90 volt dc motor controller工作


    2,000 90 volt dc motor controller 找到工作

    按附件的设计样式进行网站设计 要求: 1:主题Workreap,保持Workreap的所有功能 2:要求使用crocoblock插件进行页面设计 3:设计开发PC端、多端小程序(小程序开发框架:) 备注:wordreap、crocoblock会员也买好了 付款方式:pc端修改完成并达到雇主的认可,支付总订单金额至20%;小程序开发完成并上线使用一个月后,无错误乱码情况支付总订单金额至90%;剩余10%为质保金,一年内发现乱码或异常等情况雇佣需24小时内及时响应修复后,一年到期雇主结算至总订单金额至100%

    $3802 Average bid
    $3802 平均报价
    15 个竞标

    ...智慧物业:提供物业管理、报修服务、租户管理等一站式服务,提升物业管理效率与服务质量。 智慧税票:集成税务管理系统,实现发票管理、税务申报等自动化处理,减轻企业负担。 原型UI 道伽企服----小程序UI原型 %EF%BC%88%E7%89%A9%E4%B8%9A%EF%BC%89%E4%B8%AD%E8%92%82%E5%9B%AD%E5%8C%BA%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E5%B0%8F%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F?node-id=486-16965&t=rd7rCkmaPRVTutyl-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=22%3A1090&starting-point-node-id=486%3A16965  园企助手----小程序UI原型 %EF%BC%88%E7%89%A9%E4%B8%9A%EF%BC%89%E4%B8%AD%E8%92%82%E5%9B%AD%E5%8C%BA%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E5%B0%8F%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F?node-id=486-16965&t=rd7rCkmaPRVTutyl-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=22%3A1090+&starting-point-node-id=486%3A16965  中蒂推客----小程序UI原型 %EF%B

    $389523 Average bid
    $389523 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    ...框架的搭建以及技术的选型 4. 停车扫码缴费,门禁卡刷卡--NFC,扫脸门禁,摄像头 5. 必要的依赖以及工具类,异常类等 6.无条件配合雇主的开发人员使用这个架构和对应的表支撑的什么业务 道伽企服----小程序UI原型 %EF%BC%88%E7%89%A9%E4%B8%9A%EF%BC%89%E4%B8%AD%E8%92%82%E5%9B%AD%E5%8C%BA%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E5%B0%8F%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F?node-id=486-16965&t=rd7rCkmaPRVTutyl-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=22%3A1090&starting-point-node-id=486%3A16965 园企助手----小程序UI原型 %EF%BC%88%E7%89%A9%E4%B8%9A%EF%BC%89%E4%B8%AD%E8%92%82%E5%9B%AD%E5%8C%BA%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E5%B0%8F%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F?node-id=486-16965&t=rd7rCkmaPRVTutyl-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=22%3A1090+&starting-point-node-id=486%3A16965 中蒂推客----小程序UI原型 %EF%BC%

    $11686 - $23371
    $11686 - $23371
    0 个竞标

    ...(主题:Truelysell) 1:新网站页面在Truelysell主题上用代码修改做的,安装Workreap主题后网站会乱码打不开,修复好并可以正常使用 2:将旧网站页面,替换替换到新网站部分页面中 3:修改新网站并已经安装Workreap主题的部分功能,及添加功能等 4: Workreap安装到新网站里面并测试没有错误后,将旧网站的许可证撤销并在新网站里面认证许可证 二、商业网站 网页网站: 1:商业网页正在运行,本次设计是在网站原有网页的基础上进行修改、调整、设计,只修改&制作提供的页面(菜单/招商引资/产业研究/园区规划/企服商城/投资选址),其他主页面(未提供修改设计的页面:如成果转化/企业服务/合作中心)版式不变,任然保留。(详见附件) 付款方式:pc端修改完成并达到雇主的认可,支付总订单金额至50%; 上线使用一个月后,无错误乱码情况支付总订单金额至90%;剩余10%为质保金,一年内发现乱码或异常等情况雇佣需24小时内及时响应修复后,一年到期雇主结算至总订单金额至100%

    $3046 Average bid
    $3046 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    具体详细沟通,需要源代码 DEMO完成付款50%,源代码收到后付款90%,试运行一周没有问题付款10%

    $9816 Average bid
    $9816 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    我们有一个极其简单的 1 页网站需要在百度优化服务。 大约有10个词组需要优化。我们只服务美国,所以竞争极少。 要求在90天内在将这些全部词组在百度排列前10名。 无能者远离。 务必提供优化计划,以及时间,预期结果。

    $584 Average bid
    $584 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    每天需要发送30000-80000封邮件到指定的QQ邮箱 要90%以上的邮件都进入收件箱 一共有800000左右的邮箱数据 价格可以联系我详谈

    $265 / hr Average bid
    $265 / hr 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    酒泉哪里有卖银行卡【Q:21198-1719证件齐全】,比你有钱还比你努力 90后中国女孩身价360亿,韵撩砍汕仪,月薪5万! 德国工人终身都不换东家, 看人家是怎,劳晒遣鞍现,这档日本沙雕综艺,治好了我的中年危机,扔琴叹炕燎

    $1948 - $5843
    $1948 - $5843
    0 个竞标

    我有路由器上下壳需要设计: 1.尺寸是250X160X50mm; 2.接口包括5个以太网口,3个USB A type,一个DC插座,一个复位按钮; 3.顶部中央有圆形LED指示,直径50mm; 4.带两个扬声器,开口朝下; 内部PCB 参考附件。 要求: 设计简洁有几何艺术感,文件格式SKP

    $779 Average bid
    $779 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    我公司的企业<微信服务号>需要开通“发红包"功能,但是根据现在腾讯规定,有两个条件: 1. 开通<微信支付>90天以上 2. 有连续30天流水交易记录(就是一天也不能断,断一天就要从头开始算起) 目前我司满足第1个条件,需要寻求第2个条件,也就是店铺代拍购买,制作交易流水。目前我们有自建商城,需要找人帮我们:代拍购买产品——自定义填写物流信息——自行完成付款(一定要选微信支付!)形成完整的微信流水。

    $195 Average bid
    $195 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    插件开发描述: 1 支持微信、QQ、微博账户登录,首次登录需绑定手机号码(需要发手机短信验证码)。 2 支持微信、支付宝支付。 3 某一产品的价格可以根据购买数量自动调整,例如:买1-10箱啤酒单价是100元/箱,11-50箱单价是95元/箱,50箱以上单价是90元/箱。 4 所有产品都可以设定一个购买期限和发货期限,例如:某一啤酒的购买期限是7天(第一期是8月1日-8月7日,第二期是8月8日-8月14日,第三期是8月14日-8月20日......),发货期限是2天(第一期8月8日-8月9日发货,第二期8月15日-8月16日发货,第三期8月21日-8月22日发货......),另外在客户端要显示当前期限倒计时。 5 增加手机短信提醒功能,例如:某一订单开始发货,需要发手机短信提醒客户。 手机App开发: 包含Android和iOS平台,可以使用原生或React Native开发,iOS版本要求可以在苹果AppStore上架。 其他要求: 1 中文语言包。 2 一套自适应的简易模版。 3(重要) 代码结构、逻辑清晰,命名规范,有必要注释。 4 最好不改动opencart核心代码。

    $19250 Average bid
    $19250 平均报价
    15 个竞标

    WOOPEHN抗老化护肤硅胶电动洁肤仪,适合所有肤质,深度温和清洁,防水,携带方便,USB充电(粉红色) WOOPHEN硅胶电动清洁仪具有4级可调振动强度和3种大小不同的刷毛,刷毛十分柔软,,可深度清洁,适用于所有皮肤类型。 采用高频振动技术疏通毛孔,清除痘痘,最终改善肌肤。特别的舒缓按摩模式,使得面部细胞更新,去除皱纹,防止皮肤松弛,延缓衰老,恢复肌肤活力! 通过光滑的硅胶接触引入高频振动波,以帮助清除毛孔中的污垢和油脂以及化妆品残留物,清理坏死性角质,建议清洁脸部的不同区域约15秒钟。 WOOPHEN硅胶洁面仪具有超长的电池使用时间,小巧精致,携带方便,可放在化妆袋中,完全防水,可在水中清洗该洁面仪 本产品采用优质医用硅胶,完全耐用,保修期为两年,30天内无理由退款。 颜色:粉红色 充电时间:少于120分钟 使用时间:150分钟至480分钟 电源:DC 3.7V 200mA 振动频率:6000rpm 重量:50克 尺寸:9.7厘米* 6.5厘米* 3厘米 防水等级:IP88 产品优势: 防水 携带方便 电池寿命长 深沉而温和的清洁 适合所有肤质 获得健康的肤色 让你的皮肤更干净 有光泽,有弹性

    $101 / hr Average bid
    $101 / hr 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    ...增强稳定性。 优秀的形状和加大的尺寸。【270*240*0.35~2.3cm】为办公或游戏提供了更充足的可移动空间,你可以轻松地移动鼠标,并加强边缘防止变形和损坏,以确保长时间使用。 环境材料和优质的售后。采用符合ROHS证书的环保材料制成,使用环保,无毒且安全。这款腕托鼠标垫享有90天退换货和365天的保修 产品描述 颜色:黑色 产品信息: 名称:硅胶护腕鼠标垫 品牌:LVNENG 材料:丝绸布面+硅胶护腕+PU底 材质:环保、无毒、安全 规格尺寸:270*240*0.35~2.3cm 护腕高度:2.3cm 包装:吸塑 重量:249g 颜色:黑色 特点:舒适、抗疲劳、稳定 适合:办公、学习、娱乐 我们的优势:: LVNENG硅胶护腕鼠标垫为您的手腕提供人体工程学支持,拥有特殊的设计和优质的材料。The cushion creates a Comfort Zone that contours to your wrist's natural curves and movements and helps reduce hand and wrist stress. 独特、舒适的凝胶填充手腕。 丝绸处理的布面。 橡胶防滑抛光底部。 设计具有最佳的形状和足够大的尺寸 采用符合ROHS证书的环保材料制成,确保安全。 我们的服务:: 在LVNENG,我们相信我们的产品。这款腕托鼠标垫享有90天退换货和365天的保修

    $225 Average bid
    $225 平均报价
    20 个竞标

    T3核心板硬件资源基本需求 基本硬件资源 1. 电源供应 DC电源输入,5V单电源输入,CPU要能检测到这个电源是否供电; 电池输入,锂电池电源输入; 实时时钟电源,使用纽扣电池; 2. 显示接口 要支持RGB,LVDS和MIPI接口,由于同时只能使用一个接口,所以这3个接口的管脚可以复用; 3. 触摸屏接口 电阻屏接口,使用ADS7846或者兼容芯片,使用SPI接口; 电容屏接口,使用IIC接口; 4. SD卡接口 CPU要预留出SD/TF卡接口管脚; 5. 网络接口 使用RMII接口的PHY,所以RMII接口管脚也要预留出来,PHY使用DP83848IVV; 6. 串行通信接口 预留出1个RS232用的UART; 预留出1个RS485用的UART,另外还要预留1个管脚用来RS485的方向控制; 7. USB接口 预留出1个USB接口用来外接USB设备; 8. 旋转编码器接口 使用2个外部中断口来接增量型旋转编码器; 9. 蜂鸣器接口 使用一个PWM输出来控制蜂鸣器; 10. GPIO接口 至少预留出32个GPIO口用于外部设备的控制,如键盘输入,指示灯输出,三态安全开关输入,三档选择开关输入等; 基本驱动需求 1. 旋转编码器输入驱动 旋钮编码器驱动要求能判断编码器旋转方向,目前这两个GPIO口不给上层读取, 直接由驱动发送按键值,就是加入LINUX的输入事件,正向旋转发送键值59,反向旋转发送键值60,从event0读取。 2. RS485驱动 RS485需要1个方向控制脚,当向对应的UART发送接收数据时,方向脚能自动实现方向控制。 3. 蜂鸣器驱动 蜂鸣器驱动要求能设置PWM输出的频率,输出的时间,输出时间到了自动关闭PWM输出。 4. 薄膜按键驱动和USB键盘驱动 预留24个GPIO作为薄膜按键的输入,目前的驱动是作为GPIO口来读取的;最好也缴...

    $21728 Average bid
    $21728 平均报价
    2 个竞标


    $44654 Average bid
    $44654 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    设计图标, 餐厅,西餐,some coffee,时尚,简约,90

    $3124 Average bid
    $3124 平均报价
    9 个竞标
    PHP Programmer Needed
    已经结束 left

    目前我们有个PHP项目(已有国外accelerator选中),主要是帮助欧洲中小企业更好地找中国大陆的产品或者供应商。 希望找一位负责任的PHP工程师,developer Laravel to mantain web application already done (90%) based on support tickets model. Requested skill: HTML, CSS e Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and jQuery, Blade, Eloquent and basic knowlege of LAMP to work in deploy mode. 目前我们考虑的是技术入股(都可以商量),有兴趣的话,其他方面都可以详聊。 (只要有心做好这个项目,在职人员、自由职业者等都可以。懂英语的优先)

    $4207 Average bid
    $4207 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    ...Payment • 90.1% - 95% = 90% Payment • 85.1% - 90% = 80% Payment • 80.1% - 85% = 70% Payment • 75.1% - 80% = 60% Payment • 70.1% - 75% = 50% Payment • 65.1% - 70% = 40% Payment • 60.1% - 65% = 30% Payment • 55.1% - 60% = 20% Payment • 50.1% - 55% = 10% Payment • Below - 50% = NO PAYMENT, NO REWORK, NO NEXT SLOT WORK Plan-C MATROMONIAL FORM FILLING  DIRECT SIGNUP  CONTRACT AGREEMENT 11 Month  WORKING DAYS – 25  WORK LOAD 3000 /-  FORM RATE – 13/-  FIRST PAY – 6500/-(Refundable)  BILLING – AFTER 10 DAYS AFTER TASK SUBMISSION  100% Payment Guarantee PAYMENT CALCULATION PARAMETER &bu...

    $2501 Average bid
    $2501 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    I need a video about 90 seconds long for the promotion of my book, I will provide materials such as psd files and Bgm . your job will be simply make some parts of the photo( cloth, hair, water stars) move or twinkle .I had already a idea in mind , I need some one who can communicate with me ,and be capable of using the software like adobe flash,etc. please give me a link of your previous work. have a nice day! 需要制作1分半左右的漫画宣传片,我提供图像 标志和背景音乐素材。主要是把已经分层的图片转换成简单的动画(只需要场景头发布料之类的地方移动)。分镜和配乐已经设计好了,只需要能熟练操作软件的人沟通,然后操作下。

    $261 - $2173
    $261 - $2173
    0 个竞标


    $1465 Average bid
    $1465 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    1. App download to allow user to access the internet thru our company servers.. 2. GEO Location of device for clients when they ...GPS to access location INSIDE the building and on different floors 5. Allow downloading of pamphlets and documents helps references for services provided in the entire 10 story building along with each specific floors 7. Will need ongoing support for at least 1 year, 8. Within the app, the layout for the client changes and makes changes based on the wifi positioning. 9. Smart app controller, allowing the app to control simple internet connected items (lights, switches) will have a timer based on when the client enters the building, if exceeding that time, all app functionality is disable until client contacts IT for new download session of the ap...

    $9902 Average bid
    $9902 平均报价
    4 个竞标
    HomeCourt app
    已经结束 left

    哈喽,你现在在DC么?详细项目情况请QQ联系? 654708279. 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。必须凑够100字。。。

    $3895 - $3895
    $3895 - $3895
    0 个竞标
    已经结束 left

    ...00,2.00,4.00,8.00,16.00 (you can use the .50 chip to add the total of chips. Example; 16.00 will cause 32 clicks of the .50 chip.) 9. If the 6 is reached and goes through the 15 spins and still has not hit the target number then the total spin count will be 390 without hitting the target number. I've seen as high as 374 before the target number has been hit. So...if still not hit after 90 spins, then the program will halt and wait for me to make a manual decision. 10. If for any reason I want to halt the program in progress, I'll hit the F8 key. 11. Once you go through this manually, you will understand the process better. 12. The demo graphic is different than the 'real-money' graphic. Only in that the real-money graphi...

    $10182 Average bid
    $10182 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    用Java实现一个接口方法,方法功能如下: 给定一张图片,将该图片识别分类至四种类型之一: 1. 银行卡 2. 身份证 3. 头像照 4. 非以上类型 要求: 1. 准确率 > 90% 2. 误真率 < 5% 3. 误假率 < 5% 另需要包含测试模块,可对批量图片进行分类处理。并统计误真率,误假率

    $6614 Average bid
    $6614 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    我的服务器采用nginx+php-fpm 结构 (8CPU 16GB内存),网站使用wordpress构建!整个服务器只有1个网站,目前没有安装任何缓存插件。当同时在线人数超过1000的时候,CPU使用率超过90% ,网站负载超过50,响应缓慢。 因此,我想请您出手帮我设置最适合我网站的缓存功能。(内存充足,希望设置充分利用内存的缓存) 我不知道什么缓存插件是最适合的,或者您觉得安装缓存插件不是最好的,也可以参考此文章在服务器端设置: 我的QQ号码:331466122 谢谢!

    $779 - $779
    $779 - $779
    0 个竞标

    1、我会按项目支付,每个项目大约在50-100USD,项目的复杂程度参见附件。 2、帮助我发布英文外包项目,我会提供原来中文资料。(完成后付款20%) 3、帮助我与投标方沟通,主要是EMAIL和SKYPE等文字沟通,我确定选择承包方(完成后再付款30%) 4、项目进行中,与承包方的沟通。 5、承包方完成项目,我验收。(完成后付款给你余下50%) 6、如果没有合适的承包方,只要有沟通过程,我仍然会付款30%。 附(某个项目的需求中文资料),请先尝试翻译下让我了解你的专业水平: 1,只做快乐8的模拟竞猜 2,只做任选1到任选10的竞猜,参考淘宝上的快乐8。 3,使用积分投注,积分有2种,1是普通,2是赠送积分。 4、积分赠送规则,每天可以申请赠送100分(赠送完后的总分不超过100分情况下),赠送的积分类型为2。比如现有10分普通积分,点击申请赠送,总分为100分,其中90分类型为2 5、其他如用户注册、登录、资料管理等,参考淘宝彩票。 6、最好用C#,ASP.NET写,需要源代码。 附件是存储快乐8的数据库(MYSQL)

    $919 Average bid
    $919 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    规格大众化的,90*55CM 简洁,明了的设计,LOGO要放在很清楚的地方即可

    $2929 Average bid
    $2929 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    1、我会按项目支付,每个项目大约在50-100USD,项目的复杂程度参见附件。 2、帮助我发布英文外包项目,我会提供原来中文资料。(完成后付款20%) 3、帮助我与投标方沟通,主要是EMAIL和SKYPE等文字沟通,我确定选择承包方(完成后再付款30%) 4、项目进行中,与承包方的沟通。 5、承包方完成项目,我验收。(完成后付款给你余下50%) 6、如果没有合适的承包方,只要有沟通过程,我仍然会付款30%。 附(某个项目的需求中文资料),请先尝试翻译下让我了解你的专业水平: 1,只做快乐8的模拟竞猜 2,只做任选1到任选10的竞猜,参考淘宝上的快乐8。 3,使用积分投注,积分有2种,1是普通,2是赠送积分。 4、积分赠送规则,每天可以申请赠送100分(赠送完后的总分不超过100分情况下),赠送的积分类型为2。比如现有10分普通积分,点击申请赠送,总分为100分,其中90分类型为2 5、其他如用户注册、登录、资料管理等,参考淘宝彩票。 6、最好用C#,ASP.NET写,需要源代码。 附件是存储快乐8的数据库(MYSQL)

    $1021 Average bid
    $1021 平均报价
    10 个竞标

    1,只做快乐8的模拟竞猜 2,只做任选1到任选10的竞猜,参考淘宝上的快乐8。 3,使用积分投注,积分有2种,1是普通,2是赠送积分。 4、积分赠送规则,每天可以申请赠送100分(赠送完后的总分不超过100分情况下),赠送的积分类型为2。比如现有10分普通积分,点击申请赠送,总分为100分,其中90分类型为2 5、其他如用户注册、登录、资料管理等,参考淘宝彩票。 6、需要源代码。 乐8数据存储结构: ID 期号 开奖时间(生成数据的时间) 中奖号码(字符串,逗号分割)

    $1208 Average bid
    $1208 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    1,只做快乐8的模拟竞猜 2,只做任选1到任选10的竞猜,参考淘宝上的快乐8。 3,使用积分投注,积分有2种,1是普通,2是赠送积分。 4、积分赠送规则,每天可以申请赠送100分(赠送完后的总分不超过100分情况下),赠送的积分类型为2。比如现有10分普通积分,点击申请赠送,总分为100分,其中90分类型为2 5、其他如用户注册、登录、资料管理等,参考淘宝彩票。 6、需要源代码。 乐8数据存储结构: ID 期号 开奖时间(生成数据的时间) 中奖号码(字符串,逗号分割)

    $1262 Average bid
    $1262 平均报价
    5 个竞标
    已经结束 left

    希望要一个非常卡哇伊的形象 不做传统的食品 只做创意 名字叫 阿成家的 独立个性符合80 90 的需求 做有意思的产品 让他们的生活更加有爱!

    $249 Average bid
    $249 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    ...Payment • 90.1% - 95% = 90% Payment • 85.1% - 90% = 80% Payment • 80.1% - 85% = 70% Payment • 75.1% - 80% = 60% Payment • 70.1% - 75% = 50% Payment • 65.1% - 70% = 40% Payment • 60.1% - 65% = 30% Payment • 55.1% - 60% = 20% Payment • 50.1% - 55% = 10% Payment • Below - 50% = NO PAYMENT, NO REWORK, NO NEXT SLOT WORK Plan-C MATROMONIAL FORM FILLING  DIRECT SIGNUP  CONTRACT AGREEMENT 11 Month  WORKING DAYS – 25  WORK LOAD 3000 /-  FORM RATE – 13/-  FIRST PAY – 6500/-(Refundable)  BILLING – AFTER 10 DAYS AFTER TASK SUBMISSION  100% Payment Guarantee PAYMENT CALCULATION PARAMETER &bu...

    $1184 - $3553
    $1184 - $3553
    0 个竞标

    有大概3个网站需要进行对整站网站优化,,希望高手来。最好能稳定,长期合作者优先优先。(有心长期诚意合作的来,非诚勿扰)1、排名优化:通过正常手段,实现90%关键词自然排名进入百度排名的首页首位(推广和百度百科之后);2、排名维护:自排名到位结束工作后开始计算日期,1年内免费维护,保证关键词保持在百度自然排名首页首位。3、不得使用非法手段,服务过程中如网站被搜索引擎惩罚,拒绝付款。4、懂得利用长尾关键词,换链接等进行整站优化及关键词优化5、必须使用白帽方法。如果发现严重的黑帽手法和其他有可能导致网站被惩罚的手法,任务视为失败,6。一共3个网站 2个为不太热门 1个比较热门 有想法的可以联系我手机 付款方式:尽量是进首页后付款?% 然后怎么付 请直接报自己方案,合适就成交。

    $6489 Average bid
    $6489 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    有大概3个网站需要进行对整站网站优化,,希望高手来。最好能稳定,长期合作者优先优先。(有心长期诚意合作的来,非诚勿扰)1、排名优化:通过正常手段,实现90%关键词自然排名进入百度排名的首页首位(推广和百度百科之后);2、排名维护:自排名到位结束工作后开始计算日期,1年内免费维护,保证关键词保持在百度自然排名首页首位。3、不得使用非法手段,服务过程中如网站被搜索引擎惩罚,拒绝付款。4、懂得利用长尾关键词,换链接等进行整站优化及关键词优化5、必须使用白帽方法。如果发现严重的黑帽手法和其他有可能导致网站被惩罚的手法,任务视为失败,6。一共3个网站 2个为不太热门 1个比较热门 有想法的可以联系我手机 1~8~2~5~7~1~2~1·7~2~7QQ:1~7~8~0~4~2~0~6~2~4付款方式:尽量是进首页后付款?% 然后怎么付 请直接报自己方案,合适就成交。

    $4012 Average bid
    $4012 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    ...for content area and navigation area and look cohesive with logo and background. The design should look similar, but absolutely not copied, to look like this site You must not copy any graphics in this site and put it in my design. Site should include the following - 2 Column design. 2 sizes thumbnails (featured image now called) with short excerpt.(just look 90% like [color changed] is totally my idea but the largest thumnails (what's Hot column) should be left hand side instead of right, and "The New Stuff" Column in the middle and then right side bar ) sharp modern colored simple style papers for content area and side navigation.(right side bar every page including content page) small size social plugin panel on every thumbnail-post

    $1231 Average bid
    $1231 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    ...problem to everyday experiences. 3. Solution (40–70 seconds) • Introduce your startup as the innovative solution. • Clearly explain what sets it apart (e.g., faster delivery, better food quality, local partnerships). • Use visuals or examples to illustrate your impact. 4. Why You Need Funding (70–90 seconds) • Specify the funding goal and explain how the money will be used (e.g., technology, marketing, team expansion). • Emphasize the potential for growth and investor returns. 5. Call to Action (90–120 seconds) • Inspire the audience with a vision of the future. • Encourage them to donate or share the campaign. • Create urgency with deadlines or milestones. Step 3: Tone and Style • Engaging and Acc...

    $86 / hr Average bid
    $86 / hr 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    Praxis Garagentor programmieren 28.01.2025 IBZ Die datei muss über TIA-Portal Siemens gemacht werden Sie haben die Aufgabe mehrere Garagentore zu Programmieren Pro Garagentor gibt es folgende Attribute: Motor: 3x400VAC 0,55kW 1.12A Bewegung: öffnen / Schliessen Serviceschalter (mit Hilfskontakt) Im Innern der Garage in Nähe des Motors Motorschutzschalter / Schütz / PTC Sensoren: Offen / Geschlossen Lichtgitter Teil im Tor detektiert Einklemmschutz (nicht Safety) Präsenzmelder in der Garage Absolutwertgeber (0 bis 2800) Schlüssel: 4 Positionen: < Bewegung Start | Auto | 0 | Fix öffnen (Aussen) Taster: Tor öffnen (Innen) LED: Grün und rot HMI - Überwachung - Fehlermeldung - Bedienung usw Ausserhalb der Tore sind Mehrere Bewegung...

    $992 Average bid
    $992 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    ...shows the electronic components of the system, and I'll attach all the links in the same order. Stage: Power Supplies: Motion Software: Control Board: Motor Drivers: Camera: Motion Sensors: I attached a circuit diagram in case it is helpful. The goal is for the stage to automatically track larval zebrafish, like that shown in an attached picture, so that the fish stays in a focused view

    $8032 Average bid
    $8032 平均报价
    44 个竞标

    I AM ONLY INTERESTED IN A CONTRACT WITH SOMEONE WILLING TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY TO DELIVER THE FINAL RESULT. I WILL EXPECT YOU TO ACCEPT THE OFFER QUICKLY AFTER IT IS MADE. My app built on and Python is 90% complete and requires a skilled developer to address some final issues. The app includes the features common to many social media apps: profile, feed, followers, settings, content uploads, messaging. I am only interested in someone who is wiling to take responsibility to deliver a functional application, rather than piecemeal milestones. Several developers have worked on the application so far, so it is largely complete, but I need someone to take responsibility to finish it. I will allow you to view the repo to understand the scope of the project and then you may decide whet...

    $8063 Average bid
    $8063 平均报价
    157 个竞标

    I have a food truck mentioned in photo number (1), the concept is desi street food (pani puri, samoosa, chaai, noodles). Currently this is the theme. We will participate in food festival event, and the theme of the event is 90’s period. I want to change the current food truck theme to make it Desi look in 90’s, it shall include Bollywood movie poster for that period, some movie dialogues, and other elements like the one kept on old Lorri trucks same as photo (2)

    $779 Average bid
    $779 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    I am looking for someone who can carry out functionality testing for a device built on Espressif's ESP32/ESP32-S2/ESP32-S3. It can be controlled via a mobile app or a game controller over a Wifi network. Key aspects of the project include: - Testing the ease of control via the mobile app - Assessing the responsiveness to the game controller - Testing that the esp32 drone code actually works - using basic components to test functionality. For example testing on LED's for each motor. - Test PCB Gerber files online as well The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Experience with Espressif esp drone - Extensive experience in functionality and usability testing - A strong understanding of ESP32 technology - Proficiency in evaluating mobile applicat...

    $234 / hr Average bid
    $234 / hr 平均报价
    19 个竞标

    ...for an expert to design a simple prototype and a cost-effective solution for an automatic watering pot. The pot should have: - Two compartments: the inner for soil and plants, and the outer housing all the components like a relay module. - A fully covered outer compartment made of Plastic (ABS), which is the chosen waterproof material. - Integrated moisture sensor located in the soil. - A DC water motor situated in the water compartment. The pot should be designed for: - A battery-operated power source, as this will aid in keeping the pot cost-effective. - Growing flowers, hence the pot should cater to the needs of these types of plants. Please also provide suggestions for: - A cost-effective design that would allow for future sales under Rs 249. ( $4 ) - A suitable ...

    $280 Average bid
    $280 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    I'm looking for a local SEO specialist who can help my Australian startup business. We provide local services and currently have a one-page website on Squarespace. The goal is to generate leads from local searches within 90 days. Key requirements: - Optimizing our Google My Business listing - Improving our website content for SEO - Formulating and executing a backlink building strategy - Crafting a comprehensive plan for local SEO and Google Ads Please note, as of now, we don't have any tracking tools set up. A knowledge of setting up Google Analytics or other tracking tools would be a plus, but not mandatory. What matters most is your track record and expertise in local SEO. The ideal candidate for this project should have experience with: - Local SEO strategies and te...

    $62 / hr Average bid
    $62 / hr 平均报价
    87 个竞标

    I'm in search of a dedicated team to automate my YouTube channel. The project includes downloading reels from other YouTube accounts and uploading them to m...as managing the SEO for the channel. Key tasks: - Download and upload reels from other accounts - Basic editing of reels (trimming, simple transitions) - Implementing effective SEO strategies for YouTube The channel has specific requirements: - 1000 subscribers - 4000 valid public viewing hours in the last 12 months - Alternatively, achieving 10 million valid public views on shorts in the last 90 days for monetization of short videos. Ideal candidates should have: - Experience with YouTube automation - Strong understanding of YouTube's SEO - Basic video editing skills - Familiarity with YouTube's content and ...

    $717 Average bid
    $717 平均报价
    47 个竞标

    ...Downloading shorts from other YouTube accounts and uploading them to my channel. - Ensuring to credit original creators by mentioning them in the video description. - Optimizing my videos for better visibility and reach. Channel Goals: - Achieve 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 valid public watch hours in the last 12 months. - Alternatively, reach 10 million valid public views on Shorts in the last 90 days for monetization. Ideal Skills: - Experience with YouTube channel management and automation. - Proficiency in YouTube SEO, particularly video optimization. - Understanding of YouTube's content policies and copyright guidelines. Please note, I will not require any crediting on-screen, only in the description. The ability to achieve the channel goals in a timely manner will ...

    $756 Average bid
    $756 平均报价
    50 个竞标

    I need an expert in PCB design using Fusion 360 to route a hig...provided file). - Route the majority of signals on the Top layer (Layer 1) and Signal layer (Layer 4), with some signals allowed on the Bottom layer (Layer 6). - Place power connections on Vcc (Layer 3) and Gnd (Layer 2 & Layer 5). - Use 8 mils vias (Hole size), 4 mils traces, and a clearance of 12 mils (preferably). - Ensure the bus signal has matched lengths and impedance (50 ohms, Minimum Frequency: 90 MHz). - Follow best practices for signal matching and impedance control. I will provide all necessary design files or schematics for the SDRAM and microcontroller connections. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in high-frequency PCB design, signal integrity optimization, and extensive experience usi...

    $1023 Average bid
    $1023 平均报价
    9 个竞标

    Insurance company looking for redesign of current logo. Logo has to be suitable to display online for comparison/aggregators see attached example. We would prefer to keep the sa...for our Car and Van insurance/Broker brand Need a quick turn around. Designs to be provided by weekend with finals sent early next week. Required file formats; Comparison site 1 178x90px. They display at 89x45px, but they save out at a bigger size to try get a better quality. Needs a white or transparent background. .svg .pdf .ai .esp Comparison site 2 100 x 35 .PNG Comparison site 3 130 x 90 .gif or .svg Comparison site 4 79 x 49 or 97 x 60 .png and cannot have a transparent background Comparison site 5 100 x 35 .gif Comparison site 6 200 x 60 (can be up to 2000 x 600 for better clarity) .p...

    $3007 Average bid
    $3007 平均报价
    191 个竞标

    ...undefined function create_function() in /var/www/vhosts/:118nStack trace:n#0 /var/www/vhosts/(192): require()n#1 /var/www/vhosts/(672): include('...')n#2 /var/www/vhosts/(90): require_once('...')n#3 /var/www/vhosts/(50): require_once('...')n#4 /var/www/vhosts/(13): require_once('...')n#5 /var/www/vhosts/(17): require('...')n#6 {main}n thrown in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 118'

    $203 Average bid
    $203 平均报价
    58 个竞标

    Hello the pagespeed must be increased to more than 90% for the website “” on mobile. The website was created with Wordpress.

    $1036 Average bid
    $1036 平均报价
    195 个竞标
    Trophy icon E-Commerce Web Design Contest
    14 天 left

    ...Learn Smart Stages Tablet** 80. **Nerf Rebelle Rapid Red Blaster** 81. **Playgro Rattle and Teether Toy** 82. **Brictek Construction Toy Set** 83. **Tiny Love 3-in-1 Close to Me Bouncer** 84. **VTech Sort and Discover Activity Cube** 85. **Galt Toys My First Puzzle** 86. **Crayola Washable Markers** 87. **Lego Technic Rally Car** 88. **Funskool Shape Sorter** 89. **Fisher-Price Dance & Move BeatBo** 90. **VTech Care for Me Learning Carrier** 91. **Barbie Baking Playset** 92. **Mattel Toy Story 4 Forky** 93. **Play-Doh Pizza Party Set** 94. **Beyblade Burst Turbo** 95. **Fisher-Price Thomas & Friends Wood Engine** 96. **Mattel Hot Wheels 50-Car Pack** 97. **VTech Dig and Discover Excavator** 98. **Playgro Activity Spiral** 99. **Disney Cars 3 Lightning McQueen** 100. **Bar...

    $538 Average bid
    57 项参赛作品