...HO:<附件:> [29/06/23 上午10:41:12] ~ Evan HO:<附件:> 说话人昵称如下处理举例,删除线表示不需要的部分: 汪先生 Stephanie来自邻居群Whatsapp Coo ?上海人 英国工作 每年来马一次 Cecilia 老公 叫Rick Khoo T1-30-02 配置文件内有以下参数可配置: 目标文件夹位置 每条消息随机间隔的时间可调,如:10秒 - 100秒 目标文件夹内的文件命名规则: 文本消息文件名为:whatsapp_03日_23.34.02 - {strReceiverID}.txt 图片文件名为:whatsapp_03日_23.34.02 - {strReceiverID}.jpg 或png或其他文件后缀 03日_23.34.02 是当前日期与时间,因每次新写小文件必定间隔1秒以上,所以理论上是不会出现文件名重名的。 strReceiverID变量值从配置文件ReceiverGroupID中取 文件内容 是 要发送的微信消息内容或图片本身。 配置文件中的配置项 ReceiverGroupID = "@@123456789" MinIntervalSeconds = 10 MaxIntervalSeconds = 100 TargetDir = "/root/Dir-SendingOut" 编程语言与内存 编程语言不限,但运行服务器环境为:Debian 11x64 1G 内存 内存较小,且还有其他App在运行。 运行服务器上已安装有Python3. 因此实现方案需节省内存:占用内存不能超过200M,最好小于100M
...User A will receive a commission. Configurable invitation rules: Allow admins to set invitation reward rules to facilitate market promotion and user growth. 2.17 SEO Settings Add intuitive SEO settings: Admins can configure website SEO information in the admin panel, including website name, logo, title, and domain binding. 2.18 New UI and Feature Integration We made Figma UI and needed help converting the code and pairing Figma to all pages and functional effects. 2.19 User Management Add user information viewing module: View detailed user information, including login IP, API call website address, personal info, account password management, phone number management, risk control incidents, invitation count, and reward quotas. 2.20 Order Management Add order viewing feature: Vi...
最近在建一个外卖送餐的网站,需要接入Xunhupay的(微信和支付宝)支付模块。 网站使用的是foodomaa的整站代码: 需要的技能有: Software Version: PHP 7.x Software Framework: Laravel File Types Included: JavaScript JSJavaScript JSON HTML CSS PHP SQL Layered PNG 如果您感兴趣,可以写信给我,价格好商量。 另外网站还有其它的一些改版工作要做,我们可以具体讨论一下能不能一并做。 等您回复哦……
1、要求能够清晰、直观地体现“金融”、“服务”、“孵化中心”的行业特点。 2、由于公司面对的客户都是国际性的大型金融机构,设计风格要求国际化、富高科技和时代感。 3、可参考公司主要发起人的VI信息: 香港志鸿科技控股(Excel Technology International Holdings Limited)松山湖创业投资管理公司(Lake Venture Capital Management Inc) 4、设计师要对设计构思进行详细说明。 5、此静态logo适合做动态的logo片头。 6、LOGO基础应用设计应注明标准字,标准色使用规范,并能提供多种配色方案参考选择。 7、需提供AI,CDR,PSD等格式原文件,应为矢量图。 四、设计产权: 1、所设计的作品应为原创,并保证此前未以任何形式、在任何领域公开发表,未侵犯他人的著作权;如有侵犯他人著作权,由设计者承担所有法律责任。 2、设计方案或任何用于创作参选作品素材,均不得侵犯第三方的任何著作权、商标权、专有权利或其他权利,不得触犯相关法律法规。 3、作品一经采用,所有权、修改权和使用权均归征集方所有,创作者不得再在其他任何地方使用该作品;中标作品的著作权和使用权归征集方所有。征集单位享有对方案进行再修改、展示、出版及其它形式的宣传等权益。未经授权,任何单位和个人不得将本次征集的中标方案进行宣传、出版、展览等,不得向第三方转让,否则征集单位有追究法律责任的权利; 4、一旦竞标成功, 竞标人须先把中标作品的设计底稿、电子文档(提供的图片和图形必须达到实际应用的分辨率),交至我方,经我方确认后才能交割佣金;
Need redesign for about 12 pages on wechat. 总需要12个微信公众号页面设计版(PSD和PNG格式),只需要适用于手机上 具体包括一下的页面: -管理后台 需重新设计 -青视角 微信公众号的所有文章内容,发布之后,都会进行分类,用户可以通过这个版块,回顾所有的信息。 -青学堂 目前以九宫格的形式展现,但可以进行进一步的简化,除了“课程报名”“讲师报名”“活动发布”“调查问卷” 这4个模块的名字要保留,其他可以重组 -创新 1.简介 -介绍信息 2.团队介绍 -入驻团队的介绍 3.入驻申请 -申请入驻通道,需要提交的资料,可参考这个连接 4.活动回顾 -做过的活动 5.活动发布 -发布信息线上平台,可参考青学堂-活动发布 6.创新资讯 -将会把政策、高校孵化基地信息,社会孵化基地信息进行收集并发布 参考附件是给以参考而已
项目描述 具体要求: 此软件对雕刻功能无多大需要,可以参考开源的雕刻软件,更多是一个周边的改进和增加功能,以匹配我们的机器设备。另外也提供样板软件参考。 工作流程: 编辑内容(图片/文字/图形) 》 排版 》 雕刻功能选择 》 生产雕刻代码/文件保存 》 雕刻机工作 具体要求: 1. 软件支持载入格式:*bmp *.jpg *.png *.gcode 2. 内容除图片和gcode外,还带文字插入、编辑功能;软件内部附带几款雕刻样板,可从弹窗预览、下载网站库文件 3. 排版功能需要移动、旋转、放大、缩小、删除、撤销、恢复等 4. 雕刻功能选择主要是图片的黑白处理、雕刻的高度、轮廓和实体的雕刻等 5. 生产雕刻代码/文件保存是指选择好雕刻的参数后开始生成雕刻代码,将文件保存成*.gcode格式 开发周期:二个月 参考软件:有样板提供 任务难度:简单 对服务商是否有限制:无 注:有意向的服务商,请尽快联系我。只走线上交易,对彼此都有一个保障,走线下交易的服务商勿扰。
具体要求: 此软件对雕刻功能无多大需要,可以参考开源的雕刻软件,更多是一个周边的改进和增加功能,以匹配我们的机器设备。另外也提供样板软件参考。 工作流程: 编辑内容(图片/文字/图形) 》 排版 》 雕刻功能选择 》 生产雕刻代码/文件保存 》 雕刻机工作 具体要求: 1. 软件支持载入格式:*bmp *.jpg *.png *.gcode 2. 内容除图片和gcode外,还带文字插入、编辑功能;软件内部附带几款雕刻样板,可从弹窗预览、下载网站库文件 3. 排版功能需要移动、旋转、放大、缩小、删除、撤销、恢复等 4. 雕刻功能选择主要是图片的黑白处理、雕刻的高度、轮廓和实体的雕刻等 5. 生产雕刻代码/文件保存是指选择好雕刻的参数后开始生成雕刻代码,将文件保存成*.gcode格式 开发周期:三个月内 参考软件:有样板提供 任务难度:简单 对服务商是否有限制:无 注:有意向的服务商,请尽快联系我。只走线上交易,对彼此都有一个保障,走线下交易的服务商勿扰。
擅長運用 illustrator or corel draw ,Photoshop and sai ...來設計。
米路购是一个ACG方向的二次元购物索引站。 网站想要推出一系列由网站代表人物娜娜米&艾路路的周边商品。 这是其中一个企划要制作一系列的笔记本,正面为已绘制好的人物形象,背面想要有小图+网站信息,希望有个简洁可爱的设计,四周需要留白便于印刷,最好可重用性强一些,因为有好几款笔记本有横有竖。 文字信息为: (必选) 米路购(必选) 发现ACG商品,分享二次元乐趣(可选) 一个二次元人的导购网站(可选) 图片信息请看附件: illus: 035.png为应该设计的笔记本背面 034.png为笔记本正面(决定用整版印刷,仅作参考,无需使用) 文件大小为: 14.6*21.6 cm 300dpi CMYK 笔记本实际大小为: 14*21 cm
我们目前需要一个多语言的交友网站,基本要求参照仿站: 完全仿站即可,可以减少部分功能修改部分功能,但是要求: 1.支持多语言自由切换 2.支持在线即时一对一聊天 3.一对一聊天支持发基表情。jpg/png图片。 4.一对一聊天,支持即时的多语言翻译(谷歌翻译接口等) 5.支持礼物赠送、接受、提示等功能(虚拟gif礼物、真实礼物) 6.支持基本的博客功能(心情发表、日志发表、相册传照片。更换头像等等) 7.支持多种会员功能升级(基本会员,高级会员选择升级) 8.支持paypal支付和支付宝支付 9.具体详情看网站需求附件 后台功能: 1.后台支持管理所有用户的会员等级,支付以及账户余额等等 2.支持搜索后台的支付提成等等具体东西 3.支持添加推广员后台 4.后台具体查看总后台和推广员后台功能附件。
成人网站logo设计 网站名称:蝌蚪网 网站类型:X站 成人视频网站 logo设计规格:293X55 220X41 logo格式:PNG 网站地址: 蝌蚪网含义:本网站为成人网站,“蝌蚪”代表男性精子,取名为“蝌蚪网”其含义为,男性释放蝌蚪的网站。 设计要求:围绕“蝌蚪网”三个字设计,要求美观大气,色调能完全融合网站风格,让人一看到logo,就能明白该网站为成人网站。网站logo一共为两个,上下各一个,具体风格样式区别请看“网站地址:”即可。 案例网站:
...參畫者必須使甪重釐互聯網 ' 薹入— " 於網上 慎妥及遞交審力日表格或郵薔至” 九龍中央郵局?o澶00號薹視匱 播有限公司 「趨扱巨聲4」 收” 。 . 參費耆可以個人或組合形式蓽晝 。 ' 組合以不多於6人綰隊簪畫 , 一經報各不并尋幸蕈添 、 減少載重拽成躉 。 . 所有參畫耆必須魑同參力日表恪嫗交一彊價人半身近照。 ' 參畫者亦可於網上簪力日表挌附載一段限時希分釐的澶唱錄音。如 郵寄參力日表格貝醞可以鐮製一段限時澶分蠤的瀵唱cD同時邂交" ˉ 全蓼實者可能被宣重入參力口各階段比簀。 ˉA蓼晝‵耆lˉ須在丁VB戶斤】皙定日蔓罡r臺】及士鸞暈三暈占鬱力口各卜項桯}萋犀 `‵ . 女口刊巳囊求'墾費#畜*須出示有交鑫薹之身份護明又件之正本以鬱暈薹核 對資料。 ˉ 鬱畫者須以目攜伴唱魨音欒彤式進行各階段之比曩(cD_DVD載 cDR 皆可' 需為正版音櫫_ 瀵唱會版本音櫫恕不接受)。鬱畫耆 亦可以自備欒羃暮作伴曩 ' 而該目備之巢矗薹若有任何畫貫羹囊,刊B 將不曹負上任何竇任。 . 所有面試鬱費歌曲 ,一經申報'不手壽更改。 . 經面試後 ' 刊日將會灕青_部份籔畫耆嬰力口宁刀薹'淘汰薹。 ' 被禳出進入淘晝大畫之鬱晝者 ' 必須輿丁VB載其附團公司另行鍍 鬢其標準合約 '方可殭贓參費。 '籮入淘汰實之參實者 ' 必須參力日萹期約6個月之比費節目錄影- 錄影日期由2o寸4年8月至2oi5年2月期閭分階段進手矛 。刊B對比 晝節目錄影日期有最炵決定撢 ' 蠹費耆必須接受安...
擅长做网站前端切片,网页设计布局,能做视频剪辑,动画设计,动作,还有平面设计等,对平面设计软件熟悉,掌握很好,ps,ai ,cdr,cad,ae,pr,dw,对色彩的感觉很好。大学主要是修动画设计与制作。自己有短片动画。
擅长做网站前端切片,网页设计布局,能做视频剪辑,动画设计,动作,还有平面设计等,对平面设计软件熟悉,掌握很好,ps,ai ,cdr,cad,ae,pr,dw,对色彩的感觉很好。大学主要是修动画设计与制作。自己有短片动画。
...想空 间,除了符合浏览器的简便、快捷和冲浪等特性外,也有独特的主题性质,比如水果,游戏,娱乐 性等。 (可以参考附件附带的图标设计) (5)作品风格、形式不限,可以参考其他手机浏览器的icon设计,但必须原创。 (6)设计规格均为1024*1024分辨率(AppStore用),144*144分辨率(手机屏幕) 三、知识产权声明 1. 如中标,设计方必须提供以上要求设计作品完整的方案,包括各种矢量图形源文件和所用到的字 体及软件,以方便进行修改完善和印刷,提供jpg格式以便日常使用。 2. 中标的设计作品,我方支付设计制作费后,即拥有该作品知识产权,包括著作权、使用权和发布 权等,有权对设计作品进行修改、组合和应用。 四、提供内容 1、请详细提供所设计的释义及务必提供整体方案说明 2、中标设计师需提供AI、CDR、PSD等格式原文件,应为矢量图。 3、设计所用的字体和软件 五、征集声明 1、征集结果公布后,未采用的作品即可自行处理。 2.、参加此设计任务者被视为同意以上所有声明 六、合作说明 1、投稿人请自行保留投稿作品的底稿,我公司不予退稿。我公司对本征集活动保留最终解释权。
...想空 间,除了符合浏览器的简便、快捷和冲浪等特性外,也有独特的主题性质,比如水果,游戏,娱乐 性等。 (可以参考附件附带的图标设计) (5)作品风格、形式不限,可以参考其他手机浏览器的icon设计,但必须原创。 (6)设计规格均为1024*1024分辨率(AppStore用),144*144分辨率(手机屏幕) 三、知识产权声明 1. 如中标,设计方必须提供以上要求设计作品完整的方案,包括各种矢量图形源文件和所用到的字 体及软件,以方便进行修改完善和印刷,提供jpg格式以便日常使用。 2. 中标的设计作品,我方支付设计制作费后,即拥有该作品知识产权,包括著作权、使用权和发布 权等,有权对设计作品进行修改、组合和应用。 四、提供内容 1、请详细提供所设计的释义及务必提供整体方案说明 2、中标设计师需提供AI、CDR、PSD等格式原文件,应为矢量图。 3、设计所用的字体和软件 五、征集声明 1、征集结果公布后,未采用的作品即可自行处理。 2.、参加此设计任务者被视为同意以上所有声明 六、合作说明 1、投稿人请自行保留投稿作品的底稿,我公司不予退稿。我公司对本征集活动保留最终解释权。
...did accepted. After August this year, when they left, I returned back home from an appartment, but they send me another letter to convert it back, basically following the activity, and verifying with Health Department. In the meantime I applied again for the assisted living business, but knowing I can not do it by myself I wanted to sell the property, and I asked HOA to remove the lien without converting garage back, knowing that typical buyer for this property is an entrepreneur, using it and zoning license in the same way as me. The lien scared them, (is not any amount imposed on it) but lost interest. The mortgage, and other expenses is too much for me, and running a business by myself also difficult. Despite that, in good faith I offered a settle of $5000 to remove it. For m...
I need a professional graphic designer to recreate my existing logo from a high-quality file I have, so that it can be transformed into a high-resolution image. The original logo file is in JPEG/PNG format and is free of any modifications. The ideal freelancer for this project should have expertise in graphic design, particularly in logo recreation, and have access to professional design software. Skills Needed: - Graphic Design - Logo Recreation - Proficiency in Design Software
...implementation (using a standard open source CMS) Logo design: - You will get a brief description of project/company name and main objectives. I suggest that we have a 30 min online meeting to discuss elements and direction - and test a few designs using GenAI. When we have agreed on a high level direction, I expect one review roundtrip - and then to receive the final logo in vector format (e.g. PNG or SVG). Website design: - I will share 5 website links for inspiration. Then we will have a 30 minute call about colors/components/cms platform. When we have agreed on high level design and features - I expect one review roundtrip. Page types: - Home page (hero section with carousel/slides, editorial content) - Default page - Contact page Controls: - quotes with link to page...
I'm seeking a graphic designer to create a modern, simple yet classy logo for my food truck "Nachos by Boggy Boggy. The food truck spec...create a modern, simple yet classy logo for my food truck "Nachos by Boggy Boggy. The food truck specializes in blue hamburgers and nachos, as well as loaded wings. Key Requirements: - The logo must incorporate food items, specifically burgers and nachos - Must br printable, WITHOUT BACKGROUND - It should use bright, vibrant colors - It needs to be minimalist yet impactful Deliverables: - PSD, SVG, PNG, and JPG files of the logo Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design, particularly for the food industry - Exceptional understanding of modern design aesthetics - Ability to create engaging, colorful designs w...
...marketplace. Contact & Help Section A way for users to get additional assistance. Ideal Design Style: Clean, professional, and user-friendly Minimalist yet engaging with business-focused elements Easy-to-read typography Well-structured for SEO-friendly content placement Payment: $18USD for the best homepage web layout design submission. The winner will provide a high-resolution image file (PSD, AI, or PNG/JPG) of the final design. Looking forward to your creative submissions! The Ultimate Inquiry Hub for Wholesale Buyers & Sellers About Welcome to , your go-to inquiry and support system designed for resellers, distributors, wholesalers, and businesses looking to buy or sell wholesale goods. Whether you’re sourcing products, seeking bulk deals, ...
...of purchasing in bulk through auctions. Ideal Design Style: • Professional, clean, and modern • Easy-to-read typography • Well-structured for SEO-friendly content placement • Engaging visuals that reflect the excitement of bidding and wholesale deals Payment: • $20 USD for the best homepage web layout design submission. • The winner will provide a high-resolution image file (PSD, AI, or PNG/JPG) of the final design. Looking forward to your creative submissions! Website Content for Welcome to – Your Wholesale Auction Marketplace Looking for wholesale auctions, liquidation inventory, and bulk deals? is the place for businesses, resellers, and bargain hunters to find amazing deals on overstock, closeouts, and surplus inventory from ...
Project Overview: I am looking for a talented graphic designer to create a visually appealing homepage layout for my new website, Wholesale.com.co. This site will showcase and sell all the products found on but with a fresh, creative design dedicated to this separate domain. Key Requ...Smartwatches • Wholesale Speakers • Wholesale Sunglasses • Wholesale Toys Ideal Design Style: • Clean, professional, and modern • Easy-to-read typography • Well-structured for SEO-friendly content placement • Engaging visuals that highlight wholesale deals Payment: • $20 USDfor the best homepage web layout design submission. • The winner will provide a high-resolution image file (PSD, AI, or PNG/JPG)of th...
...and 3 categorization with a guided upload process. UI Design Notes: Step-by-step wizard for uploads. Icons and visual cues to differentiate emission scopes. D. Analyze Section Purpose: Display computations from uploaded data. Provide insights on emissions trends, hotspots, and anomalies. Visualization: Interactive graphs (e.g., bar charts, heatmaps, Sankey diagrams). Option to download visuals as PNG or PDF. Option to download the data. E. Peer Benchmarking Features: Compare company data with industry benchmarks (sector-specific). Highlight areas of strength and improvement. Design: Use comparison charts, ranking tables, and sector-specific filters. F. Reporting Section Content: Automated generation of BRSR and GRI reports based on uploaded data. Templates for download in Word, P...
I need my JPEG logo converted to a vector file without any modifications. The final deliverables should be in AI, SVG, and EPS formats. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficient in graphic design software, particularly Adobe Illustrator. - Experienced in converting raster images to vector files. - Able to deliver high-quality, print-ready vector files.
I am looking for a talented graphic designer to create a visually appealing web layout for my new website, Wholesale.Church. This site will be dedicated to selling hats, jewelry, handbags, and accessories to local churches across the United States. The goal is to attract customers searching for wholesale chu...• Emphasis on bulk purchases, but also catering to local church requests. Ideal Design Style: • Clean, modern, and professional • Church-inspired elements (but not overly religious) • Easy-to-read typography • Well-structured for SEO-friendly content placement Payment: • $20 USD for the best web layout design submission. • The winner will provide a high-resolution image file (PSD, AI, or PNG/JPG) of the final design. I look forward t...
...proven ability to think outside the box and propose innovative design solutions. • Communication Ace: Excellent communication skills are vital. • Adaptable & Collaborative: The ability to work collaboratively and adapt to feedback is crucial. Contest Deliverables: • For Submission: High-fidelity designs (Home, Products, Scanner, Profile - mini-Instagram style, Marketplace) in any common format (PDF, PNG, JPG, Figma link). Include a rationale explaining your design choices for each screen. • If Selected: All final designs in Figma, plus designs for remaining 20-25 screens, optional Figma prototypes, and all development assets. To Apply: • Portfolio link. • Overall design vision and rationale for the 5 key screens, detailing your mini-Instagram c...
Busco Diseñador Gráfico Freelance para ...memorable • Desarrollo de identidad visual (paleta de colores, tipografías, aplicaciones gráficas) • Opcional: plantillas gráficas para redes sociales Requisitos: • Experiencia previa en diseño de logos y branding • Portfolio con trabajos relacionados a e-commerce o marcas digitales • Trabajo freelance con posibilidad de futuras colaboraciones Entregables: • Logo en formatos escalables (AI, SVG, PNG) • Variantes del logo para fondo claro/oscuro • Guía básica de uso del logo (opcional) Presupuesto y Plazos: • Indicar precio por el servicio completo • Plazo estimado de entrega Si estás interesado/a, enviame tu propuest...
Company Overview: We’re a fast-growing e-commerce brand passionate about creating innovative health products that resonate with our customers. Our mission is to deliver engaging, high-converting content that stands out in a competitive digital landscape. We’re looking for a talented Short-Form Video Editor to join our Media Team and help us create exceptional video content that drives viral results and conversions. About the Role: As a Short-Form Video Editor, you’ll be at the heart of our creative efforts, crafting engaging and visually appealing video content for platforms like Instagram Reels, TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Facebook Ads. Your role will be crucial in helping us connect with our audience, tell our story, and drive conversions. This is a remote positi...
...“RoS,” or “OS,” for example. The word “Rent” represents rental services, while “OS” refers to an operating system. --- Project Details: - Product Name: RentOS - Industry: Car rental, fleet management - Design Style: Modern, professional, minimalistic, with a tech-oriented touch - Usage: Website, app, branding materials --- Requirements: - Unique and recognizable logo - Vector format (AI, SVG, PNG) - Horizontal and square versions - Color and monochrome variations - Font recommendations (if applicable) Color Preferences: - Preferred colors: Green, Blue, Orange (subtle, elegant shades) - The colors should convey a professional, modern, and tech-forward feel. --- Preferred Skills: - Experience in branding and logo design - S...
I'm seeking a talented Sales Closer specializing in the Personal Development realm, particularly in the mindset segment. The ideal candidate will be instrumental in converting leads into sales during calls. Lead Generation: - Predominantly sourced from Social Media, specifically LinkedIn. - Commitment to ensuring leads show up for calls is crucial. Key Responsibilities: - Closing sales during calls with potential clients. - Focusing on the mindset segment of personal development. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in sales, particularly in the personal development niche. - Experience with LinkedIn as a lead generation platform. - Ability to ensure lead commitment to calls. The Leads must be ready to take action, the Leads need to know why they are on the call, for a...
I'm in the process of converting a residential home into a restaurant and require professional plumbing and electrical drawings. Key Requirements: - Plumbing: The entire building needs to be outfitted with a commercial-grade kitchen plumbing system. This includes effective drainage, water supply, and gas lines suitable for a high-demand, commercial kitchen. - Electrical: The plans need to accommodate high-capacity wiring for kitchen equipment. This is crucial as the restaurant will require multiple heavy-duty appliances simultaneously. - Areas to be Covered: The plumbing plans need to encompass the entire building, not just the kitchen. This includes restrooms, dining areas, and any potential outdoor spaces. Ideal freelancers for this project should have substantial experien...
I am in need of an experienced Corel Draw professional to help correct a few letters in a custom font. The main task involves fixing alignment issues. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in Corel Draw - Experience with custom fonts - Strong attention to detail - Previous experience in font correction or typography
...Select: The artist reviews the outputs, chooses the one that best fits their vision, and uses it as a guide for further painting. Potential Features: - A drawing tool for annotation (specifics can be determined, but options could include a brush tool, shape tool, and eraser tool). - A side-by-side comparison feature for reviewing modified versions. - Compatibility with original image uploads in PNG format. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in image processing and inpainting techniques. - Experience working with artists or in the art field is a plus. - Ability to create a user-friendly interface for easy interaction....
I need two photographs converted into high-resolution files suitable for print materials. These files should be delivered in png, pdf, and ai formats. - Time is of the essence: I require this work to be completed within two hours of project award. - Please see the third and fourth picture for reference on the intended use of these images, and the quality required to avoid pixelation. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in image editing software, particularly Adobe Illustrator for the AI format. - Experience in preparing images for print. - Ability to work under tight deadlines. Please do not bid if you cannot meet the two-hour deadline.
I have an Excel sheet containing sales data and I need help converting this information into a parts needed list. The parts list should be organized by dates of sales. Key requirements: - Identify individual components from sales data - Organize parts list by sales dates Ideal skills: - Proficiency in Excel - Experience with data analysis - Attention to detail
...dynamic typography Gold and blue tones (to convey prestige and innovation) 3D effect for a premium look ✔ Typography & Colors: Strong, angular sans-serif font Color Palette: Deep blue & gold for a luxurious yet modern touch Minimalist but authoritative appearance ✔ Style & Format: 3D wall mockup presentation Versatile design for branding, merchandise, and digital media Deliverables: ✅ High-resolution PNG & JPEG files ✅ Transparent background version The logo should: - Be impactful and convey a sense of exclusivity and seriousness. - Possibly incorporate both text and icons - Be versatile and work across various platforms and mediums. While I haven't specified colors or styles, I am open to modern, minimalist, dark tones or monochrome schemes. If you feel a...
We are seeking a driven and experienced Cold Calling Sales Agent to join on a commission-based structure. Your primary responsibility will be reaching out to a list of qualified leads and converting them into sales for our investment solutions. This is a fantastic opportunity for someone who thrives in a sales environment and has a passion for the investment industry. Key Responsibilities: Engage in direct sales calls with prospective clients to present investment solutions. Build rapport and develop strong relationships over the phone. Handle objections professionally and turn them into opportunities. Maintain detailed records of calls, leads, and sales in our CRM system. Consistently meet or exceed sales targets. Ideal Skills and Qualifications: Proven experience in cold callin...
I'm developing a customized cake brand and need urgent help. We have a digital product for cake customization and require 3D illustrations to showcase various shapes, flavors, and designs. Illustration Requirements: - Detail Level: Moderate, incorporating textures - Shapes: Round and Heart-shaped cakes - Flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla, Nutella, Pistachio, and Fruit Cake Given the tight ...Flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla, Nutella, Pistachio, and Fruit Cake Given the tight deadline of 3 days, I need immediate support to finalize this project. Ideal candidates should have prior experience in 3D modeling and product visualization, preferably in the food industry. A keen eye for detail and ability to work under pressure are essential. The final 3D illustrations cab be delivered in svg or ...
Requiero el diseño de un logotipo para un despacho de Contadores Públicos. El logo debe transmitir tanto los valores de la empresa como significados que el mercado meta pueda identificar. Se requiere el logo en vectores, pdf, jpg y png, la paleta de colores corporativa y una aplicación del logo para papelería.
...rooftops, urban structures) 3D logo effect for a high-end, premium feel Modern and sleek typography ✔ Typography & Colors: Strong, geometric sans-serif font Orange and deep blue tones (to convey trust, professionalism, and energy) Minimalist and sophisticated look ✔ Style & Format: 3D wall mockup presentation Logo should be versatile for digital, print, and signage use Deliverables: ✅ High-resolution PNG & JPEG files Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design - Strong portfolio of modern, classic and abstract designs - Excellent understanding of color theory and design principles Key Responsibilities: - Design a logo that captures the essence of Gautheron Immobilier - Provide multiple concepts and revisions based on feedback - Deliver final logo in va...
... Modern, sleek, and minimalistic design preferred. Requirements: Unique and original design (no templates or copied designs). The logo should include both an icon and the app's name (to be shared later). Must look appealing on digital platforms (mobile apps, websites) and printed materials. Use vibrant and professional color schemes. Deliverables: High-resolution logo files in multiple formats (PNG, JPEG, SVG, AI). Logo variations for light and dark backgrou nds. Favicon for app and website. Timeline: Expected completion:7 days from project start Additional Notes: Designers with experience in app branding will be preferred. Please share your portfolio or relevant past work when submitting a proposal. We are excited to collaborate with a talented designer to bring our brand v...
...detection and rectangle formation from images containing segmented lines. The software should be implemented in C++, utilizing the OpenCV library. Key Features: - Detect segmented lines in an image. - Link and straighten these lines. - Form rectangles using these linked lines. - Handle cases where one or more lines may exist on a single side of a rectangle. - Process digital images such as JPG, PNG, as well as scanned documents. Requirements: - Input: Image containing segmented lines. - Output: Detected and linked rectangles. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in C++ and OpenCV. - Experience in computer vision and line detection algorithms. - Ability to handle multiple overlapping lines on a single rectangle side. Please apply with a brief description of your approach and past relev...
...in our file, Smart Service—Agents FV. The brochure should be designed in two formats: 1. Web-friendly version (optimized for online sharing) 2. Print-ready version (high resolution, suitable for professional printing) Project Requirements: ✅ High-quality, modern design that aligns with our brand identity ✅ Clear and engaging layout that enhances readability ✅ File formats: Web version in PDF & PNG/JPEG; Print version in PDF (CMYK, 300 DPI) ✅ Removal of the Terms & Conditions page but include a small statement at the bottom: ” *T&C applicable.” Ideal Freelancer: ? Proven experience in brochure design ?️ Proficient in Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, or Canva ? Ability to deliver editable source files (AI, PSD, or InDesign) Deliverables: ✔️ 2 version...
...in our file, Smart Service—Agents FV. The brochure should be designed in two formats: 1. Web-friendly version (optimized for online sharing) 2. Print-ready version (high resolution, suitable for professional printing) Project Requirements: ✅ High-quality, modern design that aligns with our brand identity ✅ Clear and engaging layout that enhances readability ✅ File formats: Web version in PDF & PNG/JPEG; Print version in PDF (CMYK, 300 DPI) ✅ Removal of the Terms & Conditions page but include a small statement at the bottom: ” *T&C applicable.” Ideal Freelancer: ? Proven experience in brochure design ?️ Proficient in Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, or Canva ? Ability to deliver editable source files (AI, PSD, or InDesign) Deliverables: ✔️ 2 version...
Project Description: We are seeking a creative ...modern and luxurious aesthetic. Provide multiple design concepts along with revisions as needed. Deliver the final logo in multiple formats (e.g., AI, EPS, PNG, JPG) and versions (full-color, monochrome, simplified). Requirements: Proven experience in brand identity and logo design, particularly for high-end or luxury brands. Ability to understand and capture the target market’s aesthetic preferences, especially those of sophisticated American women. Excellent creativity, communication, and the ability to deliver designs that align with our brand vision. Deliverables: A finalized logo design in vector format and common image formats (AI, EPS, PNG, JPG). A brief explanation of the design concept and any guidelines for u...
I'm looking for a skilled photo editor to enhance a picture of my face by adding a hyper-realistic zipper on my mouth. The overall picture quality needs improving, and some special effects can also be applied. The link for the ORIGINAL photo is bellow Ideal skills and experience include: - Advanced photo editing - Experience with special effec...picture of my face by adding a hyper-realistic zipper on my mouth. The overall picture quality needs improving, and some special effects can also be applied. The link for the ORIGINAL photo is bellow Ideal skills and experience include: - Advanced photo editing - Experience with special effects - Attention to detail for realistic outcomes
Project Description: We are looking for an experienced Google Ads and Social Media Ads specialist to create and manage high-converting ad campaigns for our luxury car rental company in Dubai, Exclusive Emirates Car Rentals. The primary goal is to generate quality leads and increase bookings while ensuring a strong return on investment (ROI). Scope of Work: 1. Google Ads Campaigns: • Keyword research & competitor analysis • Creating highly targeted search, display & retargeting ads • Landing page optimization recommendations • Conversion tracking setup (Google Tag Manager, Analytics) • Regular performance monitoring & optimization 2. Social Media Ads (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, YouTube) • Audience research & intere...