...Chinese), because Chinese users do not support paying with overseas payment gateways and do not support logging in with Google. 2. Add airwallex and virtual currency payment gateways. (Add to the overseas AI platform), as well as the features in the design. 3. Add Google authorization and WeChat authorization registration functions. 4. Add 2fa verification and identity verification functions. 5. Add Blog system and functions in the design diagram. 6. Add login device check function and functions in the design diagram. 7. Add background music function and functions in the design diagram. 8. Language switching function. Note: Most functions can be accessed using third-party APIs. Our AI website: milestone: 1st milestone (800U) (within 7 days): complete all basic functions. 2nd ...
...all users' data into high-quality content automatically into the database, so that when all users call AI, they can first go through the database to enhance memory, without repeating the problem sorting; it is also convenient for us to use it in training later). New management panel function: Add an Airwallex and virtual currency payment gateway. Add a robust marketing email system. Add a robust blog system. Our front-end address: Admin panel: To ensure that the design and development are satisfied, we need to maintain continuous communication throughout the design and development stages. Each page design and development needs to be confirmed before entering the next page to achieve an efficient workflow and avoid conflicts. If there are unfinished parts or parts
...such as organic search, social media, advertising, etc. Add order count: Track and display the total number of orders and their status. Add revenue data: Display total revenue and monthly revenue changes. Add total user count: Show the total number of registered users and new user growth. Add risk control count: Track and display the total number of risk control incidents handled. 2.3 Blog Function Add a Blog publishing module: Add SEO settings feature: Provide editing options for custom SEO metadata (title, keywords, description, etc.) to enhance the page's search engine visibility. Add UI design: Use Figma design style for an intuitive and user-friendly interface. 2.4 Risk Control System The risk control system will add the following functional modules: Add geo-ba...
一个用于生成小故事的网页demo,一共约8个页面。 算法、交互与UI设计由我们完成; 希望您可以帮助搭建前后端。目前前端基于Vue,后端基于Flask,已经有50%进展。
...aliexpress and shopify business etc. Job will be paid by hours and the expected deliverables are bi- weekly with 1 original posts; sometimes I will need some event promotion articles and will inform you one week before the delivery. Marketing knowledge and SEO skill will be huge plus. The writing style guideline will be provided to you and here is the content hub for your reference: Looking forward to your interest! 工作内容: - 负责撰写相关企业品牌传播软文及线上线下活动稿件及媒体广告文字,涉及内容采集、优化、整理和原创撰写。 - 了解跨境电商例如亚马逊、速卖通、aliexpress等,负责撰写跨境电商行业热点、公司产品、大事记相关文章。主要内容产出方向为跨境电商行业+独立站运营。 - 了解SEO搜索引擎优化、负责协助网站搜索引擎优化推广,通过文案优化来促进网站知名度和排名度的提高. 工作要求: - 精通公文写作,富有创意、具备强大的原创能力,工作细心、细致; - 新闻、中文、文学或传播学相关专业本科及以上学历; - 热爱新媒体,具备良好的新闻敏感度,对新媒体运营有自己的理解; - 扎实的文字功底,有关注和阅读大量订阅号的习惯;若有自己运营的网站或公众号,可提供参考。 - 对百度搜索引擎优化有基本了解,有相关从业经验者优先;
诚信设计需要一些平面设计。转bialwe他与合伙人感到收藏市场化、公开化将是必然趋势,他是藏缅语系研究方面的专家,时时刻刻都想着, ,由青铜文化、蜀玉文化可以推知,有榆树叶真是幸福,可以荡漾秋千的联合体育器材, ,在这句话面前,许多事情似乎已经发生了转变,眼羡至极,嘱咐我们洗手洗脚吃完留给我们的碗豆面馍馍,也需要三千年的时间,又是为了什么, “... 阅读更多I need some changes to an existing website. I need you to design and build my blog.
,build a flask online clinic。 albumy,set up a online second opinion clinic 。 on heroku server with flask and postgresql。 with Python flask,REACT and Ajax experience ,if with HIS experience, execllent。 to integrate with Google Maps API。 time:2019/07/30。
需要的网页如下 公司主页需要 主页 会社概要 事业介绍 商品系列 商品介绍 Blog(WordPress) 查询 日本乐天,雅虎购物网站主页需要 主页(两个网站都要,可以相同)
网站必须具备以下元素: 1.博客(WordPress 或 Drupal 或 Joomla) 2.产品介绍(类似 ) 3.预购+注册(英文用户-email,国内用户-手机/微信/QQ) 4.团队/公司简介 注意: 1.网站主要是针对国内的互联网用户。 2.必须对国内网民习惯和行为有深入的理解。例子:应该明白大多国内网民比较喜欢用电话号码注册。(一般网民不太喜欢用电子邮件)
网站必须具备以下元素: 1.博客(WordPress 或 Drupal 或 Joomla) 2.产品介绍(类似 ) 3.预购+注册(英文用户-email,国内用户-手机/微信/QQ) 4.团队/公司简介 注意: 1.网站主要是针对国内的互联网用户。 2.必须对国内网民习惯和行为有深入的理解。例子:应该明白大多国内网民比较喜欢用电话号码注册。(一般网民不太喜欢用电子邮件)
Development of a celluar phone and WeChat login module+ WeChat and Weibo content sharing feature for a Chinese H5 website That's it, quite simple. Interested candidates can visit to better understand what's our application about, just a reference.
任务描述 基于wordpress建设企業介紹网站,需要國際性信用卡支付功能(Visa Master AE 銀聯 paypal)、blog新聞與活動發布功能 以及會員系統_登入/註冊/會員資料(郵箱註冊、Facebook登入 )功能, 要求网站瀏覽流程简单好用。 开发方向 將我方已添購的模板與呈現內容進行安裝、重組與呈現。 讓客戶對於我方服務進行線上支付、blog新聞發布、會員系統(郵箱和第三方)。 我方會提供內地金流服務商(銀聯)的架接方式。 网站所属行业 海外留學服務機構 是否已准备好网站所需要内容? 我方將提供 [文字 视频 模板] 彼此共同探討 『 图片 』 网站所需功能 用户注册,生成用户账号 支持社交网站(Facebook/Twitter)登录 在线支付(國際信用卡) 模板內Blog功能實現 中英雙语言 全站搜索 补充说明: ===== 此描述有小幅改动,请已投标的朋友再次阅读任务描述 ===== 我们已经購買好wordpress主题,可以从中选择,也可以另外建议,可以再讨论,主题已經支持woocommerce。 維護方面,我們希望在建置後的三個月內能進行網站的穩定性調適並且教導我方如何更改網站圖文及blog內容。 功能方面,最主要就是將模板內功能配合我方ppt的呈現, 業務的介紹、用戶對於業務的在線支付以及第三方平台的接入。 在线支付需要支持paypal,电子转账和國際信用卡(銀聯)支付,并且网站应该在手机上浏览顺畅(模板內已有多方頁面呈現),用户体验良好。 在您给出最好的报价的同时,我们希望你尽量给出你做过的用wordpress建站的电商网站作品,如果不是wordpress建的请务必标出,如果...
任务描述 基于wordpress建设企業介紹网站,需要國際性信用卡支付功能(Visa Master AE 銀聯 paypal)、blog新聞與活動發布功能 以及會員系統_登入/註冊/會員資料(郵箱註冊、Facebook登入 )功能, 要求网站瀏覽流程简单好用。 开发方向 將我方已添購的模板與呈現內容進行安裝、重組與呈現。 讓客戶對於我方服務進行線上支付、blog新聞發布、會員系統(郵箱和第三方)。 我方會提供內地金流服務商(銀聯)的架接方式。 网站所属行业 海外留學服務機構 是否已准备好网站所需要内容? 我方將提供 [文字 视频 模板] 彼此共同探討 『 图片 』 网站所需功能 用户注册,生成用户账号 支持社交网站(Facebook/Twitter)登录 在线支付(國際信用卡) 模板內Blog功能實現 中英雙语言 全站搜索 补充说明: ===== 此描述有小幅改动,请已投标的朋友再次阅读任务描述 ===== 我们已经購買好wordpress主题,可以从中选择,也可以另外建议,可以再讨论,主题已經支持woocommerce。 維護方面,我們希望在建置後的三個月內能進行網站的穩定性調適並且教導我方如何更改網站圖文及blog內容。 功能方面,最主要就是將模板內功能配合我方ppt的呈現, 業務的介紹、用戶對於業務的在線支付以及第三方平台的接入。 在线支付需要支持paypal,电子转账和國際信用卡(銀聯)支付,并且网站应该在手机上浏览顺畅(模板內已有多方頁面呈現),用户体验良好。 在您给出最好的报价的同时,我们希望你尽量给出你做过的用wordpress建站的电商网站作品,如果不是wordpress建的请务必标出,如果...
需要修改目前网站的一些bug,添加一个博客功能和可以发布的后端,具体设计都已经有了。Minor Bug fix, add a backend to publish blog, the designs are ready.
Job Requirements: We need your assistant to post on forums,blog,websites,Social media promote our website and services in American,Canadian or other countries websites. Contact me through $0.4 per post, and it also depends on your will pay you according to your also look for long time cooperation. Details: - You must be fluency in English, and post the articles to local English Forums(or blog,websites,SNS) in order to introduce our website or products. The articles should contain our website address or URL Link. - The websites you are going to post should be in high rank with Google,Yahoo,Bing. - You should post the articles under category of accounting servicesserviced officeincorporation services or related. - You cannot post the same article under one channel
...and "The New Stuff" Column in the middle and then right side bar ) sharp modern colored simple style papers for content area and side navigation.(right side bar every page including content page) small size social plugin panel on every thumbnail-post excerpt Navigation and Category Headers banners. Unique search design function Google font installation with fonts of my choice Decorative blog post title, date and time Revisions until I am satisfied with the design PSD layered source files as I need to also have a forum designed with the same theme. Must be installed Budget is HK$2,500 (USD300), any bids exceeding that will be ignored. I will not release any milestone payments until I see the design and am 100% happy with it. I will not create a mileston...
Seo optimization and GMB SEO.... 250 USD- 20-25 keywords optimization, 200-250 backlinks per month (3 blog posting)
I need a marketing expert to p...coaching business. The prime focus would be on reaching career changers primarily through social media, search engines and email marketing. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a comprehensive marketing strategy targeting career changers. - Create engaging blog posts and infographics to promote the business. - Utilize social media, search engines and email marketing to their full potential. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in digital marketing. - Strong understanding of content creation, specifically blog posts and infographics. - Excellent knowledge of targeting and reaching specific audiences, particularly career changers. - Proficiency in using various marketing platforms including Social Media, Search Engines and...
...advanced). ✅ Design animated football drills using TacticalPad or a similar tool to visually demonstrate training exercises. ✅ Edit and organise training footage – clip and enhance raw training videos for easy upload. ✅ Write detailed drill explanations with clear objectives, key coaching points, and variations. ✅ Upload and categorise content within WordPress, ensuring it’s easy to navigate. ✅ Write blog content related to football coaching strategies, tactics, and player development. ✅ Ensure all content is well-organised, visually appealing, and easy to understand for coaches. - Required Skills & Experience: ✔ Football Coaching Knowledge – Strong understanding of training drills, player development, and tactics. ✔ Content Writing – Ability to write...
...for our Website Blogs, LinkedIn company handles, website content, social media posts, and more. Must have 5+ years of experience writing B2B content for Tech startups or established Tech businesses. Must have experience writing different types of content, including blog posts, social media content, webpage copywriting, and more, especially in Technical and IT domains. Experience in writing for AI-related companies is highly preferred. Please submit your response by answering the following questions: Q1. Do you have experience in Blog Writing? If so, please share samples of articles published under your name. Q2. Do you have experience writing linkedin posts and content? If so, please share samples of articles published under your name. Q3. Do you have experience writing l...
I'm looking for a skilled crypto writer for my blog. The content should primarily consist of tutorials and guides about the latest cryptocurrency trends, with a heavy focus on Bitcoin, Ethereum, and emerging cryptocurrencies.
I am seeking an experienced SEO professional to help increase the website traffic and improve th...rankings of my unique niche business. The business operates without a traditional e-commerce cart, so creativity and out-of-the-box thinking will be paramount. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement effective SEO strategies - Increase website visibility and traffic - Improve search engine rankings Content Focus: - I am open to various types of content for SEO, including but not limited to: blog posts, product descriptions, and landing pages. Your expertise will inform our content strategy. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with SEO marketing - Strong understanding of unique e-commerce business models - Excellent content strategy skills - Ability to think creatively and outsi...
...time (Monday to Friday, 10 AM - 2 PM GMT). The ideal candidate will have expertise in SEO, content creation, and social media marketing while also assisting with various marketing tasks to enhance our online presence and brand visibility. Key Responsibilities: 1. SEO & Content Marketing: o Conduct keyword research and market analysis to optimize content. o Write and publish SEO-optimized articles, blog posts, and news updates in both Russian and English. o Develop and refine website content to improve search engine rankings. o Ensure organic website optimization and work towards achieving a first-page Google ranking within 6 months. 2. Social Media & Digital Marketing: o Assist in creating and scheduling social media posts, reels, and marketing content. o Help execute and...
My WordPress blog is infected with suspicious files or code. I need an experienced web security professional to clean it up and secure my site. Skills & Experience Required: - Extensive experience with WordPress - Proven track record of malware removal - Web security expertise - Ability to identify and fix vulnerabilities - Excellent communication skills to explain the issue and solution in simple terms
I'm in need of a data entry freelancer to assist with copy-pasting 50 blog content into my WordPress website. The task is straightforward but repetitive, and detailed documentation will be provided to guide you through the entire process. Requirements: - Basic knowledge of WordPress - Attention to detail - Ability to follow instructions carefully The project involves: - Copy-pasting between 50 blog posts - Minor formatting adjustments, primarily involving inserting images.
...de mi centro de entrenamiento personal, FitFlare, ubicado en Burgos. La edición se hará a través de la plataforma IONOS. Lo que necesito: Diseño atractivo y funcional: Que refleje la identidad de FitFlare, con una interfaz moderna y intuitiva Sección de Servicios: Información clara sobre entrenamientos personales, en pareja, grupos reducidos, asesorías online y, próximamente, artes marciales. Blog integrado: Para compartir artículos sobre entrenamiento, nutrición y bienestar. Tienda online: Para vender programas de entrenamiento y asesorías personalizadas. Optimización SEO: Para posicionar bien en Google y atraer clientes potenciales. Integración con redes sociales y WhatsApp: Para ...
I'm looking for a seasoned SEO professional who can drive my website to the top of Google's search results. My website Link: focused on Tamil movies. - Target Audience: The SEO efforts will be primarily directed towards a national audience, so understanding of Indian SEO trends and algorithms will be a plus. -Content Focus: A considerable part of the SEO work will involve optimizing my blog posts for SEO. Experience in this area will be highly advantageous. Skills & Experience Required: - Proven track record of successful SEO campaigns. - Expertise in on-page and off-page SEO. - Knowledge of SEO tools and software. - Experience in optimizing blog posts for SEO. - Understanding of national SEO trends, particularly in India. - Excellent analytical and problem-s...
I'm looking for a skilled freelancer to develop a comprehensive company website alongside a CRM-like system. This project is to be built using Angular for the frontend and SQL Server for the backend. The company website will include: - Home - About Us - Services - Blog - Testimonials - Contact Us - Careers - Portfolio - FAQ The CRM system will feature: - Client management - Task tracking - Document storage - Check in and Check out system - Developer profiles Roles within the CRM system will be: - Admin - Client - Developer The ideal candidate should be proficient in Angular and SQL Server, with a solid portfolio in developing interactive, user-friendly websites and secure, functional CRM systems. Experience in creating tiered access systems within a platform is essential. P...
To hire a developer for an auction website, you'll need to define your project requirements clearly. Here are some key details you should provide: Project Overview You need a developer to build an auction website where users can l...gateway (PayPal, Stripe, etc.) Buyer & seller payment protection Notifications & Alerts Email and push notifications for bid updates, auctions won, etc. Admin Dashboard Manage users, listings, transactions, and disputes Responsive & Secure Website Mobile-friendly design SSL encryption for data protection Technology Preferences Frontend: React, Vue.js, or Angular Backend: Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), or PHP (Laravel) Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL, or Firebase Hosting: AWS, DigitalOcean, or Vercel Project Timeline & Budget Estimat...
Estoy buscando un redactor o redactora con experiencia y conocimiento en...experiencia y conocimiento en piedras energéticas y espiritualidad para crear contenido atractivo y enriquecedor para mi blog. El contenido deberá estar bien investigado, ser original y captar el interés de mi audiencia. - Experiencia demostrable en el tema de piedras energéticas y espiritualidad. - Capacidad para crear artículos atractivos y educativos que enganchen a la audiencia. - Habilidades excepcionales de escritura en español. - Compromiso con la entrega de contenido original y sin plagios. - Disponibilidad para trabajar a largo plazo y adaptarse a la voz y estilo del blog. Espero poder colaborar con alguien que comparta mi pasión por este tem...
I'm looking for a skilled content writer who can effectively engage in forum discussions and create backlinks to my coaching business website through social media. Key Responsibilities: - Create compelling forum comments that can drive traffic to my website - Write blog posts related to my coaching business - Develop backlinks on my website through various social media platforms Ideal Skills: - Proficient in English with excellent writing skills - Experience in content writing for coaching businesses preferred - Familiarity with social media platforms and backlink strategies - Good understanding of forum engagement techniques Your work will significantly contribute to increasing my website's visibility and driving potential clients towards my coaching services. I am ...
Requirement: (1) = shopify site (2) I want to use wordpress on (3) I have a account to handle the wordpress site Current Setup: (1) Domain name DNS managed by Cloudflare; (2) Domain DNS pointed to Shopfiy Server (3) I need to setup Wordpress on sub-directoy (do not suggest me to use subdomain) Key Requirements: - Set up the Wordpress blog correctly on the Shopify platform. - Ensure the blog is in a sub-directory of the Shopify site. Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with WordPress and Shopify. - Previous work setting up WordPress on Shopify is preferred. - Knowledge of SEO and site structure is a plus. Need a quote and you need to be able to explain to me briefly of your method. Cloudflare workout does not work, since Shopify use a reserved
Website Development Project We are seeking a talented and experienced Wordpress developer to create a responsive, user-friendly, and visually appealing football coaching website. This website will host football session plans, training videos, and blog content. The ideal candidate should have strong skills in WordPress development, website design, and video content integration, along with experience in SEO optimisation and performance enhancement. Key Responsibilities Design & develop a football coaching website on WordPress. Ensure smooth video integration for football coaching sessions. Optimise the website for SEO, fast performance, and mobile responsiveness. Required Skills & Experience ✅ WordPress Expertise – Strong experience in developing and managing WordPres...
...to enhance my website for the UK market. The focus is on smoking CBD. Key Tasks: - Product Catalog Optimization: Improve product descriptions, making them more appealing and suitable for our target audience. The improvements should focus on tone and style, technical details, and SEO keywords. - Text Content Enhancement: Make the content on our homepage, product pages, and blog posts more engaging to captivate our customers. - Image Content Refinement: Ensure all visuals align with the expectations and preferences of the UK market. The ideal candidate: - Has extensive experience in the UK CBD and e-commerce sectors. - Possesses exceptional skills in product description enhancement. - Has a proven ability to create engaging text content. The tone and style of product
Proyek Simpel: Jasa Menulis Artikel Pendek (500 Kata) Nama Gig: "Saya akan menulis artikel 500 kata yang menarik dan SEO-friendly" 1. Apa yang Akan Kamu Lakukan? Menulis artikel sepanjang 500 kata sesuai permintaan klien. Bisa berupa artikel blog, deskripsi produk, atau konten media sosial. Menggunakan bahasa yang rapi, menarik, dan mudah dibaca. Bisa menawarkan revisi gratis (misalnya, 1x revisi). 2. Alat yang Dibutuhkan: Google Docs atau Microsoft Word untuk menulis. Grammarly (gratis) untuk cek tata bahasa. Hemingway Editor (opsional) untuk memastikan tulisan mudah dipahami. 3. Cara Memulai di Fiverr: 1. Buat akun di Fiverr (). 2. **Buat
...and media platform focused on investigative non-fiction, speculative history, and podcast integration. The site should showcase books, embed podcast content, and drive audience engagement through a mailing list and blog. Key Requirements 1️⃣ Website Platform & Setup Preferred Platforms: WordPress (Elementor). Open to recommendations. Fully Responsive & SEO-Optimized. Fast, Secure, and Mobile-Friendly. 2️⃣ Pages & Features ✔ Homepage: Featured book, podcast highlights, email signup, social proof. ✔ Books Page: Showcase current & future titles, buy links, formats available. ✔ Blog: Research articles, book-related content, categorized for easy navigation. ✔ About Page: Mission statement, background, publishing philosophy. ✔ Contact Page: Press, collaborations...
I'm trying to fix one small issue with Vercel Project is a flask + jinja2 + Tailwind CSS project. The app functionality works in production but seem the styling (npm) doesn't seem to work. Project works well on my localhost but not in production. No error logs in vercel. Below is project structure eventme | .env | | | | | | | | +---static | +---css | | | | | +---images | | | | | | | | | | | +---js | | | | | ---src | | ---templates checkin
...and storytelling elements. Blog & Journal: Section to share articles, craft stories, styling tips, and sustainability practices. Contact Us: Interactive form, Google Maps integration, and social media links. E-commerce Functionality: Secure shopping cart and seamless checkout process. Integration with payment gateways (Stripe, PayPal, etc.). International shipping support with dynamic shipping rates. Inventory management and product availability indicators. Wishlist and save-for-later features. Interactive Elements: Hover effects, micro-interactions, and subtle animations. Short, autoplaying video content on the homepage. Scroll-triggered storytelling sections. Content & SEO: Upload and format pre-prepared content (product descriptions, brand story, blog...
I'm looking for an experienced HTML template designer to create a responsive modern UI landing page to promote our product. Current Website: Product: WordPress Custom Theme Requirements: - Modern UI Homepage - Product Pricing Page - Changelog Page - FAQ Page - Blog Page - Order Form Technology: - Bootstrap - HTML + CSS - Font Awesome - Javascript + JQuery If you have checked all the pages of our website, and read the requirements, then say "Green" before your proposal, and don't forget to show me at least one landing page design that you have done. Thanks.
...JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3 • Experience with React.js or Vue.js for a dynamic and responsive UI • Familiarity with GSAP (GreenSock) or CSS animations for smooth visual effects • Mobile responsiveness expertise (Bootstrap or TailwindCSS preferred) • Ability to create a user-friendly and intuitive interface Backend (Logic & Data Management) • Proficiency in Node.js (), Python (Django/Flask), or PHP (Laravel) • Database experience (Firebase, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or MySQL) • REST API development and integration • Ability to handle real-time updates or state management efficiently Additional Skills (Bonus but Not Required) • WebSockets implementation for live interactivity • Experience with Stripe or PayPal API for pre...
As a newly formed company in the finance sector, we are looking for a professional who can design an engaging and informative website for us. The website should be a platform that showcases our company, service offerings, and facilitates client engagement. Key Responsibilities: - Create a website that is catchy, subtle, and professional - Incorporate features such as a blog, articles, client testimonials, and a contact form - Ensure the website functions as a 'pull system' In addition to web development, we also need someone who can write insightful blogs and articles for our site on a weekly basis, one or two times per week. A background in finance or experience in the finance sector would be highly beneficial. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Web development and design ...