Codeigniter node js tutorial工作


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    Development Requirements Software Update System Function Description: Add a software update system and interface with the client. When there is a new update, the client receives a notification prompt, providing "Online Update" and "Cancel Update" buttons. Testing Suggestions: To test the effect, you can add a new menu option on the frontend menu. Development Documentation: Need to provide an interface tutorial document for client developers. Implementation Suggestions: Develop an API for the client to check for updates and obtain update information. Provide update content publishing and management functions in the admin panel. Write detailed API documentation to guide client developers on how to call the interface. Invitation System Function Description: Each use...

    $3225 Average bid
    $3225 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    ...0%86%E5%B0%8F%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F?node-id=486-16965&t=rd7rCkmaPRVTutyl-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=22%3A1090&starting-point-node-id=486%3A16965  园企助手----小程序UI原型 %EF%BC%88%E7%89%A9%E4%B8%9A%EF%BC%89%E4%B8%AD%E8%92%82%E5%9B%AD%E5%8C%BA%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E5%B0%8F%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F?node-id=486-16965&t=rd7rCkmaPRVTutyl-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=22%3A1090+&starting-point-node-id=486%3A16965  中蒂推客----小程序UI原型 %EF%BC%88%E4%B8%AD%E4%BB%8B%EF%BC%89%E6%8E%A8%E5%AE%A2%E5%8A%A9%E6%89%8B%E5%B0%8F%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F?node-id=12-658&t=FxL2p3Rr53Xqi4FY-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=12%3A494&starting-point-node-id=12%3A...

    $389548 Average bid
    $389548 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    ...90%86%E5%B0%8F%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F?node-id=486-16965&t=rd7rCkmaPRVTutyl-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=22%3A1090&starting-point-node-id=486%3A16965 园企助手----小程序UI原型 %EF%BC%88%E7%89%A9%E4%B8%9A%EF%BC%89%E4%B8%AD%E8%92%82%E5%9B%AD%E5%8C%BA%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E5%B0%8F%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F?node-id=486-16965&t=rd7rCkmaPRVTutyl-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=22%3A1090+&starting-point-node-id=486%3A16965 中蒂推客----小程序UI原型 %EF%BC%88%E4%B8%AD%E4%BB%8B%EF%BC%89%E6%8E%A8%E5%AE%A2%E5%8A%A9%E6%89%8B%E5%B0%8F%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F?node-id=12-658&t=FxL2p3Rr53Xqi4FY-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=12%3A494&starting-point-node-id=12%3A658 付款方式:软件架构全部完成并达到...

    $11686 - $23373
    $11686 - $23373
    0 个竞标

    尊敬的技术专家, 我们公司服务器目前疑似遭遇了Webshell攻击,具体情况如下: - Google Adsense广告被强行展示在不应出现的地方。 - 某些.js文件中隐藏了第三方的恶意JavaScript调用文件。 - 目前我们使用的是PHP 5.3版本,希望能将网站代码全面升级到更安全的PHP 7.X版本。 - 我们正在使用Cloudflare服务来保护网站。 - 目前运营着多个服务器,包括Web服务器、数据库服务器和图片服务器。 - 我们考虑建立一台新服务器,在新服务器上升级PHP等安全组件和版本,确认问题解决后,再将用户迁移到新服务器上。 另外,网站是韩文提供,PHP代码的注释也是韩文。可以与我沟通后共同进行工作。 请问您是否有相关的经验和能力帮助我们完成以上任务?期待您的回复。

    $3989 Average bid
    $3989 平均报价
    13 个竞标

    ...设计师可以在后台上传、编辑和管理设计元素。 设计元素审核流程,包括提交、审批、驳回与历史记录管理。 允许设置设计元素的可编辑性,如是否允许用户二次设计或替换文字。 产品集成与展示: 设计元素与在线店铺产品直接关联,允许设计师指定哪些产品可以使用特定设计。 提供工具预览设计元素在不同产品上的实际应用效果。 允许设计师配置产品应用的默认布局和样式。 用户生成内容: 用户可以输入或上传文本生成词云。 提供多种字体、颜色、布局和形状选项。 实时预览功能,用户可以即时查看和调整词云的样式变化。 社交功能和共享: 用户可以将生成的词云保存到个人账户中。 允许用户将词云作品分享到社交媒体或通过链接分享。 提供下载功能,允许用户下载高质量的设计图像。 2. 技术需求 前端开发: 响应式网页设计,确保在所有设备上的兼容性。 使用现代JavaScript框架(如React或Vue)开发动态互动界面。 集成高级图形处理库(如D3.js或)以支持复杂视觉效果。 后端开发: 服务器端逻辑实现,处理用户请求、数据存储和内容管理。 使用RESTful API或GraphQL确保前后端有效通信。 数据库设计和管理,保证数据的安全、完整和高效访问。 安全性和合规性: 实施强有力的数据加密和安全措施,保护用户信息和内容。 遵守相关数据保护法规(如GDPR或CCPA)。 性能和扩展性: 设计高可用和可扩展的架构,以应对可能的高流量。 优化资源加载和处理,提高响应速度和处理能力。 3. 用户界面与体验 设计准则: 界面风格与Worduwear品牌形象一致。 界面设计应直观、易用,适合各种技术水平的用户。 交互设计: 简洁明了的导航系统。 强调交互式元素,如拖放上传、点击编辑等。 文档和支持: 提供完整的技术文档和用户手册。 建立技术支持和客户服务流程,解决用户和客户的查询...

    $4527 Average bid
    $4527 平均报价
    11 个竞标
    已经结束 left

    现有项目是WebGL+ RxJS+Vue,希望寻找精通WebGL和RxJS的前端软件工程师改进: 去除全部UI(以及所有相关的RxJS和Vue), 只保留Canvas显示部分(这一部分是纯JS+WebGL),而且只保留一个测试用的Model数据,去除其它Model

    $920 Average bid
    $920 平均报价
    23 个竞标

    我用auto js写的,被我打包成客户端了,有没有开源比较厉害的,用的免费版乐固,客户端现在闪退,好像被我加入注册机文件的原因,源码丢了,有人能开源吗?或者有没有办法删掉客户端导致闪退的文件或者代码

    $997 Average bid
    $997 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    ...hp后端。(ripro演示站地址: ) 使用bootstrap框架开发的,所以仿站也需要使用bootstrap进行开发,自适应这一块做好一点 3.要求html,css,js代码可读性高,代码简介,最好可以带上注释 Professional front-end developers are required to be familiar with bootstrap. Project requirements: 1. Ripro theme is a WordPress theme. Because WordPress can not meet our use needs, we have made the back-end program with ThinkPHP. Now we need to imitate ripro theme to adapt our ThinkPHP back-end. (ripro demo station address: ) 2. Ripro is developed using the bootstrap framework, so the imitation station also needs to be developed using bootstrap. Do a good job in the adaptive part 3. The HTML, CSS and JS codes are required to be highly readable, and the code introduction can be annotated

    $3451 Average bid
    $3451 平均报价
    9 个竞标

    职位描述 1、本科以上学历 2、2年及以上前端开发经验 3、能熟练使用常见类库或框架 4、善于web性能优化与前端效果的实现 5、熟悉react技术栈 职位要求: 1.有证券从业资格证 / 基金从业资格证优先考虑; 2.掌握各种前端技术,包括HTML/CSS/JavaScript/TypeScript等,js基础必须扎实; 3.对前端工程化有一定了解,深刻理解web标准,对前端性能/可访问性、可维护性等相关知识有实际的了解和实践,有移动端H5经验优先; 3.熟练使用react 全家桶,熟练使用react-hooks; 4.有基于Ant Design Pro搭建经验优先,基于Ant Design进行需求开发,有实际工作者优先; 5.熟练css预编译、后编译等工具,如less/sass/postcss等; 6.熟练使用echarts等图表,针对需求可以进行二次分装; 7.熟悉es6常用特性,熟悉组件化,模块化开发模式; 8.有使用lodash等 js库使用优先; 9.有webpack配置、优化优先; 10.熟练使用Gitlab进行项目代码管理以及版本控制,并遵循一定的流行规范,熟练使用git命令;

    $156 / hr Average bid
    $156 / hr 平均报价
    4 个竞标
    Project for CPPLINUX
    已经结束 left


    $1558 - $1558
    $1558 - $1558
    0 个竞标

    火车运行时刻管理软件。 1.0版本已经上线,下一步2.0主要是添加一些新的功能,并且优化运行效率。 需要有较强的前端开发能力,特别是前端图形开发能力。例如echarts,D3. 这是一个长期的项目。Drop 1 计划6个月。接下来开发可能需要1年。 我们会提供开发计划书,开发环境和开发数据。需要开发人员掌握: Javascript, Vue.js, , D3.js, JIRA, GIT, CSS3, Html5 最好有一定的后台知识,比如JAVA,Scala 细节可以微信我igloozhu

    $75113 Average bid
    $75113 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    需求: 描述跟附件有点多只是为了更详细的说明问题,减少沟通成本 有目标站点可参考,主要就几个页面,仿前后台前后端, 需要添加几个滑出页面(押注类游戏的玩法),说明图片见附件 实现后端功能有类似站点的部分源码可供参考(后端采用PHP+MySQL), 后端涉及到即时通讯,需要有socket编程经验 用户登陆需对接微信登陆接口 要求: 1、交付代码要求框架清晰,需要将css、js等资源分类各个文件夹; 2、html中每个大的div实现的功能需要明确注释,代码必须标准工整; 3、PHP文件需要注释明确,代码必须标准工整; 4、需保证多用户情况下,程序运行流畅,用户体验流畅 如果我不在线请留言,最晚12小时内我会回复

    $11274 Average bid
    $11274 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    该项目需要开发人员,主要技术为:框架, DIV+CSS,JS(easyui/jquery/native JS/Ajax/Json). 熟悉Oracle数据库, 精通SQL及PL/SQL. 该项目周期大概两个月,之后会有不定期项目需要开发人员 人员需驻场,地点深圳或者天津。

    $164 / hr Average bid
    $164 / hr 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    项目描述: 新建页面 在A页面上IFRAME一个跨域的网址 纯JS代码实现 实现打开A页即可自动点击IFRAME里的按钮。跨域网址没有权限修改!,也不能通过服务器IP转发页面内容。 不考虑IE等桌面浏览器,主要做安卓WEBKIT内核的浏览器,有概率成功点击也是可以的。具体加我详谈。 请详细看过需求后再联系

    $78 - $234
    $78 - $234
    0 个竞标
    已经结束 left


    $1239 Average bid
    $1239 平均报价
    9 个竞标

    我要做一个电商网站 需要用nodejs 做后台 angular js 做前台 需要有用户注册 产品列表 产品的价格等筛选 排序 订单和支付

    $5274 Average bid
    $5274 平均报价
    9 个竞标

    网页前端设计 制作网页 利用js/jquery实现简单的网页动态效果

    $148 / hr Average bid
    $148 / hr 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    给一个手机应用/网站项目需要增加支付宝支付功能。 工作内容: 1. 定义需求和技术specs,编写必要的文档 2. 设计数据存储、数据交互方式、前端、后端组件功能 3. 编写代码实现功能 要求: -有支付宝接口编程经验 -最要会, angular JS ,node.js

    $1005 Average bid
    $1005 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    ...0版本采用ActionBar搭建标题栏,使用Fragment做界面展示,DrawerLayout作侧滑菜单, FragmentTabHost切换Fragment。 (2)网络传输使用fastjson解析网络数据,转换对象 (3)图片加载使用开源框架universal-image-loader,节约内存,避免内存溢出。 (4)请求数据使用开源框架android-async-http提供异步的网络请求,采用POST方式。 (5)在线音乐播放使用的是虾米提供的SDK (6)请求的Json数据会缓存到本地,无网络情况下会加载本地数据 (7)在线聊天(片邮),基于小米推送,后台发出推送,客户端再从后台取数据. (8)文章、话题详情,都用到了图文混排技术,使用WebView加载HTML代码,css控制样式 白天黑夜模式,js设置大图的点击时间,通过WebViewClient回调到页面。 (9后台Service控制电台、音乐的播放,电台使用API,MediaPlayer在线播放mp3。

    $22142 Average bid
    $22142 平均报价
    4 个竞标
    Write some Software
    已经结束 left

    我们是一家房产信息网,我们的技术通过Meteor JS开发,现在需要改一些后台程序,同时我们的网站是建立在微信(Wechat )之上的。我们需要进一步的开发和对原始数据结构的修改。

    $9271 Average bid
    $9271 平均报价
    3 个竞标
    上海 Docker 培训
    已经结束 left

    你好, 我公司现需讲师一名,培训以下课程: 名称: Docker for Developers and System Administrators 课程链接: 时间:9月 时长: 14 地点: 上海 人数: 3-4 如果您对此感兴趣或者认识其他人可以进行关于此课程的培训 请发送简历和收费标准至我公司官网邮箱 如果有任何问题,请点击北京诺波咨询公司官网: 或查询 dockker 课程:

    $1948 - $5843
    $1948 - $5843
    0 个竞标

    课程名称: 软件架构 课程链接: 培训日期: 2015-08-11 09:30:00 到 2015-08-13 16:30:00 培训地点: 北京上地 硅谷亮城 培训时长: 21小时(每天7小时) 培训语言:中文(英语) 更多课程信息请点击: 如果你有任何问题及建议,请发邮件或致电Nobleprog中国办公室

    $1948 - $5843
    $1948 - $5843
    0 个竞标

    职位描述: 1、后端开发及维护 2、支持多终端业务运行 3、单元测试 任职资格: 1. 熟悉HTML/CSS/JS,可以独立开发前端页面。 2. 熟悉/了解web开发语言/框架,如Ruby/Ruby on Rails,PHP/Yii,Python/Django,会一种即可。 3. 熟悉/了解MySQL的基本使用。 4. 熟悉/了解web服务器的基本部署、使用。如apache/nginx/lighttpd。或者像xampp这种集成环境也可以。 5. 快速适应上岗,最近2个月或更长有充足的时间投入项目 关于我们: 我们是Paiiiir,美国硅谷优秀孵化器入驻团队,成立以来备受资本关注,目前正处在高速发展时期,诚恳邀请有才华有志向有共同的梦想基因的你加入我们,一起创造下一个奇迹!

    $20397 Average bid
    $20397 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    熟悉threejs 3d库的使用 开发类似:680646页面中Thingiview功能 可以开发的可以联系我 只要这个功能

    $234 - $1948
    $234 - $1948
    0 个竞标

    1. 网页的语言是中文 2. 我们提供LOGO (用 上的金色LOGO) 3. 我们会自行把设计接入代码 4. 不需要制作flash 5. 主色避免使用紅色, 设计者可以自行決定其他颜色 6. 感觉必須大气,轻松,成功感,信任感 7. 参考网页:(1) (2) (3) 8. 需要10天左右完成 9. 中间沟通可以使用相片截图。最终交HTML, CSS, JS, 相片和图标等等

    $4028 Average bid
    $4028 平均报价
    11 个竞标


    $16805 Average bid
    $16805 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    见图片内容: -增添滑动动画效果 -修改下标题栏高度 另外: -自适应键盘高度的发送栏 -嵌入admob SDK

    $2423 Average bid
    $2423 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    1. 不需要修改核心业务流程,只需要根据美工制作前端页面 2. 熟悉MySQL 3. 熟悉Codeigniter者优先 4. 1个月的工作量,大约支付1万元酬金,或者按1万元/月领取薪水 5. 必须在北京

    $15379 Average bid
    $15379 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    如附件顯示, 要求交收完整檔案, 包括背景音樂,圖片, index 及js, 急件, 27/10前交收

    $79 - $238
    $79 - $238
    0 个竞标

    looking for male vo talent for a 2-minute tutorial video. Must speak Chinese. must sound young and energetic please use the lines below to send sample. 通过您本地银行支行的柜台用现金存款也是一种快速存款到您博狗账户的方式,因为您的转账存款直接到我们的银行账户,一旦存款成功,仅需扫描柜台存款单在现金存款页面上传即可。 您可以隔您最近的自动柜员机使用我们的银行信息存款,然后扫描存款交易单在自动柜员机存款页面中上传更快确认您的存款信息。

    $506 Average bid
    $506 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    熟悉HTML5, CSS3 掌握Jquery, Ajax等基本js方法或框架,了解过一些进阶的js框架,如angularjs、backbone.js等 有使用过一些ui框架的经验,如bootstrap等 能有一些作品展示 要求能驻场1到2个月,在上海黄浦区上海电信驻场 要求能尽快加入项目 每月7K到15K RMB,外加项目结束有奖金

    $19329 Average bid
    $19329 平均报价
    3 个竞标
    已经结束 left

    熟悉HTML5, CSS3 掌握Jquery, Ajax等基本js方法或框架,了解过一些进阶的js框架,如angularjs、backbone.js等 有使用过一些ui框架的经验,如bootstrap等 能有一些作品展示 能快速到岗

    $29263 Average bid
    $29263 平均报价
    6 个竞标
    web portal UI 改造
    已经结束 left

    IPTV portal,适用于pc/tv/pad/phone平台,主要由jshtml5编写。现需要对portal的UI和功能进行改造。 需要精通javascript、html5、css技术,并对java、tomcat/jboss等有所了解。

    $257 / hr Average bid
    $257 / hr 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    网站: PHP+Mysql 系统: Linux系统 服务器: nginx+ PHP+Mysql 1,现这套网站需要代码优化,CSS,JS,等页面优化加载速度...以及部分框架的模块更改调用... 2,网站源码安全性优化 3,网站框架的优化

    $4815 Average bid
    $4815 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    I'm seeking a skilled video content creator for my healing business. The focus is on creating informational/tutorial style videos that demonstrate how to use our healing products. Key Responsibilities: - Creating engaging and clear video content - Demonstrating the use of our healing products in a way that is easy for viewers to understand - Ensuring all content aligns with our brand and mission Ideal candidates will have: - Experience in creating instructional video content - A background in wellness or healing - Strong understanding of video production techniques - Ability to create content that is both informative and engaging.

    $280 Average bid
    $280 平均报价
    4 个竞标
    AI-Generated Website Setup
    6 天 left

    I've utilized AI to create a comprehensive set of code for a website including HTML, CSS, and JS, complete with instructions. However, I need assistance in organizing the files correctly, creating the index page, setting up a products page, and ultimately placing everything in the appropriate folders for easy access and use. I have included a zip folder containing all necessary data. Please note, I'm not looking for placeholder bids, but a realistic cost estimate to complete this project. I may need some advice on potential adjustments or customizations, particularly in terms of the code structure efficiency. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HTML, CSS, JS - Experienced in website setup and file organization - Knowledgeable in code structure optimization Please be ...

    $234 - $1948
    $234 - $1948
    32 个竞标

    I'm looking for a skilled professional to create a custom header and footer using Elementor Pro on my WordPress site. This includes designing a sleek, fully functional menu with links and engaging animations for a dynamic user experience. Once selected, you’ll receive access to my WordPress admin panel, where Elementor Pro is already installed. Your task...WordPress site. This includes designing a sleek, fully functional menu with links and engaging animations for a dynamic user experience. Once selected, you’ll receive access to my WordPress admin panel, where Elementor Pro is already installed. Your task will be to build and implement the sections based

    $117 / hr Average bid
    $117 / hr 平均报价
    63 个竞标

    I need a skilled engineer with a strong background in Web3.js, Solidity smart contracts, and front-end development. The primary focus of this project is on smart contract development for a decentralized application (dApp). Key Responsibilities: - Create smart contracts that execute simple operations such as transfers and basic CRUD. - Integrate these contracts with Web3.js for seamless interaction. - Collaborate on front-end development to ensure a user-friendly interface. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in Solidity smart contracts development. - Proficient in Web3.js integration. - Front-end development skills, preferably in JavaScript frameworks. - Understanding of dApp architecture. Please note, the complexity of the dApp logic is primarily simple operation...

    $787 / hr Average bid
    $787 / hr 平均报价
    23 个竞标

    Requiero el desarrollo de unas 6-8 paginas para una plataforma web basada en venta de productos digitales. El desarrollo debe ser con tailwindcss, alpinejs y html5. No se puede usar ningun framework js o de backend. Debe ser responsivo. Necesito las 6-8 paginas en HTML con los estilos en Tailwind y el JS con alpine. Los siguientes sitios son de inspiración para nuestra plataforma y puedes hacer algo similar. El desarrollo debe usar clases para darkmode de tailwind. Debe ser unico, no queremos una plantilla. Busco un diseño minimalista y moderno acorde a lo que se dedica la plataforma.

    $1176 Average bid
    $1176 平均报价
    18 个竞标

    I'm looking for a talented web developer to create a comprehensive HTML, PHP, CSS, Angular JS website for a school project. The site will need to feature a robust backend and incorporate all essential backend functionalities like database management, API integrations, and data processing. Key Requirements: - Creation of a full-fledged website from scratch. - Implementation of user login and registration functionalities. - Development of a comprehensive backend. - Management of a database. - Integration of various APIs. - Processing of data as needed. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in web development with extensive experience in both frontend and backend programming. They should be proficient in the mentioned technologies and have a knack...

    $1956 Average bid
    $1956 平均报价
    45 个竞标

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a marketi...demonstration of the software. Content to Showcase: - Case Studies/Testimonials: To build trust and credibility with potential customers. - Product Features and Benefits: Highlighting what makes our SAAS product unique and valuable. - Blog Articles: Regular updates to engage visitors and improve SEO. - Pricing Page: Transparent pricing to appeal to a range of potential customers. - Help Guide & Tutorial: Resources to assist users and demonstrate our customer support capabilities. - FAQs: Address common queries and concerns upfront. Ideal skills for this job include web development, SEO knowledge, and experience with creating lead-generating sites. A portfolio showcasing previous SAAS product websites would be h...

    $10938 Average bid
    $10938 平均报价
    74 个竞标

    ...looking for a seasoned game developer to help me turn a unique card game into a multiplayer mobile game for iOS and Android. This project entails: - Creating a visually appealing game with a moderately detailed design level. - Implementing social features like friend lists, in-game chat and leaderboards. - Incorporating banner ads with an option for users to go ad-free. - Create a comprehensive tutorial and onboarding process to help new players get started. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in mobile game development, particularly with card games, and a strong understanding of social features in gaming. A portfolio showcasing visually appealing games will be highly advantageous. Experience with ad integration is a must. The game should feature turn-based multi...

    $11733 Average bid
    $11733 平均报价
    50 个竞标

    ...automatic syncing of form data with Google Sheets. - Thorough testing of the created Google Form or Web form for functionality and errors. - Setup of custom notifications or alerts based on specific form submissions. - Incorporation of user authentication to ensure data security. - Ensuring the form is responsive and works well on different devices. - Providing user training materials or a brief tutorial on how to use the form. - Ensuring the form is accessible to people with disabilities in compliance with relevant standards. - Establishing a system for regular backups of the data collected. The data collected will be used for: - Reporting and visualization - Data validation and cleaning - Statistical analysis Ideal candidates should have extensive experience with Google Fo...

    $16042 Average bid
    $16042 平均报价
    11 个竞标

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a website using react/next js ,nest js and Tailwind CSS. The project requires: - Implementation of a payment gateway for secure transactions. - Integration of social media for sharing and connectivity. - Incorporation of analytics tools for tracking and understanding user behaviour. - Setting up Email and Password for user authentication. - Implementation of push notifications for timely updates. - Ensuring responsive design for mobile and desktop views. - Adding search functionality to enhance user navigation. - Integration of live chat for customer support. - Ensuring SEO optimization for better search engine ranking. - Inclusion of multilingual support for broader accessibility. I'm open to any suggestions you might hav...

    $1348 Average bid
    $1348 平均报价
    18 个竞标

    I'm looking for an expert in Node-RED and Roboclaw to help me control DC motors. This project focuses on motor control exclusively. Key tasks include: - Implementing Node-RED for controlling Roboclaw - Integrating speed control, direction control, and braking functions - Implementing PID tuning for precise motor control - Creating custom dashboards for real-time monitoring - Enabling remote access and control via web interface The ideal freelancer will be proficient in: - Node-RED - Roboclaw - DC motor control Please share relevant experience and previous projects in your bid.

    $187 / hr Average bid
    $187 / hr 平均报价
    31 个竞标

    Project Description: I need a complete crypto wallet system with an admin panel to manage users, transactions, and balances. User Features: ...Transactions, Active Users) ✅ Manage Users (View, Edit Balance, Delete, Ban) ✅ Transaction Approval System (For Deposits & Withdrawals) ✅ Trade History Monitoring (Track user trades & profit updates) ✅ Settings & Configuration Panel Tech Stack Requirements: Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript Backend: PHP, Node.js, or Python (your suggestion) Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB Crypto Integration: Web3.js or API-based payment systems If you have experience in crypto wallet development, please send your proposal with: ✅ Your past similar projects ✅ Estimated timeline ✅ Your price for the full project Looking forward to working w...

    $3810 Average bid
    $3810 平均报价
    11 个竞标

    inspired by this video: a tutorial on how to create and use LUTs (Lookup filter) for color grading and color correction in OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), The creator, Synchro, walks viewers through the process of enhancing their camera's visual quality by creating custom LUTs, which can be applied to their webcam footage in OBS. I'm seeking help creating a custom LUT (colour grading and colour correction) for my webcam footage in OBS. *******Please try to avoid the darkness************* I have three lamps, each with slightly different lighting, which shouldn't be a problem for the overall if you want the light to change I need a LUT tailored to my lighting conditions and specific needs—something that provides a natural, professional, and high-quality look...

    $156 Average bid
    16 项参赛作品

    ...recommended by Zoho. Key Requirements: - Backend development with Java Spring Boot - Frontend development using HTML and JS - Generating a UI screen with minimal necessary fields for inputting the payload (the HTML document) and displaying the signing page from Zoho While I don't have specific mockups or wireframes for the UI, I do have a rough idea of what I want. However, no specific styling is required for the UI, just basic functionality. Please note that the UI screen will need to include fields for the user to input: - Name and email - Document title - Signature date The ideal candidate will have experience with: - Java Spring Boot for backend development - HTML and JS for frontend development - Zoho API integrations Please ensure your proposal includes rel...

    $86 Average bid
    $86 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    I'm looking for a professional to create a 2D animated tutorial/explainer video for me. The project will involve: - Creating engaging, easy-to-follow animations that clearly illustrate the tutorial content. - Incorporating a voice-over that explains the content in a clear, engaging manner. - Delivering a polished final product that is ready for distribution. Ideal candidates will have a strong portfolio of similar work, excellent animation skills, and experience with voice-over integration. Please apply with examples of your previous animated tutorial videos.

    $125 Average bid
    $125 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    I'm seeking a versatile YouTube content creator who can produce a broad range of content including tutorial and how-to videos, entertainment and vlogs, along with product reviews and unboxings. Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging and diverse YouTube content - Develop tutorial and how-to videos on various subjects - Produce entertaining vlogs - Conduct product reviews and unboxings Ideal candidates should have: - A knack for creating engaging content - Prior experience with YouTube content creation - A good understanding of technology and gadgets - Strong skills in filming and editing Your ability to handle a wide array of content and your familiarity with technology will be key to our success. Let's make some great videos together!

    $3631 Average bid
    $3631 平均报价
    34 个竞标