...单调,能过的去就行,但功能一定要稳定。 需要转换的CSV文件(文件名称不固定,随意): 转换后要求的文件格式(下载得到的文件名称不固定,随意): 需要可执行的完整的HTML语句的转换程序,功能单一,就是将CSV文件的相应栏目字段数据提取出来,转换并生成对应的JSON格式的数据交换文件,具体要求如下: 一、在将CSV文件转换为JSON数据文件时,JSON数据文件内的以下字符段保留不变,这一段字符相当于固定的数据表头,不需要做任何转换,并严格保留原有JSON数据文件格式和所在的行,同时,此段字符段在JSON数据文件内只需要在最前面出现一次即可,禁止在后面的data内出现 [ { "type": "header", "version": "5.1.1", "comment": "Export to JSON plugin for PHPMyAdmin" }, { "type": "database", "name": "search" }, { "type": "table", "name": "qf_source", "database": "search", "data": [ 二、CSV文件内第一行为表头栏目说明,后面的每一行是一个独立的资料信息,各栏目字段对应JSON数据文件内的以下各字段,具体对应关系参照下面说明 以下是JSO...
... including: Extending membership durations. Adjusting quotas. The backend should allow admins to view each user's login status and recent login IP for better management. Customizable Model Aliases Support customizable aliases for all models. Admins should be able to set names and descriptions for each model in the backend, providing flexible model management. Preset Chatbot Role Add a default bot role setting to automatically load a preset role when users first interact with the chatbot. All role configurations should be customizable in the backend for easy adjustments of role content and policies. (This item is missing; there is no number 7 in the original document.) Chat Voice Functionality Add a voice interaction feature allowing users to engage with the chatbot throu...
WebApp,改进已有的UI: * 自适应布局,在各种设备(手机、pad,PC,Mac)上都可以全屏显示, 按钮大小合理 * 时间轴:可以收起、展开, 拖动指针 (参考Canva的时间轴, 见附件) * 登陆/注册页面: 在大屏幕上以小弹窗的形式显示(限制宽度) (参考附件中的: ) * 创建系统配置页面, 可以修改主要的系统参数: 例如:作品的对象:youtube视频,手机,pad。 (也是弹窗, 类似于登陆、注册页面。具体的参数稍后列出) 具体要求: * 使用css,不引入新的css 框架, 简化现有的框架
...Wowonder customization function adds “issue.” 1. There are five kinds of statement the “issue,” including “MostlyAgree,” “Agree,”“Undecided,” “Disagree,” and “Mostly Disagree.” The “issue” uses to display real time Ajax charts. Demo: 2. Users can comment only when they have made a statement, and the current position of the user will be displayed next to his/her comment avatar. “Undecided” users may also make a comment. 3. Users can alter their past statement record at any time. User A can invite user B to make a statement on a specific issue, and the invitation will also be recorded in user B's statement record page. 4. Each “issu...
1. Can import 500 ip proxy addresses at the same time 2. Can upload picture folder 3. You can upload text files 4. Each different ip address corresponds to a different facebook registration entry 5. Each ip address can be replaced or deleted at any time 6. After successful registration, the avat...successful registration, the avatar will be randomly selected from the picture folder, and the name will be randomly selected from the text file 7. Automatically apply through friends, and the time interval for applying through friends can be set by yourself 8. Integrated management of all account messages and comments 9. Real-time update statistics of the number of all friends, like, share, and comment 10. You can clear all accounts and all information with one key, and then start again, ...
现在的客户端只有用户名和密码的功能,客户端向服务器端发送用户名和密码给服务器;现在想增加硬件特征码功能,只要勾选了硬件识别码,客户端向服务器发送用户名和硬件特征码+密码的内容给服务器端,服务器端功能已经实现。 硬件特征码获取主板ID、CPU的ID、网卡MAC组合,并进行MD5加密运算得取32位长度的一串字符串。 勾选了硬件特征码,客户端向服务器端发送的密码就变成:硬件特征码+密码,注意是带那个+号的;不勾选硬件特征码,则客户端向服务器端发送的密码只有密码框里输入的密码内容。 生成硬件特征码的按钮作用,是根据上面的硬件特征码获取规则,生成硬件特征码,并复制到粘贴板里,便于用户发给管理员
您好, 请问一下我想要跟你讨论一种Betting Bot的项目,您方便加个微信来聊天吗 ? 谢谢您 微信 : rpkt13
...you can log in and use normally. After the login is successful, the current status is displayed next to it, and then you can start and stop the button. After starting the run, the list of historical messages below shows that you have quit a discussion group. The software needs to be a sharing mechanism: It needs to be shared with 2 people to use the software for free for 3 days (this can record MAC, hard disk number, QQ number can be). During free use, the user needs to share it with 2 users to use normally. Otherwise, every 3 hours, the software will automatically stop running. Every month, every user, regardless of sharing with several users, must have 2 shared users who have logged in before (during one month) Leave 2 pictures of the ad position above the software, click to ...
你好,我想大概了解一下做一个discord bot用作monitor shopify sites,需要多久和多少钱呢?
Mac C或C++ 苹果系统 MAC OS APP开发 总需求:开发一个应用程序,完成与USB设备通信,调用C语言 函数完成功能,在界面上显示对应数据 要求: 1. 提供APP源代码,注解 2. 打安装包
Mac C或C++ 苹果系统 MAC OS APP开发 总需求:开发一个应用程序,完成与USB设备通信,调用C语言 函数完成功能,在界面上显示对应数据 要求: 1. 提供APP源代码,注解 2. 打安装包
...With Certain Features. and Capability to bypass two anti cheat in particular. And Also be compatible on A Specific Operating System. Needs to be done in a Reasonable Amount of time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Needs to have one or two the Following Features And Proof From Leagues Smooth-Aimbot (Human Like, I want to be able to adjust the bot also) ------------------------------------------------------------- Needs to be Proof for the Following Anti-Cheats. CEVO (Paladin/CEVO) [url removed, login to view] ESEA (ESEACLIENT) [url removed, login to view] ----------------------------------------------------------- Needs to be Compatible with the Following Operating System. Windows 7 32 bit and 64 Bit. -------------...
我们要做一个以国外名牌商品信息为主题的社交应用。 用户可以分享商品照片,在照片上添加商品信息标签,或者填写别人照片上的标签来帮他人完善商品信息。 如果你有使用“Nice”或“小红书”的经验,会更容易理解我们的应用。
移植现有的android程序到ios平台下,主要完成界面框架设计及基本效果。主要功能包括: 1.微博/qq登录; 2.用户基本信息设置; 3.侧滑菜单; 4.文件列表显示; 此项目开发主要是前台页面开发,不包含后台开发。
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'mac app testing and detail report'
sammyboyforum Hi, i need a bot that can help me auto bump my thread in sammyboyforum board. Total i got 2-4 user id. every user id i got 5-10 topics to bump. I hope to be able to bump these 20 topic on every 2 hours basics (Please leave a box for me to write what i want to bump not just a prefixed bump) (Please let me choose the timing that i want to bump the thread. which means i got at least 12 time slot to choose)
我提供一个高通手机内置的apk程序,希望能有人可以仿制出一个同样功能的apk程序。 程序说明:这个程序可以读取或写入高通手机的IMEI和MAC地址
我提供一个高通手机内置的apk程序,希望能有人可以仿制出一个同样功能的apk程序。 程序说明:这个程序可以读取或写入高通手机的IMEI和MAC地址
...共享目录控制:能够枚举共享文档属性、类型和当前连接情况,删除共享文件夹,对文档共享情况进行控制,解决了终端用户随意共享文件或忘记取消文件共享所带来的文件泄密隐患。 新安装软件管理:禁止或允许客户端安装软件,未经管理许可的软件无法安装。 用户账号管理:能够枚举目标主机中所有的账号和分组情况;能够新增用户、删除用户;能够锁定某个账号,并对账号进行解锁;能够修改账号的密码,能够对账号的权限进行管理。 终端服务管理:能够枚举终端的服务情况,并进行禁用、启动、重启、停止等控制。 终端锁定:管理员可以锁定指定终端,停止用户操作。 终端重启、关机:管理员可以远程重启或者关闭某个指定终端。 终端进程管理:实时监视终端用户当前运行的进程的详细信息,并且允许安全管理员可以从进程列表中选择特定进程进行远程终止。 IP地址管理:支持ip/mac地址的绑定,防止用户随意修改ip。 软件分发 文件分发:可指定用户或分组进行自动的文件推送,推送文件会在客户端自行打开。 程序执行:可向指定用户或分组发送绿色软件,并执行下发的程序。 软件分发日志:所有管理员发起的分发行为统一记入日志,终端的执行情况也可以进行查询。 屏幕监控 远程屏幕监视:实时监视终端用户的计算机屏幕状态,提供抓屏功能,为终端用户的操作行为保留现场。支持多个屏幕同时监控。支持屏幕录像。 远程协助 远程终端控制:能够接管终端用户操作,给用户提供远程协助。 屏幕控制验证:在管理员接管用户屏幕时,需要得到用户同意。 用户即时消息:为终端用户和管理员提供了一个交流通道,方便他们及时进行沟通。 远程通知 管理员公告:管理员...
你好,你能做NIKE RSVP BOT 吗,,这个视频是个例子,就需要这样子的。 需要能用多个twitter账户发送DM到指定的NIKETOWN官方账户,一个账户也需要同时发送多个DM 我的QQ317814420 谢谢
搜索引擎竞价广告点击器主要争对百度推广广告众所周知,竞价广告是按点击扣费的,一条广告被人点击一次扣几毛到几元不等的金钱我要的这个软件就是能够模拟网民点击广告,从而扣掉广告主的广告费要求:只有二条,就是能够有效点击扣费广告主的广告费,所以接任务者必需要有相关经验,了解搜索引擎扣费规则,二,我需要试用,好我马上会付钱 价格不是问题个人提供建议(虽然搜索引擎是按点击扣费,但并不代表乱点都会扣费)基本上满足以下条件才会扣费不同(每IP一天点击只算一次)2.浏览器Cookie没有记录同一天已经访问过该网站3.点击者电脑综合环境不同(此点搜索引擎用来判断是不是同一人在换IP恶意点击)4.网卡MAC地址不同5.点击次数不会太有规律,也不会突然增加太多点击次数(搜索引擎判断恶意点击的标准)基本以上条件都要满足,搜索引擎才会视为是网民正常点击以上只是我个人提供的参考条件,更多搜索引擎过滤规则,要开发者自已解决总之,软件合者的标准就是能够指定关键词,指定点某条广告,每次软件点击都要让广告被成功扣费有相关开发经验者联系我电话
Saya ingin membuat rekomendasi trading kripto berbasis ai yang terhubung dengan bot telegram
I am in need of a mid-level Virtual Assistant for my digital marketing agency, the Bot Agency. This role is primarily focused on telecalling to follow up on potential sales leads, but will also involve handling email correspondence, providing customer support, and performing various administrative tasks. Key Responsibilities: - Telecalling to follow up on leads - Email management - Customer support - Scheduling appointments - Data entry Ideal Skills: - Telecalling - Email management - Customer support - Scheduling - Data entry Preferred Qualifications: - Experience working in a digital marketing agency - Fluent in Hindi - Willing to work according to Indian time Please note, telecalling experience is highly desirable, and proficiency in Hindi will be considered a bonus. You mu...
...Contest Submission: 1. Home: Showcase educational content, tutorials, and industry insights. 2. Products: Display products effectively, with options to favorite and review. 3. Scanner: Design an intuitive interface for the product verification scanner. 4. Profile (Mini-Instagram): Design a user profile section that functions like a mini-Instagram, allowing users to upload and post content, chat, comment on products, and ask questions with other users. Think visually engaging layouts, easy content creation, and seamless interaction features. 5. Marketplace: Design a clear and engaging marketplace for sellers and buyers. Responsibilities (for the Winning Designer): • Full App Redesign: Based on the winning designs for the five key screens, you will then redesign the remaining...
...a talented AI Engineer to take our AI-powered social media commenting tool to the next level. Our aim is to make AI-generated LinkedIn comments more human-like and tailored to individual users based on their interaction history. Responsibilities: - Refine AI-generated comments utilizing OpenAI GPT-4 API - Enhance prompt engineering and consider fine-tuning as necessary - Analyze real LinkedIn comment data (over 10K comments) - Optimize API usage to be both efficient and cost-effective We need someone who can particularly focus on personalizing comments based on the sentiment of a user's prior interactions. This will enable us to create even more relevant and engaging comments that resonate with the user. Requirements: - Extensive experience with OpenAI API, GPT-4, and pro...
I'm looking for an expert who can assist me in customizing a emailing bot. The change I want to make should be fairly simple. I will show details of the bot in direct chat.
Hi. I need a Telegram bot that buy Pump fun token when a certainly liquidity percentage is met.
Telegram Poster Bot: Python-based Telegram message sender software with instant and scheduled messaging capabilities. Should be made as an API. Basic front end for testing purposes needed. Backend: Python API: Telegram API Proxy Management: Custom Proxy Checker 1. Project Overview The system will allow users/admins to: • Authenticate and register accounts in TG. • Add multiple Telegram accounts to a user account with an option to choose between the accounts. • Enquiry the contacts list to the user interface (from each linked TG account) • Manage recipient groups (by ID or name). • Create messages and as an ID + add CRUD capabilities. Messages • Send instant messages and schedule messages. Schedule messages should have a cycle of sending and time...
I'm seeking an expert Golang developer with a strong background in artificial intelligence and sales automation. The task is to create a bot that interfaces with our database, facilitating automated customer purchases via WhatsApp. Key Responsibilities: - Implement a bot capable of product search, order placement, and order tracking. - Connect the bot to our database for real-time information access. - Equip the bot with advanced AI capabilities, including: - Natural Language Processing to understand customer queries. - Machine Learning for adapting to customer preferences. - A Recommendation System for suggesting products. - Ensure the bot can process incoming WhatsApp messages and respond with recommendations. Ideal Candidates Will: - Have ...
...following details from each comment: - Author (name and email) - Date and time of the comment - Comment resolution status - Line number associated with the highlighted main text - Main text that the comment is based on - Section header, if the main text falls within a chapter or section of the document - Page number for the highlighted main text - Subsequent comments or replies, structured in additional columns rather than additional rows Excel Output Requirements - Each comment should be recorded as a single row in the spreadsheet. - Responses to comments should appear in additional columns, not additional rows. - Data should follow a predefined template, ensuring consistency in formatting. - Column headers must not contain spaces (e.g., use Comment...
...differents pictures in a mac (like the second 29 to 30). And this is the script: opening with a clean white background appears. Smooth fade in of a mockup showing an overview of the company dashboard with sleek UI elements (suggested animation subtle zoom-in on the mockup, emphasizing the product innovaite design) (audio: start with upbeat electronic tones for a techy vibe) on new features with quick transitions (text + visual smooth transition. Suggested animation slide from left while highlighting key fields on the form) + (text + visual dashboard graph animation showcasing live feedback or customer service. Suggested animation focus on dynamic data visuals updating in real time) 3. Highlight customization with fast effects (fast short sentences + mac sits static in ...
I need a customized version of Zotero from the GitHub project link provided. The modifications should be functional for both Windows and Mac operating systems. Key Customizations: 1. Remove the "Export Library" function. 2. Implement a "Log In to Start Using" feature, using a standard user and password registration method. 3. Create a system for importing data from an online source, specifically hosted on CPanel. 4. Add support for custom themes to enhance user experience. (JUST change LOGO) Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in cross-platform software development, specifically for Windows and Mac. - Experience with modifying open-source software, particularly from GitHub. - Knowledge of implementing user login systems and data import functionalities. The fre...
...differents pictures in a mac (like the second 29 to 30). And this is the script: opening with a clean white background appears. Smooth fade in of a mockup showing an overview of the company dashboard with sleek UI elements (suggested animation subtle zoom-in on the mockup, emphasizing the product innovaite design) (audio: start with upbeat electronic tones for a techy vibe) on new features with quick transitions (text + visual smooth transition. Suggested animation slide from left while highlighting key fields on the form) + (text + visual dashboard graph animation showcasing live feedback or customer service. Suggested animation focus on dynamic data visuals updating in real time) 3. Highlight customization with fast effects (fast short sentences + mac sits static in ...