Dynamics 365 for retail docs工作


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    ...platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter) Characteristics and demographics of platform users Pros and cons of each platform for businesses and creators Account setup and optimization: Step-by-step guide to registering accounts Profile optimization strategies Multi-region account registration differences and legal considerations Phase 2: Platform Rules and Algorithm Insights Understanding platform rules: Guidelines for content creation Policies on ads and monetization Algorithm insights: How content algorithms work (e.g., TikTok's recommendation system) Tips for leveraging algorithms to increase visibility Regional differences in platform rules and strategies for adaptation Phase 3: Industry Selection and Audience Analysis Identifying lucrative ind...

    $5841 Average bid
    $5841 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    ...platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter) Characteristics and demographics of platform users Pros and cons of each platform for businesses and creators Account setup and optimization: Step-by-step guide to registering accounts Profile optimization strategies Multi-region account registration differences and legal considerations Phase 2: Platform Rules and Algorithm Insights Understanding platform rules: Guidelines for content creation Policies on ads and monetization Algorithm insights: How content algorithms work (e.g., TikTok's recommendation system) Tips for leveraging algorithms to increase visibility Regional differences in platform rules and strategies for adaptation Phase 3: Industry Selection and Audience Analysis Identifying lucrative ind...

    $1947 Average bid
    $1947 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    ...one-time payment setup. Documentation: Payment Gateway 3: Airwallex Integrate the Airwallex payment system, supporting AlipayHK, WeChat Pay, Alipay, and credit card options with a one-time payment setup. Use the API to generate a payment QR code directly on the platform, allowing users to scan and pay without redirection. Documentation: Typing Effect Implement a typing effect that displays text character by character to enhance user interaction experience. Content Moderation Interface Integrate Baidu's Text Content Moderation API to check if user-submitted text complies with the platform's safety and content policies. Documentation: Please provide the specific Baidu Text Moderation API documentation link.

    $2531 Average bid
    $2531 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    作为项目顾问,以Accounting Manger的身份支持欧美零售/快消客户团队日常财务会计事宜。 Accounting Manger experiences in FMCG industry with Oracle system experiences, can kick off project immediately. Must: 1. Immediately available 2. Fluent in oral Mandarin & English 3. Bachelor Degree 4. >5yrs' related experience 5. With FMCG/Retail background 6. With Oracle system experience

    $132 / hr Average bid
    $132 / hr 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    加拿执教品‬育旗下不二‬佳教在线教育品牌,总部位于加‬拿大多多伦‬,不受双减响影‬,全球190多个家国‬均可购买,此职位面向中国市场,公司在泰国、日本、国内天津、大连、合肥、武汉都有分部 有菲教和欧美两种外教 ️有1V1和1V2两种班型 ️可定固‬老师(不必每天盯着抢老师,也避免频繁换老师影响学习效果) ️可定固‬上课时间(免去‬天天盯着抢课约的课‬烦扰) ️无强制固定课消(但我旧依‬建议尽量持保‬每周2节以的上‬上课频率,不间要‬断,这样才更能‬快地掌一握‬门语言) ️全年365天均可上课(周末、寒暑假) 不管你是宝妈还是有稳定的工作,都可以尝试加入我们。如果是幼儿园学校或者机构,也欢迎合作。

    $428 Average bid
    $428 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    公司专注于提供高质量家居用品及周边帮助家庭中女性成员治愈青春期(10-18岁)和更年期(40-50岁)焦虑,帮助缓解母女之间各种紧张但也互为补充互为印证的家庭关系。需要设计brand logo(卡通化)同时体现幽默 乐观 耍酷 丰满的母亲(鸭妈妈形象作为代表)以及五颜六色 活力 富有童心的孩子(水果糖形象作为代表)。两者之间的关系水果糖也代表母亲的童心,鸭妈妈的丰满也代表孩子的安全感。

    $522 Average bid
    $522 平均报价
    26 个竞标

    ...02、满足客户的需求並及时推介公司最新活动; 03、对老客户进行维护,掌握客户需求,快速妥善处理客户各种问题; 04、积极主动服务每一位客户,使之与公司保持良好的合作关系 岗位要求: 1、年龄:21-30周岁; 2、能熟练的操作电脑及办公软件,一分钟打字60左右; 3、具有良好的沟通协调能力与高度的工作责任心; 4、吃苦耐劳,能耐心真诚对待每一位客户。 薪酬及福利: 1、试用期2个月,每月工资8000RMB,转正10000RMB,转正后月绩效奖金1千-3千人民币,工作表现优异可适当给于额外奖励。 2、上班时间12小时,月休4天,上满2627天给于全勤奖500RMB,1.5倍加班工资。做满两年一次发放两年忠诚奖两万 3、年底13薪,生日当月发放礼金4500P,中秋、元旦和春节等重大节日都有节日补贴或奖金。《十三薪:阳历12月31日为结算截止日,将根据员工实际出勤天数(即在岗天数)为基准核算(即13薪=实际工作日 /365*底薪)》 4、公司自带正规牌照。(机票自理,入职满月报销),工签公司负责,入职办理临时工作签证,转正办理 9G 工作签证。 5、免费提供全装全配酒店公寓;或者每月12500P的住宿补贴员工自行租房。每月免费提供生活用品(拖鞋,被子,牙刷,卫生纸,洗发露等等)。 6、公司免费提供食堂(国内精选厨师,营养、美味,每天10美金伙食标准)。 7、培训及成长:完善的培训体系(新人岗前培训、师徒传帮带培训、转正培训、岗中培训、晋升培训),帮助员工快速成长。 8、工作满半年享15天带薪假期(未休假上班者奖励7000人民币)满一年可以再休15天带薪假期(未休假上班者奖励7000人民币),公司报销机票。 9、公司每月组织聚餐活动/K歌活动等团队建设活动(1000P/人);例如K歌,聚餐,海岛游

    $13200 Average bid
    $13200 平均报价
    3 个竞标
    已经结束 left

    ...有位哲人这样说过:“一个人的幸福程度取决与他能够在多大程度上独立于这个世界”。这句话包含着深刻的智慧。很多的时候,独立意味着完整地承担必要的责任;能够运用自己的能力承担必要责任的人必然相对更加自信。别人能帮你一时,不会帮你一世的,谁都不喜欢和没有独立承担能力的人相处。别人有的能力是别人的,自己要有,让自己有价值,才会让自己有自信。 6.坚持微笑 微笑是对生活的一种态度,对自己的一种肯定鼓励。有时候不是说谁有多坚强,而是因为懂得,唯有微笑着坚持,如同一盏明灯,能驱散人心中的黑暗,微笑,是粒神奇的种子,撒在哪里,就在哪里生根发芽。当你微笑的时候,整个世界都在微笑。,云南玉龙雪山疑似山体崩塌 震撼视频画面曝光,芯桌试骄侵,才不要给Hebe移篮板 这样的田馥甄我只想嫁!,艺桶阶蛋辜,二手房每平5.4万新房销量大增4成 深圳楼市又火,诒葡渡膊固,世界最糟糕工作:印度清污工10年死亡近600人,涌少锰谧蛋,365体育美貌与实力并存,圆你跑车梦,持哦用殉倭,深圳住房改革3大配套文件:未来60%都是保障住房,富站八雍融https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19493849/ https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19493853/ https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19493859/ https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19493855/ https://www.freelancer.com/projects/we...

    $1947 - $5841
    $1947 - $5841
    0 个竞标


    $4322 Average bid
    $4322 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    ...灯置于地面时,它形成V型,这样更加稳定起固定作用。 超强吸力的磁性底座----可帮助您牢固地粘在任何金属表面,轻松的将光线安装在免提操作的地方。 360度可旋转挂钩----给您在悬空的工作情况下提供方便,可以轻松的挂到任何地方。 用途广----便携式使我们的工作灯非常适合家庭,户外露营,汽车修理,园艺工作,电子工作,紧急,野生应用等。 我们的优势: 采用符合FCC,CE证书的环保材料制成,确保安全。 产品信息: 名称:COB LED work light 品牌:wekine 灯珠: 1XPE+1COB work lights 规格尺寸:21*6.5*3.2cm 包装:彩盒 重量:202g 特点: 适合家庭,户外露营,钓鱼,汽车修理,园艺工作,电子工作,紧急,野生应用等。 我们的服务:: 我们相信我们的产品。Wekineg COB LED 工作灯享有60天退换货和365天的保修

    $218 Average bid
    $218 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    ... 优秀的形状和加大的尺寸。【270*240*0.35~2.3cm】为办公或游戏提供了更充足的可移动空间,你可以轻松地移动鼠标,并加强边缘防止变形和损坏,以确保长时间使用。 环境材料和优质的售后。采用符合ROHS证书的环保材料制成,使用环保,无毒且安全。这款腕托鼠标垫享有90天退换货和365天的保修 产品描述 颜色:黑色 产品信息: 名称:硅胶护腕鼠标垫 品牌:LVNENG 材料:丝绸布面+硅胶护腕+PU底 材质:环保、无毒、安全 规格尺寸:270*240*0.35~2.3cm 护腕高度:2.3cm 包装:吸塑 重量:249g 颜色:黑色 特点:舒适、抗疲劳、稳定 适合:办公、学习、娱乐 我们的优势:: LVNENG硅胶护腕鼠标垫为您的手腕提供人体工程学支持,拥有特殊的设计和优质的材料。The cushion creates a Comfort Zone that contours to your wrist's natural curves and movements and helps reduce hand and wrist stress. 独特、舒适的凝胶填充手腕。 丝绸处理的布面。 橡胶防滑抛光底部。 设计具有最佳的形状和足够大的尺寸 采用符合ROHS证书的环保材料制成,确保安全。 我们的服务:: 在LVNENG,我们相信我们的产品。这款腕托鼠标垫享有90天退换货和365天的保修

    $225 Average bid
    $225 平均报价
    20 个竞标
    Project for Duoduo Q.
    已经结束 left

    Hi Duoduo Q., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat. 我想基于一个开源加密聊天项目做一些修改,第一步需要你把下面的代码跑通,确保github上的代码是可运行的,这样我们今后可以修改和添加一些新功能。 其它代码也在toshiapp这 。

    $1791 Average bid
    $1791 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    我需要ERP软件供应商如Microsoft Dynamics,SAP Business One,Netsuite,Acumatica,Epicor和Infor在中国的所有合作伙伴的excel报告。 我需要excel报告包含以下信息: - 公司名 - 地址 - 网址 - 与其合作的供应商(每个竞争对手的单独列)。 一些公司可能与多个供应商合作 - 每个供应商的合作层级或级别。 - 姓名,电子邮件地址和Linkedin公司首席执行官/创始人/董事总经理从每个合作伙伴。 我只是一个名字。

    $343 Average bid
    $343 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    我需要ERP软件供应商如Microsoft Dynamics,SAP Business One,Netsuite,Acumatica,Epicor和Infor在中国的所有合作伙伴的excel报告。 我需要excel报告包含以下信息: - 公司名 - 地址 - 网址 - 与其合作的供应商(每个竞争对手的单独列)。 一些公司可能与多个供应商合作 - 每个供应商的合作层级或级别。 - 姓名,电子邮件地址和Linkedin公司首席执行官/创始人/董事总经理从每个合作伙伴。 我只是一个名字。

    $919 Average bid
    $919 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    ...锶Sr ≧0.019 锌Zn ≧ 0.003 硒Se ﹤0.002 纳Na+ ≧5.00 锂Li﹤0.01 可溶性总固体≧55.11 PH值 7.2±0.5 水质介绍:天波优质天然矿泉水水源处于赣西九龄山脉地层深处,富含多种人体必需的微量元素,,属低钠低矿化度偏硅酸型矿泉水,可帮助调节人体PH值及内部微循环。 专家建议:健康饮水,首选偏硅酸型天然矿泉水。偏硅酸对人体皮肤骨骼、心脑血管有良好的保健作用,能促进骨骼和牙齿生长发育,防止骨质疏松,被誉为人体“软黄金”。 注意事项:开盖后请在12个小时内饮用完 国家标准号:GB8537-1995 鉴定文号:国土资矿水发[1998]05号 卫生许可号:奉卫食字(2003)第396号 食品标签备案认可号:360921-232 深圳市网通电子商务有限公司出品 厂址(水源地):江西奉新上富白源 客服电话:400 8825 365 生产日期:见瓶身(盖) 保质期:十二个月 其它元素:条形码,食品生产许可证标签

    $1947 - $5841
    $1947 - $5841
    0 个竞标

    I would like to know if you carry out research in the digital mkt market to conduct a benchmarking survey in the customer service sector, focused on the retail market. The aim is to identify and analyze the three main players that are producing relevant content and profiting from their initiatives. The stages of the research include: 1. Identifying the main players addressing problems in my niche. 2. Analyzing the Instagram profiles of the top 3 players, including number of followers and top posts. 3. Checking whether they offer products, with links or external pages in the bio or description of the content. 4. Use the Facebook Ad Library tool to check if they are running ads. Information to collect: - Player Name - Instagram - Number of followers - Top 3 Posts - Do you have a prod...

    $195 Average bid
    $195 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    I'm looking for an experienced developer to create a Prestashop module that integrates with the Trendyol Marketplace API. The module should support product listing, inventory management , message management and order synchronization. Key Features: - Product Listing: Seamless integration for listing products on Trendyol - Inventory Management: Real-time inventory syncing reflecting on the marketplace and prestashop - Order Synchronization: Automatically syncing orders from Trendyol to Prestashop Additionally, the module must support: - Multiple Languages: To cater to the diverse Trendyol customer base - Different Currencies: As Trendyol operates in various currency zones Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficient in Prestashop module development - Expe...

    $1145 Average bid
    $1145 平均报价
    34 个竞标

    I'm in need of a robust marketing strategy aimed at increasing my sales. The primary focus of this campaign will be on harnessing the power of Social Media and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Key Expectations: - A detailed, actionable marketing plan targeting B2C (Business to Consumer) sales - Innovative, engaging social media stra...marketing plan targeting B2C (Business to Consumer) sales - Innovative, engaging social media strategies to boost brand visibility and sales - Effective SEO tactics to enhance online visibility and drive traffic Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in creating successful sales-focused marketing strategies - In-depth knowledge of SEO and social media marketing - Strong understanding of B2C marketing dynamics - Excellent communication and strategic ...

    $2445 Average bid
    $2445 平均报价
    64 个竞标

    I'm seeking a comprehensive and well-organized spreadsheet that details at least 50 small triathlon shops f...are independently owned and operated, with a limited number of employees and a modest annual revenue). - Each state should have at least 50 stores. - Contact information must be as detailed as possible, including: - Full name for email contact - General store email - Phone Number - Store details must include: - Store Name - Store Location - Store website The ideal candidate for this project should have strong research and data collection skills, with a knack for finding small, independent retailers. Experience in market research or retail data collection would be highly beneficial. Please ensure that the list is comprehensiv...

    $210 Average bid
    $210 平均报价
    67 个竞标

    I'm looking for an expert in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service to help integrate my company’s TikTok, Instagram, Youtube and WhatsApp accounts with the platform. The primary goal of this project is to enhance customer engagement via these social media channels. Requirements: - Integrate TikTok, Instagram, Youtube, and WhatsApp with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service - Essential functionalities include enabling multi-channel messaging and enabling comment import. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service - Expertise in social media integration - Expertise in Omnichannel Integration

    $10926 Average bid
    $10926 平均报价
    24 个竞标

    ...reference for the filter dropdown Reference filter: HOME PAGE: the home page is practically done as a layout, i just need things be touched up on the home page. The categories on the home page and how its displayed needs to be fixed. Sections: 1. header - promo image 2. Latest Drops: this will a few hats selected 3. Categories of hats: I currently have this on the home page but there seems to be error. It should be a carousel, reduced size (which you can see a ref on the new era site). This will be its on page also with the rest of the categories shown. 4. Collaborations (living wild, hull scorpions, a!ms, etc): this will also be its own page 5. Keep your hats fresh (enquiry page with details on sending in hats for a clean or

    $3559 Average bid
    $3559 平均报价
    164 个竞标

    I've been experiencing consistent slowness with both read and write operations on my DynamoDB. This issue has arisen without any recent changes to my database configuration or usage patterns. Ideal Skills: - Deep knowledge of AWS DynamoDB - Experience in database performance troubleshooting - Ability to implement optimization strategies - Understanding of both read and write operations dynamics Bid only if you can connect immediately.

    $109 / hr Average bid
    $109 / hr 平均报价
    13 个竞标
    Remote M365 Expert
    6 天 left

    ...will be responsible for the architecture, migration, security, and administration of Microsoft 365 services at an advanced level. This role is essential for supporting complex infrastructure, ensuring the highest level of security, availability, and performance across M365 environments. You will serve as the primary escalation point for troubleshooting and supporting issues, driving continuous improvement and providing subject matter expertise across various M365 domains. Detailed Responsibilities: Microsoft 365: • Overall Management & Strategy: o Act as a Microsoft 365 Subject Matter Expert (SME), overseeing and supporting the full lifecycle of M365 services across the organization. o Advise on best practices for configuring, ma...

    $117 / hr Average bid
    $117 / hr 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    I'm looking for a professional who can create a compelling pitch deck for a digital product aimed at businesses. The primary goal of this pitch deck is to effectively sell this product. Key Responsibilities: - Create a visually appealing and engaging pitch deck. - Translate complex product features into simple, persuasive selling points. - Understand the needs and pain points of businesses to tailor the pitch accordingly. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating pitch decks, specifically for digital products. - Strong understanding of B2B dynamics. - Excellent graphic design and presentation skills.

    $327 Average bid
    $327 平均报价
    20 个竞标

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a PHP POS system for my retail store like mall php

    $942 Average bid
    $942 平均报价
    18 个竞标

    I am looking for software that translates audio from videos or audio files to English text. I have attached an audio file to test it. It contains a sample of 22 sources of videos that I want to transcribe. There are many available apps. I have listed 50 below. Some offer a free sample. I would like the free sample from any app using my attached file and a description of how the user can improve it by supplying information to the app. I am not interested in any app that doesn’t provide this free sample. Please tell me your price per app with the above sample transcription and description of how it can be improved as described above. I will start by paying you the $5 FL fee and then milestone for a few apps. When you have completed the milestone we can continue ...

    $86 / hr Average bid
    $86 / hr 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    I'm looking for someone to help me with typing a text document from scanned images and converting it into a properly formatted PDF. Key Requirements: - Typing from scanned images: The source of the text document will be provided in the form of scanned images. - Specific formatting: The document will require specific formatting. Attention to detail and the ability to follow formatting instructions precisely will be crucial. - PDF conversion: Once the document is typed and formatted, it will need to be converted into a PDF. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Google Docs: The typing and formatting will be done in Google Docs. - Typing Skills: Fast and accurate typing skills are essential. - Attention to detail: Ability to follow specific formatting instructions. - Expe...

    $86 / hr Average bid
    $86 / hr 平均报价
    79 个竞标

    ...Cross-checking data for accuracy and completeness before final submission. 2. Data Management Database Management: Experience in managing large sets of data using various database software such as Microsoft Access, SQL, and Excel. Spreadsheet Management: Expert in Microsoft Excel (pivot tables, v-lookups, macros, charts) and Google Sheets. Data Entry Automation: Skilled in automating data entry tasks using macros, scripts, or other automation tools to enhance efficiency and reduce human error. Data Import/Export: Proficient in importing and exporting data from/to various platforms, ensuring smooth transitions across systems. 3. Technology Proficiency Microsoft Office Suite: Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. Google Workspace: Proficient in Google Sheets,...

    $1698 Average bid
    $1698 平均报价
    13 个竞标

    I'm looking for a unique clothing seller who specializes in formal wear. This service will involve bicycle delivery, making it a sustainable and efficient option. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in formal wear retail - Experience in delivery services, particularly via bicycle - Strong understanding of sustainable business practices - Excellent customer service skills - Ability to manage logistics effectively

    $5669 Average bid
    $5669 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    I'm seeking a freelancer to create a captivating online listing template for my perfume product. Key Components: - The template should prominently feature a detailed description of the perfume and its ingredients. - The description should adopt a 'Fresh and Modern' style, making it appealing to a contemporary audience. - The template should be designed to incorporate high-resolution product images, which will be provided. Ideal Skills: - Product description writing - Template design - Understanding of e-commerce standards and practices Experience: - Previous work with perfume or beauty product listings is a plus. - Familiarity with designing for online retail platforms will be beneficial. Please ensure to create an engaging and visually appealing...

    $436 Average bid
    $436 平均报价
    19 个竞标

    I am looking for a developer to integrate the jstree-table plugin (a plugin for JSTree) into my current solution that uses both JSTabulator and JSTree. I have two working versions on CodePen – one for JSTabulator + JSTree and another for JSTree with jstree-table: - JSTree with jstree-table: - JSTabulator + JSTree: GitHub references: - JSTabulator: (excellent docs!) - JSTree: (excellent docs!) - JSTree-table: The task: Integrate the jstree-table plugin into my existing JSTabulator + JSTree solution without losing any of the current features, including sorting, filtering

    $1207 Average bid
    $1207 平均报价
    57 个竞标

    I'm seeking an experienced Amazon FBA Stock Manager to estimate stock requirements for new product launches. Your primary responsibilities will include: - Forecasting sales for current products - Managing seasonal inventory trends - Coordinating with logistics partners - Analyzing sales data The ideal candidate should have: - Strong analytical skills - Excellent understanding of Amazon's marketplace dynamics - Experience in managing stock levels to maximize in-stock rates for both new and existing products - Ability to maintain a healthy Inventory Performance Index (IPI). Prompt communication is key, especially when informing the team about stock in China that needs to be liquidated. Skills in market demand forecasts, competitor analysis and suppli...

    $234 / hr Average bid
    $234 / hr 平均报价
    29 个竞标

    I'm seeking a tele calling sales executive to assist with lead generation for my retail business. The primary goal of this role is to generate sales leads targeted at individual consumers. Key Responsibilities: - Conducting outbound tele calls with the objective to generate retail sales leads. - Targeting individual consumers exclusively. - Delivering high-quality customer interaction. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in tele sales, particularly in the retail sector. - Excellent communication skills. - Ability to engage individual consumers effectively.

    $3763798 Average bid
    $3763798 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    I'm seeking an experienced Amazon FBA Stock Manager to estimate stock requirements for new product launches. Your primary responsibilities will include: - Forecasting sales for current products - Managing seasonal inventory trends - Coordinating with logistics partners - Analyzing sales data The ideal candidate should have: - Strong analytical skills - Excellent understanding of Amazon's marketplace dynamics - Experience in managing stock levels to maximize in-stock rates for both new and existing products - Ability to maintain a healthy Inventory Performance Index (IPI). Prompt communication is key, especially when informing the team about stock in China that needs to be liquidated. Skills in market demand forecasts, competitor analysis and suppli...

    $62 / hr Average bid
    $62 / hr 平均报价
    20 个竞标

    I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a t-shirt design featuring realistic race cars navigating off-road terrains. Key Requirements: - The design should be as realistic as possible, capturing the intricate details and dynamics of race cars in an off-road setting. - The design will be printed on a t-shirt, so it needs to be visually striking and wearable. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.). - Previous experience designing for apparel is a plus. - A keen eye for detail and a passion for race cars will be advantageous.

    $350 Average bid
    $350 平均报价
    80 个竞标

    Project Brief for Independence Decoration Concept for a restaurant Project Title: Independence Decoration Objective: To design a creative, vibrant, and culturally themed decoration concept for CJ’s restaurants to celebrate the country’s independence during October. The goal is to enhance the in-restaurant experience, foster national pride, and create an Instagrammable ambiance that encourages customers to share their experiences online. Scope of Work: - Develop a cohesive decoration concept inspired by national symbols, colors, and traditions. (Uganda) - Design elements to include: - Table décor (centerpieces, themed cutlery wraps, napkins). - Wall and ceiling décor (banners, flags, hanging ornaments). - Exterior branding (en...

    $132 / hr Average bid
    $132 / hr 平均报价
    33 个竞标

    We're launching a new e-commerce website, Marketplace, an...negotiating with them about sales of their products on our website. - The most important skill for this role is your negotiation skills. - We recommend focusing on the retail industry for generating sales. 2. **Online Sales Manager**: - Your main duty will be driving our online sales. - This includes maintaining our social networks, working with bloggers and call centers. - Prior experience in online sales is crucial for this role. The starting salary for both positions ranges from 100,000 to 150,000 rupees, plus a 3% bonus on sales. Ideal candidates would have extensive experience in their respective fields and a passion for e-commerce. If you have the skills ...

    $4828 Average bid
    $4828 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    I'm in need of an HR professional with a primary focus on recruitment and staffing for part-time positions within the Retail and Customer Service sectors. Your main responsibilities will include: - Sourcing, screening, and recruiting qualified candidates for part-time roles in the retail sector. - Developing and implementing innovative recruitment strategies to attract top talent. - Conducting interviews and coordinating hiring processes. Skills and experience required: - Proven experience in HR, specifically in recruitment and staffing. - Strong understanding of the Retail and Customer Service industries. - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. - Ability to work independently and manage time effectively.

    $125 / hr Average bid
    $125 / hr 平均报价
    25 个竞标

    Project Title: Copy Typing Project Project Description: We are seeking a detail-oriented freelancer for a copy typing project. The task involves accurately typing out text from provided handwritten, scanned, or printed documents into a digital format (Word document, Google Docs, or other specified formats). Requirements: Excellent typing speed and accuracy. Strong attention to detail to ensure zero errors. Familiarity with formatting and organizing documents as per provided guidelines. Ability to maintain confidentiality with the provided materials. Scope of Work: Ensuring that the final document matches the source material in terms of layout and content. Proofreading the typed content for errors or omissions. Deliverables: A clean and error-free digital document in...

    $140 / hr Average bid
    $140 / hr 平均报价
    106 个竞标

    ...from a scratch a 2D and 3D design of a community hub with an area of 10,000m². Summary: Build a multifunctional community space that includes a public library, coffee shop, stationery store, reservable meeting rooms, workspace for freelancers and students, sports center, and retail shops. This modern facility is designed to support a growing lifestyle trend, combining productivity, learning, leisure, fitness, and shopping under one roof. Purpose of the Community Hub - Public Library - Coffee Shop - Stationery Store - Meeting Rooms - Workspace - Sports Center - Retail Shops - Event Space - Government Services Office. - Clinics and Community Centers 2. Key Facilities and Features - Indoor Spaces: Meeting rooms, offices, auditoriums, classrooms, etc. - Outdoo...

    $2001 Average bid
    $2001 平均报价
    61 个竞标
    Trophy icon The FLORA Group
    6 天 left

    ...The FLORA Group is seeking talented designers to create a distinctive and modern logo that encapsulates the essence - The FLORA - The FLORA Suite i want to have the same format as this two logo but in different color. same font Design Requirements: - Format: We are looking for a logo that mirrors the structure of our existing logos but incorporates a fresh color palette. The new design should maintain a professional and elegant feel, suitable for a wide range of industries including real estate, hospitality, retail, and events. - Colors: While keeping the same format, the color scheme should be vibrant and eye-catching, yet sophisticated. We encourage the use of colors that convey trust, excellence, and innovation. - Typography: The logo should feature modern, l...

    $1168 Average bid
    加精 加保
    718 项参赛作品

    ...developer to create a comprehensive eCommerce website for my boutique clothing company. The primary goal of this project is to facilitate online sales. Key Requirements: - The website should support the sale of diverse product categories including Women's clothing, Men's clothing, Accessories, and Beach Towels. - It should integrate secure and user-friendly payment methods, notably Credit/Debit cards and PayPal. - The design should be appealing and reflective of a boutique clothing brand, enhancing brand visibility and attractiveness to potential customers. Ideal Skills: - Experience in developing eCommerce websites - Proficiency in integrating various payment gateways - Strong understanding of web design principles, particularly for fashion retail - Fam...

    $2352 Average bid
    $2352 平均报价
    216 个竞标

    ...LinkedIn scroller mid-scroll? Someone who knows that private banking is about discretion and strategy, not free pens and lollipops? If so, AltFunds Global is looking for you. This is not your run-of-the-mill gig. We’re talking private banking—where the stakes are high, the content is exclusive, and the audience comprises accredited investors who know what they want. We need someone who can create content that delivers value, builds trust, and, most importantly, generates leads. What You’ll Be Doing: Writing and designing LinkedIn posts that make sophisticated investors stop and take notice. Creating SEO-optimized content for YouTube that ranks, engages, and converts. Crafting professional, lead-generating content that fits the unique tone of private b...

    $3053 Average bid
    $3053 平均报价
    13 个竞标

    Create a simple and user-friendly IOS application for our sales team to use while discussing potential solutions with customers. This application will include a set of pre-loaded questions that the sales team needs to answer. We will refer to this process as the "PASS." Once the PASS is completed, it must synchronize with Dynamics 365 CE. Additionally, the application must be functional both online and offline, as there are many areas where our sales team operates without internet access.

    $11362 Average bid
    $11362 平均报价
    129 个竞标

    ...seeking an experienced freelance retail designer to help us create a visually stunning, customer-friendly layout for our 2,200 sq. ft. home decor store. The store’s design should be modern and luxurious with worldly influences, featuring a free-flowing layout that allows customers to explore product categories seamlessly. Our space will showcase decor items such as lamps, pillows, vases, candles, wall art, and mixed-product displays. We aim for a spacious, airy feel with minimal furniture, while keeping the design cozy and inviting. We also want innovative design ideas that enhance the customer shopping experience. Key Elements We Need Help With: Entry Area: Design a decompression zone with a striking focal point to welcome customers and set the tone for...

    $8255 Average bid
    $8255 平均报价
    63 个竞标

    I am launching a cryptocurrency payment system for retail stores where we have an dashboard for the store owner and a terminal connected to it. Think of it just like how you pay with the mastercard but you pay with crypto, The application and apk creatin i will handle later. Right now i just need help with the website. The project is nearly complete, with a functioning website and a sales-tracking dashboard. The website is written with AI and supabase. However, I require a seasoned blockchain professional to enhance the system. Key Requirements: - Simplified wallet management: Each retailer's account should be connected to custom wallets for major cryptocurrencies. - Automated transaction tracking: All transactions should be automatically monitored and r...

    $11619 Average bid
    $11619 平均报价
    20 个竞标

    Hi, i am currently working on a project which is based on microsoft 365 api's. The project is almost complete just a few functionalities are left which are required to be done on urgent bases. Microsoft 365 api of viewing and downloading an attachment. I have downloaded the attachment but its not opening. Need A developer who is familiar with using Microsoft 365 api's

    $140 Average bid
    $140 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    Hello, We are an retail/wholesale company initiating our strategic expansion into the UK. As part of our market entry plan, we are seeking a UK resident professional to serve as our Registered Director. This position offers a structured collaboration model designed for individuals interested in participating in cross-border commerce while maintaining professional standards and minimal time commitment. Position Details: - Fixed monthly compensation: $150 USD - Remote position - No active management required - Account holder status Requirements: - Basic understanding of e-commerce - UK resident - Excellent communication skills - Available for monthly online meetings The role involves: - Being registered as the official representative - Account ownership under your cr...

    $1643 Average bid
    $1643 平均报价
    13 个竞标

    Project Title: Copy Typing Project Project Description: We are seeking a detail-oriented freelancer for a copy typing project. The task involves accurately typing out text from provided handwritten, scanned, or printed documents into a digital format (Word document, Google Docs, or other specified formats). Requirements: Excellent typing speed and accuracy. Strong attention to detail to ensure zero errors. Familiarity with formatting and organizing documents as per provided guidelines. Ability to maintain confidentiality with the provided materials. Scope of Work: Ensuring that the final document matches the source material in terms of layout and content. Proofreading the typed content for errors or omissions. Deliverables: A clean and error-free digital document in...

    $3100 Average bid
    $3100 平均报价
    89 个竞标

    I'm in need of high-quality interior design renders for a wabi-sabi modern style, high-end luxury residential space. The specific areas that require renders are the Kitchen, Bar, Living Room, Wine Cellar and Dining area. Ideal Skills: - Expert in high quality modern interior design - Proficient in creating high-quality, realistic design renders Experience: - Prior work with luxury residential, retail and hospitality interiors - Portfolio showcasing similar design styles and spaces.

    $1332 Average bid
    $1332 平均报价
    72 个竞标