Convertir m4r mp3 line工作


    2,000 convertir m4r mp3 line 找到工作

    ...delay (adjustable, e.g., 30 to 300 seconds). - Delete the subfolder after processing all its contents. - Continue with the next subfolder. - After processing all folders, send a notification to the administrator. - Wait 5 minutes and check for new subfolders. Repeat the process if found. 4. **Special Cases** - If the attachment is an OPUS file (audio), convert it to an MP3 file. --- ### Example of Consecutive Messages with Multiple Images ``` ‎[29/06/23 10:40:47 AM] ~ Evan HO:‎<Attachment: > ‎[29/06/23 10:41:00 AM] ~ Evan HO:‎<Attachment: > ‎[29/06/23 10:41:12 AM] ~ Evan HO:‎<Attachment: > ``` --- ### Examples of Sender Name Processing -

    $1208 Average bid
    $1208 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    ...Requirements Frontend Development Requirements Menu Click Limitation Copy and Debugging Protection Multilingual Support Membership Plan Selection Interface Agent Page Backend Development Requirements Software Update System Invitation System Membership Pricing and Plan Modification Agent Membership Functionality Enterprise Functionality (Management Center) Card Code Redemption System Exclusive Membership Line Settings Email Configuration FAQs and Banners Management Copywriting Management Admin Panel Requirements Multilingual Switching Login Security Enhancement Order Management User Management Online Status Display Data Statistics and Reports Task Center (Planning Center) Development Notes Details to Discuss Overview This development document has been updated according to the lat...

    $3225 Average bid
    $3225 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    ...er和NFT等新潮的元素在網站設計裡面,請務必有兩個報價: 第一就是光是設計,需要給設計稿AI和preview我們先過目的,且不能顯示有任何貴公司的名字或者資料在上面,首頁我們預算最多一頁HKD$300以內,內容頁最多預算HKD$50每頁。 第二是設計連網站一齊製作的總費用,請另外報價,其中要求如下: 1. 必須懂廣東話, 用中文溝通 2. 能用whatsapp與香港時間同步溝通 3. 工作耐心認真負責 4. 建設wordpress網站,按給予的模板仿製 5. 中英兩種語言 6. woo-commerce購物車及會員系統 7. 設計首頁的時間為最多1-2天,整個網站設計不超過4天 8. 網站必須包含電腦版與手機版 9. 支付方式是銀行轉賬(直接展示銀行號碼)及展示payme 二維碼,及paypal 10. 如客人有需要後台training ,需要教客人使用簡單後台及培訓(on line) 11. 包含整套網站遷移、服務器設置(客人自行購買服務器)、域名指向等全套服務

    $1582 Average bid
    $1582 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    1. 必須懂廣東話 2. 能用whatsapp與香港時間同步溝通 3. 工作耐心認真負責 4. 建設wordpress網站,按給予的模板仿製 5. 中英兩種語言 6. woo-commerce購物車及會員系統 7. 預計工作時間為3-4日 8. 必須包含電腦版與手機版 9. 支付方式是銀行轉賬(直接展示銀行號碼)及展示payme 二維碼,及paypal 10. 如客人有需要後台training ,需要教客人使用簡單後台及培訓(on line) 11. 包含網站遷移、服務器設置(客人自行購買服務器)、域名指向等全套服務 12. 內頁會找類似樣板,請模仿並建議更漂亮的形式進行製作,而不會提供首頁設計 13. 首頁已經設計好,並會提供AI文檔 14. 提供購買服務器建議及協助版面設置等 15. 整個項目完成預算大約HKD 1800

    $1753 Average bid
    $1753 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    我们是 ,主要运营“自由浏览” “自由微信“ ”自由微博“等项目。 目前需要一位精通Chromium的开发者,帮助我们进行“自由浏览”的开发,具体需求如下: 我们的目的: 开发新版架构的自由浏览 对您的要求: 1.精通C、Android开发 2.熟悉Chromium编译流程、整体架构和网络模块。 3.对网络安全的要求。 4.使用汉语。 5.有同类项目的经验。 小测试: 1. 给Chromium增加 --max-sockets-per-group 命令行参数支持(可以限制取值范围,例如6 ~ 255),需要完成Desktop以及Android平台。其中Android平台往CommandLine单例中添加参数即可,或者可以添加到文件 /data/local/tmp/chrome-command-line 。在各个平台以命令行运行 (可选)2. 使用epoll,异步库 或者Chromium本身的ThreadPool 扫描N个CIDR内可达的IP(443端口返回状态码为200/400/401/403/404),类似 ,测试时可以使用少量IP,实际项目CIDR里可能会包含万级别IP。 测试不必要提交二进制包,提交关键patch的解决思路和代码亦可。 另外特别强调,由于我们组织的特殊性(来自政府的审查风险),我们对项目的保密性要求较高,工作环境也需要保持在匿名且安全的环境下,请应聘者确保自身有能力做到这些安全要求。

    min $390 / hr
    min $390 / hr
    0 个竞标

    招兼职剪接声音的人。一个声音(短则8分钟,长则30分钟) 要求:降噪,去除杂音,音量提高,去掉口癖(如这个、那个、额、长段空白、咳嗽等),笑声可保留。 输出声音格式要求:MP3,高音质,立体声,大小控制在50MB以内 ENGLISH A person who works part-time to cut the sound. One voice (8 minutes short and 30 minutes long) Requirements: Noise reduction, noise removal, volume increase, remove the mouth (such as this, that, forehead, long blank, cough, etc.), laughter can be retained. Output sound format requirements: MP3, high sound quality, stereo, size control within 50MB

    $6466 Average bid
    $6466 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    Cursos de ventas on line de español para el mercado chino

    $3467 Average bid
    $3467 平均报价
    9 个竞标


    $1239 Average bid
    $1239 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    已经结束 left


    $958 Average bid
    $958 平均报价
    11 个竞标
    read chinese books
    已经结束 left

    read chinese books and record in MP3 读中文书,然后录音,寄给我

    $1005 Average bid
    $1005 平均报价
    50 个竞标

    ... (2)网络传输使用fastjson解析网络数据,转换对象 (3)图片加载使用开源框架universal-image-loader,节约内存,避免内存溢出。 (4)请求数据使用开源框架android-async-http提供异步的网络请求,采用POST方式。 (5)在线音乐播放使用的是虾米提供的SDK (6)请求的Json数据会缓存到本地,无网络情况下会加载本地数据 (7)在线聊天(片邮),基于小米推送,后台发出推送,客户端再从后台取数据. (8)文章、话题详情,都用到了图文混排技术,使用WebView加载HTML代码,css控制样式 白天黑夜模式,js设置大图的点击时间,通过WebViewClient回调到页面。 (9后台Service控制电台、音乐的播放,电台使用API,MediaPlayer在线播放mp3

    $22141 Average bid
    $22141 平均报价
    4 个竞标 can be specifically available to the students of a particular class. While, the students in other classes will not be able to decrypt the videos even if they have softdog and download the encrypted source files of the videos.  6, The video encryption software should realize background control. It should be able to display the students of a particular class as well as the videos they watch on line and in real time. Moreover, if one softdog is used to play videos in two computers, we should be able to directly freeze its permission and terminate the playing. 7, The encryption dog can not be copied and cracked. Besides, it should have certain space for the later internal software upgrade so that we can add new function according to our demands. If it is cracked, it wil...

    $76271 Average bid
    $76271 平均报价
    9 个竞标

    新創品牌其首席設計師尋找有設計針織服裝經驗之人才。歡迎對繪圖設計有興趣和清楚如何測量尺寸大小及規格的服裝設計師假如我們。你必須能夠與工廠溝通,實現高品質的設計。 Upcoming brand. Head designer requires someone with experience in designing knitted garments. Must have ability to draw designs and understand sizing, measurements and specs for the clothing line and must be able to communicate with factories to achieve top quality designs. Preferable: speaks mandarin

    $10042 Average bid
    $10042 平均报价
    2 个竞标
    已经结束 left

    ... 4. Click the 'statistics' button and view the page. 5. Look either at the top row of 5 numbers or the bar graph and look for a 'zero' above any red, black or the green zero. The top five numbers will read 'Never Hit' and show the number(s) if any that have not been hit in the last 300 spins. 6. If no numbers show, then move cursor up to 'Game Options' and a drop down line will show 'table games' then follow back to the euroroulette table and that will reset spin count/history and start the spin process again. 7. If there is 'one' number, not 'two' (two numbers 'never hit' will void further action). We only want 'one' number that shows 'never-hit...

    $10182 Average bid
    $10182 平均报价
    4 个竞标
    snapsell project
    已经结束 left

    ...Full vi design and animation 12. Full html 5 with English and chinese website to show app introduction 13. SHAKE FUNCTION ABLE FOR USERS TO WIN SOMETHING,LIKE SMALL SAMPLES OR RESTURANT VOUCHERS ETC.(ANY BETTER SUGGUESTIONS?) 14. QR CODE 这一场革命的电子商务应用程序将带着大家一起!snapsell是打算让每个人,任何人都立刻卖和买东西! CATEGORIES: 服饰-女装,女鞋,女包,男装,男鞋,男包,内衣,配饰,旅行箱包 运动-运动鞋,运动服户,外健身,运动包 珠宝-珠宝,饰品,眼镜,手表,打火机,烟具 数码-手机,相机,电玩/MP3,笔记本,平板电脑,电脑硬件,台式机,数码配件 家电-大家电,生活电器,个人护理,按摩器材,影音电器,厨房电器,办公设备,文化用品 美妆-护肤,美容工具,彩妆,美体,美发,香水 母婴-食品营养,婴幼用品,早教玩具,童装童鞋,孕产专区 家居-家纺,家饰,特色工艺品,家装用品,建材,住宅家具,办公家具五金,电子电工 食品-零食,保健,酒类,冲饮生鲜,粮油米面 百货-厨房用具,居家日用,收纳清洗,个人清洁,成人用品 汽车-汽车用品,零配,电子内饰,养护,摩托及装备 房子-一手,二手房 文娱-音像,书籍,乐器,宠物,鲜花园艺,收藏

    $9801 Average bid
    $9801 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    .../ -p "Printer_Name" -f "" Test PDFs: I will provide 3 PDFs with unique sizes (e.g., 132x96 mm, 340x110 mm, 80x50 mm). Technical Constraints: Use only command-line tools (lp, pdfinfo, awk). No persistent CUPS configuration changes (e.g., avoid lpadmin if possible). Handle printers with hard-coded margins (content must be centered as much as hardware allows). Key Focus: Ensure the printer uses the exact paper size of the PDF (no cropping/stretching). Graceful error handling for unsupported sizes (e.g., Error: Printer X does not support 80x50mm). Skills Required Expertise in CUPS command-line tools and PDF metadata extraction. Knowledge of printer margin limitations and centering techniques. Experience with Bash string parsing (e.g., extracting d...

    $2010 Average bid
    $2010 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    Trophy icon Custom Wedding Beer Label Design
    6 天 left

    I'm in search of a talented designer who can create a unique beer label for our wedding. This isn't just any beer; it's a celebration of our 10-year journey together. The name of the beer will be "3650", representing the number of days we've spent together. Key aspects of the project: - The label should reflect a modern and classy aesthetic, in line with the occasion. - The color scheme is gold and blue, which are my wife's and my favorite colors respectively. - I would appreciate a design that doesn't lean towards any specific style like minimalist, ornate, or vintage, as I haven't made up my mind on that yet. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in graphic design, particularly label design. - Strong understanding of color ...

    $156 Average bid
    23 项参赛作品

    I'm in search of a talented designer who can create a unique beer label for our wedding. This isn't just any beer; it's a celebration of our 10-year journey together. The name of the beer will be "3650", representing the number of days we've spent together. Key aspects of the project: - The label should reflect a modern and classy aesthetic, in line with the occasion. - The color scheme is gold and blue, which are my wife's and my favorite colors respectively. - I would appreciate a design that doesn't lean towards any specific style like minimalist, ornate, or vintage, as I haven't made up my mind on that yet. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in graphic design, particularly label design. - Strong understanding of color ...

    $249 Average bid
    20 项参赛作品

    Hey Rana can you fix this flyer for me. The sizes, fonts, etc. of the QR codes don't line up. I need to make it look uniform.

    $78 Average bid
    $78 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    I'm in need of a captivating and trendy brand name for my sustainable clothing line aimed at young adults. The name should embody the principles of sustainability, while also appealing to the modern, stylish adult. Key Requirements: - The name should be trendy and resonate with the current fashion landscape. - It must subtly or overtly convey the values of sustainability. - The target audience is adults, so the name should have a certain level of sophistication. Ideal Skills: - Brand naming experience, particularly in the fashion industry. - Understanding of sustainability in fashion. - Ability to create trendy, appealing names for adults.

    $499 Average bid
    $499 平均报价
    21 个竞标

    We are looking for a talented video creator to produce a short, engaging introduction video for our brand, SecondSkin – a Palestinian and vegan skincare line, where a portion of the profits is donated to Palestine, Yemen, Sudan and Congo. What we need: • Duration: 30-60 seconds • Style: Professional, inspiring, modern, and authentic • Content: A mix of video footage, graphics, and maybe text animations • Goal: To introduce SecondSkin, our values, and our mission in a way that captures attention on social media The video should include: 1. Introduction: A strong opening with visually compelling and emotionally engaging content – e.g., “Beauty with a Mission.” 2. Brand Story: A brief but impactful explanation of SecondSkin, its Pales...

    $390 Average bid
    1 项参赛作品

    ...double 500 rebound or break through or ichimuku rebound and break through confirme with rebound or break through of ema • Timeframes: 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 h, 4 h, 1 day. • Confirmation: Breakouts/rebounds confirmed by 1candle • To be found in all assets of xtb france Trading Level Calculations • Stop-Loss: Place above first shoulder for head-and-shoulders or above the horizontal line from the triangle's angle. • Target: 5% less than the distance from the head to the neckline, projected from the breakout point. • Stop-Loss Adjustment: Move stop-loss slightly past entry point (5 %)when 25% of target distance is covered. • Pivot Points and Support/Resistance: Consider higher timeframe levels for stop loss if mney management respected &bu...

    $3786 Average bid
    $3786 平均报价
    49 个竞标

    Looking for an experienced editor for a 500-1000-word literary flash fiction piece exploring trauma, relationships, and healing. The story follows a character dea...literary flash fiction Understanding of how to handle sensitive topics (trauma, abuse) with care Ability to provide detailed feedback on: Pacing and scene transitions Character development Dialogue and narrative voice Technical aspects (sentence structure, word choice) Clear, actionable suggestions for improvement 1-2 rounds of developmental editing with follow-up discussion Deliverables: Line-by-line editorial comments Overall story assessment Specific recommendations for strengthening the piece Brief discussion of potential markets for submission Follow-up consultation to discuss revisions Manuscript attac...

    $249 / hr Average bid
    $249 / hr 平均报价
    24 个竞标

    As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) WK COMMERCIAL CENTRE, JALAN BUNDUSAN, 88300 KOTA KINABALU, SABAH • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet ...

    $78 - $117
    $78 - $117
    0 个竞标

    ...experienced JavaScript/React Native developer to build a standalone function/module that retrieves the MP3 audio from a given YouTube video URL and provides it as a stream (or similar in-memory object). The goal is to allow the MP3 data to be directly uploaded to a server endpoint without saving the file to the user’s device. Key Requirements: React Native Compatibility: The solution must integrate seamlessly into a React Native app for both iOS and Android. Functionality: - Accept a YouTube video URL as input. - Determine and access the available audio-only stream for the provided video (or the best available audio track). - Convert or repackage the stream into an MP3 file if necessary. - Return the MP3 data as a stream or in-memory object (e.g., Bl...

    $1067 Average bid
    $1067 平均报价
    24 个竞标

    I'm looking for a talented content creator who can write educational and informative blogs and web pages focused on health for the general public. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Exceptional writing and content creation skills - Strong understanding of health-related topics - Ability to simplify complex information for the general public - Experience in creating e...Experience: - Exceptional writing and content creation skills - Strong understanding of health-related topics - Ability to simplify complex information for the general public - Experience in creating engaging and informative content - SEO knowledge to increase visibility of the content We will be paying $2 per article. Please do not apply if you are looking for more money. Use CODE 2601 in first line of response t...

    $39 / hr Average bid
    $39 / hr 平均报价
    59 个竞标

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to implement a Windows-based script for monitoring a designated daily folder for vehicle number plate images. This script should check every 5 seconds, referencing a text file of number plates (one plate per line). If a match is found, the script should trigger a Telegram alert using a provided API and chat ID. It must thereafter ignore that Ideal Skills: - Scripting in Windows - Familiarity with Telegram API - File I/O operations - Pattern matching and image processing (basic level) - Command script (.cmd) modification The text file contains a list of vehicle number plates. The script should look for these plates in the folder, which has images named with potential additional characters (wildcard). The frequency of checks is every 5 seconds, ...

    $1013 Average bid
    $1013 平均报价
    24 个竞标

    I'm looking for a skilled audio editor to cut and seamlessly blend 3 music pieces into one. This is for personal use, so the final track must be delivered in MP3 format with smooth fades between the segments. Heres what I want: Here’s a refined set of time stamps for smooth transitions: 1. "Hello" (Start → 0:58) Cut at 0:58, right after the line "I must have called a thousand times" (before the second "Hello from the other side" chorus). 2. "Someone Like You" (0:45 → 1:45) Start at 0:45 ("I heard that you're settled down...") to avoid a long intro. Cut at 1:45, after "Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead" for a clean emotional shift. 3. "Set Fire to the Rain&quo...

    $499 Average bid
    $499 平均报价
    49 个竞标

    I'm in need of a skilled web developer to create a sleek, modern wedding management website. The site s...of a skilled web developer to create a sleek, modern wedding management website. The site should embody a contemporary aesthetic, with a clean and uncluttered interface. The key aspects of the project include: - A focus on user-friendly design: The website should be intuitive, easy to navigate and visually appealing. - Modern design elements: Utilize a modern and sleek design style that is in line with current web design trends. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong portfolio of modern web design, with experience in creating event management sites being a plus. Excellent communication skills and the ability to understand and interpret my vision are ...

    $2049 Average bid
    $2049 平均报价
    48 个竞标

    I have approximately 56 pages of content in PDF format that needs to be typed out into a .doc file. This document needs to be formatted as a court document, complete with line numbers, footnotes, and other necessary legal formatting elements. The PDF includes all formatting; I need you to replicate it in .doc. Specific requirements include: - Using Georgia, 13pt font throughout the document. - Including both headers and footers in the document, as well as footnotes - Consistently and accurately replicate the citations, including subsection symbol Ideal candidates for this project will have experience with legal document formatting and a strong attention to detail. Please ensure you have a good command of typing and document formatting software. The .pdf is attached. Please...

    $904 Average bid
    $904 平均报价
    136 个竞标 materials, and a refreshed set of brand guidelines. Key objectives: - Design a brand new logo: This should encompass a complete departure from the existing design and color scheme. The new logo should be modern, eye-catching, and representative of the brand's values and goals. - Update marketing materials: I need my business cards, brochures, and social media graphics to be redesigned in line with the new brand identity. - Create a new set of brand guidelines: These should encompass the new logo, color scheme, font, and overall design ethos. Ideal candidates for this project should have significant experience in brand design and corporate identity development, with a compelling portfolio of previous work. Proficiency in graphic design software and an understandin...

    $857 Average bid
    $857 平均报价
    86 个竞标

    I'm in search of a lead male actor for a short film. The character falls within the adult age range (20-40). This project is an excellent opportunity for an aspiring actor to showcase their talent. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior acting experience ideal but not essential. - Ability to portray a character convincingly with close ups o...based in Chepstow. We are creating a concept of escaping the concrete jungle that will show an office worker sick of his day life, waiting and watching for the clock to hit 5:30 and then escaping to the festival site, that will, the closer he gets turn more into a tribal themed outfit and persona. Festival Name: Into the Woods Festival (Chepstow) Open to flexibility but we are working on our line up so will ideally be filmed in the nex...

    $171 / hr Average bid
    $171 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    60 Second 2D Animation Video
    6 天 left

    ...storyboard which includes screen capture video. We will need editable Adobe Premiere Pro files. The video is to landscape and in 4K resolution. Key Requirements: - The video should be engaging and tailored to capture the attention of business professionals. - It should effectively convey our marketing message within the 60 second time frame. - The animation style should be clean, professional, and in line with 2D Animation techniques. - Previous experience in creating marketing animation videos is a plus. - The focus of the scenes should be on showcasing how the product works and its functionality. All text to include is provided on the relevant slides in the storyboard. -The video will be shown on a TV screen at an upcoming exhibition. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 2D Anim...

    $943 Average bid
    $943 平均报价
    96 个竞标

    I'm seeking a data analyst with experience in SQL and Crystal Reports. The...creating a crystal report to generate monthly Intrastat declarations derived from our sales data. This data is stored in a SQL database and needs to be transformed into Excel format for the reports. Key components of the reports: - Sales data fields: Product information, Transaction value, Date, Invoice No, Customer Name, Item Description, Quantity, Item Amount Value, Nominal Code, SIC, Weight Each, Line Weight Amount, Gross Amount Value, Type, Customer VAT No. - Customer-based segmentation for the reports. Ideal skills: - Proficiency in SQL and Crystal Reports. - Experience with sales data analysis. - Ability to segment data by customer. - Excel expertise for report formatting. Looking forward to ...

    $1122 Average bid
    $1122 平均报价
    31 个竞标

    ...Requirements: Total Backlinks: 100+ backlinks to be created on the homepage. 20+ backlinks to be created on the bone inlay furniture page. Source Websites: The links should be sourced from 40+ DR websites, which could include: Home Decor-related websites Business Listings (like LBB, yourstory, etc.) Guest Posts Article Submissions Other quality backlink sources in line with the requirements Link Distribution: 80% Do-Follow: The majority of the links should be do-follow to pass link equity. 20% No-Follow: A portion of the links should be no-follow to maintain a natural backlink profile. Anchor Text Distribution: 70% Branded: Most backlinks should use the branded anchor text "Jodha Furniture." 20% Partial Match: Use relevant partial matc...

    $460 Average bid
    $460 平均报价
    63 个竞标

    I'm seeking an expert who can craft a dynamic, text-based YouTube intro for my channel. The intro should convey a bold and dynamic feel, without losing professionalism. Key Requirements: - Use of the channel name, logo, and tagline - Understanding of creating engaging, high-quality YouTube content - Experience ...dynamic feel, without losing professionalism. Key Requirements: - Use of the channel name, logo, and tagline - Understanding of creating engaging, high-quality YouTube content - Experience with text-based animations Ideal Skills: - Animation - Graphic design - Video editing Please ensure to deliver a clip that is ready for use in a YouTube video. The channel is called Desci Discovery And the tag line can be: Welcome to the scientific revolution, where discovery ...

    $467 Average bid
    33 项参赛作品

    I'm seeking a fashion designer to create an Old Money aesthetic clothing collection for my upscale brand. The collection will encompass a wide range of menswear and womenswear, inspired by the sophisticated style of the 1950s. Key Responsibilities: - Design a comprehensive line of elegant, timeless pieces including dresses, suits, and accessories. - Ensure all designs encapsulate the essence of the 1950s Old Money aesthetic. - Select and incorporate appropriate high-quality fabrics such as Silk, Wool, and Cotton into the designs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in fashion design, particularly in menswear and womenswear. - Deep understanding and appreciation for the 1950s Old Money aesthetic. - Experience working with high-quality fabrics. - Strong creative...

    $101 Average bid
    $101 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    I'm seeking a designer to finalize artwork for retail shopping bags. The style should be minimalist and clean, in line with my existing brand color palette. Key Requirements: - Design artwork for retail shopping bags. - Use of a clean and minimalist design aesthetic. - Adherence to a specified brand color palette. Ideal Skills: - Graphic design experience, particularly in creating packaging or retail product artwork. - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles. - Proficiency in using brand color palettes effectively. This project could lead to further, ongoing design opportunities.

    $93 / hr Average bid
    $93 / hr 平均报价
    58 个竞标

    Do you think you are good at building network and training teams? As a Front Line Sales (FLS) employee in agency channel, you will leverage your network to recruit Financial Consultant (Agents) and coach them to sell life insurance policies and service customers. What are we looking for: Integrity and passion are the two most important traits that will define your success in this role. - It is a field job. You will have to travel within the assigned location to meet channel partner team and customers. - You will be evaluated on your ability to meet the business targets (Top line, Persistency, Product mix) by collaborating with and driving channel partners. - HDFC Life believes in technology driven sales and you will learn new technology/ Mobility enhancements, to comply wit...

    $2361 Average bid
    $2361 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    I need an expert to create an Amazon brand store for my car cleaning product line, focusing primarily on exterior wash. Key Requirements: - Design and set up of a professional Amazon brand store - Creation and optimization of A+ content to enhance product listings and boost customer engagement - Experience in eCommerce, particularly with Amazon - Understanding of car cleaning product market Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic design for appealing store aesthetics - SEO for optimizing product visibility - Copywriting for persuasive product descriptions

    $4028 Average bid
    $4028 平均报价
    22 个竞标

    I have a number of audio songs in MP3 format that I want to turn into karaoke. The lyrics need to be displayed as highlighted text in sync with the music. This karaoke will be used primarily on a PC. Ideal skills for this project include: - Audio editing - Lyrics synchronization - Karaoke software proficiency Please, be sure you can meet these requirements before bidding.

    $623 Average bid
    $623 平均报价
    11 个竞标

    I'm in need of a product label for my line of car cleaning and maintenance products. The label should be bold and eye-catching to capture the attention of potential buyers. Key Requirements: - Design a label that stands out on the shelf - Understands the cleaning and maintenance car care product market - Experience in creating labels for bold and eye-catching designs Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Product Label Design - Market Research - Understanding of Car Care Products

    $312 Average bid
    $312 平均报价
    31 个竞标

    ...clients as well as high net worth individuals. Key Features Include: - The site should be capable of attracting new clients while also providing necessary information to our current clientele. - It should serve as a platform to showcase our research and case studies, specifically investment recommendations on stocks listed in India. - The design and layout should be appealing and professional, in line with industry standards. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in developing websites for financial institutions or advisory firms will be a significant advantage. - Proficiency in creating user-friendly interfaces, with an understanding of how to present complex data in an easy-to-understand format. - Knowledge about SEO, digital marketing and how to effectively attrac...

    $865 Average bid
    $865 平均报价
    42 个竞标

    I'm looking for a passionate student photographer to join forces with us on our new clothing brand. Your primary responsibility will be capturing our ethnically-inspired, traditional attire pieces. - The focus will primarily be on our casual, ethnic clothing line. - The photoshoots will be quite flexible as we can work in a variety of settings: from studio and outdoor, to cultural locations. Your understanding of and passion for ethnic wear will be key in conveying the beauty and essence of our pieces through your lens. Previous experience in product photography is a plus, but a keen eye for detail and creativity are paramount.

    $9 - $36 / hr
    $9 - $36 / hr
    0 个竞标

    I'm looking for a talented designer to create a unique and stylish design for a line of casual, unisex jackets made from cotton. The design should be appealing to a wide audience, and cater to current trends in casual wear. The design should call out some Automotive, Industrial, IVI and Gateway related stuff. Can be a wordcloud also..

    $93 Average bid
    $93 平均报价
    11 个竞标

    I'm looking to update our website's branding with a complete visual design overhaul. The main focus will be adopting a modern and trendy style. Key Areas of Focus: - Visual Design: The site should reflect a contemporary aesthetic. It should be visually appealing, engaging and in-line with current design trends. - Branding: The redesign will help us align our website with our updated branding. Ideal Candidate: - You should have a strong portfolio featuring modern and trendy designs. - Experience with website redesigns focused on branding updates is a plus. - Excellent visual design skills are a must.

    $3327 Average bid
    $3327 平均报价
    168 个竞标

    I'm looking for an experienced video editor to help with a short drama film. The project is a live-action short film that needs editing to make it ready for submission to film festivals. Key Responsibilities: - Edit the footage to create a cohesive and engaging story - Adjust the pacing to build tension and emotion in line with the drama genre - Collaborate with me to align the final cut with our shared vision for the film Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in video editing, specifically with live-action short films - Strong understanding of the drama genre and its common editing techniques - Excellent communication skills for effective collaboration Please provide examples of your previous work in your bid.

    $148 / hr Average bid
    $148 / hr 平均报价
    41 个竞标

    ...collaborative work environment with a focus on innovation and excellence. Flexibility with hybrid or remote work options. How to Apply: If you are passionate about improving HR processes and helping new hires succeed, we would love to hear from you. Please apply with your relevant experience and approach to these tasks. Include "Talent Acquisition and Onboarding Specialist Application" in the subject line. Application Requirement: To ensure strong English communication skills, please submit a short video (2-3 minutes) introducing yourself and describing your approach to candidate screening, interviewing, and onboarding. This will help us assess your spoken English proficiency. Fourte International LLC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We celebrate diversity and are ...

    $93 / hr Average bid
    $93 / hr 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. Target address: Village no. 2, Nong Yao, Mueang Saraburi District, Saraburi Province, Thailand JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) Saraburi Province, Thailand • Has a...

    $78 - $234
    $78 - $234
    0 个竞标

    ...Insert Slicer for Segments. Change the columns to 3. Position it in Cell Range E18:G22. 29. Utilizing the PivotTable, insert a Timeline Slicer that covers cells E23:G27. Remove the Selection Label, Scroll Bar, and Time Level from the Slicer. 30. Add styles to the slicers that coordinate with the other items on the dashboard. 31. From the PivotTable, create a Combo Pivot Chart (2-D Column and Line) placing it in cells B28:G51. Format the chart appropriately and professionally. 32. Hide all columns after Column H & all rows after Row 52....

    $226 Average bid
    $226 平均报价
    39 个竞标