content for general public. - Experience working on ...

    $396 Average bid
    $396 平均报价
    73 个竞标

    ...Recommended: 4 vCPUs, 8GB RAM OS: Ubuntu 22.04 ? Install Node.js, Strapi v3, and required dependencies. ? Restore database, media files, and configurations. ? Optimize Strapi API performance for high concurrency. ? Set up automatic backups, SSL, and security configurations. 3️⃣ Migrate Gatsby Site (AWS S3 → Cloudflare Pages) ? Generate Gatsby static build (gatsby build). ? Deploy Gatsby’s static output (public/ folder) to Cloudflare Pages. ? Ensure Cloudflare caching is correctly configured for global performance. ? Enable CDN optimizations (Brotli compression, HTTP/3, cache rules). 4️⃣ Optimize & Secure Cloudflare Pages + DigitalOcean ? Set up custom domains & SSL for both Cloudflare Pages and Strapi API. ? Configure Cloudflare caching & page rules to red...

    $5827 - $11654
    加精 加封
    $5827 - $11654
    17 个竞标

    I'm seeking a freelance digital artist with a knack for cartoon-style artwork for a short-term personal project. The ideal candidate should have experience in creating engaging and appealing cartoon illustrations.

    $474 Average bid
    $474 平均报价
    79 个竞标 once. ✔ Independent & Reliable: You can take provided content and run with it. ✔ Familiar with Digital Products & Coaching: Bonus if you’ve worked with courses, books, or coaching programs. ? Tools You Should Know ? Facebook & Instagram Ads Manager ? YouTube & Google Ads ? LinkedIn Ads (Bonus) ? Google Analytics & Tracking Pixels ? A/B Testing & Retargeting Strategies ? Compensation ? Freelance/Contract Basis – Pay based on experience & results ? Part-time to start (5-10 hours/week), with potential for full-time ? Bonus incentives for hitting KPIs & ad performance milestones ? How to Apply ? Send your proposal with: ✔ Your experience managing paid social campaigns (specific case studies/results preferred). ✔ Platforms you spec...

    $101 / hr Average bid
    $101 / hr 平均报价
    37 个竞标

    I’m looking for an experienced freelance sales representative or sales closer to help generate both B2B and B2C leads for my growing business. The ideal candidate will be highly skilled in identifying and reaching out to potential clients across a wide range of industries, as my goal is to target a variety of sectors in the B2B space. This is an exciting opportunity to work with a flexible and dynamic business, where your efforts will directly impact our growth. If you’re driven, results-oriented, and have experience generating high-quality leads, this could be the perfect fit for you! Key Responsibilities: Identify and prospect potential clients in diverse industries. Utilize various tools and strategies to generate both B2B and B2C leads. Help close deals and build ...

    $1624 Average bid
    $1624 平均报价
    18 个竞标

    ...will be provided, but creativity in layout and visual storytelling is essential. - Designs must be vibrant, on-brand, and optimized for mobile engagement. 2. Brochure Design (1 Tri-Fold): - Print and digital-ready files (CMYK + RGB, 300 DPI + web resolution). - Clean, professional layout with space for text, images, and branding elements. I am looking for a long-term freelance partner for my design needs. Your experience and skills in graphic design, particularly in creating engaging social media content and print materials, will be key in helping to elevate my brand. Skills Required: - Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva, or similar tools. - Experience designing static Instagram posts and brochures. - Strong typography, br...

    $785 Average bid
    $785 平均报价
    76 个竞标

    I need assistance in crafting a brand concept and manual for a premium, sustainable charcoal brand aimed primarily at Central America. Key Aspects: - The brand will promote forest restoration and sustainable management through its charcoal production. - Our product is premium charcoal sourced from carefully selected tree species in our forests, offering a consistent, long-lasting, low-smoke ... Ideal Skills: - Experience in brand development, particularly in the sustainability sector. - Proficiency in packaging design. - Strong understanding of target market preferences in Central America. - Ability to create a cohesive visual and messaging strategy. We are open to brand name suggestions preferably in spanish that conveys best the concept of the brand and is easily accepted by the p...

    $3885 Average bid
    加精 加保 顶级竞赛
    194 项参赛作品
    Urban Public Space Planning
    6 天 left

    I'm seeking an experienced urban planner to design plazas and town squares with a focus on user-friendly seating areas. The planner should have a keen understanding of public space dynamics and urban design principles. Key Requirements: - Design of seating areas within the plazas and town squares - Knowledge of urban planning and design principles - Experience in planning public spaces Ideal Skills: - Urban Planning - Public Space Design - Landscape Architecture Please submit your proposal if you have relevant experience and a portfolio of similar projects.

    $280 Average bid
    $280 平均报价
    21 个竞标

    ...integrating automated data extraction, booking, online courses, and payments. This project extends from a previous automation system and requires seamless integration into a user-friendly web platform. Key Features: 1. UI/UX Design Before Development Develop a clear, intuitive UI/UX before implementation to ensure smooth user experience. 2. Automated Data Extraction/Categorization Extract data from public sources, categorize it, and update automatically with Zero manual work. Implement logging, error handling, and notifications for system reliability. 3. AI-Powered Documentation Optimization Analyze user inputs against relevant criteria to provide tailored recommendations. Enhance content alignment and optimize for better outcomes with Zero manual intervention. 4. Booki...

    $12571 Average bid
    $12571 平均报价
    133 个竞标

    ...textes optimisés SEO, la rédaction web ou encore la correction et l’édition de documents, je veille à offrir un travail soigné et de qualité. Grâce à ma créativité et à ma maîtrise du langage, je sais captiver l’attention des lecteurs tout en respectant les exigences spécifiques de chaque projet. Mon objectif est de produire des textes fluides, clairs et percutants, qui répondent aux attentes du public cible. ✅ Services proposés : ✔ Rédaction d’articles et de contenus web optimisés SEO ✔ Copywriting et storytelling pour booster l’impact de vos textes ✔ Réécriture et correction pour un rendu professionnel ✔ Traduction et adapt...

    $249 / hr Average bid
    $249 / hr 平均报价
    10 个竞标
    Gay Dating App
    6 天 left

    Job Title: Freelance Digital Marketing & Community Manager for Gay Dating App Responsibilities: Conduct market research to understand target audience and competition Develop and execute a pre-launch marketing strategy, including influencer partnerships, social media campaigns, and email sign-ups Design and implement digital advertising campaigns on social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram) and Google Ads Manage community engagement on social media and through email Work with the app development team to ensure smooth UX/UI design and functionality Launch the app with a comprehensive campaign including influencer outreach, press releases, and paid media Monitor app performance through analytics tools and adjust strategies as needed Continuously engage and retain users through...

    $4646 Average bid
    $4646 平均报价
    10 个竞标

    I need a professional review of my Freelancer profile. I'm looking for advice on how to better organize it, particularly focusing on: - Profile and Bio: I need help enhancing the quality of the language and content in my profile and bio. - Work Experience: I would like to add new details and experiences to my account, to make it more appealing to potential clients. The ideal candidate for this project should have a strong command of English, experience in profile optimization, and a knack for writing engaging content. Please provide a proposal detailing your approach to this task.

    $148 / hr Average bid
    $148 / hr 平均报价
    25 个竞标

    I am looking for a freelance video editor to help me create short-form travel videos for TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram. This is a long-term collaboration where you will edit a few videos per week, adding subtitles, effects, and optimizing for engagement. The role offers creative freedom, and compensation will grow as the project expands What I Am Looking For: A self-driven and independent editor who takes initiative. Someone with strong communication skills in English. A detail-oriented editor who prioritizes quality over quantity. Someone with self-awareness and a willingness to improve and adapt. A proactive editor who brings ideas to the table rather than just following instructions. Ability to enhance videos with captions, transitions, and engaging effects. Up to...

    $101 / hr Average bid
    $101 / hr 平均报价
    66 个竞标

    ...CodeBERT checks). Daily Loom screenshots showing progress (code + functionality). Payment Terms: Rate: ₹415/hour (INR) or ₨1,400/hour (PKR). this can go to ₹550 Total Budget: ₹29,880 (INR) or ₨100,800 (PKR). Milestones: ₹10,375 (INR) / ₨35,000 (PKR) after 3D family tree demo (Expo app). ₹19,505 (INR) / ₨65,800 (PKR) after App Store/Play Store submission. Penalties: GPT code = ₹0/₨0 payment + public report. Missed deadlines = ₹830/hour (INR) or ₨2,800/hour (PKR) deducted. Consequences: I’m a senior developer with 4 years of mobile app experience. I will audit every line of code. If you waste my time, I will: Publicly shame you on with screenshots. Report you to your local cybercrime unit (if code is stolen). Critical Rule: ONE P...

    $187 / hr Average bid
    $187 / hr 平均报价
    16 个竞标