Asterisk connect sip proxy工作


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2,000 asterisk connect sip proxy 找到工作

...features for this AI platform, and we have already completed the Figma design. The developer needs to successfully help us connect to the front end so that all features can run smoothly. The back end of our website is written in PHP source code and the front end is written in , and development work needs to be done on our server. We need to add: - AI functions - Basic functions AI Chat function: Add canvas function (can be edited like the drawing function of ChatGPT) Add the same function as ChatGPT Operator (allow AI to call external web pages for operations) Add voice interaction function (turn AI text into speech mode, add interruptible effect, and connect to Ali's voice API and OpenAI's real-time API) Add AI thinking logic effects (similar to OpenAI o1, ad...

$19983 Average bid
$19983 平均报价
7 个竞标

...functions and deploy. Milestone 2 ($500): Complete the optimization of AI functions and deploy. Milestone 3 ($1500): Complete the new AI functions and the new admin panel functions and deploy. Budget: $3500 Timeline: Complete within 30 days. Delivery: Deliver the PHP source code of all admin panels; Deliver the source code of all optimized functions and new functions. Deploy the management panel and connect it to our front-end for use; Ensure that all front-ends are compatible with the back-end and support use; Ensure that the source code is unauthorized, non-encrypted, non-harmful, and the ownership of the source code must belong to us. Total amount: 3500U Deadline: about 30-60 days Continuous cooperation: We need a long-term cooperative development team to continuously deve...

$29147 Average bid
$29147 平均报价
8 个竞标

...后会立刻被切换到其他可用节点。 通过攻击蜜罐的方式吸引发起攻击的黑客,多次命中蜜罐会被系统标记为黑名单,不再发放新的IP地址。(用户可自行解除) 盾采用安全网关的方式进行流量鉴权,内网过滤、外网检测,首次建立连接额外增加鉴权机制,通过双向认证正式建立连接, 彻底阻断各种烦人的SYN/CC攻击。支持国际主流的TLS加密,所有TCP连接双向加密隧道通讯,有效防范各种数据包分析和修改。 握手后不过滤任何数据,真正做到0误杀、0漏包、丝般顺滑,免疫SYN和CC攻击。私有化协议二次封装,非链接限速、报文检测机制,0误杀、0漏过。 EXE封装、无源码接入,支持Windows、iOS、Android系统,分钟级集成。 智能多线节点分布,配合独家研发的隧道填补技术,保证每条线路都是优质网络 研发新SocKet协议,弥补WinSock链接失败会断开问题,链接失败自动无缝切换 显示用户IP 采用TOA或Proxy Protocol等开源模式显示用户真实IP。 做个授权 前端填写端口和ip和卡密或账号密码就能封装 要防破解,还有http https协议可以转tcp udp协议接入,授权服务器套cdn用域名通信 可以根据在线人数限制 分配不同套餐 按月 年付费 主要作用是 无视cc ddos攻击 隐藏ip 全网加速 显示用户IP

$3498 Average bid
$3498 平均报价
8 个竞标

气象指数由一个IoT通过sim卡传到cloud,需要一位专业人士链接数据到到网站 I need a great programmer to know how to connect with cloud with my IOT, store the data sent by IOT in the cloud and visualize via a web site. I already have a website in Chinese, and I need to have the same website in English or French but IP should be located in France and the data alss stored in French cloud

$33647 Average bid
$33647 平均报价
17 个竞标

1. Can import 500 ip proxy addresses at the same time 2. Can upload picture folder 3. You can upload text files 4. Each different ip address corresponds to a different facebook registration entry 5. Each ip address can be replaced or deleted at any time 6. After successful registration, the avatar will be randomly selected from the picture folder, and the name will be randomly selected from the text file 7. Automatically apply through friends, and the time interval for applying through friends can be set by yourself 8. Integrated management of all account messages and comments 9. Real-time update statistics of the number of all friends, like, share, and comment 10. You can clear all accounts and all information with one key, and then start again, in a cycle

$1943 Average bid
$1943 平均报价
2 个竞标
Project for Granit S.
已经结束 left

您好正在使用Jarvee, 需要jarvee的设置方式建议 对于instagram和facebook的限制感觉麻烦, 需有专家合作配置完整的机器人功能。 1.需要帮助设置服务器vps部屬 2.需要帮助proxy家用代理的建议, instagram和facebook专用家用代理 3. 2captcha-api 验证码串接,Instagram-自动电子邮件验证教學, Instagram-两因素验证 的设置, 以免被facebook及instagram阻挡 初學者模式---facebook初學者模式 長期合作相關設定 期待您的回覆謝謝

$389 Average bid
$389 平均报价
1 个竞标

...automatically stop running. Every month, every user, regardless of sharing with several users, must have 2 shared users who have logged in before (during one month) Leave 2 pictures of the ad position above the software, click to jump, leave 2 font ads below the software, click to jump The software can't connect to the server or can't open, can't log in, etc. It automatically detects whether the connected server is attacked. In a few seconds, it can't connect to the replacement server and connect to another server. I will prepare 2 servers for this. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 不限制开发语言,预算1万RMB,价格可谈 主要功能: 软件使用QQipad协议,自动退出QQ讨论组(也叫多人聊天) 需要做成绿色软件,不需要安装直接运行,需要在后台运行,只要QQ里面存在讨论组就自动退出,需要在1秒钟内快速的退出 细节:...

$8635 Average bid
$8635 平均报价
1 个竞标

SIP面板中找到100家从事房屋建筑的公司 如果事情不明确,请写信给我,我会尽力解释。 在中文里,我通过谷歌翻译写作。 我的母语是俄语。

$404 Average bid
$404 平均报价
4 个竞标
已经结束 left


$9172 Average bid
$9172 平均报价
2 个竞标
socks5 proxy client
已经结束 left

socks5 proxy client socks5 proxy client

$272 Average bid
$272 平均报价
1 个竞标

...interface using RMII interface PHY, so RMII interface pins have to be reserved, PHY using DP83848IVV ; 6. Serial communication interface to reserve a RS232 UART; reserved for a RS485 UART, in addition to set aside a pin for the direction of RS485 control; 7. USB interface to set aside 1 USB interface for external USB device; 8. Rotary encoder interface using two external interrupts to connect incremental rotary encoder; 9. Buzzer interface uses a PWM output to control the buzzer; 10. GPI O interface reserved at least 32 GPIO port for external device control, such as keyboard input, indicator output, three-state safety switch input, third gear selector switch input; basic drive requirements 1. Rotary encoder input drive knob Encoder drive requirements can determine ...

$21678 Average bid
$21678 平均报价
2 个竞标

opencart connect to Stock Manager Advance (v3.0.1.20 ) sync opencart with Stock Manager Advance including order, member, order status. find the attachment is detail document

$10633 Average bid
$10633 平均报价
3 个竞标
已经结束 left

If you have any questions after reading this, please ask me and do not assume you know what I need. Please follow these steps. 1. Go to and click 'table games then 'more table games' and click the european roulette graphic. 2. Play for Fun. ...required fee. 13. Upon your request, I will send screen shots of all the pages that are hit. These will be in 1280x768. I'll have to re-check this for you. 14. Once you feel you are ready to deliver the final product, run the program until virtual memory is reached. Take note of how long this lasted. I will run this on HP 2gig. 15. There is a Chinese case you need to open proxy Anything you need, do not hesitate to contact me!!!!

$10159 Average bid
$10159 平均报价
4 个竞标

Sip client with the pjsip or other sip stack. Need the cloudy Address Book accroding to the API. Need the presence status. The project should be finished in 1 month.

$11908 Average bid
$11908 平均报价
3 个竞标

VoIP Video IM等即时通讯功能。 支持Android,IPhone,Window Phone等客户端应用。 熟识SIP Webrtc XMPP。 提供Demo。

$43176 Average bid
$43176 平均报价
1 个竞标

主要指导elastix asterisk 的安装配置工作,熟悉Asterisk的模块(包括体系结构,配置文件,Log日志,History),能重新打包ISO文件

$9972 Average bid
$9972 平均报价
5 个竞标

...3、要求操作简单,点击“通话”功能按钮即可实现通讯; 4、由于即时通讯双方可能位置很远,因此必须经过互联网传输,需要中转服务器进行语音媒体的中转。中转服务器可以采用成熟的第三方软件或者协议,但是在项目完成后可以交付给我们; 5、发送方网络的最低可能是ADSL 2M。但是延时不能超过1S; 6、语音质量要高,不能有杂音、回音等问题,需要可以用于商业行为的那种; 7、需要有可供调用的组件和调用方法,我公司可通过调用方法进行上层功能的开发; 8、需要提供所有源代码和演示版本(演示版本的运行平台包括android、IOS),以及可交付的中转服务器; 9、并不需要完整的语音通讯软件,只需要能够实现语音传送、播放的功能模块即可。 10、演示内容:A用户点击“通话”按钮,中转服务器可通过设置好的IP地址,找到B用户,并发送通话请求。B用户接受请求后,双方可以进行通话。 11、你可以采用第三方组件,例如SIP,但是需要告诉我们是哪家的,效果如何。因为考虑到我国网络问题,所以建议是自己搭建服务器。 12、我们已经开发的软件可以在安卓、苹果商店找到,叫IEMAKER,通过安卓盒子,可以实现直播,但是目前还不能实现声音直播,因此,需要开发这个模块,用于该软件。

$16392 Average bid
$16392 平均报价
5 个竞标

开发一款LSP拦截类型的游戏加速器   LSP加速器 架构:游戏客户端 --> LSP --(自定义协议)--> 中转中心 --(任意协议)--> 代理服务器 ----> 游戏服务器 自定义协议: TCP: LSP 拦截Connect,修改目的地址为 中转中心 地址 发送一个数据给 中转中心,数据格式为 remoteip remoteport pid 之后所有 游戏客户端 的数据直接发给中转中心 UDP:对每一个 游戏客户端 的数据进行封装,在数据头部添加 remoteip remoteport pid 为什么使用自定义协议:减少 LSP 与 中转中心 的握手次数提高性能,而且 LSP 所处的环境很特殊,数据交换比较困难。 中转中心: 对内接口使用 自定义协议 进行通信 对外接口可以使用任意协议 为什么使用中转中心:(或者在LSP代码里面建立连接管理) LSP 与 中转中心 建立连接时,先不与 代理服务器 建立连接,而是直接向 LSP 返回连接成功,这与的做法相同。根据前期测试发现,这种做法才能保证游戏客户端不会造成没有响应的现象。 因为 中转中心 处于本地,所以 LSP 与 中转中心 的通信非常快,本质上只是内存的拷贝。 对于后期的扩展,不需要修改 LSP 的代码,只需要将 中转中心 对外接口所使用的协议进行修改,就能够支持任意协议的代理服务器。 参考

$9716 Average bid
$9716 平均报价
1 个竞标

I'm seeking a skilled developer or team to create a comprehensive social media management application - This app should allow users to connect and manage their brand's social media accounts, specifically Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Key Features: - Post scheduling: Users should be able to plan their posts in advance. - Analytics and Reporting: The app should provide insights on post performance and user engagement. - Content Creation Tools: Users need tools to help create engaging content. - Subscription Tools: Implement features for premium subscriptions. - User Management: Basic sign up and login tools for users. - Admin Interface: For managing the app and users. The application must be: - Scalable: Capable of handling an increasing amount ...

$3700 Average bid
$3700 平均报价
47 个竞标

I'm seeking an expert to help me create a Twitch ad. I want a comprehensive guide detailing different ways to create ads on Twitch, aimed at maximizing my channel's visibility, views, and subscribers. The content of my channel primarily revolves around gaming, and I aim to target casual gamers. Key deliverables: - Step-by-step instructions on how to connect to Twitch Ads - Guidance on setting up my account - Tips on optimizing the ad prior to launch - A detailed PDF or Word file explaining everything Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience with Twitch Ads - Understanding of the gaming industry - Ability to create clear, concise instructional material - Skills in digital marketing and audience targeting

$202 Average bid
$202 平均报价
23 个竞标
TripShare Inc
6 天 left

Design a wireframe, custom asset design, prototype , responsive html website of my App I'm looking for a professional app developer to create a multifunctional app - Tripshare. The main objective is to facilitate ridesharing, peer-to-peer shopping, and delivery. Key Features: - Ridesharing: The app should seamlessly connect users looking for a carpooling experience. It should provide safety features and allow users to share their ride preferences. - Peer-to-Peer Shopping: The app should allow users to shop from local stores together. This involves coordinating pick-ups and drop-offs. The shopping experience should be crowdsourced, making it unique and community-driven. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in app development with a focus on ridesharing and shopping platforms. - Experi...

$2538 Average bid
$2538 平均报价
83 个竞标

I require an expert to assist in uploading and installing a theme (purchased from CodeCanyon) on my Prohoster VPS. Post installation, the SMTP settings need to be configured for seamless email communication. Some standard customizations will also be necessary to ensure the website runs smoothly. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficient knowledge of and VPS hosting - Experience with CodeCanyon themes - SMTP configuration skills - Ability to perform standard website customizations - Understanding of seamless website operation requirements

$614 Average bid
$614 平均报价
13 个竞标

I need assistance with deploying my Spring Boot application on AWS EC2. The application needs to connect to a MySQL database on Amazon RDS. Key requirements: - Experience with AWS EC2 and RDS - Proficient in Spring Boot, specifically version 2.5.x - Knowledge of MySQL database management Please note, I will be setting up the initial database schema myself. Your primary task will be ensuring the application is properly deployed and can connect to the MySQL database without issues.

$1174 Average bid
$1174 平均报价
45 个竞标

As we embark on our expansion into the European market, our primary focus is on strategic networking with key CXOs. We're seeking a skilled professional with expertise in targeted B2B lead generation to help us connect with potential partners that can drive mutual growth and innovation. Your main responsibilities would include: - Sourcing quality B2B LinkedIn business leads - Fostering partnerships that can contribute to our market presence The ideal candidate would have: - Proven experience in B2B lead generation - Exceptional networking skills - Proficiency in using LinkedIn for business - Ability to create strategic sales opportunities We're particularly focused on generating leads that can translate into sales opportunities. If you have a track record of successful ...

$940 Average bid
$940 平均报价
11 个竞标

...share and remote control required) We are seeking a Golang Developer with strong Kubernetes experience to develop and optimize scalable applications. The ideal candidate should have proficiency in Go, expertise in Kubernetes, and solid knowledge of SQL databases. As a part-time developer, you will collaborate with one of our clients who is new to their role and requires daily support. You will connect with the client via Zoom (screen sharing required) to assist them in completing their assigned tasks on their behalf, ensuring successful task execution and delivery. We currently have 80+ developers successfully working with us in similar roles. Required Skills & Experience: Strong proficiency in Golang for backend development. Proven experience with Kubernetes, including ...

$3000 Average bid
$3000 平均报价
23 个竞标

I'm looking for a Web-based autodialer with Press-One campaign features. The autodialer must have the following capabilities: - Transfer to a live ...capabilities: - Transfer to a live agent - Playing a pre-recorded message with options to edit the call flow - Campaign Management and List Managment - Call forwarding to my existing PBX (3CX) over SIP - The autodialer should have a user-friendly and intuitive interface. - It must include real-time analytics capabilities. - Good AMD detection system The project is time sensitive and I am looking for a solution as soon as possible. Can be asterisk based but also open to other options. Ready-made solutions are welcome, provided they can be customized to fit these specifications. Prior experience with Asterisk or si...

$6156 Average bid
$6156 平均报价
25 个竞标

...with ethical standards. -Knowledge of databases (SQL, NoSQL) for storing extracted data. -Experience with API integration as an alternative data collection method. -Strong attention to detail for data accuracy and consistency. Preferred Skills: -Experience working with serverless functions, cloud computing, or containerization (AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, Docker, etc.). -Knowledge of proxy management, rotating user agents, and CAPTCHA-solving techniques. -Familiarity with real-time data pipelines and automated reporting. Job Type: -Freelance / Project-Based -Remote work with flexible hours How to Apply: If you have relevant experience and can build a fully automated system, please submit: -A brief introduction highlighting your expertise in web scraping automation....

$2641 Average bid
$2641 平均报价
87 个竞标

? Freelance Sales Agent – Surgical Instruments (Africa) ? We are looking for a Freelance Sales Agent to expand our reach in the African healthcare market. This role involves identifying potential buyers, building strong relationships, and driving sales of surgical instruments to hospitals, clinics, and distributors. ? Key Responsibilities: ✅ Identify and connect with potential clients in the healthcare sector. ✅ Present and promote surgical instruments to hospitals, clinics, and distributors. ✅ Build and maintain relationships with key decision-makers. ✅ Provide product information and support as needed. ✅ Keep track of market trends and customer needs. ? Requirements: ✔️ Sales experience in any industry (healthcare experience is a plus but not required). ✔️ Strong networki...

$979 Average bid
$979 平均报价
3 个竞标 and academic research sharing and discussions. Key Features: - User Profiles: Each member should have a personalized profile highlighting their interests, contributions, and gadgets. - Moderation Tools: Essential for maintaining a respectful and constructive environment. The tools should allow for both automated and manual moderation processes. - Private Messaging: Enabling users to connect on a more personal level, share insights, or collaborate on tech-related projects. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in forum software and web development. - Experience in creating tech-focused community forums. - Knowledge in implementing user-friendly moderation tools and secure private messaging systems. Your bid will be evaluated based on your previous work, your understanding of ...

$3233 Average bid
$3233 平均报价
129 个竞标

Items Detail 4 Work on Equifax Integration actualization,400 6 customer summary sheet, 600 7 work on user profile, each one can see their owns clients and analisis, for each organizations, and admin can see all for each organizations. 400 8 connect with comercial process with Kommo CRM, send and recive tax file from CRM and cliets data, and on system, process them automactly and send an system answer (analisis criteria) to Kommo CRM or to mail way. (pending)

$10882 Average bid
$10882 平均报价
1 个竞标

I'm seeking a seasoned web developer to build a simple low cost yet engaging multi-vendor marketplace website. The design should draw inspiration from SHEIN and Amazon but ultimately reflect a unique aesthetic. The core goal is to create a curated community where buyers and sellers can connect, discover and thrive together. Key Features: - User Profiles: Essential for both buyers and sellers, enabling personalized experiences and interactions. - Product Search and Filtering: An intuitive, user-friendly system to help users find what they're looking for with ease. - User Reviews and Ratings: A transparent and trustworthy system to foster community engagement and product quality assurance. This marketplace needs to deliver: - Curated Quality: Each product should reflect a ...

$2487 Average bid
$2487 平均报价
20 个竞标

...own mail server (MailEnable). Outlook clients, using the new Outlook, are suddenly not able to connect to our MailEnable server. Other email clients can connect to the email server through our local network, but Outlook no longer does. Also, we use Cloudflare for DNS and rerouting to our local mail server and webpage. Something happened yesterday afternoon. Strange thing is that those who left their computers on are still able to access their email through outlook and those that shut down their computers yesterday are now not able to access through outlook. As a workaround I have installed em client on the workstations and connected them via IP of our local MailEnable server. But none can connect throught is no longer working either. I susp...

$358 Average bid
$358 平均报价
4 个竞标

I am a single mother, heavily pregnant and in urgent need of assistance. I aim to run a crowdfunding campaign on ...circumstances and elicits empathy and support from potential donors. - Content: I have prepared written content ready for the campaign. I am seeking assistance primarily in Marketing and Promotion. The ideal freelancer should have skills and experience in: - Email Marketing: I want to reach out to potential donors through effective email campaigns. - Influencer Outreach: I need someone who can connect and collaborate with influencers to promote my campaign. Compensation is negotiable and will ideally be a percentage of the funds raised. I need someone who believes in this cause and has the expertise to make this campaign a success. Please reach out if you are able ...

$14947 Average bid
$14947 平均报价
15 个竞标 that can handle LLM-powered voice interactions. Project Scope: • Call Flow Architecture: 1. Customer speaks (Incoming call through SIP/VoIP). 2. Speech-to-Text (STT) with Whisper – Convert speech to text. 3. LLM Processing with Mixtral – Generate AI-based responses, with GPT-4 API fallback for complex queries. 4. Text-to-Speech (TTS) with Coqui – Convert text back to speech. 5. Bot replies to the customer. • Fallback to human agents if AI cannot resolve, with full call history & transcription. Key Features: • Hybrid Implementation (On-Prem + Cloud): Balancing cost, latency & scalability. • Omnichannel Support: Handling calls via SIP, WebRTC, and cloud platforms. • Scalable Architecture: Initial capa...

$358 / hr Average bid
$358 / hr 平均报价
6 个竞标 users. --- **Job Title**: Website Development for MeetX App **Project Description**: MeetX is a cutting-edge mobile app designed to connect people through events and networking opportunities. The website will focus on showcasing the features, benefits, and functionalities of the MeetX app to attract users, explain its value, and encourage app downloads. The site should be modern, visually appealing, and informative, reflecting the app’s innovative approach to event networking. **Required Features**: 1. **Homepage**: - Clean, modern design showcasing the app’s value proposition. - A brief introduction to MeetX and how it helps users connect through events. - Call-to-action buttons (e.g., “Download the App”, “Learn More”...

$1127 Average bid
$1127 平均报价
15 个竞标

... Key Tasks: - Assist with the correct installation and setup of third-party UI components in RAD Studio. - Troubleshoot and resolve compilation errors that I am currently facing with these UI components. - I have the TMS libraries in source code form, everything installs properly except the WEBLIB projects because it cant find the UNITS on the referenced Libraries/Projects. the project is to connect to my machine remotely and see why the enviroment cant find those references when they are there and fix the projects so they can compile the work will be done in real time because i will not send the libraries to anyone. so i need a person that is an expert on delphi and rad studio to help me with that Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with RAD Studio. - Proficient in working wi...

$124 Average bid
$124 平均报价
3 个竞标

I'm launching a new startup focused on selling physical goods, and I need a software/cloud architect to help develop the necessary web software. Your primary role will be designing and implementing a robust, scalable, and secure e-commerce platform in the cloud. Key Responsibilities: - Design the overall architecture of the e-commerce web software - Ensure the s...a startup's growth - Implement best practices for cloud security and data protection Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in software/cloud architecture - Proven track record in e-commerce platform development - Strong knowledge of cloud services and security measures Your expertise will be crucial in creating a successful and sustainable e-commerce platform for our new business model. Let's connect and b...

$3793 Average bid
$3793 平均报价
38 个竞标

I'm seeking a seasoned Zapier professional to seamlessly connect my various platforms (Inmobalia, Excel, Google Drive, Slack). The primary task involves automating the transfer of an Excel contact list to Inmobalia. Key Project Specifications: - Automation initiation: Periodic updates from the Excel contact list, specifically on a monthly basis. - Data Transfer: All details from the Excel contacts to be sent to Inmobalia. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Zapier - Experience with Inmobalia, Excel, Google Drive, and Slack - Strong understanding of data transfer and automation processes

$1399 Average bid
$1399 平均报价
18 个竞标

...who can help me book appointments for office cleaning services. The prime target for this project is any businesses, who may be in need of Office cleaning services. Campaign Details: Janitorial Appointment Setting Campaign – Earn $40 Per Visited Appointment Opportunity Overview: We’re offering a straightforward and profitable opportunity for call centers to help businesses across the U.S. connect with trusted Janitorial Service Providers (JSPs). Your role is simple: set up free on-site inspections & quotes, and earn $40 per visited appointment once the JSP completes the visit. Campaign Details: ✅ Target Market: Businesses across U.S. NJ states (specific states will be provided) ✅ Target Audience: Decision-makers responsible for janitorial services ? What...

$1189 Average bid
$1189 平均报价
10 个竞标
SIP Trunk Fix
9 天 left

Full Fix SIP Trunk issues today. If we can fix the issues, the cost is 0 for the customer.

$334 Average bid
$334 平均报价
1 个竞标

I'm looking for an experienced developer to create a web-based product database for me using PHP and MySQL. The system will connect various products to different companies, specifically service providers like 'Golfprovider' or 'Transfercompany' and their products to different agencies. Key Features: - A comprehensive product database that connects products to specific companies and agencies. - An interface for service providers to log in and input their own products/services (text and photos). - A separate log-in interface for agencies to input their information (text and photos). - An admin panel for me to connect products/services to the respective agencies. User Interface: - The user interface should be designed as a forms with step-by-step wizar...

$1275 Average bid
$1275 平均报价
121 个竞标

I'm seeking referral partners from all age groups for a comprehensive education enrollment campaign. This initiative aims to promote a wide array of career-oriented educational programs, from primary and secondary education to vocational training and higher education. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and connect with potential candidates across all age groups. - Promote various educational programs and their benefits. Ideal Referral Partners: - Educational counselors: Professionals with insights and connections in the education sector. - Social media influencers: Individuals with a significant online presence who can reach a broad audience. - Community leaders: Respected figures within local communities who can help spread the word. Skills and Experience: - Strong communica...

$3762 Average bid
$3762 平均报价
4 个竞标
Freelance Sales Consultant
6 天 left

...Location: Remote (Worldwide) About Us: Link Solutions is a dynamic and growing company dedicated to helping businesses establish and register new companies in Saudi Arabia. We provide expert documentation and legal services, ensuring a smooth and efficient process for our clients. As we expand our reach, we are looking for talented and motivated Freelance Sales Consultants to join our team and help us connect with potential clients worldwide. Job Description: We are seeking enthusiastic and driven Freelance Sales Consultants to identify and secure new business opportunities. Your primary responsibility will be to reach out to potential clients, present our services, and close deals. This role offers flexibility and the opportunity to work from anywhere in the world. Key Responsib...

$3653 Average bid
$3653 平均报价
12 个竞标

Job Title: Connect StockHero to Alpaca Account Description: I need a freelancer to connect my StockHero account to my Alpaca account. No strategy setup or configuration is required—I simply need the two accounts linked so I can start trading. Requirements: • Experience with StockHero and Alpaca APIs • Familiarity with API keys, authentication, and account linking • Ability to complete the task quickly and efficiently Deliverable: • A fully connected StockHero and Alpaca account, ready for trading This is a one-time job with a fixed price. Please only apply if you have experience with these platforms and can complete the task promptly.

$9389 Average bid
$9389 平均报价
1 个竞标

Since a recent update, I'm facing Gradle sync failures with my Android Studio project. I made minor adjustments to the files prior to the update, but I'm unsure which specific Gradle version I was using beforehand. Your task will be to diagnose and resolve the Gradle sync failures, ensuring my Android Studio project is back on track. Your expertise will be greatly app...I'm facing Gradle sync failures with my Android Studio project. I made minor adjustments to the files prior to the update, but I'm unsure which specific Gradle version I was using beforehand. Your task will be to diagnose and resolve the Gradle sync failures, ensuring my Android Studio project is back on track. Your expertise will be greatly appreciated. Able to use any desk to connect to m...

$295 Average bid
$295 平均报价
10 个竞标
Connect User Data to MySQL
6 天 left

I'm working on a team project and need assistance connecting user information data to MySQL in Gitlab. Key Tasks: - Transfer user information from SQL Server to MySQL - Ensure all data is accurately connected and accessible Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in MySQL and SQL Server - Experience with Gitlab - Data migration and database management skills Please bid if you have the necessary skills and experience.

$109 Average bid
$109 平均报价
18 个竞标

I'm in need of a skilled professional who can install and configure two specific software packages from GitHub on my Ubuntu system. The software to be installed are: I will provide you with SSH access to the server. Important Instructions: - Prior to the install...and configuration from GitHub - SSH knowledge for remote server access - Ability to provide clear communication and updates Timeframe: - The sooner the project is completed the better. Please note that specific configuration changes or customizations for the installations have not been identified at this stage. --- The solution should work: - From a web URL - Secured with a password - Can connect and manage 10 or more emulators (I will provide these)

$404 Average bid
$404 平均报价
28 个竞标

✅ Google Rank Visibility | ✅ SEMrush Error Solutions | ✅ Live Quality Backlinks | ✅ Increased Traffic Elevate Your Online Presence with SEO4Ranking Solutions! Dear Sir/Madam, We’re excited to share the outstanding results and client testimonials we’ve recently achieved: Client Results. At SEO4...Optimization 10. Broken Link Analysis 11. Page Content Optimization 12. Canonical Error Fixing 13. Sitemap Optimization Off-Site Optimization: ✔ Backlinks from DA 40+ Sites ✔ Social Bookmarking ✔ Article Submissions ✔ Classified Ads Posting ✔ PDF & Image Sharing ✔ Business Listings ✔ Directory Submissions ✔ Web 2.0 Strategies ✔ Blog Promotions ✔ Profile Link Building ✔ Forum Posting Let’s connect and take your website to the next level! Best regards, SEO4Rank...

$1943 Average bid
$1943 平均报价
1 个竞标

I'm in need of a lead generation expert who can specifically target tech startups in North America and book appointments with potential business partners or clients through LinkedIn. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and connect with relevant contacts in tech startups across North America - Schedule appointments with potential leads - Maintain a professional and engaging online presence Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in lead generation, specifically within the tech industry - Proficiency in using LinkedIn for business development - Excellent communication and networking skills - Familiarity with tech startups and understanding of their business models

$132 / hr Average bid
$132 / hr 平均报价
17 个竞标

I'm seeking a dedicated sales professional for my Mumbai-based wedding photography business. Your primary role would be to connect with potential clients, understand their wedding photography needs, and follow up until a booking is secured. Key Responsibilities: - Make calls to leads and understand their wedding photography requirements - Gather specific details such as event date and venue, type of photography services needed, and the budget for these services - Maintain persistent follow-ups to convert leads into bookings Ideal Skills: - Excellent communication skills - Proficiency in Hindi, Marathi, and English - Persistent follow-up ability

$85 Average bid
$85 平均报价
8 个竞标