... - After successfully processing a message, delete it from `` and save the file to prevent re-processing in case of program crash. - Wait for a random delay (adjustable, e.g., 30 to 300 seconds). - Delete the subfolder after processing all its contents. - Continue with the next subfolder. - After processing all folders, send a notification to the administrator. - Wait 5 minutes and check for new subfolders. Repeat the process if found. 4. **Special Cases** - If the attachment is an OPUS file (audio), convert it to an MP3 file. --- ### Example of Consecutive Messages with Multiple Images ``` [29/06/23 10:40:47 AM] ~ Evan HO:<Attachment: > [29/06/23 10:41:00 AM] ~ Evan HO:<Attachment: 0
...international customer service platform that allows users to configure multiple chatbots with GPT API integration for AI-powered responses. The platform will offer flexible permission management, business features (e.g., chatbot-based pricing, coupon support, affiliate marketing), and support user-defined group management to meet the needs of enterprise clients. 2. System Roles and Permissions 1. Administrator (Admin) • Manage global functions and configurations, including user management, subscription management, affiliate marketing, cashback rewards, etc. 2. B-End Users (Enterprise Customers/Platform Users) • Primary Account: Responsible for creating and managing chatbots, configuring customer service permissions, grouping users, etc. • Customer Service Re...
你好First Page SEO,我注意到你的个人资料并想把我的项目给你。我们可以通过交流来讨论任何细节。
所谓LANDING page 就是用一个WEB页面描述网站的全部内容,包括产品介绍下单公司业务简介公司联系方式等等. 必须用JOOMLA技术制作该页面,因为我们的网站是JOOMla制作的;见www.yadaworks.com. 该页面的风格,也就是颜色,.LOGO, 字体等和网站一致. 该页面的布局分为头部,尾部,图片区,文字区,下单区;其中图片区的图片被点击后跳出页面显示大图覆盖原来页面,整个部分的功能和AIRBNB网站一致,如有疑问请询问; 文字区的文字我会另外提供; 除了WEB版本外,要提供手机版本; 我们有一个服务网站,可以用于测试,
1.懂joomla,SEO(百度方面的更好),现已有网站 2.设置静态页面 3.修改URL层级 4.网站二次开发一些功能 5.网站格式样式调整 6.设置网站内容无法被下载
针对欧洲市场创建一个网站,网站的产品为手机充电器 要求 1 能做为landing page 使用 2 网站可以进行促销活动,并且通过促销活动能收集到客户邮箱
1、初步设想是1个到2个页面,5张图 2、第一页是介绍页,如何开启你的工程师之旅 2.1、之后是一页四个滑动图,包括安装驱动、连接硬件、学习软件、开始应用 3、与客户沟通创意 4、制作demo/草稿 for free 5、选定稿件后给内容,开始制作 6、检视交付 作品风格: 1)大底图海报风 2)Metro Icon风 3)Metro海报风 4)Apple官网风
Need redesign for about 12 pages on wechat. 总需要12个微信公众号页面设计版(PSD和PNG格式),只需要适用于手机上 具体包括一下的页面: -管理后台 需重新设计 -青视角 微信公众号的所有文章内容,发布之后,都会进行分类,用户可以通过这个版块,回顾所有的信息。 -青学堂 目前以九宫格的形式展现,但可以进行进一步的简化,除了“课程报名”“讲师报名”“活动发布”“调查问卷” 这4个模块的名字要保留,其他可以重组 -创新 1.简介 -介绍信息 2.团队介绍 -入驻团队的介绍 3.入驻申请 -申请入驻通道,需要提交的资料,可参考这个连接 4.活动回顾 -做过的活动 5.活动发布 -发布信息线上平台,可参考青学堂-活动发布 6.创新资讯 -将会把政策、高校孵化基地信息,社会孵化基地信息进行收集并发布 参考附件是给以参考而已
卖进斗二次开发,改造成多商户模式,大部分准备购买插件,没有插件的地方需要开发,可QQ[The administrator removed this message due to encouraging communication outside Freelancer.com, which breaches our Terms and Conditions - Section 13:Communication With Other Users.]联系请备注哦
网站必须具备以下元素: 1.博客(WordPress 或 Drupal 或 Joomla) 2.产品介绍(类似 ) 3.预购+注册(英文用户-email,国内用户-手机/微信/QQ) 4.团队/公司简介 注意: 1.网站主要是针对国内的互联网用户。 2.必须对国内网民习惯和行为有深入的理解。例子:应该明白大多国内网民比较喜欢用电话号码注册。(一般网民不太喜欢用电子邮件)
网站必须具备以下元素: 1.博客(WordPress 或 Drupal 或 Joomla) 2.产品介绍(类似 ) 3.预购+注册(英文用户-email,国内用户-手机/微信/QQ) 4.团队/公司简介 注意: 1.网站主要是针对国内的互联网用户。 2.必须对国内网民习惯和行为有深入的理解。例子:应该明白大多国内网民比较喜欢用电话号码注册。(一般网民不太喜欢用电子邮件)
网站必须具备以下元素: 1.博客(WordPress 或 Drupal 或 Joomla) 2.产品介绍(类似 ) 3.预购+注册(英文用户-email,国内用户-手机/微信/QQ) 4.团队/公司简介 5.中/英 注意: 1.网站主要是针对国内的互联网用户。 2.必须对国内网民习惯和行为有深入的理解。例子:应该明白大多国内网民比较喜欢用电话号码注册。(一般网民不太喜欢用电子邮件)
2º Month SEO Google Spain
利用CMS(如joomla)二次开发多用户内容管理系统。要求多管理员模式,前台可登录。普通用户前台登录,有自己的管理控制界面(技术上实现,可利用admin的后台)。 详细的内容访问及操作日志。还有一些次要功能,详谈。
...工作包括为改正这些问题,server上的更新和配置(如果有的话),就是期望的结果要在线的网站正常运行,而不只是给我看自己配置的测试的网站有没有问题。 7. 开发人员可能需要了解为什么要这个改动,我有一个2页的说明文档,逻辑很简单。 Background: 1. Chinese online store based on the cs-cart 3.0. 2. register user has a balance account and a coupon account. 3. user can pay the bill using the balance in balance account. 4. the value in coupon account can be positive or negative. For example if administrator set value 5 to the user, next time when user purchase, the total amount will be deducted by $5. if admin set value as -5, when user purchase, the total amount will be added $5. after submit, the value becomes 0. but if the order is cancelled, the value in coupon account should be restored. what's the issues: 1. when choose paypal for payment, the value of coupon ac...
...工作包括为改正这些问题,server上的更新和配置(如果有的话),就是期望的结果要在线的网站正常运行,而不只是给我看自己配置的测试的网站有没有问题。 7. 开发人员可能需要了解为什么要这个改动,我有一个2页的说明文档,逻辑很简单。 Background: 1. Chinese online store based on the cs-cart 3.0. 2. register user has a balance account and a coupon account. 3. user can pay the bill using the balance in balance account. 4. the value in coupon account can be positive or negative. For example if administrator set value 5 to the user, next time when user purchase, the total amount will be deducted by $5. if admin set value as -5, when user purchase, the total amount will be added $5. after submit, the value becomes 0. but if the order is cancelled, the value in coupon account should be restored. what's the issues: 1. when choose paypal for payment, the value of coupon ac...
...工作包括为改正这些问题,server上的更新和配置(如果有的话),就是期望的结果要在线的网站正常运行,而不只是给我看自己配置的测试的网站有没有问题。 7. 开发人员可能需要了解为什么要这个改动,我有一个2页的说明文档,逻辑很简单。 Background: 1. Chinese online store based on the cs-cart 3.0. 2. register user has a balance account and a coupon account. 3. user can pay the bill using the balance in balance account. 4. the value in coupon account can be positive or negative. For example if administrator set value 5 to the user, next time when user purchase, the total amount will be deducted by $5. if admin set value as -5, when user purchase, the total amount will be added $5. after submit, the value becomes 0. but if the order is cancelled, the value in coupon account should be restored. what's the issues: 1. when choose paypal for payment, the value of coupon ac...
本人目前在筹备一款手机安卓软件的开发工作,需要专业的安卓软件的开发人员, 请有意向的人士与我初步联系。qq:[The administrator removed this message for containing contact details which breaches our Terms and Conditions - Section 13:Communication With Other Users.]。
游戏制作简介 这个案例开发成网络版游戏,我这有单机版的源文件,最好配套的官网也能做起来 网站用dz做,域名 请告知,开发成网络游戏 账号注册、改名、数据库 科技树战车系统+道具积分购买功能 (科技树可以参考坦克世界) 个性装扮系统+徽章、等级、称号、战绩系统 死亡视角、观战模式 战队、好友系统、聊天系统 强制退出系统强行退出类型1.外挂/非法软件2.恶意使用BUG3.辱骂及诽谤他人4.长时间挂机5.其他 语音对讲 这些功能需要多少钱呢? 其他的还没想好,你也可以帮我补充,[The administrator removed this message for containing contact details which breaches our Terms and Conditions - Section 13:Communication With Other Users.]
1.会使用Drupal 软件对公司的网站模块进行设计。 2.会使用photoshop 软件,加工美化产品图片。 3.工作地点:深圳,南山 4.不需要天天工作,根据工作量来安排工作。 5.联系人:susan 电话:[The administrator removed this message for containing contact details which breaches our Terms and Conditions - Section 13:Communication With Other Users .] 6.公司网站:
需要完成一个完整以Joomla为基础的网站。 功能需包含:购物商城,使用者自行上稿系统(会员管理),投票与评分系统,任务发布与评定系统,综合所有金流与物流系统对接。 除了完整网站的模块和模板设计建构之外,必须提供所有社交系统的API接入,完成所有目前提供的功能实现(包含分享与评分甚至金流机制)。
需要完成一个完整以Joomla为基础的网站。 功能需包含:购物商城,使用者自行上稿系统(会员管理),投票与评分系统,任务发布与评定系统,综合所有金流与物流系统对接。 除了完整网站的模块和模板设计建构之外,必须提供所有社交系统的API接入,完成所有目前提供的功能实现(包含分享与评分甚至金流机制)。
Joomla开发人员: 1、精通LAMP(Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP),精通PHP+MYSQL 1.1 熟练套用各种joomla模板,例如JA或者Rocket系列模板. 1.2 Form表格组件套用 1.3 Payment, logistic gateway接口对接 1.4 Newsletter组件和模块套用开发 1.5 VirtualMart二次开发 2、熟悉各种开源CMS,比如Joomla, 能懂得Wordpress, Zencart,Drupal更好, 熟练掌握Joomla 各种常用组件配置和二次开发。 例如VM, joomfish, 等等 3、了解CSS, Div、Html、JavaScript等网络常用语言。 4、有商业网站页面设计经验。 5、强有力的学习能力。具备良好的创意思维和理解能力,善于协作与沟通,必須按時完成工作及絕對需要有責任感。 6、请提供中文简历,要求提供个人独立完成的作品。 7,能独立看懂英文API和技术文档,优先考虑。
需要完成一个完整以Joomla为基础的网站。 功能需包含:购物商城,使用者自行上稿系统(会员管理),投票与评分系统,任务发布与评定系统,综合所有金流与物流系统对接。 除了完整网站的模块和模板设计建构之外,必须提供所有社交系统的API接入,完成所有目前提供的功能实现(包含分享与评分甚至金流机制)。
需要完成一个完整以Joomla为基础的网站。 功能需包含:购物商城,使用者自行上稿系统(会员管理),投票与评分系统,任务发布与评定系统,综合所有金流与物流系统对接。 除了完整网站的模块和模板设计建构之外,必须提供所有社交系统的API接入,完成所有目前提供的功能实现(包含分享与评分甚至金流机制)。
I want 100% real facebook 50,000 users to like my Facebook Fan Page. I want people to be from PAKISTAN ONLY no World Wide. No Time Waters Please ! Project Description: 50,000 Facebook Likes from ONLY Pakistani Facebook users. (NO world wide Likes) • All LIKES must be real people with active account Facebook accounts (no fake accounts or accounts at risk of being suspended.) • NO bots, NO Blackhat techniques, NO Farmville or any other game. • Must be achieved by NO means of Illegal activity • No fake fans that will risk my page deleted. • Fans and Followers must be active. • No spammers or distasteful, illegal or plain sick profile pictures • You must use good practices when gathering LIKES. ^^Facebook account must not be...
I am in need of a web designer to create a modern and sleek web page for a mutual fund investment site. The primary goal of the page is to attract new investors. It should have a professional yet contemporary look to it, with a design style that is both modern and sleek. Key Areas of Focus: - The page should be designed to appeal to potential investors, with an emphasis on clear, attractive presentations of investment opportunities. - The design should be user-friendly, making it easy for visitors to understand the site and the investment plans. - The site should have a 'Dashboard' page, which is designed to provide a clear overview of investments and potential returns. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web design, with a strong portfolio of modern, sl...
I need a new custom page in my Opencart 3 site, utilizing Journal 3, with full editability through Journal Layouts. The primary purpose of this page is to provide information. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Opencart 3 and Journal 3 - Ability to create an interactive, customizable page - Familiarity with Journal Layouts for page editing Please note that the specific content of the page has not been determined yet, as I may want to update it with various types of information, such as company details, product guides, or FAQs. Therefore, a degree of flexibility and creativity will be valuable. Please be prepared to demonstrate your previous experience with similar projects.
We need an experienced Google PageSpeed expert to work with us on to correct the page speed problem. WP Rocket isn't helping, this needs manual configuration. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze and resolve mobile performance issues, with a particular focus on increasing the PageSpeed score through effective image optimization. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record of improving Google PageSpeed scores, particularly for mobile performance. - Extensive experience with Elementor and WordPress. - Expertise in image optimization techniques. - Proficiency in handling JPEG images. - Ability to deliver measurable results in a timely manner.
Title: Social Media Expert Needed to Optimize and Revamp Facebook Page for Tutoring Business Description: I'm looking for a skilled and experienced social media specialist to give my Facebook page a complete makeover and optimize it to attract more customers. My tutoring business needs a professional, engaging, and appealing online presence that resonates with parents and students alike. What I Need: Page Revamp: Fresh, attractive design with appropriate branding elements (cover photo, profile image, and page layout). Content Optimization: Revise the page's "About" section, services, and other details to clearly communicate my company's value. SEO and Page Optimization: Ensure the page ranks better on search and appears ...
urgent, should be available now, project would take 1-2 hours
I'm looking for an SEO expert to help with various on-page SEO tasks, including keyword optimization, content creation, and optimizing meta tags and descriptions. Tasks Include: - Keyword Optimization: Identify and integrate relevant keywords into the content to improve search engine rankings. - Content Creation: Develop engaging and SEO-friendly content that attracts and retains visitors. - Meta Tags and Descriptions: Create compelling meta tags and descriptions that boost click-through rates. Since new content needs to be created, it's crucial that you have excellent content creation skills and a deep understanding of SEO principles. Experience in keyword research and proficiency in using SEO tools are highly desirable.
Key Points: * I need you to work this Saturday + Sunday to finsih bulk of it as i need to give this to developer on Monday as he is planning to start doing a POC. * No teams or companies please. I am after Designer who i bid on this and work with me. We are looking to build a ticketing platform. At this stage i just need Low Fideltiy or Medium Fidelity. Previous experience is good as you can just use that as template and build on it. If you are experienced with Figma AI, this would be fairly quick job. Fine for this to be just desktop view for now. We don't need to worry about mobile. See detailed spec in attachment.
Job Title: Intune Administrator Job Type: 1-Year Contract Work Schedule: Monday to Friday, 8 hours/day (Saturday & Sunday off) Experience Required: Minimum 1 year Location: remote-India Job Description: We are seeking a skilled Intune Administrator with experience in Microsoft 365 and Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) technologies. The ideal candidate will be responsible for device onboarding, policy creation, security, compliance management, and troubleshooting within Microsoft Intune and Entra ID. Key Responsibilities: Device Onboarding: Manage and support onboarding of Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS devices to Intune. Policy Creation & Management: Develop and implement Intune and Entra ID policies for security, compliance, and access control. Security &am...
Description : Hello, I am looking for an experienced WordPress developer or system administrator to resolve two critical issues affecting my websites: Plugin Conflict. After plugin update at the site resulting disrupted and need to be restored. Plugin Conflict in WordPress Multisite () My WordPress multisite installation () experienced a disruption on DB. Isnt first time. I am unable to access the WordPress admin panel due to this issue. The site uses a multisite setup with multiple languages, and the problem has caused significant downtime. The 2 websites, and im looking for someone who can: Identify the problematic plugin causing the conflict. Restore access to the admin panel without losing data.
...extensions (plugins) from Joomla 3 to Joomla 5. ATTENTION: this job concerns the search for a programmer and NOT A WEB DESIGNER. You don't have to update the website, but our extension which must be compatible on any site in Joomla 5. Key Project Points: 1. Joomla 5 code dependencies have changed such as JFactory calls and you need to update classes, api, functions, and core dependencies. For example same call like Jfactory are deprecated for Joomla 5, so we need to update code, api call, db call. 2. Our Extensions Package includes a Component, Modules, and Plugins. 3. There is no need to add new features, but to make sure that everything works correctly for Joomla 5 in backend and frontend. Skills and Experience Required: - Real exp...
I'm launching a new social media platform focused on young adults (20-35) and I need freelancers who can help sign up potential users and keep them active on the app. The first $5 is easy to earn. You can simply make $5 just by downloading the iOS app or heading on to our website, and signing up there. While I hope users who sign up remain active, I cant control that - but what I will say is, if there are users who have an interest in writing or vlogging, please do let me know. A contract can be created after a trial basis for your work. Key Features: - The platform has unique video series capabilities which allows users to vlog throughout their day and share stories with pictures or videos. Primary Goal: - The main aim of this platform is to rebuild a safe social media pl...
I'm seeking an expert web designer to create a lead-generation-focused landing page. The primary goal of this page is to collect potential leads' information. Key Requirements: - The landing page should be designed to capture visitors' Name and Email as well as their Phone Number. - Since the design style hasn't been pre-determined, I am open to suggestions. However, it should be both user-friendly and visually appealing to encourage sign-ups. - SEO and mobile responsiveness is a plus. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other relevant web development languages. - Experience with lead-generation page design. - Understanding of SEO principles and mobile responsiveness. - A creative approach towards design and user expe...
I'm looking for an experienced Joomla developer to assist with upgrading my website from Joomla 3 to Joomla 5. The key focus of this project will be to migrate my extensions, which encompass components, modules, and plugins. Key Project Requirements: - Upgrade Joomla from version 3 to version 5. - Migrate all standard extensions (components, modules, plugins) to the new version. - Ensure the upgraded site maintains its original functionality and performance. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Extensive experience with Joomla upgrades and migrations. - Proficient in working with Joomla extensions. - Strong understanding of Joomla's architecture and functionality. Please note, all my extensions are standard and do not have any custom modif...
Hi, I have one landing page design (AI) and want to convert that into pixel-perfect responsive HTML/CSS using the Bootstrap framework. It’s a small page, and I have a max $20 budget. I need this done today in the next few hours. To apply, you must send me 2 of your previous project links along with the original design files. Without that, I will count your proposal as spam and immediately delete it. Thanks.
I'm looking for a skilled web developer and designer to create an introduction page for our brand. The page should have a bold, modern, and clean style. It should prominently feature our brand story, team profiles, and an overview of our crypto ecosystem, as well as links to our socials. The page should also be interactive, incorporating: - Animations - Interactive graphs/charts - Hover effects - Smooth transitions You should have a strong portfolio in creating modern, interactive web pages and be familiar with the latest web design trends. Experience with creating crypto-related content is a plus. The goal is to make our introduction page engaging and informative.