...text, images, and videos, blocking inappropriate content. Add automatic penalty rule system: Automatically restrict access and usage rights of violating users based on predefined rules. Add manual management system: Allow administrators to manually review and handle risk control incidents, with logs of the actions recorded. 2.5 Payment Gateway Integration Add payment methods: Stripe Airwallex Cryptocurrency payments 2.6 API Call Logs Management Add API call log feature: Record and store user API call data, including text, images, audio, video, and documents. Add log download feature: Allow users to download detailed records of API calls. 2.7 Phone Verification Feature Add phone verification during registration: Users must enter a phone verification code to complete registratio...
现在的客户端只有用户名和密码的功能,客户端向服务器端发送用户名和密码给服务器;现在想增加硬件特征码功能,只要勾选了硬件识别码,客户端向服务器发送用户名和硬件特征码+密码的内容给服务器端,服务器端功能已经实现。 硬件特征码获取主板ID、CPU的ID、网卡MAC组合,并进行MD5加密运算得取32位长度的一串字符串。 勾选了硬件特征码,客户端向服务器端发送的密码就变成:硬件特征码+密码,注意是带那个+号的;不勾选硬件特征码,则客户端向服务器端发送的密码只有密码框里输入的密码内容。 生成硬件特征码的按钮作用,是根据上面的硬件特征码获取规则,生成硬件特征码,并复制到粘贴板里,便于用户发给管理员
1.按照要求进行视频的编辑工作,包括视频转码,标题伪原创,去除水印,添加水印等; 2.最好熟悉中国文化,有使用过爱剪辑,快剪辑等软件的优先考虑; 3.参与视频的筛选,下载,编辑,上传,发布等,掌握每个处理的环节; 任职要求: 1.熟悉掌握中文,包括口语,阅读能力等,海外留学生,海外华侨,海外定居人士优先考虑; 2.有基本的文案编辑能力,有快速学习能力,能够按照要求和规范完成每个月布置的任务和数量; 3.拥有自媒体运营,网编,剪辑经验的优先录用。可接受大专实习生。 备: 1、一天最少要20个视频以上,待遇5000-8000 2、电脑CPU和内存要好一点,i5以上,内存8G以上,带宽要求5-10M [Removed by Freelancer.com Admin]
magento mysql查询量很大,cpu负载超过 1000%
数字资产的“挖矿”实际上是一个增加货币供应量的过程。使用POW为共识机制的数字资产在进行挖矿时,每个矿工必须通过一定工作量的运算,来计算出符合要求的区块哈希值从而争取记账权,并获得相应的奖励,也可以将其看成是一个向记录着数字资产过往交易的账本中添加新交易的过程。这一过程属于资源密集型和困难型。 以比特币为例,在其系统中,每隔两周挖矿难度就会根据这期间开采出来的区块数量而进行调整,将出块时间维持在10分钟左右,以保证系统的平衡。而矿工想要争取到区块链的记账权,获得相应奖励,就需要不断提高自己的算力,也就是计算出正确哈希值的速度,这将消耗大量电力。 最初,每个用户都可以通过运行原始的比特币客户端,来使用CPU进行挖矿。然而,随着挖矿算力不断提升,CPU挖矿的时代已经成为过去式,随之而来的是ASIC矿机挖矿和大规模集群挖矿的时代。 当然,除了POW挖矿之外,以POS为共识机制的数字资产也同样需要挖矿。只是在 PoS机制中,增加货币供应的过程分为两个部分,交易所开发Q周顾问3II2325834一部分是根据用户持有货币的数量和时间派发利息;另一部分才是类似于POW的挖矿过程,它基于交易输入和其他一些固定数据计算哈希值,挖矿难度与交易输入的“币龄”成反比。 在POW挖矿的过程中,将消耗大量的能源,来进行哈希运算以保证工作量的公平;而POS挖矿则在一定程度上节省了能源,但其依然需要进行挖矿,在本质上并没有解决商业应用的痛点。 【Tel+86/电:I38-235I-5578】 【企鹅Q:3II-2325-834】 【地址:广东省深圳市龙华区民治大道展滔科技大厦A栋15楼 】 【】 交易所搭建,数字资产交易系统搭建,数字资产交易平台搭建,数字资产交易系统网站搭建,数字资产OTC交易平台搭建,数字资产抵押平...
T3核心板硬件资源基本需求 基本硬件资源 1. 电源供应 DC电源输入,5V单电源输入,CPU要能检测到这个电源是否供电; 电池输入,锂电池电源输入; 实时时钟电源,使用纽扣电池; 2. 显示接口 要支持RGB,LVDS和MIPI接口,由于同时只能使用一个接口,所以这3个接口的管脚可以复用; 3. 触摸屏接口 电阻屏接口,使用ADS7846或者兼容芯片,使用SPI接口; 电容屏接口,使用IIC接口; 4. SD卡接口 CPU要预留出SD/TF卡接口管脚; 5. 网络接口 使用RMII接口的PHY,所以RMII接口管脚也要预留出来,PHY使用DP83848IVV; 6. 串行通信接口 预留出1个RS232用的UART; 预留出1个RS485用的UART,另外还要预留1个管脚用来RS485的方向控制; 7. USB接口 预留出1个USB接口用来外接USB设备; 8. 旋转编码器接口 使用2个外部中断口来接增量型旋转编码器; 9. 蜂鸣器接口 使用一个PWM输出来控制蜂鸣器; 10. GPIO接口 至少预留出32个GPIO口用于外部设备的控制,如键盘输入,指示灯输出,三态安全开关输入,三档选择开关输入等; 基本驱动需求 1. 旋转编码器输入驱动 旋钮编码器驱动要求能判断编码器旋转方向,目前这两个GPIO口不给上层读取, 直接由驱动发送按键值,就是加入LINUX的输入事件,正向旋转发送键值59,反向旋转发送键值60,从event0读取。 2. RS485驱动 RS485需要1个方向控制脚,当向对应的UART发送接收数据时,方向脚能自动实现方向控制。 3. 蜂鸣器驱动 蜂鸣器驱动要求能设置PWM输出的频率,输出的时间,输出时间到了自动关闭PWM输出。 4. 薄膜按键驱动和USB键盘驱动 预留24个GPIO作为薄膜按键的输入,目前的驱动是作为GPIO口来读...
我们网站 建站时间是 2013年, 现在网站的域名还是在美国那边, 目前服务器是在阿里云这边 网站是基于WORDPRESS 和 WOO-COMMERCE 网站访问速度真的一般, 中间找过两组人做过一些定制, 但是效果都不是很理想,然后速度也没有看到快很多。 现在的诉求: 在目前基础上修改, 加入新的元素: 或者购买全新的主题进行建站, 摒弃所有的旧元素 有几点要求: 1. 整个网站的编排都是英文 2. 网站必须能够自适应, 随着屏幕的大小变化 3. 对于 有独特产品属性,比方说 对屏幕大小, 还有 CPU 配置,或者硬盘, 说白了就是一个产品有多少属性选择,需要在屏幕上顾客可以多选, 样式 参见: https://www.amazon.com/Apple-iMac-MK142LL-21-5-Inch-Desktop/dp/B01M5AOYUG/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1480081131&sr=8-2&keywords=imac&th=1 4. 这个主题是我们喜欢的类型, 需要修改的地方如下: (1)图片要缩小到整个页面宽度的1/3 (2) 产品的导航栏要放到 产品的图片上面,用户可以知道自己在哪个产品归类的下面 (3)结账页面参见小米官网, 可以添加多个送货地址, 移除默认主题的BILLING ADDRESS (4)可以让客户直接微信付款, 微信的连接方式我们可以稍后讨论 (5)连接我们的国际信用卡付款插件,这个可以允许客户直接用信用卡付款:
...有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 测试内容: 写一个简单的发包工具可发syn即可,要求可内核发包,可提供windows和linux发包的机器供测试, 要求1个1000m网卡的机器,发最小包40-64字节可以占用网卡60%以上即通过测试! 每秒600m这样的速率! 普通的发包工具网上有源代码免费的可以下载了参考! 此测试也是一个技术考核,剩下的基本都是功能的实现,全是应用层写代码的活,没什么技术难度! 具体要求: 软件前台构架:1,主控制端(WINDOWS平台下运行) 2,受控端(Linux平台下运行)+(windows平台) 技术要求: 1,发包类型:为SYN、UDP、ICMP,TCP,CC DNS请求并发接攻 击等,多种。但以SYN(可自定义数据包)为主,发送伪造源IP的SYN数据包但是数据包不是64字节而是上千字节这种攻击会造成一些防火墙处理错误锁死,消耗服务器CPU内存的同时还会堵塞带宽。 2,可以轮询发包:比如,输入一组ip地址,输入轮询时间30秒,选择发包方式,我们服务端30秒向第一个ip地址发包,接着30秒向第二个ip发包,轮询发包。比如CDN之后,实际是多IP的,就是CDN中每个IP,都打30秒。 3,软件支持多网卡绑定多IP绑定,数量在4网卡 支持内网上线 3,主控端功能:发送-攻击目标IP或者域名-端口-攻击方式-线程数量-单个封包大小-发送速度-攻击命令-停止命令等。 4,受控端功能:接受命令-并实行发包。 5,控制端与服务端通讯,正向连接,或者反向连接均可! 6,软件PPS吞吐量,详细讨论。 7,SYN包到接收服务器的数量,每100M带宽以64字节计算,攻击SYN包数量,不得小于20,4800这个数字,而且要能力要源源大于此数字。 8,需兼容linux所有版本内核,且兼容windows2003与window...
...有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 测试内容: 写一个简单的发包工具可发syn即可,要求可内核发包,可提供windows和linux发包的机器供测试, 要求1个1000m网卡的机器,发最小包40-64字节可以占用网卡60%以上即通过测试! 每秒600m这样的速率! 普通的发包工具网上有源代码免费的可以下载了参考! 此测试也是一个技术考核,剩下的基本都是功能的实现,全是应用层写代码的活,没什么技术难度! 具体要求: 软件前台构架:1,主控制端(WINDOWS平台下运行) 2,受控端(Linux平台下运行)+(windows平台) 技术要求: 1,发包类型:为SYN、UDP、ICMP,TCP,CC DNS请求并发接攻 击等,多种。但以SYN(可自定义数据包)为主,发送伪造源IP的SYN数据包但是数据包不是64字节而是上千字节这种攻击会造成一些防火墙处理错误锁死,消耗服务器CPU内存的同时还会堵塞带宽。 2,可以轮询发包:比如,输入一组ip地址,输入轮询时间30秒,选择发包方式,我们服务端30秒向第一个ip地址发包,接着30秒向第二个ip发包,轮询发包。比如CDN之后,实际是多IP的,就是CDN中每个IP,都打30秒。 3,软件支持多网卡绑定多IP绑定,数量在4网卡 支持内网上线 3,主控端功能:发送-攻击目标IP或者域名-端口-攻击方式-线程数量-单个封包大小-发送速度-攻击命令-停止命令等。 4,受控端功能:接受命令-并实行发包。 5,控制端与服务端通讯,正向连接,或者反向连接均可! 6,软件PPS吞吐量,详细讨论。 7,SYN包到接收服务器的数量,每100M带宽以64字节计算,攻击SYN包数量,不得小于20,4800这个数字,而且要能力要源源大于此数字。 8...
...有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 测试内容: 写一个简单的发包工具可发syn即可,要求可内核发包,可提供windows和linux发包的机器供测试, 要求1个1000m网卡的机器,发最小包40-64字节可以占用网卡60%以上即通过测试! 每秒600m这样的速率! 普通的发包工具网上有源代码免费的可以下载了参考! 此测试也是一个技术考核,剩下的基本都是功能的实现,全是应用层写代码的活,没什么技术难度! 具体要求: 软件前台构架:1,主控制端(WINDOWS平台下运行) 2,受控端(Linux平台下运行)+(windows平台) 技术要求: 1,发包类型:为SYN、UDP、ICMP,TCP,CC DNS请求并发接攻 击等,多种。但以SYN(可自定义数据包)为主,发送伪造源IP的SYN数据包但是数据包不是64字节而是上千字节这种攻击会造成一些防火墙处理错误锁死,消耗服务器CPU内存的同时还会堵塞带宽。 2,可以轮询发包:比如,输入一组ip地址,输入轮询时间30秒,选择发包方式,我们服务端30秒向第一个ip地址发包,接着30秒向第二个ip发包,轮询发包。比如CDN之后,实际是多IP的,就是CDN中每个IP,都打30秒。 3,软件支持多网卡绑定多IP绑定,数量在4网卡 支持内网上线 3,主控端功能:发送-攻击目标IP或者域名-端口-攻击方式-线程数量-单个封包大小-发送速度-攻击命令-停止命令等。 4,受控端功能:接受命令-并实行发包。 5,控制端与服务端通讯,正向连接,或者反向连接均可! 6,软件PPS吞吐量,详细讨论。 7,SYN包到接收服务器的数量,每100M带宽以64字节计算,攻击SYN包数量,不得小于20,4800这个数字,而且要能力要源源大于此数字。 8...
...此测试也是一个技术考核,剩下的基本都是功能的实现,全是应用层写代码的活,没什么技术难度! 通过测试受聘后待遇如下: 我会把需求分成10份,通过测试后我就开始给你发需求你完成交付代码我付钱这样一直下去,你后面再写东西的同时就可以拿到钱 每完成一份付你1w人民币,10份完成也就是支付你10w 在以后就是每月2w的维护费用 每月的维护费用是指软件添加一些小功能和增加一些发包模式 具体要求: 软件前台构架:1,主控制端(WINDOWS平台下运行) 2,受控端(Linux平台下运行)+(windows平台) 技术要求: 1,发包类型:为SYN、UDP、ICMP,TCP,CC DNS请求并发接攻 击等,多种。但以SYN FLOOD变种(可自定义数据包)为主,发送伪造源IP的SYN数据包但是数据包不是64字节而是上千字节这种攻击会造成一些防火墙处理错误锁死,消耗服务器CPU内存的同时还会堵塞带宽。 2,可以轮询发包:比如,输入一组ip地址,输入轮询时间30秒,选择发包方式,我们服务端30秒向第一个ip地址发包,接着30秒向第二个ip发包,轮询发包。比如CDN之后,实际是多IP的,就是CDN中每个IP,都打30秒。 3,软件支持多网卡绑定多IP绑定,数量在4网卡 支持内网上线 3,主控端功能:发送-攻击目标IP或者域名-端口-攻击方式-线程数量-单个封包大小-发送速度-攻击命令-停止命令等。 4,受控端功能:接受命令-并实行发包。 5,控制端与服务端通讯,正向连接,或者反向连接均可! 6,软件PPS吞吐量,详细讨论。 7,SYN包到接收服务器的数量,每100M带宽以64字节计算,攻击SYN包数量,不得小于20,4800这个数字,而且要能力要源源大于此数字。 8,需兼容linux所有版本内...
...c/c++ 开发经验3年以上,有linux背景 2.被控端可支持windows和linux,主控端支持windows 3.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn最小包要求达到60%以上 4.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 5.开发者必须能够流利中文语音交流,否则不考虑!不能流利中文交流的不要投标以免浪费彼此的时间! 具体需要的功能很多,有能力发开者继续详谈! 具体要求: 软件前台构架:1,主控制端(WINDOWS平台下运行) 2,受控端(Linux平台下运行)+(windows平台) 技术要求: 1,发包类型:为SYN、UDP、ICMP,TCP,CC DNS请求并发接攻 击等,多种。但以SYN FLOOD变种(可自定义数据包)为主,发送伪造源IP的SYN数据包但是数据包不是64字节而是上千字节这种攻击会造成一些防火墙处理错误锁死,消耗服务器CPU内存的同时还会堵塞带宽。 2,可以轮询发包:比如,输入一组ip地址,输入轮询时间30秒,选择发包方式,我们服务端30秒向第一个ip地址发包,接着30秒向第二个ip发包,轮询发包。比如CDN之后,实际是多IP的,就是CDN中每个IP,都打30秒。 3,软件支持多网卡绑定多IP绑定,数量在4网卡 支持内网上线 3,主控端功能:发送-攻击目标IP或者域名-端口-攻击方式-线程数量-单个封包大小-发送速度-攻击命令-停止命令等。 4,受控端功能:接受命令-并实行发包。 5,控制端与服务端通讯,正向连接,或者反向连接均可! 6,软件PPS吞吐量,详细讨论。 7,SYN包到接收服务器的数量,每100M带宽以64字节计算,攻击SYN包数量,不得小于20,4800这个数字,而且要能力要源源大于此数字。 8,需兼容linux所有版本...
...等协议或肯钻研! 2.被控端可支持windows和linux,主控端支持windows 3.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn要求达到150wpps/s 4.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 5.开发者必须能够流利中文语音交流,否则不考虑!不能流利中文交流的不要投标以免浪费彼此的时间! 具体需要的功能很多,有能力发开者继续详谈!只限中文竞标,台湾或新加坡优先考虑! 具体要求: 软件前台构架:1,主控制端(WINDOWS平台下运行) 2,受控端(Linux平台下运行)+(windows平台) 技术要求: 1,发包类型:为SYN、UDP、ICMP,TCP,CC DNS请求并发接攻 击等,多种。但以SYN FLOOD变种(可自定义数据包)为主,发送伪造源IP的SYN数据包但是数据包不是64字节而是上千字节这种攻击会造成一些防火墙处理错误锁死,消耗服务器CPU内存的同时还会堵塞带宽。 2,可以轮询发包:比如,输入一组ip地址,输入轮询时间30秒,选择发包方式,我们服务端30秒向第一个ip地址发包,接着30秒向第二个ip发包,轮询发包。比如CDN之后,实际是多IP的,就是CDN中每个IP,都打30秒。 3,软件支持多网卡绑定多IP绑定,数量在4网卡 支持内网上线 3,主控端功能:发送-攻击目标IP或者域名-端口-攻击方式-线程数量-单个封包大小-发送速度-攻击命令-停止命令等。 4,受控端功能:接受命令-并实行发包。 5,控制端与服务端通讯,正向连接,或者反向连接均可! 6,软件PPS吞吐量,详细讨论。 7,SYN包到接收服务器的数量,每100M带宽以64字节计算,攻击SYN包数量,不得小于20,4800这个数字,而且要能力要源源大于此数字。 8,需兼容linux...
需要把大量的数字图像进行处理和分析、进行图像分割,提取出感兴趣的区域来,并进行量化分析。 难点在两个地方:1、如何保证图像切割过程中尽量完整地提取感兴趣的区域而不引入过多的噪声;2、有些图像很大(几百兆大小),如何合理调配内存和cpu进行大图处理分析?
...有高并发网络经验,精通tcp/ip udp dns 等协议或肯钻研! 2.被控端可支持windows和linux,主控端支持windows 3.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn要求达到150wpps/s 4.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 5.开发者必须能够流利中文语音交流,否则不考虑!不能流利中文交流的不要投标以免浪费彼此的时间! 具体需要的功能很多,有能力发开者继续详谈! 具体要求: 软件前台构架:1,主控制端(WINDOWS平台下运行) 2,受控端(Linux平台下运行)+(windows平台) 技术要求: 1,发包类型:为SYN、UDP、ICMP,TCP,CC DNS请求并发接攻 击等,多种。但以SYN FLOOD变种(可自定义数据包)为主,发送伪造源IP的SYN数据包但是数据包不是64字节而是上千字节这种攻击会造成一些防火墙处理错误锁死,消耗服务器CPU内存的同时还会堵塞带宽。 2,可以轮询发包:比如,输入一组ip地址,输入轮询时间30秒,选择发包方式,我们服务端30秒向第一个ip地址发包,接着30秒向第二个ip发包,轮询发包。比如CDN之后,实际是多IP的,就是CDN中每个IP,都打30秒。 3,软件支持多网卡绑定多IP绑定,数量在4网卡 支持内网上线 3,主控端功能:发送-攻击目标IP或者域名-端口-攻击方式-线程数量-单个封包大小-发送速度-攻击命令-停止命令等。 4,受控端功能:接受命令-并实行发包。 5,控制端与服务端通讯,正向连接,或者反向连接均可! 6,软件PPS吞吐量,详细讨论。 7,SYN包到接收服务器的数量,每100M带宽以64字节计算,攻击SYN包数量,不得小于20,4800这个数字,而且要能力要源源大于此数字。 8,...
我的服务器采用nginx+php-fpm 结构 (8CPU 16GB内存),网站使用wordpress构建!整个服务器只有1个网站,目前没有安装任何缓存插件。当同时在线人数超过1000的时候,CPU使用率超过90% ,网站负载超过50,响应缓慢。 因此,我想请您出手帮我设置最适合我网站的缓存功能。(内存充足,希望设置充分利用内存的缓存) 我不知道什么缓存插件是最适合的,或者您觉得安装缓存插件不是最好的,也可以参考此文章在服务器端设置: 我的QQ号码:331466122 谢谢!
...字,日期查询。 程序运行审计:详细记录应用程序的启动、退出;记录窗口切, 换和标题变化。支持按部门,用户名,关键字,日期查询。 多屏监控:支持同时对多个用户登录的监控,可同时对一组计算机进行集中监控 屏幕快照:实时查看单个客户端的屏幕快照, 流量监控:详细统计M每台计算机(用户)各进程的实时上行,下行流量。 互联网补丁自动下载,支持补丁服务器在互联网上自动下载补丁包; 补丁管理 补丁增量更新导入支持批量、增量导入补丁库; 补丁策略定制开发,支持制定补丁分发策略;补丁库建立和分类,支持对补丁库进行分类管理; 软件资产审计:记录下终端的所有软件安装信息并且进行日志记录。 资产管理 硬件资产审计:记录下终端的所有硬件信息,记录的硬件类型包括:键盘、鼠标、主板、操作系统、CPU、内存、硬盘、网卡、声卡等。 资产变动审计:检测终端发生变动的硬件,软件信息,并且提供对照信息。 设备插拔报警:检测局域网内各计算机非法接入的设备名称,并给出报警。 报警管理 客户端离线报警:检测计算机离线时间,离线计算机IP,系统账户,并给出报警。 硬件资产变化报警:检测计算机新硬件信息,原硬件信息,更换时间,并给出报警。 软件资产变化报警:检测计算机软件安装,卸载日期时间,软件名称,并给出报警。 ARP攻击报警:检测局域网被攻击用户信息,伪装IP,攻击者MAC,并给出报警。 非法外联报警:检测内网用户非法链接互联网,并给出报警。 程序运行报警:检测局域网指定程序的运行情况,如不运行则给出报警。 非法接入报警:检测局域网内各计算机非法接入的设备名称,并...
按我给的CUDA的属性设计线程和块 将CPU实现改编为GPU实现(如下: bool canMerge函数改写为_device_ bool canMerge void merge函数改写为_device_ void merge void findEssential函数改写为_global_ void findEssential 从CPU端初始化内存中的值如showData(dataFile,imp,minx,count); 将内存中的值传到显存 从GPU端获得 eimp[ecount] = imp[i]; eimp[ecount++].mark = false值 并传输到CPU端 画出编程的流程图
I'm looking for a professional with experience in payment systems, particularly with integrating multiple cryptocurrency payment gateways into a PHP-based website. I already have accounts set up with all the required crypto payment gateways. Key Requirements: - Seamless and efficient integration of various crypto payment gateways without code modifications. - Ability to manage the entire integration process from the admin panel. - Prior experience with similar projects is a must. Your expertise will significantly enhance our payment options and streamline transactions for our users. If you have a proven track record in similar projects, we would love to hear from you!
I'm seeking a professional crypto trader to help me develop a profitable arbitrage trading strategy for personal use. As an intermediate trader, I understand the basics but need an expert to guide my trading decisions. Ideal Skills: - In-depth knowledge and experience in cryptocurrency trading, especially arbitrage strategies. - Proven track record of developing profitable trading strategies. - Ability to explain complex concepts in a simple, understandable way. - Excellent analytical skills for data interpretation. - Strong communication skills for regular updates and strategy discussions. Please provide past examples of your work and your proposed approach for this project.
...professional logo design for my mining company. The logo should encapsulate the essence of the mining industry in a modern and bold manner, representing strength, reliability, and the power of natural resources. Key Elements: - Incorporate natural resources like minerals or mountains - Use abstract shapes symbolizing strength Preferred Design Aesthetics: - A color scheme of metallic, specifically silver and gold - A modern and sleek style - The design must be original and should not use any ready-made templates or stock images found on the internet. - The logo should be versatile for both print and digital use. - It should convey professionalism and trustworthiness while also standing out in the industry. - Colors: Please suggest colors that complement the mining ...
My WooCommerce site is experiencing consistent CPU and memory spikes, leading to 503 errors in the admin dashboard. Screen shot attached from host server where it is using complete resources. - I need a professional who can swiftly diagnose and fix this urgent problem. - Experience with WooCommerce and WordPress is essential. - Knowledge of plugin performance and optimization is a plus. - Please ensure your bid reflects the urgency of this task.
I'm looking for a Telegram bot that can assist with on-chain analysis of various wallets. I will provide the specific wallets to be analyzed. Key functionalities include: - Tracking transactions of the specified wallets - Analyzing historical data The main purpose of this bot is to compare different wallets. Th...include: - Tracking transactions of the specified wallets - Analyzing historical data The main purpose of this bot is to compare different wallets. Therefore, it should be able to help me identify which tokens are being purchased by the same wallet addresses. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in creating Telegram bots - Strong understanding of on-chain analysis - Experience with cryptocurrency and blockchain technology - Ability to analyze and compare t...
I'm seeking a professional to integrate two cryptocurrency payment gateways, Cryptomus and CoinPayments, into my PHP Laravel script. Specific Requirements: - Enable one-time payment transactions through these gateways. - Implement minor customizations on the payment gateway interfaces. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in PHP and Laravel framework. - Prior experience with Cryptomus and CoinPayments integration. - Capability to handle minor customizations on payment interfaces. Please bid if you meet these qualifications. Thank you!
I'm seeking an experienced data miner to gather comprehensive contact details of primary schools worldwide. The project involves: - Collecting school contact details, specifically phone numbers, email addresses, and principal contact details. - Filtering the data to include only primary schools. Ideal candidates for this project should have prior experience in data mining, specifically within the education sector. Excellent attention to detail and strong data management skills are a must.
I'm looking for an expert in cryptocurrency trading to assist me with sending Flash USDT to a specific wallet on Binance. The primary goal of these transfers is to facilitate instant transactions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience in crypto trading - Proficiency in using Binance - Understanding of USDT and Flash USDT - Ability to strategize for instant transfers Your expertise will be crucial in ensuring these transfers are executed smoothly and efficiently.
I represent a mine in Peru that extracts various minerals, primarily barite, coal, iron ore, and copper ore. Given the anticipated surge in demand for barite in the oil drilling industry, I am seeking a mining engineer with substantial industry credibility and connections. - Your primary task will be to validate our supplies and provide endorsements to bolster our credibility as we attempt to increase awareness of our barite supply. - I have an ASA analysis and a video from inside the mine that I would like you to assess. We have the capacity to supply 30,000-50,000 MT per month, with all necessary infrastructure in place for delivery to the nearby port. My previous attempts to engage with larger industry players, such as Schlumberger, have been challenging due to our relative ...
I have a WordPress website with heavy plugins like Elementor, Woocommerce, Dokan and Peepso. My website has cloudflare pro and dedicated server with the following configurations: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5120 CPU @ 2.20GHz (40 CPUS), 64gb ram, 1TB. The server does not reach even 1/4 of its maximum capacity and the site is still very slow. We used litespeed cache paid version too, but it didn't help. Litespeed is installed on WHM and wordpress. We need a professional who has advanced experience in the plugins mentioned above! WP query identifies hundreds of duplicate queries, I suspect the problem arises from there. Every day at 8:59am the site stops receiving new registrations in the ''User Registration'' plugin because of the ''Nonce Error'&...
Marketing Strategy and Monetization Plan for Your Crypto Game This plan outlines a comprehensive strategy to market and monetize a new cryptocurrency game. Understanding the target audience is vital for success. Research should identify if the ideal players are tech-savvy cryptocurrency fans or more casual gamers. Surveys can provide insight into what motivates each group, such as earning rewards, social competition or entertainment. Early community engagement is important. Active participation on gaming forums and cryptocurrency subreddits allows potential players to learn about the game. Social platforms like Discord and Telegram help foster excitement and allow feedback. Multiple monetization methods can maximize revenue. Optional
Marketing Strategy and Monetization Plan for Your Crypto Game This plan outlines a comprehensive strategy to market and monetize a new cryptocurrency game. Understanding the target audience is vital for success. Research should identify if the ideal players are tech-savvy cryptocurrency fans or more casual gamers. Surveys can provide insight into what motivates each group, such as earning rewards, social competition or entertainment. Early community engagement is important. Active participation on gaming forums and cryptocurrency subreddits allows potential players to learn about the game. Social platforms like Discord and Telegram help foster excitement and allow feedback. Multiple monetization methods can maximize revenue. Optional
...Android and OS application for a blockchain and cryptocurrency wallet. This app will serve as a platform for blockchain-based transactions, so experience and understanding of blockchain technology is vital. Key Features: - A secure and reliable platform for conducting blockchain transactions - Support for a variety of cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Altcoins Security: - The app needs to incorporate top-notch security features. This includes biometric authentication, two-factor authentication, and encryption of private keys. - A solid background in cybersecurity would be beneficial. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Android and OS app development - Extensive experience with blockchain technology - Strong understanding of cryptocurrency mechanics - Experti...
Subject: Job Opening for AML Officer We are reaching out to announce an exciting opportunity within our company as we work towards obtaining a cryptocurrency license. To ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, we are seeking to hire Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Officer. The AML Officer will be responsible for developing and implementing our anti-money laundering policies, conducting risk assessments, and ensuring that our operations comply with all relevant regulations. The ideal candidate will possess the following qualifications: - Knowlede of English and Spanish: Strong communication skills are essential, as the role will involve liaising with various stakeholders and regulatory bodies. - Salvadoran Citizenship: As part of our licensing requirements, we specifically need a...
I need an experienced social network manager to help me create and nurture a community around my token on the Polygon blockchain. Your responsibilities will include: - Attracting and managing users from scratch on our social network - Encouraging user participation in discussi...social network While specific features of the social network haven't been determined yet, you should be comfortable with platforms that have discussion forums, content sharing tools, and survey or poll functionalities. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proven track record in community building and social network management - Familiarity with blockchain technology and cryptocurrency - Strong communication and content creation skills - Experience with user engagement strat...
I'm in search of pre-made, visually rich and engaging Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) training PowerPoint slides specifically tailored to the mining industry. The content should cover: - Safety protocols - Emergency response - Risk assessment Furthermore, it is crucial that the materials align with the Work Health Safety Act 2020. I would like to emphasize that only freelancers who have access to such materials and can customize them to fit my branding should reach out. The ideal candidate should have a deep understanding of HSE training, the mining industry, and the specified regulations, coupled with the ability to create or modify content to be visually appealing and engaging.
I'm in need HSE CONTENT , if you have previous mining based clients and have conent of a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation for Mining scope HSE trainings. The content should cover topics like Accident Injury Prevention, Hazardous Materials, and Manual Handling. It needs to be tailored to fit my company's branding and colour scheme, which is primarily our primary brand colour. Requirements: - Develop PowerPoint content covering specified training topics - Incorporate our company policies, industry standards, and legislation requirements into the training content - Adhere to our branding guidelines, using our primary brand colour throughout Ideal candidates will have experience in creating safety training materials, particularly in the mining sector, and...
I'm seeking a develop...raffles. - Option to purchase raffle tickets using Ronin (RON) cryptocurrency, with 90% of ticket sales added to the prize pool and 10% allocated to a designated team fee pool. - Automated system to send the prize to the randomly selected winner. - Display of past winners in a simple text list. - Hosting of daily and weekly raffles. Admin Area: - An analytics dashboard to track ticket sales, prize pool growth, and overall raffle performance. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in blockchain technology, specifically the Ronin Network and Thirdweb smart contracts. - Strong web development background to ensure a smooth user experience. - Experience in building admin dashboards with analytics capabilities. - Knowledge of incorporating cryptocurrency payment s...
I'm looking for a modern, monochrome, text-based logo for my apparel company. The logo should embody a sleek, con...text-based logo for my apparel company. The logo should embody a sleek, contemporary style while being predominantly monochrome. This will not only reflect the modern aesthetic of the brand, but also ensure versatility across various product lines and marketing materials. The design should be primarily text-based, showcasing the brand name in a creative, eye-catching way. It’s an underground based coal mining street wear label Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in graphic design and branding - A strong portfolio of modern, minimalist designs - Excellent typography skills - Ability to create a versatile design suitable for va...
I have a WordPress website with heavy plugins like Elementor, Woocommerce, Dokan and Peepso. My website has cloudflare pro and dedicated server with the following configurations: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5120 CPU @ 2.20GHz (40 CPUS), 64gb ram, 1TB. The server does not reach even 1/4 of its maximum capacity and the site is still very slow. We used litespeed cache paid version too, but it didn't help. Litespeed is installed on WHM and wordpress. We need a professional who has advanced experience in the plugins mentioned above! WP query identifies hundreds of duplicate queries, I suspect the problem arises from there. Every day at 8:59am the site stops receiving new registrations in the ''User Registration'' plugin because of the ''Nonce Error'...
Contest Brief: Logo Design & Brand Guidelines for Cryptocurrency Project Overview (After reading and accepting the guidelines and requirements please get in touch with me for inspiration, which I cannot show publicly) We are seeking a talented designer or design team to create a logo and comprehensive brand guidelines for our cryptocurrency project. This project is poised to make a significant impact in the crypto space, and we’re looking for branding that reflects our bold vision, resonates with a global audience, and creates a lasting impression. This contest will focus on developing a unique, visually striking logo and a cohesive branding package that can be applied across various platforms, including websites, social media, and promotional materials....
...Provide regular reports on key metrics such as engagement, reach, and conversions. 5. Partnerships and Collaborations: - Identify and establish partnerships with influencers, content creators, and relevant organizations in the blockchain space. Qualifications: - Proven experience in digital marketing, preferably in blockchain or Web3 projects. - Strong understanding of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, and decentralized platforms. - Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English. - Proficiency in using marketing tools such as Google Analytics, social media platforms, and email marketing software. - Creative mindset with the ability to develop engaging content and campaigns. Why Work With Us: - Be part of an innovative blockchain project shaping the future of ...
...to improve platform features and services. 5. Crisis Management: - Address community concerns during platform updates, outages, or other critical moments. - Ensure prompt and professional communication to maintain trust and transparency. Qualifications: - Proven experience managing online communities, preferably in blockchain or Web3 projects. - Strong understanding of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, and decentralized platforms. - Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English. - Proficiency with community management tools like Discord, Telegram, and social media platforms. - Ability to foster a positive and inclusive environment while enforcing community guidelines. Why Work With Us: - Join an innovative blockchain project reshaping education, freelancing, a...
...blockchain technology. Project Overview We are seeking experienced crypto traders and strategists to share their expertise by: - Hosting interactive sessions or webinars on crypto trading and strategy development. - Providing users with personalized consultations to improve their trading and risk management skills. - Creating beginner and advanced content, such as articles, videos, or guides on cryptocurrency trading. Key Responsibilities 1. Educate users about trading strategies, DeFi tools, and portfolio optimization. 2. Share crypto market insights and actionable strategies. 3. Collaborate with the Metify team to provide valuable crypto-focused content. What We’re Looking For - Experience in crypto trading, DeFi, or blockchain markets. - Strong communication skills a...
About Metify Metify is a cutting-edge decentralized Web3 platform dedicated to reshaping education, freelancing, and professional networking. We are specifically seeking professionals with proven experience in blockchain technology, Web3 applications, or cryptocurrency ecosystems to create impactful educational content for our community. Project Overview We’re inviting experts to contribute by sharing their in-depth knowledge of blockchain and Web3 through: - Developing high-quality guides, tutorials, or comprehensive courses for all user levels. - Hosting live sessions, workshops, or webinars to offer hands-on learning opportunities. - Exploring and explaining blockchain technologies, smart contracts, DeFi, and crypto applications to enhance the understanding o...
...hashing to protect user credentials. Google reCAPTCHA on sign-up and password recovery pages,whatsapp. Two-factor authentication (2FA) for enhanced security. Automatic data backups for disaster recovery. Maintenance mode for scheduled downtime or updates. Payment Integration Seamless integration with popular payment gateways: Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, Skrill, Wise, Payoneer, Perfect Money, cryptocurrency,airtm,spaceremit,youcan,worker cash,cashmaal,cryptomus....... and more. Coupon system for discounts and promotional offers. Ability for users to add funds via multiple payment methods. Marketing and Engagement Tools Affiliate/referral system to grow the customer base. Blog system for creating posts and improving SEO. Video sponsorships for promoting the platform through influen...