...via Stripe, PayPal, etc. • Allow one coupon per subscription (input field available before payment). 5. SDK Integration and Documentation 1. SDK Support Platforms • Websites (JavaScript SDK). • Android and iOS native apps. • Mini-programs (e.g., WeChat). • Apps developed using frameworks like Uniapp or Flutter. 2. Documentation • Provide integration guides for all platforms, including sample code, API references, and FAQs. • Include real-world examples for quick setup. 6. Future Expansion 1. App-Based Customer Service Platform • A dedicated app allowing B-End customer service representatives to respond without logging into the website. 2. Advanced Features • Intelligent user segmentation and personalized recommendation...
...including login IP, API call website address, personal info, account password management, phone number management, risk control incidents, invitation count, and reward quotas. 2.20 Order Management Add order viewing feature: View detailed information on paid users, including order number, payment method, payment time, amount, IP, status, and receipt download. Add refund management: Include a refund button to handle order refunds. 2.21 Customer Support Chat System Add integration of third-party chat systems (e.g., Zendesk): Provide real-time customer support to handle user issues and inquiries. 2.22 Feedback System Add a ticket system: Users can submit tickets to provide feedback or report violations, and admins can review and address these tickets in the admin panel. 2.23 Oth...
0. Use python 3.7/3.8, and please leave some comments and notes 1. A small crawler program on Windows; I can download the file and click an .exe for running it. This program has an interface for some simple operations: there is a search box and search button in the page, a status bar, a conversion button, an import button, and a visualization button. 2. First, I can type a word in the search box of the program’s interface. 3. According to the word I typed in step2, the program searches for the corresponding words on 4. Create a list1 to document the explanations on of the word searched in step2. Please notice that only level-1 explanations are needed (as shown in the jpg "无标题", the level-1 explanations of “this” are the sentence...
I am looking for Chinese translator. I have book social science book with 250,000 words. You have to pass simple test. Sample text: “在这一阶段,改革的指导思想是“科学技术要面向经济建设,经济建设要依靠科学技术”。政策走向是“堵死一头,网开一面”,即改革拨款制度,针对不同类型的科研工作,采用不同的拨款方式,以解决一切科研工作都靠国家拨款的问题。对于主要从事基础研究的机构,在保证基本事业费的同时,试行科学基金制,通过同行评议、择优支持发放基金。对以开发为主的研究院所、科研工作,逐步削减事业费,鼓励其面向经济建设的主战场。 (3)调整与渐进:1992~1998年。这一阶段以邓小平南方谈话为标志,中国经济体制开始迈入社会主义市场经济新阶段。科技体制改革的指导思想调整为“面向”“依靠”“攀高峰”,科学技术不仅要面向经济建设,而且要攀登科学技术高峰。主要政策走向也相应调整为“稳住一头、放开一片”,希望稳住基础研究工作和相应的科技人员队伍,同时放开面向社会,面向经济建设这一方面,分流人才,调整结构,推进科技经济一体化的发展。” thanks
Need translation of a Chinese Handbook into English. No. of pages 23. word count. 10000 approx Sample Text: 新录用的员工从聘用之日起,需经过劳动合同中约定的试用期。 劳动合同一年以上不满三年的,试用期为两个月。 劳动合同三年以上或无固定期限的,试用期为六个月 试用期结束前,员工的主管或经理将对其表现进行评估,并对其是否符合录用条件作出决定。 正常情况下,试用期结束后,工资将不作调整。
...operation QQ exists in the discussion group will automatically retreat, must be seconds back Details: If the QQ of the login protocol is bound to the security device, you need to pop up the phone verification or QQ security center verification to ensure that you can log in and use normally. After the login is successful, the current status is displayed next to it, and then you can start and stop the button. After starting the run, the list of historical messages below shows that you have quit a discussion group. The software needs to be a sharing mechanism: It needs to be shared with 2 people to use the software for free for 3 days (this can record MAC, hard disk number, QQ number can be). During free use, the user needs to share it with 2 users to use normally. Otherwise, ever...
Require translation into English. Looking for multiple people to complete the job in short time. About 12000+ words to be translated by Saturday afternoon. Sample text: 我们的责任是在执行审计工作的基础上对财务报表发表审计意见。我们按照中国注册会计师审计准则的规定执行了审计工作。中国注册会计师审计准则要求我们遵守中国注册会计师职业道德守则,计划和执行审计工作以对财务报表是否不存在重大错报获取合理保证。
A school course introduction concerning smart city, entrepreneurship and extra. Need to be done in three days. Sample: 我们所收集到的需求内容涉及范围较广且类型多样。从基本需求类型来划分,包括客户数据分析、新城与地区设计、新科技的应用、城市发展规划、政府政策分析及产业发展研究等。从研究层面来划分,包含了产业层面、城市层面及地块层面等。从涉及领域来划分,包含空间中人的数据收集、集成和分析、能源、智能交通、建造技术、物业管理及城市研究类等。
...vent0读取。 5. 其他GPIO驱动 每个GPIO口都可以通过驱动设置输入/输出。 6. 触摸屏驱动和外接USB鼠标驱动 7. 触摸屏驱动和外接的鼠标驱动设备文件最好固定,例如触摸屏固定使用event2,USB鼠标固定使用event3。 ENGLISH Basic Requirements for Hardware Resources of T3 Core Board Basic Hardware Resources 1. Power Supply DC power input, 5V single power input, CPU can detect whether this power supply; Battery input, lithium battery power input; Real-time clock power supply, use button battery; 2 Display interface to support RGB, LVDS and MIPI interface, as only one interface can be used at the same time, so the three interface pins can be reused; 3. Touch screen interface resistive screen interface, the use of ADS7846 or compatible chip, using the SPI interface; Capacitive screen interface, the use of IIC interface; 4. SD card interface CPU to reserve SD / ...
Require translation into English. Looking for multiple people to complete the job in short time. About 12000+ words to be translated by Saturday afternoon. Sample text: 我们的责任是在执行审计工作的基础上对财务报表发表审计意见。我们按照中国注册会计师审计准则的规定执行了审计工作。中国注册会计师审计准则要求我们遵守中国注册会计师职业道德守则,计划和执行审计工作以对财务报表是否不存在重大错报获取合理保证。
...Select user from usertype Student/teacher/accounting. Show only Users how are not assigned, and with status ACTIVE. Should implement with search function which I had made. 2. Multi select students by checkbox, with footer number and those students will be repeated in next page 3, Show date range picker, preview those students you have chosen, and then chosen start date and end date 4. Click button to send, then the data add to database, can cancel seletion anytime...
first of first , you need to know Cantonese, if you dont, pls dont click here. second, you need have wedding video editing experience. third, pls review it before you turn it in to me, wh...you need to know Cantonese, if you dont, pls dont click here. second, you need have wedding video editing experience. third, pls review it before you turn it in to me, white balance / color / light correction, sound adjustment, background music and montage is needed (i have sample that i did before, so you can check and follow) . pls turn in on time. this is a Chinese in America wedding, Cantonese style. 3-5 camera angel , from tea ceremony, church ceremony , wedding boutiques whole day. here is the footage sample.
Launching an online magazine in Hong Kong, want the footer message with title 'Welcome' and 2 events content ("we are launching... Collecting articles to post, we pay ... each article and award ... each month" & "we will do something for free, post your ideas ") All 3 contents MUST BE in Traditional Chinese and copyright should not be the problem. Sample attached will be a big advantage
Hi. I have a document that describes web system in chinese. I need to translate it to korean. If you can,please translate below sample and bid on this. sample. 缴费处理模块:已注册的公众用户登录到系统后,可查询某个时间段的缴费记录。针对延时停车情况,对短信延时的提醒进行设置,保存在短信延时文字提醒表中。出现缴费异常情况时,可对用户反映的无法通过系统进行缴费,或者对系统缴费存在异议的情况,在系统中进行登记。
Hi. I have a document that describes web system in chinese. I need to translate it to korean. If you can,please translate below sample and bid on this. sample. 缴费处理模块:已注册的公众用户登录到系统后,可查询某个时间段的缴费记录。针对延时停车情况,对短信延时的提醒进行设置,保存在短信延时文字提醒表中。出现缴费异常情况时,可对用户反映的无法通过系统进行缴费,或者对系统缴费存在异议的情况,在系统中进行登记。
If you have any questions after reading this, please ask me and do not assume you know what I need. Please follow these steps. 1. Go to and click 'table games then 'more table games' and click the european roulette graphic. 2. Play for Fun. 3. Click the '100-spin' button three times; each after the button clears and allows for the next click. 4. Click the 'statistics' button and view the page. 5. Look either at the top row of 5 numbers or the bar graph and look for a 'zero' above any red, black or the green zero. The top five numbers will read 'Never Hit' and show the number(s) if any that have not been hit in the last 300 spins. 6. If no numbers show, th...
looking for male vo talent for a 2-minute tutorial video. Must speak Chinese. must sound young and energetic please use the lines below to send sample. 通过您本地银行支行的柜台用现金存款也是一种快速存款到您博狗账户的方式,因为您的转账存款直接到我们的银行账户,一旦存款成功,仅需扫描柜台存款单在现金存款页面上传即可。 您可以隔您最近的自动柜员机使用我们的银行信息存款,然后扫描存款交易单在自动柜员机存款页面中上传更快确认您的存款信息。
*見附件"功能需求簡介" 功能1 1、輸入等級、國別、功能、代碼後,進而篩選出合適數據並呈現出圖表 2、代碼可打入多種進而讓不同數據比較、並呈現出圖表 功能2 1、輸入F、G或H、I按下Button後可篩選出所有符合的數值並呈現圖表 功能3 檔案來源為json或csv
I have an excel list of food that are use in our kitchen Translate it in english If you are not familiar with kitchen chinese and kitchen english PLEASE PASS I'm fluent in both language, I don't do it by myself because lack of time, not of skillz, No mistakes will be allowed in that translation Total : 1725 汉字 to translate this is a sample of the chinese you will have to translate please provide some example 松仁 小土豆 鲜香菇 洋鲍芯 平菇 帕玛臣芝士 火龙果 猪排 紫叶生菜 鸭肫 芦笋 草莓 鸡胸 斜切面 西瓜 白洋葱 苹果 琼脂 鱼 卡派纳去皮番茄 柚子 紫菊菊 味好美蛇蒿叶 牛肉馅 奥妙培根 奥比水瓜榴 丽歌鸡蛋面 牛柳 卡派纳橄榄油 大土豆 鱼片 老火腿 黑鱼 大米 红灯调和油 黑水榄 绿叶生菜 口蘑 金像面 贝克拉黑巧克力 马苏里拉芝士 茴香球 油 带骨肉眼肉 西红柿 韩国砂糖
I need an expert photo editor to help me with a regular mirror photo. The job involves removing a p...final product looks natural and believable. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proficiency in advanced photo editing software like Adobe Photoshop - Experience with photo manipulation and retouching - A keen eye for detail to ensure the editing is seamless - Ability to understand and replicate the lighting, shadows and perspective of the original photo. I needs the shoes and power button light removed as well I’m taking the girl from the photo w/ the tan jacket & placing her over the photo of the girl wearing black. I want it to appear that the girl in The tan jacket is taking a selfie in the mirror of the room w/ the tv , I need it to look realistic so a...
I am starting a new company that will compliment my main company, I have attached the logo of the main company, CityTurf. It will be a turf delivery service, so maybe have the E of TURFSERVE be on a truck like sample attached.
I'm looking for a skilled Raspberry Pi engineer to help me with a home automation project. The aim is to control 6 relays in a timed sequence using a Raspberry Pi. Ke...Raspberry Pi engineer to help me with a home automation project. The aim is to control 6 relays in a timed sequence using a Raspberry Pi. Key Requirements: - The relays will be primarily controlling 12v solenoids and 12v pumps. - A physical button interface is required to start the process. - Experience with Raspberry Pi and relay modules is crucial. - Understanding of home automation systems will be an advantage. The project will involve programming the Raspberry Pi to operate the relays in a specific sequence initiated by a momentary button. If you have the relevant skills and experience, I loo...
We are seeking a telemarketer to assist us with cold calling translation companies in the USA to identify the most effective way to offer our freelance translation services, whether through email or an online platform. ### Responsibilities: - Cold call translation companies in the USA to gather insights on how best to present our se...to increase weekly hours based on the quality of leads generated. ### Requirements: - Native English speaker preferred. - Proven experience in telemarketing or cold calling. - Access to a reliable calling tool or dialer (costs will not be covered by us). - Ability to adapt to USA time zones. ### Compensation: - $3.00 USD per hour. ### Application Instructions: If interested, please include a sample telemarketing call that showcases your skills an...
...actress and their voice, you can use a combination of AI tools and techniques that focus on video synthesis, voice synthesis, and video editing. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making it happen: 1. AI Voice Generation: • Generate the voiceover: Use a text-to-speech AI tool like Descript or Replica Studios that can generate a voice based on an actor’s or a pre-recorded voice. You could upload a sample of the actress’s voice to create a more personalized output. Ensure the voice sounds natural and conveys the intended emotion of the scene. 2. AI Video Generation/Deepfake Technology: • Deepfake software or AI video tools: Tools like Synthesia or Hour One allow you to upload a real actress’s image or video footage and then animate that image...
...multiple buttons in a winform as follows: Connection Login Button: Login via the Interactive Brokers TWS API Logout Button: Disconnect from the IB server : It stores a list of instruments. The default is empty. Search Winform Search Button: The user can search, e.g. equities/bonds Search Grid: It displays the search results (contracts and specifications). With a tick on the grid in the first column and select OK, it will be added to the and the main Winform data grid. Main Winform Data grid: It loads the Default.txt. There is a cross in the first column, and hitting the cross will remove the instrument. The grid will refresh the bid/ask/bid yield/ask/yield/position, etc., in real time. Position Button: Get the position in the position and P&L in th...
i have a chrome extension that download files from education website, every time should i click on file then open in new tab then download button, after 15 files click on "see more" then 15 new files showing, and repeat... i want to automated this, just give the extension the endpoint website with the filter i choose like this: this showing me 71666 results (every 15 results, click see more and repeat)... i want to be automated just give him the endpoint and start download all files, with waiting beetwenn every 15 downloaded files 5 seconds to avoid any thing.
...Previous experience with S/MIME encryption set up - Knowledge of cross-platform email encryption compatibility - Familiarity with automated system configuration and management I have a C# Outlook Addin. I have the E5 M365 license so I am able to use encryption. I can use the manual Encrypt option in the Outlook Ribbon and it works,. MSFT brands auto-decrypt emails. Non-MSFT brands must click a button to decrypt. I obtained a free s-mime certificate but I don't know how it gets entered into Outlook Desktop app. This site gives FREE certificates for email encryption: I found the above site by reading this article:
I have an existing speaker mount design that needs to be adjusted for a smaller radio-type speaker. The modifications primarily involve altering the dimensions of the mount to accommodate the speaker's height, width, depth, and diameter. Ideal Skills: - 3D Design and Modelling - Mechanical Engineering - Product Design Experience: - Prior experience with audio equipment mounts - Proven track record of similar design modifications
I'm in need of a professional resume and CV writer who can effectively showcase my personality and acheivements for a job. Key Requirements: - Highlight my portfolio of projects in a compelling way - Craft a personal statement that captures my essence and creative...Highlight my portfolio of projects in a compelling way - Craft a personal statement that captures my essence and creative spirit - showcase my creativity as well as appealing to the reader Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing and storytelling abilities - Experience in writing for creative professions - Ability to understand and convey personality and creativity in written form Please submit a sample of your previous work in this domain. Thank you! NOTE: No use of ChatGPT or other AI tools, using HumanizerAI is a...
I’m seeking a blonde, female UGC video creator based in the UK, aged 24-33, with a British accent, to produce a 30-second video (reference video attached). The setting doesn’t need to match the sample video exactly. The attached video serves as a guide for the speech flow and shot composition. The video may be occasionally boosted on Instagram. Budget is £60 and this could lead to ongoing collaboration opportunities. Please share a few short samples of your work Thank you!
...today. · Users can disable or override highlights for specific companies or communications as needed. Interactive Features · Hover Effect: When hovering over a completed communication, a tooltip should display the notes or comments recorded for that communication. Communication Action · Users can select a specific company or multi-select multiple companies. · Click on a "Communication Performed" button to log a new communication. o In the action modal: § Select Type of Communication: E.g., LinkedIn Post, Email. § Input Date of Communication: Date when the communication occurred. § Add Notes: Additional comments about the communication. o Upon submission, this action will reset any existing highlights (red or yellow) for the...
...the CPanel installation. Description: The php site should be under The script should show following messages when running: Login Password on site(a static login to be able to run the script) Login to FTP Server Extract all files in the specific folder and show them in a drop down list Be able to chose in the drop down list which file to download Click on button Download Showing in realtime % how much has been downloaded. Confirming when the download is done Log out All steps should follow with an acknowledgement that it is done or if an error occurs it should explain what has gone wrong. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PHP programming. - Experience with data processing scripts. - Knowledge of handling remote server data. This project requires a keen
...details). Bonus: $20 for every 100 leads delivered. Long-term opportunity available for consistent, high-quality performance. How to Apply: Please answer the following when applying: What tools and techniques do you use for finding marketing contacts or decision-makers? Have you done similar work before? If so, for which industries? How many qualified leads can you deliver per week? Provide a sample lead in this format: Full Name: Position: Company Name: Email Address: Phone Number: Source of Information (e.g., LinkedIn, company website, etc.). Notes We value ACCURACY and RELIABILITY. If you’re confident in your ability to consistently find key marketing professionals or primary contacts, we’d love to hear from you! Future personalized email outreach work opportun...
...GENERATED PICTURES unless you are using it as a base. But the images still need to be sketched/drawn. I’m a fiction writer, and I’ve recently completed a novel that I’m excited to bring to life visually. I’m looking for an artist to create a Book Cover, a detailed character-building image that represent the main characters in my story, as well as a map of the world where the story takes place. All sample details and explanations are provided. This is a very important message that cancer patients are super heroes. I have created a world where they are protecting greek gods from Krakinos (Cancer itself) and the army of Krakinos. The characters you will draw inspiration from are real cancer patients who fought and overcame. All have overcome cancer except my...
I need a skilled 3D product designer to modify an OTF (Out The Front) knife. The primary goal of this modification is to enhance its functionality by integrating a mechanism that dispenses 3 to 4 teeth flossing tools with the push of a button. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D design software - Experience designing consumer products, particularly modifying knives or similar tools - Understanding of mechanical design for functionality - Ability to create designs that are both practical and aesthetically pleasing - Good communication skills for understanding and implementing design modificationsthis needs to be proprietary
I need to develop a Mini App with the following features: 1. Login: Use a registered account and password to log in. After logging in, 9 single-word items will be displayed. 2. Homepage: • Display products and text rotation. • Clicking on a product redirects to its details page, which includes a “Buy Product” button. • Clicking on “Buy Product” redirects to the order inquiry function. The balance under “4-2” will be displayed as unavailable. 3. My Orders: • Displays: all orders, pending, purchased, invalid, completed. • Orders are displayed with calculated prices, and products being ordered will show up in the order list. 4. Member Center: Recharge: Click to display recharge methods. Monitoring of payment meth...
I required New EA based on Example file. I share the Sample file check with Strategy Tester, I required exactly how its functioning. Can i Share you the file details ?
I need a button added in the seller's account for downloading goods using the Unisite CMS script. This should also include a button in the admin panel for the site admin to download products on the seller's tab. The file format for the downloaded goods list should be in Excel. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in PHP and knowledge of the Unisite CMS script. - Prior experience in creating similar download functionality. - Familiarity with Excel file formatting and handling.
Description: I am looking for an experienced developer to design and implement 10 custom button designs for a Qt-based GUI application using C++ in Qt Creator. The project must be set up with CMake for the build system, and the file should be correctly configured for building the Qt application. The buttons should be visually appealing, with a focus on modern aesthetics and usability. Each button should feature animations for interactions (e.g., hover effects, click animations) to enhance the user experience. Additionally, the project may include enhancements for other UI components like QLabel, QGroupBox, and other widgets, with custom styling and animations where appropriate. The goal is to create a rich, interactive, and visually appealing interface. Requirenments: -Th...
Looking for English native speakers for a video review on a white-hat product. Ideal Skills: - Native English speaker or equivalent fluency - Experience in tech product reviews - Strong on-screen presence - Ability to convey information clearly and engagingly Please send your messages along with audio/video sample of your speech for me to make sure you are a good fit. Thanks!
Looking for English native speakers for a video review on a white-hat product. More details: What length should the video review be? 1-2 minutes What tone do you want the review to have? Casual Do you have any specific points or features you want to be highlighted in the review? Product effectiveness, Unique features, Ease of use Please send your messages along with audio/video sample of your speech for me to make sure you are a good fit. After that I’ll transfer money and send you a script. Thanks!
I'm in need of an illustrative style logo for my sportswear brand. The logo should be minimalistic, perfect for caps, t-shirts and other sportswear. see attachments and also I NEED A SAMPLE OF ANY OF THE 35 LOGOS FROM NRL>COM> AU and AFL>COM>AU Key Requirements: - The logo should incorporate animal mascots. - It should be versatile enough to be used on various pieces of clothing and sports equipment. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in logo design, especially for sportswear. - Experience with illustrative style logos. - Ability to create minimalist designs with complex elements.
I'm looking for a developer to create a user-friendly gym workout suggestion app compatible with both iOS and Android. The app should help users easily choose exercises based on push, pull, or legs categories, and it should suggest a suitable exercise with an illustrative image when a user selects a category and presses a button. Key Features: - Simple, intuitive interface ideal for beginners - Workout history tracking - Progress charts The app's primary goal is to motivate exercise commitment and improve performance. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in cross-platform app development, user interface design, and creating apps with tracking and charting features. A portfolio demonstrating similar past projects will be highly beneficial.
I'm in need of a native English speaker to proofread and edit several texts on my website interface. The areas needing attention include: - Navigation menus - Button labels - Form instructions - Landing page texts The ideal candidate should have experience in web content proofreading and editing, ensuring the language is clear, concise, and engaging for users. Your role will be crucial in enhancing the overall user experience. We are looking for a speaker from USA (or from Commonwealth such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada or UK) so please specify your country.
...responsive designs that are optimized for user experience. Deliverables: -High-Fidelity Designs: Complete visual designs for all pages, based on the provided wireframes. -Responsive Layouts: Designs optimized for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. -Clickable Prototype: A basic prototype to visualize and test workflows. -Design Documentation: A style guide or design system (e.g., fonts, colors, button styles) for a smooth developer handoff. -Editable Design Files: Final deliverables in a tool format such as Figma, Adobe XD, or Sketch. -Revisions: Up to 2-3 revision rounds to ensure the designs meet expectations. Requirements: -Proven experience in web design (preferably for SaaS or similar platforms). -Expertise in design tools like Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch, or similar. -Stron...
...their bike to another open bike. This functionality should go away 30 minutes before the class start time. Also, to book a bike, riders should see a layout of the bikes and the configuration of the studio and they should be able to pick a specific bike number. There will be 40 bikes and should be numbered 1-40. Spin instructors should each have their own profile with bio, photo and a link to a sample playlist that’s linked to Spotify or SoundCloud....
I'm in need of a proficient Excel VBA developer to create a high-performance data logger for me. The primary function of this tool is to log data from a wireless barcode scanner, record weight, and convert that weight into quantity. Key Requirements: - The logger must access conversion data from a sheet that could have over 200k lines. - A more efficient version is needed compared to an existing sample I have. The current version is sluggish due to file size. - It should support multiple users on a local network, compiling all results into a single sheet without missing any lines. - The project has a fixed budget, which is not based on hourly rates. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Excel and VBA, particularly in creating userforms. - Previous work with...