Aws iot arduino uno工作


    2,000 aws iot arduino uno 找到工作

    ... 微服务架构:将系统拆分为多个独立的服务,如用户服务、支付服务、数据分析服务等,通过API Gateway进行服务间的通信与管理。 数据库:采用MySQL/PostgreSQL等关系型数据库存储结构化数据,结合Redis、MongoDB等NoSQL数据库处理高并发访问与缓存。 消息队列:Kafka/RabbitMQ等,用于解耦系统组件间的依赖,提高系统响应速度和容错性。 大数据处理:Hadoop/Spark等用于海量数据的存储与处理,结合Elasticsearch等实现快速检索与分析。 AI与机器学习:集成TensorFlow/PyTorch等深度学习框架,实现图像识别、自然语言处理等AI功能。 2. 功能需求: AI数字名片:通过人脸识别与AI分析技术,为园区内人员生成个性化的数字名片,支持快速识别与社交互动。 智慧园区:集成物联网(IoT)技术,实时监控园区内环境(如温湿度、空气质量)、能源使用情况及设备状态,实现智能化管理。 智慧商城+跨境电商:搭建在线商城平台,支持商品展示、在线交易、物流跟踪等功能,并融入跨境电商元素,拓宽商品销售渠道。 AI媒体矩阵:利用AI算法分析用户兴趣,推送个性化内容,同时支持园区内多媒体内容的发布与管理。 智慧生活:集成智能家居控制、在线缴费、社区活动预约等功能,提升居民生活质量。 ERP系统:构建企业资源规划系统,涵盖财务、采购、库存、生产等管理模块,实现园区内企业的一站式管理。 智慧工程:通过传感器与AI算法,对园区基础设施进行预防性维护,提高运维效率与安全性。 智慧安保:利用人脸识别、视频监控等AI技术,实现园区的智能安防监控与异常事件快速响应。 智慧物业:提供物业管理、报修服务、租户管理等一站式服务,提升物...

    $389578 Average bid
    $389578 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    咨询aws beanstalk 部署 django 有一个django 架构的网站, 需要部署到AWS 上去. 希望找一个有经验的工程师或者团队咨询关于CI/CD的问题. 如果合适也可能会有一些django 相关的测试的程序需要帮忙写.

    $39 / hr Average bid
    $39 / hr 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    功能要求: 1. 基本用户注册登陆功能 2. 用户浏览试卷功能 3. 每个试卷可以有多个部分 4. 每个部分有多个题目 5. 每个题目有多个可选答案,但是每个题目只有一个正确答案。 6. 用户可以对于某张试卷做多次。 7. 用户可以实时保存做到一半的试卷。 8. 用户可以提交做完的试卷。 9. 用户可以实时浏览做的试卷分数。 10. 用户可以在浏览试卷的结果的同时对于每道题目对chatgpt提问。 11. 用户可以问之后的问题。 12. 管理员功能,可以增删修改试卷的部分和题目。 技术要求: 1. 尽量使用React.js。 2. 尽量使用AWS。 3. 需要源码。

    $4168 Average bid
    $4168 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    气象指数由一个IoT通过sim卡传到cloud,需要一位专业人士链接数据到到网站 I need a great programmer to know how to connect with cloud with my IOT, store the data sent by IOT in the cloud and visualize via a web site. I already have a website in Chinese, and I need to have the same website in English or French but IP should be located in France and the data alss stored in French cloud

    $33730 Average bid
    $33730 平均报价
    17 个竞标

    Job Description: 负责软件之分析、设计以及程序撰写。 规划执行软件架构及模块之设计,并控管软件设计进度。 进行软件之测试与修改。 规划、执行与维护量产的产品。 协助研发软件新技术与新工具。 管控软件开发成本 Requirements: Professional Certificate, Diploma, Advanced/Higher/Graduate Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Post Graduate Diploma, Professional Degree *MUST be proficient in MANDARIN

    $226 / hr Average bid
    $226 / hr 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    - With a Performance Marketing background - SEM background would be a plus - E-Commerce experience with a minimum 7 figure budget - Very Analytical - Self motivated ans self driven _____________________________ 【品牌介绍】 Furbo狗狗摄像机是一个国际化的宠物科技品牌,结合各领域的菁英及创业家们,运用最先进的技术-IoT物联网、AI人工智慧、云端大数据等,致力于带给全世界宠物饲主源源不绝的欢乐与创新!   Furbo已热销超过五十个国家并成为宠物摄像机中销量第一的品牌,我们持续开发世界级的产品并积极拓展中国市场,Furbo于2019年8月开设天猫国际海外旗舰店,因而决定扩大延揽拥有企图心广告投手,与我们一同透过创新改变宠物与主人的生活。     【工作内容】 以专案方式合作。不需要到办公室,可远端线上办公。 针对直通车、超级推荐、钻石展位、品销宝广告能独立根据账户历史数据做出有效的数据分析,并根据投放效果实时调整优化策略,包括人群策略、关键词策略、推品策略和广告素材优化策略;并达到品牌方定的目标 (包含但并不限于 CTR、ATCR、OCR、CPA、ROAS…等),需要提供周报表和报告,并随时与品牌方沟通现况与优化方式。     【招聘条件】 1. 熟练掌握阿里妈妈(直、超、钻、品)投放系统和后台优化逻辑,至少2年以上系统操作经验。会结合阿里其他后台工具分析数据 (因为站内工具与规则不断更新,所以要求近2年都还要有投放经验才可) 2. 操作过业绩1000万以上/年的品牌,且投放金额100...

    $6483 Average bid
    $6483 平均报价
    5 个竞标
    已经结束 left

    本团队长期承接外包兼职项目,诚邀洽谈合作,给你一个满意的解决方案, 业务范围: 1,App开发:Android,iOS,Flutter,Reactive Native,uni-app,移动端H5,混合开发,跨平台开发; 2,微信平台:小程序,公众号,服务号,企业微信; 3,阿里平台:钉钉开发,支付宝小程序,支付宝生活号; 4,前端开发:企业官网,Node.js,Vue.js,Html5,CSS,JavaScript; 5,其他开发:爬虫,物联网IoT(Lora,NB-IoT,蓝牙),嵌入式开发,大数据,云计算,微服务,项目集成; 6,数据库:Oracle,MySQL,MongoDB,Redis,InfluxDB; 7,UI设计:Sketch,PS,Ai,3D建模(3d Max,Maya),墨刀,Axure,Mockplus,蓝湖; 8,开发语言:Java,Kotin,Objective-C,Swift,Dart,Golang,Python,PHP,C,C++,.NET; 9,服务器运维:Linux,Windows,Docker,Jenkins,Nginx,集群,分布式;

    $740 / hr Average bid
    $740 / hr 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    需要AWS资深讲师一名,需要出差至大连上课,至少15年工作经验,至少3年以上的培训交付经验,中文授课,需要原厂教材。请符合条件的讲师联系我,我们每天支付给讲师的费用在5000到8000不等(不包含差旅费用)。[Removed by Admin]

    $14929 Average bid
    $14929 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    遇到不靠谱开发人,需要找靠谱开发者继续完成网站 这是网站开发情况:大概60%的完成度 用的是PHP Laravel, Mysql 需要完成网站和后台Admin的建设,并且deploy到Heroku和AWS 上面 第三方软件需要: Shippo: Stripe: Paypal: 有兴趣请联系我,预计是4周完成

    $6638 Average bid
    $6638 平均报价
    16 个竞标
    已经结束 left

    任务: 1、集成Arduino,实现正常的初始化、连接Arduino硬件,并且支持向Arduino上传代码; 2、UI调整; 以上第1步已经完成集成Arduino部分,初始化、连接存在BUG,需修复,上传代码功能待实现。

    $3210 Average bid
    $3210 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    已经结束 left

    认识ARDUINO,马达运作,电路,驳线等 我想要一套xy轴的运作系统

    $1243 Average bid
    $1243 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    模仿weChat, 创建chat, group chat, moment, 发布文件,照片。 需要用amazon aws. 需要源代码。

    $2096 Average bid
    $2096 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    模仿weChat, 创建chat, group chat, moment, 发布文件,照片。 需要用amazon aws. 需要源代码。

    $1348 Average bid
    $1348 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作parsing jsonarray using Arduino mega with esp8266-12 '

    $390 / hr Average bid
    $390 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    Arduino 仿真
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    $140 Average bid
    $140 平均报价
    1 个竞标
    已经结束 left


    $9482 Average bid
    $9482 平均报价
    2 个竞标
    编写 iPhone 应用
    已经结束 left

    我在寻找iOS开发者,开发的App为工具与社交类产品Beta版本。 我需要的条件 开发目标: 1.商定基础功能完成 2.使用parse或aws服务器服务,进行数据交换。 (需要懂后台的开发) 开发完成 。(我会提供UI素材) 4.无明显Bug。(Bug范围可提前沟通确定接受范围) 交付工作(Work deliverable):开发完成后需要可以使用,交付程序包。 开发完成时间(Deadline):3周-4周内完成 工作时间(Time):共40-50个小时的工作时间。(可再评估) 我们创造是一个令人激动尖叫的产品,如果你是父母你的孩子一定会爱上我们的产品。如果你是子女,这是一款让你的父母也可以真真正正触摸到科技对他们生活质量的提升。我们再创造真正的价值。 如果感兴趣或有任何疑问,请随时联系我,也请同时告知我你的开发费用。 在开发完成后如果你依然觉得意犹未尽,欢迎成为我们的Partner! 谢谢! Kevin Li

    $18482 Average bid
    $18482 平均报价
    10 个竞标

    需要一位热衷 Arduino、电子设计的玩家创客帮忙介绍一个拇指般大小 32 位 Arduino 兼容开发板给中国的玩家. 这小小 38mmx18mm 的开发板功能含: 100MHz 32bit RISC / FPU + 1MByte Flash + 212KByte RAM + 2 UART + 2 SPI + 1 PWM + 17 GPIO + GPS 接收器. 售价 $12 (不含 GPS 有源天线). 性价比远超越在群众募资网站 Kickstart上能看到的任何 Arduino 相关开发板 (Digispark, Microduino, Tinyduino, Galago, Teensy 3.0...). 目标是 10 天内帮 NavSpark 活动增加 250 位中国区的支持赞助者, $500 做酬劳, 超过或不及都照比例计算. 例如: 增加 200 位中国区支持赞助者则以 US$400 做酬劳, 1000 位则以 US$2000 做酬劳. NavSpark 活动网址:

    $1948 - $5844
    $1948 - $5844
    0 个竞标

    ...(NGINX, HAProxy, or Traefik) for optimal traffic distribution ✅ Configure Auto-scaling to support 200,000 concurrent transactions (TPS) ✅ Optimize database and caching (PostgreSQL, Redis, etc.) for high-speed performance ✅ Ensure fault tolerance and failover mechanisms to prevent downtime ✅ Set up monitoring & logging (Prometheus, Grafana, ELK Stack, etc.) ✅ Deploy the solution on a Cloud Provider (AWS, GCP, or DigitalOcean) ✅ Secure the system with SSL, DDoS protection, and best security practices Preferred Skills: ✔ Kubernetes (K8s) ✔ Docker & Containerization ✔ Load Balancing & Scaling ✔ Cloud Networking & Security ✔ Hyperswitch Payment Gateway Integration ✔ PostgreSQL / Redis Performance Optimization Expected Deliverables: 1️⃣ Fully functional Hyperswitch pa...

    $4901 Average bid
    $4901 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    ...Problem-Solving & Tool Selection: - Independently identify and implement the best tools, APIs, and programming languages to solve specific technical challenges. - Adapt to new technologies and optimize workflows to improve system performance. - Take initiative in researching and integrating emerging technologies where relevant. Deployment and Optimization: - Deploy the platform using cloud services (e.g., AWS, Google Cloud, Azure). - Optimize the platform for speed, scalability, and performance. - Set up CI/CD pipelines for streamlined development and deployment workflows. Requirements: Experience: - 5+ years of experience as a full-stack developer. - Proven experience building and deploying full-stack applications from scratch. Technical Skills: - Front-End: Proficiency i...

    $62356 Average bid
    $62356 平均报价
    35 个竞标

    ...branching B. AI Agent Deployment AI-powered decision-making capabilities Natural Language Processing (NLP) integration Machine Learning (ML) model integration Custom agent scripting Real-time monitoring and logging C. Database & API Connectivity Secure connection to SQL & NoSQL databases RESTful and GraphQL API integration Webhooks for event-driven data processing Cloud storage & file system support (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) D. Testing & Debugging Real-time testing environment Debugging tools with log tracking Version control for workflows Automated unit and integration testing E. Deployment & Scaling One-click deployment to cloud or on-premise servers Auto-scaling for high-demand workflows Multi-tenancy support for SaaS model Role-based access control (RBAC)...

    $5680 Average bid
    $5680 平均报价
    15 个竞标

    Vorrei costruire uno shaker ispirandomi a questo video: L’obiettivo è assemblarlo utilizzando solo componenti già disponibili in commercio, senza dover ricorrere a lavorazioni meccaniche come saldatura, filettatura o foratura. Per questo motivo, preferirei acquistare tutti i pezzi in negozi come Brico, Leroy Merlin o ferramenta, così da garantire la facile reperibilità dei ricambi. Cerco qualcuno con esperienza che possa consigliarmi quali componenti acquistare e, se possibile, supportarmi nella fase di assemblaggio. Il sistema dovrà essere leggero, semplice da montare e in acciaio inox, almeno per le parti a contatto con il composto da shakerare. Un elemento chiave del progetto è il movimento verticale di un contenitore in acciai...

    $1005 Average bid
    $1005 平均报价
    7 个竞标
    Pi Setup
    9 天 left

    Pi setup for Arduino SQL database communication

    $47 / hr Average bid
    $47 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    I'm looking for an experienced developer to port existing Arduino and Raspberry Pi project (found at ) to an STM32 microcontroller. The project involves sensor integrations, data logging, and control algorithms. Key Requirements: - Porting critical features from the existing project - Implementing WiFi capabilities using the STM32's built-in WiFi module - Open to using alternative libraries or frameworks instead of the ones used with Arduino and RPi Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in STM32 programming - Experience with Arduino and Raspberry Pi - Knowledge of sensor integrations and data logging - Familiarity with control algorithms - WiFi module implementation experience - Ability to suggest and use alternative libraries or frameworks.

    $756 Average bid
    $756 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    ...Multi-Platform Accessibility: The app will be developed using React Native for the frontend, ensuring a seamless experience across web, Android, and iOS platforms. Python will be used for the backend, providing robust and scalable server-side functionality. Cloud Hosting: The backend will be hosted on a reliable cloud service such as Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Alibaba Cloud, or Amazon Web Services (AWS). This ensures high availability, scalability, and security for user data and app performance. User Profiles and Matching: Detailed user profiles with photos, bios, and interests. Advanced matching algorithms to suggest potential matches based on preferences and behavior. Privacy and Security: End-to-end encryption for all messages to ensure privacy. Robust authenticat...

    $18193 Average bid
    $18193 平均报价
    52 个竞标

    ...Compare revenue vs. expenses per property • Export financial reports for tax and accounting purposes Technology Stack (Preferred): • Frontend: React.js / • Backend: Node.js / • Database: MongoDB / PostgreSQL • OTA API Integrations: Airbnb, , Expedia, Vrbo APIs • Messaging: WebSockets / Twilio • Calendar Sync: / Google Calendar API • Hosting: AWS / DigitalOcean / Vercel Freelancer Requirements: • Experience in OTA API integration • Proven track record in building similar property management platforms • Ability to develop a user-friendly, responsive UI/UX • Strong backend and database management skills • Knowledge of security best practices for financial transactions and user data Budget & Timel...

    $3779 Average bid
    $3779 平均报价
    54 个竞标

    ...multiple languages and currencies. II. Technology Stack (Example - Adapt as needed): Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (essential for any website) Frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js (for complex UIs) Backend: Python (Django/Flask), Node.js, Ruby on Rails, or other suitable server-side language/framework. Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL (relational databases for structured data). Cloud Hosting: AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Azure (scalable and reliable hosting). Search (Optional but Recommended): Elasticsearch, Solr (for robust search functionality). Payment Gateway: Stripe, PayPal (secure payment processing). III. Development Process (Simplified): Planning and Requirements Gathering: Define features, target audience, monetization strategy, and technical requirements. Thorough ma...

    $1707271 Average bid
    $1707271 平均报价
    108 个竞标

    Solicito apoyo de experto en AWS y mono repos NEST JS para que me asesore sobre como subir cada microservicio del mono repo a AWS.

    $39 / hr Average bid
    $39 / hr 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    ...endpoints. Implementing user authentication and authorization (JWT, OAuth). Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing: Experience with TensorFlow, PyTorch, or OpenCV. Working with pre-trained models such as Stable Diffusion, GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks). Expertise in image segmentation, style transfer, and object detection. Cloud Technologies and Scalability: Hosting experience on AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure. Utilizing cloud-based GPUs (e.g., NVIDIA Tesla or A100). Building scalable systems with Docker and Kubernetes. 2. Project Management and Communication Familiarity with project management tools like Jira, Trello, or Asana. Regular communication (weekly meetings and progress reports). Code sharing through GitHub or GitLab. System Features User Panel: User logi...

    $31330 Average bid
    $31330 平均报价
    58 个竞标

    Programa para Arduino ESP32 e display TFT 2.4 220x320 ILI9341 com um temporizador de 00min. 00seg. disparado por uma entrada que tbm dispara um totalizador de 4digitos e indicação de um codigo QRcode

    $1223 Average bid
    $1223 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    I need an Arduino Uno code, alongside a connection diagram, that will allow me to integrate an RFID reader with a MIDI serial bridge. The setup should output a distinct MIDI note for each of my 6 RFID tags. Key Requirements: - Each RFID tag should trigger a different MIDI note when scanned. - The MIDI note numbers need to be hard-coded within the program. - The use of a 7-byte RFID tag, with UID provided by me. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Arduino programming. - Experience with MIDI serial bridge setups. - Knowledgeable about RFID technology. - Capable of creating clear, understandable connection diagrams. The connection setup will be as follows: - An RFID reader is connected to the Arduino. - The Arduino is linked to a Hairless MIDI serial bridge. ...

    $1013 Average bid
    $1013 平均报价
    13 个竞标

    ...District). Engagement Tools: Discussion forums, event management, notifications. Financial & Operations: Payment gateway, invoicing, asset & inventory tracking. Analytics & Reporting: Real-time dashboards, engagement insights. Required Skills Experience in React.js, React Native, Node.js, Laravel. Expertise in multi-tenant SaaS architectures. Secure API development (REST/GraphQL). Knowledge of AWS, Google Cloud, Azure. Experience with payment gateways (Stripe, Razorpay, PayPal). Deliverables Fully functional web & mobile app with documentation. Secure API integration and deployment. Testing & bug fixes before final delivery. Project Timeline & Budget Estimated 1 months for Pre-developed solution. Milestone-based payments. Interested freelancers should ...

    $11134 Average bid
    $11134 平均报价
    52 个竞标

    I'm looking for a skilled engineer to develop an Arduino-based project for controlling an LED light. The light will be an LED and will be activated through a mobile application with a simple click. Key Requirements: - Experience with Arduino programming - Proficiency in developing mobile applications - Knowledge of LED circuitry - Ability to create a seamless user experience - Good communication skills for project updates and discussions The main task will be to design the control system, program the Arduino, and develop the mobile app interface. The goal is to have a functional, user-friendly system for controlling the LED light via clicks on a mobile app.

    $1886 Average bid
    $1886 平均报价
    13 个竞标

    Создание модуля "Оптимизация карточек Ozon" Техническое задание для разработчиков 1. Общие требования: • Язык программирования: Python (Django, FastAPI) или Node.js. • Интерфейс: Веб-платформа с удобной админ-панелью (React, Vue.js или Angular). • СУБД: PostgreSQL или MySQL. • Интеграции: Ozon API для управления карточками. • Хостинг: Облачное решение (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure). 2. Модули системы: 1. Модуль сбора данных: o Получение информации о карточках товаров с помощью Ozon API. o Сохранение данных в локальной базе. 2. Модуль анализа: o Обработка текста: библиотека NLP (например, SpaCy, Transformers). o SEO-анализ: анализ ключевых слов, текстовых характеристик. o Анализ изображений: OpenCV или аналог для проверки качества. 3. Модуль рекоменда...

    $164 / hr Average bid
    $164 / hr 平均报价
    31 个竞标

    Il progetto consiste nello sviluppo di uno script PHP per leggere e visualizzare i dati JSON da un'API specifica. Lo script deve essere in grado di effettuare una richiesta GET all'URL fornito, decodificare la risposta JSON e visualizzare i dati in un formato leggibile.

    $1200 Average bid
    $1200 平均报价
    24 个竞标

    I'm seeking a seasoned sales consultant to help acquire both Web and Mobile development projects. Your primary target industries will include IoT apps, Startup companies Key Responsibilities: - Identify and engage with potential clients in the aforementioned industries - Leverage networking events to build relationships and secure projects. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in sales, particularly in the tech industry - Strong networking skills and connections within the target industries - Experience with Web and Mobile development projects is a plus. This project is perfect for a sales professional who thrives in a tech-oriented, fast-paced environment. Your ability to leverage networking events will be key to our success.

    $148 / hr Average bid
    $148 / hr 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    ...also integrate with government/third-party APIs (e.g., ID verification, property tax lookups), so a modular approach is crucial. 4. Deployment • Hosted on a cloud platform (AWS, Azure, etc.) with a CI/CD pipeline. • Ensure a straightforward build and deploy process for both front-end and back-end. Required Experience • Full-Stack Proficiency: Node.js + Express/NestJS (TypeScript), PostgreSQL, React (TypeScript). • Accounting & Invoicing Systems: Experience implementing financial tracking, invoicing, or e-commerce/payment flows. • Document/File Handling: Familiarity with file upload, storage, and retrieval (e.g., AWS S3 or similar services). • Notifications & Messaging: Email/SMS integrations, scheduling systems. • Securit...

    $5976 Average bid
    $5976 平均报价
    170 个竞标

    ...Handling: WebSockets & Firebase (for instant match updates) AI & ML Integration: Python (TensorFlow / Scikit-learn for match and fantasy predictions) APIs & Integrations: Sports API Integration: CricAPI / SportsRadar (Live match data & stats) Payment Gateway: Stripe / Razorpay (Subscription & fantasy contest fees) Push Notifications: Firebase Cloud Messaging / OneSignal Cloud & Hosting: AWS / Google Cloud (Scalable and secure hosting) CI/CD pipelines for automated deployment Qualifications & Requirements: Proven experience in developing sports or real-time data applications. Strong expertise in React Native / Flutter for mobile development. Experience with Node.js, Express, MongoDB/PostgreSQL for backend development. Familiarity with inte...

    $1893 Average bid
    $1893 平均报价
    21 个竞标

    ...seamless user experience, we will use: Frontend: React.js (for a dynamic and responsive UI) Backend: Node.js with Express (for efficient handling of user requests) Database: PostgreSQL or MongoDB (for storing user profiles, workouts, and nutrition data) AI & ML: Python (TensorFlow/PyTorch for AI-driven recommendations) Authentication: Firebase Auth or OAuth (secure login system) Cloud Storage: AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage (for storing workout videos and progress data) Payment Gateway: Stripe or PayPal (for seamless subscription payments) Wearable Device Integration: Apple Health, Google Fit API Additional Information: I will provide the logo and domain. Looking for a developer with experience in AI, fitness platforms, and e-commerce integrations. Open to discuss...

    $1301 Average bid
    $1301 平均报价
    14 个竞标

    *** OVERVIEW *** - Ten US dollars per hour. - One hour per day (or per night). - You will help me design, code, and develop an IoT product using MicroPython running on an ESP32 microchip. - You do *not* need any experience with microcontrollers, electronics, electrical engineering, mechatronics, Arduino, PCB, circuit design, or Python. - If prevents you from bidding on this project or if you want to avoid “spending” one of your Freelancer bids you can apply "passively” for this project by pasting "MicroPython_ESP32_11_September_2019" into your Freelancer profile. Please see the section below in this posting called *** APPLYING "PASSIVELY" *** for more information. *** LOCATION *** You must live th...

    $78 / hr Average bid
    $78 / hr 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    We need a developers for React Projects with Complete API Implementations on Project with Backend of PHP or Node Js. Have experiance to Upload website on AWS and Have expertise in problem solving , data base should be Mongo DB or My SQL . Experiance required - 3+ Years Project time -Limited Proposal required on Hourly Basis or Project Basis or monthly Basis More details: Is this project for business or personal use? Personal What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Detailed project proposals How soon do you need your project completed? Within a month

    $55 / hr Average bid
    $55 / hr 平均报价
    47 个竞标

    ...deployments using tools like Docker and Kubernetes. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to integrate ML models into production systems. Optimize infrastructure for ML model serving on cloud platforms (AWS, GCP, or Azure). Document processes, workflows, and best practices for MLOps. Qualifications Must-Have Skills: Proven experience in MLOps tools and frameworks (e.g., MLflow, Kubeflow, TensorFlow Serving). Strong programming skills in Python and ML libraries (e.g., PyTorch, TensorFlow, scikit-learn). Expertise in containerization and orchestration (Docker, Kubernetes). Proficiency in cloud platforms (AWS, GCP, or Azure) for ML infrastructure. Experience with version control systems (Git) and CI/CD pipelines. Solid understanding of machine learning workflows and challen...

    $101 / hr Average bid
    $101 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    I'm looking for an experienced developer to port existing Arduino and Raspberry Pi project (found at ) to an STM32 microcontroller. The project involves sensor integrations, data logging, and control algorithms. Key Requirements: - Porting critical features from the existing project - Implementing WiFi capabilities using the STM32's built-in WiFi module - Open to using alternative libraries or frameworks instead of the ones used with Arduino and RPi Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in STM32 programming - Experience with Arduino and Raspberry Pi - Knowledge of sensor integrations and data logging - Familiarity with control algorithms - WiFi module implementation experience - Ability to suggest and use alternative libraries or frameworks.

    $101 Average bid
    $101 平均报价
    7 个竞标
    Prospect Post
    9 天 left

    Lazar is being hired to design and build with , Node, and Mongodb—additional tools such as Tailwind CSS, Typescript, etc. We'll use Github, Vercel, and AWS for hosting purposes. The project total is $1250. Milestone payments will be made every two weeks until project is complete.

    $1753 Average bid
    $1753 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    ...Analytics | MS Office | Microsoft Power BI | Jupyter Notebook |Alteryx | Tableau • Coursework: Programming and Data Structures | Transform Calculus | Data Structer and algorithms INTERNSHIPS Software Development Intern | Atoll Solutions Pvt Ltd [Jun '23- Jul '23] • Spearheaded Atoll Kinesis enhancement by achieving a 20% scalability boost with innovative features in Iot tool. • Applied agile principles, enhancing decision-making in IoT solutions, boosting satisfaction ,streamlining operations. • Fortified Atoll Kinesis with innovative security measures, ensuring data integrity,thwarting potential vulnerabilities Data scientist | AntWalk • Maintained client's e-commerce site using HTML, MySQL, CSS, and JavaScript in backend support &b...

    $140 / hr Average bid
    $140 / hr 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    I'm in search of an expert with a strong background in AI and ML Learning, Computer Vision Technology, IoT Sensors, and Drone Technology for my startup. The ideal candidate will have experience in: - Data Analytics: Using Computer Vision Technology to interpret and derive insights from data. - Unstructured Data: Proficient in analyzing unstructured data. The perfect fit for this role should have a robust understanding of these technologies and a proven record in applying them in a startup environment.

    $4854 Average bid
    $4854 平均报价
    11 个竞标

    I have a restAPI build in .net and I have implemented AWS SES and SNS for some reason i am not able to receive the message. My source code is working, but i think i may not be properly configuring my end. I need someone with aws account and have knowledge in .net to be able to help me with this task is pleain simple review the SMS and email API to see how i set it nupa dn test them with their account and that way i am able to tell if my aws setup is the issue and assist me with it

    $187 Average bid
    $187 平均报价
    15 个竞标

    I'm seeking a seasoned sales consultant to help acquire both Web and Mobile development projects. Your primary target industries will include IoT apps, Startup companies Key Responsibilities: - Identify and engage with potential clients in the aforementioned industries - Leverage networking events to build relationships and secure projects. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in sales, particularly in the tech industry - Strong networking skills and connections within the target industries - Experience with Web and Mobile development projects is a plus. This project is perfect for a sales professional who thrives in a tech-oriented, fast-paced environment. Your ability to leverage networking events will be key to our success.

    $9 - $36 / hr
    $9 - $36 / hr
    0 个竞标

    I'm looking for a professional with extensive experience in AWS to carry out a thorough review of my Elastic Beanstalk environment. Key Areas of Focus: - Instance Configurations: Evaluate whether the current setup is optimal for our usage requirements. - Security Setup: Ensure our security measures are robust and up to industry standards. Primary Objectives: - Stability and Architecture Recommendations: Based on your findings, I need practical, actionable recommendations to enhance the stability and architecture of the system. - Database Performance: Special emphasis will be placed on assessing the performance of our database. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in AWS services, particularly Elastic Beanstalk and Aurora DB. - Strong background in instance confi...

    $11687 - $23375
    加精 加封 保密协议
    $11687 - $23375
    22 个竞标

    ...ensure smooth deployment and scaling of applications. LEAD the Utilization of TypeScript (TS) and AWS for development and deployment tasks. Communicate effectively in English during technical discussions and provide clear insights. Requirements: 5+ years of experience in web development. Proficiency in front-end libraries/frameworks(React, Vue, , Nuxt) Strong understanding of RESTful APIs, Agile methodologies, and DevOps processes. Fluent in English, especially for technical conversations. Basic proficiency in Spanish. Preferred Qualifications: Understanding of back-end frameworks such as Laravel and Ruby on Rails. Hands-on experience with TypeScript (TS) and cloud platforms like AWS. Job Details: Part-time position with flexible working hours. Hourly rate: $20-$30 ...

    $686 / hr Average bid
    $686 / hr 平均报价
    74 个竞标