您好,Thi Huong Mai V.。我留意到了你的简历,想让您参与我的项目。我们可以讨论一下项目的细节。
嗨 Yella Mai D., 我想要邀请您来完成我的项目。更多细节我们可以稍后通过聊天交流。
Bun venit! Sunt un poet și copywriter experimentat, pasionat de cuvinte și creativitate. Ofer servicii personalizate de poezie și copywriting pentru diverse scopuri, inclusiv: Poezii pentru evenimente speciale (nunți, aniversări, cadouri personalizate) Articole și postări pentru bloguri sau site-uri web Texte publicitare...ofer: Poezii unice, adaptate perfect nevoilor tale Texte clare, concise și bine documentate pentru site-ul tău Abordări creative și inovative pentru orice tip de proiect Livrare rapidă și servicii de calitate Indiferent că ai nevoie de o poezie pentru o aniversare sau de articole pentru blogul tău, sunt aici să îți aduc viziunea la viață cu cuvinte care să facă diferența. Contactează-mă pentru mai multe detalii și pentru a discuta despre proiectul tău!
- Focus on performance and easy of use. - Similar to example provided in private chat. - Login by Mobile. - Astra Theme. - All details and condition in private chat included.
I'm looking for a freelancer who can modify my existing dance class schedule in...several sizes: postcard 5.5'x4.2"; business card; flyer 8.5"x11". New schedule: Beginner Class Unlimited Pass $99 / drop in $40 Couples Class monthly $240 / drop in $70 Signature Caribbean Mix Class monthly $160 / drop in $50 Beginner classes: Tuesday 11:00 am - Latin Class (salsa, bachata, rumba, cha cha, jive, swing, merengue) Tuesday 7:15 pm - Smooth Class (waltz, tango, foxtrot) Thursday 11:00 am - Smooth Class (waltz, tango, foxtrot) Thursday 6:30 pm - Latin (salsa, bachata, rumba, cha cha, jive, swing, merengue) Couples Class: Friday 7:15 pm Signature Caribbean Mix Class: Wednesday 7:15 pm Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Canva - Strong understand...
Este vorba despre o versiune a bibliei pentru android. Aplicația va fi practic cat mai asemănătoare cu o biblie în format tipărit, cu efectul de rasfoire al paginilor. Asemanarea cu biblia in format de carte va fi cat mai mare posibilă. Aceasta va fi caracteristica principala a aplicatiei. Pe o tabletă, aplicația va imita practic senzația unei biblii ca și carte reala. Biblia va fi in mai multe limbi. Printre funcționalități vor fi: -redarea audio a textului -posibilitatea utilizatorului de a adăuga comentarii la text -posibilitatea de update al textului (pentru că este vorba despre o traducere a bibliei, care încă nu este gata, va mai dura probabil câțiva ani, dar vor exista update-uri zilnice). Deci traducatorii vor avea functionalitati supl...
i want to scrap website with changeing filters every time to download 990 documents every time (33 pages, every one have 30 d...filters every time to download 990 documents every time (33 pages, every one have 30 document) with predefined filters options from the website itself. to download documents from the website we needed to use the chrome extension that will have the "download" button, to download every time documents. 1/ no required login to the website. 2/ choose the filters options i needed like; category, years, lang. then "show results" then start scraping 33 pages, on every page 30 link of page have on document, can downloading by clicking "download" 3/ the output folder should register with name of filters options. ------> you can create...
Cautam freelancer pentru gestionarea continutului a 8000 de produse Descriere:Avem nevoie de un specialist in e-commerce pentru: • Descrieri de produse: Redactarea de texte atractive si informative. • Maparea categoriilor: Asocierea corecta a fiecarui produs. • Gestionarea imaginilor: Selectarea si incarcarea de imagini de calitate. Cerinte: • Experienta in admini...romana. • Atentie la detalii si capacitatea de a gestiona volume mari de date. • Cunostinte SEO reprezinta un avantaj. Detalii suplimentare: • Proiectul implica aproximativ 8000 de produse. • Va rugam sa furnizati exemple de proiecte similare. • Mentionati termenul estimat de finalizare si tariful propus. Daca sunteti interesat si aveti experienta necesara, va rugam sa n...
Vreau sa crez un indicator pe baza unui curs și să programeze cati mai mulți parametrii. Cursul este cumpărat de mine am nevoie doar de cineva care sa îmi programeze anumite lucruri pe ecranul de tradingview puțin indicatori Programatorul o să primească cursul și trebuie să programeze ce se afla acolo Trebuie să fie neapărat român și ne putem înțelege la telefon Nu mă deranjează in caz că facem profit să împărțim ce am dezvoltat împreună
I'm in need of a skilled .NET developer to assist me with some urgent fixes. The task involves addressing various issues on our site, primarily related to H1 tags, Canonicals, and HTML lang attributes. Key Responsibilities: - Fixing H1 tags, Canonicals, and HTML lang attributes - Working alongside me for quick turnaround Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in .NET - Experienced in web development - Able to communicate effectively and work collaboratively.
Hello, im looking for someone who can "magic touch" my script in canva, script is in polish lang, i dont want to change any text or images, just to make it look more high end, professional, it have 46 pages.
Hello...it show location and direction from x to y. ( not necessary is the price of development is high this option is negotiable ) 6. Implement a feedback mechanism for users to rate and review the service providers. ( not necessary is the price of development is high this option is negotiable ) payment options : CASH. 7- the app is in ARABIC ( i can provide Translation for each page might add another lang later ..) Note : the database should be in MYsql in different hosting due to inability to use google cloud. i can provide the logo or any design needed ( not front of the app ) i'm looking for an understanding person with an experience and the lowest price possible as i will continue to work with him with the admin panel of the application.. Important DETAILS : in DOCx att...
Doresc sa public video-uri de petreceri pe retelele de socializare, dar video-urile trebuiesc editate pe ritm muzical si cu scenele mai dragute. Ofer pret fix de 10 USD
I'm an intermediate Thai learner seeking a face-to-face, one-on-one Thai teacher in Han Dong, Chiang Mai. My primary goal is to become fluent in daily communication and I prefer a mixed teaching style that includes both structured lessons and casual conversations. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Thai language teaching - Experience with mixed teaching styles - Understanding of daily communication in Thai - Based in or able to travel to Han Dong, Chiang Mai. Please provide a detailed plan on how you would structure our lessons to achieve my goals.
Caut un medium/high ticker closer, cu experiență vastă în vânzări, pentru o platformă educațională. Această platformă este concepută pentru a ajuta elevii să obțină punctajele dorite la examenul de Bacalaureat. Responsabilități principale: -Închiderea vânzărilor prin apeluri pe zoom/google meet -Comunicarea persuasivă a v...meet -Comunicarea persuasivă a valorii platformei noastre către clienții potențiali -Urmărirea lead-urilor pentru a asigura conversia Abilități și experiență ideale: -Experiență vastă în vânzări -Abilități puternice de persuasiune -Abilitatea de a inchide vanzarile in timpul apelurilor Capacitatea ta de a comunica eficient și de a închide vânzările va fi esențială pentru succesul nostru. Pentru mai multe detalii...
I'm seeking a skilled .NET developer to fix various SEO-related issues identified via SEMrush on my website. The issues that need addressing are primarily related to H1 tags, Canonicals, and the HTML lang attribute. The tasks include: - Fixing duplicate, missing, and multiple H1 tags - Addressing Canonical issues - Correcting the HTML lang attribute Please note, I need you to focus solely on these listed issues and work directly on the live site. Experience with .NET and a solid understanding of SEO principles are essential for this task. Please only bid if you're comfortable with these conditions.
Caut pe cineva care sa creeze un site web si o platforma de acces pentru clienti la serviciile oferite de mai multi psihologi/coach. --- I am looking for someone to create a website and a platform for clients to access the services offered by several psychologists/coaches. I want to be able to add some tests/questionnaires to be filled out by clients also I want a system of writing notes for the sessions and if possible a system to create invoices or generate number of sessions and payments for psychologists
...Italian companies certified UNI/PdR 125:2022, categorized by region. - For each company, extract the following information: - Company name - VAT number - Region - Address - Number of employees, divided by gender if available - Certification date - Certifying body - The data needs to be sourced from: - The final Excel (XLSX) file should have a separate sheet for each region, with companies organized by number of employees. Requirements: - Proficiency in using Selenium for web scraping. - Ability to ensure data accuracy and quality through cross-referencing with external sources. - Project delivery within 3-5 days. Ideal skills: - Extensive experience with web scraping tools, especially
I'm looking for a professional who can implement a new cloud-based PBX system for my company. The system should cater to both customer service and internal communications. Key Features: - Call Routing: I need a reliable call routing system to manage incoming and outgoing calls efficiently. - Voicemail: The PBX system should i...various extensions 16. Make reception desk at various locations. And selective trunk lines to be directed to respective reception desk number. 17. Daily usage summary and any other reports as avaialble with the pbx provisioning. 18. A more graphical representation on the reception console at all locations. 19. Any other feature that you may suggest as per your experience. I am open to cha ging and adding any features as per your suggestions.
...creative and experienced event planner to help us devise a concept for making our large-scale event more inclusive and international. With 800 attendees at one location, we want to ensure that all our employees, regardless of their region, can participate in a way that promotes our company culture. Key Responsibilities: - Develop engaging team-building activities for regional events in NAM, SAM, MAI, SEA, Europe and China. - Incorporate essential elements such as collaborative tasks, friendly competitions, and networking opportunities into these activities. - Ensure the event concept is adaptable and appealing for different geographic locations. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in event planning, particularly for large-scale corporate events. - Creative thinking with a knack ...
Creaza un video cu poze si voce cu momenntele cele mai importante a unui bebelus pentru a putea fi proiectat la botez
Beschreibung: Ich suche einen Video-Editor oder Motion Designer, der bis zu 30 kurze Trading-Videos auf Deutsch für TikTok und Instagram Reels erstellt. Die Videos sollen professionelle Trading-Charts, dynamische Animationen und ansprechende Texte enthalten. Die Videos müssen: • 10–15 Sekunden lang sein, im Hochformat (9:16). • Texte auf Deutsch enthalten, wie z. B.: • „Wann ist die beste Zeit, um einen Trade einzugehen?“ • „Top 3 Trading-Fehler, die du vermeiden solltest.“ Zusätzlich sollen die Videos so gestaltet werden, dass sie in Zukunft leicht in andere Sprachen (z. B. Englisch) übersetzt werden können. Die Texte und Animationen müssen dafür anpassbar sein. Anforderungen: 1. Erstellung...
Am 5 fișiere simple (alb/negru) un fel de pictograme, dar ca nivelul de calitate/rezoluția este redusă si aș vrea sa le reproduc in imagini de o mai buna calitate pt a putea fi imprimate si pe suporturi mai mari. Deasememni as vrea sa pot sa le modific culoarea sau sa fie făcute direct după paleta de culori folosită de societate mea. De exemplu fișierul "Logo et Pictograme" aș vrea săi inversez culorile intre ele. Pt mai multe detalii pot fi contactat
voglio creare un'applicazione per la mia impresa, voglio qualcosa che nessuno abbia mai fatto in questo settore
Potrzebuje wykonać pobranie danych ze strony na której dane są publiczne - nie są niczym zablokowane. Jest tam 150000 firm. Działających - mających status aktywnych jest około 110000 firm. Dane mają zostać mi przesłane w pliku excel jeżeli będzie więcej niż jedna dana lub w pliku innym jeżeli uda sie tylko stworzyć baze z adresem e-mai. Dodatkowe informacje zanim złożysz ofertę: - strona jest w języku polskim - wymagane zrozumienie co i gdzie się pobiera, - wszystkie dane mają ten sam standard umiejscowienia danych co jest ułatwieniem (schemat ułożenia danych jest taki sam) - najważniejszy jest dla mnie adres e-mail - gdyby nie można było pobrać innych danych to mogę oprzeć się na mailach ale adres e-mail czasem wymaga kliknięcia "pokaż e-mail" - inne dane kt&oacut...
I need a web-based program for managing a community of volunteers. This program should allow volunteers to: - View their upcoming appointments - See a meeting and all the assigned duties - Initiate a duty swap with available peers The back-end should be written in Rust (go-lang is OK). A mobile app version for both iOS and Android is also desirable. The app should include user authentication via Email and Password, without integration with social media platforms for login. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in Rust for back-end development - Experience in full-stack web and mobile app development - Knowledge of creating user authentication systems - Familiarity with scheduling and swapping functionalities in an app - Previous work on a project in...
Bună ziua, Mă numesc Svetlana și sunt în căutarea unui designer grafic și animator talentat pentru a contribui la dezvoltarea unui cadou digital ce va fi utilizat într-o campanie de Valentine's Day. Cadoul digital ...va fi folosită ca abțibild pe rețelele sociale (Instagram, Facebook, VK, TikTok, Odnoklassniki). De asemenea, avem nevoie de o animație scurtă (maxim 15 secunde) care să ilustreze mesajul campaniei. Animația trebuie să fie compatibilă cu toate platformele menționate mai sus. Vă rog să-mi spuneți dacă sunteți disponibili pentru acest proiect și să-mi oferiți un estimat al costurilor și termenului de livrare. Mai multe detalii vor fi furnizate după semnarea unui acord de confidențialitate (NDA). Aștept cu interes să discutăm mai multe desp...
Edukido reprezinta o franciza regionala de activitati educative pentru copii utilizand piese LEGO. Filiala din Bucuresti (Edukido Bucuresti Sector 2) cauta un colaborator pentru a crea strategia de marketing digital si implementarea acesteia. Toate materialele pentr...digital si implementarea acesteia. Toate materialele pentru postari sunt dezvoltate consistent cu brandbook-ul Edukido. Pozele si filmuletele sunt fie in baza noastra de imagini sau pot fi furnizate de instructorii de la curs. Scopul prezentei in social media este acela de a creste notorietatea brand-ului in comunitatea in care activam (Bucuresti, sector 2) si in sens mai larg in Bucuresti (pregatind expansiune) dar si in atragerea cat mai multor copii sa participe la activitatile noastre (transformarea notoriet...
Buna ziua, Caut un dezvoltator sau o echipă de software pentru a crea o aplicație interactivă, ușor d...utilizat. Afișarea unui set de reguli/condiții care trebuie citite de utilizator. Opțiunea de a bifa o casetă „Am citit și accept regulile”. Funcție de semnătură digitală. Aplicația va rula pe tablete de dimensiuni standard (10-12 inch). Mai exact suntem o balta de pescuit sportiv si oferim si cazare in casute pe malul baltii. . Inainte de a ajunge la locul de pescuit, clientrul trebuie sa ia la cunostinta despre cateva reguli importante, in legatura cu pescuitul . Ca sa nu le mai spunem la fiecare in parte, am vrea sa dea 2-3 click uri si sa semneze pe o tableta. Va rog o cotatie de pret si un termen. Multumesc !
...<div class="grid"> <div class="grid__item large--five-sixths push--large--one-twelfth"> <header class="section-header text-center"> <h1>{{ }}</h1> <hr class="hr--small"> </header> <div class="grid"> <div class="grid__item large--four-fifths push--large--one-tenth"> <div class="rte rte--nomargin rte--indented-images"> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Bulk-Bestellseite</title> </head> <body> <!-- Pro...
English: We are a startup company called Klagen, and have a current website that needs a redesign because it was not good enough, we want a new website that presents our identity and...re-design på grunn av at det ikke ble bra nok, vi ønsker en ny nettside som presenter vår identitet og som kan bli godt gjenkjent. Vi ønsker også ett par nye funksjoner som vi kan fortelle i mer detalj dersom vi kommer til en enighet. Nettsiden ble bygget på wordpress og det er den vi fortsatt ønsker å bruke, vi vil også at nettsiden skal være brukbar på mobil og pc. Vi ser etter en som har en lang erfaring og ett par tidligere prosjekter som vi kan se på for å komme til enighet Får vi det resultatet vi ø...
Salutare. Avem nevoie de o persoana care sa poata lega Stripe de Smartbill pentru E-Factura. Asteptam mesajele voastre. Vom raspunde in cel mai scurt timp. Multumim!
...ka kya?" Raj: "Real life? Arre Simran, real life ab bas Instagram stories aur reels tak limited hai." Simran: "Arre gadhe, woh virtual duniya hai. Padhai likhai, dost, family... Inka kya?" Raj: "Tu nahi samjhegi, Simran. Mujhe viral banna hai!" --- (Scene 2: Fake Influencer) Fake Influencer (Priya): (dressed up in flashy clothes) "Hey guys! Main hoon Priya, aapki favorite influencer! Aaj mai aapko bataungi kaise ek cheap moisturizer ko luxury product banate hain." Raj: (awed) "Priya didi! Aap toh meri inspiration ho!" Simran: "Priya, tumhe pata hai na log tumhare fake reviews dekhke paise barbaad karte hain?" Priya: "Toh kya? Paisa toh aa raha hai na!" --- (Scene 3: Troll Culture) Troll (Aman...
...și a unui logo atractiv. - Dezvoltarea unei scheme de culori și a unui design grafic consistent pentru materialele de marketing. - **Strategie de Marketing** - Elaborarea unui plan de marketing pentru a ajunge la publicul țintă. - Sfaturi pentru optimizarea prezenței online, inclusiv recomandări pentru website și social media. - **Consiliere eCommerce** - Asistență în alegerea celei mai bune platforme de vânzare online pentru produsele second-hand. - Strategii pentru fotografierea produselor și descrierea eficientă a acestora. Ideal, freelancerul ar trebui să aibă experiență în industria modei și o înțelegere solidă a pieței second-hand. Experiența anterioară în lansarea unor branduri de succes și cunoștințe despre sustenabilitate &i...
I need a consultant with expertise in customs regulations advice specifically for India. We are a regular Importer for nearly 25 years and have AEO 2 Tyre status and also licence for Private Bon...regular Importer for nearly 25 years and have AEO 2 Tyre status and also licence for Private Bonded Wear house We wish to start self Clarence Initially we will do self clearance for Debonding and then move to regular clearance The CHA services will be used for goods inspection , movement etc The project will involve: - Guidance with self clearence process - Import/export declarations: Guidance with the preparation of necessary documentation is required. - Understanding of Customs Regulations: Professional guidance Preferred Based in Chennai Ex CHA senior staff or Customs...
...Please download every Tiktok post from Return Home: @returnhomenor?lang=en We will need the videos, text description, hashtags, and all comments (and their associated data). In doing so, we ask that you create an Excel spreadsheet, a folder with video downloads, and a folder of Word documents that include the comments on each video. We provide a detailed description below. 1. Excel Spreadsheet: Please create an excel spreadsheet with the following columns. Column A: Label: “Video title” In this column, please provide the video title to match the title of the video download. For example, if you look at this TikTok video (@returnhomenor/video/7164090596796157230?lang=en), you would label the cell in this column: “Allow us to introduce ourselves!” C...
Cahier des Charges pour l’Accompagnement SEO de Talent2Africa Préambule Talent2Africa accompagne les entreprises internationales et africaines dans leur développement sur le continent via trois services principaux : Chasse de tête (cabinet de recrutement) Portage salarial Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Le site , refait en mai 2024, doit être optimisé pour améliorer sa visibilité sur les moteurs de recherche, notamment Google. Ce projet vise à renforcer la performance SEO du site selon le triptyque essentiel : technique, contenu et popularité (backlinks). Objectifs du Projet Augmenter la visibilité du site dans les résultats de recherche Google. Générer plus de trafic qualifié....
Pornind de la planurile existente dupa efectuarea releveului va rezulta situatia propusa pentru avizare. Sunt necesare cunostinte Autocad/Arhicad pentru elaborarea planurilor curente, a fatadelor si 2 sectiuni. Cladirile avand destinatia "spatiu birouri" au suprafete cuprinse intre 800 si 2000 mp. Mai multe detalii la telefon.
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a new, modern logo for my company. The logo should be designed with potential future name changes in mind and should incorporate our existing design aesthetic. We are currently named Rolf Martin Lang LLP - and we have been branding under the name ROLF. We are planning to change our name to Martin Lang LLP in the future, and so we are looking for a transitional design that uses the full name. We think we'd like to maintain the "ball" from our current design in order to retain consistency across the planned changes. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in modern, minimalist design - Strong understanding of abstract shapes and typography - Proven track record of creating flexible, future-proof designs...
Hello , i'm looking for some one who is ful...it show location and direction from x to y. ( not necessary is the price of development is high this option is negotiable ) 6. Implement a feedback mechanism for users to rate and review the service providers. ( not necessary is the price of development is high this option is negotiable ) payment options : CASH. 7- the app is in ARABIC ( i can provide Translation for each page might add another lang later ..) Note : the database should be in MYsql in different hosting due to inability to use google cloud. i can provide the logo or any design needed ( not front of the app ) i'm looking for an understanding person with an experience and the lowest price possible as i will continue to work with him with the admin panel of the ...
I need a skilled designer to create a contemporary, sleek (1) memo and (2) letterhead tem...information into the designs - Aesthetic that is both modern and sleek - Use full legal name: Rolf Martin Lang LLP Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic design experience, particularly with creating business templates - Strong understanding of modern design aesthetics - Ability to create designs that effectively communicate a professional image Comments - We currently brand with the attached logo (ROLF). We are okay with continuing to use it as a focal point, but we are interested in elevating the full legal name: Rolf Martin Lang LLP - perhaps with the "ball" (attached). - We would like to see designs that do NOT use the logo (ROLF), and just use the 'ball' with...
Ich suche nach jemanden, der mir bei meinem Onlinekurs hilft. Dieser umfasst themen wie Mnemotechniken, Gedächtnis, Lernen, Schlaf, Stress, Zeitmanagement. Die Inhalte dafür habe ich bereits, ebenso wie die Agenda. Ich suche also jemanden, der mir die Visualisierung erstellt und das Voiceover dafür macht. Der Kurs wird zwischen 2 und 3 Stunden lang sein. Deutschsprachig Auf einen Preis kann sich geeinigt werden - je nach Qualität und Aufwand.
I'm looking for a skilled camera operator in Chiang Mai to help me shoot a video for my personal blog/vlog. Details: - Date: January 2nd, 2024 - Duration: 2–3 hours - Time: Flexible Ideal Skills and Experience: - Comfortable handling a camera If you're interested or know someone who might be, don't hesitate to message me directly. Thank you!
i have two of my suppliers websites that i need product data scrubbed and put into an excel sheet. All the images need to be saved to a file with product code label.
Our infrastructure is built with Lang Chain and we need to add grok api to our current AI chat platform. The Scope of Work is: 1. Integrating a New LLM The integration of a new LLM requires a robust approach to handle key components: Streaming Response - Implement real-time streaming of responses to ensure a dynamic and interactive user experience. - Optimize for low-latency data transmission. Token Consumption - Monitor and manage token limits to ensure cost-effective usage. - Add dynamic cost calculations based on token usage. Response Mechanism - Build a flexible mechanism for parsing and displaying responses from the model. - Support different response formats (text, code, tables, or structured data). Frontend Integration - Integrate the LLM with the front end, ensuring s...
More details: What specific functionalities do you want to add to the mod? ESP (Extra Sensory Perception), Magic Bottle, Secure Loader, Bullet track, Crauch speed, Wall hack Which specific functionalities do you want the mod to have? ESP (Extra Sensory Perception), Magic Bottle, Secure Loader, 32 bit and 64 bit mod and loader. Which specific functionalities do you want the mod to have? Magic Bottle
I'm looking for a professional with excellent communication skills to help with sales and marketing through customer calls. Your primary responsibilities will include: - Engaging with customers to promote our offerings and drive sales. - Providing support for general inquiries with a friendly and helpful demeanor. - Gathering insights on product preferences from our customer base ...customer calls. Your primary responsibilities will include: - Engaging with customers to promote our offerings and drive sales. - Providing support for general inquiries with a friendly and helpful demeanor. - Gathering insights on product preferences from our customer base during the calls. Ideal candidates should have experience in telemarketing or customer service, with a knack for sales. Pref. L...
... Specifically: * contact us page to email to: weiserlawfirm@ , work hours 9am until 6pm Monday through Friday. Please map BELOW the contact input part. -Great some of the social media icons to work with these links: *Facebook link: * X: * youtube: @weiserlawfirm7546 Our Office Address is: 3801 Canal Street Ste 205 New Orleans, LA 70119 - Have a Spanish translate version option. (it has the option in the theme, but I did not set it up yet) - Fix on homepage: 1) Change out "Pattie" Signature with something else, Change main picture of the guys head on the slider, then
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to help me manage translations on my webpage. Currently, I have two file versions of the page: French and English. I want to consolidate these into a single page that handles multiple translations. The project requires creating separate resource files for each translation and enabling the page to be called with a language parameter, like 'en'. Key Requirements: - Consolidate current French and English versions into one dynamic page. - Create separate resource files for each translation. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in HTML, PHP, and JavaScript. - Experience with web page multilingual development.